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2018/08/07 - Regular Packet
8.1 BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DRAFT MEETING AGENDA Commission Chambers— 9:00 a.m. 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton WA 98584 August 7, 2018 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Correspondence and Organizational Business 4.1 Correspondence 4.2 News Release— Mason County Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Generator Position. Staff: Commissioner Drexler 4.3 News Release— Planning Advisory Commission Vacancy. Staff: Kell Rowen 5. Open Forum for Citizen Input (5 minutes per person, 15 minutes time limit) If you wish to address the Commission, raise your hand to be recognized by the Chair. When you have been recognized, please step up to the microphone and give your name and address before your comments.The Mason County Commission is committed to maintaining a meeting atmosphere of mutual respect and speakers are encouraged to honor this principle. 6. Adoption of Agenda Items appearing on the agenda after"Item 10. Public Hearings", may be acted upon before 9:30 a.m. 7. Approval of Minutes —July 23, 2018 Briefing Minutes; July 24, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes 8. Approval of Action Agenda: All items listed under the"Action Agenda"may be enacted by one motion unless a Commissioner or citizen requests an item be removed from the Action Agenda and considered as a separate item. 8.1 Approval to set a public hearing on Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. to consider amending the boating regulations pertaining to Lake Kokanee. 8.2 Approval of the Order of Sale requesting the Mason County Treasurer to schedule an on-line auction with Bid4Assets to sell certain tax title properties. &3 -- - -- - . . -- -- . - - . - --- - == - - - . --.. -- -- - - -. - : , •0 and delete the cost to reinstate a driver license as an eligible expense. 8.4 Approval to authorize Public Works to work with United Way and Mason County Garbage to provide free disposal of solid waste from the Day of Caring and utilize a cleanup day under the Republic Long Haul Contract to not have to pay for disposal of the material to Republic. Agendas are subject to change,please contact the Commissioners'office for most recent version. This agenda was last printed on 08/06/18 4:46 PM. If special accommodations are needed,contact the Commissioners'office at ext.419,Shelton#360-427-9670;Belfair #275-4467,Elma#482-5269. MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' MEETING AGENDA August 7, 2018— PAGE 2 8.5 Approval of Warrants &Treasure Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant #s 8057911-8058190 $ 1,070,529.61 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant #s 51608-51950 $ 700,102.22 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant #s 7003779-7003805 $ 487,487.40 Treasure Electronic Remittance for July 2018 $ 189,844.49 Refund Interest Earned for July 2018 $ 19.14 8.6 Approval of the prisoner housing contract between the Mason County Sheriff's Office and the Washington State Department of Corrections. 9. Other Business (Department Heads and Elected Officials) 10. 9:30 a.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time- No hearings 11. Board's Reports and Calendar 12. Adjournment J:\AGENDAS\2018\2018-08-07 REG.doc Ocrv-, MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Reviewed: FROM: Jennifer Giraldes Ext. 380 DEPARTMENT: Support Services Action Agenda DATE: August 7, 2018 No. 4.1 ITEM: Correspondence 4.1.1 Timberlake Community Club sent in a petition for special use regulations on Big Timberlake. 4.1.2 Economic Development Council sent in second quarter report for 2018. 4.1.3 Robert Legge, Kevin and Kelley Bright sent in letters of concern over proposed Scott Pit. 4.1.4 Jerome Nunamaker sent in concerns about Mason County. 4.1.5 Marilyn Vogler brought in an application for the Housing and Behavioral Health Advisory Board. 4.1.6 Jacquie Snyder sent in a letter regarding Benson Lake speed limit. 4.1.7 Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) sent a notice that parcel numbers 32029-51-01015, 32029-5101014, 32029-51-01013 and 32029-51-01012 have been declared surplus and there is a sixty day notice of the disposition for the properties. 4.1.8 Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board sent a liquor license application for Long Live the Kings held at Alderbrook Resort and Spa 10 East Alderbrook Drive, Union. 4.1.9 Jean Bray and David Haugen sent in a letters regarding the Natural Resources Conservation Area planned by Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Attachments: Originals on file with the Clerk of the Board. Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Drexler Clerk Gan(f, ITascn OBCCJN� PETITION FOR SPECIAL USE REGULATIONS ON BIG TIMBERLAKE Timberlake Community is petitioning for Special Use Regulations for Big Timberlake because of its smaller size and unique shape which requires adapting speeds and distances to maximize use while maintaining safety and reducing wake damage. With this petition,the Timberlake Community informs the Mason County Commissioners that we have an active Lake Safety Committee that enforces lake safety and use rules while observing and patrolling lake activities. Timberlake's Lake Safety and Use Rules were recently updated and recorded with the county and are included with this petition. These updated rules were established to promote safety as the highest priority while maximizing lake use and reducing shoreline and property wake damage. The Timberlake Community has a long history of engaged lake rules enforcement and accident free lake use at its present buoy placement and spacing. The Timberlake Community is committed to maintaining its excellent safety record. Timberlake Community wishes to take exception with the buoy placement as proposed by Mason County. In order to continue enjoying motorized water sports and activities on Big Timberlake, it is necessary for the Timberlake Community to petition the Mason County Board of County Commissioners to adopt Special Use Regulations as outlined in Mason County Code (MCC)9.04.230—Restricted areas— Special Use Regulations. Timberlake and Mason County residents ask the Mason County Board of County Commissioners to adopt Special Use Regulations for Big Timberlake as follows: Amend MCC 9.04.130 as follows: 9.04.130-Speed regulations. (a)Speed limits. No vessel shall exceed the following speeds: (1)Within one hundred feet of a swimmer or permanent structure, six miles per hour; (2) Within one hundred fifty feet from shore on every body of water, any speed capable of creating a harmful wake, but in no event, a speed in excess of six miles per hour. (3)Within one hundred fifty feet of any vessel not propelled by a motor, six miles per hour; (4) In fresh water lakes, one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise, eight miles per hour; (5) During daylight hours in unrestricted areas, fifty miles per hour, unless otherwise posted; (6) Within three hundred feet on any public boat launch, six miles per hour. (6) Special Use regulation: Speed limits on Big Timberlake shall not exceed five miles per hour within 75 feet of a swimmer, permanent structure shoreline, or in the lake waters around both islands. The speed limits outside of these areas shall follow the Lake Safety and Use Rules—25 miles per hour when towing tubes or wakeboards and 35 miles per hour when skiing or boating. Before 10:00 am or after 8:00 pm or dusk whichever comes first, the speed limit shall not exceed five miles per hour on all lake waters. Amend 9.04.135—Water Skiing as follows: 9.04.135 -Water skiing. No vessel shall be operated with a water skier or other occupied contrivance in tow unless: (a)The vessel is occupied by two persons, one legal operator according to Section 9.04.035 and one observer at least twelve years of age. (b) Pattern. All vessels shall go in a counter-clockwise pattern in accordance with Section 9.04.125. (c) Both vessel and person in tow are over three hundred feet from shoreline of saltwater or one hundred fifty feet from the shoreline of freshwater and any pier or restricted area thereof, provided; that the person being towed may start at the shore or a pier and must proceed directly to a point at least three hundred feet from the shoreline of saltwater or one hundred fifty feet from the shoreline of freshwater before paralleling the shoreline; provided further,that persons in tow may return to shore or a pier at an angle of no less than forty-five degrees to the shoreline with the shoreline on the right of the person being towed, maintaining the counter-clockwise direction.The towing vessel must maintain its distance from shoreline and reduce speed on returning towards shore to avoid any shoreline wake damage to docks and frontage. (d) Special use regulation: Both vessel and person in tow shall be a minimum of 75 feet from the shoreline on Big Timberlake. Amend 9.04.235—Shoreline marker buoys as follows: 9.04.235 -Shoreline marker buoys. (a) Lake waterfront property owners may place one appropriate floating buoy one hundred fifty [feet) from their respective shoreline to mark the minimum water skiing distance on fresh water. Such buoys shall be anchored individually and shall not be connected to any other neighboring buoy by any means. An appropriate buoy shall be round in shape,with a diameter of at least twelve inches, and shall be red in color.Any person choosing to place out such a buoy shall assume all responsibility for the buoy. (b) Special use regulation: Timberlake Community may place appropriate floating buoys to demarcate waterskiing lanes and other motorized watersports at a distance no less than 75 feet from the shoreline on Big Timberlake. RECEIVED JUL 18 2018 Mason County Commissioners After Recording Return To: 2091030 MASON CO WA ESOL Timberlake Community Club, Inc. -:MBERLPKE COMMUN:-Y C-UB #113078 Recl `$78 0_ Pages 5 2880 East Timberlake West Drive IIIII�'IIII I!IIIII�IfIII�I)I�'� IIII1�II�I�''I� I'��I�I�I° IIII�I Shelton WA 98584 DOCUMENT TITLE: Timberlake Community Club Resolution 2016-01 Resolution regarding Claims of Disability Accommodations REFERENCE NUMBERS OR RELATED N/A DOCUMENTS GRANTOR Timberlake Community Club, Inc. GRANTEE _ Public—residents of the Timberlake Community LEGAL DESCRIPTION _ Timberlake Divisions 1 - 13 ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX, (PARCEL NO.) Division 1—20018-50-00001 thru 22018-SO-09162 Division 2 —20017-50-00001 thru 22017-50-00908 Division 3—22018-51-00001.thru 22018-51-00902 Division 4—22018-52-00001 thru 2201.8-52-00061 Division 5—22018-53-00001 thru 22018-53-00903 Division 6—22018-54-00001 thru 22018-54-00088 Division 7—22017-50-00001 thru 22017-50-00104 Division 8—22007-51-00001 thru 22007-51-90933 Division 9—2203.7-51-00001 thru 22017-51-00169 Division 10— 22017-52-00001 thru 22017-52-00088 Division 11—22017-53-00001.thru 22017-53-00900 Division 12—22018-55-00001 thru 22018-55-00018 Division 13—22008-50-00001 thru 22008-50-00900 Timberlake Community Club Resolution 2018-02 LAKE SAFETY RULES TO INCLUDE BOAT OWNERS AND OPERATORS This Revision supersedes Rev. 1/96 and prior Lake Safety and Use Rules Timberlake members and their guests are required to follow all Federal,Washington State,Mason County and/or Timberlake Community Club (TLCC) Lake Rules/Regulations/Restrictions and Laws. The following TLCC Lake Safety and Use Rules are meant to keep all lake activities as safe as possible while considering how to reduce potential boat wake damage to shorelines, bulkheads, docks, and member's personal property. TLCC members are responsible to inform their guests and ensure that they abide by the TLCC Lake Safety and Use Rules. Timberlake Co mnunIN Club Lake Safety and Use Rules 1. LAKE SAFETY AND USE RULES COMMITTEE a. Members of the Lake Safety and Use Rules Committee will be observing and patrolling lake activities to help provide a safer lake environment by enforcing TLCC rules and reporting violations to the TLCC Board. b. Lake Safety and Use Rules Committee members will be wearing name tags and will display blue flags while patrolling. c. Please listen to and cooperate with their directions,remember they are volunteering to help keep our lake use and activities as safe as possible 2. SWIMMING ON THE BIG LAKE: a. Swimming is allowed ONLY in designated community swim areas,no wake areas around islands, and on the shoreline side of buoys between 10:00 am and 8:00 pm or dusk whichever comes first. Before 10:00 am and after 8:00 pm or dusk, swimming is allowed in all areas. 3. FISHING ON THE BIG LAKE: a. Fishing is allowed in no wake areas around islands and on the shoreline side of buoys between 10:00 am and 8:00 pm or dusk whichever comes first. Fishing is allowed in all areas(except for the boat launch area)outside of these hours or anytime when there are no fast moving power boats using the lakeside of the buoys. 4. L1M.E LAKE a. NO MOTORS OF ANY KIND ON ANY WATERCRAFT ARE ALLOWED, except for pre- approved purposes by the TI.CC Board. b. Boating, fishing, floating, swimming, or any other water activities may take place anywhere on the Little Lake. c. Do not touch aerating pipes and/or fountains. S. ALL NON-MOTORIZED AND/OR HUMAN POWERED BOATS, BOARDS, KAYAKS, CANOES,FLOATS,ETC.,ON THE BIG LAKE a. Must stay in no wake areas around islands or on the shoreline side of buoys between 10:00 am and 8:00 pm or dusk whichever comes first. b. Secure all floats and water toys no further than 40 feet from the shoreline while in use. To increase safety and courtesy, secure floats and water toys next to the shoreline or on shore when they are not being used so they do not block waterways or the shoreline side of the buoy line. 6. MOTOR BOATING ON THE BIG LAKE a. ONLY TLCC MEMBER'S REGISTERED BOATS ARE ALLOWED. Guest's boats are NUT allowed. b. All boats shall be operated in a counter-clockwise direction around the lake. c. Member's boats requiring Washington State Registration (16 feet or longer and/or with greater than 10 horsepower motors)must be registered with the Timberlake Community Club prior to use. To Register a boat with TLCC,provide the following: 1)Completed TI,CC boat registration form, 2)Washington State Boater Education Card or another State Boater Education Card meeting WA. requirements. 3)Current State original boat registration. d. Registered boats must display a TLCC decal and the member's Division and Lot number. 1)Decals shall be placed on the right side of the boat windshield or on the right side where easily visible. 2)Numbers shall be 3 inches high in a contrasting color to the boat's hull and placed on the back right side. c. Members are allowed only one motor boat on the lake at a time. f. Maximum motor boat length is 19 feet including Pontoon boats—No houseboats or enclosed cabin cruisers. g. The use of any method that increases a boat's wake is STRICKLY PROHIBITED such as intentionally overloading a boat,the use of ballast tanks/bladders or wake/surf plates or gates. h. All boats are responsible for their own wake. i. No personal watercraft are allowed—jet skis,remote controlled towing devices, etc. j, Buoys are set at TLCC Board approved distances-some exceptions may be made to help increase safety and/or to reduce potential boat wake damage to shorelines,bulkheads,docks,and member's personal property. NO TI.CC MEMBERS OR THEIR GUESTS MAY MOVE BUOYS without prior approval from the TLCC Board. Do not use buoys as floatation or mooring devices. k. Operating a boat under the influence of Thugs or Alcohol is STRICKLY PROHIBIT 11 . Report suspected violators immediately to local authorities. 1. Boat speeds and times on the Big Lake shall be as follows: a. Lakeside of the buoys i.Boating/Skiing 10:00 am until 8:00 pm/Dusk 35 mph Maximum ii.Tubing/Wakeboarding 10:00 am until 8:00 pm/Dusk 25 mph Maximum b. Shoreline side of the buoys and all no wake areas around the islands i.All boats All Times 5 mph Maximum (NO WAKE) c. All other times for entire lake 8:00 pm/Dusk until 10:00 am 5 mph Maximum(NO WAKE) 7. BOAT RULES WHILE TOWING a. Members and/or their guests shall have a capable/responsible boat operator and a capablelresponsible obserrer/flagger/spotter while towing people. b. All people being towed are required to wear USCG approved life jackets or flotation aids(skier's vest). c. It is the responsibility of the boat operator to make sure people being towed are always kept on the lakeside of the buoy line. d. Skiers wishing to"drop a ski"must do so at the buoy line and not in the ski lane. e. A red or orange 12"X 12"safety flag shall be held up to denote people in the water and should be used until the people being towed are either out of the water or back to being towed. Under no circumstances shall a towing boat continue down the lake and leave a person in the water. f. The emergency turn area is toward the middle of the lake. g. When entering the boat traffic pattern from the shoreline side of the buoys, make sure the boat's motor has crossed the buoy line toward the lake before accelerating. This will help increase safety and reduce the impact of the boat's wake. 8. BOAT LAUNCHING,PARKING,AND TIE UP a. Power boats can only be launched at the TLCC designated launching ramp and not from a member's property. b. Boat trailers can only be parked at the designated TLCC boat launch parking lot or on the member's property. c. Boats can be tied up at the launching dock temporarily while putting the boat in or taking it out of the lake. d. Boats may also be tied up at the Island Park dock at the north end by the foot bridge, 48-hour maximum. 9. SAFETY AND COURTEOUS LAKE USE BEHAVIORS a. Boaters--Keep your boat away from the buoy line when possible, this will help reduce potential boat wake damage to shorelines, bulkheads, docks, and member's personal property. This will also provide a greater safety buffer between boats moving fast and slow moving boats and people swimming and/or floating. Also, move away from people on stand-up boards, kayaks, canoes, slow moving boats,people fishing,and all animals. b. Swimmers, Floaters, Slow Moving Boats, Kayaks, Canoes, Stand-up Boarders, etc.; stay on the shoreline side of the buoys and closer to the shoreline. This will help provide a greater safety buffer from boats traveling at higher speeds. c. All boats shall use legal navigation lights after sunset. d. Every member is ultimately responsible for their own behavior and safety and the behavior and safety of their guests. e. These behaviors will enhance lake safety and promote courtesy so we can all use and maximize our lake environment. f. Please'Think of Safety and Courtesy First, there are no rules that can replace Common Sense, Good Judgement, and Courtesy to others. This policy which was duly enacted by the Timberlake Community Club Board of Directors,pursuant to the K Laws and her Lawful authorities,on the_ day of.. _ , 2018 Board President: Toni Hanson Board Secretary: Linda Bruder Ratified by TLCC Membership__.___________ ,2018 Amended by Board of Directors , 2018 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF MASON ) On thisday of 2018, personally appeared before me —rQVVk .,S , personally known to me, provided to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the President of"Timberlake Community Club,the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of the said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and oath stated that he is authorized to execute said document. WITNESS my hand and official seal affixed the day and year above written. t7-4 PRINT NAME: ,Sh e, 1 a em. .1 u,,... �nwrMr.r.+o NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR TU STATE Notary Public OF WASHINGTON,residing in State of Washington My commission expires 4 tT g? SHEILA M HEDLUND MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUGUST 20,2019 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF MASON ) On this _ day of S2018, personally appeared before me personally known to me, provided to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the Secretary of Timberlake Community Club,the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of the said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and oath stated that he is authorized to execute said document. WITNESS my hand and official seal affixed the day and year above written. 114. PRINT NAv cj NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR HE ST TE OF WASHINGTON,residing i My commission expires 0 ,y -- Z.)- Notary Public State of Washington SHEILA M HEDLUND MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUGUST 20,2019 Resolution No. 2018-01 - Page 4 I attest that I am a permanent resident of Mason County and I am authorized to petition the Mason County Board of County Commissioners to adopt the above stated Special Use Regulations for Big Timberlake. (Print Name) (Sign e) (Mason County Address) �. 'CAmft E646W Fl-riwrx u. =t_ 61n; e►- 6HFgw 96%x,' 3. d k q Safi/" t,J �� g ` 5. Z.31 � uj 6. r wCtaw d. fy/LLrc� Df Ooh PZ. S 44-t-7'aj QUA c7eToy O 7. -n-e 10. Ca nK- — U —h)W tzn� 11. DA NI&L If , t o o t t T k T&XLA c�� 1z. L/_ ,� nown Z16 DA-toa Ske}J� ' A '795-Pe 13. o f LS i 9! FSI t As GPe,1 k1--s,7-,O^ ` �gr� 14. 15. 16. V.- /-5� qf(MF 17. �, 18. 1 r 71 o O 19. L L o c� r cv G ( 5`1"1 X- A✓,,� ,`F VIZ,' 21. l l us4eK (&Se are W, �S 81e 22. / / d 1 /^u r 24. Ard 25. jL 1 1 30 L , 6� �� 27. A ,�Vy► Z-O ��OM� D ��s lm bJ '11 — ---��� Zc721 j;7 T Qe -Ae w !� 29. 30. I ` I attest that I am a permanent resident of Mason County and I am authorized to petition the Mason County Board of County Commissioners to adopt the above stated Special Use Regulations for Big Timberlake. (Print Name) (Signature) (Mason County Address) 1. ✓ L -2> - o�. �a��u v ft6h, �. 3. � z dR s �! � Y 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Drexler Clerk 2018 Q2 Report: Economic Development Council of Mason County The Mason EDC is the lead designated economic development agency for Mason County. We represent the County and local businesses on a number of statewide, national and international issues.At the heart of the work the EDC does are four main principles: • RECRUIT investment and employment opportunities to the region, • RETAIN existing local businesses by providing technical assistance and advocacy, and • EXPAND operational capacity for local employers by providing them with new market opportunities. • COORDINATE economic development efforts in Mason County,the region, and the state. 