HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020/02/03 - Briefing Packet BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DRAFT BRIEFING MEETING AGENDA 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton WA 98584 Week of February 3, 2020 Monday, February 3, 2020 Commission Chambers 9:00 A.M. Executive Session — RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) — Litigation 10:00 A.M. Closed Session — RCW 42.30.140 (4) Labor Discussion 10:15 A.M. Support Services — Frank Pinter 10:25 A.M. BREAK 10:30 A.M. Community Services — Dave Windom 10:45 A.M. Public Works — Loretta Swanson Utilities & Waste Management 11:15 A.M. Finance Committee 11:45 A.M. Economic Development Council — Jennifer Baria Commissioner Discussion — as needed Wednesday, February 5, 2020 Commission Chambers 1:00 P.M. Criminal Justice Study Meeting — KMB Architects Final Outcomes of the Criminal Justice Assessment and Population Projections Briefing Agendas are subject to change,please contact the Commissioners'office for the most recent version. Last printed 01/30/20 at 1:18 PM If special accommodations are needed,contact the Commissioners'office at ext.419,Shelton#360-427-9670;Belfair #275-4467,Elma#482-5269. MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONER BRIEFING INFORMATION FOR WEEK OF February 3, 2020 In the spirit of public information and inclusion, the attached is a draft of information for Commissioner consideration and discussion at the above briefing. This information is subject to change, additions and/or deletion and is not all inclusive of what will be presented to the Commissioners. Please see draft briefing agenda for schedule. co&, r� 18.54 Mason County Support Services Department Budget Management o ��Cr Commissioner Administration 411 North 5th Street Emergency Management Shelton, WA 98584 Facilities, Parks&Trails 360.427.9670 ext. 419 Human Resources Information Services Labor Relations ti>t Risk Management MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONER BRIEFING ITEMS FROM SUPPORT SERVICES February 3, 2020 • Specific Items for Review o Mason Transit Authority (MTA) Board appointment. Matt Jewett, Southside School Board member, has expressed interest in filling the unexpired term to represent Commissioner District 3. — Diane • Commissioner Discussion J:\DLZ\Briefing Items\2020\2020-02-03.docx MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Dawn Twiddy DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT:422 BRIEFING DATE: 2/3/2020 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: (If this is a follow-up briefing,please provide only new information) INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑Other—please explain ITEM: Approval to place on the February 11, 2020 Action Agenda approval of a service agreement with Stop Claims Corporation to provide worker's compensation claim management services for a monthly service fee of$5,650 per month, and authorization to send Professional Claims Intervention Services (PCI) notice to end our current contract with them. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable,please include available options and potential solutions): Currently Mason County is engaged in a contract with Professional Claims Intervention Services(PCI) for worker's compensation services management.The current contractor has been non-responsive to the needs of Mason County. It was also found through an audit that several of our claims should have been denied based on the notes in the files, or at the very least appealed to pursue a denial. PCI has had a change in management several times in the past couple of years and the service level has deteriorated. STOP Claims Corporation met with myself,the Risk Manager, and the Support Services Director and presented us with an audit of our current claims and a proposal of the services they have available. It is recommended to move forward with the Service Fee Schedule Addendum B for$5,650 per month flat fee as an all-inclusive service.This service will include filing, notice of appearance & mediation services, representation at BIIA hearings wit legal counsel representing Mason Count, third party expert witness fees, private investigators (if needed), and safety services. BUDGET IMPACT:The additional $4,800 can be absorbed in the 2020 budget. PUBLIC OUTREACH:(Include any legal requirements,direct notice,website,community meetings,etc.)NA RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION:Approval to place on the February 11, 2020 Action Agenda approval of a service agreement with Stop Claims Corporation to provide worker's compensation claim management services for a monthly service fee of$5,650 per month, and authorization to send Professional Claims Intervention Services(PCI) notice to end our current contract with them. ATTACHMENTS:Copy of STOP Claims Service Agreement Briefing Summary 1/31/2020 CLAIMS STOP Service Agreement This Service Agreement is entered into by and between Stop Claims Corp. ("SCC) Mason County (Client"), as of the latest date of execution by all signatories set forth below. In consideration of the mutual undertakings contained herein,the parties promise and agree as follows: 1. Service Agreement: Stop Claims Corp. shall provide for Client, claims services limited to the services identified in Paragraph 2 of this Agreement. In exchange for these services, Client will be charged in accordance to the attached "Fee Schedule". This Agreement is on a month to month basis and is automatically renewable, until termination. The Client and/or Stop Claims Corp. has the right to terminate this Agreement upon written 21-day notice. SCC shall at all times be an independent contractor, not an employee of the Client. 2. Scope of Services:Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and attached Fee Schedule, SCC shall perform the following services for Client: a. Advocate, manage and mitigate Client's worker's compensation claims; b. Represent Client with worker's compensation submissions of petitions, protests and appeals with the Washington Department of Labor& Industries; c. Facilitate the Washington Workers' Compensation System claims process by communicating with all parties as appropriate; d. Assist with Washington Industrial Insurance internal audits and reclassifications; e. Provide Return-To-Work with Modified Duties documents for injured employees,their physicians, and their L&I Claim Managers to follow when needed; f. Provide status reports to the Client on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. 3. Special Request Services: SCC will consider additional service requests to determine whether SCC will perform such services for Client. If SCC agrees to perform special request services, Client and SCC will sign an addendum to this Service Agreement. 4. Client Duties: Client agrees to communicate in detail all claim information to SCC upon Client's receipt or knowledge,to include, but not limited to: a. Notice of new claim filed at the Department of Labor and Industries; V02.19.13 Page 1 of 5 b. Correspondence from injured worker, or their representative, which pertains to Workers' Compensation claims; c. Correspondence received from the Department of Labor and Industries and the Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals,which SCC has not been served copies; d. Prior history with Labor and Industries Compliance and/or Consultation staff; Client further agrees to allow SCC to act as the principal speaking agent on behalf of the Client before the Department of Labor and Industries and the Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals. This would prevent confusion or misunderstanding of dual- representation when it comes to matters of Workers' Compensation claims, safety, compliance and appeals. 5. Unpaid/Untimely paid accounts:SCC requires, and Client acknowledges,that SCC will not provide services, including appearances at hearings, unless Client's account with SCC is current. Client acknowledges that Client's circumstances may be adversely affected if SCC is forced to stop work due to nonpayment or untimely payment as provided herein. 6. Termination: Client and/or SCC has the right to terminate this Agreement upon 21-day written notice. Notice of termination shall be effective upon receipt. If termination occurs, Client remains responsible for any unpaid services rendered prior to SCC's receipt of the notice of termination and through the last day of the month that termination occurs. Upon notice of termination of this agreement, SCC will maintain the privacy of Client and employee information by properly destroying the electronic files,data,and paper records, in compliance with the United States Department of Health & Human Services HIPPAA Privacy Rules. 7. Disclosures: Client hereby acknowledges that factors outside SCC's control may cause Client's insurance premiums to increase, e.g. Labor & Industries may increase industrial insurance rates or Client's employee(s) may sustain catastrophic injures such as blindness, loss of limbs, or loss of life. 8. Arbitration: All claims and disputes arising under or relating to this Agreement are to be settled by binding arbitration in the state of Washington or another location mutually agreeable to the parties.An award of arbitration may be confirmed in a court of competent jurisdiction. 9. Attorney's Fees: In the event, any action or proceeding is brought to enforce or interpret the provisions of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover, as part of the prevailing party's costs, reasonable attorney's fees, the amount of which shall be fixed by the appropriate court and made a part of any judgment rendered. 10. Force Majeure: If performance by SCC and any of its duties under the terms of this Agreement shall be interrupted or delayed by an act of God, by acts of war, riot, or civil commotion, or by an act of State, by strikes, fire,flood, or by the occurrence of any other event beyond the control of SCC, then SCC shall be excused from such V02.19.13 Page 2 of 5 performance for the same amount of time as such occurrence shall have lasted or such period of time as is reasonably necessary after such occurrence abates for the effect of the occurrence to have dissipated. 11. Guarantees: Client agrees that SCC makes no guarantee regarding the outcome or success of Client's matters. 12. Notices: Any notice provided for or concerning this Agreement shall be in writing and be deemed sufficiently given when sent by certified or registered mail if sent to the respective address of each party as set forth at the end of this Agreement. 13. Counterparts: This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which together shall constitute the same instrument. 14. Modification of Agreement: Any modification of this Agreement or additional obligation assumed by either party in connection with this Agreement shall be binding only if evidenced in writing signed by an authorized representative of each party. 15. Assignment: The rights and duties of SCC and Client under this Agreement are personal to each party and may not be assigned or transferred to any other person, firm, or corporation without the prior, express, and written consent of the other party. 16. Severability: If one or more provisions of this Agreement are held to be unenforceable under the applicable law, the parties agree to renegotiate such provision(s) in good faith. In the event that the parties cannot reach a mutually agreeable and enforceable replacement for such provision, such provision shall be excluded from this Agreement, the balance of the Agreement shall be interpreted as if such provision were so excluded, and the balance of the Agreement shall be enforceable in accordance with its terms 17. Indemnity/Mutual Hold Harmless: Each party shall defend any third party claim against the other party arising from the death of or physical injury to any person or damage to the indemnified party's property to the extent proximately caused by the negligence of the indemnifying party or its agents or employees, and indemnify and hold harmless the other party and its respective officers, directors and employees from and against damages, liabilities and reasonable costs and expenses, including reasonable legal fees incurred in connection therewith. 18. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington,without regard to its conflict of laws or rules. V02.19.13 Page 3 of 5 By signing below both Parties agree to and accept the terms of this Agreement: Authorized Signature Date Aut orize Si toe ►ate r ea 1,5 Print Name Title Print Name Title Stop Claims Corp. Company Name 4202 Hoyt Ave Suite B Everett, WA 98203 Address Ph (425) 238-0106 Fax (425) 954-8960 City, State, Zip Phone Email Q% 1\1 V02.19.13 Page 4 of 5 Service Fee Schedule Addendum A - $3400 per month (A La Carte) Comprehensive claim management services, early return to work program, on-site job analysis, stay at work reimbursements, preferred worker applications. Appeals at the Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals (BIIA) • Filing, Notice of Appearance & Mediation $500.00 • Representation at BIIA Hearing w/legal counsel $3500 to $5500.00 • Third Party Expert Witness Fees (Pass Through to Client) Private Investigation $125.00 per hour plus expenses Safety Services $750.00 per month (SCC will obtain permission from the Client prior to incurring any additional fees.) Service Fee Schedule Addendum B - $5650 per month flat fee (All Inclusive) Comprehensive claim management services on all claims, early return to work, on-site job analysis, stay at work reimbursements, preferred worker applications, BIIA appeals, mediations, hearings, third-party expert witnesses, investigation and safety services. V02.19.13 Page 5 of 5 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: David Windom DEPARTMENT: MCCS EXT: 260 BRIEFING DATE: 3 February 2020 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information NA INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other— please explain ITEM: Belfair Area Planned Action EIS Request for Proposals EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): Mason County requests proposals for a planned action EIS for portions of the Belfair UGA. A planned action EIS will allow for a streamlined and consistent development process for the Belfair commercial and transportation corridors BUDGET IMPACT: Budget impact will be determined based on proposals received and accepted PUBLIC OUTREACH:(include any legal requirements, direct notice,website,community meetings, etc.) The RFP will be sent out to interested parties using the MRSC contractor listing RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Move to action agenda for approval ATTACHMENTS: RFP for planned action EIS Briefmg Summary 1/29/2020 Mason County Request for Proposals for Planned Action EIS for the Belfair Sub-area Plan 1. Summary and Background: Planned Action EIS for the Belfair Subarea Plan. The Mason County Department of Community Services is the assigned coordinator for this update. 2. Bidder Qualifications: *Demonstrated expertise in preparation of GMA Comprehensive Plans and Capital Facilities Plans. *Urban and rural long-range planning and zoning analysesA\ •Preparation of environmental review documents under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) as well as Environmental Impact Statements *Experience with the preparation of Integrated SEPA/GMA documents. •Experience in the preparation of Sub-Area Plans *Experience in community outreach . : • 3. Project Purpose and Description: Mason County is seeking a qualified consultant to assist in the preparation of an updated Comprehensive Plan, a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement.. Assistance is also being specifically sought for the review and analysis of Site Specific Land Use/Zoning Applications for proposed changes to specific parcels' comprehensive plan land use and zoning designations. The County may, at its discretion, decide to hire directly from the list of qualified applicants generated by this RFP for all or portions of the tasks listed. 4. Project Scope-of-Work: •Prepare an integrated GMA SEPA /Belfair subarea EIS (or SEIS), including identification of alternatives: *Update and complete the Transportation Plan and coordinate with WSDOT for impacts of the Belfair Transportation Corridor. •Analyze site-specific land use/zoning designation applications, including the preparation of draft staff reports and recommendations; *Analyze population and employment growth projections and their distribution into Belfair area subplan. 5. Project Timeline: The Proposal shall provide a timeline for the project including the anticipated start date, milestone dates and project completion date. Anticipated deadlines or timeframes should be listed in this section. 6. Costs/Budget: The proposer shall explain what is included in their proposals regarding budget items. Describe what exactly what is included in the pricing for the proposal. This may describe specific items to include or exclude depending on the project or task. 7. Special Requirements: 8. Proposal Requirements: r The Proposal must be submitted on letter size paper with type that is a minimum of 11 point font, not exceed 10 pages in length and contain the following components; 1. Contact name, address, telephone number and e-mail address. 2. Detailed description of skills, experience and ability to conduct program outreach and provide the technical assistance as summarized above. 3. Identification and designation of roles/responsibilities of key project staff. 4. Minimum of three client references including project type, dates, contact info and description. 5. Service plan that: details the approach to providing eligible individuals or businesses with technical assistance; details the strategy and activities associated with conducting an effective outreach campaign reaching a minimum of 5,000 individuals (must include how this target goal will be achieved and documented) throughout the County focused on promoting the program and motivating eligible individuals to participate; the strategy and activities focused on increasing awareness of the program including the training and technical assistance that is available for participating individuals and businesses; and the approach to assisting microenterprise owners with networking and other business-building activities. 6. Statement of acceptance to perform services in compliance with Commerce/HUD CDBG program requirements as well as 2 CFR Part 200 and other applicable federal, State anU Cuurlly cllculal5, IaWS, yuldamu6 acid/UI PUIIGICJ. 7. Statement of acceptance, ability and willingness to enter into a Professional Services Contract. 8. Proposed budget including time (salary and benefit costs or hourly fee), travel, supplies and other expenses as allowed per the CDBG program such as printing, postage and advertising. Note-travel must be conducted in adherence with Washington State's policy and will be billable at current rates. 9. Anticipated timeline of activities proposed based on the stated performance start and end date. 10. Statement as to whether the Proposer is a minority- and women-owned firm or qualifies for preferred consideration under Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act. Note-Proposers are to refrain from submitting proposals that will not be easily duplicated such as those with spiral binding, photos or over-sized paper. 9. Proposal Submission: Interested firms should submit five (5) copies their proposal pursuant to this RFP. The proposal coversheet should include the following information: firm name, address, phone and fax numbers; and name of Principal-in-Charge and Project Manager. The submittal shall also include: •Resumes of key personnel who will actually be performing the work, including descriptions of similar projects they have been involved with, their role in each project, and professional certifications; •Budget: Detailed budget by task as outlined the Scope of Work; •A minimum of three (3) references. Mason County will review all proposals and may request interviews. The County will select the qualified applicant in a priority ranking and will negotiate the estimated professional services based on the general scope of work outlined in the proposal. If agreement with the top ranking applicant is not reached, the County may negotiate with the next ranked applicant, or reopen the RFP process. Mason County encourages disadvantaged, minority, and women-owned consulting firms to respond. Please note that information obtained from sources other than the Project Manager or with respect to this project may not be accurate. Notices related to revisions or updates to the RFP will be provided via e-mail, unless the Applicant requests to receive it by regular mail. Regular mail will be post marked the same date any e-mails are sent. All costs for proposal preparation and negotiation incurred by the proposer, whether or not they lead to execution of a contract and agreement with Mason County must be borne entirely and exclusively by the proposer. Mason County reserves the following rights for acceptance, modification, and/or rejection of submitted proposals such as: •Rejection of any or all proposals. •Resection of anv nroposal not in compliance with proposal reauirements. •Providing of addenda, amendments, supplementary material or other modifications to the proposal specifications .•Cancellation of this Request for Proposals without issuance of another Request for Proposals.*Issuance of subsequent requests for new proposals. •Request for submission of further information by the proposer in order to complete evaluation by Mason County. •Determination to select one or more proposers for attempted negotiation of a final contract(s). Decisions made by Mason County will be final. Mason County further reserves the sole right to determine which proposal best serves the County's interest or to reject any or all proposals. Mason County reserves the right to accept or reject all or portions of the proposal. 10. Request for Proposal Process and Timeline The Request for Proposal should provide known information about the timeline for the RFP process including the due date, review period, anticipated award announcement, contracting period and project's planned start date. 11. Proposal Evaluation Criteria: ' Demonstrated success with similar projects; ' *Quality of experience and expertise in developing usable and legally defensible GMA/SEPA/EIS compliance documents; *Quality of experience and expertise in developing Capital Facilities Plans; *Demonstrated ability to analyze site specific and use/zoning requests and prepare staff reports and recommendations for public hearing *Ability to undertake and complete projects in a timely manner; and *Total and itemized costs. Technical Review-Proposals will be reviewed to ensure that they meet the specifications as detailed in this RFP. Proposals that do not meet the requirements will not be scored and will be removed from further consideration. Proposals that pass the technical review will be scored by a Review Committee based on the following criteria -> Proposals will be scored based on the,following criteria. The scoring criteria are subject to change without notice. Proposal Compon' nt Rated from 1-10 with 1 being the lowest Demonstrated project,ex erience,and skills 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -9 10 l.Q QUIIIIICJ VI NCY pi U.CI.I JIQI I n- Experience working with governmental 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 entities Experience working in project area 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Proposed approach 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Proposed Scope-of-work 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Proposed timelines 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Proposed deliverables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Project budget 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Inclusion of required Statements 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Client references 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Minority, Women Native American owned 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 entity? Held 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12. Contact Information: Technical questions should be directed to Kell Rowen, Planning Manager, Mason County Department of Community Services. Kell Rowen can be reached by phone at (360) 427-9670 Ext 2867or by email at krowen@co.Mason.wa.us. ti w t� : MASON COUNTY ,.�.. J COMMUNITY SERVICES h -�i c Building,Planning,Environmental Health,Community Health Mason County Request for Proposals Planned Action Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Belfair Urban Growth Area (UGA) 1. Project Overview: Mason County intends to develop a Planned Action EIS for the Belfair UGA. Unincorporated Belfair is a small but thriving commercial center in north Mason County. Belfair is situated at the crossroads of key corridors that connect rural Mason County to urban centers in Kitsap and Pierce Counties and beyond. Since the recent completion of the State Route 3 widening project and the anticipation of a new state bypass, Belfair is on the verge of a growth boom. It is anticipated that the Belfair UGA Plan, adopted in December 2004, will be updated as part of the process. Mason County Department of Community Services (Planning Department) is the assigned coordinator for this project. 2. Project Purpose and Description: Mason County is seeking consultant services to assist in the preparation of a Planned Action EIS consistent with RCW 43.21C.440 and WAC 197-11-164 through WAC 197- 11-172, along with an update to the Belfair UGA Plan. This planning effort is expected to be consistent with the Washington State Department of Transportation's (WSDOT) SR 3 — Freight Corridor— New Alignment project that is currently underway. 3. Required Qualifications: • Demonstrated experience and expertise in preparation of Planned Action EISs including environmental documents. • Experience and expertise in preparation of GMA compliant Comprehensive Plans and/or Sub Area Plans. • Experience working in small urban (growth) areas relating to long-range planning and zoning. • Experience in community outreach and facilitation. 4. Project Scope-of-Work: • Determine project area (may include all, or a portion of, Belfair UGA) • Scoping of appropriate environmental documentation • Public Outreach plan and efforts; • Utilization of the Draft Belfair Mobility Plan (Transportation Supplement to the 2004 Belfair UGA Plan) and coordination with WSDOT for impacts of the Belfair Transportation Corridor. • Analyze existing land use/zoning designations and propose necessary changes; • Analyze population and employment growth projections and their distribution into Belfair area subplan. 5. Project Timeline: The Proposal shall provide a timeline for the project including the anticipated start date, milestone dates and project completion date. 6. Costs/Budget: The Proposal shall explain what is included for each budget item. Describe exactly what is included in the pricing for the proposal broken down by Phase and Tasks. The County is interested in considering a range of Tasks within each Phase that can be included or excluded depending on budget constraints and/or timing. 7. Proposal Requirements: The Proposal must be submitted on letter size paper with a minimum 11-point font, not to exceed 10 pages in length and contain the following components: 1. Contact name, address, telephone number and e-mail address. 2. Detailed description of skills, experience and ability to prepare a Planned Action EIS with all necessary supporting documents and required public outreach. 3. Identification and designation of roles/responsibilities of key project staff. 4. Minimum of three, maximum of five client references including project type, dates, contact information and description. 5. Proposed Scope of Work in Phases that leads to a Final Planned Action EIS (County will be responsible for drafting and adopting the Planned Action Ordinance). 6. Proposed budget per Phase and Tasks including time (salary and benefit costs or hourly fee), travel, supplies and other expenses as allowed. 7. Anticipated timeline of proposed activities based on the stated performance start and end date. 8. Statement of acceptance, ability and willingness to enter into a Professional Services Contract. 9. Statement as to whether the Proposer is a minority- and/or women-owned firm. Note-Proposers are to refrain from submitting proposals that will not be easily duplicated such as those with spiral binding, photos or over-sized paper. 8. Proposal Submission: Interested firms should submit five (5) copies their proposal pursuant to this RFP. The proposal coversheet should include the following information: firm name, address, phone numbers; and name of Principal-in-Charge and Project Manager. The submittal shall also include resumes of key personnel who will perform the work, including descriptions of similar projects they have been involved with, their role in each project, and professional certifications. Resumes are in addition to the 10-page maximum. Mason County will review all proposals and may request interviews. The County will select the qualified applicant in a priority ranking and will negotiate the estimated professional services based on the general scope of work outlined in the proposal. If agreement with the top-ranking applicant is not reached, the County may negotiate with the next ranked applicant, or reopen the RFP process. Mason County encourages disadvantaged, minority, and women-owned consulting firms to respond. Please note that information obtained from sources other than the Project Manager or with respect to this project may not be accurate. Notices related to revisions or updates to the RFP will be provided via e-mail, unless the Applicant requests to receive it by regular mail. Regular mail will be post marked the same date any e-mails are sent. All costs for proposal preparation and negotiation incurred by the proposer, whether they lead to execution of a contract and agreement with Mason County or not must be borne entirely and exclusively by the proposer. Mason County reserves the following rights for acceptance, modification, and/or rejection of submitted proposals such as: • Rejection of any or all proposals. • Rejection of any proposal not in compliance with proposal requirements. • Providing of addenda, amendments, supplementary material or other modifications to the proposal specifications. • Cancellation of this Request for Proposals without issuance of another Request for Proposals. • Issuance of subsequent requests for new proposals. • Request for submission of further information by the proposer in order to complete evaluation by Mason County. • Determination to select one or more proposers for attempted negotiation of a final contract(s). Decisions made by Mason County will be final. Mason County further reserves the sole right to determine which proposal best serves the County's interest or to reject any or all proposals. 9. Request for Proposal Process and Timeline Issuance of RFP February 14, 2020 Last Day to Submit Questions February 28, 2020 Proposals Due March 6, 2020 Short List of Consultants* March 16, 2020 Interviews (if required) * Week of March 23, 2020 Final Selection* March 31, 2020 Execute Contract* April 7, 2020 *Dates with an asterisk are estimated dates and are for informational purposes only. 10. Proposal Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be reviewed to ensure that they meet the specifications as detailed in this RFP. Proposals that do not meet the requirements will not be scored and will be removed from further consideration. Proposals that pass the technical review will be scored by a Review Committee based on the following criteria: The scoring criteria are subject to change without notice. Proposal Component Rated from 1-10 with 1 being the lowest Demonstrated project experience and skills 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Capabilities of key project staff 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Creative Public Outreach practices 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Experience working in project area 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Proposed approach (the narrative) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Proposed scope-of-work 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Proposed timelines 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Proposed deliverables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Project budget 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Inclusion of required Statements 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Client references 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Minority and Women's Business Enterprises 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12. Contact Information: Questions should be directed to Kell Rowen, Planning Manager, Mason County Department of Community Services. Kell Rowen can be reached by phone at (360) 427- 9670 ext. 286, or by email at krowen@co.mason.wa.us. 13. Relevant Plans and Information: • Belfair Urban Growth Area Plan (2004) • Belfair UGA 2018 Basin Plan • Belfair Mobility Plan (2018) • Belfair Urban Growth Area Development Regulations • Mason County GIS with Current Zoning • SR 3 — Freight Corridor— New Alignment MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Kell Rowen DEPARTMENT: Planning EXT: 286 BRIEFING DATE: February 3, 2020 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: None If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other — please explain ITEM: Place on the February 11, 2020 Action Agenda to set a public hearing for March 3, 2020 to consider rezone of a 5.31-acre parcel from Rural Residential 5 (RR5) to Rural Commercial 5 (RC-5) within the Rural Area of Mason County. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): This request by the property owner to rezone an undeveloped 5-acre parcel on Pickering Road is for the future use of recreational boat and RV covered storage. The Planning Advisory Commission voted 5-0 to deny the application request after review of staff report and hearing testimony at their scheduled meeting on January 27, 2020. BUDGET IMPACT: None PUBLIC OUTREACH:(Include any legal requirements, direct notice,website, community meetings, etc.) Public Hearing notice required for Planning Commission and Board. Residents within 300 feet of the proposed rezone were also notified by mail. Posted on-site and posted to Planning Advisory Commission website and posted on the home page in the Commissioner agendas. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Place on the February 11, 2020 Action Agenda to set a public hearing for March 3, 2020. ATTACHMENTS: Map of rezone request Briefmg Summary 1/29/2020 Mason County WA GIS Web Map -Y �+ r hlr.. tt r A e - i 't 1/15/2020, 11:35:29 AM 1:10;914 0 0.07 0.15 0.3 mi L J County Boundary ��� 0 0.15 0.3 0.6 km Tax Parcels (Zoom in to 1:30,000) Source: Esri, DigltalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS,USDA,USGS,AeroGRID,IGN,and the GIS User Community Mason County WA GIS Web Map Application Mason County WA GIS Web Map --- if tit 1/13/2020,4:27:41 PM 1:10,914 --y 0 0.07 0.15 0.3 mi County Boundary Q Rural Residential 5Acres ❑ Tax Parcels(Zoom in to 1:30,000) ❑ Rural Residential 10 Acres 0 0.15 0.3 0.6 km Development Areas Ej Rural Residential 20 Acres Rural Multi Family L_! Agricultural Resource Lands Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus Q Inholding Lands _l Long Term Commercial Forest DS,USDA,USGS,AeroGRID,IGN,and the GIS User Community Rural Residential 2.5 Acres Mason County WA GIS Web Map Application Richard Diaz i Earthstar Geographics I r MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Kell Rowen DEPARTMENT: Planning EXT: 286 BRIEFING DATE: February 3, 2020 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: None If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other— please explain ITEM: Place on the February 11, 2020 Action Agenda to set a public hearing for March 3, 2020 to consider rezone of several adjacent parcels from Village Commercial (VC) to Multifamily Medium Density Residential (R-2) within the Allyn Urban Growth Area (UGA). EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): This proposal has multiple applicants with several parcels totaling 8.66 acres. All property owners within the group of parcels is supportive of the rezone (downzone). BUDGET IMPACT: None PUBLIC OUTREACH:(include any legal requirements, direct notice,website, community meetings, etc.) Public Hearing notice required for Planning Commission and Board. Residents within 300 feet of the proposed rezone were also notified by mail. Posted to Planning Advisory Commission website and posted on the home page in the Commissioner agendas. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Place on the February 11, 2020 Action Agenda to set a public hearing for March 3, 2020. ATTACHMENTS: Map of rezone request Briefing Summary 1/29/2020 Mason County WA GIS Web Map R-2 Multi-Family k - dium Density Residential F `_ / Village omm�rdal y o 'ed Rezone to r _De "sity F. JR AA i 10/11/2019, 3:17:14 PM 1:2,722 0 125 250 500 ft County Boundary ❑ HC-Highway Commercial 0 37.5 75 150 m ❑ Tax Parcels(Zoom in to 1:30,000) EIPOS-Public Open Space Ilyn Zoning ❑ R-1 -Single Family Residential No Zoning or Outside UGA ❑ R-1 P-Residential Platted Esri, HERE, Garmin, (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user community, Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, ❑ BP-Business Park CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User El R-1 R-Residential Recreational Community El CM-Commercial Manufacturing Mason County WA GIS Web Map Application Richard Diaz I Esri,HERE,Garmin I Earthstar Geographics I MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Loretta Swanson, Director and Phil Franklin, ROW Agent DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 BRIEFING DATE: February 3, 2020 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, lease provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other— please explain ITEM: Transfer of Real Property— Set Hearing EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Port of Hoodsport has expressed interest in a parcel owned by Mason County Public Works on North Old Mill Hill Road (at the end of the portion maintained by the county) to utilize the parcel as a septic drain field for community restrooms. Mason County Public Works foresees no use of the parcel and is agreeable to an intergovernmental transfer of real property. Such a transfer may take place between two public agencies under any terms deemed appropriate and mutually agreeable by the agencies under RCW 39.33.010. This parcel was purchased for $3,301.11 in August of 1996 by Public Works for potential future road use as a vehicle turnaround area. There are no plans to improve the property and the County would be relieved burden to the road fund by transferring ownership. Additionally, transferring ownership to the Port of Hoodsport benefits the county by improving the community of Hoodsport and protecting water quality. BUDGET IMPACT: N/A PUBLIC OUTREACH: A public notice will be published four successive weeks in the Shelton Journal along with posting signage on the property. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Recommend the Board set a hearing on Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 9:15am for public comment on the surplus of parcel 42212-51-48008 and exchange to the Port of Hoodsport for use as septic drain field for community restrooms that benefit the Hood Canal water quality issues. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Map Resolution No. NOTICE OF INTENT TO DECLARE SURPLUS AND EXCHANGE REAL PROPERTY TO THE PORT OF HOODSPORT TO UTILIZE AS A SEPTIC DRAIN FIELD FOR COMMUNITY RESTROOMS; AND SETTING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING ON SAID DECLARATION AND EXCHANGE WHEREAS,Mason County owns the real property described as and properly more fully described in Exhibit A, attached hereto;and WHEREAS,Public Works paid$3,301.11 for the parcel back in August of 1996;and WHEREAS,the property was acquired for potential future road use as a vehicle turnaround area,which is no longer a foreseen future use. WHEREAS,the Port of Hoodsport has expressed interest in the parcel to utilize as a septic drain field for community restrooms. WHEREAS,the Board of County Commissioners deems the Ports use of the property to be negotiated as a value to both entities with the current Hood Canal water quality issues and the releasing of burden of liability and maintenance to the road fund. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has determined that the property is surplus to the needs of the County, authorized by Mason County Code 3.40 and RCW 39.33.010. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that a public hearing is set for Tuesday,March 17,2020 at 9:15 a.m.in the Commission Chambers,Mason County Courthouse,Building I,411 North Fifth Street, Shelton,Washington,at which time and place any citizen may appear and be heard either for or against the declaration of surplus and authorization of property exchange;and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Property Manager is directed to issue public notice regarding the proposed declaration of surplus of real property for four consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation within Mason County. Dated this day of 2020. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Melissa Drewry, Clerk of the Board Sharon Trask, Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Randy Neatherlin, Vice Chair Tim Whitehead, Chief DPA Kevin Shutty, Commissioner cc: Co.Commissioners Engineer JOURNAL: Publ.4t: & ''a.. OLD MILL HILL ROAD SURPLUS PROPERTY 4221 -2-53.-840o8 0.34 acres • `'i�.. ,� ��r. 42212-51-84008 N OLD MILL HILL' RD = I y J O S Z x+ / Q� J� Co 18 4 Mason County Finance Committee Report 2019 Fourth Quarter ( October- December ) Submitted February 3rd, 2020 1 Mason County Finance Committee Lisa Frazier,Mason County Treasurer Paddy McGuire,Mason County Auditor Kevin Shutty,Commissioner RCW 36.48.070 County finance committee—Approval of investment policy and debt policy—Rules. The county treasurer,the county auditor,and the chair of the county legislative authority,ex officio,shall constitute the county finance committee.The county treasurer shall act as chair of the committee and the county auditor as secretary thereof.The committee shall keep a full and complete record of all its proceedings in appropriate books of record and all such records and all correspondence relating to the committee shall be kept in the office of the county auditor and shall be open to public inspection. The committee shall approve a county investment policy and a debt policy and shall make appropriate rules and regulations for the carrying out of the provisions of RCW 36.48.010 through 36 48.060,not inconsistent with law 36.48.010 Depositaries to be designated by treasurer. 36.48.040 Depositaries to be designated by treasurer--Deposited funds deemed in county treasury. 36.48.050 Depositaries to be designated by treasurer--Treasurer's liability and bond additional. 