HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019/06/10 - Briefing Packet BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DRAFT BRIEFING MEETING AGENDA 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton WA 98584 Week of June 10, 2019 Monday, June 10, 2019 Commission Chambers 9:00 A.M. Closed Session — RCW 42.30.140(4) Labor Discussion 9:15 A.M. Support Services — Frank Pinter 10:00 A.M. Community Services — Dave Windom 10:25 A.M. BREAK 10:30 A.M. Public Works — Loretta Swanson Utilities & Waste Management 11:00 A.M. WSU Extension — Dan Teuteberg 11:15 A.M. Sheriff's Office — Chief Dracobly Commissioner Discussion — as needed Briefing Agendas are subject to change,please contact the Commissioners'office for the most recent version. Last printed 06/06/19 at 1:27 PM If special accommodations are needed,contact the Commissioners'office at ext.419,Shelton#360-427-9670;Belfair #2754467,Ehna#482-5269. MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONER BRIEFING INFORMATION FOR WEEK OF June 10, 2019 In the spirit of public information and inclusion, the attached is a draft of information for Commissioner consideration and discussion at the above briefing. This information is subject to change, additions and/or deletion and is not all inclusive of what will be presented to the Commissioners. Please see draft briefing agenda for schedule. A co 1854 Mason County Support Services Department Budget Management o� <' 411 North 5t" Street Commissioner Administration Emergency Management Shelton, WA 98584 Facilities, Parks&Trails 360.427.9670 ext. 419 Human Resources Information Services Labor Relations Risk Management MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONER BRIEFING ITEMS FROM SUPPORT SERVICES June 10, 2019 • Specific Items for Review o Draft Email Management Policy— Diane o Lake Management District for Spencer Lake public hearing on June 11 - Diane 0 2020/2021 Budget Guidelines—Jennifer o Update policies for CDBG Grant—Jennifer o June 25 Community Awareness Fire Prevention meeting- Frank o Property offer for county property, 80 E Ashwood Lane—Frank o Updated offers to purchase E Port Townsend Street, Union—Frank o Lease/sale county property—Frank o Review proposed fact sheet for ballot proposition - Frank • Commissioner Discussion J:\DLZ\Briefing Items\2019\2019-06-I O.docx MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Diane Zoren DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 747 BRIEFING DATE: June 10, 2019 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: (If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information ITEM: Review of the draft Email Management Policy EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In anticipation of Mason County moving to Outlook/Exchange for our email system, Support Services drafted an Email Management Policy. The policy proposes keeping emails in an employee's in-box for 90 days in which time the employee must take action to store the email in the appropriate archive folder. If no action is taken in 90 days, the email is deleted and not recoverable. All junk and trash email will have no retention and will be purged after 90 days. The proposed archive folders are 2 year, 6 year and permanent. Staff intends to circulate the draft policy to all departments and training with a Secretary of State Archivist has been scheduled on Thursday, June 27 at 9:30 a.m. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Provide any changes, authorize staff to circulate for comment from other departments and bring forward a final document for Commissioner adoption. Briefing Summary 6/6/2019 MASON COUNTY Email Management Policy and Procedures Overview Recognizing that e-mail messages that meet the definition of a public record must be managed according to approved records retention periods,Mason County has implemented a process to support the proper management of e-mail records. It is the responsibility of all County employees to manage records according to retention requirements mandated by federal, state and/or local statute, grant agreement,and/or other contractual obligations and Mason County's policies and procedures. Storing every email is not the same as managing public records created and/or received as emails. Such a strategy is unlikely to be sustainable in the long run,will make it harder to locate the public records that do need to be retained and may not be the most efficient use of agency resources. Mason County supports appropriate management of e-mail messages through: • Implementation of an email archiving solutions that provides central storage and access of e-mail messages that meet the definition of a public record. • Development of user procedures and guidelines. • Training for email storage is available to all employees through the Secretary of State https://www.sos.wa.gov/archives/recordsmanagement/managing= emails.aVx. Please contact your department's records retention staff for assistance. Policy 1. All e-mail messages sent or received that are related to the conduct of County business must be evaluated for the function and content of the record. The fanction/content of each e-mail message should be evaluated against the following criteria of a public record: • Was the email created in the course of doing County business? • Was the email received for action? • Does the email document County activities, decisions, or actions? • Is the email mandated by statutes or regulations? • Does the email support financial obligations or legal claims? • Does the email communicate County requirements? 2. Email messages that meet the definition of a public record must be managed according to their approved retention period in their native format. hgps://www.sos.wa.gov/archives/recordsmanagement/local-government- records-retention-schedules---alphabetical-list.aspx 3. All email messages sent or received from a County email address will be retained for a minimum of 90 days by the County's email system. 4. Employees have 90 days from the date an email message was created or received to determine if an email meets the definition of a public record(see below). All emails that are public records must be retained in their native format for their approved records retention period. Retention periods are based on functional use of the information contained in each message. 5. Employees shall place email messages in Email Storage folders for the appropriate retention period as approved by the Washington State Local Records Committee Records Retention Schedule. It is critical to use the appropriate Email Storage folder. 6. After 90 days all e-mail messages are purged from the County's email storage (your email in-box) and only those emails in archival folders will be transferred to the county's archiving system. This process will also purge archived emails that have met their required retention period and will purge deleted and junk e-mails. Purged means deleted and unrecoverable. 7. In order to comply with records management requirements and the Washington State Public Records Act(RCW 42.56)email messages that meet the definition of a public record must be stored within technology systems supported by the County. The County's email archiving solution is considered the official system of record for County email messages. Requests for alternative methods for retaining emails must be submitted to the Information Technology Department for approval. 8. The creation of new Microsoft Outlook Personal Storage Table(.pst) files is prohibited. Definitions & References Public Record Information in any format,that has been made by or received by Mason County in connection with the transaction of public business. Transitory Record A public record with minimum retention value. These records can be deleted "as soon as no longer needed for agency business". They are subject to public disclosure while they exist. Non-Record Non-records may be created or maintained by County employees,but do not document the organization,functions,policies,decisions,procedures, operations,or other activities of Mason County. Records Management Requirements RCW 40.14-Preservation and Destruction of Public Records ft://ap12s.leg.wa.2ov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=40.14 WAC 434-662-040-PRESERVATION OF ELECTRONIC PUBLIC RECORDS Agency Duties and Responsibilities: http//apps leg wa.gov/WAC/default aspx?cite=434-662-040 WAC 434-662-150—Preservation of Electronic Public Records:Email Management http•//apps leiz.wa gov/WAC/default aspx?cite=434-662-150 Transitory Records Cheat Sheet These records can be deleted or recycled when "no longer needed for agency business" but are still subject to disclosure while they exist. GS 50-02-02 Rev. 1 GS 2016-002 Rev. 0 GS 2016-003 Rev. 0 BLANK FORMS&PUBLICATIONS BRAINSTORMING CONTACT INFORMATION Blank forms or extra copies of Post-it notes, Whiteboards, Business cards, Outlook contacts, reports, brochures, newsletters. Flipcharts, or staff notes from mailing lists, listservs and requests Excludes:Numbered forms like brainstorming sessions. to be added/removed, or mail checks and master set of blank Excludes:Drafts, edits, comments, returned as undeliverable. forms. One copy of all publications or brainstorming with other Excludes:Emergency/Disaster must be sent to WA State Library. agencies or outside consultants. Preparedness contact lists. i GS 2016-004 Rev. 0 GS 2016-005 Rev. 0 GS 50-02-03 Rev. 0 DRAFTING&EDITING UNSIGNED DIGITAL DOCUMENT SPAM&MAILERS Drafts, edits, comments, mockups Digital documents or document Catalogs, brochures, bulletins, from INTERNAL staff. templates used to create official, newsletters, advertisements, or Excludes: Final versions and draft signed, paper copies, like official notices NOT created by the comments or edits from EXTERNAL letters or signed meeting minutes. agency, not requiring any action sources like other agencies or Excludes: Copies of signed and by the agency, and not required outside consultants. sent letters. for agency business. j GS 50-02-05 Rev. 2 GS 2016-006 Rev. 0 GS 2016-008 Rev. 0 FYI'S&MEMO'S BROWSING HISTORY TO-DO LISTS VASKS Cookies in the breakroom, Bob out Cookies, cache, temp files,saved Records monitoring work in sick today, email read receipts, or passwords or web form autofill info, progress, like To-Do lists, Outlook out-of-office notices. Google searches, or bookmarks. 'Tasks', routing slips,workflow Excludes:Leave records, records Excludes:Internet activity logs notifications, or status logs. documenting or informing agency monitored by IT staff to ensure Excludes:Strategic plans or unit decisions or actions. appropriate use. level work plans. GS 2016-009 Rev. 0 GS 2016-010 Rev. 0 GS 50-02-01 Rev. 1 RAW DATA CAPTURED ELSEWHERE REFERENCE INFO BASIC AGENCY INFO Raw data or temp records (i.e. Materials gathered from outside Requests for hours of operation, survey responses or written notes) sources for reference use which mailing address, directions, front documented by formal record. are not evidence of the agency's desk phone/fax#, web address. Excludes:AV recordings of official business transactions. Conference Excludes:Public records requests, meetings, electronic records that handouts/materials, cheat sheets, advice or assistance given as part have been printed (i.e. emails). white papers, copies of articles, of agency's mission. listsery/RSS feeds. GS 2016-011 Rev. 0 GS 50-02-04 Rev. 2 GS 2016-012 Rev. 0 SCHEDULING SECONDARY COPIES UNSOLICITED INFO Invitations, checking availability, Printouts of database records, Info not requested/used by cancellations and rescheduling, webpages, emails, CC's, agency, extra info included with and venue arrangements. convenience copies. applications, unfinished forms, and Excludes: Calendars, meeting Excludes:Copies of records held unwanted donated records. materials, and financial records. by other agencies or external Excludes:Records received as part organizations. of regular agency business. CAUTION:THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT GIVE LEGAL AUTHORITY TO DESTROY RECORDS.CHECK FULL DESCRIPTIONS IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMON RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE(CORE)TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE. 4s (ls Records Management Advice Issued: April 2017 Office of the Secretary of State Washington State Archives Electronic Records Management: How Long Do Emails Need to be Kept? Purpose: Provide guidance to state agencies and local government entities on the retention of emails. Is there one retention period for emails? NO —The retention period for public records depends on the function and content of the record, not its format or method of transmission. How long emails need to be kept depends of the agency's business, legal and accountability needs to retain the evidence of the transaction that is documented in the email. Like public records in any format, some only need to be kept for a very short time, some need to be kept a little longer, and some will be "Archival" and kept forever. The questions to ask to determine the function/content of emails are: 1. What is the email about? (content) 2. Why was it sent and for what purpose? (function) Having just one blanket retention period for emails is akin to having a single retention period for all letter-sized paper—the format does not determine the retention. Is simply keeping all emails for a fixed period the answer? NO—Storing every email is not the same as managing public records created and/or received as emails. Such a strategy is unlikely to be sustainable in the long run, will make it harder to locate the public records that do need to be retained and may not be the most efficient use of agency resources. Where can I find out what the retention is based on the function and content? RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULES — These schedules set out the minimum required retention periods and grant permission to either destroy or transfer the records at the end of that period. The current approved records retention schedules are available from Washington State Archives' website at: State Agencies: http://www sos wa oovlarchives/RecordsManapement/RecordsRetentionSchedulesforStateGovemmentAoencies.aspx Local Government Entities: https://www sos wa aov/archives/RecordsManapement/Local-Govemment-Records-Retention-Schedules—Alphabetical-List.aspx Additional advice regarding the management of public records is available from Washington State Archives: www.sos.wa.gov/archives recordsmanagement@sos.wa.gov MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Jennifer Beierle DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 532 BRIEFING DATE: June 10, 2019 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: N/A ITEM: Draft 2020 and 2021 Budget Guidelines EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The budget guidelines are required to go out to departments on the second Monday in July, per RCW 36.40.010. In an effort to begin a biennial budget in 2021, the guidelines include instructions to departments to enter budget numbers for the second budget year in Munis. BUDGET IMPACTS: RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Recommend the Board review the 2020 and 2021 draft budget guidelines. ATTACHMENTS: Budget Guidelines—Draft 1 J:\Budget Office\Briefmg,Agenda,&Public Hearing Items\2019\13riefmg Summary 6.10.2019-Budget Guidelines.doc July 8, 2019 To: Elected Officials& Department Heads Re: Mason County Commissioner's 2020 and 2021 Preliminary Budget Preparation Guidelines The following are the Board of County Commissioners guidelines for the Preliminary Budget. Preliminary budgets are due to the Auditor in the Munis Financial System by close of business on Monday,August 12, 2019. Revenue in 2020 is projected to be level with 2019.The County will strive to build reserve balances with all unexpended and one time revenues, in accordance with reserve requirements currently identified in Resolution No. 58-17. Department Heads and Elected Officials are asked to present a 2020 budget at 2019 amended budget levels, and a 2021 "shadow budget" at 2020 levels, plus CBA and other contractual increases. Please implement the following guidelines when developing both 2020 and 2021 Preliminary Budgets: REVENUE LEVELS ■ Current Expense Property Tax levy will include a 1%increase. ■ Roads Property Tax levy will include a 1%increase. ■ Budget with existing fees and service charge schedules; review for proposed fee increases if possible. ■ Grants should be budgeted conservatively with projected amounts to be received within the proper budget year. ■ Interest rates on investments will be .50%. ■Transfers in—Fill out the attached transfer form and send to the transferring department for signature, and return to the budget office.Transfers in without a form or equivalent transfer out offset will not be considered in the budget. ■ Reimbursable interdepartmental revenue budgeted in one fund should be budgeted as an expense in another fund via the attached form. Requests without a form or equivalent offset will not be considered in the budget.This includes departments receiving Mental Health Fund revenue. EXPENDITURE LEVELS ■ Wages for union represented employees shall reflect step increases only, as there are currently no signed union contracts for the 2020 budget year. ■ Wages for non-represented employees shall reflect step increases only.The BOCC may increase non-represented wages at a later date. ■ Wages for Elected Officials shall reflect the increase stated in Resolution No. 39- 19, except for Prosecuting Attorney wages in Resolution No. 22-19, and BOCC wages in Resolution No. 73-12. ■ 2020 ER&R vehicle rates are attached (use budget expense accounts ending in 545951). ■ Traffic Policing Diversion at$2,160,000—Funding from Roads Property Tax Levy. ■ Budget any debt service per the attached Treasurer's Debt Service schedule. ■ Transfers out—The attached transfer form is signed by the transferring from department and returned to the budget office for processing during the budget year. ■ Reimbursable interdepartmental expenses budgeted in one fund should be budgeted as revenue in another fund and approved by the other department via the attached form. ■ Human Resources will supply the Benefits Rate Sheet and Medical Allocation (use budget expense accounts ending in 520040 for medical)for 2020 and 2021. Medical budgets should reflect maximum amounts paid by the County times the number of FTEs. ■2020 and 2021 Reserve for Technology rate will be$285 per FTE—Per the benefit rate sheet(use budget expense accounts ending in 541501). ■ 2020 and 2021 Unemployment rate will be$200 per FTE. (Elected Officials do not receive an unemployment rate charge.)—Per the benefit rate sheet (use budget expense accounts ending in 546096). ■ 2020 internal allocation amounts are attached (use budget expense accounts ending in 541019). ■ 2020 Information Technology charges are attached (use budget expense accounts ending in 545952). ■ 2020 State Auditor Charges are attached (use budget expense accounts ending in 541510). • Building remodel requests forms emailed on June 17'h must be returned to Facilities by July 11th so that Facilities may budget accordingly. ■ Expenditure authority shall be adopted as two bottom lines for all Elected Officials and County Department budgets, including Special Funds, in accordance with Resolution No. 26-17: one bottom line for the total salaries and benefits and one bottom line for operational expenses. Ending Fund Balance is not an appropriation. ■ Overall expenditures will be reviewed in relation to reserve requirements, at this time identified in Resolution No. 58-17. MUNIS BUDGET Prepare your internal budget analysis via any mechanism you prefer in preparation of Munis entry.The Auditor will send processing instructions to submit Budgets in Munis. The 2020 Munis budget entry will include the following: ■ Budget 1—Preliminary Budget Request—Budget Level 1 will be populated with 2019 amended budget numbers. Departments may change the numbers to the requested amounts. ■ Budget 2—Auditor's Preliminary Budget—The Auditor will make error correction changes to preliminary budget requests. ■ Budget 3- Maintenance Level Changes(MLC)—This is departments' 2019 amended budget plus non-discretionary changes, i.e.CBA's in effect, L&I, DRS, and medical changes. Positions approved at the 3/19/19 &6/18/19 budget hearings will be included in Budget Level 3. Budget Level 3 will be entered by the Budget Office. ■ Budget 4—Policy Level Changes (PLC)—This is the difference between Budget Level 2 and Budget Level 3, and will populate automatically.The attached project form is required to be filled out for EACH new"project" requested in the 2020 budget. A project request may include multiple BARS lines, and both revenue and expenses to show how the "project" number was derived.The following are considered projects: 1. New staffing request(s) 2. Capital &Vehicle Purchases 3. Operational requests by project 4. All other items over the Maintenance Level Changes BUDGET NARRATIVES WILL NOT BE REQUIRED BY DEPARTMENTS The 2021 Munis budget entry will include the following: ■ Budget 1—Enter any changes to the 2020 budget for the 2021 budget. Countywide trainings will be provided by the Budget Manager in the Commission Chambers on July 11th at 9:00 am and 2:00 pm. Sincerely, BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Kevin Shutty Randy Neatherlin Sharon Trask Chair Commissioner Commissioner MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Kelly Bergh DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 644 BRIEFING DATE: 6/10/19 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: ITEM: Excessive Force Policy (Replacing Res 43-98 signed 4/28/1998) Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: As part of the contract completion process for the Commerce CDBG Economic Opportunity Microenterprise Grant award of$200,000, the above policies must be updated/adopted as agreed upon in Resolution 85-18A signed 12/4/18. BUDGET IMPACTS: None RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Request approval and signatures: Excessive Force Policy— (Commissioners signatures required) Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy— (Chief Administrative Official signature required) ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 85-18A signed 12/4/2018 Excessive Force Policy Resolution 43-98 signed 4/28/1998 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy J:\Grants\CDBG MicroEnterprise\2019-9.30.2021\Briefing Summary-ExcForce Greenhse.doc i RESOLUTION NO. A. A RESOLUTION WITH CERTIFICATIONS OF COMPLIANCE FOR COMMUMITY DEVELOPMENT BL.00)<GRANT(CDBG) WHEREAS, Mason County is authorized to apply to the state Department of Commerce for a Community pevelopmentBlock Grant(CI)13Q), and WHEREAS,Mason County has identified a community development and housing priority need for which to seek CDi3G funding; and WHEREAS, it is necessary certain conditions be met to recefve CDBG funds;and WHEREAS, Frank Pinter, Support Services Director is authorized to submit this application to the State of Washington on behalf of Mason County; NOW,THEREPOREBE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Mason County Commissioners to authorize submission of this CDBG applicatioh to the state'Department of Commerce to request up to$200,000 for a Local Microenterprise.Assistance Program,and certifies that, if funded, It: Will comply with applicable provisions of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, and other applicable.state and federal laws; Has provided and will provide opportunities for citizen participation that satisfy the CDBG requirements of 24 CFR 570.486; Will not use.assessments against properties owned and occupied by low-and moderate-income persons or charge user fees to recover the capital'.costs of CDBG4unded public improvements from low-and moderate-income owner.