2018 Scope of Services Z CONTRACTOR to provide a budget by expense category totaling$68,000 for the 2018, one-year contract to the BOCC within fifteen days (15) of contract execution. COMPLETED ❑ CONTRACTOR to provide update to Board of County Commissioner... Deliverable: At a minimum of once per quarter the Executive Director or designee will provide a brief update on EDC work during public testimony at commission meetings. Q2: 06.25.2018 RECRUITMENT& MARKETING ❑ CONTRACTOR to market Mason County as excellent locations to expand or relocate ... Deliverable: number of businesses contacted. Q2: New leads: 2 Potentials Pipeline: 13 Sites: Industrial Land -Work beginning on examination of current industrial land and potential development areas. Property portfolio development and distribution at Economix that directly engaged site selectors in industrial development. Commercial sites-identification of potential projects areas, review of current infrastructure, assessment of needed infrastructure to make marketable. Retail Coach partnership with City of Shelton led to 25 one-on-one meetings at RECon with the potential of two letters of intent. Runway Business Park- initial demolition work scheduled and site plan development moving forward. ❑ CONTRACTOR to provide site location assistance ... RECEIVE® Deliverable: Quarterly list of project names. Q2: Project West—food processor JUL 19 2018 Project Curt—industrial pellets Mason County BUSINESS RETENTION &EXPANSION ACTIVITIES Commissioners ❑ CONTRACTOR to work with partners throughout the county ... Deliverable: copy of communication plan on or before 3/31/2018 COMPLETED Deliverable: quarterly dashboard of communication analytics. Q2: DASHBOARD OF ANALYTICS: 2018 Q2 WEBSITE *• • • 14,728 20,402 89% 82,872 SOCIAL MEDIA :09 Followers:688 Followers:10 New Followers:41 New Followers:6 Page Views:389 New Tweets:5 Likes:677 Post Reach:18,760 ❑ CONTRACTOR to provide business retention and expansion services ... Work has begun to transition the 'Business Spotlights' into a formal BRE program.This program will incorporate a wide range of tools and services designed to help local businesses become more competitive and to grow where they are rather than relocate.We are on track to start implementation by September 1, 2018. Deliverable: number of businesses visited. Q2: 48 Deliverable: number of follow-ups with existing businesses. Q2: 10 ❑ CONTRACTOR to participate ... in the coordination of the job skills training program and the customized training program within its region. Q2: Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Council—nomination of Jennifer Baria to the board CDBG Business Builder Course—promotion continues, work started on new grant application to continue program, additional branding course added and completed. BUSINESS ASSISTANCE ❑ CONTRACTOR to provide or facilitate the provision of export assistance. ❑ CONTRACTOR to provide business assistance ... Deliverable: number of businesses that direct assistance was provided. Q2: 20 Deliverable: and number of follow-up interactions. Q2: 10 READINESS&CAPACITY BUILDING ❑ CONTRACTOR to solicit, compile and rank the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) list annually. Submit to COUNTY for review and approval on or before 6/30/18.—Deadline extended to 8/31/2018. ❑ CONTRACTOR to provide an annual economic report. Deliverable: report of economic indicators and comparisons in Mason County. ❑ CONTRACTOR to participate in economic development system-wide discussions regarding gaps in business start-up assistance in Mason County. ❑ CONTRACTOR to participate in development of a countywide economic development plan in conjunction with other governmental jurisdictions and institutions. o Opportunity Zones ❑ CONTRACTOR to provide an annual snapshot of local economic conditions ... Deliverable: Economic Vitality index. Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Drexler Clerk RECEIVED JUL 20 2018 Mason County Cornmissionors Cin.CLI-- . o u VN -bLk Joe i kCA -41" IVa 144 W 1,14 qtq Pkv 01 L44Uv-,ezL c V4 � m4d Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Drexler Clerk JK11,0,V) cA- ") UCJU7,t0) From: <kjbrig ht@comcast.net> To: <dlz@co.mason.wa.us> Date: 7/20/2018 8:24 AM Subject: Question Received from the Mason County Website - From: Kevin Bright Dept Sent To: Commissioners Staff Message: Mr. Michael MacSems- Planner, FPA Reviewer July 20, 2018 Mason County Dept. of Community Services Planning Division RECEIVED 615 W Alder Street Shelton, WA 98584 Mr. Kevin Bright JUL 23 2018 5041 NE North Shore Ro 28 Mason County Email: Kjbright@comcast.net Commissioners Re: Grump Ventures, LLC Hood Canal Gravel Mining Proposal SEP2018-00035 Dear Mr. MacSems- We are writing to express our opposition to the proposed gravel mining project along the North Shore Road of Hood Canal. Our family has owned property just down the road from the proposed mining project since the 1930's when our grandfather built a small summer home here. We believe the magnitude of the proposed gravel mining project would create significant negative impacts to the surrounding neighborhoods. This proposal is not an "intensification of on-going gravel mining activity" as is it is being represented by the applicant. There has never been a permitted gravel mining operation on segments 1 through 5 of the proposed project area. You cannot intensify something that did not exist before. This is a request for a new use. I grew up out here, and over the past 50 years I do not recall ever seeing rock crushers, gravel processing machinery or other gravel mining machinery operating on these upland parcels. I do recall that the lower parcels (22202-52-00922, 52-00923, 52-00924 and 52-00925) adjacent to the North Shore Road had at one time been cleared and fill material had been removed from these lower lots. As you are aware, gravel mining is inconsistent with Rural Residential 5 zoning regulations as well as Mason County's Comprehensive Plan designation of Rural for the project location. The applicant is trying to expand what may have been a gravel borrow pit on parcels 22202-52-00922, 52-00923, 52-00924 and 52- 00925 into a new use on the larger upland parcels 22202-32-00000 and 22202-52-00026 which have no history of permitted gravel extraction and ongoing non-conforming use. Trying to stretch what may have occurred on some parcels of property back in the 1940's using the Doctrine of Diminishing Returns into a non-conforming use that can be applied to any other parcel of land is an incorrect application of the Doctrine. The Doctrine only applies if the non-conforming use has been operated continually over time and the owner has established intent to mine each parcel prior to the use becoming non-conforming from zoning changes. The ability to continue a non-conforming activity is lost if the use ceases to operate for a period of time. This site has not been continually producing gravel since the 1940's and I can attest to the fact that there has not been gravel extraction there for decades. While the County has made notice of a Mitigated Determination of Non-significance (MDNS) for the proposal, we believe the County's determination was based on incomplete information provided to the County by the applicant, Grump Ventures, LLC. The County mistakenly states in the MDNS that the 66- acre property has been used as a borrow pit since the 1940's, "This 66-acre site (containing six parcels) has been used as a borrow pit since the 1940's (per applicant)". There is no evidence that any of the adjacent upland parcels were ever used or intended to be used as a continuation of the fill material removal that occurred on the four smaller parcels adjacent to North Shore Road. If this is the case, then the applicant should be required to produce records that this was a gravel production facility with all the necessary permits from Mason County, the Department of Natural Resources, Ecology, and business receipts that demonstrate it has been an on-going operation. Th ere isn o mention in the MDNS that the prior use and any documentation of historical intent was ever verified by the County. Gravel mining is not an allowable use on land that is zoned Rural Residential 5. This fact is clearly stated by Mason County in the MDNS-Description of Proposal language, "gravel mining is inconsistent with the Rural Residential 5 zoning of these parcels." The applicant is trying to parlay what may have been at one time a small gravel borrow pit into a new 66-acre gravel mining operation that will have negative impacts to the surrounding environment and to the quality of life on the north shore of Hood Canal. Just the traffic impacts alone along the North Shore Road from the estimated 100 gravel dump truck per day has major implications and raises serious questions regarding the safety to other vehicles and pedestrians traveling on this road every day. The proposed access points are both in areas with blind corners and hills which are likely to create extremely unsafe conditions when a semi-dump truck and pup- trailer exit or re-enter this narrow two-lane road. We live just down the road from the proposed southern- most access point. That access point is at the end of a sweeping right hand turn for southbound traffic on the road. This is a dangerous curve and we have witnessed over the years several close calls as people living on either side of this corner turn into their driveways that are even further past this corner. It should be easily apparent to the County that over 100 semi-truck and trailers either entering or exiting this property at the proposed access points will result in an i ncreased risk of traffic accidents and potential fatalities. The thought of a vehicle coming around this corner traveling south bound and meeting up with a semi-dump truck and trailer that is either entering or exiting the road at this access point is horrifying. There is a reason that the County designated the land along both sides of the North Shore Road as Rural Residential 5, and this is one of them. The SEPA Environmental Checklist filled out by the applicant contains numerous errors and/or is lacking in a full description of the operation. We believe the County has not been provided with enough information to correctly assess the potential or probable impacts of this proposal and how those impacts will be properly addressed or mitigated. These errors or omissions by the applicant are a way of down- playing both the magnitude of this project, and the long-term impacts and environmental challenges that a proposal of this size would have to the local environment. As such, the Checklist does not address the physical disturbances that will be caused by increased noise, traffic, storm water runoff, dust and ground water intrusion. Below are a few examples of what I believe is inadequate information provided in the Environmental Checklist by the applicant Grump Ventures, LLC. 3. b. Ground Water 1) Will groundwater be withdrawn from a well for drinking water or other purposes? Comment-There is no answer provided by the applicant regarding sources of water for employees or for processing water used in a gravel mining operation. What water sources will be used for the operation? 3. b. Ground Water(cont.,) 2) Waste discharge to ground water. Comment-There is no answer provided by the applicant regarding how sanitary waste from employees working at the site will be handled or the effect of waste water from dust control and wash water used for gravel processing. How will this water be kept from contaminating nearby residential ground water resources?At a minimum, the County must require a full Hydrogeological study be completed by the applicant to ensure nearby recharge aquifers and residential ground water resources will not be negatively impacted by the proposed mining activity. Mitigations identified in the report to protect ground water must be included as a condition of any gravel mining permit and be fully implemented by the applicant. 6) Energy and Natural Resources a) What kinds of energy will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc...., Grump Ventures Answer-Electricity Comment-There is currently no municipal electrical service to the project area. How will electricity for the project be provided? Through a municipal source, on-site diesel generators, or a combination of both? If diesel generators are used, what are the possible noise and air quality impacts and hours of operation? 7. Environmental Health b. Noise 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis? Comment-There is no mention of the level of noise that would be created by the applicant. Mining equipment and machinery, including rock screening and crushing can create significant amounts of noise which will affect the surrounding neighbors and wildlife, including the Bald Eagles that use this area for feeding, nesting and habitat. There is no mention of the noise that will be generated by diesel semi-trucks, back-up alarms and other signal noises, or noise from the large excavators used to move material. Noises from vehicles and machinery operating outside of, or above the "pit floor"will reverberate off the hillside, across the water and negatively impact the quality of life on Hood Canal, both the North Shore and the South Shore. Noise mitigation must be a condition of this permit including maximum decibel levels and hours of operation. 8) Land and Shoreline Use a) What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Will the proposal affect current land uses on nearby or adjacent properties? Comment-The applicant states that gravel extraction is the current use of the entire project area. Whatever gravel extraction had occurred on these smaller parcels decades ago, the site has been inoperative for decades now. As can be seen by the current and prior years aerial photographs of the area, https-//fortress.wa.gov/ecy/coastalatias/tools/map.aspx?ZoomOptions=CountylMason the upland hillside parcels are mature forest lands. The applicant also states in this answer that there is "No effect on adjacent property uses." This is an impossibility. There will be an effect on the adjacent property uses one of which is the right to quiet enjoyment by nearby residences. The proposal will affect the adjacent recreational shorelines of Hood Canal due to increased noise, dust and semi-truck traffic associated with this project. h.) Has any part of the site been classified as a critical area by the city or county? If so, specify. Grump Ventures Answer- See item B.1.d. Comment- Is any part of the site classified as a critical area?This is a yes or no question, with further information required if the answer is yes. Because the applicant references B.1.d., I assume the answer must be yes, part of this site has been classified as a critical area. i.) Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? Grump Ventures Answer- None. Comment- How can a gravel mining operation function without people working there? This is obviously either incorrect or inaccurately answered by the applicant to down play what additional impacts this project will have. What will be the source of potable water and sanitary services provided for employees that will be working at the site? How will solid wastes be handled that are generated by these employees? I.) Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any? Grump Ventures Answer- Local zoning code, SM-6 from Mason County. Comment-This is not an answer to the question because the proposal is not compatible with the existing land use regulations. The proposal of gravel mining is a non-conforming use and therefore does not meet the County's zoning regulations. Any right to continue this non-conforming use has been lost because there has not been on-going activity to maintain that use. Non-conforming uses are phased out over time through either abandonment or non-use. The SM-6 from Mason County referred to by the applicant is a form used by the Washington Department of Natural Resources to check with the local county or municipality as to whether the proposed surface mine has been approved under local zoning and land-use regulations. 10. Aesthetics a.) What is the tallest height of any proposed structures, not including antennas? Grump Ventures Answer- N/A Comment-Will there be structures located on the property such as rock crushers,job trailers, etc..,. and what is the height of those structures? b.)What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? Grump Ventures Answer- None. Comment- How will views from the nearby residences and the South Shore residences not be affected once the project area has been cleared of timber and gravel mining commences? 11. Light and Glare- a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? Grump Ventures Answer- None Comment- If there is no light or glare produced by the project then there will not be any artificial lighting used at that site. Will the mining operation be only operated during daylight hours? b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? Grump Ventures Answer-No Comment-After the parcels are cleared of trees, lighting from truck headlights and/or other equipment will likely be visible from residences nearby and from the South Shore residences. How will this light and glare be mitigated? 12. Recreation a. What designation and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? Grump Ventures Answer- Hood Canal Comment- Hood Canal is not an answer to the question of what designation and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity. In sum, there is important information missing from the Environmental Checklist submitted by the applicant which the County needs to fully evaluate the project and make a proper decision regarding SEPA. The adjacent neighbors and the public were only recently notified of this proposal on June 6th when the Forest Practice Application (FPA) Notice of Application was mailed to some of the nearby property owners. To my knowledge none of the neighbors were ever notified by the applicant or the County prior to June 6th of this proposal. We respectfully request the County allow more time for the public to become informed of this project and to review the additional information that the applicant needs to provide to the county. We also respectfully request the County require the applicant to provide a full Traffic Impact Analysis of this project as well as a Hydrogeological study of the area before making their final SEPA determination. This is a substantial development proposal that will have effects on the shoreline environment of Hood Canal. There has been little time provided to the people living along the North Shore Road to fully consider these effects and how they will be mitigated if necessary. Thank you for your consideration of our comments. Sincerely, Kevin Bright Kelley Bright L a Z Lb Ir Li T N 1000 S �- ,Z 2 - i NJ 2 L � \�o - - Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Drexler Clerk -T_ P RECEIVED MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 411 NORTH FIFTH STREET JUL 2 5 2018 SHELTON WA 98584 - Fax 360-427-8437; Voice 360-427-9670, Ext. 419;275-4467 or 482-5269 r8sa Mason County Commissioners I AM SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO Housing and Behavioral Health Advisory Board NAME: Marilyn Vogler oplar St PH 463.9482 CITYOP: Shelton VOTING PRECINCT: WORK PHONE: none 98584 (OR AREA IN THE COUNTY YOU LVE) Downtown E-MAIL: mjvogler@mtu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT: (IF RETIRED. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE) (ACTIVITIES OR MEMBERSHIPS) COMPANY: Michigan Technological University 14 YRS Current: Mason County Planning advisory Commmission. Less active: Shelton Poverty POSITION: Asst.Dean,Grad Sch,Assoc Dir Intn'I Programs Advisory Team (Team is currently inactive);former member LMTAAA Citizen Advisory Board&State Council on Aging;consultant for Mason Transit COMPANY: YRS 2016-2020 strategic plan,formerly active in Mason County Housing Coalition(helped draft their strategic POSMON: plan to end homelessness&housing element of County's comp plan) In your words, what do you perceive is the role or purpose of the Board, Committee or Council for which you are applying: Based on the resolution establishing the Board,it seems to be charged with discussing,developing,and making recommendations across a broad range of issues from planning,evaluation, and policy to day-today operations like evaluating RFPs for the transfer dollars. Identifying available grant monies to augment the existing funding would also seem to be within its mission. Because it is a continuing board rather than being ad hoc, I would expect it to develop a strong, informed voice for improving services related to housing, homelessness,and behavioral/mental health in the County. What interests, skills do you wish to offer the Board. Committee,or Council? My focus for the past several years has been affordable housing; I've done a lot of research on responses to the crisis across the country and especially in Washington. I attended the conference on ending homelessness in Tacoma several years ago. I'm a researcher and writer and am willing to spend the time do do what I can to make informed recommendations. Please list any financial, professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect your position on this Board: (i.e. create a potential conflict of interest) none Your participation is dependent upon attending certain trainings made available by the County during regular business hours (such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would be at no cost to you. Would you be able to attend such trainings? yes-cost or no Realistically,how much time can you give to this position? Quarterly Monthly x Weekly Dail Office Use Only Zq2�el_, 25 Jul '18 Appointment Date Signature Date Term Expire Date Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Drexler Clerk a� Jacquie Snyder Grapeview WA 98546 360 275 3670 RECEIVED JUL 2 6 2018 Commissioner, Kevin Shutty Mason County 411 North 5th Street Commissioners Shelton WA 98584 July 24, 2018 Dear Commissioner Shutty: We, on Benson Lake, had our annual picnic this past Saturday. During our informal meeting, a question about our lake's ordinances was asked. I, as part of a planning committee, said I would attempt to find the answer. The question was, "Does Benson Lake have a speed ordnance and/or limit?" I was advised to contact the "Parks and Waters Department," at the Mason County Court House. I was connected with the operator,but she hadn't a clue as to whom she should forward my call. She eventually forwarded me to "Ann." I left a message with "Ann," but have not received a returned call. I'm wondering if you could be of help to me, and the Benson Lake community. All we need to know is "What is Benson Lake's (water) speed limit"? Thank you in advance for your help. Sincerely, Jacquie Snyder Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Drexler Clerk L)j anc,PCahI� 0-ts Brittany King-In compliance with RCW 47.12.055 and RCW 43.17.400, this letter provides the required 60-day notice of the disposition of this property. From: "Dick, Herbert" <DickH@wsdot.wa.gov> To: "bking@co.mason.wa.us" <bking@co.mason.wa.us> Date: 7/27/2018 9:09 AM Subject: In compliance with RCW 47.12.055 and RCW 43.17.400, this letter provides the required 60-day notice of the disposition of this property. CC: "Johnson, Jennifer L." <JohnsonJe(&,,wsdot.wa.gov> Attachments: 3-23-14712 Spring Rd. Assessors Info Tax ID 32029-51-01015.pdf; 3-23-14712 Spring Rd. Assessors Info Tax ID 32029-51-01012.pdf; 3-23-14712 Spring Rd. Assessors Info Tax ID 32029-51-01013.pdf; 3-23-14712 Spring Rd. Assessors Info Tax ID 32029-51- 01014.pdf; 3-23-14712 Approved Revised Plan Sh 3.pdf; 3-23-14712 Spring Rd. Assessors Info Tax ID 32029-51-01900.pdf; 3-23-14712 Google Aerial Photo Vicinity Map.pdf; 3-23-14712 Spring Rd Assessor ROW Map Tax ID 32029-00-60000.pdf RE: TPNs- 32029-51-01015, 32029-5101014, 32029-51-01013, 32029-51-01012 WSDOT ICN- WSDOT IC# 3-23-14712 The property shown in red on the attached map has been declared surplus to the needs of the Washington State Department of Transportation. In compliance with RCW 47.12.055 and RCW 43.17.400, this letter provides the required 60-day notice of the disposition of this property. If you are interested in receiving additional information regarding this surplus,please reply in writing to the undersigned at the address below. If you have no interest in this property, WSDOT would appreciate a written response (e-mail or letter) stating that you waive the 60-day waiting period. This will allow the WSDOT to move forward with the sale of the property without delay. Sincerely, Herb Dick Washington State Department of Transportation R E �,v"J " Olympic Region Real Estate Services Attn: Herb Dick PO Box 47440 ,U L 2 Olympia, WA 98504-7440 Zf�1 Direct Phone: 360-357-2797 Mason County Email:DickH@wsdot.wa.gov y Commissioners file:///C:/Users/bking/AppData/Local/Temp/XPGrpWise/5B5AE 157Masonmail 100134793... 