36.48.060 Definition--"Financial institution." CE CASH BALANCE AS OF December 31,2019 $ 12,076,320.12 Note:Positive $4,242,643.62 for same period 2018 September 30,2019 $ 9,419,365.68 Note:Positive$3,724,019.34 for same period 2018 June 30,2019 $ 11,015,488.65 Note:Positive$4,170,644.97 for same period 2018 March 31,2019 $ 6,528,891.42 Note:Positive$4,148,397.81 forsame period 2018 December 31,2018 $ 7,833,676.50 Note:Positive$3,730,693.46 for same period 2017 December 31,2017 $ 4,102,983.04 Note Changed to Cash Basis-No 13th Month December 31,2016 $ 3,568,011.64 'included 13th Month GENERAL FUND RESERVE AND CONTINGENCY POLICY 72.19 Year 2018 Expenditures % Policy Balance Cash 1 213112 01 9 Difference Less Contingency General Operating 2019 $32,603,956.66 15% $4,890,593.50 $ 12,076,320.12 $ 7,185,726.62 $ 6,185,726.62 General Operating 2019 $32,603,956.66 16% $5,216,633.07 $ 12,076,320.12 $ 6,859,687.05 $ 5,859,687.05 General Operating 2019 $32,603,956.66 17% $5,542,672.63 $ 12,076,320.12 $ 6,533,647.49 $ 5,533,647.49 General Operating 2019 $32,603,956.66 18% $5,868,712.20 $ 12,076,320.12 $ 6,207,607.92 $ 5,207,607.92 General Operating 2019 $32,603,956.66 19% $6,194,751.77 $ 12,076,320.12 $ 5,881,568.35 $ 5,881,568.35 General Operating 2019 $32,603,956.66 20% $6,520,791.33 $ 12,076,320.12 $ 5,555,528.79 $ 4,555,528.79 Represents 37%of 2018 Expenditures Contingency Reserve 2019 $1,000,000.00 n/a $1,000,000.00 $ 1,000,000 00 2 CASH&INVESTMENTS TREASURER'S REGULAR CHECKING ACCOUNT COLUMBIA BANK $ 13,052,391.43 IMPREST ACCOUNTS $ 66,325.00 TREASURER'S INVESTED FUNDS TOTAL(see breakdown below) $ 163,647,646.54 TOTAL CASH&INVESTMENTS AS OF December 31,2019 $ 176,766,362.97 12131/2019 12/3112019 COST MARKET VALUE GAINILOSS PORTFOLIO% INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO $ 163,647,646.54 $163,701,726.17 $ 54,079.63 - - 100.00% Rating FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK(FHLB) $ 2,736,867.15 $ 2,743,813.70 $ 6,946.55 1.67% S&P AA+ FEDERAL FARM CREDIT(FFCB) $ 2,082,950.62 $ 2,093,012.06 $ 10,061.44 1.27% S&P AA+ FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION(FNMA) $ 1,035,994.25 $ 1,053,039.00 $ 17,044.75 0.63% S&P AA+ FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE COMPANY(FHLMC) $ 1,047,065.00 $ 1,055,738.55 $ 8,673.55 0.64% S&P AA+ FINANCING CORPORATION COUPONS(FICO) $ - $ - $ - 0.00% Not Rated (TREAS DAILY CASH)WA STATE LGIP $ 36,449,657.39 $ 36,449,657.39 $ 22.27% Not Rated (CO DEPARTMENTS/TAXING DISTRICTS) WA STATE LGIP $ 119,042,424.63 $119,042,424.63 $ 72.74% Not Rated SAVINGS/KEY BANK MONEY MARKET $ - 0.00% PDPC Approved CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT-WELLS FARGO $ 753,187.50 $ 760,408.40 $ 7,220.90 0.46% PDPC Approved CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT-FIRST FINANCIAL NW $ - 0.00% PDPC Approved CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT-1ST SECURITY BANK OF WA $ 249,500.00 $ 248,783.91 $ (716.09) 0.15% PDPC Approved CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT-JP MORGAN CHASE $ 250,000.00 $ 254,848.53 $ 4,848.53 0.15% PDPC Approved REGISTERED WARRANTS (INT RATE%) $ - 0.00%Debt Policy Approved BENCHMARK: 90 Day T-Bill Rate December 31,2019 1.55% was 1.88%9/30/19 Savings State Pool Rate December 31,2019 1.78% Market Rate Yield Agency/Treasury December 31,2019 1.80% HISTORIC LGIP POOL RATES 2012-2013 2014-2015 .11%-.26% 2016-2017 0.26%-1.28% 2018-2019 1.28%-2.20% FEDERAL RESERVE RATES 2019 1.5%-1.75% was 1.75%9/30119 INVESTMENT INTEREST COLLECTIONS YEAR BUDGETED COLLECTED DIFFERENCE 2013 $ 50,000.00 $ 75,674.21 $ 25,674.21 2014 $ 65,000.00 $ 91,522.98 $ 26,522.98 2015 $ 80,000.00 $ 87,673.75 $ 7,673.75 2016 $ 95,000.00 $ 208,126.56 $ 113,126.56 2017 $ 150,000.00 $ 340,721.77 $ 190,721.77 2018 $ 300,000 00 $ 670,553.69 $ 370,553.69 2019 thru 12/31/19 $ 600,000.00 $ 882,551.28 $ 282,551.28 TREASURER'S BANKING COSTS YEAR BANK OF AMERICA COLUMBIA BANK BONY MELLON YEAR PD DIFF PRIOR YR 2013 $ 42,524.96 2014 $ 11,49361) 2014 $ 47,984.01 2015 $ 5,459.05 2015 $ 67,966.57 2016 $ 19,982.56 2016 $ 19,464.41 $ 9,427.86 $ 1,538.00 2016 $ (37,536.30) 2017 through 11/30/2017 $ - $ 13,475.35 $ 1,198.00 2017 $ (15,756.92) 12-1-2017 through 11/30/2018 $ - 1 13,248.39 $ 1,981.00 2018 $ 556.04 12/1/2018 through 11/30/2019 $ - $ 3,105.00 2019 $ (12,124.39) 3 Finance Committee Business OLD BUSINESS: Project Funding Update- Loretta Swanson/Frank Pinter/Jennifer Beierle - No Report For This Meeting Skokomish River Restoration Belfair Wastewater System Other Financing? NEW BUSINESS: Public Disclosure Commission Annual Statement- Lisa Review Mason County Investment Policy - Lisa Review General Fund Reserve Policy - Jennifer Respectfully Submitted: ELO,a&A-h,(Lia) Fray, er Mason County Treasurer 4 fN ��.GPyON C y, 7 Mason County Treasurer Financial Statement A r Elisabeth(Lisa)Frazier December 2019 E PO Box 429,411 N 5th Street $U Shelton,WA 98584 a 360-427-9670 ext 475 001.000000.000.000 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Beginning Cash Balance $13,467,365.28 Tax Collections $62,044.84 Accounts Receivable/Misc Receipts $1,936,459.12 Transfers In $0.00 Total Revenue $1,998,503.96 Accounts Payable/Warrants $3,389,549.12 Transfers Out $0.00 Total Expense $3,389,549.12 Ending Cash Balance $12,076,320.12 Investment Activity 12/1/2019 Beginning Investments Balance $0.00 Investments Acquired w.d. $0.00 Investments Sold $0.00: 12/31/2019 Ending Investments Balance $0.00 :Totalr 1/7/2020 12:05:23 PM Investment Statement Balance Sheet Date: 12/31/2019 BYN MELLON Custodian Treasurer's Cash Sheet Statement Investments Held Custodial Investments Difference $ 8,155,564.52 $ 8,155,564.52 $ - Difference: Investment Balanced by: LF 11:51 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31,2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance STATE POOL INVESTMENT LEDGER 8,654,074.52 800000030-TDC-AGENCY BONDS 6,654,074.52 General Journal 12/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... FHLB CUSIP#... Inv Matured 498,510.00 8,155,564.52 Total 800000030-TDC-AGENCY BONDS 498,510.00 8,155,564.52 Total STATE POOL INVESTMENT LEDGER 498,510.00 8,155,564.52 TOTAL -498,510.00 8,155,564.52 MASON COUNTY TREASURER Daily Cash Sheet Shelton,Washington DATE:12/31/19 Brought Fwd $ 167,927,536.72 mail Control rawer Drawer rawer rawer 3 UraweF 4 rawer 6 o a s,. Real Excise Tex L GBneralReceipts $ 13,577145 , . -0.00 $ - 693.00 _ , . 41,577.82 S 4 Over/Under - 2,075.04 . $ 93,197.48 S14,1177:42 L8 9.z61s42v - - Fees 0.00 0.00 $ 1.00 _ -C-1 00 Taxes $ 3,957.302142.58 0.00 $ 5,296.09 _ _ 5 11,395.97 Fire Patrol DNR $ 8.95 8.95 0.00 $ 21.95 $ 39.85 Interest S 689.06 215 15 0.00-$ 1,226.11 $ 2,130.32 Lake Tax 0.00 $ Conservation 88-015 $ - - $ Ma $ie Lake WD - - - - - Excise ved of -- -- -- - - ---- (0.01) $ (0.01) oas Disbursements: Wrt Sweep RPP: s 4,379,479.11Direct Deposit Payroll: Tota uect ep. Wrt Sweep County PP:-f----1-3o-,T7-1.-4T — Wrt Sweep Tax Dist PP: S 229,374.96 - Adjustments 3.950.90 - - - Posted Warrant Amounts .Total Warrants -- - Verified By: - - See breakdown in daily posted binder Total Disbursements: $ 4,742,976.40 REFUNDS"" $. CONTROL DRAWER SIDE NOTES Recei t# Slate Pool Interest Ad': 5 - $ Control Drawer-Remittance $ 462.00 M61428 _ $ Control Drawer-Remittance $ 2,353.58 M61426 POG $ Control Drawer-Remittance $ 576,119.26 M61427 MONTHLY REMIT $ 1 Control Drawer-Remittance $ 8,178.07 M51448 $ Control Drawer-Remittance $ 119,841.01 M-61450 Clerk $ - Control Drawer-Remittance $ 14,689.00 M-01449 $ Control Drawer-Remittance $ - $ _ Control Drawer-Remittance $ _- $ Control Drawer-Remittance $ $ - Cashier Refund(s) $ Cashier Refund(s) $ $ Cashier Refund(s) $ -. - $ - Cashier Refund(s) $ - - $ - Cashier Refunds) $ - s Cashier Refund(s) $ s $ $ Vault Cash Is Total Refunds $ Total Control Drawer $ 7219842.92 BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD.................. $ 177,463,367.41 .Brought Fwd Deposits Checks Carried Forward TDC Columbia Bank Checking Acct $ 9,391,927.95 14,395,410.64 $ 10,734,947.16 $ 13,052,391.43 TDC Money Market Savings $ $ TDC State LGIP $ 31,449,657.39 $ 5,000,000.00 $ 36,449,657 39 Misc.State LGIP $ 118,768145.89 $ _ 1,231,796.49 $ 957,517.75 $ 119,042,424.63 TDC Agency Bond Investment $ 8,155,564.52 $ 8,155,564.52 Misc.Agency Bond Investment $ $ TDC Registered Warrant Investment $ - - $ internal Revenue Bond Investment $ $ Impress Accounts $ 66,325.00 $ 66,325.00 Other Brought Fwd Collection Transfer-Dr Bank Deposit Transfer-Cr Totals Mail _ _ $ _ $ - $ - - Control Drawer S 721,642.92 $ 0.00 $ 13,581,800.65 $ 55,671.93 $ 14,359,115.50 $ - Drawer 1-TM $ 500.00 $ 165,960.72 $ $ 0.00 Drawer 2-VH $ 500,00 - $ $ 166,460.72 Drawer 3-TL $ 10 628.43 $ 104 43563 $ 10,128.43 $ 50000 Drawer 4- - - -- $ 500,00 $ - - E 104,935.63 $ 500.00 Drawer s-AS $ 48,043.50 $ 385 030.28 $ 45,643.50 $ 385,530.28 Corrections 0.00 $ $ (0.00) $ (2,500.00) 13ank Deposit In Transit $ -41,57281 GRAND TOTAL...................... $ 177,463,367.41 Difference down vs across $ SP 008365 XBNED602 004080 BNY MELLON The Bank of New York Mellon Trust company.N.A. MASON COUNTY TREASURER Account Statement NANCY MOORE 411 N 5TH STREET SUITE 1 Statement Period 12/01/2019 Through 12/31/2019 SHELTON,WA 98584-3400 Account 232530 Base Currency=USD MASON COUNTY TREASURER CLIENT SERVICE MANAGER: '' Go Paperless. JACKSONVILLE,FL 32256 .. Securely access your accounts online to view your statements.Ask your BNY Mellon contact how we can help you access t your account balances and activity in real time,receive your reports,enter your own transactions or submit an audit I confirmation online.Also be sure to ask how NEXEN(SM)Gateway,our new cloud-based ecosystem,can help you. Visit us us at www.bnymellon.com E Account Overview �®/V 4,% Percent of all P� Investments Asset Classification Market Value 88% 0 FIXED INCOME 7,195,856.49 12% ® CASH AND SHORT TERM 1,013,787.66 100% TOTAL OF ALL INVESTMENTS 8,209,644.15 s Summary of Assets Held by Asset Classification Estimated Market Asset Classification Market Value Cost Accrued Income Annual Income Yield FIXED INCOME 7,195,856.49 7,152,877.02 35,315.01 125,820.80 1.75% o CASH AND SHORT TERM 1,013,787.66 1,002,687.50 1,470.89 22,125.00 2.18% N ACCOUNT TOTALS 8,209,644.15 8,155,564.52 36,785.90 147,945.80 1.80% Summary of Cash Transactions by Transaction Category 0 N Current Period Year-to-Date o 0 Realized s Transaction Category Income Principal Gains/Losses Income Principal OPENING BALANCE 18,489.44- 18,489.44 12,882.23- 12,882.23 INTEREST 13,721.60 0.00 0.00 148,266.87 0.00 0 SALES AND REDEMPTIONS 0.00 500,000.00 1,490.00 5,587.10 4,400,000.00 W OTHER CASH ADDITIONS 0.00 3,125.00 0.00 1,771.49 3,868,853.51 Page 1 of 8 BNY MELLON Statement Period 12/01/2019 Through 12/31/2019 The Banc or New York Mellon Trust company.N.A. Account 232530 Base Currency=USD MASON COUNTY TREASURER Summary of Cash Transactions by Transaction Category - Continued Current Period Year-to-Date Realized Transaction Category Income Principal Gains/Losses Income Principal OTHER CASH DISBURSEMENTS 13,721.60- 503,125.00- 0.00 155,625.46- 4,438,012.78- PURCHASES 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,607.21- 3,825,233.52- CLOSING BALANCE 18,489.44- 18,489.44 1,490.00 18,489.44- 18,489.44 The above cash transactions summary is provided for information purposes only and may not reflect actual taxable income or deductible expenses as reportable under the Internal Revenue Code. C� m 0 0 0 N O tG O d s 0 0 M N 2 Page 2 of 8 008365 XUNLU602 004081 BNY MELLON Statement Period 12101/2019 Through 12/31/2019 The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company,N.A. Account 232530 Base Currency=USD MASON COUNTY TREASURER Statement of Assets Held by Asset Classification Accrued Estimated Market Shares/Par Value Asset Description Market Price Market Value Cost Average Cost Income Income Yield FIXED INCOME 250,000.000 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANKS FUNDING CORP 100.05300 250,132.50 249,961.25 99.98450 2,638.47 6,050.00 2.421/ CUSIP:3133EJLU1 MATURITY DATE:01/24/2020 RATE:2.420% MOODY'S Aaa S&P AA+ 500,000.000 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 99.97000 499,850.00 499,632.00 99.92640 2,517.36 7,250.00 1.45% CUSIP:3130A7CK9 MATURITY DATE:02/26/2020 RATE:1.450% MOODY'S Aaa S&P AA+ 300,000.000 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION 99.93300 299,799.00 300,000.00 100.00000 1,052.08 3,750.00 1.25% CUSIP:3136G36Y6 MATURITY DATE:03/20/2020 RATE:1.250% MOODY'S Aaa S&P AA+ 250,000.000 WELLS FARGO BANK NA 100.10127 250,253.18 250,000.00 100.00000 1,386.99 5,625.00 2.259/, CUSIP:94986T2A4 MATURITY DATE:04/03/2020 RATE:2.250% 500,000.000 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 99.83400 499,170.00 498,056.00 99.61120 1,006.25 5,750.00 1.15% CUSIP:3130A7SF3 MATURITY DATE:04/28/2020 RATE:1.1501/6 MOODY'S Aaa S&P AA+ 538,000.000 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANKS FUNDING CORP 99.79200 536,880.96 536,001.87 99.62860 3,008.02 7,316.80 1.36% m 0 CUSIP:3133EGPP4 0 0 MATURITY DATE:08/03/2020 N RATE:1.3601/6 MOODY'S Aaa S&P AA+ 250,000.000 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION 100.00800 250,020.00 249,857.25 99.94290 1,002.08 4,625.00 1.85% c CUSIP:3136G4PJ6 m MATURITY DATE:10/13/2020 S RATE:1.850% MOODY'S Aaa 0 S&P AA+ K 255,000.000 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORP 100.10100 255,257.55 249,851.30 97.98090 247.92 4,462.50 1.75% _ CUSIP:3134G46F0 0 MATURITY DATE:12/11/2020 RATE:1.7501/ MOODY'S Aaa S&P AA+ o 510,000.000 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANKS FUNDING CORP 99.92100 509,597.10 500,718.00 98.18000 370.88 7,854.00 1.541/6 a CUSIP:3133EGEU5 MATURITY DATE:12/14/2020 Page 3 of 8 1% I BNY ME LLON Statement Period 12/01/2019 Through 12/31/2019 The flank of New York Mellon Trust Company,N.A. Account 232530 Base Currency=USD MASON COUNTY TREASURER Statement of Assets Held by Asset Classification - Continued Accrued Estimated Market Shares/Par Value Asset Description Market Price Market Value Cost Average Cost Income Income Yield RATE:1.5401/6 MOODY'S Aaa S&P AA+ 490,000.000 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 100.01300 490,063.70 489,992.65 99.99850 4,655.00 11,025.00 2.25% CUSIP:3130ADFV9 MATURITY DATE:01/29/2021 RATE:2.250% MOODY'S Aaa S&P AA+ 300,000.000 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORP 100.85700 302,571.00 297,338.70 99.11290 2,671.88 7,125.00 2.3596 CUSIP:3137EAEL9 MATURITY DATE:02/16/2021 RATE:2.375% MOODY'S Aaa S&P AA+ 250,000.000 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORP 99.93500 249,837.50 250,000.00 100.00000 1,118.06 4,375.00 1.7596 CUSIP:3134GBG48 MATURITY DATE:03/29/2021 RATE:1.750% MOODY'S Aaa S&P AA+ 250,000.000 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 99.65700 249,142.50 250,000.00 100.00000 1,726.67 3,700.00 1.49% CUSIP:313OA8NT6 MATURITY DATE:07/13/2021 RATE:1.480% MOODY'S Aaa S&P AA+ 500,000.000 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 99.55900 497,795.00 499,997.50 99.99950 1,895.83 7,500.00 1.51% CUSIP:313OA9MG3 MATURITY DATE:09/30/2021 m 0 RATE:1.500% o 0 MOODY'S Aaa w S&P AA+ 500,000.000 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION 100.64400 503,220.00 486,137.00 97.22740 2,239.58 9,375.00 1.86% CUSIP:3135GOT45 MATURITY DATE:04/05/2022 0 RATE:1.875% m MOODY'S Aaa S S&P AA+ 250,000.000 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 100.00700 250,017.50 249,997.50 99.99900 1,708.33 5,000.00 2.009/6 a CUSIP:3130AGYJ8 MATURITY DATE:08/26/2022 — RATE:2.000% MOODY'S Aaa H S&P AA+ 300,000.000 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANKS FUNDING CORP 99.57800 298,734.00 296,269.50 98.75650 1,816.67 6,000.00 2.01% CUSIP:3133EH)Z1 N MATURITY DATE:09/12/2022 a RATE:2.000% MOODY'S Aaa Page 4 of 8 008365 XBNED602 004082 '' E. BNY MELLON Statement Period 12/01/2019 Through 12/31/2019 The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company,N.A. Account 232530 Base Currency=USD MASON COUNTY TREASURER Statement of Assets Held by Asset Classification - Continued Accrued Estimated Market Shares/Par Value Asset Description Market Price Market Value Cost Average Cost Income Income Yield S&P AA+ 250,000.000 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANKS FUNDING CORP 99.77200 249,430.00 250,000.00 100.00000 845.83 4,350.00 1.74% CUSIP:3133EK2U9 MATURITY DATE:10/21/2022 RATE:1.7401% MOODY'S Aaa S&P AA+ 250,000.000 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 103.11000 257,775.00 249,191.50 99.67660 2,395.83 6,250.00 2.429% CUSIP:3130AFW94 MATURITY DATE:02/13/2024 RATE:2.5001% MOODY'S Aaa S&P AA+ 250,000.000 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANKS FUNDING CORP 99.29500 248,237.50 250,000.00 100.00000 598.09 4,062.50 1.64% CUSIP:3133EK6J0 MATURITY DATE:11/08/2024 RATE:1.625% MOODY'S Aaa S&P AA+ 250,000.000 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORP 99.22900 248,072.50 249,875.00 99.95000 413.19 4,375.00 1.769% V_ CUSIP:3134GUUMO MATURITY DATE:11/27/2024 RATE:1.750% MOODY'S Aaa Total FIXED INCOME 7,195,856.49 7,152,877.02 35,315.01 125,820.80 1.75% CASH AND SHORT TERM 250,000.000 1 ST SEC BK OF WASH MOUNTLAK 19AUG20 99.51356 248,783.91 249,500.00 99.80000 102.40 2,875.00 1.16% CUSIP:33625CBG3 MATURITY DATE:08/19/2020 m RATE:1.150% 2 0 250,000.000 JPMORGAN CHASE BK NA COLUMB 31 MAY22 101.93941 254,848.53 250,000.00 100.00000 547.95 6,250.00 2.451% N CUSIP:48128HYE2 MATURITY DATE:05/31/2022 ' RATE:2.5001/6 250,000.000 WELLS FARGO BK N A SIOUX FA 19JUL22 101.55006 253,875.15 253,187.50 101.27500 204.79 5,750.00 2.26% o CUS IP:949763JP2 m MATURITY DATE:07/19/2022 RATE:2.300% 250,000.000 WELLS FARGO SK N A SIOUX FA 31 JAN22 102.51203 256,280.07 250,000.00 100.00000 615.75 7,250.00 2.83% o CUSIP:949763XG6 MATURITY DATE:01/31/2022 RATE:2.900% v Total CASH AND SHORT TERM 1,013,787.66 1,002,687.50 1,470.89 22,125.00 2.18% S m ACCOUNT TOTALS 8,209,644.15 8,155,564.52 36,785.90 147,945.80 1.80% 8 Total Market Value Plus Total Accrued Income 8,246,430.05 Page 5 of 8 BNY MELLON Statement Period 12/01/2019 Through 12/31/2019 The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company,N.A. Account 232530 Base Currency=USD MASON COUNTY TREASURER Statement of Transactions by Transaction Date Realized Transaction Date Transaction Description Income Principal Cost Gains/Losses 12/01/19 ACCOUNT OPENING PERIOD BALANCE 18,489.44- 18,489.44 8,654,074.52 12/02/19 Interest 3,133.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BK NA COLUMS 31 MAY22 RATE:2.500%MATURITY:05131/22 TRADE DATE 11/30/19 SETIDATE 11/30/19 CUSIP 48128HYE2 250,000.000 SHARES 12/02/19 Interest 595.89 0.00 0.00 Q00 WELLS FARGO BK N A SIOUX FA 31JAN22 RATE:2.900%MATURITY:01/31/22 TRADE DATE 12/01119 SET/DATE 12/01/19 CUSIP 949763XG6 250,000.000 SHARES 12/02/19 Cash Debit 3,729.45- 0.00 0.00 0.00 BNF:MASON COUNTY TREASURER SHELTON MAIN DETAIL:WIRE TO COLUMBIA BANK DETAIL:FROM BNYM CUSTODY ACCOUNT A/C WITH:COLUMBIA STATE BANK 98402,WA,US 12/02/19 ACCOUNT CLOSING DAILY BALANCE 18,489.44- 18,489.44 8,654,074.52 Q00 i 12111/19 Interest 2,231.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORP RATE:1.750%MATURITY:12111/20 TRADE DATE 12/11/19 SET/DATE 12/11A9 CUSIP 3134G46F0 255,000.000 SHARES 12/11/19 Cash Debit 2,231.25- 0.00 Q00 0.00 m BNF:MASON COUNTY TREASURER SHELTON MAN a DETAIL:WIRE TO COLUMBIA BANK N DETAIL:FROM BNYM CUSTODY ACCOUNT A/C WITH:COLUMBIA STATE BANK ' 98402,WA,US 0 12/11/19 ACCOUNT CLOSING DAILY BALANCE 18,489.44- 18,489.44 8,654,074.52 0:00 m N 12/13/19 Redemption Q00 500,000.00 498,510.00- 1,490.00 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS o RATE:1.250%MATURITY:12/13/19 TRADE DATE 12/13/19 SET/DATE 12/13/19 CUSIP 313381 C94 500,000.000 SHARES N 12/13/19 Interest 3,125.00 0.00 Q00 0.00 _ FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS $ RATE:1.250%MATURITY:12/13/19 TRADE DATE 12/13/19 SET/DATE 12/13/19 CUSIP 313381094 Page 6 of 8 008365 XBNED602 004083 E 01, BNY ME LLON Statement Period 12/01/2019 Through 12/31/2019 Account 232530 Base Currency=USD The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company,N.A. MASON COUNTY TREASURER Statement of Transactions by Transaction Date - Continued Realized Transaction Date Transaction Description Income Principal Cost Gains/losses 500,000.000 SHARES 12/13/19 Cash Credit 0.00 3,125.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFER FROM INCOME TO PRINCIPAL 12/13/19 Cash Debit Q00 503,125.00- U00 0.00 BNF:MASON COUNTY TREASURER DETAIL:WIRE TO BANK OF AMERICA DETAIL:CREDIT MASON COUNTY TREASURER A/C WITH:COLUMBIA STATE BANK 98402,WA,US 12/13/19 Cash Debit 3,125.00- 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFER FROM INCOME TO PRINCIPAL 12/13/19 ACCOUNT CLOSING DAILY BALANCE 18,489.44- 18,489.44 8,155,564.52 1,490.00 12116/19 Interest 3,927.00 0.00 Q00 0.00 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANKS FUNDING CORP RATE:1.540%MATURITY:12/14/20 TRADE DATE 12/14/19 SET/DATE 12/14/19 CUSIP 3133EGEU5 510,000.000 SHARES 12/16/19 Cash Debit 3,927.00- Q00 Q00 Q00 BNF:MASON COUNTY TREASURER SHELTON MAIN DETAIL:WIRE TO COLUMBIA BANK DETAIL:FROM BNYM CUSTODY ACCOUNT A/C WITH:COLUMBIA STATE BANK 98402,WA,US 12/16119 ACCOUNT CLOSING DAILY BALANCE 18,489.44- 18,489.44 8,155,564.52 1,490.00 m 0 12/19/19 Interest 236.30 0.00 0.00 Q00 N 1 ST SEC BK OF WASH MOUNTLAK 19AUG20 RATE:1.150%MATURITY:08/19/20 TRADE DATE 12/19/19 SET/DATE 12/19/19 D 0 CUSIP 33625CBG3 250,000.000 SHARES ° 12/19/19 Interest 472.60 Q00 Q00 Q00 13 WELLS FARGO BK N A SIOUX FA 19JUL22 RATE:2.300%MATURITY:07/19/22 O TRADE DATE 12/19/19 SET/DATE 12/19/19 CUSIP 949763JP2 v 250,000.000 SHARES 12/19/19 Cash Debit 708.90- 0.00 0.00 0.00 N BNF:MASON COUNTY TREASURER SHELTON MAIN DETAIL:WIRE TO COLUMBIA BANK DETAIL:FROM BNYM CUSTODY ACCOUNT A/C WITH:COLUMBIA STATE BANK 98402,WA,US Page 7 of 8 ;� BNY ME LLON Statement Period 12/01/2019 Through 12/31/2019 The Bank of New York MellonAccount 232530 Base Currency=USDn Trust Company,N.A. MASON COUNTY TREASURER Statement of Transactions by Transaction Date - Continued Realized Transaction Date Transaction Description Income Principal Cost Gains/Losses 12/19/19 ACCOUNT CLOSING DAILY BALANCE 18,489.44- 18,489.44 8,155,564.52 1,490.00 12131/19 ACCOUNT CLOSING PERIOD BALANCE 18,489.44- 18,489.44 8,155,564.52 1,490.00 Cumulative realized capital gain and loss position from 12/31/2018 for securities held in principal of account: Short Term: 20.45' Long Term: 11,862.65' The above gain and loss position does not include transactions where tax cost information is incomplete or unavailable. m 0 0 0 N J O O O N O w Cash and securities set forth on this Account Statement are held by The Bank of New York Mellon,an affiliate of The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company,N.A. In addition,The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company,N.A. may utilize subsidiaries and affiliates to provide services and certain products to the Account. Subsidiaries and affiliates may be compensated for their services and products. 0 The value of securities set forth on this Account Statement are obtained by The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company,N.A.,from its affiliate,The Bank of New York Mellon which determines such values for Corporate Trust on the 0 basis of market prices and information obtained by The Bank of New York Mellon from unaffiliated third parties(including independent pricing vendors)('third party pricing services"). The Bank of New York Mellon has not verified such market values or information and makes no assurances as to the accuracy or correctness of such market values or information or that the market values set forth on this Account Statement reflect the value of the securities that o can be realized upon the sale of such securities. In addition,the market values for the securities set forth in this Account Statement may differ from the market prices and information for the same securities used by other business w units of The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company,N.A.,The Bank of New York Mellon or their respective subsidiaries or affiliates based upon market prices and information received from other third party pricing services utilized by such other business units. Corporate Trust does not compare its market values with those used by,or reconcile different market values used by,other business units of The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company,N.A.,The Bank of New York Mellon or their respective subsidiaries or affiliates. Neither The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company,N.A.nor The Bank of New York Mellon shall be liable for any loss,damage or expense incurred as a result o of or arising from or related to the market values or information provided by third party pricing services or the differences in market prices or information provided by other third party pricing services. m Page 801 8 St.t--ofA wMington Local Government Investment Pool Treasury Management System Date: 01/02/2020 6:36 am ReportlD: LgipStatement Statement of Account for No: 10230 Page I of I Primary Account December 2019 0 . 00M * LISA FRAZIER _ MASON COUNTY 36 , 14L19 , 657 - 39C + PO BOX 429 1 19 , 0142 , 424 - 63 + SHELTON,WA 98584-8584 1 5 , h n 2 , 0 $2' - 0 2 * Date Description Comment Deposits Withdrawals Balance 12/01/2019: Beginning Balance 162,044,373.81 Lf/0312019 Deposit 3,210,000.00 165,254,373.81 12/05/2019 Withdrawal 4,442,204.15 160,812,169.66 12/09/2019 Withdrawal 624,905.14 160,187,264.52 12/10/2019 Withdrawal 1,230,000.00 158,957,264.52 12/11/2019 Withdrawal 1,335,000.00 157,622,264.52 12/12/2019 Withdrawal 866,512.59 156,755,751.93 12/13/2019 Withdrawal 781,225.20 155,974,526.73 12/20/2019 Withdrawal 2,380,976.71 153,593,550.02 12/23/2019 Withdrawal 459,790.65 153,133,759.37 12/30/2019 Withdrawal 2,915,956.09 150,217,803.28 12/31/2019 Deposit 5,274,278.74 155,492,082.02 12/31/2419 Month End Balance 155,492,082.02 December Earnings Daily Factor Earnings 236,335.43 Net Ending Balance 155,728,417.45 Account Summary Beginning Balance: 162,044,373.81 Gross Earnings: 237,272.85 Deposits: 8,484,278.74 Administrative Fee: 937.42 Withdrawals: 15,036,570.53 Net Earnings: 236,335.43 Month End Balance: 155,492,082.02 Administrative Fee Rate: 0.0070 % Net Ending Balance: 155,728,417.45 Gross Earnings Rate: 1.7814 % Net Earnings Rate: 1.7744 % Average Daily Balance: 156,826,363.14 Washington State Treasurer Duane A. Davidson Service,Security,Transparency About Us News Debt LG I P Daily Yield home f Partners i For Local Go Daily Yield:The net earnings figure that is calculated daily using the investment income earned(excluding realized gains or losses)each day,assuming daily amortization and/or accretion of Income of all fixed Income securities held by the Fund,less the administrative fee. 7 Day Yield:The daily factor is reported on an annualized 7-day basis,using the daily factors from the previous 7 calendar days. 30 Day Yield:The dally factor is reported on an annualized 30-day basis,using the daily factors from the previous 30 calendar days. True 30 Day Yield:The net daily earnings figure that is calculated using the total net earnings including realized gains and losses occurring each day,less the administrative fee. December 2019 DATE DAILY YIELD 7-DAY YIELD 30-DAY YIELD TRUE 30-DAY YIELD 12/31 1.688152 1.706499 1.728433 1.775799 Thursday,Jan 23,2020 02:35 PM r� 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01121/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31,2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance STATE POOL INVESTMENT LEDGER 200,144,719.48 675001064-PHD#1 2019 SERIES 0.00 General Journal 11/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 5,003,993.14 5,003,993.14 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 5,003,993.14 Total 675001064-PHD#1 2019 SERIES 5,003,993.14 5,003,993.14 675002015-HOSPITAL#2 800,000.00 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 800,000.00 General Journal 01/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -40,000.00 760,000.00 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 760,000.00 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 760,000.00 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 760,000.00 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 760,000.00 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 760,000.00 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 760,000.00 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 760,000.00 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 760,000.00 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 760,000.00 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 760,000.00 General Journal 12/03/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -40,000.00 720,000.00 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 720,000.00 Total 675002015-HOSPITAL#2 -80,000.00 720,000.00 685311060-SD#311 DEBT SERVICE 29,884.95 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$3.00 INT... Interest Earned 29,884.95 General Journal 01/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 78.96 29,963.91 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$3.16 INT... Interest Earned 29,963.91 General Journal 02/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 57.09 30,021.00 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$2.89 INT... Interest Earned 30,021.00 General Journal 03/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 60.13 30,081.13 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$3.22 INT... Interest Earned 30,081.13 General Journal 04/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 54.90 30,136.03 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$3.14 INT... Interest Earned 30,136.03 General Journal 05/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -15,611.58 14,524.45 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$3.14 INT... Interest Earned 14,524.45 General Journal 06/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 59.66 14,584.11 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$1.50 INT... Interest Earned 14,584.11 General Journal 07/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -15,613.04 -1,028.93 General Journal 07/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,028.93 0.00 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$1.43 INT... Interest Earned 0.00 General Journal 09/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 14,529.46 14,529.46 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$.04 INT$... Interest Earned 14,529.46 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$1.27 INT... Interest Earned 14,529.46 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -14,529.46 0.00 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$.95 INT$... Interest Earned 0.00 General Journal 12/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 37,899.69 37,899.69 Total 685311060-SD#311 DEBT SERVICE 8,014.74 37,899.69 675001066-PROJECT FUND 2018 31,844,153.87 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 31,844,153.87 General Journal 01/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 61,000.77 31,905,154.64 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 31,905,154.64 General Journal 02/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 65,441.74 31,970,596.38 General Journal 02/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,532,065.28 30,438,531.10 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 30,438,531.10 General Journal 03/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 67,447.62 30,505,978.72 General Journal 03/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,108,515.12 29,397,463.60 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 29,397,463.60 General Journal 04/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 61,442.88 29,458,906.48 General Journal 04/26/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -2,009,006.40 27,449,900.08 General Journal 05/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 65,063.82 27,514,963.90 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 27,514,963.90 General Journal 05/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -49,239.55 27,465,724.35 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 27,465,724.35 General Journal 06/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -5,374,475.58 22,091,248.77 General Journal 06/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 60,702.19 22,151,950.96 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 22,151,950.96 General Journal 07/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 58,254.11 22,210,205.07 General Journal 07/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -236,671.37 21,973,533.70 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 21,973,533.70 General Journal 08/08/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,049,960.42 23,023,494.12 General Journal 08/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -4,470,942.77 18,552,551.35 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 18,552,551.35 General Journal 09/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 46,654.25 18,599,205.60 General Journal 09/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -118,159.44 18,481,046.16 General Journal 09/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,889,905.39 14,591,140.77 Pave 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31, 2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 14,591,140.77 General Journal 10108/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 39,481.65 14,630,622.42 General Journal 10115/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -401,843.66 14,228,778.76 General Journal 10/16/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,177,290.40 11,051,488.36 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 11,051,488.36 General Journal 11/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 29,145.76 11,080,634.12 General Journal 11/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,434,739.39 7,645,894.73 General Journal 11/21/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -484,231.33 7,161,663.40 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -676,130.15 6,485,533.25 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 6,485,533.25 General Journal 12/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 22,233.71 6,507,766.96 General Journal 12/18/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -197,860.01 6,309,906.95 General Journal 12/19/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw! -2,524,324.63 3,785,582.32 Total 675001066-PROJECT FUND 2018 -28,058,571.55 3,785,582.32 103-RURAL CO SALES&USE TAX 604,481.63 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Eamed 604,481.63 General Journal 01/10/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 64,812.76 669,294.39 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 669,294.39 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 669,294.39 General Journal 03/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 129,567.92 798,862.31 General Journal 03/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw[ -118,004.00 680,858.31 General Journal 04/04/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 57,096.21 737,954.52 General Journal 04105/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 737,954.52 General Journal 04/25/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -15,560.95 722,393.57 General Journal 05/09/2019 5304 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 722,393.57 General Journal 05/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 53,592.69 775,986.26 General Journal 06/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 70,895.55 846,881.81 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 846,881.81 General Journal 06/24/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -450,533.91 396,347.90 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 396,347.90 General Journal 07/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 67,353.70 463,701.60 General Journal 07/25/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw[ -15,546.23 448,155.37 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$45.93 IN... Interest Earned 448,155.37 General Journal 08/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 70,730.13 518,885.50 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$47.78 IN... Interest Earned 518,885.50 General Journal 09/16/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 79,454.19 598,339.69 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 598,339.69 General Journal 10/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 75,197.02 673,536.71 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 673,536.71 General Journal 11/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 58,150.47 731,687.18 General Journal 11/19/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,078.00 729,609.18 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 729,609.18 General Journal 12/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -56,275.00 673,334.18 Total 103-RURAL CO SALES&USE TAX 68,852.55 673,334.18 104-AUDITOR'S O&M 148,438.41 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$14.96 IN... Interest Earned 148,438.41 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$15.72 IN... Interest Earned 148,438.41 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$14.31 IN... Interest Eamed 148,438.41 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$15.91 IN... Interest Earned 148,438.41 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$15.49 IN... Interest Earned 148,438.41 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$15.74 IN... Interest Earned 148,438.41 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$15.29 IN... Interest Earned 148,438.41 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$15.63 IN... Interest Earned 148,438.41 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$14.43 IN... Interest Earned 148,438.41 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$13.40 IN... Interest Earned 148,438.41 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$12.96 IN... Interest Earned 148,438.41 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$11.17 IN... Interest Earned 148,438.41 Total 104-AUDITOR'S 0&M 0.00 148,438.41 105-COUNTY ROAD 753,650.46 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 753,650.46 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 753,650.46 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 753,650.46 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 753,650.46 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 753,650.46 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 753,650.46 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 753,650.46 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 753,650.46 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 753,650.46 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 753,650.46 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 753,650.46 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 753,650.46 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31, 2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance Total 105-COUNTY ROAD 0.00 753,650.46 106-PATHS&TRAILS RESERVE 165,000.00 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$16.63 IN... Interest Earned 165,000.00 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$17.47 IN... Interest Earned 165,000.00 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$15.91 IN... Interest Earned 165,000.00 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$17.69 IN... Interest Earned 165,000.00 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$17.22 IN... Interest Earned 165,000.00 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$17.49 IN... Interest Earned 165,000.00 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$17.00 IN... Interest Earned 165,000.00 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$17.37 IN... Interest Earned 165,000.00 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$16.04 IN... Interest Earned 165,000.00 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$14.89 IN... Interest Earned 165,000.00 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$14.41 IN... Interest Earned 165,000.00 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$12.41 IN... Interest Earned 165,000.00 Total 106-PATHS&TRAILS RESERVE 0.00 165,000.00 109-ELECTION EQUIP HOLDING 145,000.00 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$14.61 IN... Interest Earned 145,000.00 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$15.35 IN... Interest Earned 145,000.00 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$13.98 IN... Interest Earned 145,000.00 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$15.54 IN... Interest Earned 145,000.00 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$15.13 IN... Interest Earned 145,000.00 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$15.37 IN... Interest Earned 145,000.00 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$14.94 IN... Interest Earned 145,000.00 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$15.26 IN... Interest Earned 145,000.00 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$14.09 IN... Interest Earned 145,000.00 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$13.09 IN... Interest Earned 145,000.00 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$12.66 IN... Interest Earned 145,000.00 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$10.91 IN... Interest Earned 145,000.00 Total 109-ELECTION EQUIP HOLDING 0.00 145,000.00 118-ABATEMENT REPAIR&DEMO 273,459.14 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$27.51 IN... Interest Earned 273,459.14 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$28.95 IN... Interest Earned 273,459.14 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$26.37 IN... Interest Earned 273,459.14 General Journal 03/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,330.46 274,789.60 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$29.39 IN... Interest Earned 274,789.60 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$28.68 IN... Interest Earned 274,789.60 General Journal 05/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 558.38 275,347.98 General Journal 06/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 544.93 275,892.91 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$29.17 IN... Interest Earned 275,892.91 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$28.41 IN... Interest Earned 275,892.91 General Journal 07/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENTACQUI... Inv Deposit 251.65 276,144.56 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$29.06 IN... Interest Earned 276,144.56 General Journal 08/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,089.53 277,234.09 General Journal 09/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw] -102.51 277,131.58 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$26.91 IN... Interest Earned 277,131.58 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$25.02 IN... Interest Earned 277,131.58 General Journal 10/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENTACQUI... Inv Deposit 552.03 277,683.61 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$24.23 IN... Interest Earned 277,683.61 General Journal 11/07/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -33.98 277,649.63 General Journal 11/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENTACQUI... Inv Deposit 460.41 278,110.04 General Journal 11/19/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -302.50 277,807.54 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$20.90 IN... Interest Earned 277,807.54 General Journal 12/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 397.05 278,204.59 Total 118-ABATEMENT REPAIR&DEMO 4,745.45 278,204.59 119-RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY 116,923.02 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$11.81 IN... Interest Earned 116,923.02 General Journal 02/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -75.70 116,847.32 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$12.38 IN... Interest Earned 116,847.32 General Journal 02/21/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -19,501.13 97,346.19 General Journal 02/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -18.58 97,327.61 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$10.73 IN... Interest Earned 97,327.61 General Journal 03/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -118.11 97,209.50 General Journal 03/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -16,301.31 80,908.19 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$9.75 INT... Interest Earned 80,908.19 General Journal 04/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -32,403.37 48,504.82 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$6.19 INT... Interest Earned 48,504.82 General Journal 05/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -46,962.88 1,541.94 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$2.41 INT... Interest Earned 1,541.94 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$.16 INT$... Interest Earned 1,541.94 General Journal 07/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 91,148.04 92,689.98 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$6.35 INT... Interest Earned 92,689.98 General Journal 08/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 121.60 92,811.58 Page 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31,2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 09/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -91.48 92,720.10 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$9.02 INT... Interest Earned 92,720.10 General Journal 10104/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$8.37 INT... Interest Earned 92,720.10 General Journal 10/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -109.43 92,610.67 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$8.09 INT... Interest Earned 92,610.67 General Journal 11/07/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -21,959.21 70,651.46 General Journal 11/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 153.67 70,805.13 General Journal 11/19/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -322.00 70,483.13 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,342.57 68,140.56 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$5.62 INT... Interest Earned 68,140.56 General Journal 12112/2019 WIRE INVESTMENTACQUI... Inv Deposit 106.75 68,247.31 General Journal 12/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw] -68,247.31 0.00 Tota]119-RESERVE FOR TECHNOLOGY -116,923.02 0.00 120-REET&PROPERTY TAX ADMIN 71,932.50 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$7.41 INT... Interest Earned 71,932.50 General Journal 01/10/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,360.09 73,292.59 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$7.72 INT... Interest Earned 73,292.59 General Journal 02/21/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -8,690.87 64,601.72 General Journal 03/08/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -241.04 64,360.68 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$6.83 INT... Interest Earned 64,360.68 General Journal 03/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 372.23 64,732.91 General Journal 04/04/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,238.15 65,971.06 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$6.93 INT... Interest Earned 65,971.06 General Journal 05109/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$6.87 INT... Interest Earned 65,971.06 General Journal 05115/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,935.36 67,906.42 General Journal 06/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,987.84 69,894.26 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$7.11 INT... Interest Earned 69,894.26 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$7.17 INT... Interest Earned 69,894.26 General Journal 07/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 974.67 70,868.93 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$7.42 INT... Interest Earned 70,868.93 General Journal 08/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,152.74 73,021.67 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$7.02 INT... Interest Earned 73,021.67 General Journal 09/16/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,270.33 75,292.00 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$6.69 INT... Interest Earned 75,292.00 General Journal 10109/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,064.96 