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BLD2019-00176 Addition to SFR, Complete SFR 2001-01039 - BLD Application - 9/27/2019
r�oN�coU,y� MASON COUNTY.COMMUNITY SERVICES �j�✓c'.c�����—o 7 PERMIT ASSISTANCE CENTER: I erinit No. •BUILDING•PLANNING•PUBLIC HEALTH•FIRE MARSHAL 615 W.Alder Street,Shelton,WA 98584 Phone Shelton:(360)427-9670 ext.352•Fax:(360)427-7798 Phone •, Belfai-(360)275-4467•Phone Elmo:(360)482-5269 8 �y BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION all; lot, PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMA ilrf; 0 NAME: N t) h N NAME: MAILINJG ADDRESS: I 0 E. Pro D MAILING AD S`S- CITY:.$ o STATE: W,_ZIP: CITY: P9TA,T�E: { ZIP:PHONE#1:�13 b'7`� 026% PHONE: ELL; PHONE#2: J13 7 3 S OS?Y EMAIL : EMAIL: h o tT w TP r_In T( •Y a po ,Co In L&I REG# X / T PRIMARY CONTACT: OWNER❑ CONTRACTOR❑ OTHER NAME Nold EMAIL MAILING ADDRESS d CITY el}oh STATE �V ZIP 75S PHONE I. ' 67 2- Q Z 6 3 CELL PARCEL INFORMATION: 0,s PARCEL NUMBER(12 Digit Number) `Z 21 2 7 6` 4 0 ZONING LEGAL DESCRIPTION(Abbreviated)Lot 4 of T f 5 o P N17 IY FIRE DISTRICT SITE ADDRESS R D CITY S h t' 'F 0 e DIRECTIONS TO SITE ADDRESS Fbol, t0hoh t o E, Pr C keF i IZ P Tuth teft on to E, proket ilh+ o w ;1 the IS THE PROJECT WITHIN 300 FT OF SLOPE(S)GREATER THAN 14%: YES❑ NO)X IS PROPERTY WITHIN 200 FT OF THE FOLLOWING: (Check all that apply): SALTWATER❑ LAKE❑ RIVER/CREEK❑ POND ❑ WETLAND ❑ SEASONAL RUNOFF❑ STREAM ❑ TYPE OF WORK: NEWR ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION❑ REPAIR❑ OTHER ❑ USE OF STRUCTURE(Residence,Garage,Commercial Bldg,Etc) ``� IS USE: PRIMARY❑SEASONAL❑ (NUMBER OF BEDROOMS 2vUMBER OF BATHROOMS 2 HEATED STRUCTI T17 r:7 vv/c,^�"'- ' �'a '1� YES(Part[s]of Bldg) ❑ NO ❑ ESCRIBE WORT �&AOq Of SFe. 0ef1'llid Ca&e 818?-0O/ '010301 �''��, SOUARE FOOTAGE: (propose+existing) Lit'(l� I ST FLOOR s�sq.ft. 2ND FLOOR-2 6 5 sq.ft. 3RD FLOOR sq.ft. BASEMENT (( 6-S sq.ft. DECK sq.ft. COVERED DECK30 sq.ft. STORAGE sq.ft. OTHER sq.ft. GARAGE sq.ft. Attached❑ Detached❑ CARPORT sq. ft. Attached❑ Detached❑ MANUFACTURED HOME INFORMATION: *4 COPIES OF THE FLOOR PLAN RE IRE D* 7ID E MODEL YEAR LENTH BEDROOMS BATHS SERIAL NUMBER T ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: SEWAGE/SEWER SOURCE: SEPTIC[[ SEWER❑ / NEW❑ EXISTING ❑ PLUMBING IN STRUCTURE? YES NO ❑ If yes, attacleted Water Adequacy Fornt PERIMETER/FOUNDATION DRAINS P OPOSED? YES ❑ NOV EXISTING SQ.FT. EXISTING BEDROOMS BEDROOMS OTAL BEDROOMS Z OWNER acknowledges that submission of inaccurate inforrnation'may result In a stop work order or permit revocation.Acknowledgement of such is by signature below.I declare that I am the owner and I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed. I have obtained permission from all the necessary parties,including any easement holder or parties of interest regarding this project. The owner or legal representative,represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s)for review and inspection. T permitlappiication becomes null&void if work or authorized construction is not commenced within 180 days or if construction work is suspended for period of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTIN TION _ RK ON THIS PERMIT IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION. INACTIVITY OF THIS PERMIT APPL Alt© 1P0 D S OF MORE WILL CAUSE THE APPLICATION TO BE EXPIRED.(MASON .