7/27/2018 From: "Dick, Herbert" <DickH@wsdot.wa.gov> To: "bking@co.mason.wa.us" <bking@co.mason.wa.us> CC: "Johnson, Jennifer L." <JohnsonJe@wsdot.wa.gov> Date: 7/27/2018 9:09 AM Subject: In compliance with RCW 47.12.055 and RCW 43.17.400, this letter provides the required 60-day notice of the disposition of this property. Attachments: 3-23-14712 Spring Rd. Assessors Info Tax ID 32029-51-01015.pdf; 3-23-14712 Spring Rd. Assessors Info Tax ID 32029-51-01012.pdf; 3-23-14712 Spring Rd. Assessors Info Tax ID 32029-51- 01013.pdf; 3-23-14712 Spring Rd. Assessors Info Tax ID 32029-51-01014.pdf; 3-23-14712 Approved Revised Plan Sh 3.pdf; 3-23-14712 Spring Rd. Assessors Info Tax ID 32029-51-01900.pdf; 3-23-14712 Google Aerial Photo Vicinity Map.pdf; 3-23-14712 Spring Rd Assessor ROW Map Tax ID 32029-00- 60000.pdf RE: TPNs- 32029-51-01015, 32029-5101014, 32029-51-01013, 32029-51-01012 WSDOT ICN-WSDOT IC#3-23-14712 The property shown in red on the attached map has been declared surplus to the needs of the Washington State Department of Transportation. In compliance with RCW 47.12.055 and RCW 43.17.400, this letter provides the required 60-day notice of the disposition of this property. If you are interested in receiving additional information regarding this surplus, please reply in writing to the undersigned at the address below. If you have no interest in this property, WSDOT would appreciate a written response (e-mail or letter) stating that you waive the 60-day waiting period. This will allow the WSDOT to move forward with the sale of the property without delay. Sincerely, Herb Dick Washington State Department of Transportation Olympic Region Real Estate Services Attn: Herb Dick PO Box 47440 Olympia, WA 98504-7440 Direct Phone: 360-357-2797 Email: DickH@wsdot.wa.gov TerraScan TaxSifter-Mason County Washington Page 1 of 1 MASON COUNTY � WASHINGTON TAXSIFTER SIMPLE SEARCH SALES SEARCH REETSIFTER COUNTY HOME PAGE CONTACT DISCLAIMER PAYMENT CART(01 Elisabeth Frazier Mason County Treasurer 411 N 5th Street,Building 1 Shelton,WA 98584 Assessor Treasurer Appraisal MapSifter Parcel Parcel#: 32029-51-01015 Owner Name: STATE OF WASHINGTON DOR Code: 91-Undeveloped-Land Addressi: DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION Situs: Address2: STATE LANDS DIVISION P O BOX 47440 Map Number: City,State: OLYMPIA WA Status: EXEMPT FULL YEAR Zip: 985047440 Description: MILL CREEK TRACTS BLK:1 LOTS:15-16 Comment: Current Tax Year Details Type Taxpayer Statement# Gross Tax Tax Exempt Net Tax Ascots Total Tax Real Property STATE OF WASHINGTON 2017-320295101015 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Balances Due 5 Year Tax History Type Statement Number Taxes Assessments Fees Balance Due Real Property 2017-320295101015 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Type Statement Number Taxes Assessments Fees Balance Due Real Property 2016-320295101015 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Type Statement Number Taxes Assessments Fees Balance Due Real Property 2015-320295101015 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Type Statement Number Taxes Assessments Fees Balance Due Real Property 2014-320295101015 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Type Statement Number Taxes Assessments Fees Balance Due Real Property 2013-320295101015 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Type Statement Number Taxes Assessments Fees Balance Due Real Property 2012-320295101015 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Property Images No images found. 1.0 6103 28469 Data current-of:5/10/2017 4:51 PM T—ROIIYear TR:2017 http://property.co.mason.wa.us/Taxsifter/Treasurer.aspx?key1d=3350706&parcelNumbeT=... 5/11/2017 TemaScan TaxSifter-Mason County Washington Page 1 of t i;-:- MASON COUNTY WASHINGTON TAXSIFTER SIMPLESEARCH SALESSEARCH REETSIFTER COUNTYHOMEPAGE CONTACT DISCLAIMER PAYMENT CARTIDI 32029-51-01012 search 0 records found. No results found for 32029-51-01012. Examples: Search by Parcel Number • Real Property:Enter a 12-digit parcel number(with hyphens),then click Search (e.g.12345-67-89123) • Personal Property:Enter a 7-digit parcel number(with a hyphen),then click Search (e.g.12-34567) Search by Name • Enter the Last name(or)the Last and First name of the Owner/Taxpayer,then click Search (e.g.Smith)(e.g.Smith,John)(e.g.Smith,J) Search by Situs Address • Enter the parcel's site address,then click Search (e.g.12345 Oak St or 12345 Oak Street) Wild Card Search • Customize wider results with the percent(%)symbol,then click Search (e.g.%Oak St)(Parcels with an Oak Street address) • (Or)enter less specific information,then click Search (e.g.123)(Parcel numbers and site addresses that contain 123) Please Note:`Search by Parcel Number provides the most accurate results.Other search methods will display potential matches. 1.0.6103.28469 D—current-or:5/3/2017 5:01 PM Tx-R.11Y-r_Sear-3017 http://property.co.mason.wa.us/Taxsifter/Search/results.aspx?q=32029-51-01012 5/4/2017 TcrraScan TaxSifter-Mason County Washington Page l of 1 MASON COUNTY WASHINGTON TAXSIFTER SIMPLE SEARCH SALES SEARCH REETSIFTER COUNTY HOME PAGE CONTACT DISCLAIMER PAYMENT CARTI01 Melody Peterson Mason County Assessor 411 N STH ST Shelton,WA 98584 Assessor Treasurer Appraisal MapSifter Parcel Parcel#: 32029-51-01013 Owner Name: SANTODOMINGO,ED 5 DOR Code: 91-Undeveloped-Land Addresal: PO BOX 1521 Situs: Address2: Map Number: City,State: SHELTON WA status: Zip: 985840972 Description: MILL CREEK TRACTS BLK:1 LOT:13 EX NWLY 70'OR R/W Comment: 2017 Market Value 2017 Taxable Value 2017 Assessment Data Land: $18,810 Land: $18,810 District: 0155-Tax District 0155 Improvements: $0 Improvements: $0 Current Use/DFL: No Permanent Crop: $0 Permanent Crop: $0 Total $18,810 Total $18,810 Total Acres: 0.12000 Ownership Owner's Name Ownership% SANTODOMINGO,ED S 100% Sales History Sale Sales # Excise# Grantor Grantee Price Date Document Parcels 07/19/11 1976284 10 11-11488 LANTODOMINGO,ED S&JUDITH SANTODOMINGO,ED S $0 12/12/01 1745142 1 200100000 MASON COUNTY TREASURER ED S&JUDITH L SANTODOMINGO $0 12/27/00 1724071 1 200000000 FLOYD ROBERT LITTLEJOHN MARY K LITTLEJOHN(SURVIVING $0 SPOUSE) Historical Valuation Info Year Billed Owner Land Imp, PermCrop Value Total Exempt Taxable 2017 SANTODOMINGO,ED S $18,810 $0 $0 $18,810 $0 $18,810 2016 SANTODOMINGO,ED S $18,810 $0 $0 $18,810 $0 $18,810 2015 SANTODOMINGO,ED S $16,830 $0 $0 $16,830 $0 $16,830 2014 SANTODOMINGO,ED S $18,565 $0 $0 $18,565 $0 $18,565 2013 SANTODOMINGO,ED S $17,325 $0 $0 $17,325 $0 $17,325 View Taxes Parcel Comments No Comments Available Property Images No images found. 1.0.8103.28489 Data---f:as of:5/3/2017 5:01 PM T%_RWIY—S...6:2017 http://property.co.mason.wa.us/Tax sifter/Assessor.aspx?keyld=3350704&pare c[Number--32029-51-01013&typelD=1 5/4/2017 TerraScan TaxSifter-Mason County Washington Page 1 of 1 V- MASON COUNTY WASHINGTON TAXSIFTER SIMPLE SEARCH SALES SEARCH REETSIFTER COUNTY HOME PAGE CONTACT DISCLAIMER PAYMENT CARTI01 Elisabeth Frazier Mason County Treasurer 411 N Sth Street,Building 1 Shelton,WA 98584 Assessor Treasurer Appraisal MapSifter Parcel Parcel#: 32029-51-01014 Owner Name: STATE OF WASHINGTON DOR Code: 91-Undeveloped-Land Addressl: DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION Situs: Address2: STATE LANDS DIVISION P O BOX 47440 Map Number: City,State: OLYMPIA WA Status: EXEMPT FULL YEAR Zip: 985047440 Description: MILL CREEK TRACTS BLK:1 LOT:14 Comment: Current Tax Year Details Type Taxpayer Statement# Gross Tax Tax Exempt Net Tax Asmts Total Tax Real Property STATE OF WASHINGTON 2017-320295101014 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Balances Due 5 Year Tax History Type Statement Number Taxes Assessments Fees Balance Due Real Property 2017-320295101014 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Type Statement Number Taxes Assessments Fees Balance Due Real Property 2016-320295101014 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Type Statement Number Taxes Assessments Fees Balance Due Real Property 2015-320295101014 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Type Statement Number Taxes Assessments Fees Balance Due Real Property 2014-320295101014 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Type Statement Number Taxes Assessments Fees Balance Due Real Property 2013-320295101014 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Type Statement Number Taxes Assessments Fees Balance Due Real Property 2012-320295101014 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Property Images No images found. 1.0 6103,2 8469 Data current as of:5/10/2017 4:51 PM T%_0.elfVear TR:2017 http://property.co.mason.wa.us/Taxsifter/Treasurer.aspx?keyld=3350705&parcelNumbel=... 5/11/2017 T.20 N.R.3 W.W.M. \ 0 xu�wwn�s vu�iW�rr.rt�mx[s omcr, g•i ���' -"=�==�� -� /� a1 / \ 'Xe5r tk Oyw 5ee.30 iii pIR _ _ ,-. 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Pane.,, O.urviarr In Out Full Map Back Pun Identify M-suro Units select Lina Chir Prtnt I41p http://mapmason.co.mason.wa.us/website/mason/viewer.htm?Query=PIN=/27320290060000°/927&QucryZoom=Yes 5/4/2017 Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Drexler Clerk) ffltai 1 9 rou WASHINGTON STATE LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD - License Services 3000 Pacific Ave SE - P O Box 43075 Olympia WA 98504-3075 EMAIL SPECIALOCCASIONS@LCB.WA.GOV FAX 360-753-2710 TO: MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JULY 24, 2018 SPECIAL OCCASION #: 091742 Irl"'FEC EIVE LONG LIVE THE KINGS JUL 2 7 201$ 1326 5T" AVE SUITE 450 SEATTLE WA 98101 Mason County Commissioners DATE: SEPTEMBER 14, 2018 TIME: 5 PM TO 8 PM PLACE: ALDERBROOK RESORT AND SPA (ENCLOSED) - 10 E ALDERBROOK DR, UNION CONTACT: TREVOR LAUGEN (DOB: 03.28. 91) 206-382-9555 SPECIAL OCCASION LICENSES * _Licenses to sell beer on a specified date for consumption at a specific place. * _License to sell wine on a specific date for consumption at a specific place. * _Beer/Wine/Spirits in unopened bottle or package in limited quantity for off premise consumption. * _Spirituous liquor by the individual glass for consumption at a specific place. If return of this notice is not received in this office within 20 days from the above date, we will assume you have no objections to the issuance of the license. If additional time is required please advise. 1. Do you approve of applicant? YES NO 2. Do you approve of location? YES NO 3. If you disapprove and the Board contemplates issuing a license, do you want a hearing before final action is taken? YES NO OPTIONAL CHECK LIST EXPLANATION YES NO LAW ENFORCEMENT YES NO HEALTH & SANITATION YES NO FIRE, BUILDING, ZONING YES NO OTHER: YES NO If you have indicated disapproval of the applicant, location or both, please submit a statement of all facts upon which such objections are based. DATE SIGNATURE OF MAYOR, CITY MANAGER, COUNTY COMMIONERS OR DESIGNEE cc:CMMRS Neatherlin,Shutty&Drexler Clerk Jean Bray 3060 NE Dewatto Rd. Tahuya, WA 98588 bray.icanmarie(&gmail.com July 25, 2018 Commissioner Neatherlin, Shutty and Drexler RECEIVED Mason County Commissioner's Office 411 North 5th J U L 2 7 2018 SHELTON WA 98584 Mason County Dear Commissioners: Commissioners I am writing in about the proposed Natural Resources Conservation Area, planned by DNR. As a member of the public who resides in the near area of the planned NRCA I am putting a word in that I hope caution is exercised with regard to the above matter. The Department of Natural Resources of Washington state is a wonderful agency and indeed, they are having quite a presence in our county. It sounds as if, in recent years their response time for wildfire suppression has gotten much faster, for instance. Even several years ago, fire districts would wait a long time for the DNR to relieve them on brush fires in the county. The area Dewatto, though, encompassed on the map boundaries for the proposed resources conservation area has long been inhabited; The area has has residences, a cemetery, a perfectly `good' resident summer camp, and had a school, and a DNR beach no.: 44A West Dewatto for shellfishing (clams in July and August, oysters year-round). Previously, it was a summer camping ground for the Twana a Native American predecessor to the Skokomish. Place names matter. With regard to the letter included in the commissioner's July 24th meeting packet, pp. 8-11 - the one from Laurie Benson - it can be pretty hard to distinguish if the planners of the NRCA, who work out of Enumclaw and North Bend, really knew the place names what they're referring to, locally in Dewatto. I plan on pursuing this by way of query at their public hearing on August 6 in Belfair. In addition I have to wonder where are their statistics to quantify what they say about salmon populations and all the various species they say get in to Dewatto Bay proper, and the Dewatto River. It is my hope that at least you or one of your fellow commissioners be able to be in attendance at the meeting in Belfair at the H.U.B. Monday, August 6. Respectfully, Jean Bray /s/ cc: T. Drexler; K. Shutty; R. Neatherlin cc:CMMRS Neatherlin,Shutty&Drexler Clerk July 25, 2018 RECD J Randy Neatherlin, Kevin Shutty, Terri Drexler Mason County Board of Commissioners JUL 3 0 2016 Good day Commissioners Mason County Commi ssionp.rs An issue has arisen recently that affects the future funding levels of Mason County and all taxing districts in the county. The DNR plan to create a special district in Dewatto (Dewatto Recreation and Conservation Area) is worse than an un-funded mandate for Mason County. This is because it seeks to acquire properties which takes away from the tax base of the County. This proposal seeks to remove from regular property tax rolls about 18 single-family houses and numerous acres of recreational properties. This could amount to an estimated twenty million dollars removed from the tax bases of many senior and junior taxing districts. This would take away from the North Mason Fire Authority, North Mason School District, Public Hospital District 2 as well as the Port of Dewatto. For this reason I encouraged the Port of Dewatto Commission to adopt a resolution in opposition to the DNRCA proposal. I and many others are encouraging the Mason County Commission to take notice of this danger. Besides the negative financial impact of this plan there is a huge human issue. The DNR plan would seek to destroy, through acquisition, a long-existing community of North Mason County. Many three and four generation families have grown up with a social and recreational network in Dewatto. All residents agree that it is important and desirable to protect the estuarine habitat of the river and this can be achieved by environmental stewards with more experience than DNR. Their plan adds nothing to protection at a huge social cost. I am not against DNR just their plan in this instance. I have great respect for their firefighters. I have been a volunteer with the Fire Districts in my area for about 25 years. I have been a volunteer Emergency Responder with the North Mason Regional Fire Authority for almost 20 years. I worked with DNR personel on the 1990's Grass Lake fire(30 acres)near Maggie Lake, the 2003 Little Dewatto (25acres),the 2006 Dewatto Complex Fire(80acres, which fire was about 200 yards from my home at times and the houses and neighborhood were covered in smoke for several days) and numerous smaller fires and smoke investigations. I encourage you to attend a meeting at the HUB in Belfair on August 6th to make your opinions part of the record. I hope to again bring these issues forth there also. I would wish that the Mason County Commission would make a statement in opposition to a plan created without public input. The disruptive plan of DNR must be challenged! Respectfully, 6, --� k - 0 D 3060 NE Dewatto Rd. Tahuya, WA 98588 daveh@inlandnet.com cc. T. Drexler, K. Shutty, R. Neatherlin NEWS RELEASE August 7, 2018 MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 411 NORTH 5T" ST SHELTON, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 EXT. 419 TO: KMAS, KRXY, SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL, THE OLYMPIAN, SHELTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, NORTH MASON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, CITY OF SHELTON, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, THE SUN RE: Mason County Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Generator Position Mason County is seeking an individual to serve on the Mason County Lodging Tax Advisory Committee who represents a business that is required to collect lodging tax (generator). This person will fill a vacated position with the term ending May 2019. The Committee consists of at least five members and is appointed by the Board of Mason County Commissioners. The committee shall include at least two representatives of businesses that are required to collect lodging tax (generators) and at least two members who are persons involved in activities that are authorized to be funded by lodging tax revenue (spenders). The number of generator members on the committee shall equal the number of spender members, with a County Commissioner serving as Chair of the committee. The committee reviews requests for lodging tax funding and makes recommendations to the Commissioners regarding the use of lodging tax moneys. The committee meets during regular business hours, usually not more than once a month. For an application, please contact the Mason County Commissioners office at 427-9670, ext. 419 or visit our website at www.co.mason.wa.us. Completed applications should be turned in to the Commissioner's office. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Randy Neatherlin Kevin Shutty Terri Drexler Chair Commissioner Commissioner MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Kell Rowen, Planning Manager Action Agenda Public Hearing Other _X_ DEPARTMENT: DCD EXT: 286 DATE: August 7, 2018 Agenda Item # 3 Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: August 6, 2018 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Kell Rowen [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Read News Release for one open seat on the Planning Advisory Commission. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions) BACKGROUND: The Mason County Planning Advisory Commission is a seven (7) member citizen board appointed to advise the Board of Commissioners on policy related to the county comprehensive plan and on land use issues. The Planning Advisory Commission members help set the long-term direction or vision for the community's future. BUDGET IMPACTS: This proposal will cost has no cost. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Staff to read News Release at the August 7th, 2018 meeting of the Mason County Board of Commissioners weekly meeting and placed on the Mason County website. ATTACHMENTS: New Release Action Item Summary Form News Release Open Seats NEWS RELEASE August 7,2018 MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 411 NORTH 5T"ST SHELTON, WA 98584 (360)427-9670 EXT.419 TO: KMAS, KRXY, SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL,THE OLYMPIAN, SHELTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, NORTH MASON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, CITY OF SHELTON, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL,THE SUN RE: Planning Advisory Commission Vacancy Mason County is seeking applicants from Commissioner District 2 (Matlock, Potlatch, Skokomish Valley, Hoodsport, Lilliwaup and Kamilche areas)for the Mason County Planning Advisory Commission. The Planning Advisory Commission is a seven-member citizen board appointed to advise the Board of County Commissioners on policy related to amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, Shoreline Master Program, Resource Ordinance and other development regulations. The Commission typically meets at least once per month on the third Monday at 6:00 p.m., with special meetings scheduled as necessary.Appointed Commissioners normally serve a four-year term.This particular seat is replacing a vacated position to serve through March of 2021. Applications to serve on the board are being accepted until the position is filled, and should be submitted to the Mason County Commissioners,411 N. 5th St., Shelton, WA 98584. Application forms may be obtained from the Commissioner's Office, (360)427-9670 ext.419 or visit our website at www.co.mason.wa.us. BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Randy Neatherlin Terri Drexler Kevin Shutty Chair BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' BRIEFING MINUTES Mason County Commission Chambers,411 North 5th Street,Shelton,WA Week of July 23,2018 Monday,July 23,2018 9:00 A.M. Executive Session—RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)—Litigation Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Drexler met with Tim Whitehead from 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.in Executive Session for litigation. 