HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019/11/11 - Briefing Packet BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
411 North Fifth Street, Shelton WA 98584
Week of November 11, 2019
Monday, November 11, 2019
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Briefing - Commission Chambers
9:30 A.M. Executive Session — RCW 42.30.110 (1)(i) Potential
9:45 A.M. Support Services Briefing
10:00 A.M. General Fund Vehicle Fleet Recommendation — Public
Works/Equipment Rental & Revolving (ER&R)
10:30 A.M. Request for Proposal Recommendation for General Fund
Vehicle Fleet— Frank Pinter, Support Services
1:00 P.M. 2020 Budget Workshop
Review of Budget Requests
6:00 P.M. Special Joint Meeting with City of Shelton Council
525 West Cota Street, Shelton
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Special Briefing - Commission Chambers
1:00 P.M. KMB Architect Criminal Justice Interview
Briefing Agendas are subject to change,please contact the Commissioners'office for the most recent version.
Last printed 11/08/19 at 11:33 AM
If special accommodations are needed,contact the Commissioners'office at ext.419,Shelton#360-427-9670;Belfair
November 12, 2019
In the spirit of public information and inclusion, the attached is a draft of
information for Commissioner consideration and discussion at the above briefing.
This information is subject to change, additions and/or deletion and is not all
inclusive of what will be presented to the Commissioners.
Please see draft briefing agenda for schedule.
Mason County Support Services Department Budget Management
411 North 5 th Commissioner Administration
Emergency Management
Shelton, WA 98584 Facilities, Parks&Trails
360.427.9670 ext. 419 Human Resources
Information Services
Labor Relations
t. *a Risk Management
November 12, 2019
• Specific Items for Review
o Review of 2019 Budget Amendments -Jennifer Beirele
• Commissioner Discussion
J:\,DLZ\Briefing Items\2019\2019-11-12.docx
FROM: Jennifer Beierle
DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 532
BRIEFING DATE: November 12, 2019
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information
INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources
❑ Legal ❑ Other — please explain
ITEM: Requests for Supplemental Appropriations and Amendments to the 2019 Budget
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Requests for 4th quarter supplemental appropriations and
amendments to the 2019 budget are attached. This is the last scheduled budget hearing to
amend the 2019 budget.
Total of increase to 2019 authorized expenditure appropriations:
General Fund (001): $326,750
Community Support Services (117): $51,125
Community Services Health (150): $67,200
Skokomish Flood Zone (192): $410,000
Landfill (402): $312,500
Total impact to ending fund balances:
General Fund (001): Decrease of$120,267 (Cumulative 2019 Decrease to EFB is $721,029)
Community Support Services (117): Decrease of $51,125
PUBLIC OUTREACH: RCW 36.40.100 requires the Board to publish notice in the official
county newspaper for two consecutive weeks prior to the budget hearing.
RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Request to set a public hearing for December
10th at 9:15 a.m. to consider and approve supplemental budget requests and budget
transfers to the 2019 budget.
ATTACHMENTS: Proposed 2019 Budget Amendment #4 Detail & Detailed Budget Entries
Briefing Summary 11/6/2019
2019 2019
EMERGENCY New Grants:FY 19 EMPG$35,677,FY 19 SHSP
1 001 GENERAL FUND MANAGEMENT 64,060 64,060 $28,383
EMERGENCY FY 2018 SHSP Grant expenditure. Revenue was
2 001 GENERAL FUND MANAGEMENT 23,124 previously put into the budget.
3 001 GENERAL FUND DISTRICT COURT 7,000 7,000 Increaed UA's ordered by the judge
Leaking irrigation system has caused a rise in
the cost of water. On track to spend $30k in
4 001 GENERAL FUND PARKS 12,634 2019. IS is planned to be repaired in 2020.