-occupants; i Has established or will establish.a plan to minimize displacement as a result of activities assisted with CDBG funds; and assist persons actually displaced as a.result of such activities,as provided In the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended; Has adopted or will adopt a policy(s)to reduce greenhouse gas emissions In accordance with RCW 70.235.070 and certifies this project will adhere to this policy(s); Will.conduct.arid administer its program in conformance with Title VI of the Civil Rights.Act:of 1964 and the Fair Housing Act; and will affirmatively further fair housing (Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968); Has adopted(or will adopt)and enforce a policy prohibiting-the use of excessive force by law enforcement agencles within Its jurisdiction against any individuals engaged Inhonviolent civil rights demonstrations;and has adopted(or will adopt)and Implement a policy of enforcing applicable state and local laws against'physically barring entrances to or exit from a facility.or location that is the subject of such nonviolent civil rights demonstration within its jurisdiction,in accordarice with Section 104(1)of the Title I.of the Housing.and Community Development Act of 074;as amended;and Mason County designates Frank Pinter as authorized Chief AdrnlnistraUve Officiai and the authorized representative to Oct in all official matters In connection with this application and Mason County's pa.rticlpation In the State of Washington CDBG Program. Adopted this L of"i��, , 2018. J:\Keily9\CDBG Resolutiomdocx BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASQN COUNTY,WASHINGTON ATTEST, M i2'a rewry,Clerk fff the Board Ran Neatheriin,Chair AWROVED AS TO FORM: Terri Drexler,Vice thair s �� J��v llmhitehead,Ch.DPA ~ Kevin Shutty,Co missioner F g a f a i Et t i s F { 4 7:\KellyB\WBG Resolution.docx e Page I 1 RESOLUTION NO. MASON COUNTY EXCESSIVE FORCE POLICY A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING POLICY PROTECTING INDIVIDUALS ENGAGED IN NONVIOLENT CIVIL RIGHTS DEMONSTRATION. WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States has passed Section 104(1) to the Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act stating that no CDBG funds may be obligated or expended by any unit of general local government that fails to adopt and enforce a policy of prohibiting the use of excessive force by local law enforcement agencies within its jurisdiction against any individuals engaged in nonviolent civil rights demonstrations; or fails to adopt and enforce a policy of enforcing applicable state and local laws against physically barring entrance to or exit from a facility or location which is the subject of nonviolent civil rights demonstrations within its jurisdiction; AND WHEREAS, the County of Mason has received a Community Development Block Grant and is required to comply with the Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act; AND WHEREAS, the failure to enforce such policies may cause the COUNTY to lose its grant or eligibility for future federal grants; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON, BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: SECTION 1 It is the POLICY of the COUNTY to prohibit the use of excessive force by law enforcement agencies within its jurisdiction against any individuals engaged in non-violent civil rights demonstrations; SECTION 2 It is the POLICY of the COUNTY to enforce existing applicable state and local laws against the physical barring of an entrance to or exit from a facility or location which is the subject of nonviolent civil rights demonstrations within its jurisdiction. SECTION 3 The COUNTY COMMISSIONERS will coordinate with the County Sheriff to implement this Resolution by amending applicable Sheriff's Office procedures. Page 12 PASSED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER, COUNTY OF MASON, WASHINGTON. DATED this day of 2019. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kevin Shutty, Commissioner Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Sharon Trask, Commissioner I i RESOLUTION NO. ,9 9 COUNTY EXCESSIVE FORCE POLICY A.RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON,ADOPTING POLICY PROTECTING INDIVIDUALS ENGAGED IN NONVIOLENT CIVIL RIGHTS DEMONSTRATION, WHEREAS,the Congress of the United States has passed Section 104(1)to the Title 1 of the Housing and Community Development Act stating that no CDBG funds may b.e obligated or expended by any unit of general local government that fails to adopt and enforce a policy of prohibiting the use of excessive force by local law enforcement agencies within its jurisdiction against any individuals engaged in nonviolent civil rights demonstrations;or fails to adopt and enforce a policy of enforcing applicable state and local laws against physically baring entrance to or exit from a facility or location which is the subject of nonviolent civil rights demonstrations within its jurisdiction;and WHEREAS,the County of Mason has received a Community.Development Block Grant and is required to comply with the Title 1 of the Housing and Community Development Act; and WHEREAS,the failure to enforce such policies may cause the County to lose its grant or eligibility for future federal grants; NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON, BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS; SECTION 1 It is the Policy of the County that excessive force by local law enforcement agencies shall not be used against individuals engaged in lawfid and nonviolent civil rights demonstrations within the County boundaries. SECTION 2 It is the>Policy of the County to enforce applicable state and local laws against the physical barring of an entrance to or exit from a facility or location which is the subject of nonviolent civil rights demonstrations within its jurisdiction. SECTION 3 The County Commissioners will coordinate with the County Sheriff to Page 2 implement this Resolution. PASSED BY' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COUNTY OF MASON,WASHINGTON. THIS DAY OF , 1998. ATTEST: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON CLERK OF THE 1ROARTV C ERSON PROVED AS TO FORM: COMM IONER Cu►EF JA DEPUTY PROS. ATTORNEY CO ,6#fc------- ATTACHMENT 1-E Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy Whereas, the Mason County Board of Commissioners finds many local governments are reducing the production of pollutants through programs that provide economic and quality of life benefits intended to reduce energy bills, preserve green space, improve air quality, promote transportation choices, and sponsor economic development through energy conservation and creation of new energy sources; and Whereas, the Mason County Board of Commissioners finds the people of the County of Mason will gain from policies and procedures that benefit its natural resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and Whereas, the various funding authorities have made adoption of a greenhouse reduction policy a prerequisite to application submittal; Now, Therefore, it is hereby resolved by the Mason County Board of Commissioners of Mason County, Washington, that the following policies and procedures are adopted: All new publicly funded buildings should include cost-effective, energy-efficient design; All existing public buildings should be retrofitted with energy efficient applications as opportunity and funding allow; Mason County employees are encouraged to employ conservation measures; The County lighting system should be upgraded with energy efficient technology; The County should pursue recycling as part of its solid waste strategy; The County should maintain a water conservation program. Passed this day of , 2019. Chief Administrative Official - Frank Pinter, Support Services Director Attest: Mason County Clerk - Melissa Drewry, Clerk of Board Approved as to Form: Mason County Attorney -Timothy Whitehead, Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Frank Pinter/Melissa Drewry DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 589 BRIEFING DATE: June 10, 2019 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information ITEM: An offer to purchase has been made on the following parcel: 32021-55-02011 80 E Ashwood Lane, Shelton in the amount of $5,000. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY(If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): This parcel is Tax Title and was deeded to Mason County on January 9, 2014. An attempt to sell was made at the 2018 Tax Title auction with no interested bidders. Per RCW 36.35.150(1)(d.) this parcel can be sold by direct negotiation within twelve months of the attempted auction. 2019 Assessed Value: $8,750 Current offer: $5,000 Contingencies: 22D (Optional Clauses), 22EF(Funds Evidence), 22K (Utilities), 22T (Title Contingency),35 (Inspection) Other amounts due: As of April 17, 2019 the back taxes owed are $1577.12 and $1,916.69 has been paid to Shorecrest Water for this parcel. OPTIONS: Accept offer and set public hearing in order to sell property Counter offer Refuse offer ATTACHMENTS: Detail Report Purchase and Sale Agreement 2019 Assessor's Valuation Briefmg Summary 6/5/2019 Form 25 ©Copyright 2017 Vacant Land Purchase 8 Sale Northwest Multiple Listing Service Rev.2/17 Page 1 of 5 VACANT LAND PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SPECIFIC TERMS 1. Date: May 31,2019 MLS No.: 1416115 06/12/2019 Offer Expiration Date: 2. Buyer: Michael Ocampo Megan Ocampo A married couple Buyer Buyer Status 3. Seller: Mason County Seller Seder 4. Property:Legal Description attached as Exhibit A. Tax Parcel No(s).:320215502011 80 E Ashwood Lane Shelton Mason WA 98584 Address City County Slate Zip S. Purchase Price:$ 5,000.00 Five thousand Dollars 6. Earnest Money:$ 500.00 Lot Check; ❑ Note;0 Other (held by 13 Selling Firm;Ll Closing Agent) 7. Default:(check only one)El Forfeiture of Earnest Money; ❑Seller's Election of Remedies 8. Title Insurance Company: Mason County Title Ej 9. Closing Agent: Mason County Title Colleen Reamer Company Individual(optional) 10. Closing Date: 7/17/2019 Possession Date:0 on Closing;0 Other 11. Services of Closing Agent for Payment of Utilities: 0 Requested(attach NWMLS Form 22K);0 Waived 12. Charges/Assessments Levied Before but Due After Closing:❑assumed by Buyer;0 prepaid in full by Seller at Closing 13. Seller Citizenship(FIRPTA): Seller❑ is;EI is not a foreign person for purposes of U.S.Income taxation 14. Subdivision:The Property:❑must be subdivided before :El is not required to be subdivided 15. Feasibility Contingency Expiration Date:EI30 days after mutual acceptance;❑Other 16. Agency Disclosure: Selling Broker represents: 0 Buyer; ❑Seller;❑both parties; 0 neither party Listing Broker represents: 0 Seller; ❑both parties 17. Addenda: 22D(Optional Clauses)Q 22EF(Funds Evidence 22K(Utilities) Q 22T(Title Contingency0 35F(Feasibility) 35(inspection) 0 Buyer's +Date Seller's Signature Date - 9 Buyer's Si azure Date Seller's Signature Date Buyer's Address Seller's Address Shelton,WA City,State,Zip City,State,Zip (360)427-9670 Phone No. Fax No. Phone No. Fax No. Buyer's E-mail Address Sellers E-mail Address John L.Scott,Inc. 9900 Richard Beckman Realty Group 4537 Selling Firm MLS Office No. Listing Firm MLS Office No. Penny McLaughlin 234 Richard Beckman 55681 Selling Broker(Print) MLS LAG No. Listing Broker(Print) MLS LAG No. (360)779-7555 (206)618-5123 (360)779-6293 (360)426-5521 (360)790-1921 (360)426-1645 Firm Phone No. Broker Phone No. Firm Fax No. Firm Phone No. Broker Phone No. Firm Fax No. notices.poulsbo@johnlscott.com mail@,RichardBeckman.com Selling Firm Document E-mail Address Listing Firm Document E-mail Address penny n theoriginalpenny.com richard@richardbeckmau.com Selling Broker's E-mail Address Listing Broker's E-mail Address 2129 2057 98421 9628 Selling Broker DOL License No. Selling Firm DOL License No. Listing Broker DOL License No. Listing Firm DOL License No. Form 25 Vacant Land Purchase&Sale ©Copyright 2017 Rev.2117 VACANT LAND PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Northwest Multiple Listing Service Page 2 of 5 GENERAL TERMS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Continued a. Purchase Price. Buyer shall pay to Seller the Purchase Price, including the Earnest Money, in cash at Closing, unless 1 otherwise specified in this Agreement. Buyer represents that Buyer has sufficient funds to close this sale in accordance 2 with this Agreement and is not relying on any contingent source of funds, including funds from loans, the sale of other 3 property,gifts,retirement,or future earnings,except to the extent otherwise specified in this Agreement. 4 b. Earnest Money. Buyer shall deliver the Earnest Money within 2 days after mutual acceptance to Selling Broker or to 5 Closing Agent, If Buyer delivers the Earnest Money to Selling Broker,Selling Broker will deposit any check to be held by 6 Selling Firm,or deliver any Earnest Money to be held by Closing Agent, within 3 days of receipt or mutual acceptance, 7 whichever occurs later. If the Earnest Money is held by Selling Firm and Is over$10,000.00 it shall be deposited into an 8 interest bearing trust account in Selling Firm's name provided that Buyer completes an IRS Form W-9. Interest, if any, 9 after deduction of bank charges and fees, will be paid to Buyer. Buyer shall reimburse Selling Firm for bank charges 10 and fees in excess of the interest earned, if any. If the Earnest Money held by Selling Firm is over$10,000.00 Buyer 11 has the option to require Selling Firm to deposit the Earnest Money into the Housing Trust Fund Account, with the 12 interest paid to the State Treasurer, if both Seller and Buyer so agree in writing. If the Buyer does not complete an IRS 13 Form W-9 before Selling Firm must deposit the Earnest Money or the Earnest Money is$10,000.00 or less,the Earnest 14 Money shall be deposited into the Housing Trust Fund Account.Selling Firm may transfer the Earnest Money to Closing 15 Agent at Closing. If all or part of the Earnest Money is to be refunded to Buyer and any such costs remain unpaid,the 16 Selling Firm or Closing Agent may deduct and pay them therefrom.The parties instruct Closing Agent to provide written 17 verification of receipt of the Earnest Money and notice of dishonor of any check to the parties and Brokers at the 18 addresses and/or fax numbers provided herein. 19 Upon termination of this Agreement, a party or the Closing Agent may deliver a form authorizing the release of Earnest 20 Money to the other party or the parties.The party(s)shall execute such form and deliver the same to the Closing Agent. 21 If either party fails to execute the release form, a party may make a written demand to the Closing Agent for the Earnest 22 Money. Pursuant to RCW 64.04, Closing Agent shall deliver notice of the demand to the other party within 15 days. If 23 the other party does not object to the demand within 20 days of Closing Agent's notice, Closing Agent shall disburse the 24 Earnest Money to the party making the demand within 10 days of the expiration of the 20 day period. If Closing Agent 25 timely receives an objection or an inconsistent demand from the other party, Closing Agent shall commence an 26 interpleader action within 60 days of such objection or inconsistent demand, unless the parties provide subsequent 27 consistent instructions to Closing Agent to disburse the earnest money or refrain from commencing an interpleader 28 action for a specified period of time. Pursuant to RCW 4.28.080, the parties consent to service of the summons and 29 complaint for an Interpleader action by first class mail, postage prepaid at the party's usual mailing address or the 30 address identified in this Agreement. If the Closing Agent complies with the preceding process, each party shall be deemed to have released Closing Agent from any and all claims or liability related to the disbursal of the Earnest 32 31 Money. If either party fails to authorize the release of the Earnest Money to the other party when on required to do so 33 n breach of Agent includunder this es a Selling Firreement,that m holding the shall be l Earnest Money. The parties authorieement.For the ze he party es of tcommenhis lc ng an nm Closing 35 action to deduct up to$500.00 for the costs thereof. 36 c. Condition of Title. Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, title to the Property shall be marketable at Closing. 37 The following shall not cause the title to be unmarketable: rights, reservations, covenants, conditions and restrictions, 38 presently of record and general to the area; easements and encroachments, not materially affecting the value of or 39 unduly interfering with Buyer's reasonable use of the Property; and reserved oil and/or mining rights. Monetary 40 encumbrances or liens not assumed by Buyer, shall be paid or discharged by Seller on or before Closing.Title shall be 41 conveyed by a Statutory Warranty Deed. If this Agreement is for conveyance of a buyer's interest in a Real Estate 42 Contract, the Statutory Warranty Deed shall include a buyer's assignment of the contract sufficient to convey after 43 acquired title. If the Property has been short platted,the Short Plat number is In the Legal Description. 44 d. Title Insurance. Seller authorizes Buyer's lender or Closing Agent, at Seller's expense, to apply for the then-current 45 ALTA form of standard form owner's policy of title Insurance from the Title Insurance Company, If Seller previously 46 received a preliminary commitment from a Title Insurance Company that Buyer declines to use, Buyer shall pay any 47 cancellation fees owing to the original Title Insurance Company. Otherwise, the party applying for title insurance shall 48 pay any title cancellation fee, in the event such a fee is assessed. The Title Insurance Company shall send a copy of 49 the preliminary commitment to Seller, Listing Broker, Buyer and Selling Broker. The preliminary commitment, and the 50 title policy to be issued,shall contain no exceptions other than the General Exclusions and Exceptions in said standard 51 form and Special Exceptions consistent with the Condition of Title herein provided. If title cannot be made so insurable 52 prior to the Closing Date, then as Buyer's sole and exclusive remedy, the Earnest Money shall, unless Buyer elects to 53 waive such defects or encumbrances, be refunded to the Buyer,less any unpaid costs described in this Agreement,and 54 this Agreement shall thereupon be terminated. Buyer shall have no right to specific performance or damages as a 55 consequence of Seller's inability to provide insurable title. 56 e. Closing and Possession. This sale shall be closed by the Closing Agent on the Closing Date. "Closing" means the 57 date on which all documents are recorded and the sale proceeds are available to Seller. If the Closing Date falls on a 58 Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday as defined in RCW 1.16.050, or day when the county recording office is closed, the 59 Closing Agent shall close the transaction on the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday,or day when the 60 A 0 `-2-&i filit 1 ZY9 Buyer's Initials Date Buyers Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Form 25 ©Copyright 2017 Vacant Land Purchase 8 sale VACANT LAND PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Northwest Multiple Listing Service Rev.2/17 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 3 of 5 GENERAL TERMS Continued county recording office is closed. Buyer shall be entitled to possession at 9:00 p.m,on the Possession Date.Seller shall 61 maintain the Property in its present condition, normal wear and tear excepted, until the Buyer is entitled to possession. 62 Buyer reserves the right to walk through the Property within 5 days of Closing to verify that Seller has maintained the 63 Property as required by this paragraph. Seller shall not enter into or modify existing leases or rental agreements, 64 service contracts, or other agreements affecting the Property which have terms extending beyond Closing without first 65 obtaining Buyer's consent,which shall not be unreasonably withheld. 66 f. Section 1031 Like-Kind Exchange. If either Buyer or Seller intends for this transaction to be a part of a Section 1031 67 like-kind exchange, then the other party shall cooperate in the completion of the like-kind exchange so long as the 68 cooperating party incurs no additional liability in doing so, and so long as any expenses (including attorneys'fees and 69 costs)incurred by the cooperating party that are related only to the exchange are paid or reimbursed to the cooperating 70 party at or prior to Closing. Notwithstanding the Assignment paragraph of this Agreement, any party completing a 71 Section 1031 like-kind exchange may assign this Agreement to its qualified Intermediary or any entity set up for the 72 purposes of completing a reverse exchange. 73 g. Closing Costs and Prorations and Charges and Assessments. Seller and Buyer shall each pay one-half of the 74 escrow fee unless otherwise required by applicable FHA or VA regulations. Taxes for the current year, rent, interest, 75 and lienable homeowner's association dues shall be prorated as of Closing. Buyer shall pay Buyer's loan costs, 76 including credit report, appraisal charge and lender's title insurance, unless provided otherwise in this Agreement. If any 77 payments are delinquent on encumbrances which will remain after Closing, Closing Agent is instructed to pay such 78 delinquencies at Closing from money due, or to be paid by, Seller. Buyer shall pay for remaining fuel in the fuel tank if, 79 prior to Closing, Seller obtains a written statement from the supplier as to the quantity and current price and provides 80 such statement to the Closing Agent. Seller shall pay all utility charges, including unbilled charges. Unless waived in 81 Specific Term No. 11, Seller and Buyer request the services of Closing Agent in disbursing funds necessary to satisfy 82 unpaid utility charges in accordance with RCW 60.80 and Seller shall provide the names and addresses of all utilities 83 providing service to the Property and having lien rights (attach NWMLS Form 22K Identification of Utilities or 84 equivalent). 85 Buyer is advised to verify the existence and amount of any local improvement district, capacity or impact charges or 86 other assessments that may be charged against the Property before or after Closing. Seller will pay such charges that 87 are or become due on or before Closing. Charges levied before Closing, but becoming due after Closing shall be paid 88 as agreed in Specific Term No.12. 89 h. Sale Information. Listing Broker and Selling Broker are authorized to report this Agreement (including price and all 90 terms)to the Multiple Listing Service that published it and to its members,financing institutions,appraisers, and anyone 91 else related to this sale. Buyer and Seller expressly authorize all Closing Agents,appraisers,title insurance companies, 92 and others related to this Sale, to furnish the Listing Broker and/or Selling Broker, on request, any and all information 93 and copies of documents concerning this sale. 94 i. Seller Citizenship and FIRPTA.Seller warrants that the identification of Seller's citizenship status for purposes of U.S. 95 income taxation in Specific Term No. 13 is correct.Seller shall execute a certification (NWMLS Form 22E or equivalent) 96 under the Foreign Investment In Real Property Tax Act("FIRPTA")at Closing and provide the certification to the Closing 97 Agent. If Seller is a foreign person for purposes of U.S. income taxation, and this transaction is not otherwise exempt 98 from FIRPTA,Closing Agent Is instructed to withhold and pay the required amount to the Internal Revenue Service. 99 j. Notices and Delivery of Documents. Any notice related to this Agreement (including revocations of offers or 100 counteroffers)must be in writing. Notices to Seller must be signed by at least one Buyer and shall be deemed delivered 101 only when the notice is received by Seller, by Listing Broker, or at the licensed office of Listing Broker. Notices to Buyer 102 must be signed by at least one Seller and shall be deemed delivered only when the notice is received by Buyer, by 103 Selling Broker,or at the licensed office of Selling Broker. Documents related to this Agreement, such as NWMLS Form 104 17C, Information on Lead-Based Paint and Lead-Based Paint Hazards, Public Offering Statement or Resale Certificate, 105 and all other documents shall be delivered pursuant to this paragraph. Buyer and Seller must keep Selling Broker and 106 Listing Broker advised of their whereabouts in order to receive prompt notification of receipt of a notice. 107 Facsimile transmission of any notice or document shall constitute delivery. E-mail transmission of any notice or 108 document(or a direct link to such notice or document)shall constitute delivery when: (i)the e-mail is sent to both Selling 109 Broker and Selling Firm or both Listing Broker and Listing Firm at the e-mail addresses specified on page one of this 110 Agreement;or(ii)Selling Broker or Listing Broker provide written acknowledgment of receipt of the e-mail(an automatic 111 e-mail reply does not constitute written acknowledgment). At the request of either party, or the Closing Agent, the 112 parties will confirm facsimile or e-mail transmitted signatures by signing an original document. 113 k. Computation of Time. Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, any period of time measured in days and stated 114 in this Agreement shall start on the day following the event commencing the period and shall expire at 9:00 p.m. of the 115 last calendar day of the specified period of time. Except for the Possession Date, if the last day is a Saturday, Sunday 116 or legal holiday as defined in RCW 1.16.050, the specified period of time shall expire on the next day that is not a 117 Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. Any specified period of 5 days or less, except for any time period relating to the 118 Buyer's Initials Date Buyer's Initials Date Sellers Initials Date Sellers Initials Date Form 25 Vacant Land Purchase&Sale ©Copyright 2017 Rev.2/17 VACANT LAND PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Northwest Multiple Listing Service ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 4 of 5 GENERAL TERMS Continued Possesion Date,shall not include Saturdays,Sundays or legal holidays. If the parties agree that an event will occur on a 119 specific calendar date, the event shall occur on that date, except for the Closing Date, which, if it falls on a Saturday, 120 Sunday, legal holiday as defined in RCW 1.16.050,or day when the county recording office is closed,shall occur on the 121 next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or day when the county recording office is closed, If the parties 122 agree upon and attach a legal description after this Agreement is signed by the offeree and delivered to the offeror,then 123 for the purposes of computing time, mutual acceptance shall be deemed to be on the date of delivery of an accepted 124 offer or counteroffer to the offeror, rather than on the date the legal description is attached. Time is of the essence of 125 this Agreement. 126 I. Integration and Electronic Signatures.This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and 127 supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings and representations. No modification of this Agreement shall 128 be effective unless agreed In writing and signed by Buyer and Seller. The parties acknowledge that a signature in 129 electronic form has the same legal effect and validity as a handwritten signature. 130 m. Assignment.Buyer may not assign this Agreement,or Buyer's rights hereunder, without Seller's prior written consent, 131 unless the parties indicate that assignment is permitted by the addition of"and/or assigns" on the line identifying 132 Buyer on the first page of this Agreement. ying the 133 n. Default. In the event Buyer fails, without legal excuse, to complete the purchase of the Property, then the following 134 provision,as identified in Specific Term No.7,shall apply: 135 L Forfeiture of Earnest Money. That portion of the Earnest Money that does not exceed five percent (5%) of the 136 Purchase Price shall be forfeited to the Seller as the sole and exclusive remedy available to Seller for such failure. 137 ii. Seller's Election of Remedies. Seller may, at Seller's option, (a) keep the Earnest Money as liquidated damages 138 as the sole and exclusive remedy available to Seller for such failure, (b) bring suit against Buyer for Seller's actual 139 damages, (c) bring suit to specifically enforce this Agreement and recover any incidental damages, or(d) pursue 140 any other rights or remedies available at law or equity. 141 o. Professional Advice and Attorneys' Fees. Buyer and Seller are advised to seek the counsel of an attorney and a 142 certified public accountant to review the terms of this Agreement. Buyer and Seller shall pay their own fees incurred for 143 such review. However, if Buyer or Seller institutes suit against the other concerning this Agreement the prevailing party 144 is entitled to reasonable attorneys'fees and expenses. 145 p. Offer. Buyer shall purchase the Property under the terms and conditions of this Agreement.Seller shall have until 9:00 146 p.m.on the Offer Expiration Date to accept this offer, unless sooner withdrawn.Acceptance shall not be effective until a 147 signed copy is received by Buyer, by Selling Broker or at the licensed office of Selling Broker. If this offer is not so 148 accepted,it shall lapse and any Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer. 149 q. Counteroffer. Any change in the terms presented in an offer or counteroffer, other than the insertion of or change to 150 Seller's name and Seller's warranty of citizenship status, shall be considered a counteroffer. If a party makes a 151 counteroffer, then the other party shall have until 9:00 p.m. on the counteroffer expiration date to accept that 152 counteroffer, unless sooner withdrawn. Acceptance shall not be effective until a signed copy is received by the other 153 party,the other party's broker,or at the licensed office of the other party's broker. If the counteroffer is not so accepted, 154 it shall lapse and any Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer. 155 r. Offer and Counteroffer Expiration Date. If no expiration date is specified for an offer/counteroffer, the 156 offer/counteroffer shall expire 2 days after the offer/counteroffer is delivered by the party making the offer/counteroffer, 157 unless sooner withdrawn. 158 s. Agency Disclosure. Selling Firm, Selling Firm's Designated Broker, Selling Broker's Branch Manager (if any) and 159 Selling Broker's Managing Broker(if any) represent the same party that Selling Broker represents. Listing Firm, Listing 160 Firm's Designated Broker, Listing Broker's Branch Manager (if any), and Listing Broker's Managing Broker (if any) 161 represent the same party that the Listing Broker represents. If Selling Broker and Listing Broker are different persons 162 affiliated with the same Firm, then both Buyer and Seller confirm their consent to Designated Broker, Branch Manager 163 (if any), and Managing Broker(if any)representing both parties as dual agents. If Selling Broker and Listing Broker are 164 the same person representing both parties then both Buyer and Seller confirm their consent to that person and his/her 165 Designated Broker, Branch Manager(if any), and Managing Broker(if any)representing both parties as dual agents.All 166 parties acknowledge receipt of the pamphlet entitled"The Law of Real Estate Agency." 167 t. Commission. Seller and Buyer shall pay a commission in accordance with any listing or commission agreement to 168 which they are a party. The Listing Firm's commission shall be apportioned between Listing Firm and Selling Firm as 169 specified in the listing. Seller and Buyer hereby consent to Listing Firm or Selling Firm receiving compensation from 170 more than one party. Seller and Buyer hereby assign to Listing Firm and Selling Firm, as applicable, a portion of their 171 funds in escrow equal to such commission(s)and irrevocably instruct the Closing Agent to disburse the commission(s) 172 directly to the Firm(s). In any action by Listing or Selling Firm to enforce this paragraph,the prevailing party is entitled to 173 &y 4�r,Z,l y X0- Buyers Initials Date Buyer's Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Form 25 ©Copyright 2017 Vacant Land Purchase 8 Sale VACANT LAND PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Northwest Multiple Listing Service Rev.2/17 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 5 of 5 GENERAL TERMS Continued court costs and reasonable attorneys'fees. Seller and Buyer agree that the Firms are intended third party beneficiaries 174 under this Agreement. 175 u. Feasibility Contingency. It is the Buyer's responsibility to verify before the Feasibility Contingency Expiration Date 176 identified in Specific Term No.15 whether or not the Property can be platted, developed and/or built on (now or in the 177 future)and what it will cost to do this. Buyer should not rely on any oral statements concerning this made by the Seller, 178 Listing Broker or Selling Broker. Buyer should inquire at the city or county, and water, sewer or other special districts in 179 which the Property is located.Buyer's inquiry should include, but not be limited to:building or development moratoriums 180 applicable to or being considered for the Property;any special building requirements, including setbacks,height limits or 181 restrictions on where buildings may be constructed on the Property; whether the Property is affected by a flood zone, 182 wetlands, shorelands or other environmentally sensitive area; road, school, fire and any other growth mitigation or 183 impact fees that must be paid; the procedure and length of time necessary to obtain plat approval and/or a building 184 permit; sufficient water, sewer and utility and any service connection charges; and all other charges that must be paid. 185 Buyer and Buyer's agents, representatives, consultants, architects and engineers shall have the right,from time to time 186 during and after the feasibility contingency, to enter onto the Property and to conduct any tests or studies that Buyer 187 may need to ascertain the condition and suitability of the Property for Buyer's intended purpose. Buyer shall restore the 188 Property and all improvements on the Property to the same condition they were in prior to the inspection. Buyer shall be 189 responsible for all damages resulting from any inspection of the Property performed on Buyer's behalf. If the Buyer does 190 not give notice to the contrary on or before the Feasibility Contingency Expiration Date identified In Specific Term No. 191 15, it shall be conclusively deemed that Buyer is satisfied as to development and/or construction feasibility and cost. If 192 Buyer gives notice this Agreement shall terminate and the Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer, less any unpaid 193 costs. 194 Seller shall cooperate with Buyer in obtaining permits or other approvals Buyer may reasonably require for Buyer's 195 intended use of the Property;provided that Seller shall not be required to incur any liability or expenses in doing so. 196 v. Subdivision. If the Property must be subdivided, Seller represents that there has been preliminary plat approval for the 197 Property and this Agreement is conditioned on the recording of the final plat containing the Property on or before the 198 date specified in Specific Term No. 14. If the final plat is not recorded by such date, this Agreement shall terminate and 199 the Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer. 200 w. Information Verification Period. Buyer shall have 10 days after mutual acceptance to verify all information provided 201 from Seller or Listing Firm related to the Property.This contingency shall be deemed satisfied unless Buyer gives notice 202 identifying the materially inaccurate information within 10 days of mutual acceptance. If Buyer gives timely notice under 203 this section,then this Agreement shall terminate and the Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer. 204 x. Property Condition Disclaimer.Buyer and Seller agree,that except as provided in this Agreement, all representations 205 and information regarding the Property and the transaction are solely from the Seller or Buyer,and not from any Broker. 206 The parties acknowledge that the Brokers are not responsible for assuring that the parties perform their obligations 207 under this Agreement and that none of the Brokers has agreed to independently investigate or confirm any matter 208 related to this transaction except as stated in this Agreement, or in a separate writing signed by such Broker. In 209 addition, Brokers do not guarantee the value, quality or condition of the Property and some properties may contain 210 building materials, including siding, roofing, ceiling, insulation, electrical, and plumbing, that have been the subject of 211 lawsuits and/or governmental inquiry because of possible defects or health hazards. Some properties may have other 212 defects arising after construction, such as drainage, leakage, pest, rot and mold problems. Brokers do not have the 213 expertise to identify or assess defective products, materials, or conditions. Buyer is urged to use due diligence to 214 inspect the Property to Buyer's satisfaction and to retain inspectors qualified to identify the presence of defective 215 materials and evaluate the condition of the Property as there may be defects that may only be revealed by careful 216 Inspection. Buyer is advised to investigate whether there is a sufficient water supply to meet Buyer's needs. Buyer is 217 advised to investigate the cost of insurance for the Property, including, but not limited to homeowner's, flood, 218 earthquake, landslide, and other available coverage. Brokers may assist the parties with locating and selecting third 219 party service providers, such as inspectors or contractors, but Brokers cannot guarantee or be responsible for the 220 services provided by those third parties. The parties shall exercise their own judgment and due diligence regarding 221 third-party service providers. 222 r7 fi2 Buyers Initials Date Buyers Initials Date Sellers Initials Date Sellers Initials Date Form 22D Optional Clauses Addendum ©Copyright 2017 Rev.2/17 Northwest Multiple Listing Service Page 1 of 2 OPTIONAL CLAUSES ADDENDUM TO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PURCHASE&SALE AGREEMENT The following is part of the Purchase and Sale Agreement dated May 31,2019 1 between Michael Ocampo Megan Ocampo Byer Buyer ("Buyer") 2 and Mason County Seiler Solver ("Seller") 3 concerning 80 E Ashwood Lane Shelton WA 98584 Address city (the"Property"), 4 State Zp CHECK IF INCLUDED: 5 I. 0 Square Footage/Lot Size/Encroachments. The Listing Broker and Selling Broker make no representations6 concerning:(a)the lot size or the accuracy of any information provided by the Seller; (b)the square footage of 7 any improvements on the Property; (c)whether there are any encroachments (fences, rockeries, buildings)on 8 the Property,or by the Property on adjacent properties. Buyer is advised to verify lot size, square footage and 9 encroachments to Buyer's own satisfaction. 10 2. Title Insurance.The Title Insurance clause in the Agreement provides Seller is to provide the then-current ALTA 11 form of Homeowner's Policy of Title Insurance. The parties have the option to provide less coverage by selecting 12 a Standard Owner's Policy or more coverage by selecting an Extended Coverage Policy: 13 ❑ Standard Owner's Coverage.Seller authorizes Buyer's lender or Closing Agent, at Seller's expense, to 14 apply for the then-current ALTA form of Owner's Policy of Title Insurance, together with homeowner's 15 additional protection and inflation protection endorsements, if available at no additional cost, rather than 16 the Homeowner's Policy of Title Insurance. 17 ❑ Extended Coverage. Seller authorizes Buyer's lender or Closing Agent, at Seller's expense to apply for 18 an ALTA or comparable Extended Coverage Policy of Title Insurance, rather than the Homeowner's 19 Policy of Title Insurance. Buyer shall pay the increased costs associated with the Extended Coverage 20 Policy, including the excess premium over that charged for Homeowner's Policy of Title Insurance and 21 the cost of any survey required by the title insurer. 22 3. ❑ Seller Cleaning. Seller shall clean the interiors of any structures and remove all trash, debris and rubbish 23 from the Property prior to Buyer taking possession. 24 4. ❑ Personal Property. Unless otherwise agreed, Seller shall remove all personal property from the Property 25 prior to the Possession Date. Any personal property remaining on the Property thereafter shall become the 26 property of Buyer,and may be retained or disposed of as Buyer determines. 27 5. El Utilities.To the best of Seller's knowledge, Seller represents that the Property is connected to a: ® public water main; E3 public sewer main; El septic tank; E3 well(specify type) 28 29 Llirrigation water(specify provider) ❑ natural gas; Ll telephone; 30 ❑cable;❑electricity; ❑other 31 6. ❑ Insulation - New Construction. If this is new construction, Federal Trade Commission Regulations require 32 the following to be filled in. If insulation has not yet been selected, FTC regulations require Seller to furnish 33 Buyer the information below in writing as soon as available: 34 WALL INSULATION:TYPE: THICKNESS: R-VALUE: 35 CEILING INSULATION: TYPE: THICKNESS: R-VALUE: 36 OTHER INSULATION DATA: 37 7. ❑ Leased Property Review Period and Assumption. Buyer acknowledges that Seller leases the following 38 items of personal property that are included with the sale: ❑ propane tank; ❑ security system; ❑ satellite 39 dish and operating equipment; ❑other 40 All Z If Buyer's Initials Date Buyer's Initials Date Seller's I iltials Date Seller's Initials Date Form 22D ©Copyright 2017 Optional Clauses Addendum Rev.2/17 Northwest Multiple Listing Service Page 2 of 2 OPTIONAL CLAUSES ADDENDUM TO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PURCHASE&SALE AGREEMENT Continued Seller shall provide Buyer a copy of the lease for the selected items within days (5 days if not filled 41 in) of mutual acceptance. If Buyer, in Buyer's sole discretion, does not give notice of disapproval within 42 days(5 days if not filled in)of receipt of the lease(s)or the date that the lease(s)are due,whichever 43 is earlier, then this lease review period shall conclusively be deemed satisfied (waived)and at Closing, Buyer 44 shall assume the lease(s) for the selected item(s) and hold Seller harmless from and against any further 45 obligation, liability, or claim arising from the lease(s), if the lease(s) can be assumed. If Buyer gives timely 46 notice of disapproval,then this Agreement shall terminate and the Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer. 47 8. El Homeowners' Association Review Period. If the Property is subject to a homeowners' association or any 48 other association, then Seller shall, at Seller's expense, provide Buyer a copy of the following documents (if 49 available from the Association)within days (10 days if not filled in)of mutual acceptance: 50 a. Association rules and regulations, including, but not limited to architectural guidelines; 51 b. Association bylaws and covenants,conditions, and restrictions(CC&Rs); 52 c. Association meeting minutes from the prior two(2)years; 53 d. Association Board of Directors meeting minutes from the prior six(6)months;and 54 e. Association financial statements from the prior two(2)years and current operating budget. 55 If Buyer, in Buyer's sole discretion, does not give notice of disapproval within days (5 days if not 56 filled in) of receipt of the above documents or the date that the above documents are due, whichever is 57 earlier, then this homeowners' association review period shall conclusively be deemed satisfied (waived). If 58 Buyer gives timely notice of disapproval, then this Agreement shall terminate and the Earnest Money shall be 59 refunded to Buyer. 60 9. 0 Homeowners'Association Transfer Fee. If there is a transfer fee imposed by the homeowners'association 61 or any other association (e.g.a"move-in"or"move-out"fee),the fee shall be paid by the party as provided for 62 in the association documents. If the association documents do not provide which party pays the fee, the fee 63 shall be paid by❑ Buyer; 0 Seller(Seller if not filled in). 64 10. ❑ Excluded Item(s). The following item(s), that would otherwise be included in the sale of the Property, is 65 excluded from the sale ("Excluded Item(s)"). Seller shall repair any damage to the Property caused by the 66 removal of the Excluded Item(s). Excluded Item(s): 67 68 69 11. ❑ Home Warranty. Buyer and Seller acknowledge that home warranty plans are available which may provide 70 additional protection and benefits to Buyer and Seller. Buyer shall order a one-year home warranty as follows: 71 a. Home warranty provider: 72 b. Seller shall pay up to$ ($0.00 if not filled in)of the cost for the home warranty, together 73 with any included options,and Buyer shall pay any balance. 74 c. Options to be included: 75 (none, if not filled in). 76 d. Other: 77 12. ❑ Other. 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Rf" z�9 Buyer's Initials Date Buyer's Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Form 22EF Evidence of Funds Addendum CCopyright 2017 Rev.2/17 Northwest Multiple Listing Service Page 1 of 1 EVIDENCE OF FUNDS ADDENDUM ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO PURCHASE&SALE AGREEMENT The following is part of the Purchase and Sale Agreement dated May 3l,2019 1 between Michael Ocampo Megan Ocampo Buyer Buyer ("Buyer") 2 and Mason County seone r sever ("Seller") 3 concerning 80 E Ashwood Lane Shelton WA 98584 Address city State zip (the"Property"). 4 I. DEFINITIONS. 5 a. "Evidence" means document(s) from a financial institution(s) in the United States showing that Buyer has 6 sufficient cash or cash equivalent in United States funds. 7 b. "Non-Contingent Funds" means funds that Buyer currently has in its possession and for which there is no8 contingency, such as financing (NWMLS Form 22A or equivalent), sale of Buyer's property (NWMLS Form 9 22B or equivalent),or pending sale of Buyer's property(NWMLS Form 22Q or equivalent). 10 c. "Contingent Funds" means funds that Buyer does not currently have, but expects to receive from another 11 source prior to Closing, and for which there is no contingency, such as a loan, proceeds from the sale of 12 other property or stock, retirement funds,foreign funds, a gift,or future earnings. 13 2. Id EVIDENCE OF NON-CONTINGENT FUNDS. Buyer is relying on Non-Contingent Funds for payment of the 14 Purchase Price. Buyer shall provide Evidence to Seller of such funds within days (3 days if not 15 filled in)of mutual acceptance. Unless Buyer discloses other sources of funds for the payment of the Purchase 16 Price, Buyer represents that the Non-Contingent Funds are sufficient to pay the Purchase Price. Buyer shall not 17 use such Non-Contingent Funds for any purpose other than the purchase of the Property without Seller's prior 18 written consent. If Buyer fails to timely provide such Evidence, Seller may give notice terminating this 19 Agreement any time before such Evidence is provided. Upon Seller's notice of termination under this 20 Addendum,the Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer. 21 3. ❑ DISCLOSURE OF SOURCES OF CONTINGENT FUNDS. Buyer is relying on the following Contingent Funds 22 for the Purchase Price: 23 ❑ Sale of the following owned by Buyer: 24 ❑Gift of$ from 25 ❑ Funds not readily convertible to liquid United States funds(describe): 26 27 ❑Other(describe): 28 Buyer shall provide Evidence to Seller days (10 days if not filled in)prior to Closing that the funds 29 relied upon in Section 3 have been received or are immediately available to Buyer. If Buyer falls to timely 30 provide such Evidence, Seller may give notice terminating this Agreement any time before such Evidence is 31 provided. Buyer shall provide Seller with additional information about such funds as may be reasonably 32 requested by Seller from time to time. Upon Seller's notice of termination under this Addendum, the Earnest 33 Money shall be refunded to Buyer. 34 4. BUYER DEFAULT. If Buyer fails to timely close because the Contingent Funds identified in Paragraph 3 are 35 not available by Closing, Buyer shall be in default and Seller shall be entitled to remedies as provided for in the 36 Agreement. 37 /go Buyer's Initials Date Buyer's Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Form 22K ©Copyright 2014 Identification of Utilities Addendum Rev.5/14 Northwest Multiple Listing Service Page 1 of 1 IDENTIFICATION OF UTILITIES ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ADDENDUM TO PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT The following is part of the Purchase and Sale Agreement dated May 31,2019 1 between Michael Ocampo Megan Ocampo ("Buyer ) 2 Buyer Buyer and Mason County Seller ("Seller") 3 seas. concerning 80 E Ashwood Lane Shelton WA 98584 (the"Property'). 4 Address city e zip Pursuant to RCW 60.80, Buyer and Seller request the Closing Agent to administer the disbursement of closing funds 5 necessary to satisfy unpaid utility charges, if any, affecting the Property. The names and addresses of all utilities 6 providing service to the Property and having lien rights are as follows: 7 WATER DISTRICT: 8 Name Address 9 City,State,Zip 10 Fax.No. SEWER DISTRICT: 11 Name Address 12 City,State,Zip Fax.No. 13 IRRIGATION DISTRICT: Name 14 Address 15 GARBAGE: City,State,Zip Fax.No. 16 Name 17 Address 18 City,State,Zip 19 ELECTRICITY: Fax.No. Name 20 Address 21 City,State,Zip Fax.No. 22 GAS: Name 23 Address 24 25 City,State,Zip Fax No. SPECIAL DISTRICT(S): 26 (local Improvement districts or Name utility local improvement districts) 27 Address 28 City,State,Zip Fax.No. If the above information has not been filled in at the time of mutual acceptance of this Agreement, then (1) 29 within days (5 if not filled in) of mutual acceptance of this Agreement, Seller shall provide the Listing 30 Broker or Selling Broker with the names and addresses of all utility providers having lien rights affecting the Property 31 and (2) Buyer and Seller authorize Listing Broker or Selling Broker to insert into this Addendum the names and 32 addresses of the utility providers identified by Seller. 