9:30 A.M. Support Services—Frank Pinter Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Drexler were in attendance o Jennifer Beierle reported that the Auditor's office has received unfavorable comments with regard to the 2019 budget process of departments entering in only increases or decreases into Munis Level 2. If departments enter their total budget request into Munis Level 2,the preliminary budget will potentially be double. Auditor Karen Herr stated staff had met to develop the 2019 budget process and didn't realize the ramifications until receiving comments from the departments. Ms.Herr expressed concern with compromising the budget process. Frank Pinter explained the amounts included in Level 1,departments are instructed to enter their decreases or increases into Level 2 with a Project Level Request(PLR)and then these two levels are combined for Level 3. This will make the budget changes easier to follow and allow for transparency. Leo suggested allowing departments to enter their entire budget request into Level 1. Auditor Herr said Kitsap and Thurston Counties have an MOU between the Commission and the Auditor that describes the responsibilities of each office. Leo pointed out Level 1 has always been for departments to enter their budget request and Level 2 have always been the Auditor's Office responsibility.The preliminary budget is then handed over to the Commission and Levels 3 thru 5 are the Commissioners' responsibility and it allows internal controls.Jennifer suggested the compromised solution of allowing the departments enter their entire request into Level 1,Level 2 would be for the Auditor; Level 3 would be the adopted 2018 budget with non-discretionary expenses;Level 4 is for Project Level Requests. Frank stressed the importance of entering PLR's to track the changes. The Commission agreed that in order to consider any changes,a PLR will be required.Chief Theresia Ehrich stated it is difficult to see the actual department total if they are entering only pluses and minuses in Level 2. There was further discussion and staff will come back later today with a recommendation. o Final hearing for the Lake Management District for Mason Lake to hear objections on the roll of rates is scheduled on Tuesday. o Approval to schedule on-line auction with Bid4Assets to sell certain tax title parcels. Cmmr.Drexler asked what the payment terms will be for buyers. Diane will verify with the Treasurer that it will be all cash at time of sale. o Request from WSDOT to waive the 60-day waiting period on surplus parcel 12106-22- 60020. This will be brought back to allow time to research the parcel. o Draft August 6 Elected Official/Director meeting agenda was approved to circulate. o Review of 2018 and 2019 Facilities&Parks projects will be rescheduled in August. o Motorboat Regulations ■ Lake Kokanee—Commissioners agreed to hold a public hearing in August. ■ Timberlake petition will be considered when received. Cmmr. Shutty wants to talk to legal staff. This will be briefed in August. 10:15 A.M. Juvenile Services-Jim Madsen Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Drexler were in attendance o Jim Madsen provided information for a Juvenile Court Services Reorganization converting a Juvenile Court Program Support Specialist position to a Juvenile Probation Counselor position. The Commissioners approved moving forward with the reorganization and the Commissioners asked for a Policy Level Request in the 2019 Board of Mason County Commissioners'Briefing Meeting Minutes Week of July 23,2018 preliminary budget request. There will not be a need for a budget supplement to the 2018 budget. 10:25 A.M. BREAK 11:00 A.M. Public Works—Jerry Hauth Utilities&Waste Management Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Drexler were in attendance o The Board agreed to sign the letter of support for the Mason Conservation District (MCD)grant proposal for the Skokomish River floodplain. o Day of Caring is scheduled for Friday,August 17 and United Way will be holding the collection event at Oakland Bay Junior High School parking lot and this will be one of the four free tonnage days in the Republic Services contract. o Discussion of SR 3 Freight Corridor(Belfair Bypass)and staff is recommending the County contract SCJ to monitor the process. There was discussion of the benefit of contracting for this service. Staff will bring forward a proposed scope of work. o Discussion of road construction on Johns Prairie and Mason Lake Road. 11:20 A.M. Community Services—Dave Windom Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Drexler were in attendance o Cmmr.Neatherlin stated the gravel pit applicant is going to rescind their permit request. Community Services staff will follow up. o Peninsula Community Services contract will be added to tomorrow's agenda. o Dave is working with Sheriffs Office,DNR and fire district on fire investigation. o Building Permit fee schedule is being reviewed and comparing to surrounding counties. Thurston County also has impact fees. Dave will bring forward a proposal. o WRIA 14 memorandum of understanding will be reviewed 11:30 A.M. Property Owners in the Dewatto Natural Resources Conservation Area Boundary Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Drexler were in attendance. o Laure Iddings presented a letter she drafted to DNR opposing the Natural Resources Conservation Area in portions of the Dewatto River Watershed. She is concerned with public access and the potential of adverse possession. Earl Iddings provided history on these tidelands/upland that are privately owned and the lawsuit against the State. The State requested the County Assessor change the GIS maps showing 2/3 of these tidelands as public property. Cmmr.Neatherlin stated the Commission could have a conversation with GIS and make sure the maps are correct to the property deeds. The concern is adverse possession thru passive recreation. o Jean Bray presented a Port of Dewatto resolution they passed opposing the DNR's plan to create a Natural Resources Conservation Area. 11:50 A.M. Mason County Sheriffs Office—Chief Hanson Swift&Certain Contract Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Drexler were in attendance o Chief Hanson presented a prisoner housing contract between the Sheriffs Office and WA State Department of Corrections at a rate of$85 per inmate per day. o Cmmr. Drexler asked for a briefing on Pre-Trial Services. Commissioner Discussion—as needed o Jennifer Beierle presented a change to the 2019 budget process;Departments will enter their total 2019 budget request in Level 1;Auditor preliminary budget will be Level 2; Support Services will enter the 2018 adopted budget with non-discretionary changes in level 3;Policy level Requests will be Level 4; Final adopted budget is Level 5.The Auditor and Jennifer will email all departments explaining the change in process. Cmmr. Shutty asked for a copy of the Thurston County MOU. Board of Mason County Commissioners' Briefing Meeting Minutes Week of July 23,2018 Tuesday,July 24,2018 2:00 P.M. Finance Committee Treasurer Lisa Frazier,Auditor Karen Herr and Chair Randy Neatherlin were in attendance. Also in attendance were Cmmr.Kevin Shutty and Frank Pinter. o Treasurer Frazier presented the 2nd quarter report,cash balance at June 30,2018 is $6.8M. o Update from NW Municipal Advisors would be a savings of$74,000 which does not meet the refunding threshold in the debt policy. o Review of the Debt Policy and Investment Policy. The Treasurer is not recommending any changes at this time and they are certified by the State. Cmmr.Neatherlin/Auditor Herr moved and seconded to approve the current Debt Policy (August 2013 version)and Investment Policy(May 2014 version). Motion carried. The Finance Committee adjourned at 2:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Diane Zoren,Administrative Services Manager BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Randy Neatherlin Terri Drexler Kevin Shutty Chair Commissioner Commissioner BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Mason County Commission Chambers, 411 North 5t' Street, Shelton, WA July 24, 2018 1. Call to Order—The Chairperson called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance — Pat McCullough led the flag salute. 3. Roll Call — Present: Commissioner District 1 - Randy Neatherlin; Commissioner District 2— Kevin Shutty; Absent: Commissioner District 3 —Terri Drexler. 4. Correspondence and Organizational Business 4.1 Correspondence 4.1.1 Washington State Department of Transportation sent in a sixty day notice of disposition for parcel number 12106-22-60020. 4.1.2 Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) sent in notice of a proposal to designate a Natural Resources Conservation Area (NRCA) in portions of the Dewatto River Watershed. 5. Open Forum for Citizen Input— 5.1 Pat McCullough spoke to the proposed gravel pit on North Shore and the permit has now been withdrawn. He submitted a petition requesting any such large project would go through a public process. 5.2 Mr. McCullough then brought up a proposal for a paved trail from Belfair State Park to Theler Wetland Trail and submitted a drawing. He suggested the County, Port and Salmon Enhancement Group team together to create this trail. 5.3 Bruce Carter also spoke to the proposed gravel pit on North Shore. He believes the County's administration of the permit request was not handled well and was not transparent. 5.4 Steve Love also expressed dismay that the gravel pit project may have happened on Hood Canal. 5.5 Brad Carey stated there needs to be a fact checking process for permits such as the gravel pit. He thanked Cmmr. Neatherlin for his work on the project. 5.6 Ken VanBuskirk is happy the gravel pit project permit was pulled. He then brought up the Dewatto River NRCA proposal and encouraged the Commissioners to adopt a resolution in opposition to the project. 6. Adoption of Agenda - Cmmr. Shutty/Neatherlin moved and seconded to adopt the agenda as published. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; D-absent. 7. Approval of Minutes—July 2nd, July 9th and July 16, 2018 Briefing Minutes; June 26 and July 3, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes. Cmmr. Shutty/Neatherlin moved and seconded to approve July 2,July 9 and July 16, 2018 Briefing Minutes; June 26 and July 3, 2018. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S- aye; D-absent. 8. Approval of Action Agenda: 8.1 Approval to rescind Resolution 05-14, Salary Plan for Sheriff Command Staff. The Jail Lieutenant, Chiefs and Undersheriff will be incorporated into the Mason County Non-Represented Salary Range Alignment by adoption of a separate resolution. Resolution No. 51-18 (Exhibit A) 8.2 Approval to authorize the submittal of Watershed Pathway Grant Program applications for three culvert replacement projects. 8.3 Approval to authorize Public Works to utilize the County MRSC Roster to select Construction Project Inspectors and enter into agreements. 8.4 Approval of amendment three to contract CLH18253 between Mason County Public Health and the State of Washington Department of Health. BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS July 24, 2018 - PAGE 2 8.5 Approval of Warrants Claims Clearing Fund Warrant #s 8057475-8057910 $ 1,078,849.85 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant #s $ Salary Clearing Fund Warrant #s $ Total $ 1,078,849.85 8.6 Approval to accept an additional $43,690 from the Consolidated Homeless Grant issued by the Department of Commerce and pass through to subgrantee, Crossroads Housing, amending contract CH-2018.4. 8.7 Approval to sign a letter of support on behalf of Mason Transit Authority to be included with a grant application to the Washington State Department of Transportation. 8.8 Approval to amend Resolution 28-18 revising the Non-Represented Salary Scale Range Alignment. The revisions include adding the Therapeutic Courts Caseworker, Salary Range 10; correct the Chief Finance Manager title to Chief Finance Officer; remove several unused classifications; reclassify the Personal Health Manager, Environmental Health Manager and Planning Manager to Salary Range 33; set the number of unclassified position appointments under the Sheriffs Office to no more than five; incorporate the following Sheriffs Office Positions: Undersheriff, Salary Range 46; Chief Criminal Deputy, Salary Range 43; Chief Civil Deputy, Salary Range 38; Chief Jail, Salary Range 43; Chief Administrative Deputy, Salary Range 37; and Corrections Lieutenant, Salary Range 35. These changes shall be effective August 1, 2018. Resolution No. 52-18 (Exhibit B) 8.9 Approval to sign letter of support for the Mason Conservation District grant proposal reducing flood risks and restoring natural functions within the Skokomish River floodplain. 8.10 Approval to award $111,000 from the Treatment Sales Tax fund and enter into contract with Peninsula Community Health Services for an 18-monthh term with a start date of July 1, 2018. Item 8.8 was removed for a separate vote. Cmmr. Shutty/Neatherlin moved and seconded to approve action items 8.1 through 8.10 with exception of item 8.8. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; D-absent. Item 8.8 was explained by Frank Pinter which is a resolution revising the Non-Represented Salary Scale Range Alignment. Chief Hanson spoke to the Corrections Deputy salaries and the salary range for the Jail Lt. creates a salary compression between line staff and management. Frank stated the salary range selected (35) is a mid-range of comparator counties. Sheriff Salisbury expressed concern with salary parity between county departments and requested the Commissioners use county comparables for all positions. Cmmr. Shutty appreciates the comments and salary compression has to be addressed. Cmmr. Shutty/Neatherlin moved and seconded to approve item 8.8 amending Resolution 28- 18 revising the Non-Represented Salary Scale Range Alignment. The revisions include adding the Therapeutic Courts Caseworker, Salary Range 10; correct the Chief Finance Manager title to Chief Finance Officer; remove several unused classifications; reclassify the Personal Health Manager, Environmental Health Manager and Planning Manager to Salary Range 33; set the number of unclassified position appointments under the Sheriffs Office to no more than five; incorporate the following Sheriffs Office Positions: Undersheriff, Salary Range 46; Chief Criminal Deputy, Salary Range 43; Chief Civil Deputy, Salary Range 38; BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS July 24, 2018 - PAGE 3 Chief Jail, Salary Range 43; Chief Administrative Deputy, Salary Range 37; and Corrections Lieutenant, Salary Range 35. These changes shall be effective August 1, 2018. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; D-absent 9. Other Business (Department Heads and Elected Officials) 10. 9:30 a.m. Public Hearings and Items set for a certain time 10.1 Public Hearing to hear objections to the roll of rates and charges for Lake Management #2 for Mason Lake, and consideration of the roll of rates and charges. Diane Zoren reported that seven objections were received and the majority is not actually to the rates but that a day use charge is established for public use of the lake. Public Testimony: Greg Cearly testified that the residents have spent countless hours to pass this LMD. He expressed concern with Green Diamond owned property that is used as a park that is assessed at a lower value and questions if the property qualifies for the timber designation. He supports a boat launch fee at the Mason County Park. He has been monitoring the park and it is heavily used. He believes it's the visiting boats that bring the aquatic weeds to the lake and the highest public users are Green Diamond and Mason County. More boats on the lake also bring a safety concern. Peter Rydell supports a boat launch fee however he asked how would those that can't afford the fee use the lake. Gary Brownfield stated the cost of the county park caretaker position could be funded with a boat launch fee. Cmmr. Shutty/ Neatherlin moved and seconded to approve the resolutions confirming and approving the roll of rates and charges and prescribing interest and penalties for late payments for the Lake Management District #2 for Mason Lake. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; D-absent Resolution No. 53-18 &54-18 (Exhibits C & D) 11. Board's Reports and Calendar -The Commissioners reported on meetings attended the past week and announced their upcoming weekly meetings. 12. Adjournment—The meeting adjourned at 6:58 p.m. BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS July 24, 2018 - PAGE 4 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Melissa Drewry, Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin, Chair Terri Drexler, Commissioner Kevin Shutty, Commissioner MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Diane Zoren Action Agenda x Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 747 DATE: August 7, 2018 Agenda Item # Q Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: July 23, 2018 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Support Services [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval to set a public hearing on Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers to consider amending the boat regulations pertaining to Lake Kokanee. Background: Restrictions were placed on Lake Kokanee in 1993 by adoption of Resolution No. 31-93 that allowed no personal watercraft and all internal combustion powered motorboats were restricted to no more than 7.5 horsepower engines. Mason County Code Chapter 9.04, Boating Regulations, was updated in 2016 and in the process of incorporating the various restrictions, Lake Kokanee was placed on the restricted lakes list that allow no internal combustion (i.e., gasoline and/or diesel) powered motor boats. Mason County has received comments both in favor of leaving Lake Kokanee on the restricted lake list (no internal combustion engines) and requesting the regulations be changed back to what was adopted in 1993 which allowed no personal watercraft and all internal combustion powered motorboats were restricted to no more than 7.5 horsepower engines. Staff recommends a public hearing be held to take public comment for the Commissioners to consider. Budget Impacts: $150 for hearing notice RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to set a public hearing on Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers to consider amending the boating regulations on Lake Kokanee. NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a public hearing in Mason County Building I, Commission Chambers, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, WA 98584 on Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. SAID HEARING will be to take public comment on motorboat regulations on Lake Kokanee. Written comment will be accepted and can be sent to Mason County Commissioners, 411 North 5th Street, Shelton, WA 98584 or bkingC@co.mason.wa.us. If special accommodations are needed, contact the Commissioners' office, 427- 9670, Ext. 419. DATED this 7th day of August 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Melissa Drewry, Clerk of the Board C". Journal- Publ 2t: 8/16 &8/23 (Bill: Commissioners, 411 North 5th Street, Shelton, WA 98584) MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Diane Zoren Action Agenda x Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 747 DATE: August 7, 2018 Agenda Item # .2- Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: July 23, 2018 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Support Services [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval of the Order of Sale requesting the Mason County Treasurer to schedule an on-line auction with Bid4Assets to sell certain tax title properties. Background: Pursuant to RCW 36.35.120, real property acquired by foreclosure of delinquent taxes may be sold by order of the county legislative authority if it is deemed in the county's best interests to sell the real property. Staff has worked with the Treasurer's office to develop the process to sell tax title property that did not sell in the Treasurer's tax foreclosure sales. The first step is for the Commissioners to approve an Order of Sale. The Treasurer will then arrange an on-line sale with Bid4Assets. Budget Impacts: If all 43 parcels sold for the minimum bid, the total amount is $114,750. From this amount the delinquent taxes, penalties, and fees would be paid and the parcels will be placed back on the tax roll. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval of the Order of Sale requesting the Mason County Treasurer to schedule an on-line auction with Bid4Assets to sell certain tax title properties. Attachment(s): Order of Sale ORDER OF SALE STATE OF WASHINGTON } COUNTY OF MASON WHEREAS, the real property; described below, was heretofore, acquired by Mason County for delinquent taxes under foreclosure suit, and a deed for said real property was duly and regularly executed by the Mason County Treasurer in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County deem it to be in the best interest of said County to sell the said real property hereinbefore described. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED by the Mason County Board of Commissioners, State of Washington, that the County Treasurer be and is hereby directed to sell, in conformity with the requirements of the laws of the State of Washington, the following described parcels of real property at not less than the minimum prices specified after each respective parcel. Parcel Number Legal Description Bid Assessed (inchidesfte to list. Market fee and am-wilittes) Value 32016-50-00018 ANGLE TRACTS LOT: 18 N '/z $1,758 $14,225 32016-50-00901 ANGLE TRACTS TR 18 S112 $1,758 $14,225 SHORECREST TERRACE 4TH ADD BLK: 4 $8,500 32016-53-04024 LOT: 24 $2,190 32021-53-03013 SHORECREST ADD REPLAT BLK: 3 LOT: 13 $3,785 $8,500 32021-56-01013 SHORECREST TERRACE 3RD ADD BLK: 1 $2,460 $8,500 LOT: 13 SHORECREST TERRACE 3RD ADD BLK: 2 $8,500 32021-56-02030 LOT: 30 $7,382 32021-56-01019 SHORECREST TERRACE 3RD ADD BLK: 1 $2,582 $8,500 LOT: 19 SHORECREST TERRACE 3RD ADD BLK: 1 $8,500 32021-56-01027 LOT: 27 $2,598 32021-56-02039 SHORECREST TERRACE 3RD ADD BLK: 2 $3,576 $11,570 LOT: 39 32021-56-02004 SHORECREST TERRACE 3RD ADD BLK: 2 $3,049 $8,500 LOT: 4 SHORECREST TERRACE 3RD ADD BLK: 2 32021-56-02003 LOT: 4 $4,734 $8,500 32021-56-02001 SHORECREST TERRACE 3RD ADD BLK: 2 $2,811 $8,500 LOT: 1 32021-55-02015 SHORECREST TERRACE 2ND ADD BLK: 2 $4,143 $8,500 LOT: 15 32021-55-02027 SHORECREST TERRACE 2ND ADD BLK: 2 $6,002 $17,460 LOT: 27 32021-55-02011 SHORECREST TERRACE 2ND ADD BLK: 2 $3,572 $8,500 LOT: 11 32021-55-01016 SHORECREST TERRACE 2ND ADD BLK: 1 $3,467 $8,500 LOT: 16 32021-55-01013 SHORECREST TERRACE 2ND ADD BLK: 1 $5,158 $22,000 LOT: 13 32021-58-04019 SHORECREST BEACH ESTATES#1 BLK: 4 $2,598 LOT: 19 $8,500 32021-58-04004 SHORECREST BEACH ESTATES#1 BLK: 4 $2,399 $8,500 LOT: 4 32021-58-04027 2H SHORECREST BEACH ESTATES BLK 4: LOT: $2,318 $8,500 32021-59-03048 SHORECREST BEACH ESTATES#2 BLK: 3 $1,841 $8,500 LOT: 48 31904-53-00066 FAWN LAKE#4 TR 66 $2,854 $26,375 31904-53-00102 FAWN LAKE#4 TR 102 $2,339 $23,970 22018-51-00009 TIMBERLAKE#3 LOT: 9 $3,304 $12,000 22017-52-00087 TIMBERLAKE#10 TR 87 $2,156 $12,000 22017-53-00046 TIMBERLAKE#11 TR 46 $3,023 $4,040 22017-53-00022 TIMBERLAKE#11 TR 22 $2,478 $4,750 32021-50-02002 WALKER PARK ADD BLK: 2 LOT: 2-3 $1,832 $4,080 61902-51-00053 RIPPLEWOOD TRACTS REPLAT LOT: 53 $1,277 $5,150 22213-11-00020 TR 2 NE NE (VAC LOTS: 6-8 BLK: 10 $1,393 $1,135 LAKEWOOD PLAT F 51917-54-00056 LAKE ARROWHEAD#5 TRACT 56 $1,902 $4,000 32021-50-02002 WALKER PARK ADD BLK: 2 LOT: 2-3 $1,832 $4,080 Leasehold Interest in LAKE CUSHMAN - 42331-50-93193 WESTSIDE#1 LOT C OF SP#818 PTN BLK 3 $1,912 $30,820 LOT 19 Leasehold Interest in LAKE CUSHMAN - 42331-50-93194 WESTSIDE#1 LOT D OF SP# 818 PTN BLK 3 $1,915 $30,820 LOT 19 Leasehold Interest in LAKE CUSHMAN - 42331-50-93161 WESTSIDE#1 LOT A OF SP#817 PTN BLK 3 $1,901 $29,510 LOT 16 Leasehold Interest in LAKE CUSHMAN - 42331-50-93162 WESTSIDE#1 LOT B OF SP#817 PTN BLK 3 $1,853 $24,785 LOT 16 32309-14-00030 TR 3 &4 OF GOVT LOT 3 $1,116 $25,050 61902-50-00003 RIPPLEWOOD TRACTS TR 3 $1,925 $5,150 61902-51-00006 RIPPLEWOOD TRACTS REPLAT TR 6 $1,925 $5,150 61902-51-00009 RIPPLEWOOD TRACTS REPLAT TR 9 $1,925 $5,150 61902-51-00021 RIPPLEWOOD TRACTS REPLAT TR 21 $1,925 $5,150 61902-51-00023 RIPPLEWOOD TRACTS REPLAT TR 23 $1,925 $5,150 61902-51-00024 RIPPLEWOOD TRACTS REPLAT TR 24 $1,857 $3,865 THIS ACTION WAS ENTERED upon Commissioners' records and dated at Shelton, Washington, on the 7TH day of August, 2018. ATTEST: Melissa Drewry, Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin, Chair MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Diane Zoren Action Agenda x Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 747 DATE: August 7, 2018 Agenda Item # 1 125 Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: None — written amendments submitted by VAB BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval of the resolution amending the Veterans'Advisory Board Operating Policy as recommended by the Veterans'Advisory Board (VAB). The amendments limit the payment per quarter to eligible veterans to $300 with the annual limit remaining at $1,200 and delete the cost to reinstate a driver license as an eligible expense. Background: RCW 73.08.010 authorizes counties to establish a veterans' assistance program to address the needs of local indigent veterans and their families. The program is funded by the Veterans'Assistance Fund created under the authority of RCW 73.08.080. The Veterans'Advisory Board (VAB) was established under the authority of RCW 73.080.035 and they administer the veterans'assistance program. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval of the resolution amending the Veterans' Advisory Board Operating Policy as recommended by the Veterans'Advisory Board (VAB). The amendments limit the payment per quarter to eligible veterans to $300 with the annual limit remaining at $1,200 and delete the cost to reinstate a driver license as an eligible expense. Attachment: Resolution & operating guidelines 7/26/2018 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 22-17 VETERANS ADVISORY BOAR DNETERANS' ASSISTANCE Limiting awards to $300 per quarter and deleting driver license reinstatement WHEREAS, Mason County established a levy per RCW 73.08.080 for the purpose of creating the Veterans' Assistance Fund for the relief of honorably discharged veterans or for veterans discharged for physical reason with an honorable record; WHEREAS, RCW 73.08.035 authorizes the establishment of a Veterans' Advisory Board; WHEREAS,the Mason County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 58-13 establishing the Veterans Advisory Board (VAB). The VAB will consist of ten members; two appointed members of each of the following Mason County National Veterans' Organizations: American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars,40 et 8 and Disabled American Veterans and two Mason County resident Veterans. WHEREAS, RCW 73.08.010 provides for the relief of indigent and suffering veterans and their families or the families of those deceased veterans, who need assistance and on April 25, 2017 the annual cash award was increased to $1,200 per eligible veteran, the burial assistance was increased to $1,000 and the catastrophic award to $1,000. WHEREAS, the VAB has requested the cash award be limited to$300 per quarter per eligible veteran (annual limit remains at$1,200) and to delete the reinstatement of a driver license as an eligible expense. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Mason County Commissioners that: 1. The Veterans'Assistance Fund may be disbursed to indigent veterans and their families or the families of those deceased in the amounts not to exceed three hundred dollars ($300) per quarter and the annual limit is set at one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200) per applicant. 2. Approval of the $1,200 dollar assistance shall be granted for only past due rent, mortgage, or utilities ($300 limit per quarter): a. Utilities include electric, water, firewood, wastewater(sewer), natural gas and/or propane. b. Necessity Items (Attachment R in Operating Policy) (Not to include tobacco and alcoholic beverages). c. Obtain State ID card (one time only). 3. Veteran Assistance funds shall not duplicate other available assistance for the purposes stated in #2. 4. If any Veterans'Assistance Committee determines an applicant is in need of assistance due to any event, catastrophic illness or other significant change in circumstance which comes into being unexpectedly and is beyond the applicant's management or control, the Committee may request in writing that Mason County consider approval of an amount not to exceed a one J:\Veterans\Resolutions\Resolution limited to$300 per quarter and no drivers license reinstatement.docx Resolution No. Page 2 of 2 thousand ($1,000.00) dollar lifetime limit per applicant. 5. All requests for funding shall be approved by the Veterans'Service Officer and Mason County. Mason County staff who are authorized signers on the Veterans'Assistance Bank Account are authorized to issue assistance checks to qualified veterans without prior Commission approval. Those checks issued will be reported to the Commissioners. 6. RCW 41.04.005 and other provisions of RCW Title 73 shall govern eligibility assistance to veterans and/or families. 7. The County defines"indigent and suffering"to mean the current poverty level as defined by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, for a period of time: previous 90 days or average of previous year. 8. As per RCW 73.08.070, the County shall assist indigent veterans with burial or cremation costs of($300.00) minimum or up to one thousand ($1,000) dollars. This is in addition to the $1,200 dollar limitation above in#2. 9. If any applicant knowingly and or unknowingly defrauds or provides false or misleading information, or misuses funds, the applicant will be barred from receiving any further assistance. The entire Veterans'Advisory Board Operating Policy& Procedures is adopted as Attachment A These amendments are adopted August 7, 2018 and effective September 1, 2018. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON Melissa Drewry, Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin , Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Terri Jeffreys , Commissioner Tim Whitehead, lef DPA Kevin Shutty, Commissioner c: Auditor Nw VAB J:\Veterans\Resolutions\Resolution limited to$300 per quarter and no drivers license reinstatement.docx MASON COUNTY VETERANS' ADVISORY BOARD OPERATING POLICY The Mason County Veterans'Advisory Board submitted amendments to the Veterans' Assistance Operating Policy in July 2018. These Amendments are adopted by the Board of Mason County Commissioners this 7th day of August, 2018. Mason County,Washington -------------------------------------------- Randy Neatherlin,Chair -------------------------------------------- ATTEST: Kevin Shutty,Commissioner ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Melissa Drewry, Clerk of the Board Terri Drexler,Commissioner MASON COUNTY VETERANS' ADVISORY BOARD OPERATING POLICY TABLE of CONTENTS I. Organizational Policies .............................................................................................................................. 3 II. Financial Policies....................................................................................................................................... 3 III. Policy Establishing Board......................................................................................................................... 4 IV. Eligibility Policies..................................................................................................................................... 4 V. Referral to Other Services........................................................................................................................ 5 VI.Appeal and Resolution Policy.................................................................................................................. 5 VII. Application Procedures.......................................................................................................................... 6 VIII. Processing of Packet Procedures.......................................................................................................... 7 IX. Records, Files, Forms and Reports.......................................................................................................... 7 X. List of Attachments(Att.)......................................................................................................................... 8 Page 2 of 8 1. Organizational Policies a. All RCWs(Revised Code of the State of Washington)within Chapter 73.08 RCW VETERAN'S RELIEF,with other RCWs and Mason County RESOLUTION NO. will be used and referred to throughout this policy. b. The purpose of the Mason County Veteran's Assistance Fund(VAF)is to provide relief as set forth in RCW 73.08.010 (AtLI)to indigent and suffering veterans,their families and the families of deceased indigent veterans. c. Any honorably discharged veterans or veterans with a General Discharge under honorable conditions or a General Discharge with other than honorable conditions (Administrative Discharge),as outlined in RCW 41.04.005 (Att.0)and RCW 41.04.007 (AtLP),and meeting the criteria in I-b may apply. d. These policies and procedures are subject to review annually by the VAB. 1) If a revision is made,it is so noted and a narrative of revision is put in VAB minutes. 2) If no revisions are made,the date of review is noted,and put in VAB minutes. 3) Post Commanders will be advised concerning any revisions and reviews recommended by the VAB. 4) MCC has final approval of all revisions. e. The VAB will meet the second Wednesday of each month at 10:00am at the Memorial Hall on 2nd. and Franklin St.,in Shelton,WA. f. A quorum must be met to conduct any business that may come before the board. g. If a quorum is not met,the Chair may contact other members via phone/text messaging or by e- mail. h. Upon reaching a member,and member agrees to be part of the meeting,thus creating a quorum,the Chair must remain in contact with the member throughout the meeting. II. Financial Policies a. The funds for creating a Veterans'Assistance Fund (VAF) RCW 73.08.080(1) (Att.M),is generated from a tax levied by the Mason County Commissioners(MCC),use of the fund is governed by same RCW.(Att.M) b. On August 7,2018 the MCC in Resolution No._(Att.Q) limited the payment per quarter per eligible veteran to$300 with an annual limit of one thousand two hundred ($1,200) dollars to be spent on specific types of relief as outlined in II-c. c. Approval of the one thousand two hundred($1,200) dollars for assistance shall be granted only for the following($300 limit per quarter per eligible veteran): 1) Past Due Rent or Mortgage 2) Past Due Utilities: i. Electric ii. Water iii. Natural Gas iv. Wastewater(sewer) 3.) Miscellaneous Items: i. Necessity Items(refer to list-Attachment R) a. Single$150.00 b. Married$200.00 c. +$50.00 per dependent ii. Needed Fire Wood or Propane 4) Other Items i. Obtain state ID card(one time only) d. Exclusions will include,but not limited to alcohol,tobacco,lottery tickets. e. Purchases in excess of the amount written on the check are the responsibility of the applicant. f. No cash back will be given to the applicant if purchases are less than the amount written on the check. Page 3 of 8 g. All requests for assistance will be approved by the Veterans Service Officer(VSO),with final approval by the MCC. h. If it is determined an applicant is in need of assistance due to any event,catastrophic illness or other significant change in circumstance which comes into being unexpectedly and is beyond the applicants'management or control,the VSO may request in writing that Mason County consider approval of an amount not to exceed a one thousand ($1,000.00)dollar lifetime limit per applicant. i. The intent of the VAF is not to replace assistance from any other agency,and assistance is granted on a"Case by Case"basis only. j. The VAF is not intended to provide continuing assistance on a routine basis. k. The VAF shall not duplicate other available assistance for the purposes as noted in Il.(c) III. Policy Establishing Board a. RCW 73.08.035 (AtLI) states each county must establish a Veteran's Advisory Board (VAB),the board shall advise MCC on the needs of local indigent veterans,the resources available to local indigent veterans,and programs that could benefit the needs of local indigent veterans and their families. b. The VAB is comprised of veterans from the community"at large",and representatives from nationally recognized veterans'service organizations within Mason County.Per said RCW(AtLK), no fewer than a majority of the board members shall be members from a nationally recognized veterans'service organization and only veterans are to serve on the board. Service on the board is voluntary. c. Mason County Resolution NO.05-15 (Att.Q)allows for appointment of two members residing in Mason County from each Nationally Recognized Veterans'Service Organizations to be appointed to the Veteran's Advisory Board(VAB),and two members"at large". d. The VAB will consist of a ten(10)member board;members are appointed as follows: 1) American Legion (2 members) 2) Veterans of Foreign Wars (2 members) 3) 40 et 8 (2 members) 4) Disabled American Veterans(2 members) 5) Two (2) Mason County resident veteran(at large) e. Commanders of these organizations will not be members of the VAB. f. Commanders will appoint the members from their organization to serve on the VAB for the purpose of overseeing the VAF. g. These members may be appointed or removed at the discretion of their commander. h. The first appointment of members shall be three(3)members for a three(3)year term,and four (4)members for a two (2)year term. i. Thereafter all terms will be two(2)year terms. j. The MCC reserves the right to disallow VAB appointee for cause. IV. Eligibility Policies a. RCW 73.08.005 (Att.I)and other provisions in RCW Title 73 (Att.H)shall govern eligibility assistance to indigent and suffering veterans and/or families. b. The county defines"indigent and suffering"to mean the current poverty level as defined by the United States Department of Health and Human Services.(HHS) (AtLG) c. Family members entitled to apply for assistance shall be defined as spouse or domestic partner, surviving spouse or surviving domestic partner,and dependent children of a living or deceased veteran. Page 4 of 8 d. Applicants must be a resident of the Mason County for at least ninety(90) days. e. Applicant must present proof of residency and income. f. An applicant may use hotel/motel receipts as proof of residence,provided that: 1) All receipts show a minimum of a 90 (ninety)day stay with in Mason County. 2) The 90 (ninety)day stay must be continuous. 3) All receipts must be in the applicant's name. 4) All receipts must be original(no copies). g. Under the federally-established poverty guidelines,the gross income of the veteran and all members of the household must be at or below150%of the poverty guidelines established by the HHS(Att.G). h. Veterans making above the 150%and who do not have an emergency financial situation will not be eligible for assistance. i. An applicant may have a source of income above the aforementioned 150%and still be considered indigent on an emergency basis. j. Lack of funds because of bad financial management of an adequate source of income does not make the applicant indigent. V. Referral to Other Services a. As per RCW 73.08.070 (Att.L)the county shall assist indigent veterans with burial or cremation costs of three hundred ($300.00)dollars minimum or up to one thousand($1,000) dollars. b. The burial assistance is in addition to prior thousand ($1,200.00) dollars limitation as outlined in II-c. c. In an effort to maximize dollars and provide for as many as possible applicants,and when appropriate,the veteran may be referred by the VSO to other veteran services and to other community resources for services. VI. Appeal and Resolution Policy a. If an applicant has either by accident or on purpose falsely filed a claim,or has misused monies from the Veterans'Assistance Fund,the following will apply: 1) A letter is given to the applicant,from the County,denying further use of this fund,until the false claim is resolved. 2) A copy of that letter will be sent to the Veterans'Service Office,to be placed in the offending applicant's file. 3) The applicant's file will then be"Red Flagged",and denied further use until the problem is resolved. b. To resolve the claim,the applicant can clear their name by: 1) If applicant feels this is unjustified,they may appeal in writing to the Veterans'Advisory Board within fifteen (15) days of notification. 2) The appeal will be reviewed by the VAB at the next regular scheduled meeting and a decision will be made no later than the next regular scheduled meeting. 3) Approval or Disapproval requires a"Super Majority"vote by the entire VAB. 4) The applicant may file an appeal,in writing,with the Mason County Commissioners.A decision in regard to appeal may take up to 30 days. c. The applicant may repay any and all monies that have come into question,and may not have access to these funds for one(1)year after payment Page 5 of 8 d. If the applicant elects not to do VI.b.or VI.c.there will be a two (2)year probationary wait period. After the wait period is over,the applicant must"in writing"request to receive these funds once more,a decision will be forthcoming. e. If it is found that the applicant has done this two (2) times,they will be permanently denied from using this fund. VII. Application Procedures a. Upon arriving at the VSO office the applicant will be asked to sign-in. b. The applicant is then screened about their assistance needs,residence,income, and their eligibility,an"Assistance Fund Application(AFA) (Att.D)and a Rental/Mortgage Verification" (Att.C)form must be filled out as part of the application process. c. If the applicant does not have all needed information or documentation,they will be given a form "Veterans'Assistance Fund Documents Checklist" (AtLB)to help them gather the needed information and return form to VSO. d. If an applicant cannot show proof of service,a"Standard Form 180" (Att.E)will be given to them to be filled out and sent in,they can also go to the VA at American Lake to get proof of service. e. If two or more applicants are sharing the same physical residency,then all income is considered as one. f. Only one application may be used for any single physical residency. g. If an applicant has a"Sub-Lease Agreement",then VII (j)will apply. h. When an applicant has requested assistance for past due rent or mortgage payment,ll. (c)(1), and has gone through the screening process.The VSO will call the landlord to inform them that the veteran has applied for assistance,and that a letter of "Recommendation for Payment" (Att.A)will be forthcoming. i. The applicant will then be given a form"Rental/Mortgage Verification" (AtLC) to be given to the landlord.This form must be filled out by the landlord or lien holder,notarized and sent back or taken to the VSOs'office.The VSO will then verify all information on the form. j. Shared Dwelling: 1) In the case of a veteran sharing a dwelling with another person who is not a family member as defined in Operating Policy item IV(c),the rental amount will be prorated by the number of people living in the dwelling. 2) In the case of a veteran sharing a dwelling with another person who is not a family member as defined in Operating Policy item IV(c),the utility expenses will be prorated by the number of people living in the dwelling. 3) In the case of a veteran sharing a dwelling with another person who is not a family member as defined in Operating Policy item IV-c,the firewood/propane expenses will be prorated by the number of people living in the dwelling. k. When an applicant has requested assistance for past due utilities (electric,water or natural as) II (f)(2),and has gone through the screening process.The applicant must have a"Past Due"pink slip(s)stating that service will be discontinued. 1. Some utilities companies,i.e.Shelton Utilities,do include garbage within the water bill,in this situation where the bill is"combined",the whole bill is paid. m. The VSO will call the utilities company to verify the current amount to be paid,and inform them that the veteran has applied for assistance and that a letter of"Recommendation for Payment" (Att.A) will be forthcoming. n. When an applicant requests assistance for firewood or propane and has gone through the screening process,the VSO will call a vendor to confirm prices and amount needed.The VSO will inform the vendor,the veteran has applied for assistance and that a letter of"Recommendation for Payment" (Att.A) will be forthcoming,VII (1)(3)also applies. Page 6 of 8 o. The VSO will then fill out a"Purchase Order" (Att.F) to be sent with"Assistance Fund Application" (AFA) (Att.D)for approval from MCC. p. When an applicant requests Miscellaneous Items or Other Items and has gone through the screening process,the VSO will,to the best of their ability,determine the needs of the applicant q. The VSO will fill out the"Assistance Fund Application" (AFA) (Att.D),determine the amount,the vendor,and have the applicant sign the application with a full understanding of the request. r. Necessity Items check(s)are issued in fifty dollar increments.The applicant will be given an itemized list of authorized items that may be purchased.