Public Disclosure Grant$13,578,Off/On Duty
5 001 GENERAL FUND SHERIFF 135,423 135,423 Patrol Contracts$123,192
Jail Control Panel Maintenance$46,658&
6 J001 JGENERAL FUND SHERIFF 79,509 Hardware$32,851
7 001 GENERAL FUND NON DEPARTMENTAL 5,000 Increased codification costs
COMMUNITY Authorized additional funding from Housing
8 117 SUPPORT SERVICES 51,125 Authority
Authorized additional funding from Housing
10 150 PERSONAL HEALTH 67,200 67,200 Authority revenue
9 192 ZONE 410,000 410,000 Mason Conservation District Revenue
Higher than budgeted SW fees$270K&LSWFA
11 402 LANDFILL 312,500 312,500 IMP DOE Grant$42.5K
GENERAL FUND TOTAL 206,483 326,750
OTHER FUNDS TOTAL 789,700 840,825
ALL FUNDS GRAND TOTAL 996,183 1,167,575
Page 1 of 1
Account Type I/D Revenue Expenditure EFB Chane EFB Total Description
001.000000.050.000.333.97.304219.0000.00 2 1 35,677 FY 19 EMPG
001.000000.050.000.333.97.306720.0000.00 2 1 28,383 FY 19 SHSP _
001.000000.050.000.525.10.535011.0000.00 2 1 35,677 EM PG Equipment
001.000000.050.000.525.10.535021.0000.00 2 1 28,383 SHSP Equipment
001.000000.100.173.342.33.302000.0000.00 2 1 7,000 Urinalysis Fees Collected
001.000000.100.173.523.33.541010.0000.00 2 1 7,000 UA Fees:Sterlin Labs
001.000000.205.265.334.00.330020.0000.00 2 1 13,578 Public Disclosure Grant
001.000000.205.265.521.10.535099.0000.00 2 1 6,273 Trackable Tools&Equipment
001.000000.205.267.521.22.535099.0000.00 2 1 7,305 Trackable Tools&Equipment
001.000000.205.267.342.10.300400.0000.00 2 1 396 Off Duty Patrol-MCFD#6
001.000000.205.267.342.10.300500.0000.00 2 1 602 Off Duty Patrol-USMS
001.000000.205.267.342.10.300700.0000.00 2 1 847 Off Duty Patrol-Lake Trask
001.000000.205.267.521.22.512000.0000.00 2 1 1,845 Overtime
001.000000.205.267.342.10.300610.0000.00 2 1 80,000 On Duty Patrols
001.000000.205.267.521.22.535099.0000.00 2 1 80,000 Trackable Tools&Equipment
001.000000.205.267.342.10.300620.0000.00 2 1 40,000 On Duty Patrols
001.000000.205.267.521.22.535099.0000.00 2 1 40,000 Trackable Tools&Equipment
001.000000.320.000.508.80.500000.0000.00 1 D 120,267 5,065,690 Ending Fund Balance
001.000000.050.000.525.10.535021.0000.00 1 1 23,124 SHSP Equipment
001.000000.146.000.576.80.547020.0000.00 1 1 12,634 Water Service
001.000000.205.270.523.60.548010.0000.00 1 1 46,658 Re airs&Maintenance
001.000000.205.270.594.60.564010.0000.00 1 1 32,851 Trackable Tools&Equipment
001.000000.300.000.511.30.541010.0000.00 1 1 5,000 Codification
117.000000.000.000.508.10.500000.0000.00 1 D " 51,125 52,281 Ending Fund Balance
117.000000.000.000.565.40.541000.0000.00 1 I 51,125 Housing Authority Contract
150.000000.200.000.331.06.383800.0000.00 2 1 67,200 Unbud eted Revenue
150.000000.200.000.562.20.531020.0000.00 2 1 5,700 Su lies for Opiod Program
150.000000.200.000.562.20.532010.0000.00 2 1 T 2,000 Fuel for Opiod Program
150.000000.200.000.562.20.541010.0000.00 2_ 1 25,000 Professional Services for Opiod
150.000000.200.000.562.20.541020.0000.00 2 1 17,000 Advertisingfor Opiod
150.000000.200.000.562.20.543010.0000.00 2 1 2,500 Travel for Opiod
150.000000.200.000.562.20.549020.0000.00 2 1 9,000 Printing for Opiod Program
150.000000.200.000.562.20.549040.0000.00 2 1 6,000 Registrations for Opiod
192.000000.000.000.337.00.300000.0000.00 2 1 410,000 Mason Conservation District
192.000000.000.000.554.90.541091.0000.00 2 1 410,000 Professional Services
402.000000.000.000.334.70.300000.0000.00 2 1 270,000 Garbage/SW Fees
402.000000.000.000.334.03.310005.0000.00 2 1 42,500 LSWFA IMP DOE Grant
402.000000.000.000.537.80.547040.0000.00 2 1 225,000 Lon aul Solid Waste Disposal
402.000000.000.000.537.80.545020.0000.00 2 1 45,000 Rentals&Leases-Roll Off
402.000000.000.000.537.80.547030.0000.00 2 1 8,000 Misc.Disposal Leachate,Tires,etc.)