-COUNTY CODE 14.08.42) x 0 l �� Signatufa otdVQWKTust beqlanfil by the OW NE Date DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW APPROVED DATE DENIED DATE TAGS/NOTES/CONDITIONS BUILDING DEPARTMENT -IQ PLANNING DEPARTMENT FIRE MARSHAL PUBLIC HEALTH r MASON COUNTY RECEIVED COMMUNITY SERVICES FEB 2 7 2019 Building,Planning,Environmental Health,Community Health Physical and Mailing Address: 615 W Alder St., Bldg 8, Shelton, WA 98584 615 W. Alder Street Shelton Phone: (360)427-9670 ext 352 Fax (360)427-7798 PLUMBING & MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Permit#: &a16—o OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: NAME: L NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: r0 e d MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: 63\r�Q I{ 1 STATE:�_ZIP:< 5 �� CITY: STATE: ZIP: 1st PHONE: g1 7q — 2 PHONE: CELL: 2nd PHONE: — EMAIL: EMAIL: _ 6: �Ara.koo-CVM L&I REG# P / / PARCEL INFORMATION: PARCEL NUMBER (12 Digit Number): D l 1 Zoning: LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Abbreviated: LOT A a C- 5(? �40 12,A)T_TR `/'A S ?�/T 5 6 SITE ADDRESS: 0 — 7r 0 CITY: 5'h C 1 i o rl j DIRECTIONS TO SITE ADDRESS-. Ryorn LJ -) ( J1 v-0 ( TYPE OF JOB/WORK: NEW_�_< ADD ALT REPAIR OTHER USF`OF BUILDING r PLUMBING FIXTURES MECHANICAL UNITS [] Electric in-wall heaters(no fee) Type of Fixture No. of Fixtures Fuel Type Fees Type of Unit No. of Units Fuel Type Fees Tailet(s) Furnace [E/G/LPG] Bathroom Sink(s) Heat Pump [E/G/LPG] Bath Tub(s) f • Ductless H.P. 1 [E/G/LPG] Shower(s) I Spot Vent Fan Z Water Heater(s) PG/LPG] Propane Tank L_ga[.] Clothes Washer(s) [E/G/LPG] Gas Outlet(s) /vlr� Kitchen Sink(s) Heat Stove I [E/G/LPGrV11 Dishwasher(s) Kitchen Exhaust Hood 1 Hose bib(s) Dryer Vent t Other Solar Panel Other Other Plumbing Subtotal Mechanical Subtotal Plumbing Base Fee Mechanical Base Fee Final Inspection Fee Final Inspection Fee TOTAL PLUMBING TOTAL MECHANICAL OWNER/BUILDER acknowledges submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation.Acknowledgement of such is by signature below. I declare that I am the owner, owners legal representative,or contractor. I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed. I have obtained permission rom all the necessary parties, including any easement holder or parties of interest regarding this project.The owner or authorized agent represents t t the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure iew a spection.This permit/application becomes null&void if work or authorized construction is not commenced within 180 da r if onstr o or k is suspended for a period of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION. INACTIV OFT IS P MIT LICATION OF 180 DAYS WILL INVALIDATE THE AP PLICATION. X 0� I I Slgnat re pilcant Date I X 0 rG Av a cL Owner/Owners Representative/Contractor Print Name (Circle one) DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW APPROVED DATE DENIED DATE TAGS/NOTESICONDITIONS O Building O Fire Marshal O Permit Tech (OTC permlt only) 1:lsi'. its:: • InC' ii ?j"':,//V1ww.CO.II".ason.wa.USJCOni7iL1niF1i Oev% F:ev ' Request to Revise Approved Plans /11 P!S V-t"r-,J Permit Number: BLD/COM 8Ub2eM-o01-7(0 Name Nam' �� Parcel Number 2-Z 1 2$ - -7(o - `I ooq 1 Phone Number da 'me B 13 4,79 - 02<o% Project Address 4 1 o tF. P"6-c v i toa • Mailing Address 5 am a as s i�P acLcLvc 55 WA .Grnk(1 ' hD1rA��'�VY � c�(nao, Please provide a complete, detailed description of the proposed revisions to the approved plans: N-ew addih'GY-1 ->-a 1 f I • Aresets of the revised plans or addendum indicating the changes included? lifYes ❑No • Are the approved construction