33 Nothing in this Addendum shall be construed to diminish or alter the Seller's obligation to pay all utility charges 34 (including unbilled charges). Buyer understands that the Listing Broker and Selling Broker are not responsible for, or 35 to insure payment of,Seller's utility charges. 36 M0 (,2-( /1 �,Z21 Buyer's Initials Date Buyer's Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Sellers Initials Date Form 22T Title Contingency Addendum @Copyright 2015 Rev.7/15 Northwest Multiple Listing Service Page 1 of 1 TITLE CONTINGENCY ADDENDUM TO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PURCHASE&SALE AGREEMENT The following is part of the Purchase and Sale Agreement dated May 31,2019 1 between Michael Ocampo Megan Ocampo ( Buyer Buyer "Buyer") 2 and Mason County ("Seller) 3 seller Seiler concerning 80 E Ashwood Lane Shelton WA 98584 (the"Property"). 4 Address City State Zip 1. Title Contingency. This Agreement is subject to Buyer's review of a preliminary commitment for title insurance, 5 together with any easements, covenants, conditions and restrictions of record. Buyer shall have 6 days (5 days if not filled in)from El the date of Buyer's receipt of the preliminary commitment for title insurance; 7 or ❑ mutual acceptance (from the date of Buyer's receipt, if neither box checked) to give notice of Buyer's 8 disapproval of exceptions contained in the preliminary commitment. 9 Seller shall have days (5 days if not filled in) after Buyer's notice of disapproval to give Buyer 10 notice that Seller will clear all disapproved exceptions. Seller shall have until the Closing Date to clear all 11 disapproved exceptions. 12 If Seller does not give timely notice that Seiler will clear all disapproved exceptions, Buyer may terminate this 13 Agreement within 3 days after the deadline for Seller's notice. In the event Buyer elects to terminate the 14 Agreement, the Earnest Money shall be returned to Buyer. If Buyer does not timely terminate the Agreement, 15 Buyer shall be deemed to have waived all objections to title,which Seller did not agree to clear. 16 2. Supplemental Title Reports. If supplemental title reports disclose new exception(s) to the title commitment, 17 then the above time periods and procedures for notice, correction, and termination for those new exceptions 18 shall apply to the date of Buyer's receipt of the supplemental title report. The Closing date shall be extended as 19 necessary to accommodate the foregoing times for notices. 20 3. Marketable Title. This Addendum does not relieve Seller of the obligation to provide marketable title at Closing 21 as provided for in the Agreement. 22 -2- Buyer's Initials Date Buyer's Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Sellers Initials Date Form 35 ©Copyright 2015 Inspection Addendum Rev,7/15 Northwest Multiple Listing Service Page 1 oft INSPECTION ADDENDUM TO PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The following is part of the Purchase and Sale Agreement dated May 31,2019 1 between Michael Ocampo Megan Ocampo ("Buyer) 2 Buyer Buyer and Mason County ("Seller') 3 Seller Seiler concerning 80 E Ashwood Lane Shelton WA 98584 (the"Property"). 4 Address city Slate Zip 1. LI a. INSPECTION CONTINGENCY. This Agreement is conditioned on Buyer's subjective satisfaction with 5 inspections of the Property and the improvements on the Property. Buyer's inspections may include, at 6 Buyer's option and without limitation, the structural, mechanical and general condition of the 7 improvements to the Property, compliance with building and zoning codes, an inspection of the Property 8 for hazardous materials, a pest inspection, and a soils/stability inspection. The Inspection must be 9 performed by Buyer or a person licensed (or exempt from licensing)under Chapter 18.280 RCW. 10 Sewer Inspection. Buyer's inspection of the Property ❑ may; ❑ may not(may, if not checked) include 11 an inspection of the sewer system, which may include a sewer line video inspection and assessment and 12 may require the inspector to remove toilets or other fixtures to access the sewer line. 13 Buyer's Obligations. All inspections are to be (a) ordered by Buyer, (b) performed by inspectors of 14 Buyer's choice, and (c) completed at Buyer's expense. Buyer shall not alter the Property or any 15 improvements on the Property without first obtaining Seller's permission. Buyer is solely responsible for 16 interviewing and selecting all inspectors. Buyer shall restore the Property and all improvements on the 17 Property to the same condition they were in prior to the inspection. Buyer shall be responsible for all 18 damages resulting from any inspection of the Property performed on Buyer's behalf. 19 BUYER'S NOTICE. This inspection contingency SHALL CONCLUSIVELY BE DEEMED WAIVED 20 unless within days(10 days if not filled in) after mutual acceptance of this Agreement(the"Initial 21 Inspection Period"), Buyer gives notice (1) approving the inspection and waiving this contingency; (2) 22 disapproving the inspection and terminating the Agreement; (3)that Buyer will conduct additional inspections; 23 or(4)proposing repairs to the property or modifications to the Agreement. If Buyer disapproves the inspection 24 and terminates the Agreement,the Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer. If Buyer proposes repairs to the 25 property or modifications to the Agreement,including adjustments to the purchase price or credits for repairs to 26 be performed after Closing, the parties shall negotiate as set forth in paragraph 1.c, below. The parties may 27 use NWMLS Form 35R to give notices required by this Addendum. 28 ATTENTION BUYER: If Buyer fails to give timely notice, then this inspection contingency shall be 29 deemed waived and Seller shall not be obligated to make any repairs or modifications. 30 b. Additional Inspections. If an inspector so recommends, Buyer may obtain further evaluation of any item 31 by a specialist at Buyer's option and expense if, on or before the end of the Initial Inspection Period, 32 Buyer provides Seller a copy of the inspector's recommendation and notice that Buyer will seek additional 33 inspections. If Buyer gives timely notice of additional inspections, Buyer shall have (5 days if 34 not filled in)after giving the notice to obtain the additional inspection(s)by a specialist. 35 c. Buyer's Requests for Repairs or Modifications. If Buyer requests repairs or modifications under 36 paragraph 1.a or 1.b. above, the parties shall negotiate as set forth in this paragraph. All requests, 37 responses, and replies made in accordance with the following procedures are irrevocable for the time 38 period provided. 39 (i) Seller's Response to Request for Repairs or Modifications.Seller shall have days(3 40 days if not filled in)after receipt of Buyer's request for repairs or modifications to give notice that Seller 41 (a) agrees to the repairs or modifications proposed by Buyer; (b) agrees to some of the repairs or 42 modifications proposed by Buyer; (c) rejects all repairs or modifications proposed by Buyer; or (d) 43 offers different or additional repairs or modifications. If Seller agrees to the terms of Buyer's request for 44 repairs or modifications,this contingency shall be satisfied and Buyer's Reply shall not be necessary. If 45 Seller does not agree to all of Buyer's repairs or modifications, Buyer shall have an opportunity to 46 reply,as follows: 47 No 6i-2-( q IRr Buyer's Initials Date Buyer's Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Form 35 Inspection Addendum ®Copyright 2015 Rev.7/15 Northwest Multiple Listing Service Page 2 of 2 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED INSPECTION ADDENDUM TO PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Continued (ii)Buyer's Reply. If Seller does not agree to all of the repairs or modifications proposed by Buyer, Buyer 48 shall have days (3 days if not filled in) from either the day Buyer receives Seller's response 49 or, if Seller fails to respond, the day Seller's response period ends, whichever is earlier, to (a) accept 50 the Seller's response at which time this contingency shall be satisfied; (b) agree with the Seller on 51 other remedies; or (c) disapprove the inspection and terminate the Agreement, in which event, the 52 Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer. 53 ATTENTION BUYER: These time periods for negotiating repairs or modifications shall not repeat. The 54 parties must either reach a written agreement or Buyer must terminate this Agreement by the Buyer's 55 Reply deadline set forth in paragraph 1.c.ii. Buyer's inaction during Buyer's reply period shall result in 56 waiver of this inspection condition, in which case Seiler shall not be obligated to make any repairs or 57 modifications whatsoever AND THIS CONTINGENCY SHALL BE DEEMED WAIVED. 58 d. Repairs. If Seller agrees to make the repairs proposed by Buyer, then repairs shall be accomplished at 59 Seller's expense in a commercially reasonable manner and in accordance with all applicable laws no 60 fewer than days (3 days if not filled in) prior to the Closing Date. In the case of hazardous 61 materials, "repair" means removal or treatment (including but not limited to removal or, at Seller's option, 62 decommissioning of any oil storage tanks) of the hazardous material at Seller's expense as 63 recommended by and under the direction of a professional selected by Seller.Seller's repairs are subject 64 to re-inspection and approval, prior to Closing, by the inspector who recommended the repair, if Buyer 65 elects to order and pay for such re-inspection. If Buyer agrees to pay for any repairs prior to Closing, the 66 parties are advised to seek the counsel of an attorney to review the terms of that agreement. 67 e. Oil Storage Tanks.Any inspection regarding oil storage tanks or contamination from such tanks shall be 68 limited solely to determining the presence or non-presence of oil storage tanks on the Property, unless 69 otherwise agreed in writing by Buyer and Seller. 70 f. Onsite Sewage Disposal Systems Advisory: Buyer is advised that on-site sewage disposal systems, 71 including "septic systems," are subject to strict governmental regulation and occasional malfunction and 72 even failure. Buyer is advised to consider conducting an inspection of any on-site sewage system in 73 addition to the inspection of the Property provided by this Form 35 by including an appropriate on-site 74 sewage disposal inspection contingency such as NWMLS Form 22S (Septic Addendum). 75 2. EJ NEIGHBORHOOD REVIEW CONTINGENCY: Buyer's inspection includes Buyer's subjective satisfaction 76 that the conditions of the neighborhood in which the Property is located are consistent with the Buyer's 77 intended use of the Property (the "Neighborhood Review"). The Neighborhood Review may include Buyer's 78 investigation of the schools, proximity to bus lines, availability of shopping,traffic patterns, noise, parking and 79 investigation of other neighborhood, environmental and safety conditions the Buyer may determine to be 80 relevant in deciding to purchase the Property. If Buyer does not give notice of disapproval of the 81 Neighborhood Review within (3 days if not filled in) of mutual acceptance of the Agreement, then 82 this Neighborhood Review condition shall conclusively be deemed satisfied (waived). If Buyer gives a timely 83 notice of disapproval, then this Agreement shall terminate and the Earnest Money shall be refunded to 84 Buyer. 85 3. ❑ PREINSPECTION CONDUCTED. Buyer, prior to mutual acceptance of this Agreement, conducted a 86 building, hazardous substances, building and zoning code, pest or soils/stability inspection of the Property, 87 and closing of this Agreement is not conditioned on the results of such inspections. Buyer elects to buy the 88 Property in its present condition and acknowledges that the decision to purchase the property was based on 89 Buyer's prior inspection and that Buyer has not relied on representations by Seller, Listing Broker or Selling 90 Broker. 91 4. ❑ WAIVER OF INSPECTION. Buyer has been advised to obtain a building, hazardous substances, building 92 and zoning code, pest or soils/stability inspection, and to condition the closing of this Agreement on the 93 results of such inspections, but Buyer elects to waive the right and buy the Property in its present condition. 94 Buyer acknowledges that the decision to waive Buyer's inspection options was based on Buyer's personal 95 inspection and Buyer has not relied on representations by Seller, Listing Broker or Selling Broker. 96 `_Z7_ Buyer's Initials Date Buyer's Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Form 35F Oc Copyright 2010 Feasibility Contingency Addendum Rev.7/10 Northwest Multiple Listing Service Page 1 of 1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FEASIBILITY CONTINGENCY ADDENDUM The following is part of the Purchase and Sale Agreement dated May 31,2019 1 between Michael Ocampo Megan Ocampo ("Buyer") 2 Buyer Buyer and Mason County ("Seller") 3 Seller seller concerning 80 E Ashwood Lane Shelton WA 98584 (the"Property"). 4 Address City state Zip Feasibility Contingency. Buyer shall verify within 30 days (10 days if not filled in) after mutual acceptance 5 (the "Feasibility Contingency Expiration Date") the suitability of the Property for Buyer's intended purpose including, 6 but not limited to, whether the Property can be platted, developed and/or built on (now or in the future)and what it will 7 cost to do this, This Feasibility Contingency SHALL CONCLUSIVELY BE DEEMED WAIVED unless Buyer gives 8 notice of disapproval on or before the Feasibility Contingency Expiration Date. If Buyer gives a timely notice of 9 disapproval,then this Agreement shall terminate and the Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer. Buyer should not 10 rely on any oral statements concerning feasibility made by the Seller, Listing Broker or Selling Broker. Buyer should 11 inquire at the city or county, and water, sewer or other special districts in which the Property is located. Buyer's inquiry 12 shall include, but not be limited to: building or development moratoria applicable to or being considered for the 13 Property;any special building requirements, including setbacks, height limits or restrictions on where buildings may be 14 constructed on the Property; whether the Property is affected by a flood zone, wetlands, shorelands or other 15 environmentally sensitive area;road,school,fire and any other growth mitigation or impact fees that must be paid;the 16 procedure and length of time necessary to obtain plat approval and/or a building permit; sufficient water, sewer and 17 utility and any services connection charges;and all other charges that must be paid. 18 Buyer and Buyer's agents, representatives, consultants, architects and engineers shall have the right, from time to 19 time during the feasibility contingency, to enter onto the Property and to conduct any tests or studies that Buyer may 20 need to ascertain the condition and suitability of the Property for Buyer's intended purpose. Buyer shall restore the 21 Property and all improvements on the Property to the same condition they were in prior to the inspection. Buyer shall 22 be responsible for all damages resulting from any inspection of the Property performed on Buyer's behalf. 23 ❑ AGREEMENT TERMINATED IF NOTICE OF SATISFACTION NOT TIMELY PROVIDED. If checked, this 24 Agreement shall terminate and Buyer shall receive a refund of the Earnest Money unless Buyer gives notice to Seller 25 on or before the Feasibility Contingency Expiration Date that the Property is suitable for Buyer's intended purpose. 26 &a (0 z-1y t9- = & Buyer's Initials Date Buyers Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Seller's Initials Date ALTA COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description: Lot eleven (11), Block two(2), Shorecrest Terrace Second Addition,Volume 5 of Plats, page 83, records of Mason County,Washington. Parcel No. 3202155 02011 Abbreviated Legal: Lot 11, BLK 2 Shorecrest Terrace Second Addn. Parcel No(s): 32021-55-02011 Purported Address: None assigned, WA �G This page is only apart of a 2016 ALTA©Commitment for Title Insurance. This Commitment is not valid without the/Notice;the Commitment to Issue Policy;the Commitment Conditions;Schedule A;Schedule B,Part I-Requirements;and Schedule B Part 9-Exceptions ORT Form 4690 WA A 08101116,TC 04/0218 Schedule A ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance Page 2 of 2 Form 34 ©Copyright 2010 Addendum/Amendment to P&S Rev,7110 Northwest Multiple Listing Service Page 1 of 1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ADDENDUM/AMENDMENT TO PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT The following is part of the Purchase and Sale Agreement dated /,{. J 9 1 between sayer Buyer („Buyer”)2 and Mason County Seiler nn,�..}} i' Seiler ("Seller")3 concerning T711/ �.�}✓L_f.�)� (the"Property").4 naaress city state zip IT IS AGREED BETWEEN THE SELLER AND BUYER AS FOLLOWS: 5 1.This agreement is contingent upon the Mason County Commissioners approval of this purchase and sales agreement,in an open public meeting. 6 2. Buyer waives the right to receive a completed Washington State Seller Disclosure Statement. 8 3.Escrow shall be Mason County Title and Escrow,Colleen Reamer. 9 4. Buyer shall pay for the Mason County Title Insurance policy. 10 5. Deed Shall Be a Treasures Deed,per RCW 36.35.130. 11 6.Buyer shall pay all current and past due Association dues, 12 13 7. Mason County Commissioner Randy Neatherlin is a licensed real estate broker in the state of 14 Washington. 15 8. Commissioner Randy Neatherlin will sign for Mason County. 16 9. Seller has never occupied the property. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS of said Agreement remain unchanged. 31 ao �-Z-t� & Buyers Initials Date Buyer's Initials Date Sellers Initials Date Sellers Initials Date Vacant Land 360 Property View 80 E Ashwood Lane, Shelton, WA 98584 Listing MLS#: 1416115 Status:Active (03/15/2019) Listing Price:;9,000 Community:Shorecrest Area: 176-Agate CDOM:77 Original LP:$9,000 School District:Pioneer#402 Lot Size:.200 ac/8,712 sf Potential Terms:Cash Out,Conventional Marketing Remarks ti ' This lot,located In Shorecrest,offers protective CC&R's, _ community swimming pool,saltwater access and clubhouse.This property is covered with trees and brush. 1 Agent Remarks Possibly acquired through tax foreclosure.May be subject to redemption.Title Insurance may not be available and title maybe transferred with a bargain and sale deed.Buyer shall pay for title Insurance.Please use Mason County Title order#20191740 Offers:Seller intends to review offers upon receipt Directions:Hwy 3,Right on Agate,right on Crestview,Left on c Parkway BLVD,left on Wood Lane,right on Ashwood Ln to address on right General Information Property Type:Vacant Land County:Mason TaxID:320215502011 Lot Number: 11 Block:2 List Date:03/15/2019 Expir Date: Lot Size:.200 ac/8,712 sf Lot Size Source: Realist Price/Lot SgFt:$1.03 Monthly Dues: School District:Pioneer#402 Elementary: Pioneer Primary Sch Junior High: Pioneer Intermed/Mid Senior High:Shelton High Listing lnformatiori Style Code:40-Res-Less thin i Ac Zoning Jurisdiction:County General Zoning Classification:Residential Zoning Code:RRS Sketch Submitted:No Possession:Closing Senior Exemption: No Potential Terms:Cash Out,Conventional Restrictions:CC&R Additional Property Information Annual Taxes: Tax Year: 2018 Preliminary Title Ordered:Yes Form 17:Exempt Prohibit Biogging: Yes Bank/RE Owned: No Auction: No Right of First Refusal:No FIRPTA: Common Interest Cmty: No Plat/Subdivision/Build Ing Name:Shorecrest Lot Dim:70x125 Quarter(Sec/Twn/Rng):21203 3rd Party Approval Required:None Site Information Road Information:County Maintained,County Right of Way,Paved Property Features: Brush,Evergreens Improvements: Topography:Level Road Side: East Community Features:CCRs,Clubhouse,Community Waterfront/Pvt Beach Utility Information Sewer:Not Available Gas: Not Available Electricity:In Street Septic System Installed: No Septic Approved Num of Bedrooms: Soil Feasibility Test Available:No Soil Test Date: Septic Design Applied For:No Septic Design Approval Date: Water Jurisdiction:Shorecrest Water:In Street Agent/Office Information — Agent:Richard Beckman(55681) Agent Phone: (360)790-1921 Office: Richard Beckman Realty Group Office Phone:(360)426-5521 Firm Document Email: mail@RichardBeckman.com Office Fax:(360)426-1645 Commission:4 Commission Comments: Owner Information -- Owner Name.Mason County Owner Phone:(360)427-9670 Owner Name 2: Owner City:Shelton,WA Search Criteria Status is'Active' Street Direction is'e Street Name is'ashwood' Status is not'Incomplete' Selected 1 of 1 result. TerraScan TaxSifter- Mason County Washington Page 1 of 2 MASON COUNTY WASHINGTON TAXSIFTER A SIMPLE SEARCH SALES SEARCH REETSIFTER COUNTY HOME PAGE CONTACT DISCLAIMER PAYMENT CART40t Patti McLean Mason County Assessor 411 N STH ST Shelton,WA 98584 Assessor Treasurer Appraisal MapSifter Parcel Parcel#: 32021-55-02011 Owner Name: MASON COUNTY DOR Code: 91-Undeveloped-Land Addressl: MASON COUNTY COURTHOUSE Situs: Address2: 411 N 5TH ST Map Number: City,State: SHELTON WA Status: EXEMPT FULL YEAR Zip: 985843400 Description: SHORECREST TERRACE 2ND ADD BLK: 2 LOT: 11 Comment: 2019 Market Value 2019 Taxable Value 2019 Assessment Data Land: $6,0001 Land: 1 $0 District: 0191-Tax District 0191 Improvements: i $2,750 Improvements: 0� Current Use/DFL: Nol Permanent Crop: i $0 Permanent Crop: s $0 Total 1 $8,750____J Total $0 Total Acres: 0.20000; _.._..._.._.......... .......... Ownership Owner's Name Ownership% MASON COUNTY 100% Sales History Sale Date Sales Document #Parcels Excise j Grantor Grantee Price 02/08/16 12052161 1 _ i RAICH, MITCHELL LFMASON COUNTY , W$0 04/21/06 1865637 1 200684164 i WILLIAM A&TRUDY LOONEY MITCHELL L RAICH j $0 03/15/06 11862796 11 1200683570 WILLIAM&TRUDE LOONEY MITCHELL L RAICH I $0 09/10/99 1697829 11 199950559 'TRUDY S LOONEY WILLIAM A LOONEY _ _ s 03/15/96 623562 1 (199635846 H&D,N ULRICH;WIELDRAAYER WILLIAM A LOONEY $6,000; Historical Valuation Info Year Billed Owner Land Impr. , PermCrop Value ExemptT xa able _ 2019 1 MASON COUNTY $6,000 _$_2,750 $01 $8,750 $8,750 $0 2018 MASON COUNTY 1 $6,000 $2,5O0 µ - $0 $8,500 $8,500s $0 2017--MASON COUNTY $9,5005 $4,000 $0 $13,500 $13,5001 $0 201_6 dMASON COUNTY _ $9,025 $4,0001 $0, $13,025 $13,025€ $0 2015 RAICH, MITCHELL L s $8,550 _$3,720; $0' $12,2701 $12,270E $0 View Taxes Parcel Comments No Comments Available https://property.co.mason.wa.us/Taxsifter/Assessor.aspx?keyId=3 47176 8&parcelNumber=3... 6/5/2019 TerraScan TaxSifter- Mason County Washington Page 2 of 2 Property Images No images found. 1.0.6927.19068 Data cur nt as of:6{4/2019 4:36 PM TX_RollYear_Search:2019 https://property.co.mason.wa.us/Taxsifter/Assessor.aspx?keyId=3471768&parceINumber=3... 6/5/2019 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Frank Pinter/Melissa Drewry DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 589 BRIEFING DATE: June 10, 2019 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: 6/3/2019 If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information ITEM: Updated offers to purchase parcel 32232-52-08021- E. Port Townsend Street, Union. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): This parcel was considered surplus to the needs of Mason County via resolution 71-14 on December 9, 2014. 2019 Assessed Value: $38,435 Current offers as of June 5, 2019: Cory McNeal - $15,600.00 Neil &Julie Jones- $18,500 Contingencies: 35F (Feasibility), 35E (Escalation), 34 (Addendum) OPTIONS: Accept one offer and set public hearing in order to sell property Counter offer Refuse offer ATTACHMENTS: Detail Report Purchase and Sale Agreement Briefing Summary 6/5/2019 itdCoill LvJ PWO,,;Siz&W2 1. Pov.2ri7 VACANT LAND PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT ALL Kv.Iqs 5 SPECIFIC TERMS 06106.11q le -t i. 1. Date: Ofter ExAlratior.D21e, 2'. Buyer: le- Ij 3. Seller- 4, , s 519 5. Purchmse Price,6 5. Earnest Money., S A Chem Now El OvIer U closin v) fheid b I. Default-.(check onty me)XF na Mo;1P.y.3 8e WS Slectinn of pr-me 4--es .1 - 171 S. Title 9. Closing Agent: IT- I tt(. 't - IV 10, Closing clote. Uatg:V-or, U.e _)!her 11. Services of Closing Agent for Payment of UtIfittes: J Re:au^sled(jave&NiMNILS Far-,,n. 22.Q 14'Aarv2d 12- ChargeslAssewnentA Lavied Before but Ove After Closing.