402.000000.000.000.537.81.541010.0000.00 2 1 12,000 HHW Disposal
402.000000.000.000.537.80.531030.0000.00 2 1 3,500 Operating Supplies
402.000000.000.000.537.80.532010.0000.00 2 1 4,000 Fuel
402.000000.000.000.537.10.541513.0000.00 2 I 15,000 State Excise Tax
General Fund Total: 206,483 326,750 120,267
Other Funds Total: 789,700 840,825 51,125
All Funds Grand Total:'9w _ -' 996,183 ,167,575 171,392
Page 1 of 1
NOVEMBER 12,2019
Briefing Items
Discussion Items
• ER&R Fleet Management Options
Commissioner Follow-Up Items
Upcoming Calendar/Action Items
Commissioners: Public Works: Other Dept. Staff.: Public:
_Randy Neatherlin _Diane Sheesley
_Kevin Shutty _Loretta Swanson
Sharon Trask _Others:(List below)
FROM: Loretta Swanson, Director Diane Sheesley, PE, County Engineer
C ndi Ticknor Road 0 s/ER&R Manager Merrilee Kenyon, Finance Manager
DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450
BRIEFING DATE: November 12, 2019
INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): -/ Budget/Finance ❑ Human
Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other
ITEM: General Fund Fleet Management Options
The Board of County Commissioners is seeking ways to update and manage the Sheriff's
Office pursuit vehicles and General Fund vehicles within a limited budget. A Request for
Proposals from private vendors was issued, seeking an alternative to ER&R fleet
management. This briefing is to present Public Works' comparison of the two fleet
management options, and to share options for achieving Commissioner and departmental
objectives within the ER&R program.
For many years Mason County has looked for ways to reduce the cost of fleet services,
particularly for the General Fund departments. The most recent major actions were to
eliminate the collection of replacement funds and budget new purchases on an annual basis,
and the lease/purchase of Sheriff Department vehicles outside ER&R.
Over the past two years a review of ER&R fleet management practices was undertaken to
see if additional cost savings could be realized. As part of that review four options were
identified for managing the General Fund fleet:
1. ER&R Fleet Management
2. Current expense fleet managed by Current expense
3. ER&R management report to BoCC
4. Private vendor management of Current Expense fleet
Options 2 and 3 were eliminated due to the need to utilize current expense cash reserves to
pay for vehicle replacements and the addition of 1-3 new FTEs to perform duties currently
carried out by ER&R personnel. Option 4 was further explored by issuing an RFP during
October 2019 which received one response. This RFP allows a comparison to be made
between the current ER&R fleet management model (option 1) and privatizing fleet
management (option 4).
Page 1 of 3
A comparison of ER&R and Private Vendor management reveals that it is more cost-effective
to utilize ER&R. Savings can be accounted for in two ways: Vehicle acquisition and fleet
management. It should also be noted that privatizing would shift ER&R cost allocations and
increase costs to Roads and Utilities.