76,356.96 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$6.64 INT... Interest Earned 76,356.96 General Journal 11/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,000.00 78,356.96 General Journal 11/19/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,235.25 77,121.71 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$5.79 INT... Interest Earned 77,121.71 General Journal 12/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,993.18 79,114.89 General Journal 12/26/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -7,164.64 71,950.25 Total 120-REET&PROPERTY TAX ADMIN 17.75 71,950.25 140-SHERIFF SPECIAL FUNDS 207,000.00 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$20.86 IN... Interest Earned 207,000.00 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$21.92 IN... Interest Earned 207,000.00 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$19.96 IN... Interest Earned 207,000.00 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$22.19 IN... Interest Earned 207,000.00 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$21.61 IN... Interest Earned 207,000.00 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$21.95 IN... Interest Earned 207,000.00 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$21.32 IN... Interest Earned 207,000.00 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$21.79 IN... Interest Earned 207,000.00 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$20.12 IN... Interest Earned 207,000.00 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$18.68 IN... Interest Earned 207,000.00 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$18.07 IN... Interest Earned 207,000.00 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$15.57 IN... Interest Earned 207,000.00 Total 140-SHERIFF SPECIAL FUNDS 0.00 207,000.00 163-LODGING HOTEL/MOTEL TAX 125,000.00 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$12.60 IN... Interest Earned 125,000.00 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$13.23 IN... Interest Earned 125,000.00 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$12.05 IN... Interest Earned 125,000.00 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$13.40 IN... Interest Earned 125,000.00 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$13.05 IN... Interest Earned 125,000.00 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$13.25 IN... Interest Earned 125,000.00 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$12.88 IN... Interest Earned 125,000.00 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$13.16 IN... Interest Earned 125,000.00 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$12.15 IN... Interest Earned 125,000.00 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$11.28 IN... Interest Earned 125,000.00 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$10.91 IN... Interest Earned 125,000.00 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$9.40 INT... Interest Earned 125,000.00 Total 163-LODGING HOTEL/MOTEL TAX 0.00 125,000.00 164-MENTAL HEALTH 1,225,828.72 "9FT- '7 A 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01121/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31, 2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,225,828.72 General Journal 01/10/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 50,000.00 1,275,828.72 General Journal 01/17/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -777.15 1,275,051.57 General Journal 01/23/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,509.16 1,271,542.41 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,271,542.41 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,271,542.41 General Journal 03/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 100,000.00 1,371,542.41 General Journal 03/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -17,598.58 1,353,943.83 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,353,943.83 General Journal 04/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 35,000.00 1,388,943.83 General Journal 04/25/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -24,406.44 1,364,537.39 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,364,537.39 General Journal 05/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -24,496.15 1,340,041.24 General Journal 05/22/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -26,959.62 1,313,081.62 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,313,081.62 General Journal 06/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 60,000.00 1,373,081.62 General Journal 06/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,335.40 1,371,746.22 General Journal 06/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -9,872.35 1,361,873.87 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,361,873.87 General Journal 07117/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,279.13 1,358,594.74 General Journal 07/23/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -20,547.47 1,338,047.27 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,338,047.27 General Journal 08/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 84,000.00 1,422,047.27 General Journal 08/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -98,346.20 1,323,701.07 General Journal 08/22/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,500.00 1,320,201.07 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,320,201.07 General Journal 09/16/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 85,704.69 1,405,905.76 General Journal 09/17/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -13,935.28 1,391,970.48 General Journal 09/23/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,688.33 1,390,282.15 General Journal 09126/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -8,017.88 1,382,264.27 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,382,264.27 General Journal 10/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 60,000.00 1,442,264.27 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,442,264.27 General Journal 11/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 65,000.00 1,507,264.27 General Journal 11/19/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -127,406.02 1,379,858.25 General Journal 11127/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -9,224.38 1,370,633.87 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,370,633.87 General Journal 12/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -34,956.00 1,335,677.87 General Journal 12/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -78,525.00 1,257,152.87 General Journal 12/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -146,956.09 1,110,196.78 General Journal 12/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -13,376.11 1,096,820.67 Total 164-MENTAL HEALTH -129,008.05 1,096,820.67 180-TREASURER'S M&O 45,281.45 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$4.34 INT... Interest Earned 45,281.45 General Journal 01/10/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 9,000.00 54,281.45 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$5.47 INT... Interest Earned 54,281.45 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$5.23 INT... Interest Earned 54,281.45 General Journal 03/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 50,000.00 104,281.45 General Journal 03/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -5,580.94 98,700.51 General Journal 04/04/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 55,352.88 154,053.39 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$8.53 INT... Interest Earned 154,053.39 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$15.50 IN... Interest Earned 154,053.39 General Journal 05/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 14,000.00 168,053.39 General Journal 06/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,027.71 167,025.68 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$17.15 IN... Interest Earned 167,025.68 General Journal 06/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -610.86 166,414.82 General Journal 06/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,980.00 164,434.82 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$17.11 IN... Interest Earned 164,434.82 General Journal 07/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw[ -2,378.23 162,056.59 General Journal 07112/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,500.00 158,556.59 General Journal 08107/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$16.90 IN... Interest Earned 158,556.59 General Journal 08/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 3,000.00 161,556.59 General Journal 08/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -79,882.00 81,674.59 General Journal 09/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -4,800.00 76,874.59 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$14.59 IN... Interest Earned 76,874.59 General Journal 09/26/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -701.60 76,172.99 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$7.00 INT... Interest Earned 76,172.99 General Journal 10/23/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,500.00 74,672.99 General Journal 10/24/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,000.00 71,672.99 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$6.55 INT... Interest Earned 71,672.99 General Journal 11/07/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -725.00 70,947.99 General Journal 11/21/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,814.00 68,133.99 General Journal 12/05/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -596.95 67,537.04 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$5.28 INT... Interest Earned 67,537.04 General Journal 12/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -8,000.00 59,537.04 p�.1�r 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31, 2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 12/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 3,000.00 62,537.04 Total 180-TREASURER'S M&O 17,255.59 62,537.04 190-VETERANS ASSISTANCE FUND 66,175.19 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$7.49 INT... Interest Earned 66,175.19 General Journal 01/10/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 95.55 66,270.74 General Journal 01/17/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -33.57 66,237.17 General Journal 01/24/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -10,357.35 55,879.82 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE 6.73 INT$... Interest Earned 55,879.82 General Journal 02/21/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -7,105.12 48,774.70 General Journal 02/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,753.36 45,021.34 General Journal 03/08/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,032.69 43,988.65 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$5.17 INT... Interest Earned 43,988.65 General Journal 03/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,400.00 45,388.65 General Journal 03/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -4,382.29 41,006.36 General Journal 04/04/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,572.80 38,433.56 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$4.64 INT... Interest Earned 38,433.56 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$4.04 INT... Interest Earned 38,433.56 General Journal 05/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 23,712.10 62,145.66 General Journal 06/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,448.99 64,594.65 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$5.45 INT... Interest Earned 64,594.65 General Journal 06/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -6,712.80 57,881.85 General Journal 06/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,287.00 54,594.85 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$6.49 INT... Interest Earned 54,594.85 General Journal 07/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrew/ -6,144.92 48,449.93 General Journal 07/17/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,332.75 46,117.18 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$5.21 INT... Interest Earned 46,117.18 General Journal 08/08/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl 4,736.76 41,380.42 General Journal 08/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 180.99 41,561.41 General Journal 09/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -3,223.17 38,338.24 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$4.14 INT... Interest Earned 38,338.24 General Journal 09/16/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 14.67 38,352.91 General Journal 09/26/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl 4,561.92 33,790.99 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$3.44 INT... Interest Earned 33,790.99 General Journal 10/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -7,581.86 26,209.13 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$2.46 INT... Interest Earned 26,209.13 General Journal 11/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 28,000.00 54,209.13 General Journal 11/19/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -3,389.75 50,819.38 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$3.06 INT... Interest Earned 50,819.38 General Journal 12/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw/ -3,059.00 47,760.38 General Journal 12/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl 4,549.00 43,211.38 Total 190-VETERANS ASSISTANCE FUND -22,963.81 43,211.38 192-SKOKOMISH FLOOD ZONE 31,039.07 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$3.13 INT... Interest Earned 31,039.07 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$3.29 INT... Interest Earned 31,039.07 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$2.99 INT... Interest Earned 31,039.07 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$3.33 INT... Interest Earned 31,039.07 General Journal 04/25/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -4,423.49 26,615.58 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$3.15 INT... Interest Earned 26,615.58 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$2.82 INT... Interest Earned 26,615.58 General Journal 06/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -985.52 25,630.06 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$2.73 INT... Interest Earned 25,630.06 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$2.70 INT... Interest Earned 25,630.06 General Journal 08/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -10,000.00 15,630.06 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$2.37 INT... Interest Earned 15,630.06 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$1.41 INT... Interest Earned 15,630.06 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$1.36 INT... Interest Earned 15,630.06 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$1.18 INT... Interest Earned 15,630.06 Total 192-SKOKOMISH FLOOD ZONE -15,409.01 15,630.06 194-MASON LAKE LMD#2 138,799.17 General Journal 01/04/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -904.93 137,894.24 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$13.86 IN... Interest Earned 137,894.24 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$14.61 IN... Interest Earned 137,894.24 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$13.30 IN... Interest Earned 137,894.24 General Journal 03/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,967.80 139,862.04 General Journal 04/04/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,332.05 141,194.09 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$14.90 IN... Interest Earned 141,194.09 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$14.72 IN... Interest Earned 141,194.09 General Journal 05/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 13,571.19 154,765.28 General Journal 06/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,379.30 156,144.58 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$15.76 IN... Interest Earned 156,144.58 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$16.06 IN... Interest Earned 156,144.58 General Journal 07/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 128.14 156,272.72 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$16.45 IN... Interest Earned 156,272.72 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31, 2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 08/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 810.33 157,083.05 General Journal 08/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -10,500.00 146,583.05 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$15.11 IN... Interest Earned 146,583.05 General Journal 09/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -12,400.00 134,183.05 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$12.52 IN... Interest Earned 134,183.05 General Journal 10/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw! -32,946.13 101,236.92 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE 9.58 INT$... Interest Earned 101,236.92 General Journal 11/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 14,500.00 115,736.92 General Journal 11/19/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -376.50 115,360.42 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$8.22 INT... Interest Earned 115,360.42 General Journal 12/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,376.00 111,984.42 Total 194-MASON LAKE LMD#2 -26,814.75 111,984.42 199-ISLAND LAKE LMD#1 19,285.11 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$1.94 INT... Interest Earned 19,285.11 General Journal 01/10/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 428.37 19,713.48 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$2.07 INT... Interest Earned 19,713.48 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$1.90 INT... Interest Earned 19,713.48 General Journal 03/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 741.71 20,455.19 General Journal 04/04/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 413.45 20,868.64 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$2.16 INT... Interest Earned 20,868.64 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$2.17 INT... Interest Earned 20,868.64 General Journal 05/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 3,912.75 24,781.39 General Journal 06/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 389.75 25,171.14 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$2.44 INT... Interest Earned 25,171.14 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$2.59 INT... Interest Earned 25,171.14 General Journal 07/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 153.35 25,324.49 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$2.66 INT... Interest Earned 25,324.49 General Journal 08/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 216.46 25,540.95 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$2.47 INT... Interest Earned 25,540.95 General Journal 09/16/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 249.60 25,790.55 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$2.32 INT... Interest Earned 25,790.55 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$2.25 INT... Interest Earned 25,790.55 General Journal 11/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 3,870.00 29,660.55 General Journal 11/19/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -109.75 29,550.80 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$2.10 INT... Interest Earned 29,550.80 General Journal 12/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 99.20 29,650.00 Total 199-ISLAND LAKE LMD#1 10,364.89 29,650.00 215-MC LTGO BONDS 2013 A/B 82,426.19 General Journal 01108/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$6.79 INT... Interest Earned 82,426.19 General Journal 01/10/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 443,663.98 526,090.17 General Journal 01/17/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -443,663.98 82,426.19 General Journal 01/23/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -470.94 81,955.25 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$19.32 IN... Interest Earned 81,955.25 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$7.90 INT... Interest Earned 81,955.25 General Journal 03/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 99,519.07 181,474.32 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$14.63 IN... Interest Earned 181,474.32 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$18.94 IN... Interest Earned 181,474.32 General Journal 05/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw] -33,522.93 147,951.39 General Journal 06/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 21,400.00 169,351.39 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$17.29 IN... Interest Earned 169,351.39 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$17.08 IN... Interest Earned 169,351.39 General Journal 07/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 332.32 169,683.71 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$17.85 IN... Interest Earned 169,683.71 General Journal 08/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 663.60 170,347.31 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$16.53 IN... Interest Earned 170,347.31 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$15.38 IN... Interest Earned 170,347.31 General Journal 10/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 306.27 170,653.58 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$14.89 IN... Interest Earned 170,653.58 General Journal 11/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 21,394.13 192,047.71 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -108,800.93 83,246.78 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$12.66 IN... Interest Earned 83,246.78 General Journal 12/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 240.51 83,487.29 Total 215-MC LTGO BONDS 2013 A/B 1,061.10 83,487.29 250-MASON CO LTGO BOND 2008 5,935.28 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$.54 INT$... Interest Earned 5,935.28 General Journal 01/10/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 50,294.37 56,229.65 General Journal 01/17/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -50,294.37 5,935.28 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$1.83 INT... Interest Earned 5,935.28 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$.57 INT$... Interest Earned 5,935.28 General Journal 03/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 274,317.27 280,252.55 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$16.76 IN... Interest Earned 280,252.55 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$29.25 IN... Interest Earned 280,252.55 General Journal 05/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw! -38,405.94 241,846.61 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31, 2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 06/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 555.00 242,401.61 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$27.48 IN... Interest Earned 242,401.61 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$24.96 IN... Interest Earned 242,401.61 General Journal 07/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 522.87 242,924.48 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$25.55 IN... Interest Earned 242,924.48 General Journal 08/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 959.73 243,884.21 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$23.67 IN... Interest Earned 243,884.21 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$22.01 IN... Interest Earned 243,884.21 General Journal 10/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 567.97 244,452.18 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$21.33 IN... Interest Earned 244,452.18 General Journal 11/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 405.27 244,857.45 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -233,724.38 11,133.07 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$16.06 IN... Interest Earned 11,133.07 General Journal 12/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 305.18 11,438.25 Total 250-MASON CO LTGO BOND 2008 5,502.97 11,438.25 350-CAP IMPROVEMENTS REET 1 1,334,984.90 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,334,984.90 General Journal 01/17/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 443,663.98 1,778,648.88 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,778,648.88 General Journal 02/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -221,842.64 1,556,806.24 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,556,806.24 General Journal 03/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 47,167.58 1,603,973.82 General Journal 03/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -11,765.00 1,592,208.82 General Journal 03/22/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -37,923.97 1,554,284.85 General Journal 04/04/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 70,000.00 1,624,284.85 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,624,284.85 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,624,284.85 General Journal 05/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 81,859.24 1,706,144.09 General Journal 06/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 58,273.00 1,764,417.09 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,764,417.09 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,764,417.09 General Journal 07/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 101,182.72 1,865,599.81 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,865,599.81 General Journal 08/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 121,183.32 1,986,783.13 General Journal 08/16/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -32,034.60 1,954,748.53 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,954,748.53 General Journal 09/16/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 80,165.97 2,034,914.50 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,034,914.50 General Journal 10/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 30,000.00 2,064,914.50 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,064,914.50 General Journal 11/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 59,500.00 2,124,414.50 General Journal 11/19/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,139.00 2,122,275.50 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,122,275.50 General Journal 12/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 9,000.00 2,131,275.50 Total 350-CAP IMPROVEMENTS REET 1 796,290.60 2,131,275.50 351-CAP IMPROVEMENTS REET 2 2,350,196.27 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,350,196.27 General Journal 01/17/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 50,294.37 2,400,490.64 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,400,490.64 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,400,490.64 General Journal 03/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -250,441.25 2,150,049.39 General Journal 03/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -169,762.37 1,980,287.02 General Journal 04/04/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 15,000.00 1,995,287.02 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,995,287.02 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,995,287.02 General Journal 05/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 130,583.01 2,125,870.03 General Journal 06/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 378,107.02 2,503,977.05 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,503,977.05 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,503,977.05 General Journal 07/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 140,127.75 2,644,104.80 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,644,104.80 General Journal 08/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 139,960.04 2,784,064.84 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,784,064.84 General Journal 09/16/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 111,530.76 2,895,595.60 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,895,595.60 General Journal 10/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 113,000.00 3,008,595.60 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 3,008,595.60 General Journal 11/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 90,100.00 3,098,695.60 General Journal 11/18/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -400,000.00 2,698,695.60 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,698,695.60 General Journal 12/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 58,000.00 2,756,695.60 Total 351-CAP IMPROVEMENTS REET 2 406,499.33 2,756,695.60 402-MASON COUNTY LANDFILL 275,936.14 r Pa$e•6- r 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21120 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31, 2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$36.91 IN... Interest Earned 275,936.14 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$29.21 IN... Interest Earned 275,936.14 General Journal 03/01/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -100,000.00 175,936.14 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$26.61 IN... Interest Earned 175,936.14 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$18.86 IN... Interest Earned 175,936.14 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$18.36 IN... Interest Earned 175,936.14 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$18.65 IN... Interest Earned 175,936.14 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$18.12 IN... Interest Earned 175,936.14 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$18.52 IN... Interest Earned 175,936.14 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$17.10 IN... Interest Earned 175,936.14 General Journal 09/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl_ -31,420.92 144,515.22 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$14.08 IN... Interest Earned 144,515.22 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$12.62 IN... Interest Earned 144,515.22 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$10.87 IN... Interest Earned 144,515.22 Total 402-MASON COUNTY LANDFILL -131,420.92 144,515.22 403-WASTEWATER N BAY/CASE INL 580,881.83 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 580,881.83 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 580,881.83 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 580,881.83 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 580,881.83 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 580,881.83 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 580,881.83 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 580,881.83 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 580,881.83 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 580,881.83 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 580,881.83 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 580,881.83 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$43.70 IN... Interest Earned 580,881.83 Total 403-WASTEWATER N BAY/CASE INL 0.00 580,881.83 404-NBCI SEWER UTILITY RESV 598.36 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$0.06 INT... Interest Earned 598.36 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$.06 INT$... Interest Earned 598.36 General Journal 03/08/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -53.18 545.18 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$.06 INT$... Interest Earned 545.18 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$.06 INT$... Interest Earned 545.18 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$.06 INT$... Interest Earned 545.18 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$0.06 INT... Interest Earned 545.18 General Journal 06/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -185.35 359.83 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$.05 INT$... Interest Earned 359.83 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$0.04 INT... Interest Earned 359.83 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$.04 INT$... Interest Earned 359.83 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$.03 INT$... Interest Earned 359.83 General Journal 10/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -186.72 173.11 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$.02 INT$... Interest Earned 173.11 General Journal 11/19/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -173.11 0.00 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$.01 INT$... Interest Earned 0.00 Total 404-NBCI SEWER UTILITY RESV -598.36 0.00 411-RUSTLEWOOD SEWERIWATER 212,144.13 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$21.38 IN... Interest Earned 212,144.13 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$22.46 IN... Interest Earned 212,144.13 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$20.46 IN... Interest Earned 212,144.13 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$22.74 IN... Interest Earned 212,144.13 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$22.14 IN... Interest Earned 212,144.13 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$22.49 IN... Interest Earned 212,144.13 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$21.85 IN... Interest Earned 212,144.13 General Journal 07/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -100,000.00 112,144.13 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$15.20 IN... Interest Earned 112,144.13 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$10.90 IN... Interest Earned 112,144.13 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$10.12 IN... Interest Earned 112,144.13 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$9.79 INT... Interest Earned 112,144.13 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$8.44 INT... Interest Earned 112,144.13 Total 411-RUSTLEWOOD SEWER/WATER -100,000.00 112,144.13 412-BEARDS COVE WATER 257,871.10 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$25.99 IN... Interest Earned 257,871.10 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$27.30 IN... Interest Earned 257,871.10 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$24.87 IN... Interest Earned 257,871.10 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$27.64 IN... Interest Earned 257,871.10 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$26.91 IN... Interest Earned 257,871.10 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$27.34 IN... Interest Earned 257,871.10 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$26.56 IN... Interest Earned 257,871.10 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$27.15 IN... Interest Earned 257,871.10 pagov �r 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01121/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31, 2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$25.07 IN... Interest Earned 257,871.10 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$23.28 IN... Interest Earned 257,871.10 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$22.51 IN... Interest Earned 257,871.10 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$19.40 IN... Interest Earned 257,871.10 Total 412-BEARDS COVE WATER 0.00 257,871.10 413-BELFAIR WW&WTR RECLAMTN 252.94 General Journal 01108/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$.03 INT$... Interest Earned 252.94 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$.03 INT$... Interest Earned 252.94 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$.02 INT$... Interest Earned 252.94 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$.03 INT$... Interest Earned 252.94 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$.03 INT$... Interest Earned 252.94 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$.03 INT$... Interest Earned 252.94 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$.03 INT$... Interest Earned 252.94 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$.03 INT$... Interest Earned 252.94 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$.02 INT$... Interest Earned 252.94 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$.02 INT$... Interest Earned 252.94 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$.02 INT$... Interest Earned 252.94 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$.02 INT$... Interest Earned 252.94 Total 413-BELFAIR WW&WTR RECLAMTN 0.00 252.94 428-CUM RESERVE LANDFILL 455,861.95 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$45.94 IN... Interest Earned 455,861.95 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$48.26 IN... Interest Earned 455,861.95 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$43.96 IN... Interest Earned 455,861.95 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$48.86 IN... Interest Earned 455,861.95 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$47.58 IN... Interest Earned 455,861.95 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$48.33 IN... Interest Earned 455,861.95 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$46.96 IN... Interest Earned 455,861.95 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$47.99 IN... Interest Earned 455,861.95 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$44.31 IN... Interest Earned 455,861.95 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$41.15 IN... Interest Earned 455,861.95 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$39.80 IN... Interest Earned 455,861.95 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$34.29 IN... Interest Earned 455,861.95 Total 428-CUM RESERVE LANDFILL 0.00 455,861.95 429-RESERVE BEARDS COVE 185,919.41 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$27.17 IN... Interest Earned 185,919.41 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$19.68 IN... Interest Earned 185,919.41 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$17.93 IN... Interest Earned 185,919.41 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$19.93 IN... Interest Earned 185,919.41 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$19.41 IN... Interest Earned 185,919.41 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$19.71 IN... Interest Earned 185,919.41 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$19.15 IN... Interest Earned 185,919.41 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$19.57 IN... Interest Earned 185,919.41 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$18.07 IN... Interest Earned 185,919.41 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$16.78 IN... Interest Earned 185,919.41 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$16.23 IN... Interest Earned 185,919.41 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$13.99 IN... Interest Earned 185,919.41 Total 429-RESERVE BEARDS COVE 0.00 185,919.41 501-EQUIP RENTAL&REVOLVING 732,752.31 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 732,752.31 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 732,752.31 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 732,752.31 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 732,752.31 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 732,752.31 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 732,752.31 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 732,752.31 General Journal 08107/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 732,752.31 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 732,752.31 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 732,752.31 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 732,752.31 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 732,752.31 Total 501-EQUIP RENTAL&REVOLVING 0.00 732,752.31 662-CEMETERY DIST#1 42,000.00 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$4.23 INT... Interest Earned 42,000.00 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$4.45 INT... Interest Earned 42,000.00 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$4.05 INT... Interest Earned 42,000.00 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$4.50 INV... Interest Earned 42,000.00 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$4.38 INT... Interest Earned 42,000.00 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$4.45 INT... Interest Earned 42,000.00 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$4.33 INT... Interest Earned 42,000.00 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$4.42 INT... Interest Earned 42,000.00 a-je-"- �1 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31, 2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$4.08 INT... Interest Earned 42,000.00 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$3.79 INT... Interest Earned 42,000.00 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$3.67 INT... Interest Earned 42,000.00 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$3.16 INT... Interest Earned 42,000.00 Total 662-CEMETERY DIST#1 0.00 42,000.00 665001010-FIRE DIST#1 EXP 100,000.00 General Journal 01108/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$10.08 IN... Interest Earned 100,000.00 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$10.59 IN... Interest Earned 100,000.00 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$9.64$18... Interest Earned 100,000.00 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$10.72 IN... Interest Earned 100,000.00 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$10.44 IN... Interest Earned 100,000.00 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$10.60 IN... Interest Earned 100,000.00 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$10.30 IN... Interest Earned 100,000.00 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$10.53 IN... Interest Earned 100,000.00 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$9.72 INT... Interest Earned 100,000.00 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$9.03 INT... Interest Earned 100,000.00 General Journal 10/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -5,000.00 95,000.00 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$8.41 INT... Interest Earned 95,000.00 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$7.15 INT... Interest Earned 95,000.00 Total 665001010-FIRE DIST#1 EXP -5,000.00 95,000.00 665001020-FIRE DIST#1 RESV 137,267.47 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$13.83 IN... Interest Earned 137,267.47 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$14.53 IN... Interest Earned 137,267.47 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$13.24 IN... Interest Earned 137,267.47 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$14.71 IN... Interest Earned 137,267.47 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$14.33 IN... Interest Earned 137,267.47 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$14.55 IN... Interest Earned 137,267.47 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$14.14 IN... Interest Earned 137,267.47 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$14.45 IN... Interest Earned 137,267.47 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$13.34 IN... Interest Earned 137,267.47 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$12.39 IN... Interest Earned 137,267.47 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$11.98 IN... Interest Earned 137,267.47 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$10.33 IN... Interest Earned 137,267.47 Total 665001020-FIRE DIST#1 RESV 0.00 137,267.47 665001040-FIRE DIST#1 EMS 63,592.51 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$6.41 INT... Interest Earned 63,592.51 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$6.73 INT... Interest Earned 63,592.51 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$6.13 INT... Interest Earned 63,592.51 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$6.82 INT... Interest Earned 63,592.51 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$6.64 INT... Interest Earned 63,592.51 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$6.74 INT... Interest Earned 63,592.51 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$6.55 INT... Interest Earned 63,592.51 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$6.69 INT... Interest Earned 63,592.51 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$6.18 INT... Interest Earned 63,592.51 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$5.74 INT... Interest Earned 63,592.51 General Journal 11/06/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$5.55 INT... Interest Earned 63,592.51 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$4.78 INT... Interest Earned 63,592.51 Total 665001040-FIRE DIST#1 EMS 0.00 63,592.51 665001060-FIRE DIST#1 BOND 23.43 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$0 INT$.05 Interest Earned 23.43 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$0 INT$.05 Interest Earned 23.43 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$0 INT$.05 Interest Earned 23.43 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$0 INT$.05 Interest Earned 23.43 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$0 INT$.05 Interest Earned 23.43 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$0 INT$.05 Interest Earned 23.43 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$0 INT$.05 Interest Earned 23.43 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$0 INT$.05 Interest Earned 23.43 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$0 INT$.05 Interest Earned 23.43 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$0 INT$.04 Interest Earned 23.43 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$0 INT$.04 Interest Earned 23.43 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$0 INT$.04 Interest Earned 23.43 Total 665001060-FIRE DIST#1 BOND 0.00 23.43 665003010-FIRE DIST#3 EXP 6,526.48 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$.66 INT$... Interest Earned 6,526.48 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$.69 INT$... Interest Earned 6,526.48 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$.63 INT$... Interest Earned 6,526.48 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$.70 