-J asbumec',rj repaid in,fvq by Sd"ew at Obsilg 4.3. Seger Citizenship(PIRPTA)! Sellae-2 is;�'ls not a fOrOigr4_-*TSQD fOr PWPOGLOG�f U.S )AM-nO WaVOP 14. Subdivision:The Prapv.y:Q m!jstba&JL-,-1W-ed before­— IS, Feasibility Contingency Exptrativc Date:, jJ. ."""3YS agar!rni.lva?accertwice;U Otref 16. Agency Oleclogure; Ssoiinq a-vler ritpvts.ents Buyer,,Ll Soler 0 gain parties. U neither Party Lis'"Broker repicsi-MO- K.Saffer:0 bvi,}SWIMS V?. Addenda. OL 1 114 T, City,strft./,.I Oty.State,ZIC 390 011 4"j. 4 No. Rvorw Nv. Fax No, 31 S M, -.4 V"lt.; L-Onri f7)ffr Is Office 114c, Ale; I Sv rn:,Rinfw PALS LAG L'Onq arrAier jprTn) MLS LAG No. q;,5* q56 o7,g ;)46 390 31tq Fin 11X W Smiler Phone Nk. Firm PhoneNoSmw Phone No. Firm Fax No, I `2�a�� -'IV. il,411 Arcnr luting r'.m+ O=jmant E-rag Addmm AtC 0 CC e GaMc .......... Se:g Br& 'T E-mr.,l MOP94i 77tj Usting It Addresx SKiry Oqket WIL Lwevtw MA. $-t—Ton3l Fi1n.VOL Unwise fiv, LmWig 6rok&DOL Ucerise No. Latim,Fm DOL License No Authentisign ID:CDA473BA-AFF14C36.98AO-BCDBBD471DOA pE/Mqx Form 25 IV ©Copyright 2017 Vacant Land Purchase&Sale Northwest Multiple Listing Service Rev.2/17 VACANT LAND PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 1 of 5 SPECIFIC TERMS 1. Date: June 05,2019 MLS No.: 1409947 Offer Expiration Date: 6/12/2019 2. Buyer: Neil C Jones Julie I Jones A married couple Buyer Buyer Status 3. Seller: Mason County Seller Seller 4. Property:Legal Description attached as Exhibit A. Tax Parcel No(s).: 322325208021 0-XXX E Port Townsend Street Union Mason WA 98592 Address City County State Zip 5. Purchase Price:$18,500.00 Eighteen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars 6. Earnest Money:$ 1,500.00 16 Check; ❑ Note; ❑Other (held by❑Selling Firm; 16 Closing Agent) 7. Default:(check only one)03 Forfeiture of Earnest Money; ❑Seller's Election of Remedies 8. Title Insurance Company: Mason County Title 9. Closing Agent: Mason County Title Colleen Reamer Company Individual(optional) 10. Closing Date: 6/28/2019 Possession Date: lid on Closing;❑Other 11. Services of Closing Agent for Payment of Utilities:❑Requested(attach NWMLS Form 22K);0 Waived 12. Charges/Assessments Levied Before but Due After Closing:❑assumed by Buyer,0 prepaid in full by Seller at Closing 13. Seller Citizenship(FIRPTA): Seller❑ is; Er is not a foreign person for purposes of U.S.income taxation 14. Subdivision:The Property:❑must be subdivided before ;Cd is not required to be subdivided 15. Feasibility Contingency Expiration Date:0 14 days after mutual acceptance; ❑Other 16. Agency Disclosure: Selling Broker represents: Id Buyer; ❑Seller; ❑both parties;❑neither party Listing Broker represents: rd Seller; ❑both parties 17. Addenda: 35F(Feasibility) 35E(Escalation) 34(Addendum) Buyer will pay in cash at closing. XAuthenfSGi r 06/05/2019 47 e � Date Seller's Signature Date IP�- -*W 06/05/2019 B g(glg &V-PDT Date Seller's Signature Date 140 E BALLANTRAE DR Buyers Address Seller's Address Shelton WA 98584 City,State,Zip City,State,Zip (360)427-9670 Phone No. Fax No. Phone No. Fax No. njones@joneszone.com Buyers E-mail Address Sellers E-mail Address RFINM Top Executives 9971 Richard Beckman Realty Group 4537 Selling Firm MLS Office No. Listing Firm MLS Office No. Jeremy Morse 115627 Richard Beckman 55681 Selling Broker(Print) MLS LAG No. Listing Broker(Print) MLS LAG No. (360)427-6117 (360)490-3215 (360)432-0103 (360)426-5521 (360)790-1921 (360)426-1645 Firm Phone No. Broker Phone No. Firm Fax No. Firm Phone No. Broker Phone No. Firm Fax No. A-Barneshomes@gmail.com mail@RichardBeckman.com Selling Firm Document E-mail Address Listing Firm Document E-mail Address Jeremy@JeremySellsRealty.com richard@richardbeckman.com Selling Brokers E-mail Address Listing Brokers E-mail Address 131168 18204 98421 9628 Selling Broker DOL License No. Selling Firm DOL License No. Listing Broker DOL License No. Listing Firm DOL License No. Authentisign ID:CDA473BA-AFF1-4C36.98AO-BCDBBD471DOA Form 25 ©Copyright 2017 Vacant Land Purchase&Sale VACANT LAND PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Northwest Multiple Listing Service Rev.2/17 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 2 of 5 GENERAL TERMS Continued a. Purchase Price. Buyer shall pay to Seller the Purchase Price, including the Earnest Money, in cash at Closing, unless 1 otherwise specified in this Agreement. Buyer represents that Buyer has sufficient funds to close this sale in accordance 2 with this Agreement and is not relying on any contingent source of funds, including funds from loans, the sale of other 3 property,gifts, retirement, or future earnings,except to the extent otherwise specified in this Agreement. 4 b. Earnest Money. Buyer shall deliver the Earnest Money within 2 days after mutual acceptance to Selling Broker or to 5 Closing Agent. If Buyer delivers the Earnest Money to Selling Broker, Selling Broker will deposit any check to be held by 6 Selling Firm, or deliver any Earnest Money to be held by Closing Agent,within 3 days of receipt or mutual acceptance, 7 whichever occurs later. If the Earnest Money is held by Selling Firm and is over$10,000.00 it shall be deposited into an 8 interest bearing trust account in Selling Firm's name provided that Buyer completes an IRS Form W-9. Interest, if any, 9 after deduction of bank charges and fees, will be paid to Buyer. Buyer shall reimburse Selling Firm for bank charges 10 and fees in excess of the interest earned, if any. If the Earnest Money held by Selling Firm is over$10,000.00 Buyer 11 has the option to require Selling Firm to deposit the Earnest Money into the Housing Trust Fund Account, with the 12 interest paid to the State Treasurer, if both Seller and Buyer so agree in writing. If the Buyer does not complete an IRS 13 Form W-9 before Selling Firm must deposit the Earnest Money or the Earnest Money is$10,000.00 or less,the Earnest 14 Money shall be deposited into the Housing Trust Fund Account. Selling Firm may transfer the Earnest Money to Closing 15 Agent at Closing. If all or part of the Earnest Money is to be refunded to Buyer and any such costs remain unpaid, the 16 Selling Firm or Closing Agent may deduct and pay them therefrom.The parties instruct Closing Agent to provide written 17 verification of receipt of the Earnest Money and notice of dishonor of any check to the parties and Brokers at the 18 addresses and/or fax numbers provided herein. 19 Upon termination of this Agreement, a party or the Closing Agent may deliver a form authorizing the release of Earnest 20 Money to the other party or the parties.The party(s)shall execute such form and deliver the same to the Closing Agent. 21 If either party fails to execute the release form, a party may make a written demand to the Closing Agent for the Earnest 22 Money. Pursuant to RCW 64.04, Closing Agent shall deliver notice of the demand to the other party within 15 days. If 23 the other party does not object to the demand within 20 days of Closing Agent's notice, Closing Agent shall disburse the 24 Earnest Money to the party making the demand within 10 days of the expiration of the 20 day period. If Closing Agent 25 timely receives an objection or an inconsistent demand from the other party, Closing Agent shall commence an 26 interpleader action within 60 days of such objection or inconsistent demand, unless the parties provide subsequent 27 consistent instructions to Closing Agent to disburse the earnest money or refrain from commencing an interpleader 28 action for a specified period of time. Pursuant to RCW 4.28.080, the parties consent to service of the summons and 29 complaint for an interpleader action by first class mail, postage prepaid at the party's usual mailing address or the 30 address identified in this Agreement. If the Closing Agent complies with the preceding process, each party shall be 31 deemed to have released Closing Agent from any and all claims or liability related to the disbursal of the Earnest 32 Money. If either party fails to authorize the release of the Earnest Money to the other party when required to do so 33 under this Agreement,that party shall be in breach of this Agreement. For the purposes of this section,the term Closing 34 Agent includes a Selling Firm holding the Earnest Money. The parties authorize the party commencing an interpleader 35 action to deduct up to$500.00 for the costs thereof. 36 c. Condition of Title. Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, title to the Property shall be marketable at Closing. 37 The following shall not cause the title to be unmarketable: rights, reservations, covenants, conditions and restrictions, 38 presently of record and general to the area; easements and encroachments, not materially affecting the value of or 39 unduly interfering with Buyer's reasonable use of the Property; and reserved oil and/or mining rights. Monetary 40 encumbrances or liens not assumed by Buyer, shall be paid or discharged by Seller on or before Closing.Title shall be 41 conveyed by a Statutory Warranty Deed. If this Agreement is for conveyance of a buyer's interest in a Real Estate 42 Contract, the Statutory Warranty Deed shall include a buyer's assignment of the contract sufficient to convey after 43 acquired title. If the Property has been short platted,the Short Plat number is in the Legal Description. 44 d. Title Insurance. Seller authorizes Buyer's lender or Closing Agent, at Seller's expense, to apply for the then-current 45 ALTA form of standard form owner's policy of title insurance from the Title Insurance Company. If Seller previously 46 received a preliminary commitment from a Title Insurance Company that Buyer declines to use, Buyer shall pay any 47 cancellation fees owing to the original Title Insurance Company. Otherwise, the party applying for title insurance shall 48 pay any title cancellation fee, in the event such a fee is assessed. The Title Insurance Company shall send a copy of 49 the preliminary commitment to Seller, Listing Broker, Buyer and Selling Broker. The preliminary commitment, and the 50 title policy to be issued, shall contain no exceptions other than the General Exclusions and Exceptions in said standard 51 form and Special Exceptions consistent with the Condition of Title herein provided. If title cannot be made so insurable 52 prior to the Closing Date, then as Buyer's sole and exclusive remedy, the Earnest Money shall, unless Buyer elects to 53 waive such defects or encumbrances, be refunded to the Buyer, less any unpaid costs described in this Agreement, and 54 this Agreement shall thereupon be terminated. Buyer shall have no right to specific performance or damages as a 55 consequence of Seller's inability to provide insurable title. 56 e. Closing and Possession. This sale shall be closed by the Closing Agent on the Closing Date. "Closing" means the 57 date on which all documents are recorded and the sale proceeds are available to Seller. If the Closing Date falls on a 58 Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday as defined in RCW 1.16.050, or day when the county recording office is closed, the 59 'sin Agent shall close the IransaFTion on the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or day when the 60 0,7 1 06/05/2019 ' ` `� 06/05/2019 Buyer's Initials Date Buyers Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Authentisign ID:CDA473BA-AFF7-4C36-98AO-BCDBBD471DOA Form 25 ©Copyright 2017 Vacant Land Purchase&Sale VACANT LAND PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Northwest Multiple Listing Service Rev.2/17 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 3 of 5 GENERAL TERMS Continued county recording office is closed. Buyer shall be entitled to possession at 9:00 p.m. on the Possession Date. Seller shall 61 maintain the Property in its present condition, normal wear and tear excepted, until the Buyer is entitled to possession. 62 Buyer reserves the right to walk through the Property within 5 days of Closing to verify that Seller has maintained the 63 Property as required by this paragraph. Seller shall not enter into or modify existing leases or rental agreements, 64 service contracts, or other agreements affecting the Property which have terms extending beyond Closing without first 65 obtaining Buyer's consent,which shall not be unreasonably withheld. 66 f. Section 1031 Like-Kind Exchange. If either Buyer or Seller intends for this transaction to be a part of a Section 1031 67 like-kind exchange, then the other party shall cooperate in the completion of the like-kind exchange so long as the 68 cooperating party incurs no additional liability in doing so, and so long as any expenses (including attorneys' fees and 69 costs) incurred by the cooperating party that are related only to the exchange are paid or reimbursed to the cooperating 70 party at or prior to Closing. Notwithstanding the Assignment paragraph of this Agreement, any party completing a 71 Section 1031 like-kind exchange may assign this Agreement to its qualified intermediary or any entity set up for the 72 purposes of completing a reverse exchange. 73 g. Closing Costs and Prorations and Charges and Assessments. Seller and Buyer shall each pay one-half of the 74 escrow fee unless otherwise required by applicable FHA or VA regulations. Taxes for the current year, rent, interest, 75 and lienable homeowner's association dues shall be prorated as of Closing. Buyer shall pay Buyer's loan costs, 76 including credit report, appraisal charge and lender's title insurance, unless provided otherwise in this Agreement. If any 77 payments are delinquent on encumbrances which will remain after Closing, Closing Agent is instructed to pay such 78 delinquencies at Closing from money due, or to be paid by, Seller. Buyer shall pay for remaining fuel in the fuel tank if, 79 prior to Closing, Seller obtains a written statement from the supplier as to the quantity and current price and provides 80 such statement to the Closing Agent. Seller shall pay all utility charges, including unbilled charges. Unless waived in 81 Specific Term No. 11, Seller and Buyer request the services of Closing Agent in disbursing funds necessary to satisfy 82 unpaid utility charges in accordance with RCW 60.80 and Seller shall provide the names and addresses of all utilities 83 providing service to the Property and having lien rights (attach NWMLS Form 22K Identification of Utilities or 84 equivalent). 85 Buyer is advised to verify the existence and amount of any local improvement district, capacity or impact charges or 86 other assessments that may be charged against the Property before or after Closing. Seller will pay such charges that 87 are or become due on or before Closing. Charges levied before Closing, but becoming due after Closing shall be paid 88 as agreed in Specific Term No.12. 89 h. Sale Information. Listing Broker and Selling Broker are authorized to report this Agreement (including price and all 90 terms)to the Multiple Listing Service that published it and to its members, financing institutions, appraisers, and anyone 91 else related to this sale. Buyer and Seller expressly authorize all Closing Agents, appraisers, title insurance companies, 92 and others related to this Sale, to furnish the Listing Broker and/or Selling Broker, on request, any and all information 93 and copies of documents concerning this sale. 94 I. Seller Citizenship and FIRPTA. Seller warrants that the identification of Seller's citizenship status for purposes of U.S. 95 income taxation in Specific Term No. 13 is correct. Seller shall execute a certification (NWMLS Form 22E or equivalent) 96 under the Foreign Investment In Real Property Tax Act("FIRPTA")at Closing and provide the certification to the Closing 97 Agent. If Seller is a foreign person for purposes of U.S. income taxation, and this transaction is not otherwise exempt 98 from FIRPTA, Closing Agent is instructed to withhold and pay the required amount to the Internal Revenue Service. 99 j. Notices and Delivery of Documents. Any notice related to this Agreement (including revocations of offers or 100 counteroffers) must be in writing. Notices to Seller must be signed by at least one Buyer and shall be deemed delivered 101 only when the notice is received by Seller, by Listing Broker, or at the licensed office of Listing Broker. Notices to Buyer 102 must be signed by at least one Seller and shall be deemed delivered only when the notice is received by Buyer, by 103 Selling Broker, or at the licensed office of Selling Broker. Documents related to this Agreement, such as NWMLS Form 104 17C, Information on Lead-Based Paint and Lead-Based Paint Hazards, Public Offering Statement or Resale Certificate, 105 and all other documents shall be delivered pursuant to this paragraph. Buyer and Seller must keep Selling Broker and 106 Listing Broker advised of their whereabouts in order to receive prompt notification of receipt of a notice. 107 Facsimile transmission of any notice or document shall constitute delivery. E-mail transmission of any notice or 108 document(or a direct link to such notice or document)shall constitute delivery when: (i)the e-mail is sent to both Selling 109 Broker and Selling Firm or both Listing Broker and Listing Firm at the e-mail addresses specified on page one of this 110 Agreement; or(ii)Selling Broker or Listing Broker provide written acknowledgment of receipt of the e-mail (an automatic 111 e-mail reply does not constitute written acknowledgment). At the request of either party, or the Closing Agent, the 112 parties will confirm facsimile or e-mail transmitted signatures by signing an original document. 113 k. Computation of Time. Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, any period of time measured in days and stated 114 in this Agreement shall start on the day following the event commencing the period and shall expire at 9:00 p.m. of the 115 last calendar day of the specified period of time. Except for the Possession Date, if the last day is a Saturday, Sunday 116 NF I holiday as defined in C 1.16.050, the specified period of time shall expire on the next day that is not a 117 aturd�y, Sunday or legal ho a ny specified period of 5 days or less, except for any time period relating to the 118 ,Nel 06/05/2019 06105/2019 Buyer's Initials Date Buyer's Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Authentisign ID:CDA473BA-AFF1.4C36-98AO-BCDBBD471DOA Form 25 ©Copyright 2017 Vacant Land Purchase&Sale VACANT LAND PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Northwest Multiple Listing Service Rev.2/17 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 4 of 5 GENERAL TERMS Continued Possesion Date,shall not include Saturdays, Sundays or legal holidays. If the parties agree that an event will occur on a 119 specific calendar date, the event shall occur on that date, except for the Closing Date, which, if it falls on a Saturday, 120 Sunday, legal holiday as defined in RCW 1.16.050,or day when the county recording office is closed,shall occur on the 121 next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or day when the county recording office is closed. If the parties 122 agree upon and attach a legal description after this Agreement is signed by the offeree and delivered to the offeror,then 123 for the purposes of computing time, mutual acceptance shall be deemed to be on the date of delivery of an accepted 124 offer or counteroffer to the offeror, rather than on the date the legal description is attached. Time is of the essence of 125 this Agreement. 126 1. Integration and Electronic Signatures.This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and 127 supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings and representations. No modification of this Agreement shall 128 be effective unless agreed in writing and signed by Buyer and Seller. The parties acknowledge that a signature in 129 electronic form has the same legal effect and validity as a handwritten signature, 130 m. Assignment. Buyer may not assign this Agreement, or Buyer's rights hereunder, without Seller's prior written consent, 131 unless the parties indicate that assignment is permitted by the addition of"and/or assigns" on the line identifying the 132 Buyer on the first page of this Agreement. 133 n. Default. In the event Buyer fails, without legal excuse, to complete the purchase of the Property, then the following 134 provision, as identified in Specific Term No. 7,shall apply: 135 1. Forfeiture of Earnest Money. That portion of the Earnest Money that does not exceed five percent (5%) of the 136 Purchase Price shall be forfeited to the Seller as the sole and exclusive remedy available to Seller for such failure. 137 ii. Seller's Election of Remedies. Seller may, at Seller's option, (a) keep the Earnest Money as liquidated damages 138 as the sole and exclusive remedy available to Seller for such failure, (b) bring suit against Buyer for Seller's actual 139 damages, (c) bring suit to specifically enforce this Agreement and recover any incidental damages, or(d) pursue 140 any other rights or remedies available at law or equity. 141 o. Professional Advice and Attorneys' Fees. Buyer and Seller are advised to seek the counsel of an attorney and a 142 certified public accountant to review the terms of this Agreement. Buyer and Seller shall pay their own fees incurred for 143 such review. However, if Buyer or Seller institutes suit against the other concerning this Agreement the prevailing party 144 is entitled to reasonable attorneys'fees and expenses. 145 p. Offer. Buyer shall purchase the Property under the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Seller shall have until 9:00 146 p.m.on the Offer Expiration Date to accept this offer, unless sooner withdrawn.Acceptance shall not be effective until a 147 signed copy is received by Buyer, by Selling Broker or at the licensed office of Selling Broker. If this offer is not so 148 accepted, it shall lapse and any Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer. 149 q. Counteroffer. Any change in the terms presented in an offer or counteroffer, other than the insertion of or change to 150 Seller's name and Seller's warranty of citizenship status, shall be considered a counteroffer. If a party makes a 151 counteroffer, then the other party shall have until 9:00 p.m. on the counteroffer expiration date to accept that 152 counteroffer, unless sooner withdrawn. Acceptance shall not be effective until a signed copy is received by the other 153 party, the other party's broker, or at the licensed office of the other party's broker. If the counteroffer is not so accepted, 154 it shall lapse and any Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer. 155 r. Offer and Counteroffer Expiration Date. If no expiration date is specified for an offer/counteroffer, the 156 offer/counteroffer shall expire 2 days after the offer/counteroffer is delivered by the party making the offer/counteroffer, 157 unless sooner withdrawn. 158 s. Agency Disclosure. Selling Firm, Selling Firm's Designated Broker, Selling Broker's Branch Manager (if any) and 159 Selling Broker's Managing Broker(if any) represent the same party that Selling Broker represents. Listing Firm, Listing 160 Firm's Designated Broker, Listing Broker's Branch Manager (if any), and Listing Broker's Managing Broker (if any) 161 represent the same party that the Listing Broker represents. If Selling Broker and Listing Broker are different persons 162 affiliated with the same Firm, then both Buyer and Seller confirm their consent to Designated Broker, Branch Manager 163 (if any), and Managing Broker(if any) representing both parties as dual agents. If Selling Broker and Listing Broker are 164 the same person representing both parties then both Buyer and Seller confirm their consent to that person and his/her 165 Designated Broker, Branch Manager(if any), and Managing Broker(if any)representing both parties as dual agents.All 166 parties acknowledge receipt of the pamphlet entitled"The Law of Real Estate Agency." 167 t. Commission. Seller and Buyer shall pay a commission in accordance with any listing or commission agreement to 168 which they are a party. The Listing Firm's commission shall be apportioned between Listing Firm and Selling Firm as 169 specified in the listing. Seller and Buyer hereby consent to Listing Firm or Selling Firm receiving compensation from 170 more than one party. Seller and Buyer hereby assign to Listing Firm and Selling Firm, as applicable, a portion of their 171 funds in escrow equal to such commission(s) and irrevocably instruct the Closing Agent to disburse the commission(s) 172 directly to the Firm(s). In any action by Listing or Selling Finn to enforce this paragraph, the prevailing party is entitled to 173 [,ye]; 06/05/2019 [Jill 06/05/2019 Buyer's Initials Date Buyer's Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Authentisign ID:CDA473BA-AFF1-4C36-98AO-BCDBBD471DOA Form 25 ©Copyright 2017 Vacant Land Purchase&Sale VACANT LAND PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Northwest Multiple Listing Service Rev.2/17 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 5 of 5 GENERAL TERMS Continued court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees. Seller and Buyer agree that the Firms are intended third party beneficiaries 174 under this Agreement. 