1. Vehicle Acquisition
There is a cost savings of approximately$545,000 to$660,000 using current ER&R
purchase practices versus purchasing vehicles through the lease proposal received.
It should be noted that it is $115,000 less to purchase vehicles on State contract than to
lease for 4 years and return at the end of the term.
2. Fleet Management
ER&R fleet management is also less expensive for current expense than privatizing.
Utilizing outside credit and fleet management services come with an estimated price tag of
$23,000—$47,000 per year (Attachment 1) or more than the current ER&R fleet
management program. "Or more" for the following reasons:
■ The comparison assumes no change to the current ER&R fleet management program.
If fleet modernization and other identified changes occur there will be greater
savings realized.
• ER&R fuel savings are not included. It appears ER&R fuel is $0.25/gallon cheaper.
■ The comparison does not include the cost of maintenance outside of the
manufacturer's recommended services. Assuming the pursuit vehicles are replaced
at 5 year intervals or 100,000 miles and the remaining fleet is not replaced for 10
years or between 75,000-100,000 miles, it is reasonable to expect that tires, brakes,
windshields, etc. are not covered as maintenance in the proposal. It is likely ER&R
costs are below any contracted prices with a leasing company due to contracts ER&R
holds with the state and outside vendors.
3. ER&R Cost Allocation
ER&R fleet management is less expensive for roads and utilities if no vehicles at Mason
County are privatized. The benefits of a "pooled" fund expand with the number of users.
Industry best practices are to ensure that all vehicles are owned and managed by one central
organization, unless replacement by ER&R is not necessary and the number of units is
relatively small. Roads, Utilities and General Fund have already experienced a financial
impact due to a reduction in the pool -the purchase and leasing of Sheriff's vehicles outside
ER&R. Privatizing and removing the remaining current expense fleet will shift costs to roads
an additional —$236,400 per year, and utilities an additional —$34,300 per year (Attachment
Additional measures can be considered to reduce overall costs. (Attachment 3)
Page 2 of 3
Privatizing provides a means to acquire new Sheriff Department pursuit vehicles through a
lease program, modernize the current expense fleet, re-establish a paced replacement
schedule, and provide useful reporting aimed at cost containment or reduction, but it will
cost the county more. The private vendor offers a lease program that acquires 54 new
vehicles for the Sheriff's office and General Fund departments at a cost of— $2,136,000. The
estimated ER&R one-time cost to acquire 54 vehicles is — $1,500,000. How can the county
accomplish fleet acquisition/modernization utilizing ER&R fleet management?
Interfund loan, loan through County's lending institution, adding replacement back into
ER&R, and a levy shift were identified as alternatives to leasing. The most viable appears to
be a levy shift.
Levy Shift Option
Year 1 $500,000 ($200,000 one-time reconciliation + $300,000 levy shift)
Year 2 $600,000 ($300,000 General Fund + $300,000 levy shift)
Year 3 $400,000 ($300,000 General Fund + $100,000 levy shift)
The General Fund contribution is less than what would have been used for privatizing, which
was slightly over$300,000 per year and either option requires up-fitting costs to be covered
as pursuit vehicles are replaced.
This option does not acquire all vehicles in Year 1, as leasing with a private vendor would.
There will be another hurdle in out years unless replacement is collected. If a levy shift or
loan option is selected, it is recommended to set aside an additional $250,000—$300,000
per year, depending on when initiated.
No action. Briefing is for informational purposes.