(Att.R) s. After all needed information and documentation is gathered from the applicant and outside sources,the AFA is then completely filled out and the packet is complete. t. It is the VSOs'responsibility to ensure all information in the packet is correct and verified. u. When the completed packet is sent on to MCC,it will have a copy of"Recommendation for Payment"as a cover sheet(Att.A) or"Assistance Fund Application" (Att.D). v. The VSO reserves the right to refuse service to disorderly or abusive individuals.Service will be refused to individuals under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.Applicants who are disorderly or abusive to Mason County employees or volunteers will be not be provided assistance and will be asked to leave the building. VIII. Processing of Packet Procedures a. Once the packet is received at the MCC office,it is date stamped and reviewed to ensure all information is correct and all supporting documentation is there. b. Applications submitted to the MCC for processing and have been determined to meet the necessary guidelines will have checks issued within three business days. c. Applicants who pick up his/or her check(s),must have proper picture ID,and must sign for check(s).Check(s)are sent out by mail the next business day following approval. d. Necessity Item check(s)that are issued will be stamped with: "No Alcohol or Tobacco","No Cash Back". e. Some delays may result if a legal holiday falls within the time period or if there are insufficient funds to release the check. f. A weekly list of"Approval of Expenditures"is sent to the VSO's office from the MCC office. g. A monthly list of"Approval of Expenditures"is sent to the MCC. IX. Records, Files, Forms and Reports a. It will be the responsibility of the VAB Chair,acting in concert with the VSO's to establish and maintain a record of each applicant requesting and/or receiving assistance from the VAF. b. The VSO will provide forms and reports of attendants,decisions,and record-keeping for clientele, e.g.,forms for vendors,initial applications,and VAB decisions. c. Each October,the VAB,acting in concert with the VSOs shall produce an annual report for the MCC, containing the following information: 1) The number of requests for assistance received during the calendar year. 2) The number of requests for assistance for which assistance was given. 3) The number of requests for assistance for which assistance was not provided and a narrative description of the reasons assistance were not provided. 4) The total dollar value of assistance provided on a monthly basis. 5) A narrative description of non-monetary assistance provided by the VAB. 6) Meeting minutes as an attachment 7) A copy of appeals as an attachment. Page 7 of 8 d. If any section of these policies or procedures is determined to be in conflict with federal,state.or county laws,ordinances or directives,then said section will be void and the aforementioned laws, ordinances or directives shall prevail. X. Attachments (Att.) A.Recommendation For Payment B.Veteran's Assistance Documents Checklist(S&S form) C.Rental/Mortgage Verification D.Assistance Fund Application (AFA) E.Request Pertaining to Military Records (Standard Form 180) F.Mason County Veterans Service Office-Purchase Order G.Income Guidelines for Mason County(HHS) H.Chapter 73.08 RCW-Veterans'Relief I.RCW 73.08.005-Definitions J.RCW 73.08.010-Provides Relief for Indigent Veterans K.RCW 73.08.035-Establishment of Veterans'Advisory Board(VAB) L.RCW 73.08.070-Burial of Indigent Deceased Veterans M.RCW 73.08.080-Tax Levy Authorized -(1)Establishment of Veterans'Assistance Fund(VAF) N.RCW 73.08.90-Public Assistance Eligibility O.RCW 41.04.005-"Veteran"Defined for Certain Purposes P.RCW 41.04.007-"Veteran"Defined for Certain Purposes Q.Mason County Resolution No. R.VAF Necessity Itemized List Page 8 of 8 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Bart Stepp, Deputy Director/ U&W Management Action Agenda DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 652 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: August 7, 2018 Agenda Item # BRIEFING DATE: July 30, 2018 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Bart Stepp [] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency: ITEM: Use Cleanup Day at Eells Hill under Republic Contract for Day of Caring BACKGROUND: Under the contract with Republic Services the County is allowed up to four days a year of free tonnage for cleanup days. Last year the County used one of those days in partnership with United Way and Mason County Garbage Co., Inc. for the Day of Caring. This year the Day of Caring is scheduled for Friday August 17, 2018. Attached is a flyer. United Way will be holding the collection event at Oakland Bay Junior High School parking lot and is again working with Mason County Garbage Co., Inc. Mason County Public Works is proposing to use one of the cleanup days again for the Day of Caring. BUDGET IMPACTS: The County would not be charged for disposal of the material collected and it would be on a day that Eells Hill is regularly open so additional staff time or expenses will not occur. United Way will be responsible for operation of the collection site and Mason County Garbage Co. Inc. will provide trucks and drivers to haul the material to the transfer station. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend the Board of Commissioners authorizes Public Works to work with United Way and Mason County Garbage to provide free disposal of solid waste from the Day of Caring and utilize a Cleanup day under the Republic Long Haul Contract to not have to pay for disposal of the material to Republic. ATTACHMENT(S): 2018 Day of Caring Flyer from United Way ro7m United Way a. 2018 of Mason County • : Ir Friday, August 17th, 2018 9:30 am - 1:30 pm .101111 at Oakland Bay Jr. High011116 GARBAGE cECYCLINC 3301 N Shelton Springs Rd. lq�. Shelton, WA 98584 *FREE DUMP DAY* �,f• rtr 1� � t Y : . �+ E" ® Dumpsters for all Mason County Residents - - School Property Donations of school supplies to help ° `fill the bus' for students gladly accepted Y Car Line WHAT CAN 1 BRING? ' Household garbage, furniture, Restroom electronics and tires. Go to www.unitedwaymasonco.org a , , for full details on what will and will not be accepted. rEf� ,� J11 v �, ClCxv___, MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Jennifer Giraldes Action Agenda _X_ Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 380 DATE: August 7, 2018 Agenda Item # g cJ (Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: [X] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval of Warrants &Treasure Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant #s 8057911-8058190 $ 1,070,529.61 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant #s 51608-51950 $ 700,102.22 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant #s 7003779-7003805 $ 487,487.40 Treasure Electronic Remittance for July 2018 $ 189,844.49 Refund Interest Earned for July 2018 $ 19.14 Electronic Remittance Detail Macecom 7/10/18 $ 103,995.16 Mental Health 7/10/18 $ 1,105.61 Community Health & Social Services 7/10/18 $ 625.79 Mental Health-Budgeted Transfer to Clerk 7/23/18 $ 3,795.00 Mental Health-Budgeted Transfer to Prosecutor 7/20/18 $ 11,620.28 Mental Health-Budgeted Transfer to Therapeutic Ct 7/20/18 $ 57,144.68 Mental Health-Budgeted Transfer to Juvenile Prob. 7/20/18 $ 11,557.97 Background: The Board approved Resolution No. 80-00 Payment of Claims Against County: Procedure Authorizing Warrant Issue and Release Prior to Board Claim Approval. Mason County Code 3.32.060(a) requires that the board enter into the minutes of the County Commissioners the approval of claims listing warrant numbers. Claims Clearing YTD Total $ 14,136,185.09 Direct Deposit YTD Total $ 9,984,432.97 Salary Clearing YTD Total $ 10,396,715.86 Approval of Treasure Electronic Remittances YTD Total $ 6,436,971.38 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to: Move to approve the following warrants: Claims Clearing Fund Warrant #s 8057911-8058190 $ 1,070,529.61 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant #s 51608-51950 $ 700,102.22 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant #s 7003779-7003805 $ 487,487.40 Treasure Electronic Remittance for July 2018 $ 189,844.49 Attachment(s): Originals on file with Auditor/Financial Services (Copies on file with Clerk of the Board) N SIACO Office of the Treasurer 411 N. 5th, Bldg. I 'w E� P.O. Box 429 Shelton, Washington 98584-0429 asu (360) 427-9670, ext. 475 • Fax (360) 427-7267 Belfair (360) 275-4467 • Elma (360) 482-5269 � _ Elisabeth (Lisa) Frazier, Treasurer Payment approval of Macecom: LA q 75AS Account FUND # Remittance RECEIPT # Macecom -=001.000000.300.300 $ 103,995.16 M-45847 $ - 7/10/2018 Payment approval of Mental Health: Account FUND # Remittance RECEIPT # ML:JTAL HEALTH 164.000000.000.000 $ 1,105.61 M-45845 $ - M- Payment approval of Community Health & Social Services Fees: BOND FISCAL FUND AGENT FUND No. ACCT. #'S Remiittance RECEIPT # Community Health & Social Services 637.000000.000.000 $ 625.79 M-45040 7/23/2018 Account FUND # Remiittance RECEIPT # Mental Health- Budgeted Transfer 164.000000.100.000 $ 3,795.00 M-46178 Clerk 001.000000.070.000 $3,795.00[M-46179 20-Ju1-18 Account FUND # Remiittance RECEIPT # Mt.,tal Health- Budgeted Transfer 164.000000.100.000 $ 11,620.28 M-46149 Prosecutor 001.000000.180.164 $11,620.28 M-46150 20-Jul-18 Account FUND # Remiittance RECEIPT # Mental Health- Budgeted Transfer 164.000000.100.000 $ 57,144.68 M-46143 Therapeutic Court 001.000000.256.100 $57,144.68 M-46145 7/20/2018 Account FUND # Remiittance RECEIPT # Mental Health-Budgeted Transfer 164.000000.100.000 $ 11,557.97 M-46153 Juvenile Probation 001.000000.170.220 $11,557.97 M-46155 Respectfully submitted by: Julie Richert, Chief Deputy Treasurer 7/31/2018 31-Jul-18 REFUND INTEREST EARNED Account FUND # Remiittance RECEIPT # CURRENT EXPENSE 001.000000.260.000 $ 9.67 Multiple Rec ROAD DIV-CURRENT EXPENSE 001.000000.260.010 $2.07 Multiple Rec Veterans Assistance 190.000000.000.000 $ 0.04 Multiple Rec COUNTY ROAD 105.000000.000.000 $7.24 Multiple Rec MENTAL HEALTH 164.000000.000.000 $0.12 Multiple Rec TU�a1 � Iq .l�l MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Chief Kevin Hanson Action Agenda _XX Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Mason County Sheriff EXT: COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 07/24/18 Agenda Item # g Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 07/23/18 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Chief Kevin Hanson [] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency: ITEM: Approve prisoner housing contract between the Mason County Sheriff's Office and the Washington State Department of Corrections (DOC). BACKGROUND: This is a prisoner housing contract between the Mason County Sheriff's Office and the DOC. This contract allows the Mason County Sheriff the potential to house DOC inmates in the Mason County Jail. The billing will be per-diem, billed monthly, at a rate of $85.00 per inmate day. This contract is a standardized contract issued by DOC. This contract is valid until 08/01/2021. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve prisoner housing contract. ATTACHMENT(S): Prisoner housing contract. C:\Users\DLZ-1.MAS\AppData\Local\Temp\XPgrpwise\Commission Agenda Item DOC 2018 prisoner housing contract_l.doc INTERAGENCY CONTRACT PURPOSE This Contract is entered into by Mason [County/City/Tribal entity] (hereinafter Contractor) and the Department of Corrections (hereinafter Department or DOC) for the purpose of maximizing the efficient and cost effective use of existing resources and to provide adequate facilities and programs for the confinement, care, and treatment of Department offenders in accord with the provisions of RCW 39.34 and RCW 72.68.040. The Department and ,.v the Contractor specifically find this Contract is necessary anddesirable in order to provide adequate confinement, housing and care to the Department offenders transferred to and detained by the Contractor pursuant to RCW 9.94A.631 In consideration of the promises, payments, covenants and 'agreements contained in this Contract, the parties agree as follows: Article I DEFINITIONS Section 1.1 Contractor - means Mason [County, City, or,Tribal entity] and its employees, licensed practitioners, contractors,vendors, and volunteers. Section 1.2 Contractor inmate - means any resident of the Facility who is not a Department offender. Section 1.3 Department or DOC - means the Department of Corrections of the state of Washington, any division, section, office, unit or other entity of the Department, or any of the officers or other officials lawfully representing the Department. Section IA Department offender-'means any offender under the Department's jurisdiction. Section 1.5 DOC Utilization Management Office-means the Department's medical contact that receives, reviews, and approves Contractor's non-Formulary and extraordinary medical care requests to providenecessary medical care to Department offenders. The Nurse Desk is available telephonically 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 360-725-8733 and during normal business hours via email at NurseDesk@DOC1.wa.gov. Section 1.6 Extraordinary medical care - means medically necessary medical, psychiatric or dental care that is not commonly available through the Facility's health services and incurs additional cost. This may include, but not limited to, extraordinary medications such as immunosuppressive drugs, and hepatitis C treatment and HIV medications. Extraordinary medical costs may be billed to the Department only if previously approved by DOC, except as provided within this contract. State of Washington KXXXX Page 1 of 25 Department of Corrections Section 1.7 Facility - means the Contractor's non-Department operated correctional facility used for the total confinement of Department offenders and Contractor inmates. Section 1.8 Formulary-means the Department Pharmaceutical Management and Formulary Manual. The Formulary can be viewed at: http://doc.wa.gov/business/healthcareproviders/default.asp Section 1.8. 1 Formulary medication(s) - means the medication(s) is medically necessary according to the Offender Health Plan and requires no further approval for use, provided the criteria listed in the Formulary are met. Section 1.8.2 Restricted Formulary medication(s) means the medication(s) is medically necessary but the use is restricted to cases where there has been a documented failure of a Formulary medication(s) or to certain populations or disease states. The use of restricted Formulary medication(s) requires preauthorization though the Department's Utilization Management Office to be considered for reimbursement. Section 1.8.3 Non-Formulary medication(s) — means the medication(s) is not a part of the Formulary. Non-Formulary medication(s) is not generally prescribed in DOC and requires preauthorization though the Department's Utilization Management Office to be considered for reimbursement. Section 1.9 In-Facility care -means medical, mental health and dental care provided as part of the per diem to include all over-the-counter medication, which is any medication that does not require a prescription, and routine medical supplies, routine medical/psychiatric/dental care, regular health screenings, and emergent medical treatment provided on-site at the Facility that is undistinguishable from services provided to Contractor inmates. Section 1.10 Licensed practitioner - means any licensed health care practitioner performing services within the person's authorized scope of practice following RCW Title 18. Section 1.11 Medicaid — means Title XIX of the Social Security Act enacted by the social security amendments of 1965 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 1396;79 Stat. 343), as amended. Section 1.12 Medically necessary care - means medical care that meets one or more of the following criteria for a given patient at a given time: Section 1.12.1 Is essential to life or preservation of limb, OR Section 1.12.2 Reduces intractable pain, OR Section 1.12.3 Prevents significant deterioration of activities of daily living (ADLs),OR Section 1.12.4 Is of proven value to significantly reduce the risk of one of the three outcomes above (e.g. certain immunizations), OR Section 1.12.5 Immediate intervention is not medically necessary,but delay of care would make future care or intervention for intractable pain or preservation of ADLs State of Washington KXXXX Page 2 of 25 Department of Corrections significantly more dangerous, complicated, or significantly less likely to succeed, OR Section 1.12.6 Reduces severe psychiatric symptoms to a degree that permits engagement in programming that advances correctional interests, OR Section 1.12.7 Is described as part of a Departmental policy or health care protocol or guideline and delivered according to such policy, protocol, or guideline,OR Section 1.12.8 From a public health perspective,is necessary for the health and safety of a community of individuals and is medically appropriate,but may not be medically necessary for the individual(for example, treatment for head lice); Section 1.12.9 Not considered experimental or to be lacking in medically recognized professional documentation of efficacy; and, Section 1.12.10 Not administered solely for the convenience of the offender or the health care provider. Section 1.13 Offender day — means any day a Department offender is in the custody of the Contractor including the first day the offender is sanctioned or held by the Department to a term of confinement to be served in the Facility. Section 1.13.1 An offender day ends at midnight of the day immediately preceding the day of the offender's release from the Department's sanction, transferred to a Department institution, transferred to another Facility, released to the custody of the Department, or released to the community. Section 1.13.2 An offender day shall not include any daythat is by state law the financial responsibility of the Contractor or any other jurisdiction. Section 1.14 Offender Health Plan — means the Department's Offender Health Plan (OHP) that describes the medically necessary medical, mental health, and dental services available to Department offenders, as well as the services that are limited or not available. The OHP is not a contract or" a guarantee of services to Department offenders. The OHP can be reviewed at http://doc.wa.gov/family/0ffenderlife/docs/OffenderHealthPlan.p df. Section 1.14.1 Following the OHP and consistent with RCW 70.48.130(2), the Department does ,not consider experimental or elective procedures to be medically necessary. The Department will not reimburse for elective or experimental medical procedures. The Department will not be responsible for the payment of or for medical care required as a result of any tort committed by the Contractor, or its employees, or by its agents, contractors, vendors, or volunteers in the course of their providing services to Department offenders, or for care which could have foreseeably been prevented. Section 1.15 Pre-authorization procedure — means the Contractor must contact the Department's Nurse Desk for the DOC's permission prior to providing the extraordinary medically necessary care consistent with this contract. If the Department offender is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Department, then the Department may authorize medically State of Washington KXXXX Page 3 of 25 Department of Corrections necessary care. However, if it is later determined that another jurisdiction(s) or entity is financially responsible; then the Department may not pay for part or all of the costs associated with the medically necessary care. Section 1.16 Per diem rate- means the amount per day per Department offender that the Contractor will be reimbursed by the Department for all in-Facility care, including but not limited to all medical, mental health, dental, food, clothing and housing which are the same or similar that is provided to Contractor inmates. Section 1.17 Secretary - means the Secretary of the Department and delegates authorized in writing to act on the Secretary's behalf. Article II TERM OF THE CONTRACT/PAYMENT Section 2.1 Term. This Contract supersedes all previous oral and-written contracts and agreements between the parties relating to the confinement, care, and treatment of Department offenders. This Contract commences on [August 1, 2018], and continues through [August 1 2021],unless terminated by either party pursuant to this Contract. Section 2.2 Termination. This Contract may be terminated by either party, without cause, upon sixty (60) days written notice to the other party. Not later than 60 days after the receipt or delivery of a termination notice, the Department agrees to take physical custody of Department offenders confined at the Facility pursuant to this Contract. However, if the Department offender is held pursuant to RCW 9.94A.631, the Department may not be required to move the Department offender. Additionally, if this contract is terminated and Department offenders remain detained pursuant to RCW 9.94A.631, then the Department's per diem will revert to the OFM established rate. Both parties agree to waive the written notice requirement if either party in its sole discretion, determines there is an immediate threat to public safety, health, or welfare that requires contract termination. In such cases, both parties agree to provide verbal and written notice of the termination as soon as possible. Section 2.3 Termination Due to Non-Appropriation of Funds. The terms of this Contract are contingent upon sufficient appropriations by the Washington State Legislature to the Department to pay sums pursuant to this Contract. If the Legislature does not allocate sufficient appropriations, this Contract shall terminate immediately without penalty and without the sixty (60) day notice period. The Department is responsible for the services provided to Department offenders prior to termination and removal of Department offenders, as prescribed by law. Section 2.4 Per Diem Billing. The per diem rate is Eighty five dollars ($85.00) per State of Washington KXXXX Page 4 of 25 Department of Corrections Department offender. The Contractor agrees to only bill the DOC monthly for the actual bed days used by Department offenders in the preceding month. The Contractor also agrees that it will not bill the DOC for any bed day that is the financial responsibility of any other jurisdiction, and that it will submit monthly itemized bills to the Department in an electronic spreadsheet format that includes the offender's name, DOC number, date of birth, and dates the offender was held by the Contractor under the Department's authority. If applicable, the Contractor agrees to identify in the monthly bill, any beds that are being counted toward the day-for-day exchange for any Contractor boarder being held by the Department in a Department institution. Section 2.4.1 The Contractor agrees to run all sanctions imposed by the Department consecutively to all other sanctions and/or sentences imposed by any other jurisdiction,unless a court order requires them to run concurrently. Section 2.4.2 The Department's financial responsibilities under this Contract terminate when the Department takes custody of the Department offender, when the Department's sanction has been served, or when the Department's hold or detainer is no longer valid,whichever is earliest. Article III RESPONSIBILITIES Section 3.1 Target Population. Department offenders transferred to the Contractor will be primarily, but not exclusively, those who are in violation of community supervision requirements, awaiting a hearing, on alleged Violations, parenting sentencing alternative violators, and work release violators'. Section 3.2 Offender Housing, Confinement and Sanction time. The Contractor agrees to take into custody, confine