175 u. Feasibility Contingency. It is the Buyer's responsibility to verify before the Feasibility Contingency Expiration Date 176 identified in Specific Term No.15 whether or not the Property can be platted, developed and/or built on (now or in the 177 future)and what it will cost to do this. Buyer should not rely on any oral statements concerning this made by the Seller, 178 Listing Broker or Selling Broker. Buyer should inquire at the city or county, and water, sewer or other special districts in 179 which the Property is located. Buyer's inquiry should include, but not be limited to: building or development moratoriums 180 applicable to or being considered for the Property; any special building requirements, including setbacks, height limits or 181 restrictions on where buildings may be constructed on the Property; whether the Property is affected by a flood zone, 182 wetlands, shorelands or other environmentally sensitive area; road, school, fire and any other growth mitigation or 183 impact fees that must be paid; the procedure and length of time necessary to obtain plat approval and/or a building 184 permit; sufficient water, sewer and utility and any service connection charges; and all other charges that must be paid. 185 Buyer and Buyer's agents, representatives, consultants, architects and engineers shall have the right, from time to time 186 during and after the feasibility contingency, to enter onto the Property and to conduct any tests or studies that Buyer 187 may need to ascertain the condition and suitability of the Property for Buyer's intended purpose. Buyer shall restore the 188 Property and all improvements on the Property to the same condition they were in prior to the inspection. Buyer shall be 189 responsible for all damages resulting from any inspection of the Property performed on Buyer's behalf. If the Buyer does 190 not give notice to the contrary on or before the Feasibility Contingency Expiration Date identified in Specific Term No. 191 15, it shall be conclusively deemed that Buyer is satisfied as to development and/or construction feasibility and cost. If 192 Buyer gives notice this Agreement shall terminate and the Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer, less any unpaid 193 costs. 194 Seller shall cooperate with Buyer in obtaining permits or other approvals Buyer may reasonably require for Buyer's 195 intended use of the Property; provided that Seller shall not be required to incur any liability or expenses in doing so. 196 v. Subdivision. If the Property must be subdivided, Seller represents that there has been preliminary plat approval for the 197 Property and this Agreement is conditioned on the recording of the final plat containing the Property on or before the 198 date specified in Specific Term No. 14. If the final plat is not recorded by such date, this Agreement shall terminate and 199 the Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer. 200 w. Information Verification Period. Buyer shall have 10 days after mutual acceptance to verify all information provided 201 from Seller or Listing Firm related to the Property. This contingency shall be deemed satisfied unless Buyer gives notice 202 identifying the materially inaccurate information within 10 days of mutual acceptance. If Buyer gives timely notice under 203 this section, then this Agreement shall terminate and the Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer. 204 x. Property Condition Disclaimer. Buyer and Seller agree, that except as provided in this Agreement, all representations 205 and information regarding the Property and the transaction are solely from the Seller or Buyer, and not from any Broker. 206 The parties acknowledge that the Brokers are not responsible for assuring that the parties perform their obligations 207 under this Agreement and that none of the Brokers has agreed to independently investigate or confirm any matter 208 related to this transaction except as stated in this Agreement, or in a separate writing signed by such Broker. In 209 addition, Brokers do not guarantee the value, quality or condition of the Property and some properties may contain 210 building materials, including siding, roofing, ceiling, insulation, electrical, and plumbing, that have been the subject of 211 lawsuits and/or governmental inquiry because of possible defects or health hazards. Some properties may have other 212 defects arising after construction, such as drainage, leakage, pest, rot and mold problems. Brokers do not have the 213 expertise to identify or assess defective products, materials, or conditions. Buyer is urged to use due diligence to 214 inspect the Property to Buyer's satisfaction and to retain inspectors qualified to identify the presence of defective 215 materials and evaluate the condition of the Property as there may be defects that may only be revealed by careful 216 inspection. Buyer is advised to investigate whether there is a sufficient water supply to meet Buyer's needs. Buyer is 217 advised to investigate the cost of insurance for the Property, including, but not limited to homeowner's, flood, 218 earthquake, landslide, and other available coverage. Brokers may assist the parties with locating and selecting third 219 party service providers, such as inspectors or contractors, but Brokers cannot guarantee or be responsible for the 220 services provided by those third parties. The parties shall exercise their own judgment and due diligence regarding 221 third-party service providers. 222 [vej] 06/05/2019 [PY] 06/05/2019 Buyer's Initials Date Buyer's Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Authentisign ID:CDA473BA-AFF7-4C36-SBA0-BCDBBD471DOA RF Form 35F ©Copyright 2010 Feasibility Contingency Addendum • Northwest Multiple Listing Service Rev.7/10 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 1 of 1 FEASIBILITY CONTINGENCY ADDENDUM The following is part of the Purchase and Sale Agreement dated June 05,2019 1 between Neil C Jones Julie I Jones ("Buyer") 2 Buyer Buyer and Mason County ("Seller") 3 Seller Seller Concerning 0-xxx E Port Townsend Street Union WA 98592 (the"Property"). 4 Address city State Zip Feasibility Contingency. Buyer shall verify within 14 days (10 days if not filled in)after mutual acceptance 5 (the "Feasibility Contingency Expiration Date") the suitability of the Property for Buyer's intended purpose including, 6 but not limited to, whether the Property can be platted, developed and/or built on (now or in the future)and what it will 7 cost to do this. This Feasibility Contingency SHALL CONCLUSIVELY BE DEEMED WAIVED unless Buyer gives 8 notice of disapproval on or before the Feasibility Contingency Expiration Date. If Buyer gives a timely notice of 9 disapproval, then this Agreement shall terminate and the Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer. Buyer should not 10 rely on any oral statements concerning feasibility made by the Seller, Listing Broker or Selling Broker. Buyer should 11 inquire at the city or county, and water, sewer or other special districts in which the Property is located. Buyer's inquiry 12 shall include, but not be limited to: building or development moratoria applicable to or being considered for the 13 Property; any special building requirements, including setbacks, height limits or restrictions on where buildings may be 14 constructed on the Property; whether the Property is affected by a flood zone, wetlands, shorelands or other 15 environmentally sensitive area; road, school,fire and any other growth mitigation or impact fees that must be paid; the 16 procedure and length of time necessary to obtain plat approval and/or a building permit; sufficient water, sewer and 17 utility and any services connection charges; and all other charges that must be paid. 18 Buyer and Buyer's agents, representatives, consultants, architects and engineers shall have the right, from time to 19 time during the feasibility contingency, to enter onto the Property and to conduct any tests or studies that Buyer may 20 need to ascertain the condition and suitability of the Property for Buyer's intended purpose. Buyer shall restore the 21 Property and all improvements on the Property to the same condition they were in prior to the inspection. Buyer shall 22 be responsible for all damages resulting from any inspection of the Property performed on Buyer's behalf. 23 ❑ AGREEMENT TERMINATED IF NOTICE OF SATISFACTION NOT TIMELY PROVIDED. If checked, this 24 Agreement shall terminate and Buyer shall receive a refund of the Earnest Money unless Buyer gives notice to Seller 25 on or before the Feasibility Contingency Expiration Date that the Property is suitable for Buyer's intended purpose. 26 ,Ne; 06/05/2019j` `l 06/05/2019 Buyer's Initials Date Buyer's Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Sellers Initials Date Authentisign ID:CDA473BA-AFF1.4C36-98AO-BCDBBD471DOA pf/MAX Form 35E @Copyright 2015 Escalation Addendum Northwest Multiple Listing Service Rev.7/15 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 1 of 1 ESCALATION ADDENDUM TO PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT The following is part of the Purchase and Sale Agreement dated June 05,2019 1 between Neil C Jones Julie I Jones ("Buyer") 2 Buyer Buyer and Mason County ("Seller") 3 Seller Seller concerning 0-xxx E Port Townsend Street Union WA 98592 (the"Property"). 4 Address City state Zip NOTICE TO BUYER: By including this Addendum in the Agreement, you agree to have your purchase price 5 increased if Seller receives an equal or higher offer from another buyer(the"Competing Offer").This Addendum does 6 not assure that the Competing Offer used to establish your purchase price will, in all ways, be comparable to yours. 7 You are cautioned to offer no more than you are willing to pay for the Property.You are further advised that Seller or 8 Seller's broker(s) may disclose the terms of your offer, including this Addendum,to others. 9 1. PURCHASE PRICE. If Seller receives a Competing Offer for the Property prior to accepting this offer, with a 10 Net Price equal to or greater than the Net Price of this offer, then the Net Price of this offer shall be 11 increased to $ 500.00 more than the Net Price of the Competing Offer. In no event, however,shall the 12 new purchase price of this offer exceed$ 21,350.00 .The term "Net Price"means the stated purchase 13 price(or the maximum price if the Competing Offer contains a price escalation clause) less any price adjustments 14 such as credits to Buyer for closing costs. 15 2. COMPETING OFFER. A Competing Offer must be a bona fide, arm's length, written offer on NWMLS or similar 16 forms, containing all material terms necessary for an enforceable agreement which (a) requires the full purchase 17 price to be paid in cash at closing; (b) provides for closing no later than days (60 days if not filled in) 18 from the date of this offer; and (c) is not contingent on the sale of the buyer's property (i.e. no NWMLS Form 22B 19 or equivalent). A Competing Offer may include other conditions, such as a buyer's pending sale of property 20 contingency(i.e. NWMLS Form 22Q or equivalent). 21 3. SELLER'S ACCEPTANCE. Seller's escalation of this offer shall not be effective unless it is accompanied by 22 a complete copy of any Competing Offer used to escalate the purchase price, including any escalation 23 provision. 24 4. NEW PURCHASE PRICE WORKSHEET. The following formula is provided to assist the parties in calculating the 25 new purchase price. The worksheet can only be completed when the purchase price of the Competing Offer is 26 known. The accuracy or completeness of the calculation shall not render this Agreement unenforceable, and to 27 the extent the following calculations are inconsistent with the escalation provisions above, the escalation 28 provisions shall control. 29 Purchase Price of Competing Offer $ 30 (or the maximum purchase price of the Competing Offer if it contains an escalation provision) Less Credits to Buyer in Competing Offer $ 31 Competing Offer Net Purchase Price $ 32 Plus Escalation Amount(this offer) $ 33 Plus Any Credits to Buyer(this offer) $ 34 New Purchase Price(this offer) $ 35 Ne;] 06/05/2019 �f`� 06/05/2019 Buyer's Initials Date Buyer's Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Authentislgn ID:CDA473BA-AFF7-4C36-98A8-BCDBBD471DOA Form 34 ©Copyright 2010 Addendum/Amendment to P&S Northwest Multiple Listing Service Rev.7/10 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 1 of 1 ADDENDUM/AMENDMENT TO PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT The following is part of the Purchase and Sale Agreement dated 06-05-2019 1 between Neil C Jones Julie I Jones ("Buyer's)2 Buyer Buyer and Mason County ("Seller")3 Seller Seller concerning 0-xxx E Port Townsend Street Union WA 98592 (the"Property").4 Address city State Zip IT IS AGREED BETWEEN THE SELLER AND BUYER AS FOLLOWS: 5 1.This agreement is contingent upon the Mason County Commissioners approval of this 6 purchase and sales agreement,in an open public meeting. 7 2.Buyer waives the right to receive a completed Washington State Seller Disclosure Statement. 8 3.Escrow shall be Mason County Title and Escrow,Colleen Reamer. 9 4.Buyer shall pay for the Mason County Title Insurance policy. 10 5. Deed Shall Be a Treasures Deed,per RCW 3635.130. 11 12 6.Buyer shall pay all current and past due Association dues. 13 7.Mason County Commissioner Randy Neatherlin is a licensed real estate broker in the state of 14 Washington. 15 8.Commissioner Randy Neatherlin will sign for Mason County. 16 9.Seller has never occupied the property. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS of said Agreement remain unchanged. 31 [.vej] 06/05/2019 IYJYI 06/05/2019 Buyer's Initials Date Buyer's Initials Date Sellers Initials Date Seller's Initials Date Authentisign ID:CDA473BA-AFft-4C36.96AO-BCDBBD471DOA EXHIBIT"A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Order No.: 122428 Lots twentyone (21)to twentyeight(28), both inclusive, Block eight(8),Grays Harbor and Union City Railroad Addition to Union City,Volume 2 of Plats, page 1, records of Mason County,Washington. Parcel No.32232 52 08021 CNe�� 06/05/2019 IJJYI 06/05/2019 Richard Beckman Vacant Land Agent Detail Report Page 1 of 1 Listing# 1409947 xxx E Port Townsend St,Union 98592 STAT: Active LP: $15,000 County: Mason LT: 21-28 BLK: 8 CMTY: South Shore PRJ: Union Grays Harbor Type: Vacant Land CDOM: 43 rt7 t AR: 173 TAX: 322325208021 OLP: $15,000 MAP: GRD: Internet: Yes DD: McReavy Rd,West on 5th St,South FIN: on Port Townsend.Just past county park, LD: 02/08/2019 unmarked access rd on the left.Subject is XD: 10/16/2019 - approximately 100'down access rd on the OMD: left. LAG: Richard Beckman(55681) PH: (360)790-1921 FAX: (360)426-1645 PH Type: Cellular LO: Richard Beckman Realty Group(4537) PH: (360)426-5521 SOC: 4 Cmnts CLA: PH: ZJD: County SKS: No CLO: PTO: Yes F17: Not Provided ZNR: RR2.5 QTR/SEC: 32223 OTVP: OWN: Mason County GZC: Residential OPH: (360)427-9670 OAD: Shelton,WA POS: Closing TX$: TXY: 2018 SNR:No ATF: TRM: Cash Out,Conventional TER: STY: 40-Res-Less thn 1 Ac WRJ: Right of First Refusal: No ACR: 0.600 LSF: 26,136 LSZ: 110x199 WFG: DOC: WFT: LDE: VEW: Territorial HOA: RD: RDI: See Remarks IMP: FTR: Brush,Evergreens TPO: Level SLP: LVL: Community Features: WTR: Unknown SFA: No ESM: GAS: Not Available STD: SUR: ELE: In Street SDA: No SST: SWR: Not Available SDI: No SDD: SDX: SD: Pioneer#402 EL: Pioneer Primary Sch JH: Pioneer Intermed/Mid SH: Shelton High 3rd Party Aprvl Req: None Bank/REO Owned Y/N: No Agent Only Remarks: Possibly acquired through tax foreclosure.Maybe subject to redemption.Title insurance may not be available and title maybe transferred with a bargain and sale deed.Buyer shall pay for title insurance.Buyer to verify access. Marketing Remarks: This 0.6 acre property is near the Union Community Park.Minutes to Hood Canal,Alderbrook Golf and Alderbrook Resort. Realist Tax Tax ID: 3-22-32-52-08021 Tax Year: Ann Tax: Address: Townshp: 1 404 P1 F6 L H P County: Mason FipsStCd: 53045 Sub-d: Owner: Mason County Surplus Property Assess Imp: $9,775 Assess Ttl: $38,175 Assess Year: 2017 Land As: $28,400 Lot Depth: Lot Front: Lot SF: 26,136 Water: Sewer: Information Deemed Reliable But Cannot Be Guaranteed. Lot Sizes and Square Footage Are Estimates. 03/23/2019- 8:32PM MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Frank Pinter DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 530 BRIEFING DATE: June 10, 2019 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: ITEM: Review of proposals made to Mason County BOCC regarding Parcel 420043060000, which is owned by Mason County Public Works and an Easement on the southern 14 acre of Parcel 420044060000 which is owned by Mason County Public Works/Waste Management. There are two proposals for use of these parcels, one by Mr. Walt Austin (which includes the easement) and another by Performance Motorsports Management Inc. (PMMI). This briefing document will address the process needed to assist the BOCC in making decisions regarding these parcels. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Background: The subject property is located at the west end of the Mason County Landfill on West Ells Hill road. The legal description is the N1/2SW1/4 Section 4 Township 20 North, Range 4 West, Willamette Meridian. The property consists of 98.18 acres of forestland zoned Long Term Commercial Forest and is currently appraised at $224,600 by the County Assessor's office, $2,287.63 per acre. It was originally acquired from Simpson Timber Company per Resolution 51B-91 for$1,600 per acre for what was then a need for a source of gravel. Public Works has indicated that although it has no current plans to use the parcel as a gravel source or any other purpose, except for managing the timber for future sale. This future timber revenue will be needed as maintenance and planned construction needs grow and outpace projected traditional revenue sources. For this reason, Public Works is hesitant to consider this as potential surplus property at this time. Parcel 42004406000 has been identified as needed for an easement, in one of the proposals, on the southern 14 acres. This parcel is adjacent to the other parcel and is a portion of the Mason County Ells Hill Transfer Station and Landfill property. Per County Code Title VI, Sec. 3.40.350(a) any consideration by the BOCC for the lease of the parcel will require a property valuation for highest and best use, performed by a properly licensed commercial property appraiser as any consideration of a lease less than the valuation at highest and best use would be considered a gifting of public funds. Additionally, an open bid or auction process would need to be employed. Per County Code Title IV, Chapter 3.40 and Title V, Chapter 3.40 any consideration by the BOCC for the sale of the parcel will require a property valuation for highest and best use, performed by a properly licensed commercial property appraiser to establish fair market value as well as citizen notifications and procedural standards. Additionally, an open bid or auction process would need to be employed. In both cases if a rezone of the parcel is needed, the entity requesting the rezone will be required to rezone another 98.18 acres with currently non-long term commercial forest or be required, under RCW 84.33.140 (13) (14) or (15), to pay compensating tax for a retroactive period of nine years. In all cases any party wishing to lease or acquire the property should schedule a Pre- Application meeting with the Mason County Department of Community Services Building and Planning Department. This meeting will inform the applicant of potential changes in land use needed, permits, fees and timelines associated with future development. Proposal Generalities: The original Austin proposal to the BOCC, was to lease the parcel from the county, but per a phone request on 5/28/19 the proposal was changed to an out-right purchase with a cash payment. The proposal includes the development of the parcel to accommodate a Fairgrounds/ Community Facility for use by the Lessee, County, Grange, 4H, FFA, Historic Society and more. It is not clear at this time what additional requirements this new proposal has. If the purchase is all inclusive (98.18 acres + an easement on 14 acres) an estimated high end valuation based on assessed values and timber values would be upwards of$1,200,000. The PMMI Proposal is to lease the parcel from the county with the county responsible for the zoning and use revision. The proposal would be to allow PMMI to clear and develop the property to meet the needs and goals of the County and future growth of Ridge Motorsports Park. They hope to be able to start improvements as early as July 2019. The facility needs specified were to develop for the county a Fairgrounds with parking, outdoor arenas and needed buildings Venue space for current events and community use County Service Training Facility For Ridge Motorsport Park are needs for Support Current and projected facility growth Additional Event Parking Items to Consider by BOCC Any transaction will need to be valued at highest and best use Any transaction will need to have open bid, auction, citizen notifications, RFQ's, appraisals, and public comment period. The parties will need to understand rezoning requirements, restrictions and limitations The transaction will be with Public Works and/or Utilities not the General Fund In the case of a lease, State Leasehold Excise Tax will need to be collected Timber, Water and Mineral Rights will have to be valued and considered County Insurance coverage costs will need to be reviewed BUDGET IMPACTS: None RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: None at this time ATTACHMENTS: None MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Michael MacSems DEPARTMENT: DCD EXT: 571 BRIEFING DATE: June 10, 2019 ITEM: New Release for three open seats on the Historic Preservation Commission. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions) BACKGROUND: The Mason County Historic Preservation Commission is a seven (7) member commission which serves to identify and actively encourage the conservation of Mason County's historic resources. The terms for three seats will expire at the end of November 2019, one of these seats is already vacant due to a resignation. The two currently filled seats are held by Vice Chair Steven Rose and Lorilyn Rogers. MCHPC terms are for three years. The incumbents are welcome to reapply and any qualified member of the public may also apply. The intension for announcing these openings earlier than usual is to fill the currently open seat for the balance of the current term as well as a new term ending November 2022. BUDGET IMPACTS: This proposal has no cost. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Approve the reading of the attached News Release in order to attract candidates for these positions. The News Release would be read at the June 18th, 2019 meeting of the Mason County Board of Commissioners weekly meeting and placed on the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission's webpage. ATTACHMENTS: New Release, 2019 HPC Membership Roster Briefing Item Summary Form Open Seats.doc NEWS RELEASE June 18, 2019 MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 411 NORTH 5T" ST SHELTON, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 EXT. 419 TO: KMAS, KRXY, SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL, THE OLYMPIAN, SHELTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, NORTH MASON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, CITY OF SHELTON, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, THE SUN RE: Mason County Historic Preservation Commission The Mason County Commissioners are seeking applicants to fill three open, or soon to be open, positions on the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission. The major responsibility of the Historic Preservation Commission is to identify and actively encourage the conservation of Mason County's historic resources by initiating and maintaining a register of historic places and reviewing proposed changes to register properties. They also work to raise community awareness of Mason County's history and historic resources and serve as Mason County's primary resource in matters of history, historic planning, and preservation. Commission members serve three-year terms and meet monthly, during business hours, at the County offices in Shelton. These positions will expire in November 2022. Applicants must be residents of Mason County. Interested persons are encouraged to apply for this commission by completing an advisory board form that can be downloaded from our website — http://www.co.mason.wa.us/forms/advisory/Advisoryboardapp.pdf or by calling the Commissioners' office at 427-9670 ext. 419 or 275-4467 ext. 419. These positions are open until filled. Completed applications should be submitted in the Commissioners' office at 411 N 5th Street, Shelton. If there are questions about this commission, please contact Michael MacSems at 427- 9670 ext. 571. BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Kevin Shutty Randy Neatherlin Sharon Trask Chair Commissioner Commissioner 2019 Mason County Historic Preservation Commission Membership List Stephanie Neil Professional Expertise Nov 2021 91 E Morris Creek Dr. Belfair,WA 98528 Works for Squaxin Cultural Resources,formerly with USFS Steve Rose Vice Chair Nov 2019 P.O.Box 1215 Allyn,WA 98524 Christina Lee Williams Nov 2020 2301 E Anthony Rd Grapeview,WA 98546 Vacant Nov 2019 Edgar Huber Professional Expertise Nov 2020 111 SE Emerald Drive Shelton,WA 98584 Principle Investigator/Project Manager at SRI Lorilyn F.Rogers Nov 2019 W 229 Wyandottte Shelton,WA 98584 Rick Calvin Chair Nov 2021, 2461 E Grapeview Loop Rd Grapeview,WA 98546 Rhonda Foster Ex-Officio Member THPO Squaxin Tribe SE 70 Squaxin Ln Shelton,WA 98584 Kris Miller Ex-Officio Member THPO Skokomish Tribe N 541 Tribal Center Shelton,WA 98584 r- Attachment B MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Kristopher Nelsen, PAC Manager DEPARTMENT: Community Services EXT: 359 BRIEFING DATE: June 10th, 2019 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: if this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information ITEM: MH Installation Inspection Checklist implementation. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): To help better align life safety with affordable housing, the building department is looking at better ways to streamline inspection processes and meet code standards for affordable housing. The department of Labor and Industries in partnership with Washington Association of Building Officials have developed a basic checklist for local jurisdictions to use in the field. The building department will be implementing the WABO checklist along with requesting installation manuals at the time of permit submittal to better align design review requirements and expectations between our office, owners, applicants, installers, and industry partners. BUDGET IMPACTS: Time and implementation. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Confirm use of and help educate constituents of benefits Building Division Services and resources. ATTACHMENTS: L&I/WABO Manufactured Home Installation Inspection Checklist Briefing Summary 6/4/2019 Washington State Department of " Labor & Industries e Manufactured Home Installation Inspection Checklist Yes No Installer Certification ❑ ❑ If present during inspection,has the supervising installer shown proof of certification? ❑ ❑ One or more Installer Certification Tags attached to the home indicating all installation work performed by a certified installer? (Not required for work performed by homeowner.) Yes No Site Preparation ❑ ❑ Is the home site properly graded and sloped to prevent water from collecting under the home? (e.g. 1/2 inch per foot for minimum of 10 feet around home.) ❑ ❑ If home is pit set and/or on a sloping site, is natural drainage adequately diverted to prevent water from collecting under home? Yes No Installation Instructions ❑ ❑ Are the manufacturer's installation instructions, instructions of an engineer or architect, or ANSI A225.1 —1994 ed. (for relocated homes) available for use during inspection? Yes No Foundation & Support Piers ❑ ❑ Do clearances under the home meet the requirements of WAC296-15OI-0310(1)(1)? (18 inches beneath at least 75% of the lowest member of the main frame and no less than 12 inches-anywhere under the home.) ❑ ❑ If applicable, are pre-poured concrete runners or full slabs placed to the minimum thickness required by: 1) home manufacturer's instructions, 2) instructions of an engineer or architect, or 3)ANSI A225.1 -1994 ed. (for relocated homes)? ❑ ❑ Do footings (individual pads,runners, or slabs) meet the local frost-depth requirements? ❑ ❑ Are foundation pier pads and support piers sized and placed according to the specifications set forth in the: 1)home manufacturer's instructions, 2) instructions of an engineer or architect, or 3)ANSI A225.1 — 1994 ed. (for relocated homes)? ❑ ❑ If prefabricated piers are used, are the piers installed according to the pier manufacturer's instructions? Has engineering documentation been provided? ❑ ❑ Are concrete piers shimmed and wedged so all piers make equal contact with the home? Or, are metal piers adjusted and connected so all piers make equal contact with the home? ❑ ❑ Is the home level? ❑ ❑ If an engineered full foundation system is installed, is the installation according to the system manufacturer's instructions? Has engineering data been supplied? Yes No AnchorinjZ ❑ ❑ Are anchors spaced according to: 1) home manufacturer's installation instructions, 2) the instructions of an engineer or architect, or 3) ANSI A225.1 — 1994 ed. (for relocated homes); and are they installed according to the equipment manufacturer's instructions? 01-2010 ❑ ❑ If an earthquake resistant bracing system is installed, is the installation according to the equipment manufacturer's instructions? Has engineering data been supplied? (The requirement to use earthquake resistant bracing systems is set by the local jurisdiction.) Yes No Skirting ❑ ❑ Are skirting vents installed according to the home manufacturer's instructions? Or, do vents have a net area of not less than one square foot for each 150 square feet of under floor area as set out in WAC 296-150I-0310(1)(d)(ii)? (Homes sited in flood plains: Local jurisdictions determine venting requirements.) ❑ ❑ Is skirting made of material suitable for ground contact? ❑ ❑ Is skirting recessed behind the siding or trim? ❑ ❑ Is an access opening of not less than 18 x 24 inches located so that all areas under the home are available for inspection? Is it covered with a sufficient access cover? Yes No Other ❑ ❑ Is a ground cover installed (Minimum 6 mil black polyethylene or equivalent per WAC 296- 150I-0310(1)(k)? Not required for full concrete slab with minimum thickness of three and one-half inches. ❑ ❑ Are the structural connections of the home sections made per the manufacturer's instructions? ❑ ❑ Is the heating crossover duct connected properly? ❑ ❑ Is the heating crossover duct supported off the ground? ❑ ❑ Are the plumbing water and waste crossovers connected properly? ❑ ❑ Is the drain pipe supported according to the manufacturer's installation instructions? ❑ ❑ If under floor plumbing was shipped-loose, is it installed according to the instructions provided by the home manufacturer? NOTE: Any deviation from the home manufacturer's original design and instructions is considered an alteration to be permitted and inspected by Department of Labor and Industries and must be completed by a certified plumber. ❑ ❑ If jurisdiction completes electrical inspection, is the electrical crossover connected properly? ❑ ❑ Are all holes and tears in the belly fabric patched in an approved manner? ❑ ❑ If required, where a wood or pellet stove is installed, is it blocked? Is the combustion air vented to the crawl space or exterior of the home? ❑ ❑ Is the dryer vented to the exterior and 1) does it comply with the dryer manufacturer's specifications; or 2) is metal with smooth interior surfaces used? ❑ ❑ Has the testing of water lines, waste lines, and gas lines been verified with the installer? ❑ ❑ Are heat pump and air conditioning condensation lines extended to the exterior of the home? ❑ ❑ Are the water heater pressure relief valve and pan relief line terminated to the exterior and then down? ❑ ❑ Is water piping protected against freezing per the home manufacturer's instructions? Or is a heat tape listed for use with manufactured homes installed per the tape manufacturer's instructions? This check list was prepared by the Department of Labor and Industries,PO Box 44420,Olympia,Washington 98504-4420. If you have comments regarding this check list,or have questions regarding installation of manufactured homes in Washington State, please contact the Manufactured Home Installer Training and Certification Program at 800-647-0982(option 5). Attachment B MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Dave Windom DEPARTMENT: MCCS EXT: 260 BRIEFING DATE: June 10, 2018 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information ITEM: Wildfire smoke policy EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): Review current science and recommendations from the Health Officers Association around closing outdoor activities during wildfire smoke events. Staff recommends purchasing 2.5 ppm smoke monitors for Shelton, Belfair and Hoodsport as three different air sheds. BUDGET IMPACTS: $3000 to $9000 RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Approve ATTACHMENTS: Briefmg Summary 6/5/2019 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Dan Teuteberg, Director DEPARTMENT: WSU Extension EXT: 686 BRIEFING DATE: June 10, 2019 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information ITEM: Spring 2019 Quarterly Report on accomplishments of WSU Extension Mason County. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): BUDGET IMPACTS: RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: ATTACHMENTS: Spring 2019 Quarterly Report Briefing Summary 6/3/2019 T W?S r 71 Washin Uo n ' S t a t i� n I 01 -7 Extension Mason County Spring 2019 Spring 2019 Quarterly Report Serving Mason County for more than •• years Washington State University Extension Mason County helps people put research-based knowledge to work,improving their lives,communities,and the environment. To realize this mission,faculty and staff plan,conduct and evaluate research and experience-based educational programs to improve the lives of Mason County residents. WSU Extension Mason County also employs the assistance of hundreds of volunteers and community partners and provides access to the resources available at Washington State University and the National Land Grant University Extension System. Partnerships Dan Teuteberg,County Director& 4-H Youth Development speciarr t I Mason County and Washington State University have a ��' �op� long-standing partnership in providing educational ' dan.teuteberg@wsu.edu �e r 9- 9 P P P 9 360-427-9670 Ext.686 programs and research-based information to residents throughout the county.This partnership ensures that resources are committed from Federal allocations and wsu Extension Mason County ,asr University funds to keep important educational programs 303N 4th Street,Shelton,WA 98584 available in Mason County. 360-427-9670 Ext.680 http:Hextenison.wsu.edu/mason Other Mason County partnerships include: ♦ United Way of Mason County ♦ School Districts—Shelton, Facebook es: Pioneer and Hood Canal pages: . . . ♦ Early Learning Coalition Mason County 4-H ♦ Community Services Offices ♦ Shelton Timberland Library Mason County Noxious Weeds ♦ Saints Pantry Food Bank ♦ Mason Conservation District Mason County Master Gardeners ♦ Behavioral Health Resources Community Intelligence Lab of Mason County ♦ Mason County Health Department ♦ Mason General Hospital ♦ The Salmon Center ♦ Washington Conservation Corps ♦ Hood Canal Coordinating Council • BY THE NUMBERS ���t® ��,e %'���''�'.'rA''�A��� ����� 2018/2019 �.,�. -� •`� +'I �. • 1,602 youth engaged in 4-H Youth t� Development activities i • 68 trained adult volunteers • 14 trained youth 4 - H Youth Development volunteers • 144 youth engaged in GETTING TO THE POINT educational camping programs As youth grow and mature, one of the most important life skills that they learn is • 146 families reached how to communicate their ideas and thoughts to other people effectively. through community Learning how to express your thoughts clearly to the people you interact with at your job, in school, or at home with your family will make you a more valued outreach programs employee, a better student, and a more understood family member. In 4-H, idea sharing in a structured way is called a public presentation. During March and April, fifty 4-H members showed off their public speaking sA�` skills at locations throughout our community. DUCK NE5TNGt. -' With a variety of interesting topics, judges were m BOXES �y � MILKINg '_i.. it w GOATS captivated and gained new understanding r ©� a wide variety of subjects. This year's Public - +r . LA :,R A N1 It Presentation topics included Hatching Chickens, w 6ik Overgrown Bunny Teeth, Note Taking, Fish Tank Eco System, How to Sew on Paper, dogs, horses, How 4-H Shaped Me, Butterfly Gardens and so �1 much more! 4-H members will polish up their public presentations and give them again at the Grays Harbor Fair in August. Many will qualify to present at the State 4-H Fair in Puyallup. empowersKathy Fuller 4-H Coordinator 4-H • to reach their full potential, workingExt. 681 • learning in partnership / with caring adults. ANN CLOVER KIDS PROGRAM OFF TO A GREAT START The mission of the 4-H Community Outreach program is to take the 4-H �Q "1 Youth Development model and make it accessible to all audiences in our community. In April, Mason County 4-H QUOTES -'-' launched the Clover Kids program, 1 giving kids a chance to try something • 4-H taught me that new, have fun, and make new friends! you don't always win This free monthly educational series is designed to give families a fun 4-H but as long as you try experience while providing educational and unique hands-on opportunities for you don't lose." kids ages 5 - 12. Each month we explore a new topic and help kids spark their Bob, 4-H Alumni inner passions, interests, and talents, helping them to discover their best self! We focus on a new subject area each month with topics ranging from art to • %didn't realize that baking, community service, science, veterinary, and so much more. In April we the values/was welcomed a local entomologist who shared a lesson in how the smallest of exposed to in 4-H creatures survive and thrive in the would have a forest with 15 youth. In May we were significant effect on treated to a lesson in watercolor by a I L my life. Now, they are talented local artist. Fifteen very significant." masterpieces were created as young Jerry, 4-H Alumni people explored their artistic side. We meet the first Wednesday of each -� month at 5:30pm at Memorial Hall. s SUMMER LEARNING COMING SOON The summer learning season is approaching fast! Working alongside several community partners Mason County 4-H is excited to provide exciting summer .®� programs which will allow Mason County youth ages 8 - 16 to explore the science in their everyday lives, grow leadership and citizenship skills, and make healthier decisions. Summer Day Camps are themed learning sessions where creativity and activity take place helping to bridge the summer learning gap. Overnight Camps offer a personal growth experience where community building, environmental awareness and skill building happen. These opportunities are open to all Mason County youth. "I PLEDGE my HEAD to clearer thinking, my HEART to greater Mason County loyalty, my HANDS to larger service and my HEALTH to better "TENSION living for • my community, • • my world." ��■ Stat n1 Washing Extension Mason County Spring 2019 BY THE NUMBERS Grains \�,J 2019 t le Protan ; Total Reached 1,087 • 66 program activities • 60 youth series ypla taught, 1 st through 11 th grades Total youth SNAP- Edreached: 1,033 Nutrition • 6 adult programs Supplemental ' Program taught MIGRATION DAY PARADE • Total adults reached: 54 Evergreen Elementary School invited WSU-SNAP-Ed Mason County to participate in its 'Migration Day Parade' and Environmental Awareness event hosted by the 2nd . grade class. The focus of the event was on environmental education as well as cultural diversity, which looked at these topics through the lenses of celebrating the migration of wildlife and cultures and their connection to civic engagement and social responsibility. For the event, our SNAP-Ed organization collaborated with the WSU-Mason County Master Gardeners and Noxious Weeds programs to display an educational booth on various types of pollinators, and distribute seeds that attract pollinating insects. Our SNAP-Ed team provided an activity for about . •''�, 80 second-graders, making "squishy bees" out of yellow balloons and salt. To ark connect how pollinators contribute to our food crops, SNAP-Ed provided Washington grown apple slices as a healthy snack. This 16 was the first 'Migration Day Parade' that Evergreen Elementary had put on, consisting of 400 students and parents. Due to its success, Evergreen plans to do this same HEAT participants take event annually, and has asked SNAP-Ed to pride in their skills participate with them again next year. Al/Abuzz About Pollinators Julie • Coordinator SNAP-Ed Nutrition Programs focus on providing Ext. 684 dietary quality, physical activity and food managementresource JL JM. Quotes "HEAT NUTRITION EDUCATION COOKING SERIES Shelton School District (SSD) and the WSU Extension • 17 was really worried/ Mason County SNAP-Ed program concluded the HEAT wnuldn S'be able to keep up -/don treally cook and haw (Healthy, Economical and Tasty) three-part nutrition no clue when it comes to education/cooking series with great success. Thirty-four putting together a healthy district parents and community members learned about meal where does one nutrient-dense foods important for good health, healthy start?!-tattheendofdass) eating strategies, shopping and money saving tips and y 'Wow! This was great!You meal planning. During the education sessions, the gals make this so easy. / attendees immediately practiced newly-acquired really/eamedalot! Eating information by using grocery ads to build meals, healthealthier and eking is hier nd thought. /think practiced nutrition label reading skills, and learned to convert grams of sugar easier/can actually cook myselfa to teaspoons. This hands-on approach was also used as the participants goodmeal now."-Bob prepared and cooked three different main dishes for the group to taste. Spicy Gardner,participant in HEAT Sausage and Lentil Stew was the first one-pot meal prepared. This dish was a class 1,2&3 first taste of lentils and kale for many of the cooks. They learned tips, like "Looks We made smoothies pre-soaking the lentils, and blooming (toasting) the spices to enhance flavor. for our class parrV They Skillet Lasagna was the featured dish during the second session. Many haw lots of fruit and some attendees had never made lasagna or boiled noodles before and were surprised wgetab/es(spinach and/ that this dish (which had spinach in the recipe) could be on the table in under forget the other's name)and 45 minutes. The final session highlighted Veggie Stir Fry with Tofu, served over they're super healthy, brown rice. Tips picked up by the cooks included adding spices and aromatics Theyrepen`ect/ydelicious!"- to an existing recipe to boost flavor without adding extra fat or sugar. The Maelani B., I st grade student participants also compared instant brown rice to regular brown rice, deciding • "Man! This is good the regular brown rice was more flavorful and also cheaper. All who tasted the stufp This isrea//ygood dish were impressed how good it tasted and wanted to add tofu to their regular stuffl../can make it with diet. Many asked for more! The takeaway for the participants -healthy eating is what fin getting here doable on a limited budget and healthy food can actually taste great! today.?../can cook this on my campfire?Can/haPe Kudos to Kristen Fendley, Parent/Family Engagement Coordinator for SSD, who another one[tasting saw the need to help district families improve their healthy eating practices and samp/eP%m cooking this cooking skills and reached out to partner with WSU Mason SNAP-Ed. Kristen tonight..It' so good! arranged for SSD to buy the food so participants could leave each session with (shaking his head and a bag of ingredients to recreate each featured dish at home. Hats off to gnnning]"odewrthink/d nutrition educators extraordinaire Pamela Bish and Gabrieal Volpe who brought eat lend&and spinach?"- their knowledge, skills and SNAP-Ed resources to the program, making it an Roger,frequent homeless unqualified success. visitor to the food bank. J atfMason County EducatorW&%1h00NSTAnUNMMM Ext. 694 .• ' s pllyonsgwsu.edu gabrieal.volpeg .y A dt •rL R I �' BY THE NUMBERS ��� - ,� r ~•` • 46 active Master Gardener Volunteers • 10 MG volunteers cif-•",'-f^�.A _ i 4. completed training in � -a .� . � W11 2018 9trainees Master Gardeners completed training May 2019 Cultivating Plants, Peopleand Communities MASTER GARDENER VOLUNTEER TRAINING • 5,731 volunteer hours provided to May saw the completion of Master Gardener Volunteer training with nine trainees Mason Co. in 2018: completing the course. They completed both a WSU online curriculum covering Average of 119.4 all aspects of home horticulture along with 11 classroom sessions. They will be hours per Master Interns until they complete the required 60 volunteer hours to become certified Gardener. Fifth Master Gardeners. They are an enthusiastic group and will be a wonderful highest average in the addition to the Master Gardener Program in Mason County. State of Washington (statewide average= I -� 90.8 hours) • Mentor 1 school j garden located at Belfair Elementary: - - 237 k-5 students • 24 community garden - beds available to Mason County community residents 1 Plant diagnostic training WSU Puyallup i Jeannine Polaski Master Gardenersprovide Coordinatorf. �f �PSN`X400N STATE UN��ERS/T CATALYST PARK The Catalyst Park Food Bank Demonstration and Community Garden is in full swing! The • food bank garden is both being planted and harvested. The Master Gardeners started harvesting radishes, lettuce and spinach for the Saint's Pantry Food Bank and are planting EXTF N SION more summer crops.The garden beds are looking great and we hope to see more visitors this year. The garden is open on Tuesdays from 9:00 until noon. 2019 plant Sale The community beds have been rented and the educational programs started in April. Each month the gardeners participate in a Saturday workshop learning about a timely topic that is relevant to their gardens. PLANT SALE Each spring the Master Gardeners and the Master Gardener Foundation of Mason County share their love of plants and the county by putting on a plant sale festival. This year we had a fantastic sale with very positive feedback ■w from the community, both in terms of sales amounts and comments. The Foundation, which ±� financially supports the program, provided the oversite and management of the event with work beginning in September of 2018. The Master Gardeners grew close to 5,000 plants for the sale. The plant types were selected for their compatibility with Mason County conditions. The sale features plants that the volunteers have been successful with over the years. County residents were able to peruse annuals, perennials, trees, shrubs, vegetable starts, native plants and more while being entertained by local musicians. The Master Gardeners were on hand to answer plant questions and help with purchases. An education booth was available for attendees +J to learn about the local soil conditions and how to improve them to create a successful garden & landscape. Educational materials on the various ' types of plants were also spread throughout the r sale areas. C Mason Counv aster Gardener Office Clinic WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSM Every 7flr� Monday • . : EXTENSION E-mail: • • BY THE NUMBERS Extension Mason County Spring 2019 2019 .. • 8 property owners assisted with noxious weed control • 280 contacts at 2 . •• �'' localevents • 2 articles for the Coulnty)oura� Noxious Weed Proqram • 5 Mason county rock Mason •unty Noxious Weed Control Board sources inspected for compliance with federal "Weed Free" After two weather-related cancellations, the Mason County Noxious Weed Control specifications Board (MCNWCB) met on April 10, 2019 and adopted the 2019 Mason County • 4 USDA Forest Service Noxious Weed list. https://s3.wp.wsu.edu/uploads/sites/2064/2019/04/2019- acres treated s aeci es-I i st-FI NAL.pdf • 47 properties inspected for With funding from the Washington State Department of Agriculture, the Mason presence/absence of County Noxious Weed Control program is focusing its efforts on the control