1. Cost Comparison between ER&R and Privatized Fleet Management
2. Privatized Fleet Management- Projected Cost Impacts to Roads and Utilities
3. Cost Reduction Menu Options
Page 3 of 3
parts etc. Outside Vendor
labor) Estimated
Overhead Annual OH Annual OH
Current Expense annual charge $ 285,479 $136,000-$160,000 low-high depends on lease term-OH is for 54 new vehicles only,36 additional exist
.5 FTE Facilities Maint VI 0 $50,000
Indirects included $25,000
Vehicle Count 90 54 includes all of CE vehicles
Cost per vehicle(annual) $3,172 $3907-$4352 low-high depends on lease term-does not include any of the costs below this line
Surplus or sale charges included $5,400
Upfit-labor* included $37,500
Upfit-parts* $61,500 $63,750
Downfit included $5,625
Parts none retail
Parts Markup** included $29,000
Admin charges for making $125/scheduling total
appointments included unknown
Insurance self insured full coverage required insurance costs unknown
Additional Insurance 0 unknown
Reporting*** included 1 $11,000
Maintenance**** 0 1 $1,230.00 Annual savings with ER&R
Total $ 346,979 1 $352,500-$376,000 $5,021-$29,021
*assumed split of total upfit of$27,000($10,000 labor each and$17,000 parts each)for 15 vehicles and spreading costs over 4 years based on vendor information
**assumed 25%parts markup is standard,parts labor is included in ER&R charge-utilized 2018 data to have 1 complete year
***assumed basic industry standard software setup-initial purchase not included
****Outside Vendor Maintenance Agreement would likely only covers manufacturer recommended services
U&W ER&R with Current Expense
54% 9% 9% 7% 20% 100%
Solid Waste Ops NBCI Sewer Ops Rustlewood-Sewer Rustlewood-Water Beards Cove Belfair Sewer
July 2019 Rate 104,760 63,121 10,540 10,540 8,455 23,164 115,820 Prelim Budget
Updated Fixed Cost with reduced Indirect due to change in Expenditures
8/1/2019 Slightly Revised 102,198 61,089 10,198 10,198 8,208 22,458 112,151
U&W ER&R Rate without Current Expense
Solid Waste Ops NBCI Sewer Ops Rustlewood-Sewer Rustlewood-Water Beards Cove Belfair Sewer
New Rate 116,546 72,000 12,019 12,019 9,674 26,470 132,182
The difference-which will be the additonal rate to each fund:
Solid Waste Ops NBCI Sewer Ops Rustlewood-Sewer Rustlewood-Water Beards Cove Belfair Sewer Total
14,348 10,911 1,821 1,821 1,466 4,011 20,031 34,379
Monthly Monthly
2020 Without CE Rate 2020 With CE Rate
Roads !!ds
887,619 Fixed 1,285 Fixed
397,846 Direct Cost 397,846 Direct Cost
-7,198 Surplus+/-(DC less Sales proceeds) 7,198 Surplus+/-(DC less Sales proceeds)
965,000 Replacement 965,000 Replacement
Washdown+/- Washdown+/-
-165,078 Fixed Cost&Capital Reconciliation 2015-2018 -165,078 Fixed Cost&Capital Reconciliation 2015-2018
2,078,189 Annual Rate 173,182 1,841,855 Annual Rate 153,488
Material and Roads Vehicles Material and Roads Vehicles
0 Replacement? 0 0 Replacement? 0
0 Total 0 Total
Utilities Mngmt Utilities Mngmt
70,759 Fixed Fixed
21,308 Direct 21,308 Direct
0 Surplus+/-(DC less Sales proceeds) 0 Surplus+/-(DC less Sales proceeds)
48,000 Replacement 48,000 Replacement
-7,884 Fixed Cost&Capital Reconciliation 2015-2018 -7,884 Fixed Cost&Capital Reconciliation 2015-2018
132,182 Annual Rate 11,015 112,151 Annual Rate 9,346
Landfill Landfill
48,261 Fixed Fixed
33,732 Direct 33,732 Direct
0 Surplus+/-(DC less Sales proceeds) 0 Surplus+/-(DC less Sales proceeds)
40,000 Replacement 40,000 Replacement
-5,447 Fixed Cost&Capital Reconciliation 2015-2018 -5,447 Fixed Cost&Capital Reconciliation 2015-2018
116,546 Annual Rate 9,712 1 102,198 Annual Rate 8,517
Replacement Fixed/Direct
U&W 248,728 88,000 160,728
PW 2,078,189 965,000 1,113,189
Total 2,326,917 1,053,000 1,273,917
Menu Options Explanation Savings Notes
Bring currently leased Approx.savings per year for all light duty vehicles combined if leased Sheriffs vehicles rejoined ER&R(approx.