and supervise Department offenders in the Facility pursuant to this Contract. Department offenders may be integrated with the Contractor's inmate population, as allowed by law, regulation, and ordinance. Placement of Department offenders in the Facility following this Contract may occur at any time after the beginning of the term of this Contract, pursuant to this contract. However, in the absence of a contract, if a community corrections officer arrests or causes the arrest of an offender pursuant to RCW 9.94A.631, the offender shall be taken into custody, confined and detained and shall not be released from custody except upon approval pursuant to a written order by authorized Department staff. Section 3.2.1 Each party agrees that Department offenders shall serve any Department imposed sanction time consecutive to all other sentences, pursuant to RCW 9.94A.589(2),unless a Court of competent jurisdiction orders their sentence(s) to run concurrently with a previously imposed Department sanction. In the event this occurs, the Contractor agrees to provide the Department with a copy of the Court's order. State of Washington KXXXX Page 5 of 25 Department of Corrections Section 3.2.2 Each party agrees to notify the other in writing any time the Department's jurisdiction has been tolled, or should be tolled by non-DOC confinement pursuant to RCW 9.94A.171. Section 3.2.3 The Contractor agrees that the Department shall not be financially responsible for any Department offender during the period the Department sanction has been tolled by non DOC confinement. Section 3.3 Transportation of Department Offenders Section 3.3.1 The Department agrees to provideor arrange for transportation of Department offenders to and from the Facility except when the transportation is determined by Facility staff to be necessary to secure emergency medical evaluation or treatment, or when transportation is required to support the orderly operation of the Facility, in which case the Contractor shall provide the transportation. Section 3.3.2 The Contractor agrees to provide transportation, if Contractor has transportation, to and from designated sites on its regularly scheduled trips and to assist, when possible, in the transportation of Department offenders to and from other facilities in surrounding counties, to include placing Department offenders on the Contractor's transportation during regularly scheduled trips. Section 3.3.3 Contractor Transport Costs. The Department agrees to reimburse the Contractor for all reasonable costs incurred by the Contractor for its transports of Department offenders requested by the Department, unless the Department offender is transported by the Contractor during the Contractor's regularly scheduled trip. Section 3.3.4 Department Transportation from Facilities. The Department agrees to provide the Contractor a minimum of 24 hours written notice prior to transporting a Department offender from the Facility. The Department shall be responsible for the transportation of Department offenders to and from Department institutions. Nothing in this section precludes either party from waiving the 24 hour written notification. Section 3.4 Return of Department Offenders. Section 3.4.1 Return of Department offenders to Department. The Department may demand that a Department offender be returned to Department custody at any time. The return will be at the Department's expense unless the Department offender is transported by the Contractor during a Contractor's regularly scheduled trip to the scheduled destination. Section 3.4.2 Contractor's Return of Department Offenders. The Contractor may request to return a Department offender to the Department at any time for documented behavioral or medical/mental health problems that the Contractor is unable to manage. State of Washington KXXXX Page 6 of 25 Department of Corrections The Department agrees to accept custody as soon as possible, but not later than seven days after receiving the Contractor's request. If the Contractor requests the Department offender's return, and the Department cannot meet the Contractor's timeframe, then the Contractor may transport the offender to the nearest Department designated location. Section 3.4.3 Court's Return of Department Offenders. If a Court with competent jurisdiction orders a Department offender to be returned to the Department, then the Department agrees that it will accept custody as soon as possible, but no later than seven days after receiving notice. The Department shall be responsible for the Department offender's transportation to the nearest suitable Department,designated location,unless the offender can be transported by the Contractor during the Contractor's regularly-scheduled trip. Section 3.5 Return of Department Offender to the Community. The Contractor agrees to complete a national "Wants and Warrants" check and to notify the Department and any interested jurisdiction of the Department offender's pending release. The notification shall occur at least seven business days and not later than 24 hours prior to a Department offender's release to the community due to the Department offender's completion of a sanction or sentence. The Department offender may be released directly from the Facility when the Department takes custody of the offender, when the Department's sanction has been served, or when the Department's hold or detainer is no longer valid, whichever is earliest. Section 3.6 Jurisdiction. Department offenders placed in the Contractor's custody are under the Department's jurisdiction, however upon the Department offender's placement at the Facility, the Department authorizes the Contractor to assume custody. The Department agrees to provide the Contractorwith documentation of the Contractor's authority to detain the offender. The Contractor agrees to immediately notify the Department of all non-Department holds if and when non-Department holds are placed on Department offenders or when non- Department holds are closed or removed'from Department offenders as detailed in Attachment A. Section 3.6.1 The Contractor agrees to not transfer or transport any Department offender held by the Department or serving a Department sanction for a term of confinement until the Department takes custody of the offender, the Department's sanction has been served, or the Department's hold or detainer is no longer valid, whichever is earliest. Section 3.6.2 Department offenders detained in the Facility shall only be transferred to another confinement facility or Department institution after authorization is obtained from the Violator Desk, the after-business Duty Officer, or the Contract Coordinator as detailed in Attachment A. Section 3.7 Public Records. Both parties agree to comply with Washington State's Public Records Act, RCW 42.56.040 through 42.56.570 (act). The act requires each party to make State of Washington KXXXX Page 7 of 25 Department of Corrections available for inspection and copying nonexempt "public records." A "public record" includes any "writing containing information relating to the conduct of government or the performance of any governmental or proprietary function prepared, owned, used, or retained" by the party in accord with RCW 42.56.070(1). Section 3.8 Medical Care. It is the intent of the parties that Department offenders in the Contractor's custody receive safe, appropriate and cost-effective medical care consistent with the Department's Offender Health Plan and Attachment B. Section 3.8.1 Contractor Responsibilities. The Contractor agrees to provide Department offenders in the Facility care identical to the care provided to Contractor inmates. The Contractor 'agrees to provide Department offenders twenty-four (24) hour access to emergency medical care. The Contractor agrees to provide the most cost-effective, medically appropriate method of transportation and security for all Department offenders taken out of the Facility, to in-county emergent and non-emergent medical appointments. The Contractor agrees to follow the Department's pre-authorization procedure through the Department's Utilization Management Office for all health care provided to Department offenders beyond what is normally provided to Contractor's inmates. This includes, but is not limited to, requests to use restricted Formulary and non-Formulary medication(s). ONLY the Department's Nurse Desk can authorize the transfer of a Department offender from the Facility for medical reasons. In an emergency, when pre-authorization is not feasible, the Contractor agrees to notify the Department, as soon as possible, but not later than four hours after transporting a Department offender to the nearest emergency room or other medical facility and before any hospital admission. The Contractor agrees to be financially responsible for all unauthorized, non-emergent and non-medically necessary health care provided to Department offenders. The Contractor agrees to be financially responsible for any medical costs incurred due to the negligent action or inaction of Contractor's employees. State of Washington KXXXX Page 8 of 25 Department of Corrections Section 3.8.2 Department Responsibilities. The Department agrees to be financially responsible for pre-authorized extraordinary medical care provided by the Contractor to Department offenders that is consistent with this Contract, the OHP and the Department's prescription formulary. If the Department offender is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Department, then the Department may authorize medically necessary care. However, if it is later determined that another jurisdiction(s) or entity is financially responsible; them the Department may not pay for part or all of the costs associated with the medically necessary care. The Department agrees to reimburse the .Contractor for emergency medical costs incurred by a Department offender under the conditions of this Contract. Emergency medical care costs may include a facility fee, physician services, labs and x-rays. The Department is not obligated to reimburse the Contractor for medical care or treatment provided to a Department offender without the Department's pre- authorization, or in an emergency within the agreed timeframe specified in paragraph The Department may, at its option;request the return of a Department offender for medical-,:reasons. The',Department's medical financial responsibilities under this Contract terminate when the Department takes custody of the offender, when the Department's sanction has been served, or when the Department's hold or detainer is no longer valid, whichever'is earliest. The Department at its sole discretion may provide Department offenders prescription medications or, reimburse the Contractor for prescription medications it provides as long as the Contractor provided prescription medications are consistent with the Offender Health Plan and the Formulary. Restricted Formulary and non-Formulary medications must be pre-'authorized by the Department's Utilization Management Office. See Attachment B. The Contractor may require Department offenders to submit co-pay for medications. Section 3.8.3 Safe Transfer of Care. — Both parties agree to follow the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). HIPPA protects the privacy of individually identifiable protected health information. It allows the exchange of this information between the Department and the State of Washington KXXXX Page 9 of 25 Department of Corrections Contractor for the purpose of billing and payment. This allows the Contractor to provide the Department with information documenting the Contractor's treatment activities so that the Contractor can receive reimbursement under this Contract for costs of health care provided to Department offenders.. See CFR 45 � 164.506. HIPPA also clarifies the standard for use and disclosure for correctional institutions and other law enforcement custodial situations in CFR 45�164.512. The Contractor agrees to consult with a registered nurse at the receiving facility and/or the Department's Utilization Management Office prior to transferring a Department offender for-medical reasons. "Transferring," as used in this section, includes moving the Department offender into the Contractor's medical unit within the Facility. The Contractor also agrees to consult telephonically with the medical staff at any facility receiving the Department,offender and agrees to transport, with the Department offender, any,.'applicable medical records, current care instructions, and all appropriately labeled medications.' The medical record shall at a minimum include the Department offender's name, DOC number, date of birth, any known allergies, current medication list, and description of current medical problem(s), the Facility medical care previously provided, and the Facility medical staff contact information. Prior to the Contractor transferring a Department offender to any other correctional facility, the Contractor agrees to obtain the Department's authorization, and if approved to provide a copy of the Department's authorization to hold the Department offender at the receiving facility. The Department agrees to transport, with the Department offender, any applicable medical records, current care instructions, and all appropriately labeled medications. The medical record shall at a minimum include the Department offender's name, DOC number, date ,of birth, any known allergies, current medication list and description of current medical problem(s), the Facility medical care previously provided, and the Department's institutional medical staff contact information. Section 3.8.4 Medical Care Utilization Review. The Contractor agrees to allow the Department and its agents to conduct concurrent and retrospective utilization audits and reviews of any and all medical services provided to Department offenders. The Contractor agrees that any and all of its medical service contracts will include authorization for the Department's concurrent and retrospective utilization audits and reviews of any and all medical services provided to Department offenders. State of Washington KXXXX Page 10 of 25 Department of Corrections Section 3.8.5 Medical Billing. Contractor costs incurred for a Department offender's medical care not included in the per deim will be reimbursed by the Department consistent with this Contract and Attachment B. The Contractor agrees to electronically send itemized monthly bills to the Department at: DOCHOMedicalRAB@DOC 1.W A.GOV. The itemized reimbursement claims must contain the Department offender's name and DOC number and attached supporting documentation of the service provided that includes the date(s) of service, the name of the practitioner who ordered the service, details of the service/item(s) provided, the prescriptions(s) provided, the facility(s) that provided the service(s), and a copy of any health care claims paid to off-site providers. The Contractor agrees to submit itemized billing statements electronically to the Department for reimbursement and data collection purposes. If billings received do not contain the detailed information or supporting documents required, they will be returned to the Contractor and not processed. The Contractor agrees to submit itemized bills for 'medical services not later than six months after the date of service. If medical or pharmaceutical bills are received 365 days or more after the date of service the Department may decline to reimburse the Contractor for those bills. Section 3.9 Notification of Release Date. The Department agrees to calculate a Department offender's release date and,to notify the Contractor, in writing, of the Department offender's release date. " The Contractor willnot release a Department offender unless the Department's sanction"has been served, or when the Department's hold or detainer is no longer valid, whichever is earliest. The Contractor also agrees to notify the Department if a Department offender receives additional confinement or holds from a non-Department jurisdiction(s). The Department will not be financially responsible for any per diem or medical costs beyond the sanction time imposed by DOC. Section 3.10 Contract Coordinator. Each party agrees to identify a coordinator who is responsible for administering the Contract on behalf of that party. Should the coordinator be absent for an extended period of time, the coordinator shall arrange for, and notify the other party in writing of the alternate contact person during the coordinator's absence. The DOC Contract Coordinator's contact information is provided in Attachment A. Section 3.11 Use of Facilities. The Contractor agrees to provide Department staff and officers suitable facilities for conducting Department offender hearings and reviews Monday through Friday during normal business hours and at other times upon written notice. State of Washington KXXXX Page 11 of 25 Department of Corrections The room provided will have sufficient space to safely and efficiently conduct Department offender hearings and reviews. Sufficient space means that the room provided must be of a size sufficient to accommodate at least three people and must be equipped with overhead lighting, at least one electrical power/outlet, a desk, three chairs, and a working telephone with a line able to dial phone numbers outside the Facility. Where possible the Contractor agrees to provide a means for contacting the Contractor during the hearing. If a "panic button" or other method is not available, the Contractor agrees to ensure Department offenders remain restrained during Department hearings and reviews. Section 3.12 Inspections. The Contractor agrees to allow the Department and its agents to inspect and audit the Facility(s) with or without advance'notice. The inspection/audit may include, but is not limited to: reviewing holding and detaining., facilities, expense reports, interviewing Department offenders and reviewing Department offender medical records. Section 3.13 Offender Programs. Department offenders will have the same access to programs provided to Contractor inmates housed in the Facility. Should the Department elect to provide additional programs for Department offenders at the Department's expense, the Contractor agrees to provide workspace to conduct those programs, provided that such space is available and not being used by the Contractor. ' Section 3.14 Orientation. Upon a Department offender's arrival at the Facility, the Contractor agrees to fingerprint, conduct an NCIC check and providean',orientation for the Department offender as if the Department offender were a Contractor inmate. This orientation must include the Facility's: 1) requirements for work; 2) Facility rules and disciplinary procedures; 3) medical care availability; and 4)visitation rules. The Department will advise Department offenders of the requirement to follow the rules of the Facility. Section 3.15 Clothinz. Section 3.15.1 Clothing and bedding for Department offenders will be provided and maintained in accordance with the Facility's policies. Section 3.15.2 The Contractor agrees to provide work clothing and equipment appropriate to a Department offender's assignment to the same extent as provided for Contractor inmates. Section 3.15.3 The Contractor agrees to furnish Department offenders with climate appropriate outerwear comparable to that provided to Contractor inmates. State of Washington KXXXX Page 12 of 25 Department of Corrections Section 3.15.4 Department offenders will be released in the clothing in which they arrived or in Department-provided apparel. Section 3.16 Transferable Items. Each party agrees to provide the other with a list of allowable items that may be transferred with a Department offender. Section 3.17 Compensation for Work. The Contractor agrees to provide Department offenders who participate in Contractor employment the same reimbursement, if any, as provided to Contractor inmates performing similar work. Section 3.18 Discipline. The Contractor may discipline Department offenders in accordance with the Contractor's rules and disciplinary procedures. The Contractor agrees to notify the Department as soon as possible but not later than 72 hours after disciplining a Department offender whose conduct resulted in the Department offender receiving Contractor discipline or a referral for charges. In such cases, the Department reserves the right to determine if the Department offender's misconduct should also be addressed through the Department's violation and hearing processes. The Contractor reserves the right to refer.a Department offender's misconduct for new charges and the right to move Department offenders to more secure housing within the Facility consistent with the Contractor's policies, procedures and prudent facility management practices. The Contractor ,may require the Department to retake any Department offender whose behavior requires segregated or protective housing pursuant to this Contract. The Department may request a Department offender be returned to the Department if the Department offender's behavior orhealth requires segregated or protective housing pursuant to this Contract. Section 3..19 Facility`'Operations. The Contractor agrees to manage Department offenders consistent with the management of Contractorinmates and in accordance with the law. The Contractor agrees to maintain staffing'levels at the Facility in sufficient numbers and rank to maintain the safety of the public, staff, Contractor inmates, and Department offenders and to reasonably carry out the provisions of this Contract. Section 3.20 Religious Opportunity. The Contractor agrees to provide Department offenders the same space and opportunity for religious services as provided to Contractor inmates. Section 3.21 Telephone. The Contractor agrees to provide Department offenders access to telephone services consistent with telephone services provided to Contractor inmates. Section 3.22 Commissary and Mail. The Contractor agrees to provide Department offenders commissary and mail services consistent with commissary and mail services provided to Contractor inmates. Section 3.23 Offender Funds. The Contractor agrees to administer Department offender State of Washington KXXXX Page 13 of 25 Department of Corrections funds consistent with the fund administration provided to Contractor inmates. If, by mutual Contract, the Contractor agrees to house Department offenders who are non-violators, the Contractor then agrees to administer Department offender funds to include the appropriate accounting process to accommodate statutorily mandated deductions. Section 3.24 Visitation. The Contractor agrees to provide Department offenders visitation opportunities consistent with those that are provided to Contractor inmates. Section 3.25 Grievance Procedures. The Contractor agrees to handle initial Department offender grievances consistent with Contractor inmate grievance procedures. The Department agrees to handle appeals or additional reviews of Department offender grievances at the request of the Contractor. Section 