INT$... Interest Earned 6,526.48 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$.68 INT$... Interest Earned 6,526.48 General Journal 06106/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$.69 INT$... Interest Earned 6,526.48 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$.67 INT$... Interest Earned 6,526.48 �r 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31, 2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$.69 INT$... Interest Earned 6,526.48 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$.63 INT$... Interest Earned 6,526.48 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$.59 INT$... Interest Earned 6,526.48 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$.57 INT$... Interest Earned 6,526.48 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$.49 INT$... Interest Earned 6,526.48 Total 665003010-FIRE DIST#3 EXP 0.00 6,526.48 665003020-FIRE DIST#3 RESV 17,222.90 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$1.74 INT... Interest Earned 17,222.90 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$1.82 INT... Interest Earned 17,222.90 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$1.66 INT... Interest Earned 17,222.90 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FE$1.85 INT$... Interest Earned 17,222.90 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$1.80 INT... Interest Earned 17,222.90 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$1.83 INT... Interest Earned 17,222.90 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$1.77 INT... Interest Earned 17,222.90 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$1.81 INT... Interest Earned 17,222.90 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$1.67 INT... Interest Earned 17,222.90 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$1.55 INT... Interest Earned 17,222.90 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$1.50 INT... Interest Earned 17,222.90 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$1.30 INT... Interest Earned 17,222.90 Total 665003020-FIRE DIST#3 RESV 0.00 17,222.90 665003040-FIRE DIST#3 EMS 13,787.92 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$1.39 INT... Interest Earned 13,787.92 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$1.46 INT... Interest Earned 13,787.92 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$1.33 INT... Interest Earned 13,787.92 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$1.48 INT... Interest Earned 13,787.92 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$1.44 INT... Interest Earned 13,787.92 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$1.46 INT... Interest Earned 13,787.92 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$1.42 INT... Interest Earned 13,787.92 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$1.45 INT... Interest Earned 13,787.92 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$1.34 INT... Interest Earned 13,787.92 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$1.24 INT... Interest Earned 13,787.92 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$1.20 INT... Interest Earned 13,787.92 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$1.04 INT... Interest Earned 13,787.92 Total 665003040-FIRE DIST#3 EMS 0.00 13,787.92 665004020-FIRE DIST#4 RESV 231,461.92 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$23.33 IN... Interest Earned 231,461.92 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$24.51 IN... Interest Earned 231,461.92 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$22.32 IN... Interest Earned 231,461.92 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$24.81 IN... Interest Earned 231,461.92 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$24.16 IN... Interest Earned 231,461.92 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$24.54 IN... Interest Earned 231,461.92 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$23.84 IN... Interest Earned 231,461.92 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$24.37 IN... Interest Earned 231,461.92 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$22.50 IN... Interest Earned 231,461.92 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$20.89 IN... Interest Earned 231,461.92 General Journal 10/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -160,000.00 71,461.92 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$10.75 IN... Interest Earned 71,461.92 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$5.38 INT... Interest Earned 71,461.92 Total 665004020-FIRE DIST#4 RESV -160,000.00 71,461.92 665006020-FIRE DIST#6 RESV 125,419.63 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$12.64 IN... Interest Earned 125,419.63 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$13.28 IN... Interest Earned 125,419.63 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$12.09 IN... Interest Earned 125,419.63 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$13.44 IN... Interest Earned 125,419.63 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$13.09 IN... Interest Earned 125,419.63 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$13.30 IN... Interest Earned 125,419.63 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$12.92 IN... Interest Earned 125,419.63 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$13.20 IN... Interest Earned 125,419.63 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$12.19 IN... Interest Earned 125,419.63 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$11.32 IN... Interest Earned 125,419.63 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$10.95 IN... Interest Earned 125,419.63 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$9.44 INT... Interest Earned 125,419.63 Total 665006020-FIRE DIST#6 RESV 0.00 125,419.63 665010010-FIRE DIST#10 EXP 3,000,000.00 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 3,000,000.00 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 3,000,000.00 General Journal 02/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw] -450,000.00 2,550,000.00 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,550,000.00 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,550,000.00 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,550,000.00 r�-- 1 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31, 2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 06106/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,550,000.00 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,550,000.00 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,550,000.00 General Journal 09/03/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 200,000.00 2,750,000.00 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,750,000.00 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,750,000.00 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,750,000.00 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,750,000.00 Total 665010010-FIRE DIST#10 EXP -250,000.00 2,750,000.00 665011010-FIRE DIST#11 EXP 227,610.75 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$22.94 IN... Interest Earned 227,610.75 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$24.10 IN... Interest Earned 227,610.75 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$21.95 IN... Interest Earned 227,610.75 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$24.40 IN... Interest Earned 227,610.75 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$23.76 IN... Interest Earned 227,610.75 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$24.13 IN... Interest Earned 227,610.75 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$23.45 IN... Interest Earned 227,610.75 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$23.96 IN... Interest Earned 227,610.75 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$22.12 IN... Interest Earned 227,610.75 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$20.54 IN... Interest Earned 227,610.75 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$19.87 IN... Interest Earned 227,610.75 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$17.12 IN... Interest Earned 227,610.75 General Journal 12/16/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 69,035.77 296,646.52 Total 665011010-FIRE DIST#11 EXP 69,035.77 296,646.52 665011040-FIRE DIST#11 EMS 259,610.83 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$26.16 IN... Interest Earned 259,610.83 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$27.49 IN... Interest Earned 259,610.83 General Journal 02/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -19,000.00 240,610.83 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$24.90 IN... Interest Earned 240,610.83 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$25.79 IN... Interest Earned 240,610.83 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$25.11 IN... Interest Earned 240,610.83 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$25.51 IN... Interest Earned 240,610.83 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$24.78 IN... Interest Earned 240,610.83 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$25.33 IN... Interest Earned 240,610.83 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$23.39 IN... Interest Earned 240,610.83 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$21.72 IN... Interest Earned 240,610.83 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$21.01 IN... Interest Earned 240,610.83 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$18.10 IN... Interest Earned 240,610.83 Total 665011040-FIRE DIST#11 EMS -19,000.00 240,610.83 665012010-FIRE DIST#12 EXP 3,000.00 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$.30 INT$... Interest Earned 3,000.00 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$.32 INT$... Interest Earned 3,000.00 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$.29 INT$... Interest Earned 3,000.00 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$.32 INT$... Interest Earned 3,000.00 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$.31 INT$... Interest Earned 3,000.00 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$.32 INT$... Interest Earned 3,000.00 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$.31 INT$... Interest Earned 3,000.00 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$.32 INT$... Interest Earned 3,000.00 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$.29 INT$... Interest Earned 3,000.00 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$.27 INT$... Interest Earned 3,000.00 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$.26 INT$... Interest Earned 3,000.00 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$.23 INT$... Interest Earned 3,000.00 Total 665012010-FIRE DIST#12 EXP 0.00 3,000.00 665012020-FIRE DIST#12 RESV 18,726.64 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$1.89 INT... Interest Earned 18,726.64 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$1.98 INT... Interest Earned 18,726.64 General Journal 03108/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$1.81 INT... Interest Earned 18,726.64 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$2.01 INT... Interest Earned 18,726.64 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$1.95 INT... Interest Earned 18,726.64 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$1.99 INT... Interest Earned 18,726.64 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$1.93 INT... Interest Earned 18,726.64 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$1.97 INT... Interest Earned 18,726.64 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$1.82 INT... Interest Earned 18,726.64 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$1.69 INT... Interest Earned 18,726.64 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$1.64 INT... Interest Earned 18,726.64 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$1.41 INT... Interest Earned 18,726.64 Total 665012020-FIRE DIST#12 RESV 0.00 18,726.64 665012040-FIRE DIST#12 EMS 9,765.38 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$.98 INT$... Interest Earned 9,765.38 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$1.03 INT... Interest Earned 9,765.38 �3 2 n1 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31,2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$.94 INT$... Interest Earned 9,765.38 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$1.05 INT... Interest Earned 9,765.38 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$1.02 INT... Interest Earned 9,765.38 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$1.04 INT... Interest Earned 9,765.38 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$1.01 INT... Interest Earned 9,765.38 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$1.03 INT... Interest Earned 9,765.38 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$.95 INT$... Interest Earned 9,765.38 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$.88 INT$... Interest Earned 9,765.38 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$.85 INT$... Interest Earned 9,765.38 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$.73 INT$... Interest Earned 9,765.38 Total 665012040-FIRE DIST#12 EMS 0.00 9,765.38 665012060-FIRE DIST#12 BOND 3,301.67 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$.33 INT$... Interest Earned 3,301.67 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$.35 INT$... Interest Earned 3,301.67 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$.32 INT$... Interest Earned 3,301.67 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$.35 INT$... Interest Earned 3,301.67 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$.34 INT$... Interest Earned 3,301.67 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$.35 INT$... Interest Earned 3,301.67 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$.34 INT$... Interest Earned 3,301.67 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$.35 INT$... Interest Earned 3,301.67 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$.32 INT$... Interest Earned 3,301.67 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$.30 INT$... Interest Earned 3,301.67 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$.29 INT$... Interest Earned 3,301.67 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$.25 INT$... Interest Earned 3,301.67 Total 665012060-FIRE DIST#12 BOND 0.00 3,301.67 665013020-FIRE DIST#13 RESV 2,131.03 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$.22 INT$... Interest Earned 2,131.03 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$.23 INT$... Interest Earned 2,131.03 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$.21 INT$... Interest Earned 2,131.03 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$.23 INT$... Interest Earned 2,131.03 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$.22 INT$... Interest Earned 2,131.03 General Journal 06106/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$.23 INT$... Interest Earned 2,131.03 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$.22 INT$... Interest Earned 2,131.03 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$.22 INT$... Interest Earned 2,131.03 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$.21 INT$... Interest Earned 2,131.03 General Journal 10104/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$.19 INT$... Interest Earned 2,131.03 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$.19 INT$... Interest Earned 2,131.03 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$.16 INT$... Interest Earned 2,131.03 Total 665013020-FIRE DIST#13 RESV 0.00 2,131.03 665016010-FIRE DIST#16 EXP 205,248.67 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$20.68 IN... Interest Earned 205,248.67 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$21.73 IN... Interest Earned 205,248.67 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$19.79 IN... Interest Earned 205,248.67 General Journal 03/18/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -40,000.00 165,248.67 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$20.06 IN... Interest Earned 165,248.67 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$17.25 IN... Interest Earned 165,248.67 General Journal 05/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -140,000.00 25,248.67 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$8.90 INT... Interest Earned 25,248.67 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$2.60 INT... Interest Earned 25,248.67 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$2.66 INT... Interest Earned 25,248.67 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$2.45 INT... Interest Earned 25,248.67 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$2.28 INT... Interest Earned 25,248.67 General Journal 10/16/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -10,000.00 15,248.67 General Journal 10/21/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -10,000.00 5,248.67 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$1.44 INT... Interest Earned 5,248.67 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$.40 INT$... Interest Earned 5,248.67 Total 665016010-FIRE DIST#16 EXP -200,000.00 5,248.67 665016020-FIRE DIST#16 RESV 5,648.52 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$.57 INT$... Interest Earned 5,648.52 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$.60 INT$... Interest Earned 5,648.52 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$.54 INT$... Interest Earned 5,648.52 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$.61 INT$... Interest Earned 5,648.52 General Journal 05/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 11,411.10 17,059.62 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$.59 INT$... Interest Earned 17,059.62 General Journal 05/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 140,000.00 157,059.62 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$10.12 IN... Interest Earned 157,059.62 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$16.18 IN... Interest Earned 157,059.62 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$16.53 IN... Interest Earned 157,059.62 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$15.27 IN... Interest Earned 157,059.62 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$14.18 IN... Interest Earned 157,059.62 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$13.71 IN... Interest Earned 157,059.62 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31, 2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$11.82 IN... Interest Earned 157,059.62 Total 665016020-FIRE DIST#16 RESV 151,411.10 157,059.62 665016040-FIRE DIST#16 EMS 11,700.00 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$1.18 INT... Interest Earned 11,700.00 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$1.24 INT... Interest Earned 11,700.00 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$1.13 INT... Interest Earned 11,700.00 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$1.25 INT... Interest Earned 11,700.00 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$1.22 INT... Interest Earned 11,700.00 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$1.24 INT... Interest Earned 11,700.00 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$1.21 INT... Interest Earned 11,700.00 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$1.23 INT... Interest Earned 11,700.00 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$1.14 INT... Interest Earned 11,700.00 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$1.06 INT... Interest Earned 11,700.00 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$1.02 INT... Interest Earned 11,700.00 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$.88 INT$... Interest Earned 11,700.00 Total 665016040-FIRE DIST#16 EMS 0.00 11,700.00 665017010-FIRE DIST#17 EXP 30,531.68 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$3.08 INT... Interest Earned 30,531.68 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$3.23 INT... Interest Earned 30,531.68 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$2.94 INT... Interest Earned 30,531.68 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$3.27 INT... Interest Earned 30,531.68 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$3.19 INT... Interest Earned 30,531.68 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$3.24 INT... Interest Earned 30,531.68 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$3.15 INT... Interest Earned 30,531.68 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$3.21 INT... Interest Earned 30,531.68 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$2.97 INT... Interest Earned 30,531.68 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$2.76 INT... Interest Earned 30,531.68 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$2.67 INT... Interest Earned 30,531.68 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$2.30 INT... Interest Earned 30,531.68 Total 665017010-FIRE DIST#17 EXP 0.00 30,531.68 665017040-FIRE DIST#17 EMS 86,665.44 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$8.73 INT... Interest Earned 86,665.44 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$9.18 INT... Interest Earned 86,665.44 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$8.36 INT... Interest Earned 86,665.44 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$9.29 INT... Interest Earned 86,665.44 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$9.05 INT... Interest Earned 86,665.44 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$9.19 INT... Interest Earned 86,665.44 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$8.93 INT... Interest Earned 86,665.44 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$9.12 INT... Interest Earned 86,665.44 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$8.42 INT... Interest Earned 86,665.44 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$7.82 INT... Interest Earned 86,665.44 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$7.57 INT... Interest Earned 86,665.44 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$6.52 INT... Interest Earned 86,665.44 Total 665017040-FIRE DIST#17 EMS 0.00 86,665.44 665018010-FIRE DIST#18 EXP 57,511.04 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$5.80 INT... Interest Earned 57,511.04 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$6.09 INT... Interest Earned 57,511.04 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$5.55 INT... Interest Earned 57,511.04 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$6.16 INT... Interest Earned 57,511.04 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$6.00 INT... Interest Earned 57,511.04 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$6.10 INT... Interest Earned 57,511.04 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$5.92 INT... Interest Earned 57,511.04 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$6.05 INT... Interest Earned 57,511.04 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$5.59 INT... Interest Earned 57,511.04 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$5.19 INT... Interest Earned 57,511.04 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$5.02 INT... Interest Earned 57,511.04 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$4.33 INT... Interest Earned 57,511.04 Total 665018010-FIRE DIST#18 EXP 0.00 57,511.04 665018020-FIRE DIST#18 RESV 648.53 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$.07 INT$... Interest Earned 648.53 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$.07 INT$... Interest Earned 648.53 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$.06 INT$... Interest Earned 648.53 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$.07 INT$... Interest Earned 648.53 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$.07 INT$... Interest Earned 648.53 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$.07 INT$... Interest Earned 648.53 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$.07 INT$... Interest Earned 648.53 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$.07 INT$... Interest Earned 648.53 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$.06 INT$... Interest Earned 648.53 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$.06 INT$... Interest Earned 648.53 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$.06 INT$... Interest Earned 648.53 pw-f g 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31, 2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$.05 INT$... Interest Earned 648.53 Total 665018020-FIRE DIST#18 RESV 0.00 648.53 665018040-FIRE DIST#18 EMS 52,769.82 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$5.32 INT... Interest Earned 52,769.82 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$5.59 INT... Interest Earned 52,769.82 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$5.09 INT... Interest Earned 52,769.82 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$5.66 INT... Interest Earned 52,769.82 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$5.51 INT... Interest Earned 52,769.82 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$5.59 INT... Interest Earned 52,769.82 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$5.44 INT... Interest Earned 52,769.82 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$5.56 INT... Interest Earned 52,769.82 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$5.13 INT... Interest Earned 52,769.82 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$4.76 INT... Interest Earned 52,769.82 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$4.61 INT... Interest Earned 52,769.82 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$3.97 INT... Interest Earned 52,769.82 Total 665018040-FIRE DIST#18 EMS 0.00 52,769.82 668-MC PUBLIC TRANS BENEFIT 6,769,104.63 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 6,769,104.63 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 6,769,104.63 General Journal 02/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw] 400,000.00 6,369,104.63 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 6,369,104.63 General Journal 03/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,000,000.00 7,369,104.63 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 7,369,104.63 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 7,369,104.63 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 7,369,104.63 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 7,369,104.63 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 7,369,104.63 General Journal 08/08/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,500,000.00 8,869,104.63 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 8,869,104.63 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 8,869,104.63 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 8,869,104.63 General Journal 11/26/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,000,000.00 9,869,104.63 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 9,869,104.63 General Journal 12/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 130,895.37 10,000,000.00 Total 668-MC PUBLIC TRANS BENEFIT 3,230,895.37 10,000,000.00 670000010-PORT OF ALLYN 30,814.73 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$3.11 INT... Interest Earned 30,814.73 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$3.26 INT... Interest Earned 30,814.73 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$2.97 INT... Interest Earned 30,814.73 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$3.30 INT... Interest Earned 30,814.73 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$3.22 INT... Interest Earned 30,814.73 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$3.27 INT... Interest Earned 30,814.73 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$3.17 INT... Interest Earned 30,814.73 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$3.24 INT... Interest Earned 30,814.73 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$3.00 INT... Interest Earned 30,814.73 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$2.78 INT... Interest Earned 30,814.73 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$2.69 INT... Interest Earned 30,814.73 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$2.32 INT... Interest Earned 30,814.73 Total 670000010-PORT OF ALLYN 0.00 30,814.73 670005010-PORT OF ALLYN IN DV 114,373.36 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$11.53 IN... Interest Earned 114,373.36 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$12.11 IN... Interest Earned 114,373.36 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$11.03 IN... Interest Earned 114,373.36 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$12.26 IN... Interest Earned 114,373.36 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$11.94 IN... Interest Earned 114,373.36 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$12.13 IN... Interest Earned 114,373.36 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$11.78 IN... Interest Earned 114,373.36 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$12.04 IN... Interest Earned 114,373.36 General Journal 08/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw] -50,000.00 64,373.36 General Journal 09/05/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -32,000.00 32,373.36 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$7.51 INT... Interest Earned 32,373.36 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$3.31 INT... Interest Earned 32,373.36 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$2.83 INT... Interest Earned 32,373.36 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$2.44 INT... Interest Earned 32,373.36 Total 670005010-PORT OF ALLYN IN DV -82,000.00 32,373.36 670006010-PORT OF ALLYN WT SY 2,300.00 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$.23 INT$... Interest Earned 2,300.00 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$.24 INT$... Interest Earned 2,300.00 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$.22 INT$... Interest Earned 2,300.00 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$.25 INT$... Interest Earned 2,300.00 vaq&4` 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31,2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$.24 INT$... Interest Earned 2,300.00 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$.24 INT$... Interest Earned 2,300.00 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$.24 INT$... Interest Earned 2,300.00 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$.24 INT$... Interest Earned 2,300.00 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$.22 INT$... Interest Earned 2,300.00 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$.21 INT$... Interest Earned 2,300.00 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$.20 INT$... Interest Earned 2,300.00 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$.17 INT$... Interest Earned 2,300.00 Total 670006010-PORT OF ALLYN WT SY 0.00 2,300.00 670010010-PORT OF DEWATTO 190,000.00 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$19.15 IN... Interest Earned 190,000.00 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$20.12 IN... Interest Earned 190,000.00 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$18.32 IN... Interest Earned 190,000.00 General Journal 04105/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$20.37 IN... Interest Earned 190,000.00 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$19.83 IN... Interest Earned 190,000.00 General Journal 05/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 20,000.00 210,000.00 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$20.21 IN... Interest Earned 210,000.00 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$21.63 IN... Interest Earned 210,000.00 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$22.11 IN... Interest Earned 210,000.00 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$20.41 IN... Interest Earned 210,000.00 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$18.95 IN... Interest Earned 210,000.00 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$18.34 IN... Interest Earned 210,000.00 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$15.80 IN... Interest Earned 210,000.00 Total 670010010-PORT OF DEWATTO 20,000.00 210,000.00 670020010-PORT OF GRAPEVIEW 2,646.22 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$.27 INT$... Interest Earned 2,646.22 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$.28 INT$... Interest Earned 2,646.22 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$.26 INT$... Interest Earned 2,646.22 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$.28 INT$... Interest Earned 2,646.22 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$.28 INT$... Interest Earned 2,646.22 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$.28 INT$... Interest Earned 2,646.22 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$.27 INT$... Interest Earned 2,646.22 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$.28 INT$... Interest Earned 2,646.22 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$.26 INT$... Interest Earned 2,646.22 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$.24 INT$... Interest Earned 2,646.22 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$.23 INT$... Interest Earned 2,646.22 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$.20 INT$... Interest Earned 2,646.22 Total 670020010-PORT OF GRAPEVIEW 0.00 2,646.22 670020030-PORT OF GRAPEVIEW CC 19,470.00 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$1.96 INT... Interest Earned 19,470.00 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$2.06 INT... Interest Earned 19,470.00 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$1.88 INT... Interest Earned 19,470.00 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$2.09 INT... Interest Earned 19,470.00 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$2.03 INT... Interest Earned 19,470.00 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$2.06 INT... Interest Earned 19,470.00 General Journal 07/03/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -15,000.00 4,470.00 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$2.01 INT... Interest Earned 4,470.00 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$.57 INT$... Interest Earned 4,470.00 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$.43 INT$... Interest Earned 4,470.00 General Journal 09/26/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -4,000.00 470.00 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$.34 INT$... Interest Earned 470.00 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$.04 INT$... Interest Earned 470.00 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$.04 INT$... Interest Earned 470.00 Total 670020030-PORT OF GRAPEVIEW CC -19,000.00 470.00 670030010-PORT OF HOODSPORT 226,952.17 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$22.87 IN... Interest Earned 226,952.17 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$24.03 IN... Interest Earned 226,952.17 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$21.88 IN... Interest Earned 226,952.17 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$24.33 IN... Interest Earned 226,952.17 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$23.69 IN... Interest Earned 226,952.17 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$24.06 IN... Interest Earned 226,952.17 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$23.38 IN... Interest Earned 226,952.17 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$23.89 IN... Interest Earned 226,952.17 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$22.06 IN... Interest Earned 226,952.17 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$20.48 IN... Interest Earned 226,952.17 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$19.82 IN... Interest Earned 226,952.17 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$17.07 IN... Interest Earned 226,952.17 Total 670030010-PORT OF HOODSPORT 0.00 226,952.17 675001015-PHD#1 ADMIN FUND 49,333,850.63 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 49,333,850.63 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31, 2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 01/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 107,837.51 49,441,688.14 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 49,441,688.14 General Journal 02/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 112,699.79 49,554,387.93 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 49,554,387.93 General Journal 03112/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 163,654.53 49,718,042.46 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 49,718,042.46 General Journal 04/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,261,093.60 50,979,136.06 General Journal 05/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 935,737.73 51,914,873.79 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 51,914,873.79 General Journal 06/03/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,417,335.95 50,497,537.84 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 50,497,537.84 General Journal 06/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,169,302.60 52,666,840.44 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 52,666,840.44 General Journal 07/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 182,140.28 52,848,980.72 General Journal 07/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,500,000.00 51,348,980.72 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 51,348,980.72 General Journal 08/08/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 129,574.41 51,478,555.13 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 51,478,555.13 General Journal 09/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 3,463,061.17 54,941,616.30 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 54,941,616.30 General Journal 10/08/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,636,816.31 57,578,432.61 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 57,578,432.61 General Journal 11/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -388,844.77 57,189,587.84 General Journal 11/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,819,102.60 59,008,690.44 General Journal 11/25/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,752,062.88 57,256,627.56 General Journal 11/2712019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,000,000.00 55,256,627.56 General Journal 12105/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 55,256,627.56 General Journal 12/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,045,616.83 57,302,244.39 Total 675001015-PHD#1 ADMIN FUND 7,968,393.76 57,302,244.39 675001020-PHD#1 EMP MED BEN 60,637.54 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$6.11 INT... Interest Earned 60,637.54 General Journal 01/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 107.84 60,745.38 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$6.43 INT... Interest Earned 60,745.38 General Journal 02/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 116.02 60,861.40 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$5.86 INT... Interest Earned 60,861.40 General Journal 03/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 122.09 60,983.49 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$6.53 INT... Interest Earned 60,983.49 General Journal 04/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 111.41 61,094.90 General Journal 05/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 124.11 61,219.01 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$6.37 INT... Interest Earned 61,219.01 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$6.49 INT... Interest Earned 61,219.01 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$6.31 INT... Interest Earned 61,219.01 General Journal 07/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 244.33 61,463.34 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$6.46 INT... Interest Earned 61,463.34 General Journal 08/08/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 119.81 61,583.15 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$5.98 INT... Interest Earned 61,583.15 General Journal 09/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 122.77 61,705.92 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$5.57 INT... Interest Earned 61,705.92 General Journal 10/08/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 113.69 61,819.61 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$5.40 INT... Interest Earned 61,819.61 General Journal 11/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 105.74 61,925.35 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$4.66 INT... Interest Earned 61,925.35 General Journal 12/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 161.93 62,087.28 Total 675001020-PHD#1 EMP MED BEN 1,449.74 62,087.28 675001035-MGH FUNDED DEPRC 4,175,809.18 General Journal 01108/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 4,175,809.18 General Journal 01/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 8,633.00 4,184,442.18 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 4,184,442.18 General Journal 02/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 918,599.72 5,103,041.90 General Journal 03/0812019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 5,103,041.90 General Journal 03/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 8,801.88 5,111,843.78 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 5,111,843.78 General Journal 04/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 8,968.97 5,120,812.75 General Journal 05/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 10,901.47 5,131,714.22 General Journal 05/0912019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 5,131,714.22 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 5,131,714.22 General Journal 06/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 10,633.18 5,142,347.40 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 5,142,347.40 General Journal 07/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 10,825.39 5,153,172.79 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 5,153,172.79 General Journal 08/08/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 10,534.38 5,163,707.17 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 5,163,707.17 General Journal 09/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 10,791.79 5,174,498.96 General Jou}nal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 5,174,498.96 9 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01121/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31, 2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 10/08/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 9,983.92 5,184,482.88 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 5,184,482.88 General Journal 11/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 9,283.76 5,193,766.64 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 5,193,766.64 General Journal 12112/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 8,999.07 5,202,765.71 Total 675001035-MGH FUNDED DEPRC 1,026,956.53 5,202,765.71 685042010-SD#42 GENERAL 394,819.29 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$39.79 IN... Interest Earned 394,819.29 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$41.80 IN... Interest Earned 394,819.29 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$38.07 IN... Interest Earned 394,819.29 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$42.32 IN... Interest Earned 394,819.29 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$41.21 IN... Interest Earned 394,819.29 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$41.86 IN... Interest Earned 394,819.29 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$40.67 IN... Interest Earned 394,819.29 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$41.56 IN... Interest Earned 394,819.29 General Journal 09109/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$38.38 IN... Interest Earned 394,819.29 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$35.64 IN... Interest Earned 394,819.29 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$34.47 IN... Interest Earned 394,819.29 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$29.70 IN... Interest Earned 394,819.29 Total 685042010-SD#42 GENERAL 0.00 394,819.29 685042030-SD#42 CAP PROJ 55,924.67 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$5.64 INT... Interest Earned 55,924.67 General Journal 02106/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$5.92 INT... Interest Earned 55,924.67 General Journal 03/05/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -50,000.00 5,924.67 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$5.39 INT... Interest Earned 5,924.67 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$1.33 INT... Interest Earned 5,924.67 General Journal 05109/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$.62 INT$... Interest Earned 5,924.67 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$.63 INT$... Interest Earned 5,924.67 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$.61 INT$... Interest Earned 5,924.67 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$.62 INT$... Interest Earned 5,924.67 General Journal 09109/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$.58 INT$... Interest Earned 5,924.67 General Journal 10104/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$.54 INT$... Interest Earned 5,924.67 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$.52 INT$... Interest Earned 5,924.67 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$.45 INT$... Interest Earned 5,924.67 Total 685042030-SD#42 CAP PROJ -50,000.00 5,924.67 685042060-SD#42 DEBT SERVICE 101,166.60 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$10.20 IN... Interest Earned 101,166.60 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$10.71 IN... Interest Earned 101,166.60 General Journal 03105/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -5,000.00 96,166.60 General Journal 03108/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$9.76 INT... Interest Earned 96,166.60 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$10.38 IN... Interest Earned 96,166.60 