Sheriffs vehicles back into 3 Edge lease terminate in June 2020 and approx 8 F150 ExtCab 4X4 $20/month for 128 vehicles).Breakeven point for County is about 9 years to pay for purchase of 11 vehicles(but they
ER&R terminate in lune 2021 $30,700 need to be purchased or leased regardless when lease is up)
Cost savings between upfit costs of 15 patrol vehicles over 1 year between Difference between outside vendor and ER&R times 1S new pursuit vehicles. Additional upfits would have additional
outside pricing and internal pricing. Labor for installation with ER&R savings.More savings as additional sheriff vehicles replaced for comparison sake RFP asked for IS vehicles,Sheriff long
Upfiit Costs accounted for within ER&R monthly rates $159,000 term plan is 40
Reference purchase comparison tab,using State Contract and/or Ex.Dodge Charger AWD complete with upfit$41,000 on Lewis County Contract is a savings of$132,606 cheaper than
Other vehicle options piggybacking on other local agencies $551,600 state contract with MC ER&R upfit or$551,648 cheaper than purchase through enterprise with upfit
Additional collection of fuel surcharge(change from 6%to 10%). Based on $278,027 in fuel charges through 9/19 projected 2020 fuel$370,702.4%additional increase to cover OH costs assures
historical data from 2013 to 2019 10%is needed to cover testing and all users of the fuel station are paying for the OH associated and the needed funds for fuel station are not funded by
Fuel Station maintenance costs for the fuel stations. $14,900 ER&R general fund,but through a separate line item.
Increase in Interlocai Costs based on 2020 prelim budget numbers and
ILA cost increase from$71/hr letters will be able to go to interlocals in November 2019 to start new Increase of$14/hour for work orders for ILA's.This revenue would be split among all participants in ER&R.Based on
to$85/hr rates in 2020 $10,700 2019 proejcted 1020 hours(765 ILA work order hours through 9/19)
Reduction in accounting includes not charging outside expenses through ER&R such as fuel not purchased through
ER&R such as Chevron cards for Sheriffs office,Chipseal Oil that is utilized in the same year by Roads etc.Yearly
Staff shift from ER&R to Road Shift 0.2 FTE finanacial analyst III to Road fund,reduce 0.05 FTE reconcilliation wouldbegin and process improvements would be reviewed annually with reconcilliation.Time to ER&R
Fund Administrator to Roads $24,500.00 would be tracked and revised each year with budget vs.an estimated average per position
Eliminate 0.5 FTE shop assistant,shift 0.2 FTE financial analyist III to Roads, Services offered internally are not offered through interlocal agreement so mechanic needs may remain the same by
Staff shift from ER&R to Road shift 0.15 FTE Administrator to Roads,shift 0.15 FTE supervisor to Roads, providing better service to ILAs,but other areas could be reduced. Services not offered to ILA's include purchasing,
Fund with leasing shift 0.15 FTE Manager to Roads $100,700.00 surplusing,wash rack,title,insurance,handling collision/insurance reimbursement etc.
Hourly rates would be too cumbersome in accounting and reconcilliation. May lead to audit findings or one fund
benefitting another. The rate for all internal funds needs to be set the same. Grays Harbor leases vehicles and also
Lease vehicles and have All vehicles would need to pay the ER&R rate to be serviced at ER&R so services them and at the full ER&R rate the same as purchased vehicles,this would really be the only viable option we
vehicles serviced at ER&R one fund is not benefiting another -$295,000.00 could think of.
Total savings if recommended options 1,3,4,5,and 6 are selected $632,400 Upfit charges reduced under options 3 and 4 are also accounted for under annual cost differential