of giant hogweed giant hogweed during the months of May and June. Postcards were sent in late April to over 60 property owners informing them of upcoming site visits by MCNWCB staff to survey for giant hogweed. If found on the property, grant funding supports an opportunity to provide control assistance. To date, staff have Y visited 47 properties and found giant hogweed on 14. With permission, control Postcards to survey for • + X17 efforts have been initiated on four properties giant hogweed and permission will be sought on the ' additional properties. Survey and control work -4,. t will need to be completed by June 30, 2019. Control along Finch Creek, Hoodsport Patricia Grover -iff -toxious weeds that are Ext. 5 92 Impacting our county including agriculture, •" • • forestry, .t • and nafive habitats. I, -AL, COMMUNITY EVENTS—NOXIOUS WEED EDUCATION ' Giant hogweed, and its relative poison hemlock, have been the theme of • educational efforts at two events this spring. Nearly 300 visitors to the Noxious Weed booth at the Matlock Old Timers' Fair and the Master Gardener fpl'. Plant Sale had an opportunity to learn about the differences in these highly toxic noxious weeds, ask questions of staff and learn about the noxious weed Weed Wrench program in Mason County. Scotch Broom Pullers ROCK SOURCE INSPECTIONS Available at the office to check out for Planned road construction projects on Federal land prompted several calls from one week at a time. FREE of charge. local rock source owners requesting inspection to comply with federal standards for weed free rock. To date, inspections have been completed at three private rock sources. Noxious weeds and other invasive plants were identified, locations mapped, and management recommendations provided to owners. Awareness of noxious weeds in rock sources in Mason County is increasing! BIOCONTROLS Integrated Pest Management is the foundation on which effective weed management is built. Biocontrols are available for many noxious weeds. During the month of May,Jennifer Andreas, Associate Faculty with WSU's Integrated Weed Control Project provided eight releases of ' Quotes Bruchidius v/llosus, a Scotchbroom seed eating f• `Thanks for all your weevil, to Mason County. The hard work on this insects were released at eight property, /know it is locations with site specific just one of many for information documented you but your help and utilizing the Washington State ` know/edge is truly Department of Agriculture's appreciated." iPhone and iForm database. P. Michak are available to help landowners and land �1•� mason • WmiNGTwSTATEUNTwr,,,m managers with information,services,and resources to deal •N with invasive,non-native . •- Extension Mason ' Spring I CarL!j L,rc ar►kLKg = 1 Goal.LELoK ` of Mason County Community Outreach Community Education Early Learning Fair EARLY LEARNING Olivia picks out stickers for a job well done The Mason County Early Learning Coalition held their annual Early Learning Celebration event on May 1 61h at the Colonial House. Mason County 4-H IR received the agency award for their dedication to early learning, their k leadership and commitment to improve the quality of life for young people and their compassion, support, and services to families in Mason County. McKenzie ` Dobson, the � Vice-President of- _ a . the 4-H Council, accepted the award on behalf of / wle — ` Funding for Early • i ie 4-H. She gave ai� Learning educational tremendous programs is provided by acceptance speech United Way of Mason that brought many County, Thrive attendees to tears! Washington, and Visions Way to go for Early Learning McKenzie and way to go 4-H! • • Mason • .i :0 Extension programs and employment are available to all without discrimination. WASHINGMN STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Evidence of - may be reported through your local Extensionoffice. BY THE NUMBERS Commun ity Outreach- 2018/2019 Food • • . Preservation Program Check pressure gauges on Monday's from 10-12, to ensure safe operations. This Food Safety & continues to be a good community resource to ensure proper education on food Food Preservation safety and preservation. • 8 Gauges checked. Continue to provide residents current up to date research based answers to their food safety and home canning questions to reduce risk of food borne illness. • 5 were not accurate and required • ' Workshops adjustment or replacement. Three septic system workshops are planned for June 26th at North Mason Timberland Library,July 24th at PUD 3, and August 22nd at the Hoodsport Timberland Library. Classes are free and will run from 5:30 pm -7:30 pm, walk-ins welcome. At the workshop participants will learn what type of septic system they have, how it works, and what maintenance it requires. The instructor will go over how to perform an inspection of a conventional gravity system, and the tools needed to do so. For more information go to http://extension.mason.wsu.edu 2019 Mason County Farm Fresh Guide The 2019 Mason County Farm Fresh Guides are out! They are available at the WSU Extension office, online, and at many local establishments. The guide features 27 local farms and a map with the location of each farm. Use the farm fresh guide to et to know and support our local farmer. You can 9 9 PP Y discover a farm stand, a u-pick berry farm, flower and herb farms, or fun ti festivals. Use the guide to source delicious produce and humanely raised meat. http:// The goal is to continue to grow the map adding additional farms each year. extension.mason.wsu.edu There is no cost to advertise, to add a farm contact Lisa DeWall at ext. 680. Office MdndyeF 303 N 4th St.,Shelton WA 98584 .i)427-9670 Ext.680 PUBLIC WORKS MONDAY,JUNE 10,2019— BRIEFING ITEMS FROM PUBLIC WORKS (For Commissioners Meeting June 18,2019) Items for this meeting are due to Diane Zoren on Wednesday,June 12, 2019 5.0 CORRESPONDENCE AND ORGANIZATIONAL BUSINESS • News Release: County Road Chip Seal and Restriping in the Months of July and August. 8.0 APPROVAL OF ACTION ITEM • Surplus list of vehicles, fixed assets and miscellaneous parts. 9.0 OTHER BUSINESS (None) 10.0 PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ITEMS SET FOR A CERTAIN TIME (None) DISCUSSION ITEMS: Attendees: Commissioners: Public Works: Other Dept. Staff.: Public: _Randy Neatherlin _Diane Sheesley _Kevin Shutty _Loretta Swanson Sharon Trask _Others:(List below) NEWS RELEASE June 18, 2019 MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 411 NORTH 5T" STREET SHELTON, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 EXT. 747 TO: KMAS, KRXY, SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL, THE OLYMPIAN, SHELTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, NORTH MASON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, CITY OF SHELTON, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, THE SUN RE: COUNTY ROAD CHIP SEAL AND RESTRIPING IN THE MONTHS OF JULY AND AUGUST Mason County Public Works would like to notify motorists that our annual restriping and resurfacing or "chip seal" of county roadways will be in progress during the months of July and August (weather permitting). This year's chip seal program will begin on Monday, June 25th and finish by the end of July, weather permitting. The 2019 chip seal program will cover approximately 52 miles of roads throughout Mason County. Most of our County roads are restriped every year to improve night-time visibility of pavement markings. First round of striping will begin on Monday, July 9th and a second round, in August, will finish the newly chip sealed roads. This year, Stripe Rite, Inc. out of Sumner, Washington has been contracted to complete the restriping work. Preparatory work is currently underway and will finish by the end of June, when chip seal begins. Brooming of the roadway continues throughout chip seal and striping operations. Motorists are advised to expect delays, use caution while driving through the work area and not to drive across painted lines. The County Sheriff's Department will be providing added traffic safety during chip seal and restriping. The County appreciates motorist taking extra care while this road work is in progress. For a complete list of county roads being chip sealed or restriped please visit the County Web site at www.co.mason.wa.us, under "Public Works", or call the Public Works Department at (360) 427-9670, Ext. 450. BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Kevin Shutty Sharon Trask Randy Neatherlin Chair Vice Chair Commissioner MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Diane Sheesley, P.E., County Engineer C ndi Ticknor, 0&M/ER&R Manager DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 BRIEFING DATE: June 10, 2019 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: (If this is a follow-up briefing, pleaseprovide only new information,) ITEM: Surplus of Personal Property EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: ER&R has vehicles, parts and fixed assets that have been replaced or are no longer needed. The attached notice lists of all of these items requested to be declared surplus and disposed of at an auction through Washington State Surplus. This process is pursuant to the County's comprehensive procedure for the management of County property (Ordinance 84-04, Mason County Code Chapter 3.40, Management and Disposition of Property) and the laws of the state of Washington. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Recommend the Board authorize ER&R to declare the attached list of equipment and vehicles as surplus and allow ER&R to dispose of pursuant to Mason County code and state laws. Attachment: Notice Vehicle/Equipment information NOTICE OF SALE The Board of Mason County Commissioners has declared the following vehicles,parts and fixed assets as surplus and will be disposed of at public auction. Vehicle List: Year Description Odometer 2011 Ford Crown Victoria 146,081 2004 Ford Crown Victoria 168,098 2007 Ford Crown Victoria 121,074 Fixed Assets: Year Description 2004 Water Pump Misc.Parts: Athey Parts Oiler and Broom Parts Chipspreader Parts CAT Parts Auctions will be held through Washington State Surplus Program(7511 New Market Street, Tumwater, WA 98512; Phone(360) 753-3508). Auction information regarding these items can be found on the Washington State Surplus web site: www.publicsgmlus.com. Dated this day of June,2019 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON Melissa Drewry,Clerk of the Board. cc: Cmmrs Engineer Journal(Shelton): Publ. It: 6/27/19&7/4/19 June 10, 2019 Surplus List Vehicles VEH# YEAR DESCRIPTION DEPT ODOMETER REASON FOR SURPLUS 00025 2011 Ford Crown Victoria Sheriff 146,081 High miles 00057 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Sheriff/Patrol 168,098 High miles 00076 2007 Ford Crown Victoria Sheriff 121,074 High miles Fixed Assets TAG# YEAR DESCRIPTION DEPT REASON FOR SURPLUS 20109 2004 Water Pump PW/Roads No longer works Parts DESCRIPTION DEPT REASON FOR SURPLUS Athey Parts ER&R No longer have equipment—too old to return to vendor Oiler & Broom Parts ER&R No longer have equipment—too old to return to vendor Chipspreader Parts ER&R No longer have equipment—too old to return to vendor CAT Parts ER&R Obsolete parts that cannot be returned to vendor I I w MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Chief Deputy Jason Dracobly DEPARTMENT: Mason County Sheriff's Office EXT: 313 BRIEFING DATE: TBA PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: (If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information) ITEM: Overtime Contract with Mason County Fre District #6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Discussion on new OT contract. BUDGET IMPACTS: By years end it will have a zero impact on the budget. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Request a supplemental increase with specific amounts to be determined later in the year. ATTACHMENTS: Copy of the contracts. Briefing Summary 6/6/2019 i i MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE EXTRA DUTY SERVICE CONTRACT O. • i i Contract Code# MCFD#6 THIS IS A CONTRACT between the MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE, hereinafter referred to as SHERIFF, located at 322 N 3b St Shelton WA 98584, and Mason County Fire District 6, hereinafter referred to as Entity with a billing address: MCFD#6 Po Box 39 Union WA, 98592 Jointly, the SHERIFF and the ENTITY are referred to herein as the 'PARTIES". This is an Extra-duty service contract in which the SHERIFF agrees to provide Deputy Sheriffs to the ENTITY as stipulated in the following provisions: THE PARTIES agree as follows: 1. PERFORMANCE a. The SHERIFF shall provide the ENTITY extra duty Sheriff Deputy services to include: Security for MCFD#6 commissioner meetings. rb. Specific location of service: Station 61, 50 E Seattle St. Union WA 98592 C. Services by more uniformed Sheriff Deputies will be assigned, approved and coordinated through the MASON County Sheriffs Office. d. Assignment of Sheriff Deputies shall be based on the ENTITY's needs and the availability of Sheriff Deputies. e. The Parties shall agree upon the length of assignment for Sheriff Deputies at the time of service. f. Subsequently, if the conditions dictate a need for Sheriff Deputy services over a longer period than is Initially specified and agreed upon, any additional hours and dates are nonetheless covered by this contract as renegotiated and agreed upon by the parties. i Extra Duty Service Contract t I 5 g. The ENTITY shall provide the SHERIFF a site familiarization tour for safety of the deputies, familiarity with facility layouts, site terrain and workforce orientation. 2. CONTRACT TERM The provisions of this contract shall be in effect commencing on June 6th, 2019 and ending on Dec 31, 2019. Either party may cancel this contract at any time with thirty days notice to the other party in writing. 3. COMPENSATION The ENTITY shall pay the SHERIFF as full compensation for everything furnished and done under this contract. The overtime rate billed is based on actuals and can be up to $85.00 per hour. The ENTITY agrees to pay for any and all costs incurred by the county under this contract, including but not limited to any costs that may be incurred by the county if the ENTITY cancels the overtime detail. The ENTITY agrees to pay any Sheriff's Deputy services that are requested on the defined HOLIDAYS as agreed upon Sheriff's Deputy Guild contract and Mason County. The rate of pay for HOLIDAYS is 2.5 times their hourly rate. 4. PAYMENT The ENTITY shall pay for the services under this contract in accordance with Paragraph B of the General Terms and Conditions. 5. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIIONS The parties have read and agree to the GenUntatiVe d nditions set forth on "Exhibit"A. BY: BY: ' Chie Volk Signature She Repig ture _Clint Volk JASON DRACOBLY Printed name Printed name Date Signed: - _ l_G/ Date Signed: !rJ✓ Approved as to Form by the Prosecuting Attorney's Office Extra Duty Service Contract 2 i i i I I i BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON Kevin Shutty, Chair Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner Sharon Trask, Commissioner i f i Extra Duty Service Contract 3 s i i s EXHIBIT "A" GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS i A. FEES: The Sheriff has established fees for services as follows: Sheriff Deputy/Sergeant: Overtime hourly rate is based on a range from bottom step Deputy to top step Sergeant. That range is from $50.00 to $85.00 for 2019. Holiday rate of pay is 2.5 times their individual hourly rate of pay All overtime is bid out according to seniority. B. PAYMENT: The Sheriff's Office shall produce a billing to the Entity within sixty- days of the event. All checks shall be made payable to the MASON County Sheriff's Office and mailed to: MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Attn: Finance Department 322 N 3rd St Shelton WA 98584 C. DUTY STATUS: Each Deputy Sheriff engaged in extra duty employment of a law enforcement nature is considered to be an on-duty status. Sheriff Deputies are subject to call by the Sheriff of MASON County or his designee at any time for emergencies, special assignment, or overtime duty. Extra duty employment does not infringe on this obligation. Should this occur the organization would be billed only for the hours for which the Deputy was present. D. ADHERENCE TO SHERIFF POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: Sheriff Deputies engaged in extra duty employment are obligated to discharge all duties of their office and to adhere to MASON County Sheriff's Office policies and procedures at all times. E. PRIMARY DUTY TO THE SHERIFF: Sheriff Deputies on extra duty assignment have a primary obligation to the SHERIFF, not the ENTITY. They are expected to discharge all Extra Duty Service Contract 4 1 duties of their position, to enforce all laws and ordinances, and to adhere to all Sheriffs Office policies, procedures, rules and regulations, as well as meeting the ENTITY's needs. F. NON-DISCRIMINATION: During the performance of this Contract, the ENTITY shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, ! creed, marital status veteran status, sexual orientation, age or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability. i G. LIABILITY: Each PARTY shall be responsible and liable for the consequences of any act or failure to act on the part of itself, Its employees and its agents. Each party shall be responsible for its own negligence. H. EVENT SCHEDULING: All events will be scheduled with Chief Deputy Jason Dracobly, 360- 427-9670 x 313, or his designee. i. DISPUTE RESOLUTION: In the event of a dispute among the parties, both parties shall go before the ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution Center and their decision shall be final. Any legal dispute will be subject to Washington Law. J. COMPLAINTS: Service complaints, questions or issues shall be directed to the On- Duty Shift Supervisor. The supervisor may be contacted via MACECOM (360)426-4441. i Extra Duly Service Contract 5 I I I i MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Chief Deputy Jason Dracobly DEPARTMENT: Mason County Sheriff's Office EXT: 313 BRIEFING DATE: TBA PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: (If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information) i ITEM: Overtime Contract with Mason County Fre District #6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Discussion on new OT contract. BUDGET IMPACTS: By years end it will have a zero impact on the budget. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Request a supplemental increase with specific amounts to be determined later in the year. ATTACHMENTS: Copy of the contracts. Briefmg Summary 6/6/2019 SHERIFF'SMASON COUNTY EXTRASERVICE - . O 2019 - Contract Code# MCFD#6 THIS IS A CONTRACT between the MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE, hereinafter referred to as SHERIFF, located at 322 N 3rd St Shelton WA 98584, and Mason County Fire District 6, hereinafter referred to as Entity with a billing address: MCFD#6 Po Box 39 Union WA, 98592 Jointly, the SHERIFF and the ENTITY are referred to herein as the 'PARTIES". This is an Extra-duty service contract in which the SHERIFF agrees to provide Deputy Sheriffs to the ENTITY as stipulated in the following provisions: THE PARTIES agree as follows: 1. PERFORMANCE a. The SHERIFF shall provide the ENTITY extra duty Sheriff Deputy services to include: Security for MCFD#6 commissioner meetings. b. Specific location of service: Station 69, 50 E Seattle St. Union WA 98592 C. Services by more uniformed Sheriff Deputies will be assigned, approved and coordinated through the MASON County Sheriff's Office. d. Assignment of Sheriff Deputies shall be based on the ENTITY's needs and the availability of Sheriff Deputies. e. The Parties shall agree upon the length of assignment for Sheriff Deputies at the time of service. f. Subsequently, if the conditions dictate a need for Sheriff Deputy services over a longer period than is initially specified and agreed upon, any additional hours and dates are nonetheless covered by this contract as renegotiated and agreed upon by the parties. i I Extra Duty Service Contract t I i I 1 g. The ENTITY shall provide the SHERIFF a site familiarization tour for safety of the deputies, familiarity with facility layouts, site terrain and workforce orientation. 2. CONTRACT TERM i The provisions of this contract shall be in effect commencing on June 6th, 2019 and ending on Dec 31, 2019. Either party may cancel this contract at any time with thirty days notice to the other party in writing. 3. COMPENSATION The ENTITY shall pay the SHERIFF as full compensation for everything furnished and done under this contract. The overtime rate billed is based on actuals and can be up to $85.00 per hour. The ENTITY agrees to pay for any and all costs Incurred by the county under this contract, including i but not limited to any costs that may be incurred by the county if the { ENTITY cancels the overtime detail. The ENTITY agrees to pay any Sheriff's Deputy services that are requested on the defined HOLIDAYS as agreed upon Sheriffs Deputy Guild contract and Mason County. The rate of pay for HOLIDAYS is 2.5 times their hourly rate. 4. PAYMENT The ENTITY shall pay for the services under this contract in accordance with Paragraph B of the General Terms and Conditions. 5. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIIONS j The parties have read and agree to the GenWntatiseSig� d nditions set j forth on "Exhibit"A. BY: BY: Chie Volk Signature She Repure _Clint Volk JASON DRACOBLY ' Printed name Printed name Date Signed: - _ CG�,� Date Signed: Approved as to Form by the Prosecuting Attorney's Office Extra Duty Service Contract 2 a { i BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON i Kevin Shutty, Chair Randy Neafherlin, Commissioner Sharon Trask, Commissioner I i s Extra Duty Service Contract 3 i EXHIBIT "A" GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS i i A. FEES: The Sheriff has established fees for services as follows: Sheriff Deputy/Sergeant: Overtime hourly rate is based on a range from bottom step Deputy to top step Sergeant. That range is from $50.00 to $85.00 for 2019. i Holiday rate of pay is 2.5 times their individual hourly rate of pay All overtime is bid out according to seniority. B. PAYMENT: The Sheriff's Office shall produce a billing to the Entity within sixty- days of the event. All checks shall be made payable to the MASON County Sheriff's Office and mailed to: MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Attn: Finance Department 322 N 3rd St Shelton WA 98584 C. DUTY STATUS: Each Deputy Sheriff engaged in extra duty employment of a law enforcement nature is considered to be an on-duty status. Sheriff Deputies are subject to call by the Sheriff of MASON County or his designee at any time for emergencies, special assignment, or overtime duty. Extra duty employment does not Infringe on this obligation. Should this occur the organization would be billed only for the hours for which the Deputy was present. D. ADHERENCE TO SHERIFF POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: Sheriff Deputies engaged in extra duty employment are obligated to discharge all duties of their office and to adhere to MASON County Sheriff's Office policies and procedures at all times. E. PRIMARY DUTY TO THE SHERIFF: Sheriff Deputies on extra duty assignment have a primary obligation to the SHERIFF, not the ENTITY. They are expected to discharge all I i Extra Duty Service Contract 4 duties of their position, to enforce all laws and ordinances, and to adhere to all Sheriffs Office policies, procedures, rules and regulations, as well as meeting the ENTITY's needs. F. NON-DISCRIMINATION: During the performance of this Contract, the ENTITY shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, creed, marital status veteran status, sexual orientation, age or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability. i G. LIABILITY: Each PARTY shall be responsible and liable for the consequences of any act or failure to act on the part of itself, its employees and its agents. Each party shall be responsible for Its own negligence. H. EVENT SCHEDULING: All events will be scheduled with Chief Deputy Jason Dracobly, 360- 427-9670 x 313, or his designee. 1. DISPUTE RESOLUTION: In the event of a dispute among the parties, both parties shall go before the ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution Center and their decision shall be final. Any legal dispute will be subject to Washington Law. J. COMPLAINTS: Service complaints, questions or issues shall be directed to the On- Duty Shift Supervisor. The supervisor may be contacted via MACECOM (360)426-4441. i I Extra Duty Service Contract $