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$10.04 IN... Interest Earned 96,166.60 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$10.20 IN... Interest Earned 96,166.60 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$9.91 INT... Interest Earned 96,166.60 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$10.12 IN... Interest Earned 96,166.60 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$9.35 INT... Interest Earned 96,166.60 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$8.68 INT... Interest Earned 96,166.60 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$8.40 INT... Interest Earned 96,166.60 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$7.23 INT... Interest Earned 96,166.60 General Journal 12/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -9,000.00 87,166.60 Total 685042060-SD#42 DEBT SERVICE -14,000.00 87,166.60 685042080-SD#42 ASB 1,683.69 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$.17 INT$... Interest Earned 1,683.69 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$.18 INT$... Interest Earned 1,683.69 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$.16 INT$... Interest Earned 1,683.69 General Journal 04105/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$.18 INT$... Interest Earned 1,683.69 General Journal 05109/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$.18 INT$... Interest Earned 1,683.69 General Journal 06106/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$.18 INT$... Interest Earned 1,683.69 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$.17 INT$... Interest Earned 1,683.69 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$.18 INT$... Interest Earned 1,683.69 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$.16 INT$... Interest Earned 1,683.69 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$.15 INT$... Interest Earned 1,683.69 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$.15 INT$... Interest Earned 1,683.69 General Journal 12105/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$.13 INT$... Interest Earned 1,683.69 Total 685042080-SD#42 ASB 0.00 1,683.69 685042090-SD#42 TRANS VEHICLE 216.95 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$.02 INT$... Interest Earned 216.95 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$.02 INT$... Interest Earned 216.95 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$.02 INT$... Interest Earned 216.95 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$.02 INT$... Interest Earned 216.95 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31, 2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 05109/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$.02 INT$... Interest Earned 216.95 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$.02 INT$... Interest Earned 216.95 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$.02 INT$... Interest Earned 216.95 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$.02 INT$... Interest Earned 216.95 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$.02 INT$... Interest Earned 216.95 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$.02 INT$... Interest Earned 216.95 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$.02 INT$... Interest Earned 216.95 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$.02 INT$... Interest Earned 216.95 Total 685042090-SD#42 TRANS VEHICLE 0.00 216.95 685054010-SD#54 GENERAL 414,608.07 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$41.78 IN... Interest Earned 414,608.07 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$43.89 IN... Interest Earned 414,608.07 General Journal 02128/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -50,000.00 364,608.07 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$39.81 IN... Interest Earned 364,608.07 General Journal 03/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 100,000.00 464,608.07 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$40.12 IN... Interest Earned 464,608.07 General Journal 05101/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 180,000.00 644,608.07 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$48.49 IN... Interest Earned 644,608.07 General Journal 05/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -125,000.00 519,608.07 General Journal 06106/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 519,608.07 General Journal 06128/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -20,000.00 499,608.07 General Journal 07110/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 499,608.07 General Journal 08107/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 499,608.07 General Journal 08/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -10,000.00 489,608.07 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$48.50 IN... Interest Earned 489,608.07 General Journal 09130/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -120,000.00 369,608.07 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$43.83 IN... Interest Earned 369,608.07 General Journal 10131/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -20,000.00 349,608.07 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$32.21 IN... Interest Earned 349,608.07 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 100,000.00 449,608.07 General Journal 12105/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$27.30 IN... Interest Earned 449,608.07 General Journal 12/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 60,000.00 509,608.07 Total 685054010-SD#54 GENERAL 95,000.00 509,608.07 685054030-SD#54 CAP PROJ 109,165.01 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$11.00 IN... Interest Earned 109,165.01 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$11.56 IN... Interest Earned 109,165.01 General Journal 02/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 60,000.00 169,165.01 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$10.73 IN... Interest Earned 169,165.01 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$18.13 IN... Interest Earned 169,165.01 General Journal 05/01/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 9,000.00 178,165.01 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$17.66 IN... Interest Earned 178,165.01 General Journal 05/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -15,000.00 163,165.01 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$18.84 IN... Interest Earned 163,165.01 General Journal 06128/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 3,000.00 166,165.01 General Journal 07110/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$16.84 IN... Interest Earned 166,165.01 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$17.49 IN... Interest Earned 166,165.01 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$16.15 IN... Interest Earned 166,165.01 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$15.00 IN... Interest Earned 166,165.01 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$14.51 IN... Interest Earned 166,165.01 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 3,000.00 169,165.01 General Journal 12105/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$12.53 IN... Interest Earned 169,165.01 Total 685054030-SD#54 CAP PROJ 60,000.00 169,165.01 685054060-SD#54 DEBT SERVICE 58,499.00 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$5.90 INT... Interest Earned 58,499.00 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$6.19 INT... Interest Earned 58,499.00 General Journal 02/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 80,000.00 138,499.00 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$5.92 INT... Interest Earned 138,499.00 General Journal 03/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 30,000.00 168,499.00 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$15.16 IN... Interest Earned 168,499.00 General Journal 05/01/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 50,000.00 218,499.00 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$17.59 IN... Interest Earned 218,499.00 General Journal 06106/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$23.17 IN... Interest Earned 218,499.00 General Journal 06/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 200,000.00 418,499.00 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$24.57 IN... Interest Earned 418,499.00 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$44.05 IN... Interest Earned 418,499.00 General Journal 09109/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$40.68 IN... Interest Earned 418,499.00 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$37.77 IN... Interest Earned 418,499.00 General Journal 10/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 30,000.00 448,499.00 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$36.62 IN... Interest Earned 448,499.00 General Journal 11127/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -365,000.00 83,499.00 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$30.08 IN... Interest Earned 83,499.00 46V&e&- 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31,2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance Total 685054060-SD#54 DEBT SERVICE 25,000.00 83,499.00 685054080-SD#54 ASB 9,894.72 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$1.00 INT... Interest Earned 9,894.72 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$1.05 INT... Interest Earned 9,894.72 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$.95 INT$... Interest Earned 9,894.72 General Journal 03/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,000.00 8,894.72 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$1.05 INT... Interest Earned 8,894.72 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$.93 INT$... Interest Earned 8,894.72 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$.94 INT$... Interest Earned 8,894.72 General Journal 06/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,000.00 9,894.72 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$.93 INT$... Interest Earned 9,894.72 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$1.04 INT... Interest Earned 9,894.72 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$.96 INT$... Interest Earned 9,894.72 General Journal 09/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,000.00 7,894.72 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$.89 INT$... Interest Earned 7,894.72 General Journal 10/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw[ -500.00 7,394.72 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$.69 INT$... Interest Earned 7,394.72 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$.56 INT$... Interest Earned 7,394.72 Total 685054080-SD#54 ASB -2,500.00 7,394.72 685054090-SD#54 TRANS VEHICLE 109,853.80 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$11.07 IN... Interest Earned 109,853.80 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$11.63 IN... Interest Earned 109,853.80 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$10.59 IN... Interest Earned 109,853.80 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$11.77 IN... Interest Earned 109,853.80 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$11.47 IN... Interest Earned 109,853.80 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$11.65 IN... Interest Earned 109,853.80 General Journal 06/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,000.00 110,853.80 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$11.33 IN... Interest Eamed 110,853.80 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$11.67 IN... Interest Earned 110,853.80 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$10.78 IN... Interest Earned 110,853.80 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$10.01 IN... Interest Earned 110,853.80 General Journal 10/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -101,250.00 9,603.80 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$9.39 INT... Interest Earned 9,603.80 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$.72 INT$... Interest Earned 9,603.80 Total 685054090-SD#54 TRANS VEHICLE -100,250.00 9,603.80 685309010-SD#309 GENERAL 3,219,953.59 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 3,219,953.59 General Journal 01/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 200,000.00 3,419,953.59 General Journal 01/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 475,000.00 3,894,953.59 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 3,894,953.59 General Journal 02/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -235,000.00 3,659,953.59 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 3,659,953.59 General Journal 03/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -285,000.00 3,374,953.59 General Journal 04/05/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 141,000.00 3,515,953.59 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 3,515,953.59 General Journal 04/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI Inv Deposit 2,300,000.00 5,815,953.59 General Journal 05/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -850,000.00 4,965,953.59 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 4,965,953.59 General Journal 05/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -1,360,000.00 3,605,953.59 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 3,605,953.59 General Journal 06/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 200,000.00 3,805,953.59 General Journal 06/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,940,000.00 1,865,953.59 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,865,953.59 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,865,953.59 General Journal 08/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 90,000.00 1,955,953.59 General Journal 08/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 700,000.00 2,655,953.59 General Journal 09/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 70,000.00 2,725,953.59 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,725,953.59 General Journal 09/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,040,000.00 1,685,953.59 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,685,953.59 General Journal 10/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -900,000.00 785,953.59 General Journal 11/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 429,194.75 1,215,148.34 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,215,148.34 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,000,000.00 215,148.34 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 215,148.34 Total 685309010-SD#309 GENERAL -3,004,805.25 215,148.34 685309030-SD#309 CAP PROJ 36,688,827.08 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 36,688,827.08 General Journal 01/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,040,595.00 33,648,232.08 General Journal 02/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,080,000.00 32,568,232.08 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 32,568,232.08 General Journal 02/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,300,000.00 29,268,232.08 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31, 2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 03108/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 29,268,232.08 General Journal 03/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,675,000.00 27,593,232.08 General Journal 04/02/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,144,038.00 25,449,194.08 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 25,449,194.08 General Journal 04/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,500,000.00 21,949,194.08 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 21,949,194.08 General Journal 05/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -3,785,000.00 18,164,194.08 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 18,164,194.08 General Journal 06/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -7,523.90 18,156,670.18 General Journal 06/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,602,018.00 14,554,652.18 General Journal 07/01/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -58,650.00 14,496,002.18 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 14,496,002.18 General Journal 07/3112019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw[ -4,350,000.00 10,146,002.18 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 10,146,002.18 General Journal 08/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 33,000.00 10,179,002.18 General Journal 08/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,850,000.00 6,329,002.18 General Journal 09/03/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 4,600,000.00 10,929,002.18 General Journal 09/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 147,000.00 11,076,002.18 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 11,076,002.18 General Journal 09/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -4,000,000.00 7,076,002.18 General Journal 10/0412019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 7,076,002.18 General Journal 10/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -985,620.00 6,090,382.18 General Journal 11/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -188,429.65 5,901,952.53 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 5,901,952.53 General Journal 12/03/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,750,000.00 4,151,952.53 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 4,151,952.53 General Journal 12/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -712,000.00 3,439,952.53 Total 685309030-SD#309 CAP PROJ -33,248,874.55 3,439,952.53 685309050-SD#309 TR&AGENCY 227,892.20 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$22.93 IN... Interest Earned 227,892.20 General Journal 01/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 410.55 228,302.75 General Journal 02/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 5,935.75 234,238.50 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$24.15 IN... Interest Earned 234,238.50 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$22.49 IN... Interest Earned 234,238.50 General Journal 03/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -500.00 233,738.50 General Journal 04/05/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 400.00 234,138.50 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE INT$476.... Interest Earned 234,138.50 General Journal 05/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 963.03 235,101.53 General Journal 05109/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$24.43 IN... Interest Earned 235,101.53 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$24.91 IN... Interest Earned 235,101.53 General Journal 06/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 464.21 235,565.74 General Journal 06/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -26.73 235,539.01 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$24.25 IN... Interest Earned 235,539.01 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$24.79 IN... Interest Earned 235,539.01 General Journal 09/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENTACQUI... Inv Deposit 6,000.00 241,539.01 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$22.90 IN... Interest Earned 241,539.01 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$21.66 IN... Interest Earned 241,539.01 General Journal 10/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw( -1,615.00 239,924.01 General Journal 11/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 413.42 240,337.43 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$21.08 IN... Interest Earned 240,337.43 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$18.07 IN... Interest Earned 240,337.43 General Journal 12/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 400.00 240,737.43 Total 685309050-SD#309 TR&AGENCY 12,845.23 240,737.43 685309060-SD#309 DEBT SERVICE 485,072.12 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 485,072.12 General Journal 01114/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 5,772.13 490,844.25 General Journal 01131/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 16,500.00 507,344.25 General Journal 02/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 5,622.35 512,966.60 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 512,966.60 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$49.37 IN... Interest Earned 512,966.60 General Journal 03/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 349,000.00 861,966.60 General Journal 04/05/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 204,500.00 1,066,466.60 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,066,466.60 General Journal 04130/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 3,622,000.00 4,688,466.60 General Journal 05/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,478,425.59 3,210,041.01 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 3,210,041.01 General Journal 05/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -981,000.00 2,229,041.01 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,229,041.01 General Journal 06/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 46,000.00 2,275,041.01 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,275,041.01 General Journal 07/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 10,000.00 2,285,041.01 General Journal 07/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 20,000.00 2,305,041.01 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,305,041.01 General Journal 08/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 5,429.37 2,310,470.38 -PAye-Pr 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31, 2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 09/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 43,459.77 2,353,930.15 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,353,930.15 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,353,930.15 General Journal 11/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,030,501.12 4,384,431.27 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 4,384,431.27 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl 4,130,914.00 253,517.27 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 253,517.27 Total 685309060-SD#309 DEBT SERVICE -231,554.85 253,517.27 685309080-SD#309 ASB 370,017.24 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$35.34 IN... Interest Earned 370,017.24 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$39.17 IN... Interest Earned 370,017.24 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$35.68 IN... Interest Earned 370,017.24 General Journal 04/05/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -5,500.00 364,517.24 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$39.66 IN... Interest Earned 364,517.24 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$38.12 IN... Interest Earned 364,517.24 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$38.65 IN... Interest Earned 364,517.24 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$37.55 IN... Interest Earned 364,517.24 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$38.37 IN... Interest Earned 364,517.24 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$35.43 IN... Interest Earned 364,517.24 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$32.90 IN... Interest Earned 364,517.24 General Journal 11/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 40,000.00 404,517.24 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$31.83 IN... Interest Earned 404,517.24 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$29.93 IN... Interest Earned 404,517.24 Total 685309080-SD#309 ASB 34,500.00 404,517.24 685309090-SD#309 TRANS VEHICLE 193,611.67 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$19.38 IN... Interest Earned 193,611.67 General Journal 02/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 397.77 194,009.44 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$20.50 IN... Interest Earned 194,009.44 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$18.70 IN... Interest Earned 194,009.44 General Journal 03/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -60,500.00 133,509.44 General Journal 04/05/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 746.31 134,255.75 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$20.17 IN... Interest Earned 134,255.75 General Journal 05/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 383.17 134,638.92 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$14.00 IN... Interest Earned 134,638.92 General Journal 05/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -126,170.00 8,468.92 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$13.84 IN... Interest Earned 8,468.92 General Journal 06/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 266.97 8,735.89 General Journal 06/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -5,971.00 2,764.89 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$.83 INT$... Interest Earned 2,764.89 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$.29 INT$... Interest Earned 2,764.89 General Journal 08/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 16.29 2,781.18 General Journal 09/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 168,868.67 171,649.85 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$.27 INT$... Interest Earned 171,649.85 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$11.43 IN... Interest Earned 171,649.85 General Journal 11/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -4,777.74 166,872.11 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$14.99 IN... Interest Earned 166,872.11 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,500.00 164,372.11 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$12.59 IN... Interest Earned 164,372.11 General Journal 12/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 284.74 164,656.85 Total 685309090-SD#309 TRANS VEHICLE -28,954.82 164,656.85 685311010-SD#311 GENERAL 700,441.25 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 700,441.25 General Journal 01/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 404,243.72 1,104,684.97 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,104,684.97 General Journal 02/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 14,387.36 1,119,072.33 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,119,072.33 General Journal 03/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 181,670.67 1,300,743.00 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,300,743.00 General Journal 04/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 541,433.45 1,842,176.45 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,842,176.45 General Journal 05/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 417,450.66 2,259,627.11 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,259,627.11 General Journal 06/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 23,809.48 2,283,436.59 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,283,436.59 General Journal 07/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -1,225,959.70 1,057,476.89 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,057,476.89 General Journal 08/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 279,572.48 1,337,049.37 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,337,049.37 General Journal 09/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,357,104.39 2,694,153.76 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,694,153.76 General Journal 10/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -24,302.68 2,669,851.08 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,669,851.08 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -337,682.59 2,332,168.49 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01121120 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31, 2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 12105/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,332,168.49 General Journal 12/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 656,961.88 2,989,130.37 Total 685311010-SD#311 GENERAL 2,288,689.12 2,989,130.37 685311030-SD#311 CAP PROJ 108.38 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$.01 INT$... Interest Earned 108.38 General Journal 01/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 0.19 108.57 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$.01 INT$... Interest Earned 108.57 General Journal 02/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 0.21 108.78 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$.01 INT$... Interest Earned 108.78 General Journal 03/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 0.22 109.00 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$.01 INT$... Interest Earned 109.00 General Journal 04/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 0.20 109.20 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$.01 INT$... Interest Earned 109.20 General Journal 05/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 0.22 109.42 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$.01 INT$... Interest Earned 109.42 General Journal 06/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 0.22 109.64 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$.01 INT$... Interest Earned 109.64 General Journal 07/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 0.22 109.86 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$.01 INT$... Interest Earned 109.86 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$.01 INT$... Interest Earned 109.86 General Journal 09/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 0.22 110.08 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$.01 INT$... Interest Earned 110.08 General Journal 10/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 0.20 110.28 General Journal 11107/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$.01 INT$... Interest Earned 110.28 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 0.19 110.47 General Journal 12105/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$.01 INT$... Interest Earned 110.47 General Journal 12/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 0.18 110.65 Total 685311030-SD#311 CAP PROJ 2.27 110.65 685311080-SD#311 ASB 26,442.21 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$2.40 INT... Interest Earned 26,442.21 General Journal 01/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 991.67 27,433.88 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$2.81 INT... Interest Earned 27,433.88 General Journal 02127/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw[ -5,820.97 21,612.91 General Journal 03108/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$2.61 INT... Interest Earned 21,612.91 General Journal 03/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 93.70 21,706.61 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$2.32 INT... Interest Earned 21,706.61 General Journal 04/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -22.79 21,683.82 General Journal 05109/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$2.27 INT... Interest Earned 21,683.82 General Journal 05/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 4,738.48 26,422.30 General Journal 06106/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$2.32 INT... Interest Earned 26,422.30 General Journal 06/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,616.14 23,806.16 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$2.69 INT... Interest Earned 23,806.16 General Journal 07130/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -27.02 23,779.14 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$2.51 INT... Interest Earned 23,779.14 General Journal 08/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,761.02 25,540.16 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$2.33 INT... Interest Earned 25,540.16 General Journal 09/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 3,431.61 28,971.77 General Journal 10104/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$2.32 INT... Interest Earned 28,971.77 General Journal 10130/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,586.97 26,384.80 General Journal 11107/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$2.52 INT... Interest Earned 26,384.80 General Journal 11127/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,780.06 22,604.74 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$1.95 INT... Interest Earned 22,604.74 General Journal 12/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 3,303.52 25,908.26 Total 685311080-SD#311 ASB -533.95 25,908.26 685311090-SD#311 TRANS VEHICLE 98,066.40 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$9.87 INT... Interest Earned 98,066.40 General Journal 01/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -913.80 97,152.60 General Journal 02106/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$10.38 IN... Interest Earned 97,152.60 General Journal 02/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 187.47 97,340.07 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$9.37 INT... Interest Earned 97,340.07 General Journal 03/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 197.14 97,537.21 General Journal 04105/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$10.44 IN... Interest Earned 97,537.21 General Journal 04/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 178.02 97,715.23 General Journal 05109/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$10.18 IN... Interest Earned 97,715.23 General Journal 05/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 198.28 97,913.51 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$10.36 IN... Interest Earned 97,913.51 General Journal 06/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 698.28 98,611.79 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$10.10 IN... Interest Earned 98,611.79 General Journal 07/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 492.02 99,103.81 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$10.38 IN... Interest Earned 99,103.81 General Journal 08/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 191.81 99,295.62 General Journal 09109/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$9.64 INT... Interest Earned 99,295.62 General Journal 09/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 21,640.00 120,935.62 11:56AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01121120 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31,2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$9.03 INT... Interest Earned 120,935.62 General Journal 10/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 183.07 121,118.69 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$10.56 IN... Interest Earned 121,118.69 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 171.52 121,290.21 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$9.11 INT... Interest Earned 121,290.21 General Journal 12/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -113,911.46 7,378.75 Total 685311090-SD#311 TRANS VEHICLE -90,687.65 7,378.75 685402010-SD#402 GENERAL 2,753,411.17 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,753,411.17 General Journal 01/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -155,000.00 2,598,411.17 General Journal 02/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 80,000.00 2,678,411.17 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,678,411.17 General Journal 02/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -148,000.00 2,530,411.17 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,530,411.17 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,530,411.17 General Journal 05/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 980,000.00 3,510,411.17 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 3,510,411.17 General Journal 05131/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -156,000.00 3,354,411.17 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 3,354,411.17 General Journal 06128/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -495,000.00 2,859,411.17 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,859,411.17 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,859,411.17 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,859,411.17 General Journal 09/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw[ -150,000.00 2,709,411.17 General Journal 10104/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,709,411.17 General Journal 11107/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,709,411.17 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,709,411.17 General Journal 12/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw[ -20,000.00 2,689,411.17 Total 685402010-SD#402 GENERAL -64,000.00 2,689,411.17 685402030-SD#402 CAP PROJ 9,240.00 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$.93 INT$... Interest Earned 9,240.00 General Journal 02/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,380.00 11,620.00 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$.98 INT$... Interest Earned 11,620.00 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$1.08 INT... Interest Earned 11,620.00 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$1.25 INT... Interest Earned 11,620.00 General Journal 05/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 70.00 11,690.00 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$1.21 INT... Interest Earned 11,690.00 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$1.24 INT... Interest Earned 11,690.00 General Journal 06/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 23.00 11,713.00 General Journal 07110/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$1.21 INT... Interest Earned 11,713.00 General Journal 08107/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$1.23 INT... Interest Earned 11,713.00 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$1.14 INT... Interest Earned 11,713.00 General Journal 09/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 70.00 11,783.00 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$1.06 INT... Interest Earned 11,783.00 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$1.03 INT... Interest Earned 11,783.00 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 40.00 11,823.00 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$.89 INT$... Interest Earned 11,823.00 General Journal 12/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 20.00 11,843.00 Total 685402030-SD#402 CAP PROJ 2,603.00 11,843.00 685402060-SD#402 DEBT SERVICE 120,270.61 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$12.06 IN... Interest Earned 120,270.61 General Journal 01/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 4,300.00 124,570.61 General Journal 02/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 5,190.00 129,760.61 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$12.75 IN... Interest Earned 129,760.61 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$12.42 IN... Interest Earned 129,760.61 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$13.91 IN... Interest Earned 129,760.61 General Journal 04/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 152,000.00 281,760.61 General Journal 05/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 524,045.00 805,805.61 General Journal 05109/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$14.07 IN... Interest Earned 805,805.61 General Journal 05/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -375,000.00 430,805.61 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 430,805.61 General Journal 06/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 5,000.00 435,805.61 General Journal 06/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 9,000.00 444,805.61 General Journal 07110/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$44.81 IN... Interest Earned 444,805.61 General Journal 07130/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 3,225.00 448,030.61 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$46.85 IN... Interest Earned 448,030.61 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$43.55 IN... Interest Earned 448,030.61 General Journal 09/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 24,480.00 472,510.61 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$40.51 IN... Interest Earned 472,510.61 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$41.25 IN... Interest Earned 472,510.61 General Journal 11/2712019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -345,750.00 126,760.61 General Journal 12105/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$32.08 IN... Interest Earned 126,760.61 sage-"- 4 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01121/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31,2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 12/3112019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 7,000.00 133,760.61 Total 685402060-SD#402 DEBT SERVICE 13,490.00 133,760.61 685402080-SD#402 ASB 50,458.12 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$5.03 INT... Interest Earned 50,458.12 General Journal 02/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,310.00 51,768.12 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$5.34 INT... Interest Earned 51,768.12 General Journal 02/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -1,231.00 50,537.12 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$4.97 INT... Interest Earned 50,537.12 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$5.42 INT... Interest Earned 50,537.12 General Journal 04/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl 4,000.00 46,537.12 General Journal 05/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,000.00 48,537.12 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$5.26 INT... Interest Earned 48,537.12 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$5.11 INT... Interest Earned 48,537.12 General Journal 06111/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 5,000.00 53,537.12 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$5.34 INT... Interest Earned 53,537.12 General Journal 07/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -700.00 52,837.12 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$5.63 INT... Interest Earned 52,837.12 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$5.14 INT... Interest Earned 52,837.12 General Journal 09/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -150.00 52,687.12 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$4.77 INT... Interest Earned 52,687.12 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$4.60 INT... Interest Earned 52,687.12 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$3.96 INT... Interest Earned 52,687.12 Total 685402080-SD#402 ASB 2,229.00 52,687.12 685402090-SD#402 TRANS VEHICLE 129,137.14 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$13.01 IN... Interest Earned 129,137.14 General Journal 02/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 470.00 129,607.14 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$13.67 IN... Interest Earned 129,607.14 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$12.49 IN... Interest Earned 129,607.14 General Journal 03129/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -127,000.00 2,607.14 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$12.57 IN... Interest Earned 2,607.14 General Journal 05/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,990.00 4,597.14 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$.27 INT$... Interest Earned 4,597.14 General Journal 05131/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 35,000.00 39,597.14 General Journal 06106/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$.57 INT$... Interest Earned 39,597.14 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$4.08 INT... Interest Earned 39,597.14 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$4.17 INT... Interest Earned 39,597.14 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$3.85 INT... Interest Earned 39,597.14 General Journal 09/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 77,815.00 117,412.14 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$3.81 INT... Interest Earned 117,412.14 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$10.25 IN... Interest Earned 117,412.14 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 149.00 117,561.14 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$8.83 INT... Interest Earned 117,561.14 General Journal 12/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 190.00 117,751.14 Total 685402090-SD#402 TRANS VEHICLE -11,386.00 117,751.14 685403010-SD#403 GENERAL 2,196,875.11 General Journal 01/03/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -143,470.20 2,053,404.91 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,053,404.91 General Journal 01/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -267,749.88 1,785,655.03 General Journal 01/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 186,122.82 1,971,777.85 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,971,777.85 General Journal 02/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -264,784.08 1,706,993.77 General Journal 02/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 336,475.69 2,043,469.46 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,043,469.46 General Journal 03/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -193,224.91 1,850,244.55 General Journal 03/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 199,451.37 2,049,695.92 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,049,695.92 General Journal 04/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -287,865.60 1,761,830.32 General Journal 04/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,236,333.72 2,998,164.04 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,998,164.04 General Journal 05/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -101,660.42 2,896,503.62 General Journal 05131/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -616,969.47 2,279,534.15 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,279,534.15 General Journal 06/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -61,269.79 2,218,264.36 General Journal 