3.26 Access to Courts. Contractor agrees to provide Department offenders in Contractor's custody under this Contract meaningful access to the courts through: (a) the use of court appointed attorneys to satisfy their Sixth Amendment right to counsel, (b) access to contracted attorneys provided by the Department, and/or (c) access to legal resource materials at the Facility. The Contractor also agrees to provide Department offenders opportunity to access legal materials at the Facility or to access the Department offender's attorney in accordance with security and operating needs and consistent with access granted to Contractor inmates. Section 3.27 Death of an Offender. The Contractor agrees,to immediately notify the Contract Coordinator telephonically of any Department offender's death. See Attachment A. The Contractor also agrees that the Department offender's death shall be reviewed by the coroner of the local jurisdiction pursuant Contractor's policies and procedures. The Contractor also agrees to provide the Department certified copies of the Department offender's death certificate, autopsy report, file and medical records. Section 3.28 Escape of an Offender. The Contractor agrees to immediately notify the Contract Coordinator telephonically if a Department offender escapes. See Attachment A. The Contractor also agrees to immediately notify all local law enforcement agencies. Article IV CONTRACTOR EMPLOYEES Section 4.1 Independent Contractor. Each party agrees to perform its duties hereunder as an independent contractor and not as an employee. Neither the Contractor nor any agent or employee of the Contractor shall be deemed to be an agent or employee of the Department. Neither the Department nor any agent or employee of the Department shall be deemed to be an agent or employee of the Contractor. The Contractor agrees to pay, when due, all required employment taxes and income tax withholding including all Federal and State income tax and local head tax on any monies paid pursuant to this Contract. Neither the Contractor nor the Department shall have authorization, express or implied to bind the other to any Contracts, State of Washington KXXXX Page 14 of 25 Department of Corrections liability or understanding except as expressly set forth herein. Section 4.2 Personnel. The Contractor agrees to retain sufficient personnel to deliver 24- hour care and supervision to Department offenders, consistent with Contractor's policies and the governing laws, as well as administrative and support service personnel for the overall operation of the Facility. The Contractor agrees to subject all applicants to a thorough background check prior to their employment at the Facility. Section 4.3 Training. Each Party agrees to train their employees in accordance with its policies and the law. Each Party also agrees to be responsible';for all claims, damages, liability and court awards including costs, expenses and attorney fees incurred as a result of any action or omission of its employees, agents, subcontractors or assignees incurred in connection with the training. Article V PREA COMPLIANCE Section 5.1 Compliance. The Contractor agrees to ensure that all of the Contractor's employees, vendors and volunteers who have contact with Department offenders comply 'With all federal and state laws regarding sexual misconduct,including but not limited to: Section 5.1.1 The Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003(PREA); Section 5.1.2 The standards for adult prisons and jails or,.community confinement facilities, whichever is applicable,as promulgated by the US Attorney,'' Section 5.1.3 RCW 72.09.225 or RCW 13.40.570, Sexual misconduct by state employees, contractors; Section 5.1.4 RCW 9A.44.010,Definitions, Section 5.1.5 RCW 9A.44.160, Custodial sexual misconduct in the first degree; and, Section 5.1.6 RCW 9A.44.170, Custodial sexual misconduct in the second degree; and Section 5.1.7 Zero tolerance toward all forms of sexual abuse and sexual harassment. Section 5.2 Monitorin&. The Contractor agrees to provide to the Department documented compliance with the Federal PREA standards, and to allow the Department to monitor their facility's compliance. Section 5.2.1 Monitoring may include,but is not limited to: site visits, access to facility data, and review of applicable documentation. Section 5.2.2 The Department may terminate this Contract should the Contractor fail to provide documentation that demonstrates that the Contractor is actively and effectively working toward and is making substantive progress toward achieving compliance or should the Contractor fail to maintain PREA compliance between auditing periods, after being given a reasonable opportunity to cure. Section 5.3 Termination. The Department may terminate this Contract should Contractor elect to discontinue pursuit of PREA compliance or should the Contractor be found in noncompliance through a PREA Audit and fail to cure such noncompliance within the identified time-frames or should the Contractor be found to be in egregious violation of PREA. State of Washington KXXXX Page 15 of 25 Department of Corrections Article VI INDEMNIFICATION Section 6. Indemnification Each party agrees to be responsible for the negligent acts or omissions of its staff. Each party agrees to defend and indemnify the other party and its elected and appointed officials, officers, employees and agents against all claims, losses, damages, suits and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs, to the extent they arise out of, or result from, the performance of this Contract by the indemnitor or its elected or appointed officials, officers, employees and agents. The indemnitor's duty to defend and indemnify extends to,but is not limited to, claims by the elected or appointed officials, officers, employees or agents of the indemnitor or of any contractor or subcontractor of indemnitor. The indemnitor waives its immunity under Title 51 (Industrial Insurance) of,the Revised Code of Washington solely for the purposes of this provision and acknowledges that this waiver was mutually negotiated. This provision shall survive the expiration or termination of this Contract. Article VII MISCELLANEOUS Section 7.1 Existing State Law. This Contract shall I.Kot be construed to 'alter the legal responsibilities of the Contractor or: the Department with regard to the legal and fiscal responsibility for confinement, care, and treatment of Department offenders under state law. Section 7.2 Disputes. Disputes between the parties may be submitted to arbitration if the parties are unable to resolve any'dsputes arising hereunder,through conference. No disputes may be submitted to'arbitration without the consent of both parties. Nothing in this section is intended to limit either party access to any and all courts of law of this state or country. Section 7.3 Equal Employment Opportunity. The parties ascribe to the principles of equal employment opportunity. Neither is responsible for ensuring that the other is in compliance with equal employment statutes or policies. Section 7.4 Invalidity and Severability. To the extent that this Contract may be executed and performance of the obligations of the parties may be accomplished within the intent of the Contract, the terms of this Contract are several and should any term or provision hereof be declared invalid or become inoperative for any reason, such invalidity or failure shall not affect the validity of any other term or provision hereof. In the event that any provision of this Contract is held invalid, that provision shall be null and void. However, the validity of the remaining provisions of the Contract shall not be affected thereby. Section 7.5 Jurisdiction and Venue. The laws of the State of Washington and the rules and regulations issued pursuant thereto shall be applied in the interpretation, execution and enforcement of this Contract. Venue for any legal action related to the performance or interpretation of this Contract shall be in the Superior Court in Thurston County,Washington. State of Washington KXXXX Page 16 of 25 Department of Corrections Section 7.6 Scope of Contract.This Contract and any appendices or exhibits to it incorporate all the contracts, covenants, and understandings between the parties. No prior contract or understandings, verbal or otherwise, of the parties or their agents shall be valid or enforceable unless embodied in this Contract. This Contract shall not be altered, changed, or amended except by mutual consent of the parties in writing. Section 7.7 Compliance with Applicable Laws. The parties agree at all times during the performance of their obligations of this Contract to strictly adhere to all applicable federal and state laws and regulations. Section 7.8 Audit. At no additional cost, all records relating to the Contractor's performance under this Contract shall be subject at all reasonable times to inspection, review, and audit by the Department, the Office of the State Auditor, and federal and state officials so authorized by law, in order to monitor and evaluate performance, compliance, and quality assurance under this Contract. The Contractor shall provide access to its facilities for this purpose. Any overpayments discovered in the course of such audits, after notice to the Contractor, may be withheld from future payments. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned duly, authorized officers have subscribed their names on behalf of the State of Washington and the Contractor of[Mason County]. [Mason]COUNTY/CITY/TRIBAL ENTITY STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT,OF CORRECTIONS [Casey Salisbury], Sheriff - DATE Jody Becker-Green, Acting Secretary DATE Approved by: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Office of the Attorney [XXXXXX] COUNTY,WASHINGTON General on August 21, 2015. [Randy Netherland], Chair DATE [Terri,Drexler], Commissioner DATE [Kevin Shutty], Commissioner DATE ATTEST(Clerk): State of Washington KXXXX Page 17 of 25 Department of Corrections [XXXXXX] DATE Approved as to form by: Contractor's City/County/Tribal Attorney DATE State of Washington KXXXX Page 18 of 25 Department of Corrections Attachment A DOC Contact Information Violator Medical Issues DOC Nurse Desk-24/7 • Pre-Authorization for • 360-725-8733 extraordinary medical expenses Additional contact during business hours: • Pre-Authorization for non- • NurseDesk@docl.wa.gov Formulary medications • Fax: 360-586-9060 • Report of emergent offender medical issue Violator Issues DOC Violator Desk • To request a transfer of violator Monday-Friday(except Holidays): 7:00 am-5:00 pm • Notification of additional non- • 1-855-584-6528 DOC sentence/sanction • Violatordesk@doc.wa.gov confinement •' When calling outside of hours listed call the DOC • Notification of violator Warrants Desk and ask to speak to the CCD Section discipline/new charges Duty Officer. • Notification of any non- DOC 'r detainers/holds DOC Secretary Warrant DOC Warrants Desk-24/7 • 360-725-8888 Concerns after normal business hours DOC Warrants Desk-24/7 For example: offenders under DOC Warrants Desk will refer to the appropriate Duty Officer supervision or issues related to DOC • 360-725-8888 staff or DOC equipment Violator Medical Billing Medical Disbursement Unit • Requests for reimbursement for • DOCHOMedicalRAB@docl.wa.gov medical care not included in the • 360-725-8298 offender base rate. • Fax: 360-586-1320 DOC Contract Coordinator Thomas Layne • Contract concerns/issues Monday-Friday(except Holidays): 8:00 am-5:00 pm • Death of a Violator - • Work 360-725-8943 • Violator Escape • After hours/holidays 360-890-6151 • thomas.layne@doc.wa.gov Last updated 1/11/2017 State of Washington KXXXX Page 19 of 25 Department of Corrections Attachment A Attachment B Pre-authorization and Medical Billing Instructions The County, City, or Tribal entity (hereinafter Contractor) must obtain pre-authorization through the Department's Utilization Management Office for all health care beyond what is normally provided to Contractor's inmates. This includes, but is not limited to, notification of Department offenders who are on specialty/high cost medications for long-term or chronic conditions such as Hepatitis C, HIV, Multiple Sclerosis or any other condition that requires the consistent administration of medications during the Department offender's confinement. In the case of an emergency, when pre-authorization is not feasible, the Contractor must notify the Department's Utilization Management Office as soon as possible, but no later than 4 hours after transporting the Department Offender to an emergency room or other medical facility and before any hospital admission. The following information must be included with notifications: • The date and time the Department offender left=.Contractor's facility because of the medical event; • The name of the hospital or medical facility; • The medical issue/reason for trip; and, • The date and time the offender returned to Contractor's facility,if applicable. Please note: If ANY hospitalization of a Department offender results in an inpatient event then the Department, if properlynotified, will apply for Medicaid coverage under the Affordable Care Act and the Contractor will not be billed for„qualifying services. However, the Contractor must notify the Department of the hospitalization and follow the emergency notification and pre-authorization process so that a Medicaid application can be initiated for the event. The Department must open a claim within 90 days of the date of service. The Department is not obligated' to reimburse the Contractor for medical care or treatment provided to a Department offender without the Department's pre-authorization or notification within the 4 hour timeframe specified in the contract. Pre-authorization requests for extraordinary medical care, including pertinent medical records, and other supporting documentation, must be faxed to the Department's Utilization Management Office at(360)586-9060. The Department's Utilization Management Office is available via telephone to assist Contractor 24 hours a day and 7 days per week. State of Washington KXXXX Page 20 of 25 Department of Corrections Attachment B • From 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday— Friday (except holidays), the Nurse Desk is available at NurseDesk@docl.wa.gov or (360) 725-8733. • After normal business hours and during holidays, please call (360) 725-8733. The call is forwarded to the on-call UM Nurse. Emails may not be returned until the next business day. Denials - If the Department denies the authorization for extraordinary medical care, Contractor(s) may appeal the Department's decision by submitting a written request with the supporting documentation to the Department's Utilization Management Office at NurseDesk@docl.wa.gov. Pharmaceuticals and Non-Formulary Requests The Department may reimburse for prescription medications that are consistent with the Offender Health Plan and Formulary. Restricted formulary and non=Formulary medication must be pre-authorized by submitting a request to the Department's Utilization Management Office either via email at NurseDesk@docl.wa.gov or fax at 360-586-9060. The non-formulary request (NFR) form is available online at: htW://www.doc.wa.gov/family/offend6rlif6/d66s/DOC13-091.12df . Formulary medications are medically necessary medications that require no further Department approval for use, provided the criteria listed in the Department's Formulary are met. Preauthorization —Restricted Formulary and non-Formulary medications may be prescribed however, the Department will only authorize these medications if the specific criteria necessary for approval' are met. Medications in this category require preauthorization by the Department's Utilization Management Office to be considered for reimbursement. When a Contractor determinesthat the administration of a restricted Formulary or a non- Formulary medication is medically necessary for the continuous management of a significant medical or mental health condition, the Contractor should proceed based on his/her professional clinical judgment. . However, to be considered for reimbursement, a restricted Formulary/non-Formulary medication request must be approved by the Department's Utilization Management Office as soon as feasible, but not later than 3 days after beginning the medication. Denials - If the Department denies the request to use restricted Formulary medication and/or non-Formulary medication, the Contractor may still be reimbursed for medications administered to a Department offender while awaiting the Department's decision on the State of Washington KXXXX Page 21 of 25 Department of Corrections Attachment B Contractor's appeal of a Department denial for reimbursement by submitting a written request and any supporting documentation to the Department's Utilization Management Office. Medical Billing It is the responsibility of the Contractor to process payment for all bills prior to sending them to the Department for reimbursement. However, if the Contractor is unable to make payment for direct billings, the Contractor may send a written request to the Department to process payment on the behalf of the Contractor.Requests may be submitted via fax(360)586-1320 or via email to DOCHQMedicalRAB@DOC1.WA.GOV. Contractors must include a copy of the original medical bill with the request. The Department will respond to the Contractor's written request for assistance with payment of a direct billing(s) not later than 7 business daysof receipt.'Contractors shall instruct the billing entity to NOT send a medical bill directly to the Department. Contractors shall submit monthly medical billings electronically to the Department's Medical Disbursement Unit at DOCHOMedicalRAB@DOC1.WA.GOV. Monthly itemized invoices for services provided onsite by the Contractor should include the previous month's services. Contractors must submit billings for offsite services within 30 days of the date of service. The Department understands. that occasionally a monthly invoice may include medical bills from the previous months) However, in an effort to ensure an efficient and accurate billing process, Contractors will submit bills one month at a time,whenever possible. Itemized billing statements must be submitted following the format of the DOC's Medical Billing Reimbursement Form, Attachment C. with the supporting documentation attached, when applicable. Incomplete or missing data or supporting documentation may result in delays or denial of payment. Contractors unable to submit billing via email, must fax bills to: Department of Corrections Medical Disbursement Unit Fax: (360) 586-1320 Monthly billings must include: • A coversheet with all pertinent details including: (1) The medical facility name, the medical facility's Federal Tax ID number, including the name of the contact at the medical facility, the medical facility's contact's phone number, and either an email or fax number; (2) The total amount being billed; (3) The month, date and year of service; State of Washington KXXXX Page 22 of 25 Department of Corrections Attachment B (4) The contact information for the Contractor's billing staff (including a phone number and an email address or fax number); and, (5) The address for where to submit the payment, an invoice number (this is the Contractor's internal invoice tracking number). • Any itemized charges must include: (1) The name of the Department offender; (2) The Department offender's DOC# and DOB; (3) The reason for the charges; and, (4) The total amount of the charges. Note: If the Contractor is requesting reimbursement for services paid to an onsite or offsite medical provider(s), a copy of the original healthcare claim form paid by the Contractor must also be included. • Supporting documentation including verification of.the Department's detainer/hold; any authorizations from the Utilization Management Office; all Health Insurance Claim Forms, including those that are needed for medical insurance claims, i.e. the CMS 1500 or the UB-04; and, ,invoices from community providers showing what was billed including the documentation of what the Contractor paid. o When Contractor is requesting reimbursement for medications Contractor must also provide a copy" of the original pharmacy bill to include the Department offender's name,'the medication name, the dosage and quantity provided and the amount Contractor previously paid for the medication(s). • Credits for returned prescriptions - 'Contractors wanting credits for returned medications, must document those "credits" following the supporting documentation guidelines with clear demarcation as a CREDIT. Once the Department,has completed its' medical bill verification process and is ready to process payment, the Contractor.will be notified by email or fax of any denials or credits. For billing questions or concerns,please email DOCHOMedicalRAB@DOCI.WA.GOV. HIPAA HIPAA—The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) protects the privacy of individually identifiable,protected health information. This law allows for the exchange of this information between the Department and the Contractor for the purpose of billing and payment which allows the Contractor to provide the required back-up documentation regarding the Department offender's health information and State of Washington KXXXX Page 23 of 25 Department of Corrections Attachment B treatment activities for support of payment purposes (See CFR 45� 164.506). HIPPA also clarifies the standard for use and disclosure for correctional institutions and other law enforcement custodial situations in CFR 45 X164.512. 4p a +v � N 4 .; VL 94 Nwa,. State of Washington KXXXX Page 24 of 25 Department of Corrections Attachment B Attachment C Department of Corrections Medical Billing Reimbursement Form Last Name First DOC# Date ol Date o edical facilityRX RX # or Name of Date & Name ofCopy 01 Amount Amount Amount Contracto time of DOC - Name birth service r RX name, quantity reason Copy o of co ) p Y offsite aid b billed to & or# for approved medical p contractDOC r staffcontact medical aid b strengt of treatme non- provider y or h days contactin with DOC staff ary claim offender, y nt Formul im mpdiralennfactp if an Doe Jan 123456 1/15/19 7/20/20 Gabapentin 3C 3 pills 123456 Elmer 7/20/2015; Tamm Y Y $ $ $ Smith Jon 121212 2/26/19 7/10/20 St. Joseph'f 7 days Chest Erin 7/10/2015; Lisa N/A Y $ $ $ JahnsenT Do 555555 10/31/1 8/1/201 Walla Walla 5 Foreign Billie 8/1/2015, Sarah N/A Pendi $ $ $ (County/City/Tribal}- Jail (Street Address) (Address) (Phone #) Offender Housing Invoice (Month) 2015 Total Amour�t ($00-00) BILL T O: WA State Department of Corrections Atte: Violator Desk hO Box 41149 Olympia `VA 98504 (360) 725-8620 DOCViolatorbedbillingsc�DOC1.WA.GOV Name DOC # DOB Date Eentered Date Released # of Days Amount (Last, ]First) 0-00 0-00 0-00 0_00 0-00 County Boarder Exchange Days: (Last, First) (Mirius Bed Days) TOT AL 0-00 $0-00 hate: $00-00 State of Washington KXXXX Page 25 of 25 Department of Corrections Attachment C