plans included? '❑ Yes ❑ No The RED stamped "site" approved construction plans must be included. • Are the revisions clearly and accurately identified on the plans or addendum? >1 Yes ❑No vc,4.5 i • Does the plan contain an engineer's or architects lateral or vertical analysis? A Yes ❑ No w�-!r If Yes, Has the engineer or architect approved this revision? b(Yes o No i Is a stamped and signed approval included with this request? (Yes ❑ No No structural changes to a"designed" plan will be approved without the written consent of the engineer and/or architect of record.) • Does the proposed revision modify the footprint or location of the structure? Yes ❑ No If Yes, Is a revised site plan, with all new setback dimensions included with this requ&�-. Yes ,•`` ,Additional Information: SFP <� � ZU19 Vft ---------------- Applicants signature Date: 41%. t P.a t,kd W-e6 eN Date: OFFICIAL USE ONLY Initials Department Date of Date Reviewers Original Valuation: $ for Review Received Assigned Approved Approval Reviewer Additional Valuation: $ I' Sq.Ft. 2 x$ a, Z $ 2vU.z& 14dd - Building S-�' Sq.Ft x$ $ SG2 Manning Total New Valuation $ Public Additional Fees: Health Additional Planning Dept $ Additional Plan Review $ Additional Building Permit $ Additional Plumbing $ Additional Mechanical $ Additional Conditions'/Comments: YlliS' Additional E.H.Dept $ 14L C64/i I 1 (~.� J 1 Other $ rn Total Amount Due: $ l M 20'REAR YARD SETBACK LINE 150.00 I I I I . I I C I � I I I New Addition - Modification o Na A&A Existing Building Permit 216 S.F.TOTAL 1�CJ�t NEW ROOF LINE ABV. Modifications to Completion J of Existing Building Under �� RECEIVED Existing Building Permit 1494 OF.TOTAL SEP 2 7 2019 EXIST.ROOF LINE ASV. rJ I 615 W. Alder Street JL -----� N I i I W EXIST.SEPTIC TANK L J J APPDX.LOCATION r�-L LJ �\ I \\ I I \ I I \ I EXIST. \\ CARPORT �f APPROX.EXISTING DRAINFIELD W/ ASSUMED RESERVE AREA J EXIST.SAND FILTER 60'EASEMENT J� i C EXIST. I L-J SHOP -- - 20'SIDE YARD SETBACK LINE EXIST.GRAVEL DRIVE I 20 SIDE YARD SETBACK LNE 1 TO REMAIN J I Probert Rd. 25'FRCNT YARD SETBACK LINE PARCEL NO.: _ 22128-16-90m91 15mmm — LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I dZo `(] _���-7 i_ A OF SP 0540 PNT l` b l!/ TR 9-A 5 2/l8 S 6/35 u/, �/� SITE ADDRESS: J`dal/ 410 E. Probert Rd. Shelton, LJ,4 98584 Site Plan NORTH APPROVED OCT 0 9 2019 MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HFALTN RLE Permit number BLD Mechanical Permit Checklist • Name of owner: ?Name of Installer: • Fuel Type? LPG Nat Gas Electric Other • If propane, what is the proposed size of tank(s)? • What type of mechanical unit will be installed? (i.e.freestanding stove,forced air furnace, etc.) • If the unit is a wood stove,provide: Make V e Model ' g 00 6 d� Year 2 tLabel Number 5'S 00 M • Wbat is the use of the structure? (Circle one) esidential Commercial (A permit application for a commercial mechanical permit will be issue upon satisfactory review by staff. Include a floor plan showing the location of units)and layout of duct work with the permit application) • Type of structure: (Circle one) Site Built Hom anufactured Home Other • What room will the mechanical unit be located? • Will the unit be located in a basement? (circle one) Yes No s • How will combustion air be supplied to the mechanical unit? (Describe; i.e. direct vent, air inlets, etc.) • How will the mechanical unit be exhausted to the outside? Applies to appliances using gas, oil or wood fuel. (Indicate B-vent, direct vent,L-vent,etc.) • What year was the structure constructed? Was this structure part of a PUD upgrade? • What type of controls will be installed? (i.e. thermostat, etc.) • Will the proposed mechanical unit be a heat source?