06/2812019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -729,858.11 1,488,406.25 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,488,406.25 General Journal 07/16/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -641,189.76 847,216.49 General Journal 07131/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 613,140.99 1,460,357.48 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,460,357.48 General Journal 08/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -98,399.02 1,361,958.46 General Journal 08/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 519,816.58 1,881,775.04 General Journal 09109/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,881,775.04 General Journal 09/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -231,412.46 1,650,362.58 General Journal 09/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -442,192.65 1,208,169.93 A / 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/Y1/40 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31,2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,208,169.93 General Journal 10115/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw[ -344,646.01 863,523.92 General Journal 10/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 460,440.09 1,323,964.01 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,323,964.01 General Journal 11/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 262,833.25 1,586,797.26 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw[ -1,126,140.72 460,656.54 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 460,656.54 General Journal 12/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 194,728.32 655,384.86 General Journal 12131/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 194,804.05 850,188.91 Total 685403010-SD#403 GENERAL -1,346,686.20 850,188.91 685403030-SD#403 CAP PROJ 2,346,275.89 General Journal 01/03/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 325,000.00 2,671,275.89 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,671,275.89 General Journal 01/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 4,508.62 2,675,784.51 General Journal 01/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -40,770.64 2,635,013.87 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,635,013.87 General Journal 02/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 4,674.33 2,639,688.20 General Journal 03108/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,639,688.20 General Journal 03/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 5,564.82 2,645,253.02 General Journal 03/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -11,999.63 2,633,253.39 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,633,253.39 General Journal 04/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 5,036.98 2,638,290.37 General Journal 04/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -35,771.53 2,602,518.84 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,602,518.84 General Journal 05/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 17,477.18 2,619,996.02 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,619,996.02 General Journal 06/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 10,883.70 2,630,879.72 General Journal 06/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -29,140.46 2,601,739.26 General Journal 07110/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,601,739.26 General Journal 07/16/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,461.22 2,598,278.04 General Journal 07/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -14,098.99 2,584,179.05 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,584,179.05 General Journal 08/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -7,123.25 2,577,055.80 General Journal 08130/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -11,732.73 2,565,323.07 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,565,323.07 General Journal 09/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -260,660.55 2,304,662.52 General Journal 09/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 41,076.42 2,345,738.94 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,345,738.94 General Journal 10/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -211,113.57 2,134,625.37 General Journal 10131/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -18,724.40 2,115,900.97 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,115,900.97 General Journal 11/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -248,251.09 1,867,649.88 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -27,429.78 1,840,220.10 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,840,220.10 General Journal 12/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -195,030.63 1,645,189.47 General Journal 12/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -9,832.70 1,635,356.77 Total 685403030-SD#403 CAP PROJ -710,919.12 1,635,356.77 685403060-SD#403 DEBT SERVICE 1,916,344.88 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,916,344.88 General Journal 01/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 54,116.75 1,970,461.63 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,970,461.63 General Journal 02/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 17,094.77 1,987,556.40 General Journal 02/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 5,980.51 1,993,536.91 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,993,536.91 General Journal 03/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 85,903.06 2,079,439.97 General Journal 03/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 140,120.92 2,219,560.89 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,219,560.89 General Journal 04/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 75,648.42 2,295,209.31 General Journal 04/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 846,128.40 3,141,337.71 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 3,141,337.71 General Journal 05/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 125,174.23 3,266,511.94 General Journal 05/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -809,783.59 2,456,728.35 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,456,728.35 General Journal 06/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 86,606.01 2,543,334.36 General Journal 06/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 21,807.81 2,565,142.17 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,565,142.17 General Journal 07/16/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 36,061.36 2,601,203.53 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,601,203.53 General Journal 08/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 27,005.05 2,628,208.58 General Journal 08/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 10,339.89 2,638,548.47 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,638,548.47 General Journal 09/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 16,569.25 2,655,117.72 General Journal 09/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -600.00 2,654,517.72 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,654,517.72 I- 1 11:56AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31,2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 10/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 45,891.41 2,700,409.13 General Journal 10/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 275,822.93 2,976,232.06 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,976,232.06 General Journal 11/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 574,303.43 3,550,535.49 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,917,404.36 1,633,131.13 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,633,131.13 General Journal 12/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 5,932.43 1,639,063.56 Total 685403060-SD#403 DEBT SERVICE -277,281.32 1,639,063.56 685403080-SD#403 ASB 419,390.84 General Journal 01/03/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -22,231.72 397,159.12 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$40.19 IN... Interest Earned 397,159.12 General Journal 01/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 4,135.86 401,294.98 General Journal 01/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -10,561.23 390,733.75 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$42.42 IN... Interest Earned 390,733.75 General Journal 02/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -11,973.22 378,760.53 General Journal 02/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 6,766.09 385,526.62 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$37.12 IN... Interest Earned 385,526.62 General Journal 03/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 9,588.37 395,114.99 General Journal 03/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -15,491.68 379,623.31 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$41.76 IN... Interest Earned 379,623.31 General Journal 04/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -8,626.72 370,996.59 General Journal 04/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,253.60 373,250.19 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$39.15 IN... Interest Earned 373,250.19 General Journal 05/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 13,651.68 386,901.87 General Journal 05/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,946.99 384,954.88 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$40.36 IN... Interest Earned 384,954.88 General Journal 06/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 10,685.96 395,640.84 General Journal 06/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -26,024.56 369,616.28 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$40.01 IN... Interest Earned 369,616.28 General Journal 07/16/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 11,507.61 381,123.89 General Journal 07/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 4,135.98 385,259.87 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$39.55 IN... Interest Earned 385,259.87 General Journal 08/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,914.24 387,174.11 General Journal 08/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -21,904.14 365,269.97 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$37.41 IN... Interest Earned 365,269.97 General Journal 09/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 6,718.85 371,988.82 General Journal 09/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 39,452.54 411,441.36 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$33.45 IN... Interest Earned 411,441.36 General Journal 10/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 871.95 412,313.31 General Journal 10/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 21,796.47 434,109.78 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$36.03 IN... Interest Earned 434,109.78 General Journal 11/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -11,155.98 422,953.80 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,415.28 424,369.08 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$32.22 IN... Interest Earned 424,369.08 General Journal 12/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 16,694.90 441,063.98 General Journal 12/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,197.48 437,866.50 Total 685403080-SD#403 ASB 18,475.66 437,866.50 685403090-SD#403 TRANS VEHICLE 15,067.17 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$1.50 INT... Interest Earned 15,067.17 General Journal 01/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 35,132.81 50,199.98 General Journal 01/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 510.24 50,710.22 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$3.76 INT... Interest Earned 50,710.22 General Journal 02/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 28.58 50,738.80 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$4.89 INT... Interest Earned 50,738.80 General Journal 03/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 71.37 50,810.17 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$5.44 INT... Interest Earned 50,810.17 General Journal 04/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 92.93 50,903.10 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$5.31 INT... Interest Earned 50,903.10 General Journal 05/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 6,223.42 57,126.52 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$5.76 INT... Interest Earned 57,126.52 General Journal 06/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 100.86 57,227.38 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$5.89 INT... Interest Earned 57,227.38 General Journal 07/16/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 109.41 57,336.79 General Journal 07/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 79,978.38 137,315.17 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$6.30 INT... Interest Earned 137,315.17 General Journal 08/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -80,866.46 56,448.71 General Journal 08/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 117,271.15 173,719.86 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$9.77 INT... Interest Earned 173,719.86 General Journal 09/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 119.73 173,839.59 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$15.69 IN... Interest Earned 173,839.59 General Journal 10/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -161,771.08 12,068.51 General Journal 10/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 18,579.45 30,647.96 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$7.48 INT... Interest Earned 30,647.96 General Journal 11/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 298.04 30,946.00 12 - A6 11:56AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31,2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$2.32 INT... Interest Earned 30,946.00 General Journal 12/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,382.21 33,328.21 Total 685403090-SD#403 TRANS VEHICLE 18,261.04 33,328.21 685404010-SD#404 GENERAL 1,861,999.25 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,861,999.25 General Journal 01/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 165,000.00 2,026,999.25 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,026,999.25 General Journal 03/05/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -96,000.00 1,930,999.25 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,930,999.25 General Journal 03/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -68,500.00 1,862,499.25 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,862,499.25 General Journal 04/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 900,000.00 2,762,499.25 General Journal 05/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -258,000.00 2,504,499.25 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,504,499.25 General Journal 05/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -473,000.00 2,031,499.25 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,031,499.25 General Journal 06/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -47,000.00 1,984,499.25 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,984,499.25 General Journal 07/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 330,000.00 2,314,499.25 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,314,499.25 General Journal 08/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -135,000.00 2,179,499.25 General Journal 09/09/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 2,179,499.25 General Journal 09/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -287,000.00 1,892,499.25 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,892,499.25 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,892,499.25 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw] -324,000.00 1,568,499.25 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,568,499.25 General Journal 12/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 250,000.00 1,818,499.25 Total 685404010-SD#404 GENERAL -43,500.00 1,818,499.25 685404030-SD#404 CAP PROJ 895,820.71 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 895,820.71 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 895,820.71 General Journal 03/05/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 8,500.00 904,320.71 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 904,320.71 General Journal 03/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,500.00 905,820.71 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 905,820.71 General Journal 04/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -5,300.00 900,520.71 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 900,520.71 General Journal 05/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,600.00 897,920.71 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 897,920.71 General Journal 06/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -19,000.00 878,920.71 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 878,920.71 General Journal 07/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -39,000.00 839,920.71 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 839,920.71 General Journal 08/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw] -81,000.00 758,920.71 General Journal 09/10/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 758,920.71 General Journal 09/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -4,500.00 754,420.71 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 754,420.71 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 754,420.71 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -11,400.00 743,020.71 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 743,020.71 General Journal 12/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -84,000.00 659,020.71 Total 685404030-SD#404 CAP PROJ -236,800.00 659,020.71 685404050-SD#404 TR&AGENCY 65,249.16 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$6.56 INT... Interest Earned 65,249.16 General Journal 01/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -300.00 64,949.16 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$6.91 INT... Interest Earned 64,949.16 General Journal 03/05/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 258.00 65,207.16 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$6.26 INT... Interest Earned 65,207.16 General Journal 03/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 70.00 65,277.16 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$6.99 INT... Interest Earned 65,277.16 General Journal 04/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 50.00 65,327.16 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$6.81 INT... Interest Earned 65,327.16 General Journal 05/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 157.00 65,484.16 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$6.93 INT... Interest Earned 65,484.16 General Journal 06/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 65.00 65,549.16 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$6.75 INT... Interest Earned 65,549.16 General Journal 07/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 100.00 65,649.16 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$6.90 INT... Interest Earned 65,649.16 General Journal 08/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -230.00 65,419.16 General Journal 09/10/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$6.38 INT... Interest Earned 65,419.16 General Journal 09/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,500.00 66,919.16 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$5.91 INT... Interest Earned 66,919.16 4� 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31, 2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 10/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 50.00 66,969.16 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$5.84 INT... Interest Earned 66,969.16 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -90.00 66,879.16 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$5.04 INT... Interest Earned 66,879.16 General Journal 12/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,200.00 65,679.16 Total 685404050-SD#404 TR&AGENCY 430.00 65,679.16 685404060-SD#404 DEBT SERVICE 419,602.39 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$40.09 IN... Interest Earned 419,602.39 General Journal 01/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 11,000.00 430,602.39 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$44.50 IN... Interest Earned 430,602.39 General Journal 03/05/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 84,000.00 514,602.39 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$41.52 IN... Interest Earned 514,602.39 General Journal 03/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 8,500.00 523,102.39 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 523,102.39 General Journal 04/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 290,000.00 813,102.39 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 813,102.39 General Journal 05/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 134,000.00 947,102.39 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 947,102.39 General Journal 06/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 140,000.00 1,087,102.39 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,087,102.39 General Journal 07/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 37,700.00 1,124,802.39 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,124,802.39 General Journal 08/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 26,000.00 1,150,802.39 General Journal 09/10/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,150,802.39 General Journal 09/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 8,400.00 1,159,202.39 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,159,202.39 General Journal 10/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 164,000.00 1,323,202.39 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 1,323,202.39 General Journal 11127/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -658,000.00 665,202.39 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$50.00 IN... Interest Earned 665,202.39 General Journal 12131/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 15,000.00 680,202.39 Total 685404060-SD#404 DEBT SERVICE 260,600.00 680,202.39 685404080-SD#404 ASB 24,314.76 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$2.45 INT... Interest Earned 24,314.76 General Journal 01/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,200.00 23,114.76 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$2.57 INT... Interest Earned 23,114.76 General Journal 03/05/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -514.00 22,600.76 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$2.23 INT... Interest Earned 22,600.76 General Journal 03/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,500.00 24,100.76 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$2.45 INT... Interest Earned 24,100.76 General Journal 04/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -600.00 23,500.76 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$2.51 INT... Interest Earned 23,500.76 General Journal 05/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,900.00 25,400.76 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$2.52 INT... Interest Earned 25,400.76 General Journal 06/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -800.00 24,600.76 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$2.61 INT... Interest Earned 24,600.76 General Journal 07/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -350.00 24,250.76 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$2.59 INT... Interest Earned 24,250.76 General Journal 08/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 50.00 24,300.76 General Journal 09/10/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$2.36 INT... Interest Earned 24,300.76 General Journal 09/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,390.00 25,690.76 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$2.20 INT... Interest Earned 25,690.76 General Journal 10/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -800.00 24,890.76 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$2.24 INT... Interest Earned 24,890.76 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -745.00 24,145.76 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$1.87 INT... Interest Earned 24,145.76 Total 685404080-SD#404 ASB -169.00 24,145.76 685404090-SD#404 TRANS VEHICLE 198,212.79 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$19.94 IN... Interest Earned 198,212.79 General Journal 01/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 350.00 198,562.79 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$20.99 IN... Interest Earned 198,562.79 General Journal 03/05/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 437.00 198,999.79 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$19.15 IN... Interest Earned 198,999.79 General Journal 03/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 300.00 199,299.79 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$21.33 IN... Interest Earned 199,299.79 General Journal 04/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 400.00 199,699.79 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$20.80 IN... Interest Earned 199,699.79 General Journal 05/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -140,000.00 59,699.79 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$19.26 IN... Interest Earned 59,699.79 General Journal 06/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,000.00 60,699.79 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$6.16 INT... Interest Earned 60,699.79 General Journal 07/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 300.00 60,999.79 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$6.39 INT... Interest Earned 60,999.79 .Favele 4-1 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31, 2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 08/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 71,500.00 132,499.79 General Journal 09/10/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$6.38 INT... Interest Earned 132,499.79 General Journal 09/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 260.00 132,759.79 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$11.96 IN... Interest Earned 132,759.79 General Journal 10/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 123.00 132,882.79 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$11.59 IN... Interest Earned 132,882.79 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 328.00 133,210.79 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$10.00 IN... Interest Earned 133,210.79 Total 685404090-SD#404 TRANS VEHICLE -65,002.00 133,210.79 690001010-BWD DIST#1 M&O 711.57 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$.07 INT$... Interest Earned 711.57 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$.08 INT$... Interest Earned 711.57 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$.07 INT$... Interest Earned 711.57 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$.08 INT$... Interest Earned 711.57 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$.07 INT$... Interest Earned 711.57 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$.08 INT$... Interest Earned 711.57 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$.07 INT$... Interest Earned 711.57 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$.08 INT$... Interest Earned 711.57 General Journal 09/10/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$.07 INT$... Interest Earned 711.57 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$.06 INT$... Interest Earned 711.57 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$.06 INT$... Interest Earned 711.57 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$.05 INT$... Interest Earned 711.57 Total 690001010-BWD DIST#1 M&O 0.00 711.57 690001045-BWD#1 CAP IMPR FAC 1,048.51 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$.11 INT$... Interest Earned 1,048.51 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$.11 INT$... Interest Earned 1,048.51 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$.10 INT$... Interest Earned 1,048.51 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$.11 INT$... Interest Earned 1,048.51 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$.11 INT$... Interest Earned 1,048.51 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$.11 INT$... Interest Earned 1,048.51 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$.11 INT$... Interest Earned 1,048.51 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$.11 INT$... Interest Earned 1,048.51 General Journal 09/10/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$.10 INT$... Interest Earned 1,048.51 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$.09 INT$... Interest Earned 1,048.51 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$.09 INT$... Interest Earned 1,048.51 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$.08 INT$... Interest Earned 1,048.51 Total 690001045-BWD#1 CAP IMPR FAC 0.00 1,048.51 690002010-TEW DIST#2 GENERAL 27,481.80 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$2.77 INT... Interest Earned 27,481.80 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$2.91 INT... Interest Earned 27,481.80 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$2.65 INT... Interest Earned 27,481.80 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$2.95 INT... Interest Earned 27,481.80 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$2.87 INT... Interest Earned 27,481.80 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$2.91 INT... Interest Earned 27,481.80 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$2.83 INT... Interest Earned 27,481.80 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$2.89 INT... Interest Earned 27,481.80 General Journal 09/10/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$2.67 INT... Interest Earned 27,481.80 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$2.48 INT... Interest Earned 27,481.80 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$2.40 INT... Interest Earned 27,481.80 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$2.07 INT... Interest Earned 27,481.80 Total 690002010-TEW DIST#2 GENERAL 0.00 27,481.80 690002020-TEW DIST#2 RESV MT 26,983.79 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$2.72 INT... Interest Earned 26,983.79 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$2.86 INT... Interest Earned 26,983.79 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$2.60 INT... Interest Earned 26,983.79 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$2.89 INT... Interest Earned 26,983.79 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$2.82 INT... Interest Earned 26,983.79 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$2.86 INT... Interest Earned 26,983.79 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$2.78 INT... Interest Earned 26,983.79 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$2.84 INT... Interest Earned 26,983.79 General Journal 09/10/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$2.62 INT... Interest Earned 26,983.79 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$2.44 INT... Interest Earned 26,983.79 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$2.36 INT... Interest Earned 26,983.79 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$2.03 INT... Interest Earned 26,983.79 Total 690002020-TEW DIST#2 RESV MT 0.00 26,983.79 690002065-TEW DIST#2 WTR REV 118,781.64 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$11.97 IN... Interest Earned 118,781.64 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$12.58 IN... Interest Earned 118,781.64 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$11.45 IN... Interest Earned 118,781.64 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$12.73 IN... Interest Earned 118,781.64 4� 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21120 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31,2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$12.40 IN... Interest Earned 118,781.64 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$12.59 IN... Interest Earned 118,781.64 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$12.24 IN... Interest Earned 118,781.64 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$12.50 IN... Interest Earned 118,781.64 General Journal 09/10/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$11.55 IN... Interest Earned 118,781.64 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$10.72 IN... Interest Earned 118,781.64 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$10.37 IN... Interest Earned 118,781.64 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$8.94 INT... Interest Earned 118,781.64 Total 690002065-TEW DIST#2 WTR REV 0.00 118,781.64 690002130-TEW DIST#2 ASMT REV 8,533.18 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$.86 INT$... Interest Earned 8,533.18 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$.90 INT$... Interest Earned 8,533.18 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$.82 INT$... Interest Earned 8,533.18 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$.91 INT$... Interest Earned 8,533.18 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$.89 INT$... Interest Earned 8,533.18 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$.90 INT$... Interest Earned 8,533.18 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$.88 INT$... Interest Earned 8,533.18 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$.90 INT$... Interest Earned 8,533.18 General Journal 09/10/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$.83 INT$... Interest Earned 8,533.18 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$.77 INT$... Interest Earned 8,533.18 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$.75 INT$... Interest Earned 8,533.18 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$.64 INT$... Interest Earned 8,533.18 Total 690002130-TEW DIST#2 ASMT REV 0.00 8,533.18 690003020-MLWD#3 CAP IMP RESV 84,014.80 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$8.47 INT... Interest Earned 84,014.80 General Journal 01/17/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 3,300.00 87,314.80 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$9.06 INT... Interest Earned 87,314.80 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$8.42 INT... Interest Earned 87,314.80 General Journal 03/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,500.00 89,814.80 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$9.51 INT..* NT... Interest Earned 89,814.80 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$9.37 INT... Interest Earned 89,814.80 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$9.52 INT... Interest Earned 89,814.80 General Journal 06/18/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 5,000.00 94,814.80 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$9.47 INT... Interest Earned 94,814.80 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$9.98 INT... Interest Earned 94,814.80 General Journal 08/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,500.00 97,314.80 General Journal 09/10/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$9.31 INT... Interest Earned 97,314.80 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$8.78 INT... Interest Earned 97,314.80 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$8.50 INT... Interest Earned 97,314.80 General Journal 11/26/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 5,900.00 103,214.80 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$7.39 INT... Interest Earned 103,214.80 Total 690003020-MLWD#3 CAP IMP RESV 19,200.00 103,214.80 690005010-HARSTENE PT WTR/SWR 80,000.00 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$8.06 INT... Interest Earned 80,000.00 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$8.47 INT... Interest Earned 80,000.00 General Journal 02/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -30,000.00 50,000.00 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$6.78 INT... Interest Earned 50,000.00 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$5.36 INT... Interest Earned 50,000.00 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$5.22 INT... Interest Earned 50,000.00 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$5.30 INT... Interest Earned 50,000.00 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$5.15 INT... Interest Earned 50,000.00 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$5.26 INT... Interest Earned 50,000.00 General Journal 09/10/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$4.86 INT... Interest Earned 50,000.00 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$4.51 INT... Interest Earned 50,000.00 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$4.37 INT... Interest Earned 50,000.00 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$3.76 INT... Interest Earned 50,000.00 Total 690005010-HARSTENE PT WTR/SWR -30,000.00 50,000.00 690005020-HARSTENE PT W/S RESV 252,472.27 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$30.05 IN... Interest Earned 252,472.27 General Journal 01/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 598.28 253,070.55 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$26.77 IN... Interest Earned 253,070.55 General Journal 02/2012019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 570.91 253,641.46 General Journal 02/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 18,981.82 272,623.28 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$25.01 IN... Interest Earned 272,623.28 General Journal 03/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 508.55 273,131.83 General Journal 03/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -6,504.56 266,627.27 General Journal 04/05/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -986.84 265,640.43 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$29.19 IN... Interest Earned 265,640.43 General Journal 04/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 475.17 266,115.60 General Journal 05/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 554.55 266,670.15 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$27.78 IN... Interest Earned 266,670.15 4cl 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31, 2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$28.26 IN... Interest Earned 266,670.15 General Journal 06/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 527.73 267,197.88 General Journal 07/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 536.89 267,734.77 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$27.51 IN... Interest Earned 267,734.77 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$28.17 IN... Interest Earned 267,734.77 General Journal 08/08/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 522.59 268,257.36 General Journal 09/10/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$26.06 IN... Interest Earned 268,257.36 General Journal 09/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 535.21 268,792.57 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$24.25 IN... Interest Earned 268,792.57 General Journal 10/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 495.22 269,287.79 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$23.50 IN... Interest Earned 269,287.79 General Journal 11/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 460.65 269,748.44 General Journal 11/19/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 52,326.44 322,074.88 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$21.85 IN... Interest Earned 322,074.88 General Journal 12/17/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 446.50 322,521.38 Total 690005020-HARSTENE PT W/S RESV 70,049.11 322,521.38 690005030-HARSTENE PT W/S ECOL 39,257.00 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$3.97 INT... Interest Earned 39,257.00 General Journal 01/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 69.77 39,326.77 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$4.16 INT... Interest Earned 39,326.77 General Journal 02/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 75.48 39,402.25 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$3.79 INT... Interest Earned 39,402.25 General Journal 03/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 79.05 39,481.30 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$4.23 INT... Interest Earned 39,481.30 General Journal 04/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 72.10 39,553.40 General Journal 05/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 80.34 39,633.74 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$4.13 INT... Interest Earned 39,633.74 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$4.20 INT... Interest Earned 39,633.74 General Journal 06/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 78.40 39,712.14 General Journal 07/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 79.80 39,791.94 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$4.09 INT... Interest Earned 39,791.94 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$4.19 INT... Interest Earned 39,791.94 General Journal 08/08/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 77.67 39,869.61 General Journal 09/10/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$3.87 INT... Interest Earned 39,869.61 General Journal 09/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 79.54 39,949.15 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$3.60 INT... Interest Earned 39,949.15 General Journal 10/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 73.60 40,022.75 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$3.49 INT... Interest Earned 40,022.75 General Journal 11/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 68.47 40,091.22 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$3.01 INT... Interest Earned 40,091.22 General Journal 12/17/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 66.36 40,157.58 Total 690005030-HARSTENE PT W/S ECOL 900.58 40,157.58 690005050-HARTSTENE DWSFR LOAN 20,287.33 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$6.65 INT... Interest Earned 20,287.33 General Journal 01/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 7,159.33 27,446.66 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$2.59 INT... Interest Earned 27,446.66 General Journal 02/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 7,121.31 34,567.97 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$2.87 INT... Interest Earned 34,567.97 General Journal 03/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 7,044.17 41,612.14 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$4.17 INT... Interest Earned 41,612.14 General Journal 04109/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 7,049.48 48,661.62 General Journal 05/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 7,074.19 55,735.81 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$4.88 INT... Interest Earned 55,735.81 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$5.72 INT... Interest Earned 55,735.81 General Journal 06/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 7,087.77 62,823.58 General Journal 07/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 7,103.59 69,927.17 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$6.23 INT... Interest Earned 69,927.17 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$7.17 INT... Interest Earned 69,927.17 General Journal 08/08/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 7,113.33 77,040.50 General Journal 09/10/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$7.33 INT... Interest Earned 77,040.50 General Journal 09/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 7,131.19 84,171.69 General Journal 09/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -83,401.93 769.76 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$4.62 INT... Interest Earned 769.76 General Journal 10/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 7,134.32 7,904.08 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$.53 INT$... Interest Earned 7,904.08 General Journal 11/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 7,082.83 14,986.91 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$.91 INT$... Interest Earned 14,986.91 General Journal 12/17/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 7,005.06 21,991.97 Total 690005050-HARTSTENE DWSFR LOAN 1,704.64 21,991.97 690005070-HARTSTENE WATER BOND 25,051.37 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$2.49 INT... Interest Earned 25,051.37 General Journal 01/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 371.32 25,422.69 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$2.68 INT... Interest Earned 25,422.69 -Rngew- 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31, 2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 02/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 375.08 25,797.77 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$2.46 INT... Interest Earned 25,797.77 General Journal 03/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 378.57 26,176.34 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$2.79 INT... Interest Earned 26,176.34 General Journal 04/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 374.55 26,550.89 General Journal 05/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 380.76 26,931.65 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$2.76 INT... Interest Earned 26,931.65 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$2.85 INT... Interest Earned 26,931.65 General Journal 06/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 380.21 27,311.86 General Journal 07/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 381.80 27,693.66 General Journal 07/10/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$2.80 INT... Interest Earned 27,693.66 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$2.91 