HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018/10/16 - Regular 16.1
Commission Chambers — 9:00 a.m.
411 North Fifth Street, Shelton WA 98584
October 16, 2018
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Correspondence and Organizational Business
4.1 Correspondence
5. Open Forum for Citizen Input (5 minutes per person, 15 minutes time limit)
If you wish to address the Commission, raise your hand to be recognized by the Chair. When you
have been recognized, please step up to the microphone and give your name and address before
your comments.The Mason County Commission is committed to maintaining a meeting atmosphere
of mutual respect and speakers are encouraged to honor this principle.
6. Adoption of Agenda
Items appearing on the agenda after"Item 10. Public Hearings", may be acted upon before 9:30
7. Approval of Minutes —August 20, 2018 briefing meeting minutes
8. Approval of Action Agenda: All items listed under the"Action Agenda"may be enacted
by one motion unless a Commissioner or citizen requests an item be removed from the
Action Agenda and considered as a separate item.
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#3201 9 65 01900, 129 N. 3rd Street for$200,000, both in Shelton. This
purchase will be from the Real Estate Excise Tax 1 Fund(REET 1).
8.2 Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Mason
County Housing Authority and Mason County Community Services (MCCS)
providing clerical support to the Housing Authority. The Housing Authority will
reimburse Community Services $308 per month for this service.
8.3 Approval of the Interlocal Agreement Amendment KC-465-16-A extending the
Household Hazardous Waste Agreement with Kitsap County through June 30,
8.4 Approval of the amendment to Community Lifeline Professional Services
Contract #CL-2018.2 to increase award for an additional $16,558 from 2163
funding for adult emergency shelter operations.
8.5 Approval to sign a Mason County Park host contract with Lara Nelson for
Foothills Park for the period of October 17, 2018 through December 31, 2019
with the provision for extending additional years upon agreement from both
Agendas are subject to change,please contact the Commissioners'office for most recent version. This agenda was last
printed on 10/15/18 3:54 PM.
If special accommodations are needed,contact the Commissioners'office at ext.419,Shelton#360-427-9670;Belfair
OCTOBER 16, 2018—PAGE 2
8.6 Approval of Warrants &Treasure Electronic Remittances
Direct Deposit Fund Warrant #s 53500-53878 $ 680,683.49
Salary Clearing Fund Warrant #s 7003946-7003983$ 956,568.46
9. Other Business (Department Heads and Elected Officials)
10. 9:30 a.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time
10.1 Public hearing continued from September 25 to consider proposed
amendments to the Motorboat Regulations, Mason County Code Chapter
9.04. Proposed amendments include, but may not be limited to, changing
language regarding buoy placement from shoreline to mark the minimum
water skiing distance on fresh water. Staff: Diane Zoren
11. Board's Reports and Calendar
12. Adjournment
J:\AGENDAS\2018\2018-10-16 REG.doc