(circle one) Yes No • Additional information: Signature of Applicant Date 2-0 13 Typical mechanical fees: Forced air furnace $ 18.30 Heat pump 18.20 Propane tank 73..00 Gas Outlets 6.20 additional outlets over 1-5 ($1.20 each after 5) Mechanical base fee 28.50 or $ 9.00 if base fee was paid on an active building or mechanical permit Freestanding unit, fireplace,pellet stove or wood stove$73.00 Final Inspection fee 73.00 m°J i to w NM 32' HIGH BLOCK WALL �z <4 ROWS I lb o Z O — —-� / 1 O A A � I o C) I I N N ------ - V mr '�m I �< z C�N (� I I Ar ti J �r z I M �z y I I ii Z I I Z Z tl V C/) >_• a, CD C7 Z ^ £r N / II l L D wo �I `, N Z ", A AAm I I z ❑ ti z cn x I I m �nmN n ZOX mZ£ �z „x. h1 I I N .2mw I td z °xa x Fn v� ❑ r-� Z IL - ---- -- - - - Z 9-8' HIGH BLOCK WALL - - 114 ROWS - 8'x8'x16' 10' HIGH BLOCK WALL 1 ROW - 4'x8'x16') x tl a o�p2 20gD x tl N n w m. ru 'UD TICC")D�3��nC'7nm a 11 II II II r OViDr N ?(JNVi - A ,r, UP m r+7- D I1OJT y1..4. O �a tAtl � f'7 d to trDJ D °D `p w� F••I m d v c Z f T7 D 3 3 D OD m m D Z D Z D D D o m m 3 d o� NmZOZnbd W W y AN zti C3 m D D �I C A C'� IT7 ., 2 z z =z�D r mr7rl p f— AC"C74k 'Mbl Wa, ❑� .... Op D r'l p m tj Vl D '� Z D Am N w�,Apt,DDn m m mmm�Dcn���mmm 33<Z Z A Vi p £ 3 p m2m�ND ,_. amKz M r Cis z 8 A O� C =wD epr f• I� p w vri rri m z Dm y = £ w rr I� a x nC7 mo A ?o w � Z Ii �D �Nlb. D O mtl - m X. p Zri)� A nY•or n D ro N CZj, 0D N A• 1...I A VJ CTl m O p II ._FBI 3 w f'1 mtj rrl ® Ilp� x m m G{ N S I4 3 m m A ° FOR: REVISIONS BY DA W x� =4N.L.Olson&Associates,Inc. AYALA SFR WELv LIAM NO DATE BY DES(�170N DESRWED RDG 7/18 Engineering,Planning and Surveying , r - MCGOWAN DRAWN ROD 7/18 14 _o o 1 d� 410 E Probert Rd 00 x (360)895.2350or(366)s76-2254 ` 6 a`� 410 E Probert Rd amcm 7118 p 2433BethelAvemr,P.O.Box637,Pon 0¢Svd,WA98366 '�x''�'¢°G Shelton,WA 98584 APPROVED- x Shelton,WA 98584 ADCEFrED 01 m � m > Dm (D '4 —ri cn = m m -1 (7 A A Z N % A � A N N Z r•..l 0 O ti 4x4 5iOX13X GLB HIDDEN IN WALL ARV - 0 Z-u m C A y x Xm (® IJ x A A i A Xtz M p A y% ps N 3 N D l7 tm Gn60 y c3m 4x4 4x4 4x4 a o� p- m X frl'I C L D A m =;00 V r9 2 �Ml ym m Am> rAu; X (j A Z Vnl 3m A >c-Oi - Z C1 z N A y �i m NA a r2�o m� om N O) N.A. -tz rr- pOp iti , x aA tj It n D O m v3i r A p� y 2x8 2 —{ N' O a. A A X 24 O.C. v N N N n F•ri o'er N W/LUS26 m /�") z HANGERS O i7 Q,m x6 Ox 5!¢x18 GLB HIDDEN IN WALL ABV C3 .o m x t7 m v o x x- m P. .Z7 �z o o gTTgC R00F ,i m. v b z 1�R�2 t'DT�%S� N o o x I z m C�rps SpM z d /1 oA\x 4X10 4x8 41 dc�9� 4x8 moo A£2 z 00 x 0 NA LA t='! -i NZ 1z Dm wo V N Q x NN 2 C C 009 r' XA. Oo� n II II —NI mGC(m/1 Nir y p n -I Dm y --M -u" — —— — —� A 3 'u -P m z 2030 3020 - W x d-Dp t4 A A I' D 70 D d MEM m L1 DrD O y 1 c x A 1 � D A —.1 N £ �N2 Ili m ,A C 2 1 ✓� O I,m ^n'a< vj O m-P H z ,��^ lei o r�i =A£ O Osa�s�s o I*t rn m d i ti�y0 -�i ru- D O M 0 r O DP Z) A c r � y y N \ A (B.03N M IGNIM SS3N!33)/ � a 0404 M II O to ti 1Hld 9x2(2) Jo bxb A S ,M. FOR: T��� REVISIONS BY DA L w -J N.L.Olson&Associates,Inc. AYALA SF Lit M NO DATE BYLi ONBD RDC 7/I8 N .8' y Engineering,Planing and Surveying "@ �„ MCGOWANWN RDO 7/18 R „� 410 E Probert RdW (360)995-2350 ur(360)876-2294 L d`° 410 E Probert Rd � � 7/18 Avevoe,P.O.Bm 637,Port OmhW,WA 98366 NnL Shelton,WA 98584 OVED Shelton,WA 98584 PTED