INT... Interest Earned 27,693.66 General Journal 08/08/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 380.95 28,074.61 General Journal 09/10/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$2.72 INT... Interest Earned 28,074.61 General Journal 09/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 382.94 28,457.55 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$2.56 INT... Interest Earned 28,457.55 General Journal 10/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 379.44 28,836.99 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$2.51 INT... Interest Earned 28,836.99 General Journal 11/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 376.33 29,213.32 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$2.19 INT... Interest Earned 29,213.32 General Journal 12/17/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 375.42 29,588.74 Total 690005070-HARTSTENE WATER BOND 4,537.37 29,588.74 800000010-TDC-STATE POOL 25,128,490.17 General Journal 01/04/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 904.93 25,129,395.10 General Journal 01/07/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw] -1,500,000.00 23,629,395.10 General Journal 01/08/2019 50825 INV INTEREST FEE$0 INT$5... Interest Earned 23,629,395.10 General Journal 01/10/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -910,333.94 22,719,061.16 General Journal 01/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 122,000.00 22,841,061.16 General Journal 01/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -788,000.00 22,053,061.16 General Journal 01/17/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -573,000.00 21,480,061.16 General Journal 01/23/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -593,000.00 20,887,061.16 General Journal 01/24/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -682,000.00 20,205,061.16 General Journal 01/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 333,000.00 20,538,061.16 General Journal 01/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,192,000.00 19,346,061.16 General Journal 02/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 4,000,000.00 23,346,061.16 General Journal 02/06/2019 51611 INV INTEREST FEE$0 INT$4... Interest Earned 23,346,061.16 General Journal 02/07/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -5,000,000.00 18,346,061.16 General Journal 02/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,000,000.00 17,346,061.16 General Journal 02/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,000,000.00 19,346,061.16 General Journal 02/19/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 772,663.79 20,118,724.95 General Journal 02/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,189,000.00 21,307,724.95 General Journal 02/21/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -279,000.00 21,028,724.95 General Journal 02/22/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw] -1,764,000.00 19,264,724.95 General Journal 02/25/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 800,000.00 20,064,724.95 General Journal 02/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,400,000.00 22,464,724.95 General Journal 03/01/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 100,000.00 22,564,724.95 General Journal 03/05/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,637,245.37 25,201,970.32 General Journal 03/07/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -3,000,000.00 22,201,970.32 General Journal 03/08/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,000,000.00 20,201,970.32 General Journal 03/08/2019 52334 INV INTEREST FEE$0 INT$3... Interest Earned 20,201,970.32 General Journal 03/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,500,000.00 22,701,970.32 General Journal 03/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -307,000.00 22,394,970.32 General Journal 03/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,000,000.00 23,394,970.32 General Journal 03/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 550,000.00 23,944,970.32 General Journal 03/18/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 575,000.00 24,519,970.32 General Journal 03/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 895,000.00 25,414,970.32 General Journal 03/21/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,150,000.00 24,264,970.32 General Journal 03/22/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 580,000.00 24,844,970.32 General Journal 03/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw] -12,259.49 24,832,710.83 General Journal 03/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,108,000.00 23,724,710.83 General Journal 04/02/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,144,038.00 25,868,748.83 General Journal 04/04/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -197,859.94 25,670,888.89 General Journal 04/05/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -4,362,234.02 21,308,654.87 General Journal 04/05/2019 53329 INV INTEREST FEE$0 INT$5... Interest Earned 21,308,654.87 General Journal 04/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,700,000.00 19,608,654.87 General Journal 04/10/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 4,000,000.00 23,608,654.87 General Journal 04/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,000,000.00 24,608,654.87 General Journal 04/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,000,000.00 26,608,654.87 General Journal 04/16/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,500,000.00 29,108,654.87 General Journal 04/18/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 8,900,000.00 38,008,654.87 General Journal 04/19/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,500,000.00 40,508,654.87 General Journal 04/24/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 4,000,000.00 44,508,654.87 General Journal 04/25/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -362,000.00 44,146,654.87 General Journal 04/26/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,009,006.40 46,155,661.27 General Journal 04/29/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 385,000.00 46,540,661.27 General Journal 04/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -7,000,000.00 39,540,661.27 It 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account QuickReport Accrual Basis As of December 31,2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 05/01/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 3,500,000.00 43,040,661.27 General Journal 05/02/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,000,000.00 45,040,661.27 General Journal 05/03/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 3,000,000.00 48,040,661.27 General Journal 05/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -1,080,491.82 46,960,169.45 General Journal 05108/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,500,000.00 49,460,169.45 General Journal 05/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,000,000.00 51,460,169.45 General Journal 05/09/2019 54304 INV INTEREST FEE$0 INT$6... Interest Earned 51,460,169.45 General Journal 05/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,175,321.98 50,284,847.47 General Journal 05/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,450,000.00 47,834,847.47 General Journal 05/17/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -7,600,000.00 40,234,847.47 General Journal 05/22/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 26,959.62 40,261,807.09 General Journal 05/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,643,363.05 41,905,170.14 General Journal 05/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 3,500,000.00 45,405,170.14 General Journal 06/03/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Withdrawl 1,417,335.95 46,822,506.09 General Journal 06/05/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -7,000,000.00 39,822,506.09 General Journal 06/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,680,000.00 37,142,506.09 General Journal 06/06/2019 55174 INV INTEREST FEE$0 INT$9... Interest Earned 37,142,506.09 General Journal 06/07/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,500,000.00 35,642,506.09 General Journal 06/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -510,000.00 35,132,506.09 General Journal 06/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,750,000.00 37,882,506.09 General Journal 06/18/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,475,878.05 39,358,384.14 General Journal 06/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -8,898,893.44 30,459,490.70 General Journal 06/21/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 448,025.22 30,907,515.92 General Journal 06/24/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 450,533.91 31,358,049.83 General Journal 06/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -88,168.30 31,269,881.53 General Journal 06/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,000,000.00 33,269,881.53 General Journal 07/01/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 58,650.00 33,328,531.53 General Journal 07/03/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 15,000.00 33,343,531.53 General Journal 07/08/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,580,000.00 30,763,531.53 General Journal 07/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -8,102.08 30,755,429.45 General Journal 07110/2019 56268 INV INTEREST FEE$0 INT$7... Interest Earned 30,755,429.45 General Journal 07/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -943,000.00 29,812,429.45 General Journal 07/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -392,530.29 29,419,899.16 General Journal 07116/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,037,000.00 30,456,899.16 General Journal 07/1712019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 5,611.88 30,462,511.04 General Journal 07/22/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,131,001.73 29,331,509.31 General Journal 07/23/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -830,727.88 28,500,781.43 General Journal 07124/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -655,337.45 27,845,443.98 General Journal 07/25/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,450,000.00 26,395,443.98 General Journal 07/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,998,971.07 29,394,415.05 General Journal 08/07/2019 57177 INV INTEREST FEE$0 INT$6... Interest Earned 29,394,415.05 General Journal 08/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,336,000.00 28,058,415.05 General Journal 08/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -425,068.47 27,633,346.58 General Journal 08/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -682,332.22 26,951,014.36 General Journal 08115/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 4,238,650.54 31,189,664.90 General Journal 08/16/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -285,566.75 30,904,098.15 General Journal 08/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,200,000.00 28,704,098.15 General Journal 08/21/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -720,000.00 27,984,098.15 General Journal 08/22/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,114,000.00 26,870,098.15 General Journal 08/26/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,000,000.00 28,870,098.15 General Journal 08/28/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -181,143.31 28,688,954.84 General Journal 09/03/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,500,000.00 30,188,954.84 General Journal 09/05/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 3,500,000.00 33,688,954.84 General Journal 09/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -750,000.00 32,938,954.84 General Journal 09/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,720,000.00 31,218,954.84 General Journal 09/10/2019 58102 INV INTEREST FEE$0 INT$5... Interest Earned 31,218,954.84 General Journal 09/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -8,128.88 31,210,825.96 General Journal 09/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,921,443.03 28,289,382.93 General Journal 09113/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 4,629,828.69 32,919,211.62 General Journal 09/16/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -359,390.21 32,559,821.41 General Journal 09/17/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 13,935.28 32,573,756.69 General Journal 09/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -275,000.00 32,298,756.69 General Journal 09/23/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,688.33 32,300,445.02 General Journal 09/26/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 17,281.40 32,317,726.42 General Journal 10/03/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,700,000.00 35,017,726.42 General Journal 10/04/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -5,000,000.00 30,017,726.42 General Journal 10/04/2019 58904 INV INTEREST FEE$0 INT$5... Interest Earned 30,017,726.42 General Journal 10/08/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -7,322,000.00 22,695,726.42 General Journal 10109/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -242,946.69 22,452,779.73 General Journal 10/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 160,000.00 22,612,779.73 General Journal 10/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 3,950,000.00 26,562,779.73 General Journal 10/16/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 3,187,290.40 29,750,070.13 General Journal 10/21/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 10,000.00 29,760,070.13 General Journal 10/22/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,000,000.00 31,760,070.13 General Journal 10/23/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,133,000.00 29,627,070.13 General Journal 10/24/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 3,000.00 29,630,070.13 General Journal 10/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 5,000,000.00 34,630,070.13 General Journal 10/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 9,500,000.00 44,130,070.13 8�� 11:56 AM Mason County Treasurer's Office 01/21/20 Account Quick Report Accrual Basis As of December 31, 2019 Type Date Num Name Memo Split Amount Balance General Journal 11/04/2019 WIRE INVESTMENTACQUI... Inv Deposit 6,000,000.00 50,130,070.13 General Journal 11/07/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -597,000.00 49,533,070.13 General Journal 11/07/2019 59841 INV INTEREST FEE$0 INT$5... Interest Earned 49,533,070.13 General Journal 11/08/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,000,000.00 47,533,070.13 General Journal 11/14/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,798,000.00 45,735,070.13 General Journal 11/15/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,000,000.00 47,735,070.13 General Journal 11/18/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 400,000.00 48,135,070.13 General Journal 11/19/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 85,205.44 48,220,275.57 General Journal 11/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -6,500,000.00 41,720,275.57 General Journal 11/21/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 487,045.33 42,207,320.90 General Journal 11/25/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 1,752,062.88 43,959,383.78 General Journal 11/26/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,005,900.00 42,953,483.78 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,500,000.00 40,453,483.78 General Journal 12/03/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 5,000,000.00 45,453,483.78 General Journal 12/05/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -4,175,000.00 41,278,483.78 General Journal 12/05/2019 60614 INV INTEREST FEE$0 INT$6... Interest Earned 41,278,483.78 General Journal 12/09/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -616,905.14 40,661,578.64 General Journal 12/10/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,230,000.00 39,431,578.64 General Journal 12/11/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -1,335,000.00 38,096,578.64 General Journal 12/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw! -2,919,000.00 35,177,578.64 General Journal 12/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -800,000.00 34,377,578.64 General Journal 12/16/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -69,035.77 34,308,542.87 General Journal 12117/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -7,893.34 34,300,649.53 General Journal 12/18/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 197,860.01 34,498,509.54 General Journal 12/19/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 2,524,324.63 37,022,834.17 General Journal 12J20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,297,902.71 34,724,931.46 General Journal 12/23/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -459,790.65 34,265,140.81 General Journal 12/26/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 7,164.64 34,272,305.45 General Journal 12/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdraw) -62,648.06 34,209,657.39 General Journal 12/30/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... Inv Withdrawl -2,760,000.00 31,449,657.39 General Journal 12/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Deposit 5,000,000.00 36,449,657.39 Total 800000010-TDC-STATE POOL 11,321,167.22 36,449,657.39 800000030-TDC-AGENCY BONDS 8,718,447.90 General Journal 01/08/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... FFCB CUSIP#... Inv Purchased 500,718.00 9,219,165.90 General Journal 01/25/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... FHLM CUSIP#... Inv Called -299,982.30 8,919,183.60 General Journal 01130/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... WELLS FARG... Inv Purchased 250,000.00 9,169,183.60 General Journal 01/31/2019 WRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... FNMA CUSIP... Inv Matured -598,911.60 8,570,272.00 General Journal 02/20/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... FHLMC CUSIP... Inv Called -249,997.25 8,320,274.75 General Journal 03/06/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... Inv Purchased 249,191.50 8,569,466.25 General Journal 04/10/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... FFCB CUSIP#... Inv Purchased 296,269.50 8,865,735.75 General Journal 05121/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... FHLB CUSIP#... Inv Purchased 489,999.65 9,355,735.40 General Journal 05/31/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... JP MORGAN... Inv Purchased 250,000.00 9,605,735.40 General Journal 06/03/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... TO CORRECT... Inv Withdrawl -7.00 9,605,728.40 General Journal 06/24/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... FHLM CUSIP#... Inv Matured -247,396.75 9,358,331.65 General Journal 07/12/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... FNMA CUSIP... Inv Matured -499,853.00 8,858,478.65 General Journal 08/02/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... FNMA CUSIP... Inv Matured -498,990.00 8,359,488.65 General Journal 08/16/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... FFCB CUSIP#... Inv Purchased 536,001.87 8,895,490.52 General Journal 08/19/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... FFNW BK CU... Inv Matured -249,812.50 8,645,678.02 General Journal 08121/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... WELLS FARG... Inv Purchased 253,187.50 8,898,865.52 General Journal 09103/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... WELLS FARG... Inv Called -250,000.00 8,648,865.52 General Journal 09/17/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... FHLB CUSIP#... Inv Purchased 249,997.50 8,898,863.02 General Journal 10/25/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... FFCB CUSIP#... Inv Purchased 250,000.00 9,148,863.02 General Journal 11/08/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... FFCB CUSIP#... Inv Called -245,088.50 8,903,774.52 General Journal 11/25/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... FHLM CUSIP#... Inv Called -500,000.00 8,403,774.52 General Journal 11/26/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... FHLM CUSIP#... Inv Matured -249,575.00 8,154,199.52 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... FFCB CUSIP#... Inv Purchased 250,000.00 8,404,199.52 General Journal 11/27/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT ACQUI... FHLMC CUSIP... Inv Purchased 249,875.00 8,654,074.52 General Journal 12/13/2019 WIRE INVESTMENT LIQUI... FHLB CUSIP#... Inv Matured -498,510.00 8,155,564.52 Total 800000030-TDC-AGENCY BONDS -562,883.38 8,155,564.52 Total STATE POOL INVESTMENT LEDGER -36,497,072.94 163,647,646.54 TOTAL -36,497,072.94 163,647,646.54 1/21/2020 Daily Treasury Bill Rates Data U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Resource Center Daily Treasury Bill Rates Data Get updates to this content. ®These data are also available in XML format by clicking on the XML icon. ® The schema for the XML is available in XSD format by clicking on the XSD icon. If you are having trouble viewing the above XML in your browser,click here. To access interest rate data in the legacy XML format and the corresponding XSD schema,click here. Select type of Interest Rate Data Daily Treasury Bill Rates ♦� Go Select Time Period 2019 ♦ Go 4 WEEKS 8 WEEKS 13 WEEKS 26 WEEKS 52 WEEKS DATE BANK COUPON BANK COUPON BANK COUPON BANK COUPON BANK COUPON DISCOUNT EQUIVALENT DISCOUNT EQUIVALENT DISCOUNT EQUIVALENT DISCOUNT EQUIVALENT DISCOUNT EQUIVALENT 11/26/19 1.60 1.63 1.58 1.61 1.57 1.60 1.58 1.62 1.55 1.59 11/27/19 1.62 1.65 1.57 1.60 1.59 1.62 1.59 1.63 1.56 1.60 11/29/19 1.59 1.62 1.57 1.60 1.56 1.59 1.59 1,63 1.56 1.60 12/02/19 1.58 1.61 1.55 1.58 1.57 1.60 1.58 1.62 1.56 1.60 12/03119 1.54 1.57 1.51 1.54 1.54 1.57 1.53 1.57 1.53 1.57 12/04/19 1.58 1.61 1.51 1.54 1.52 1.55 1.52 1.56 1.52 1.56 12/05/19 1.49 1.52 1.53 1.56 1.51 1.54 1.51 1.55 1.52 1.56 12/06/19 1.49 1.52 1.52 1.55 1.50 1.53 1.52 1.56 1.53 1.57 12/09/19 1.51 1.54 1.51 1.54 1.51 1.54 1.54 1.58 1.52 1.56 12/10/19 1.50 1.53 1.52 1.55 1.53 1.56 1.53 1.57 1.52 1.56 12/11/19 1.51 1.54 1.53 1.56 1.54 1.57 1.54 1.58 1.51 1.55 12/12/19 1.54 1.57 1.54 1.57 1.53 1.56 1.53 1.57 1.51 1.55 12/13/19 1.52 1.55 1.54 1.57 1.54 1.57 1.52 1.56 1.49 1.53 12/16/19 1.54 1.57 1.54 1.57 1.54 1.57 1.54 1.58 1.50 1.54 12/17119 1.53 1.56 1.53 1.56 1.53 1.56 1.54 1.58 1.49 1.53 12/18/19 1.53 1.56 1.54 1.57 1.53 1.56 1.54 1.58 1.50 1.54 12/19/19 1.51 1.54 1.55 1.58 1.54 1.57 1.53 1.57 1.48 1.52 12/20/19 1.54 1.57 1.56 1.59 1.55 1.58 1.54 1.58 1.48 1.52 12/23/19 1.54 1.57 1.54 1.57 1.56 1.59 1.56 1.60 1.49 1.53 12/24119 1.52 1.55 1.55 1.58 1.55 1.58 1.57 1.61 1.49 1.53 12/26/19 1.56 1.59 1.57 1.60 1.55 1.58 1.57 1.61 1.49 1.53 12127119 1.53 1.56 1.53 1.56 1.54 1.57 1.55 1.59 1.47 1.51 12/30/19 1.48 1.51 1.50 1.53 1.54 1.57 1.56 1.60 1.53 1.57 12/31/19 1.45 1.48 1.48 1.51 1.52 1.55 1.56 1.60 1.55 1.59 Daily Treasury Bill Rates: These rates are the daily secondary market quotation on the most recently auctioned Treasury Bills for each maturity tranche(4-week, 8-week, 13-week,26-week, and 52-week)for which Treasury currently issues new Bills.Market quotations are obtained at approximately 3:30 PM each business day by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.The Bank Discount rate is the rate at which a Bill is quoted in the secondary market and is based on the par value, amount of the discount and a 360-day year.The Coupon Equivalent, also called the Bond Equivalent,or the Investment Yield, is the bill's yield based on the purchase price,discount, and a 365-or 366-day year. The Coupon Equivalent can be used to compare the yield on a discount bill to the yield on a nominal coupon bond that pays semiannual interest. For more information regarding these statistics contact the Office of Debt Management by email at debt.management@do.treas.gov RESOLUTION NO. AMENDING RESOLUTI N 58-17 IN THE MAJ7ER OF ESTABLISHING A FINANCIAL RESERVE AND CONTINGENCY POLICY FOR MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON WHEREAS, the Mason County Board of County Commissioners, as the county legislative authority and the Mason County Finance Committee deem it to be fiscally responsible to maintain cash flow reserves in the County Funds and to provide sufficient reserve funds as required by law to cover bond covenants, the smooth running of the County and pay current obligations; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mason County Board of County Commissioners that the Financial Reserve and Contingency Policy be adopted as part of the County Budget process to achieve the goals outlined. These goals were established by the Mason County Board of County Commissioners beginning in 2018 over a five year period for all reserves except the Contingency Reserve which was established beginning in 2019 over the successive next five years. A. General Policy The County shall maintain reserves required by law, ordinance and/or bond covenants. All expenditures drawn from reserve accounts shall require prior Board approval unless previously authorized by the Board for expenditure within the County's annual budget. The County Finance Committee will review annually the required reserve levels necessary to meet the reserves established herein. If it is determined that the reserves should be adjusted, the County Finance Committee shall propose an amendment to these policies. If reserves and/or fund balances fall below required levels as set by this policy,the County shall include within its annual budget a plan to restore reserves and/or fund balance to the required levels. The County's annual general fund budget will be adopted in the positive with expenditures not exceeding revenues, excluding beginning and ending fund balances unless the Mason County Board of County Commissioners develop a plan to restore the shortfall to the reserve balances within one calendar year. The County will allocate any funds from unanticipated excess revenues and/or unexpended budget authority in the year following the actual recognition of these funds first to funding reserves as set out in this policy then to other unanticipated expenditures. All reserves will be presented in the County's annual budget. B. General Fund Operating Reserves The County will maintain a General Fund Operating Reserve to provide for adequate cash flow, budget contingencies, and insurance reserves. Under this policy, General Operating –I— Printed frorn f0asonumt Printeri horn Mason County DMS Reserves will be budgeted in the range of 15% - 20% of the prior year's actual expenditures, excluding beginning and ending fiend balances. C. General Fund Contingency Reserve The County will maintain a Contingency Fund and shall maintain a reserve equal to $1,000,000 to provide a financial cushion to cover revenue shortfalls resulting from unexpected economic changes or recessionary periods or to provide funds in the event of major unplanned expenditures the County could face. D. General Fund Technology Replacement Reserves The County will maintain a Technology Replacement Reserve for replacement of costs entity wide to cover computer hardware, software, or telephone equipment identified in the County's Technology Replacement listing. The required level of reserve will equal each year's scheduled costs. For example, if the 2019 equipment costs are budgeted at $100,000 the fund reserve balance must equal or exceed $100,000. Contributions will be made through assessments to the using funds and departments and maintained on a per asset basis. E. General Fund Equipment and Vehicle Replacement Reserves The County will maintain a General Fund reserve for the replacement of vehicles and equipment identified on the County's equipment replacement listing. The required level of reserves will equal each year's scheduled replacement costs. For example, if the 2019 equipment replacement costs are budgeted at$100,000, the fund reserve balance must equal or exceed $100,000. Contributions will be made through assessments to the using funds and departments and maintained on a per asset basis. F. General Fund Accrued Leave Reserve The County will maintain an Accrued Leave Reserve to cover the cost of the liability in its Accrued Leave Account. The reserve will be at least sufficient to cover one years estimated accrued leave payout as well as any accrued leave payouts known and required to be paid out in future years. G. Sales and Use Tax Fund Reserve The County will maintain a Sales and Use Tax Fund Reserve equal to 15%to 20% of the prior year's actual expenditures, excluding beginning and ending fund balances. H. County Road Fund Operating Reserves The County will maintain a County Road Fund Operating Reserve to provide for adequate cash flow. Under this policy, General Operating Reserves will be budgeted in the range of 15% - 20% of the prior year's actual expenditures, excluding beginning and ending fund balances. I. County Road New Road Projects Fund Reserve The County will maintain a County Road New Road Projects Fund Reserve equal to $4,000,000, or other amount set by the Board and adopted during the annual budget process. 2 frogCounty D" S . r --IF Printed from Niason COLIntu DMS J. REET 2 Fund Reserve The County will maintain a REST 2 Fund Reserve to provide for future debt payments within the Belfair Wastewater & Water Reclamation Fund. The reserve will increase each year, economic conditions permitting, by up to one-half of the scheduled transfer amount from the BEET 2 Fund into the Belfair Sewer Fund until the reserve is equal to $3,000,000, or other amount set by the Board and adopted during the annual budget process. K. Equipment Rental & Revolving Fund Reserve The County will maintain an Equipment Rental & Revolving Fund Balance Reserve equal to 15% - 20% of the prior year's actual expenditures, excluding beginning and ending fund balances. Approved this day of -f' 2019. Mason County Board of Commissioners Kevin Shutty, air Randy�eather in, ommissioner � 09—L �- tAA Sharon Trask,Commissioner Approved thistdayof�WULC2k, 2019. Mason County Finance Committee &J .0 i a Frazier son County Treasurer,Chair Paddy McGuire Mason County Auditor, Secretary Kevin Sht , ason County Commissioner Attest: M iss - ewry Clerk of the Board Approved as to form: Tim Whitehea Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney a Printed from Mason County DMS Mason County, Washington Investment Policy duly-2018 Draft January 2020 1. Policy It is the policy of Mason County to invest public funds in a manner that will provide maximum security W th the highest investment return while meeting the daily cash flow demands of the County while conforming to all state and local statutes governing the investment of public funds _vvnlie Providing a market rate of return through budgetary and economic cycles. 2. Scope This investment policy applies to all financial assets i^+„�astody of the Mason County Treasurer (any roforonGe mage heFein to"T-Feas shall m n+ho�� its junior taxing districts. €uads Gevered by this PO''Gy include all Geunty funds created by the MaSOR County Gemmissieners,fu of other d'str'Gts where the County Treasurer ads as ex Offide TreasureF and etheF funds etheFW*Se established by state legislatien T1he These funds are accounted for in the Mason County Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and include #ellew+eg Fund Types • General ; CurreRt Expense Funds • Special Revenue Funds • Debt Service Funds (Unless prohibited by Bond indentures) • Capital Project Funds • Enterprise Funds • Internal Se a Funds • Trust and Agency Funds • n„eRGy FI Anal • Re+'re ent Renoien Funds • Any new fund created by the legislative body, unless specifically exempted Should bond covenants be more restrictive than this policy,funds shall be invested in full compliance with those restrictions. 2.1 FURds set aside to defeaseCOURty A' --"I. Or special diStFiGt debt iR GGRjunGtiOR with an and et it liwith this nel'n y. an necessarily in nnmnanc e� 2.2 In these Gases .,hero County funds immediate expeRditure, and are OR the GUstody or Gontrol of the Treasurer, and where thee goveFRing body Of SUGh distriet haS ROt taken any aGtdon pertaining te the investment Of SuGh fURds, the Treasurer may invest SUGh funds or portion of them, for the benefit ef the COURt!V curFent expense f d under the Griteriaestablished On this ^eliGy. Draft Mason County Investment Policy 2020.docx Page 1 of 20 January 27,2020 3. Prudence Investments shall be made with judgment and care, under circumstances then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived. The standard of prudence to be used by investment officials shall be the "prudent person" standard and shall be applied in the context of managing an overall portfolio under prevailing economic conditions at the moment of investment commitments. Investment officers acting in accordance with written procedures and the investment policy and exercising due diligence shall be relieved of personal responsibility for an individual security's credit or market price changes, provided deviations from expectations are reported in a timely fashion and appropriate action is taken to control adverse developments. In determining whether an Investment official has exercised prudence with respect to an investment decision, the determination shall be made taking into consideration the investment of all funds over which the official had responsibility rather than a consideration as to the prudence of a single investment, and, whether the investment decision was consistent with the written investment policy of the entity. 4. Objectives The primary objectives, in priority order, of the Mason County and junior or special district investment activities shall be: • Safety: Safety of the principal is the foremost objective of the Treasurer's investment program. Investments of the Mason County and the junior taxing districts will shaii be undertaken in a manner that seeks to ensure the preservation of capital in the overall portfolio. To attain this objective, diversification is required in order that potential losses on individual securities do not exceed the income generated from the remainder of the portfolio. • Liquidity: the County to Fneet all operating requirements that might be reaSORably antiGipated. The portfolio will remain sufficiently liquid to enable the County to meet all cash requirements that might reasonably be anticipated. This is accomplished by structuring the portfolio so that securities mature concurrent with cash needs to meet anticipated demands (static liquidity). Furthermore, since all possible cash demands cannot be anticipated, the portfolio should consist largely of securities with active secondary or resale markets (dynamic liquidity). • Return on Investment(Yield): The Germ's investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of attaining a market rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles, taking into account the County's investment risk constraints and liquidity needs. and the oash flow E;haraGteF*StOGS of the portfolio. Return on investments is of secondary importance compared to the safety and liquidity objectives described above. The core of investments is limited to relatively low risk securities in anticipation of earning a fair rate of return relative to the risk being assumed. Securities shall generally be held until maturity with the following exceptions: • A security with declining credit may be sold early to minimize loss of principal. Draft Mason County Investment Policy 2020.docx Page 2 of 20 January 27,2020 • A security swap would improve the quality, yield, or target duration of the portfolio. • Liquidity needs of the portfolio require that the security be sold early. 5. Delegation of Authority The authority to manage the County's investment program is vested in the Mason County Treasurer under the express authority granted in RCW 39.29.020. The County Treasurer shall establish written procedures for the operation of the investment program consistent with this investment policy. , A The Treasurer may appoint an Investment Officer whose responsibilities will include initiating daily transactions in the investment portfolio based on liquidity and cash flow requirements of the County,junior and special taxing districts and their respective funds. B No person may engage in an investment transaction on behalf of the Treasurer without the express written consent of the Treasurer or the Investment Officer after consultation with the Treasurer.excc^+ ^ ^M C Investments placed for the benefit of junior and special taxing districts shall be authorized by resolution of the governing body of such district or by an individual designated to have such authority. The Treasurer will select the specific investment instrument based on the amount and term of the investment instructions specified by the district. 6.0 Ethics and Conflict of Interest A Investment Officials will recognize that the investment portfolio is subject to public review and evaluation. The overall program will be designed and managed with a degree of professionalism that is worthy of the public trust. B Officers and employees involved in the investment process shall refrain from personal business activity that may conflict with the proper execution of the investment program, or may impair their ability to make impartial investment decisions. Employees ^ +Investment officials shall disclose to the County Treasurer any material financial interests in financial institutions that conduct business with the County, and they shall further disclose any personal financial/investment positions that could be related to the performance of the County's portfolio particularly with regard to the time of purchases and sales. Employees andefficers shall subordinate the+rpef ser l inveStMent tFansaGti0R6 W these of the County, partiGUlarly with regards to the tim Ong of PUFGhases and les 7.0 Authorized Financial Dealers and Institutions The Treasurer will maintain a list ef fin-AnGial inStitlJtIORs authorized to provide iRvestmeRt servilses. Draft Mason County Investment Policy 2020.docx Page 3 of 20 January 27,2020 R� Selection of a primary bank for Mason County's to provide general banking services for Mason County will be made by the County Treasurer. PuFsuant to state statutes (RG",39.58), the deposit of publiG funds and the piacen4ent 0 4pvestment deposits"0.e. time deposits, meney n7arket deposit aGGounts and savings deposits o pubfiG funds), will be plaGed ot#y with insfituNens appr-oI,,ed by the Washington Publi Deposit P4�oteGfion Commission (PDPC) as ef�O/e for deposit of public funds. maxin7um amount plaGed with any one depository wX not eXGeed the net worth of the institution as determined b),the P-DPG-. B in add+tiefa The the County Treasurer will maintain a list of financial institutions authorized to provide investment services. In addition a list will also be maintained of approved security broker/dealers selected by credit worthliness. These may include "primary" dealers or regional dealers that qualify under Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15C3-1 (uniform net capital rule) approved s ri+„ broker dealers seleGte J by Gredi+ wvrnzincs.s, 7.1.1 Auther'zed broker/dealers must maoRtaiR an office in the State of Washington; 7.1.2 AutheF*zed broker/dealers will be limited te primary dealers or other dealers that qUalify URdeF SEC Rule 15C3 1, the Uniferm Net Capital Rule. 7.1.3 All approved firms and the individuals that represeRt the. -d to Fead this pelfGGY and certify that they understand and ill GGMPl, with theCounty's i.Ryes+mon+ ebjectiy and n nStFain+c 7.144 Broker/Dealers that have beeR seleGted te provide investmeRt seFViGes to the COURty aFe required to submit aR audited fiRaRGial statement, preef ef National AsSOG'n+'., of Com,.. rities Dealers GeFtifiGatinn a ally+n the TFeas 7.1.5 The Treasurer Will GORdLAGt aR aRRual review of the financial CORd6t'ons of firms. current audited financial statement is required to be OR file for eaGh financial i RSt'tLAt*GR and broker/dealer with whern the County invests. C As required by state law, (RCW 39.58) certificates of deposit will be purchased only from hose institutions approved by the Washington Public Deposit Protection Commission (PDPC) as eligible for deposit of public funds. The Treasurer will use the eligibility list provided by the PDPC as the approved depository list. The maximum amount placed in any one depository will not exceed the net worth of the institution as determined by the PDPC. D Qualified broker/dealers will be reviewed and selected by the County Treasurer on a routine basis. All broker/dealer and financial institutions who desire to do business with Mason County must supply the Treasurer with the following: • Annual audited financial statements • Proof of FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) certification. • Proof of registration with the State of Washington. • A completed Broker/Dealer questionnaire and certification of having read the Mason County Investment Policy. E The County Treasurer will conduct a review of the financial condition of the firms at least every four years. A current audited financial statement is required to be on file for each financial institution and broker/dealer with whom the County invests. Draft Mason County Investment Policy 2020.docx Page 4 of 20 January 27,2020 8.0 Authorized Investments Mason County is empowered by statute State statutes and this Investment entPGliGY limit the types of seGUrities authorized foF investmeRt by the County. The principal governing statutes are (RCW 39.59 and RCW 39.60) to invest in the following types of securities: The County Treasurer may further restrict eligible investments by this policy at his/her discretion. Autheruzed (but aFe not limited to): • U.S.Treasury Seeur+ties Obligations • U.S. Government Agency Securities obligations and U.S. Government Sponsored Enterprises (LSE's) which may include, but are not limited to the following: Federal Farm Credit Bank (FFCB), Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB), Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA), Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), Student Loan Marketing Corporation. (+e Federal Reserve) • Supranationals — Certificates, notes or bonds of the United States or other obligations of the United States or its agencies, or of any U.S. dollar denominated bonds, notes, or other obligations that are issued or guaranteed by supranational institutions, provided that, at the time of investment the institution has the United States government as its largest shareholder. Corporate Notes, purchased on the secondary market, provided that the policy adheres to the investment policies and procedures adopted by the Washington State Investment Board, **Please check the Washington State Investment Board's website for the most recent adopted policy and credit monitorinq criteria. • GeFtifiGates of Deposit, MeRey Market Deposit AGcounts and savings deposits with qualified deP96itOlFies within statutory limits als PFGMulgated by the PDRG at the time of • Bankers Acceptances (BA's) purchased on the secondary market. Commercial Paper, purchased in the secondary market that the policy adheres to the investment policies and procedures adopted by the Washington State Investment Board, **Please check the Washington State Investment Board's website for the most recent adopted policy and credit monitoring criteria. Non-negotiable Certificates of Deposit of financial institutions which are qualified public depositories as defined by RCW 39.59 and in accordance with the restrictions therein. Repurchase Agreements provided that a signed Master Repurchase Agreement shall be on file with the Mason County Treasurer's office for all financial institutions that enter into a repurchase agreement with Mason County. All repurchase agreements will be collateralized at a minimum of 102% of market value of principal and interest. The only eligible collateral for repurchase agreements will be direct obligations of the U.S. Treasury, U.S. Government Agency and/or U.S. Government instrumentality obligations. All securities shall be held in third party safekeeping. Third party safekeeping agreements must be entered into with a signed agreement between the safekeeping financial institution and the Mason County Treasurer. All securities in a repurchase agreement shall be priced daily to reflect current market conditions for both principal and accrued interest. Securities shall be purchased form either primary dealers or from institutions that are members of the Washington Public Draft Mason County Investment Policy 2020.docx Page 5 of 20 January 27,2020 Depository. Credit worthiness of the institution will also be considered. A signed master repurchase agreement in conformance with the Public Securities Association (PSA) model agreement and supplemented with the Treasurer's policy on repurchase agreements must be executed prior to entering into a repurchase agreement transaction. • GeReral ObligatieR Bonds of a-the State of Washington and any or local government in the State of Washingtor i. Which bonds have at the time of the investment one of the three highest credit ratings of a nationally recognized rating agency General obligation bonds of a state other than the State of Washington and general obligations bonds of a local government of a state other than the State of Washington,which bonds have at the time of the investment one the three highest credit ratings of a nationally recognized rating agency. • Washington State Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP). The Mason County Treasurer will keep on file or have access to the Washington State Treasurer's Office website for the most recent LGIP Investment Policy, prospectus and operations manual. This policy will be assessed for safety of funds on deposit with the LGIP and risks associated with investment strategies. The LGIP prospectus states the following: a description of eligible securities; how interest and fees are calculated; how gains and losses are calculated; a description of how the securities are safeguarded, how often the securities are priced, and how often the program is audited; deposit and withdrawal restrictions; and information regarding how bond proceeds are accounted for in the LGIP. • Registered Warrants of a local government within Mason County, subject the compliance with RCW 39.56.030 And other investments authorized by law. The Wash'Rgton State I noal Goverment Investment Pool (LGIP) Renu rr•hase Agreements su hies++o the following: 9A ExeGlAted with a finaRG'al ORStitution considered to be a qualified public depositery a n the State of Washington 8..2 A master FepurGhase agreerneRt iR GORfOrmance with the Public SeGurities Ass 'a+'en (PSA) rune I agreement must he executed p r to entering into a rep urohase agreement trans-+^t'on O 2 Repurchase + should h limited d + theinvestment of tl—�T��rsiac Bf�ce�vr cr-rc�v�A�r��rc� �rrv'c`'rv��miTrrev�v—mei �v i lloveFnight (including weekends) but!R RG Gase shall exceed a maximum maturity eft dam g� Collateral,;Zati.O„ required an repLiFGhase agreements. (coo Section-9) 9.0 Collateralization Collateral Ozation is required on repurchase agreemeRtS. IR order to anticipate market changes and provide a level of security for all funds, the collateral izatqGR level will be o of the market vall of n al and a ed 'n+eros+ Draft Mason County Investment Policy 2020.docx Page 6 of 20 January 27,2020 /A- ter '' Gf Mati rity et too end t U.S.ry Lams. 9.1.1 Collateral Os to be deldvered te and held iFl a GUStOdial aGGGuRt by an independent third party with whom the Treasuper has a GUrFent GUStedial agreement. A clearly mafked ceymdenGe Of O rship (safek-- must be supplied to the Treasurer and reta'Red. The- "'UtieR is gFaRt A: Repurchase Agreements: a. The collateral for repurchase agreements shall be U.S. Treasury or Agency securities with a term of maturity not to exceed the maximum maturity allowed by investment policy. b. Mortgage-backed securities of any maturity will not be accepted as collateral. c. In order to anticipate market changes and provide a level of security for all funds the collateralization level will be at 102% of market value of principal and accrued interest. d. Collateral is to be delivered to and held by the trust department of the bank with whom the Treasurer is currently using as the City's/County's safekeeping custodian. Collateral held for repurchase agreements will be evidenced by safekeeping receipts provided to the Treasurer. e. At a minimum, the value of the securities must be marked market on a weekly basis. Prevailing market conditions may dictate more frequent repricing at the discretion of the Treasurer. 10. Safekeeping and Custody A'! seGurity transactions, FnGIUdiRg GE)"ateral fOF repurchase agreements, eRteFed *Rte by t4e Treasurer shall be condUGted OR a del-very versus-payment (DVPYbasis, 10.1 Securities PUFGhased by the Treasurer, will be deliveFed agaiFlSt payment and held 'R-a. Gustodial safekeeping account. The Treasurer will desigRate a third party GustodiaR and 10.2 CeFtifiGates of Deposit, transaGtiOR reGeipts for IVIGRey Market Depesit Accounts or Savings Deposit Accounts, and RegisteFed VVarFaRtS (of dwStF*GtS 'R the GOURty) wall be held by the Treasurer. A. Delivery vs. Payment: All trades of marketable securities will be executed by delivery vs. payment (DVP) to ensure that securities are deposited with a third party custodian prior to the release of funds. B. Safekeeping: Securities will be held by an independent third-party custodian selected by the Treasurer. Safekeeping receipts will evidence all transactions. C. CD's: Draft Mason County Investment Policy 2020.docx Page 7 of 20 January 27,2020 Certificates of deposit will be held by the Treasurer. 11. Diversification MaSOR COURty will diversify its 'RvestmeRts by security type and iR!StitutieR. With the eXGeptieR of US Treasury seGurities and authorized Pools, RG mere thaR 0 ,; of the eRtity'S tetal portfolio will be iRvested OR a SiRgle seGUFaty type er with a single financial institutiep'. It is the policy of Mason County to diversify its Investment portfolio. To eliminate risk of loss resulting from the over-concentration of assets In a specific maturity, issuer or class of securities, all cash and cash equivalent assets in all funds shall be diversified by maturity, issuer and by the class of security. Diversification strategies shall be determined and revised periodically by the County Finance Committee/Investment officer for all funds. In establishing specific diversification strategies, the following constraints shall apply: (these are examples to be modified by each agency according to their expertise and risk tolerance and not necessarily reflective of statutory maximums) Washington State Local Government Investment Pool 100% U.S. Treasury Obligations 100% Federal Agency securities 90% Public Fund Interest Bearing Investment Accounts 50% Certificates of Deposit (CDs) 50% Repurchase Agreements (Repos) 20% Bonds of State of Washington or any local government in 20% the State of Washington Bonds of other states or local governments of a state other 20% than the State of Washington Supranationals 10% Banker's Acceptance (BA's) 10% Commercial Paper & Corporate Notes Combined 10% 12 Maximum Maturdtfies To the extent possible, the GGURty or jURier and spedal diStFiGtS Will attempt to matc . �stments w0th aRtiGipated Gash flew FequiFement, On order te pFeG'ude the sale ef securifies that 12.Sale of Portfolio Any major changes in Investment Strategy including the liquidation of the portfolio shall require a majority vote by the County Finance Committee. Draft Mason County Investment Policy 2020.docx Page 8 of 20 January 27,2020 r� W✓ 13. Maturities 12.1 UnIpss MatGhed to a spedfiC GA-,;.h. flnyv thp CE)Ljnty and jHRk)F or special puFpese dist 19-2 At the time of investmeRt, RO SeGurlties or investrnpnt instFuments shall have a matuhty exGeed*Rg five (5) years, eXGept when GOMpatible with a speG;f'O fund's investment needs. Maturmfies OR excess of three(3)years hn-,Vp thp prdeF irittena proval of the Treasurer. 12.3 To provide fer ongeing market opportunity, iRvestment mat-wities should be laddere staggered te avoid the risk resultiRg from over Gencentration ef portfelie assets in a specifiGe maturity. 124 The -ave—rage- ---,---r'ty ef the portfel e shall not exceed three years (3) witheut the writt approval of the County Treasurer. I? Fi 411 interest eaFRiRgS (less tFeaSUrer's fee) shall be Gredited as reveRue te the fund fr 12.6 IRvestment fees shall be Gharged to every fURd fer every matwriRg investment, at the ratee of 0 of the interest to a maxirnum of $50.00 peF fund. The treasurer (RGVV 36.29.020) To the extent possible and to preclude sales of securities that could result in a loss investments will be made to coincide with anticipated cash flow requirements Because of inherent difficulties in accurately forecasting cash flow requirements a portion of the portfolio should be continuously invested in readily available funds such as the Local Government Investment Pool, money market funds to ensure that appropriate liquidity is maintained to meet ongoing obligations. A. To this extent a minimum of 25% of the portfolio at the time of investment, will be comprised of investments maturing within a year. B. Satisfying this requirement remaining funds may be invested in authorized securities not to exceed five years in maturity except when compatible with a specific fund's investment needs. C. To ensure additional liquidity and provide for ongoing market opportunity the weighted average maturity and modified duration of the overall portfolio shall not exceed three years without the prior written approval of the Treasurer. 14. Internal Controls The Tre-2-Surer shall establ'sh an annual pFGGess ef independent review by aR exteFRal auditor.T nteFnal cn-.ntrn-.1s;. Contre's .;hA" hp designed te pretect against loss of publiG funds due to The County Treasurer is responsible for establishing and maintaining an internal control structure designed to ensure that the assets are protected from loss theft or misuse. The internal controls shall but is not limited to addressing the following points: • Control of collusion • Separation of transaction authority from accounting and recordkeeping • Custodial Safekeeping • Avoidance of physical delivery securities Draft Mason County Investment Policy 2020.docx Page 9 of 20 January 27,2020 U(to • Clear delegation of authority to subordinate staff members • Written confirmation of transactions for investments and wire transfers The Investment portfolio is subiect to annual audit by the State Auditor's Office The County Finance Committee may authorize the audit of the investment portfolio at any time by an independent outside auditor. 15. Performance Standards / Benchmarks The iRvestment portfolio will be desigRed to ebtaiR an average rate of FetuFR during budgetary-and eGonorniG GYGleS, Gensistent with iRvestrneRt objectives and cash flow needs. The investment portfolio will be managed in accordance with the parameters specified within this Policy. The investment portfolio will be designed to obtain an average rate of return during budgetary and economic cycles consistent with the investment objectives and cash flow needs A series of appropriate benchmarks shall be established against which performance shall be compared on a regular basis. The benchmark will be reflective of the actual securities being purchased and the risks undertaken. The benchmarks will have a similar weighted average maturity as the portfolio. The GOURty iFlVeStMerlt strategy is passive. Given this strategy, the basis used by the Treasurer4o determine performaRce levels will be the average 90 day Treasury bill rate for the correspending time 16. Reporting The , Treasurer shall provide the County Finance Committee and County Legislative Body consistent periodic reporting. These reports shall provide an accurate and meaningful representation of the investment portfolio, its performance versus the established benchmark, and prooff compliance with the investment policy. Quarterly reports will include: • A listing of individual securities held at the end of the reporting period. • Average life and final maturity of all investments listed. • Coupon, discount or earnings rates. • PaF value, arnGrt Cost and market value. • Percentage of the portfolio in each investment category. • Measurement of the portfolio against the WTreasury Bill Rate for the corresponding weighted average maturity of the investment portfolio 17. Investment Policy Adoption T-4e Mason County's investment policy shall be adopted by resolution of the entity's statutory governing body(Finance Committee, pursuant to RCW 36.48.070)The policy shall be reviewed on an annual basis by the Finance Committee and the same^u+ the Finance Committee must approve any modifications. Approved and adopted this day of , 2020 Mason County Finance Committee Draft Mason County Investment Policy 2020.docx Page 10 of 20 January 27,2020 r�/ I/`J Elisabeth(Lisa)Frazier, Mason County Treasurer Chairperson Paddy McGuire, Mason County Auditor Secretary Sharon Trask, Mason County Board Chair Committee Member Draft Mason County Investment Policy 2020.docx Page 11 of 20 January 27,2020 rA W� Glossary The buyer of the bGREl pays the market priGe and aGGrued interest,whiGh is payable to the seller. Agency A debt serurity issued by a federal or federally SpeRsered agen6y. The full faith and Credit by eaGh agenGy 4th a market perGeption that theFe is an impliGit government guarantee. (See also Average Maturity A weighted average of the expiration dates for a portfolio of debt seGurities. An fund's velatility GaR be managed by shorteRiRg or lengtheRiRg the average maturity of portfolio: Bank 1111' � I 4 t f of f Unrl between tWE)fn al i otitntie vm-r���-rrc— �,rc'ccrrvii�iurr�ri�so is ii�v� a ivy iv. RBankP-F-.; AGGeptanGes (BA's) Bankers AGGeptaRGeS generally aFe Greated eR a letter ef Gredi a trade transaGt'OR, either foreign OF domeSt'G. BA's are short term, non interest bearing notes sold at a d'SGOunt and redeemed by the aGGept*ng bank at maturity for full faGe V Bases Peont A measuire of'nterest rate, .e., 1/100 of 1 PeFGent, oF.00 selling rit y a hint is ehtainerl (Cee hffer) Bend-,A.long teFm debt seGUFRY,OF IQU, by a gE)VeFRment orGorporatiOR that generally pay stated rate of intereot an1 ret,i no the Fare value OR the maturity date Book Entry SeGurities U.S.government and federal ageRCY seGurities that do not exist 4R definitive (papeF)form;they exist only'R G(Dmputerized files maintained at the Federal Resep.,e Bank. Book Value The amount at whiGh aR asset'S Garried A-.n the -hA-A-.k-.-; of the owneF. The beek value of an asset does not neGesswily have a si ifinant relation,;Np to market v form that earRSinterest at a speGified rate a rate formula Credmt R*sk The Fesk that a debtor WII faml to make tomely payments of PF'RG'pal or interest when due— GUSIP N---mhpr .4.ni.n.e digit alpha/nUMeF*G GGimbination established by the Committee on Uniform SeGUrities IdentifiGation PFOGedures that as used to identify publiGly traded seGurities. EaGh publidy trarlerl c 't..FeGeives a uRique G ICID number when the c r'ty isissued. Custodian AR 'RdepeRdent third party (usually a bank er tFust CeMpaRY) that holds seGuritieS Delivery The PFOVidiRg of a SGGUF4ty in aR acceptable feFm to the County eF to an agent aGtdRg OR behalf of the GOURty and independeRt Af the seller, The important d'st*nGt'E)R s that the transfe aGr.omplishes absolute ownership GE)ntirol by the County, Delivery vs. Payment (DVP) The simultaneous eXGhaRge of seG---rmtmp-.,-; -And The safes method Of SettliRg either the purGhase or sale of a seGyr4y. IR a DVR settlement,the funds are wired Depository Bank A local bank used as the peint of deposit f,9F Gash FeGeipts. Draft Mason County Investment Policy 2020.docx Page 12 of 20 January 27,2020 D*versofm cmten-n Dividing available funds arnong a variety of seGUFmt'es and MRStitutieRs SE) as te market r'sk, bend;FaGe Value The value stated en the"faGe"of a thus the Fedempt'GR value at maturity. IR deb sesyr409s the term is ntershgngeable with " a�' we oaten by.(`ongress to undertake varieus types efF tFeasuiry. in order to do so, Congress gave these ageRG'eS the power nneen..ey by obligations; however, there is a FnaFket perGeptiOR that there as an impkit govemment guarantee. These agencies'RG'ude the Federal NatiORal Mortgage Association(FNMA),the Federal Herne Loan Renk System /Cl..11 R\ and the Federal Form rrerl't System /CC(`R\ Federal Funds Shortterm between banks. Despite itS Rame, these traRsaGtions are REA leans te OF fFOM the federal government. Nor do they ORGIUde any guaFaRtee 0 baGking from the federal geveFRment. They are Galled"federal funds"because the parfies eXGhange the funds; by transferring bolenses from the lender' aGGpt yVith itcc Ceiterel Dnsnnye Il's4riGt Rent to the be aGGOuof y nth its Federal Ro o fl's+riGt Qank Federal Funds Rate The rate at whmGh banks borrow from one another, generally, as an overnigh Federal Reserve System The Gentral bank of the United States which has regulated Gredit in the- itS 1913. it the Federal Reserve Bank, 14 distriGt banks and member baRks ef the Federal Reserve,and is geverned by the Federal Reserve Board. Government les Any debt ohl'gat'e issued by. the U.S.C geveFRmen4 its wt'es, SLIGh as Treasury bonds And GevernMIRPIt Nat'GRal Mortgage Assedation Notes (GN sem OF Ginnie Maes). QtheF seGUFities, SUGh as those issued by the Federal Heme LeaR MeFtgage- Liquidity RefeFs to the ease and speed vAth i.A.40h -AA asset Gan be GeRverted onto Gash without a substanfial loss On value. Loss—Thee of the Gest or book y of y of ane set ever its selling Loc;al Government investment Pool(LGIP) The aggFegate ef all funds from polikal subdivisien that are plaGed in the GUStedy ef he State Treasurer for investment and r estm�� Mark to Market AR adjustmeRt on the valuation of a seGurities portfolio to refled the GUrreRt marke values of the resped'Ve seGLIFitieS in the portfolio. This proGess is also used to enSUFe that margin. Market Value The priGe at whiGh a seGurity is traOng and Gould presumably be sold, Master RepurGhase Agre6ment An agreement between the investor and the dealer OF filRanGmal 4 R!StitUtion. This affeement defines the n-ature of the tFaRsaGtiens, identifies the Felationship between fh r g the term of the investment, provides for remedies in the event otheny's Glnr'Fg ssues of ewnersh'n Maturity The date UpOn WhiGh the prindpal or stated value Gf aR 'Ryestment beGomes due. Offer The iRd'Gated PlFiGe at whiGh a seller is wmiNng te sell a seGUF4Y E)F 139Mmodity. WheR buying .rity an offer's ebta'norl (Coo Bid) Par Value The nomanal or faGe value of a debt seGurity;that as,the value at maturity. Draft Mason County Investment Policy 2020.docx Page 13 of 20 January 27,2020 RIFemium- The amount by whiGh a bend sells abeve 46 PaF value. Prome Rate — The n+erns+ rate a ho Frequently Gited as a standard fer genera' interest rate levels in the elsonemy. PrinGipal AR amount upon whiGh interest'S Gharged or earned. payment ef any sales er Compensating use or ad valerem taxes undeF the laws of this state, whiGh has segregated,foF the beReft of the GOMM'SSIOR, eligible cellatieFal having a value of net. tthl..A.n. hold public deposits. Reenrnha a Ar. sold w4h a simultaneous agreement to buy it baGk fFGM the pUFGhaser At a futi-ire. date. Eve traRSaGt*en where a SeGUrity OS Se'd Linder an agreement to be repUrGhased is a repo frem the hase agreement from the buyer/lender's int of view. of all types and deSGIFOPtOORs are held On the baRk'S vault for prete(GWR, OF OR the Case E) e�8 Sec;urht*es Bonds, notes, mertgages or other forms Gf R19gotiable or nen Regotiable instiruments. Settlement Date The day on whiGh the payment and the security aGtual'y Ghange handS. (See Made Date) Spread The differenGe between twe pril OF bN9 Fates. BankeFs have many diffieFent and high!,' ifiG usages ef this term. Fer example, traders use spread tG mean thp diffpIrpinic, PbVeen hi speG Fealized by the issuer and the PFiGe paid by the ;Rvester. BaRk analyst's use spread to mean the differe-Pip-e bebNeeR the average rates paid eR a bank's as;-sets and the average rate paki eR the -h-Ank'-.-; "ah'i0ties. IR asset liability spread mest ofteR refers to the differenGe between two rates n yields. ' Step Ups A form Of Gallable SeGILIFity farwhiGh the GOUpon rate the SeGUF'ty is n0t Galled. Strips PrinGipal and intereSt Gash flows due from any 'Rterest bea!Fing SeGurity Gan be separated n.tn 0149-m-Rt fiRanGial instruments. A PFOGess Galled "StrippiRg" does this. EaGh GOUPOR payment is 6epafa{ed f Rote Gan be separated inte 11 p;eGeS: 10 semiaRRual nts and the final PlFlRdpal paymeRt. EaGh of those 11 pieGeS is a separate cash flow that caR be Purchased or seld just like a TreasuFy boll. The Gash flows are sold at a diSGOURt. The a-ma-unt of the discount an- the tirne LIRtil the Gash fl is paid deter.m.ine the Feturn. Trade tea{ . arrangement,Third Party Safekeeping A sustedian for the investor holds selawities in safekeeping. Under this the dealer ar bank investment depart.m.el has nO aGGGS6 tO the selsurities being held Treasury Bills Short term ob"gati(E)RS iSSI:led by the U.S.Treasury. Bolls are issued fer FnatUFAmes of one year er less. They do not pay interest but iRstead _Are issi-led an a d'SGOunt basis. Treasury Bonds LORg teR:n ebligat'ORS isswed by the U.S. Treasl Bee.ndds R,rp issued feF'Ritial maturities great—than to Draft Mason County Investment Policy 2020.docx Page 14 of 20 January 27,2020 Treasury Notes(T Notes) Medium teFM abligatiens issued by the U.S.Treasulry. Notes are issued in maturities for more than one te ten years. bas;s. FEW interest beaF'Rg seGurities, the yield is a funGtion ef the rate,the PUFGhase price, and the i nGGme that Gan be eaFRed frem the reinvestmeRt ef*RGOFne FeGedved prieF te maturity, Gall, or sale. Whole varieus feFmulas aFe used to express yields in different variatiORs,d*v'd*Rg the ameunt realized Yield Curve - A gFaph(x axis-tome;y axis-rate)showing the relationship at a Single point in time b-p-NAVe-e—n the available maturities of a seGurity er similar seGUF't'es with essentially identi-RI crpd*t Fisk and the yields that GaR be earned for ea6h of these available matwities. Yield Curve Slope A yield Gurve that dep'GtS the Gustomary situation where IGRg term Fates are higher thaR shelrt tp-.rr:n r-ates k; r-alled an upward sloping or positive yield Gurve. A ydeld Gurve depiGting the less r-,ernmen OGGUFreRGe wheFe short teFm rates are higher thaR long term rates is dofferenGe betweeR short teFm and leng term rates. When long term rates are FFIUGh higher thaR shert tel,m rates, the yield GuNe is said to be steep. When leng term rates aFe virtually ident'Gal to snort to FM rate`,th Id c.v..e is .d 4 ti flat. . y,� �Q,a�o o�-„ar Zero Coupon Bond A type ef debt seGUF'ty that does net pay per'ed*G interest. Zere GOLAPOR ;ee-lw .-.,; aFe bought and sold at pF'Ges that are less than the par values ef the SeGurities. The ACCRUED INTEREST-The interest accumulated on a bond since issue date or the last coupon payment The buyer of the bond pays the market price and accrued interest which is payable to the seller. AGENCY-A debt security issued by a federal or federally sponsored agency. Federal agencies are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. Federally Sponsored Agencies (FSAs) are backed by each particular agency with a market perception that there is an implicit government guarantee (Also see FEDERAL AGENCY SECURITIES and GOVERNMENT SECURITY) AMORTIZATION - In portfolio accounting periodic charges made against interest income on premium bonds in anticipation of receipt of the call price at call or of par value at maturity. ASSET -Available property, as for payment of debts AVERAGE MATURITY - A weighted average of the expiration dates for a portfolio of debt securities An income fund's volatility can be managed by shortening or lengthening the average maturity of its portfolio BANKERS ACCEPTANCES(BAs)-Bankers Acceptances generally are created based on a letter of credit issued in a foreign trade transaction. They are used to finance the shipment of commodities between countries as well as the shipment of some specific goods within the United States BAs are short-term non-interest bearing notes sold at a discount and redeemed by the accepting bank at maturity for full face value. These notes trade at a rate equal to or slightly higher than Certificates of Deposit(CDs) depending on market supply and demand. Bankers Acceptances are sold in amounts that vary from $100,000 to $5,000,000, or more with maturities ranging from 30 - 270 days. They offer liquidity to the investor as it is possible to sell BAs prior to maturity at the current market price. BANK WIRE -A virtually instantaneous electronic transfer of funds between two financial institutions BASIS POINT -A measure of an interest rate i.e., 1/100 of 1 percent or 0001 BID -The indicated price at which a buyer is willing to purchase a security or commodity. When selling a security a bid is obtained. (See Offerl BOND - A long-term debt security, or IOU issued by a government or corporation that generally pays a stated rate of interest and returns the face value on the maturity date BOOK ENTRY SECURITIES - U.S. government and federal agency securities that do not exist in definitive (paper)form: they exist only in computerized files maintained by the Federal Reserve Bank Draft Mason County Investment Policy 2020.docx Page 15 of 20 January 27,2020 BOOK VALUE -The amount at which an asset is carried on the books of the owner. The book value of an asset does not necessarily have a significant relationship to market value. BROKER - A broker brings buyers and sellers together for a commission paid by the initiator of the transaction or by both sides. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT - Certificates of Deposit, familiarly known as CDs, are certificates issued against funds deposited in a bank for a definite period of time and earning a specified rate of return. Certificates of Deposit bear rates of interest in line with money market rates current at the time of issuance. COLLATERAL: Property(as securities) pledged by a borrower to protect the interest of the lender. COMMERCIAL PAPER: An unsecured short-term promise to repay a fixed amount on a certain future date. Commercial paper usually matures from 2 to 270 days and is traded on a discount basis. This debt instrument, issued by banks companies and other borrowers uses only their credit ratings to back the security. CORPORATE BOND/NOTE—A debt security issued by a corporation. The backing for the bond is usually the payment ability of the company, which is typically money to be earned from future operations. Corporate bonds are considered higher risk than government bonds. As a result, interest rates are almost always higher, even for higher credit quality companies. Most corporate bonds have maturities greater than one year. Corporate debt that matures in less than one year is typically called commercial paper. COMPETITIVE BID PROCESS - A process by which three or more institutions are contacted to obtain interest rates for specific securities. CREDIT QUALITY -The measurement of the financial strength of a bond issuer. This measurement helps an investor to understand an issuer's ability to make timely interest payments and repay the loan principal upon maturity. Generally, the higher the credit quality of a bond issuer, the lower the interest rate paid by the issuer because the risk of default is lower. Credit quality ratings are provided by nationally recognized rating agencies. CREDIT RISK-The risk that another party to an investment transaction will not fulfill its obligations. Credit risk can be associated with the issuer of a security, a financial institution holding the entity's deposit, or a third party holding securities or collateral. Credit risk exposure can be affected by a concentration of deposits or investments in any one investment type or with any one party. CUSTODIAN - An independent third party (usually bank or trust company) that holds securities in safekeeping as an agent for the countv. DEALER - A dealer, as opposed to a broker, acts as a principal in all transactions, buying and selling for his own account. DEFEASE -To discharge the lien of an ordinance, resolution, or indenture relating to a bond issue, and in the process, render inoperative restrictions under which the issuer has been obliged to operate. Comment: Ordinarily an issuer may defease an indenture requirement by depositing with a trustee an amount sufficient to fully pay all amounts under a bond contract as they become due. DELIVERY-The providing of a security in an acceptable form to the County or to an agent acting on behalf of the County and independent of the seller. Acceptable forms can be physical securities or the transfer of book entry securities.The important distinction is that the transfer accomplishes absolute ownership control by the County DELIVERY VS PAYMENT - There are two methods of delivery of securities: Delivery vs. payment and delivery vs. receipt (also called free). Delivery vs. payment is delivery of securities with an exchange of money for the securities. Delivery vs. receipt is delivery of securities with an exchange of a signed receipt for the securities. DEPOSITARY -A person to whom something is entrusted, a depository. DEPOSITORY BANK -A local bank used as the point of deposit for cash receipts. DEPOSITORY INSURANCE - Insurance on deposits with financial institutions. For purposes of this policy statement, depository insurance includes: a) Federal depository insurance funds such as those maintained by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) AND Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC): and b) Public Deposit Protection Commission. DISCOUNT - 1. (n.) selling below par; e.g., a $1000 bond selling for$900. 2. (v.) anticipating the effects of news on a security's value: e.g. "The market had already discounted the effect of the labor strike by bidding the company's stock down." DIVERSIFICATION - Dividing available funds among a variety of securities and institutions so as to Draft Mason County Investment Policy 2020.docx Page 16 of 20 January 27,2020 is minimize market risk. EFFECTIVE RATE-The Yield you would receive on a debt security over a period of time taking into account any compounding effect. FACE VALUE -The value of a bond stated on the bond certificate: thus, the redemption value at maturity. Most bonds have a face value, or par, of$1,000. FEDERAL AGENCY SECURITIES - Several government-sponsored agencies, in recent years, have issued short and long-term notes. Such notes typically are issued through dealers mostly investment banking houses. These Federal government-sponsored agencies were established by the U.S. Congress to undertake various types of financing without tapping the public treasury. In order to do so, the agencies have been given the power to borrow money by issuing securities, generally under the authority of an act of Congress. These securities are highly acceptable and marketable for several reasons, mainly because they are exempt from state municipal and local income taxes. Furthermore agency securities must offer a higher yield than direct Treasury debt of the same maturity to find investors, partly because these securities are not direct obligations of the Treasury. The main agency borrowing institutions are the Federal National Mortgage Association(FNMA), the Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLB), and the Federal Farm Credit Bank System (FFCB). FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE (FDIC) - A Federal institution that insures bank deposits. The current limit is up to$100,000 per depository account. FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANK—FFCB—The Farm Credit System is a nationwide network of borrower- owned lending Institutions and specialized service organizations. Established by Congress in 1916 as the authority for certain predecessor entities, the System is the oldest of the Government-sponsored enterprises. Throughout its long history, the fundamental purpose of the System has remained the same: To provide American agriculture with sound and dependable credit at competitive interest rates. Currently, there are three Farm Credit Banks and one Agricultural Credit Bank providing funds and support services to approximately 78 locally owned Farm Credit Associations and numerous cooperatives nationwide. Approximately 40 percent of the real estate and non-real estate credit needs of U.S. agriculture are met by the System FEDERAL FUNDS RATE-The rate of interest at which Fed Funds are traded between banks. Fed Funds are excess reserves held by banks that desire to invest or lend them to banks needing reserves. The particular rate is heavily influenced through the open market operations of the Federal Reserve Board. Also referred to as the "Fed Funds rate." FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK SYSTEM - FHLB—Created by the Federal Home Loan Bank Act of 1932 to increase the amount of funds available for lending institutions who provide mortgages and similar loan agreements to individuals. Having served its original objectives well, the FHLB system now primarily focuses on increasing the amount of loanable funds available for affordable housing and community development projects. It continues to have a material Impact on housing and development financing offering funds to member institutions at rates that are usually lower than commercially competitive prices. The 11 banks of the FHLB Bank System are owned by over 7,300 regulated financial institutions from all 50 states, U.S. possessions, and territories. FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTAGAGE CORPORATION - FHLMC (Freddie Mac) - is a stockholder- owned government-sponsored enterprise chartered by Congress In 1970 to keep money flowing to mortgage lenders in support of homeownership and rental housing for middle income Americans. FHLMC purchases guarantees and securitizes mortgages to form mortgage-backed securities. The mortgage- backed securities that it issues tend to be very liquid and carry a credit rating close to that of U.S.Treasuries. FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION (FNMA) - FNMA, like GNMA, was chartered under the Federal National Mortgage Association Act in 1938. FNMA is a Federal corporation working under the auspices of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, HUD. It is the largest single provider of residential mortgage funds In the United States. Fannie Mae, as the corporation is called, is a private stockholder-owned corporation. The corporation's purchases include a variety of adjustable mortgages and second loans in addition to fixed-rate mortgages. FNMA's securities are also highly liquid and are widely accepted. FNMA assumes and guarantees that all security holders will receive timely payment of principal and interest. Draft Mason County Investment Policy 2020.docx Page 17 of 20 January 27,2020 t�- FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM - The central bank of the United States which has regulated credit in the economy since its inception in 1913. Includes the Federal Reserve Bank 14 district banks and the member banks of the Federal Reserve, and is governed by the Federal Board. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS - Establishments that include the circulation of money, the granting of credit, the making of investments and the provision of banking facilities. FISCAL AGENCY - A financial institution that handles certain bond and coupon redemptions on behalf of the entity. GINNIE MAES (GNMAs) - Mortgage securities issued and guarantied, as to timely interest and principal Payments, by the Government National Mortgage, an agency within the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). GOVERNMENT SECURITY - Any debt obligation issued by the U.S. government, its agencies or instrumentalities. Certain securities, such as Treasury bonds and GNMAs, are backed by the government as to both principal and interest payments. Other securities such as those issued by the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, or Freddie Mac, are backed by the issuing agency. HAIRCUT -This term describes the way brokers and clients protect themselves from market risk in doing repos. An entity wanting to finance the purchase of $100 million in Treasury bonds may borrow lust $98 million of the money. The two percent difference between the amount of securities purchased and the amount of money borrowed is the haircut. Similarly, an entity looking to borrow $100 million may need to provide as collateral, Treasury securities with a market price equal to $102 million. LIQUIDATION -Conversion into cash. LIQUIDITY - Refers to the ease and speed with which an asset can be converted into cash without a substantial loss in value. LOSS -The excess of the cost or book value of an asset over selling price. LOCAL GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT POOL (LGIP) - The aggregate of all funds from political subdivisions that are placed in the custody of the State Treasurer for investment and reinvestment. MARK-TO-MARKET - An adjustment in the valuation of a securities portfolio to reflect the current market values of the respective securities in the portfolio. This process is also used to ensure that margin accounts are in compliance with maintenance. MARKETABILITY - Ability to sell large blocks of money market instruments quickly and at competitive prices. MARKET RISK - The risk associated with declines or rises in interest rates which cause an investment in a fixed-income security to increase or decrease in value. The risk that the market value of an investment, collateral protecting a deposit or securities underlying a repurchase agreement will decline. MARKET VALUE -The price at which a security is trading and could presumably be sold. MASTER REPURCHASE AGREEMENT -An agreement between the investor and the dealer or financial institute. This agreement defines the nature of the transactions, identifies the relationship between the parties establishes normal practices regarding ownership and custody of the collateral securities during the term of the investment provides for remedies in the event of a default by either party and otherwise clarifies issues of ownership. MATURITY - The time when a security becomes due and at which time the principal and interest or final coupon payment is paid to the investor. NATIONALLLY RECOGNIZED STATISTICAL RATING ORGANIZATION (NRSRO) - A credit rating agency that issues credit ratings that the U. S Securities and Exchange Commission permits other financial firms to use for certain regulatory purposes. NET WORTH - A financial institutions available funds after their total liabilities have been deducted from their total assets. OFFER - The indicated price at which a seller is willing to sell a security or commodity. (See BID) When buying a security an offer is obtained. PAR VALUE -The nominal or face value of a debt security; that is, the value at maturity. PORTFOLIO - Collection of securities held by an investor. PREMIUM -The amount by which a bond sells above its par value. PRIMARY DEALERS-A pre-approved bank, broker/dealer or other financial institution that is able to make business deals with the U.S. Federal Reserve such as underwriting new government debt. These dealers Draft Mason County Investment Policy 2020.docx Page 18 of 20 January 27,2020 ^� l must meet certain liquidity requirements as well as provide a valuable flow of information to the Fed about the state of the worldwide markets. PRIME RATE -The interest rate a bank charges on loans to its most credit worthy customers Frequently cited as a standard for general interest rate levels in the economy PRINCIPAL -An invested amount on which interest is charged or earned PRUDENCE - The ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason Shrewdness in the management of affairs. Able to use skill and good judgment in the use of resources PUBLIC FUND INTEREST BEARING INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS- Bank accounts with Qualified Public Depositories which pay a rate of interest on the balance maintained Used in diversifying the investment portfolio and most commonly used as part of a liquidity portfolio QUALIFIED PUBLIC DEPOSITORY - A financial institution which does not claim exemption from the Payment of any sales or compensating use or ad valorem taxes under the laws of this state which has segregated for the benefit of the commission eligible collateral having a value of not less than its maximum liability and which has been approved by the Public Deposit Protection Commission to hold public deposits REGISTERED SECURITY - A security that has the name of the owner written on its face A registered security cannot be negotiated except by the endorsement of the owner. REPRICING -The revaluation of the market value of securities REPURCHASE AGREEMENT (REPO) - The Repo is a contractual transaction between an investor and an issuing financial institution (not a secured loan) The Investor exchanges cash for temporary ownership of specific securities with an agreement between the parties that on a future date the financial institution will repurchase the securities at a prearranged price An "Open Repo" does not have a specified repurchase date and the repurchase price is established by a formula computation REVERSE REPOs -The opposite of the transaction undertaken through a regular repurchase agreement In a "reverse" the City/County initially owns securities and the bank or dealer temporarily exchanges cash for this collateral. This is in effect temporarily borrowing cash at a high interest rate and is also known as securities lending. Most typically, a Repo is initiated by the lender of funds Reverses are used by dealers to borrow securities they have shorted SAFEKEEPING -A service to customers rendered by banks for a fee whereby all securities and valuables of all types and descriptions are held in the bank's vaults for protection or In the case of book entry securities, are held and recorded in the customer's name and are inaccessible to anyone else SALLIE MAES - Pooling of student loans guaranteed by the Student Loan Mortgage Association (SLMA) to Increase the availability of education loans The SLMA purchases the loans after buying them on the secondary market from lenders SLMA stock is publicly traded SECURITIES - Bonds notes mortgages or other forms of negotiable or non-negotiable instruments SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISION — (SEC) - AUS government agency that oversees securities transactions activities of financial professionals and mutual fund trading to prevent fraud and Intentional deception. The SEC consists of five commissioners who serve staggered five-year terms No more than three of the commissioners may belong to the same political party. SETTLEMENT DATES - The day on which payment is due for a securities purchase For stocks and mutual funds bought through an investment dealer, settlement is normally five business days after the trade date. Bonds and options normally settle one business day after the trade date mutual fund shares purchased directly by mail or wire settle on the day payment is received SPREAD - (a) Difference between the best buying price and the best selling price for any given security. (b) Difference between yields on or prices of two securities of differing quality or differing maturities. (c)In underwriting difference between price realized by the issuer and price paid by the investor. STRIPPED TREASURIES - U.S. Treasury debt obligations in which coupons are removed by brokerage houses, creating zero-coupon bonds SUPRANATIONAL INSTITUTIONS (SUPRA'S) — An International organization or union whereby member states transcend national boundaries or interests to share in the decision making and vote on issues pertaining to the wider grouping It is formed by two or more central governments through International treaties The purpose for creating a supranational is to promote economic development for the member countries. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) the Inter American Development Bank (IADB) IFC (International Finance Corporation) and ADB (Asian Development Bank) are examples of supra's Draft Mason County Investment Policy 2020.docx Page 19 of 20 January 27,2020 TRIPARTITE CUSTODIAN AGREEMENT - An agreement that occurs when a third party or custodian becomes a direct participant in a repurchase transaction. The custodian ensures that the exchange occurs simultaneously and that appropriate safeguards are in place to protect the investor's interest in the underlying collateral. THIRD-PARTY SAFEKEEPING - A safekeeping arrangement whereby the investor has full control over the securities being held and the dealer or bank investment department has no access to the securities being held. TIME DEPOSIT- Interest-bearing deposit at a savings institution that has a specific maturity. TREASURY BILLS - Treasury bills are short-term debt obligations of the U.S. Government. They offer maximum safety of principal since they are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government. Treasury bills, commonly called "T-Bills," account for the bulk of government financing, and are the major vehicle used by the Federal Reserve System in the money market to implement national monetary policy. T-Bills are sold in three, six, nine, and twelve-month bills. Because treasury bills are considered "risk-free," these instruments generally yield the lowest returns in the major money market instruments. TREASURY NOTES AND BONDS - While T-Bills are sold at a discount rate that establishes the yield to maturity, all other marketable treasury obligations are coupon issued. These include Treasury Notes with maturities from one to ten years and Treasury Bonds with maturities of 10-30 years. The instruments are typically held by banks and savings and loan associations. Since Bills, Notes and Bonds are general obligations of the U.S. Government, and since the Federal Government has the lowest credit risk of all participants in the money market, its obligations generally offer a lower yield to the investor than do other securities of comparable maturities. UNDERLYING SECURITIES - Securities transferred in accordance with a repurchase agreement. VENDOR-A business or individual who provides a service or product at a cost. WHEN-ISSUED TRADES - Typically, there is a lag between the time a new bond is announced and sold and the time it is actually issued. During this interval, the security trades "Wl," "when, as, and if issued." WI -When, as, and if issued. See When-issued trades. YIELD - The rate at which an investment pays out interest or dividend income, expressed in percentage terms and calculated by dividing the amount paid by the price of the security and annualizing the result. YIELD BASIS - Stated in terms of yield as opposed to price. As yield increases for a traded issue, price decreases and vice versa. Charts prepared on a yield basis appear exactly opposite of those prepared on a price basis. YIELD SPREAD-The variation between yields on different types of debt securities; generally a function of supply and demand, credit quality and expected interest rate fluctuations. Treasury bonds, for example, because they are so safe will normally yield less than corporate bonds. Yields may also differ on similar securities with different maturities. Long-term debt for example, carries more risk of market changes and issuer defaults than short-term debt and thus usually yields more. ZERO-COUPON BONDS -Securities that do not pay interest but are instead sold at a deep discount from face value. They rise in price as the maturity date nears and are redeemed at face value upon maturity. Draft Mason County Investment Policy 2020.docx Page 20 of 20 January 27,2020