HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018/05/15 - Regular Packet BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DRAFT MEETING AGENDA Commission Chambers— 9:00 a.m. 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton WA 98584 May 15, 2018 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Correspondence and Organizational Business 4.1 Correspondence 4.2 News Release: Oakland Bay Day Staff: Debbie Riely 4.3 Presentation of Certificate of Good Practice Staff: Cmmr. Neatherlin 5. Open Forum for Citizen Input (5 minutes per person, 15 minutes time limit) If you wish to address the Commission, raise your hand to be recognized by the Chair. When you have been recognized, please step up to the microphone and give your name and address before your comments.The Mason County Commission is committed to maintaining a meeting atmosphere of mutual respect and speakers are encouraged to honor this principle. 6. Adoption of Agenda Items appearing on the agenda after"Item 10. Public Hearings", may be acted upon before 9:30 a.m. 7. Approval of Minutes — April 30th and May 7, 2018 briefing minutes; May 1,2018 regular meeting minutes 8. Approval of Action Agenda: All items listed under the"Action Agenda"may be enacted by one motion unless a Commissioner or citizen requests an item be removed from the Action Agenda and considered as a separate item. 8.1 Approval of Warrants &Treasure Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant #s $ Direct Deposit Fund Warrant #s 49738-50098 $ 650,801.50 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant #s 7003606-7003645 $ 916,344.35 Treasure Electronic Remittance for April 2018 $ 185,188.31 8.2 Approval to authorize the Chair to execute the Cooperative Purchasing Agreement between Mason County and King County extending the right to cooperatively purchase goods and/or services awarded through one another through competitive bidding process. 8.3 Approval of the resolution amending Resolution 85-17 to increase the Utilities &Waste petty cash to $450. 8.4 Approval to have the Chair sign the letter of acceptance for a Digital Imaging Grant from the 2017-2018 WA State Archives Local Records Grant Program for up to $7,000. 8.5 Approval of a resolution establishing a Mason County Housing and Behavioral Health Advisory Board on Housing, Homelessness, Mental health and Agendas are subject to change,please contact the Commissioners'office for most recent version. This agenda was last printed on 05/14/18 1:58 PM. If special accommodations are needed,contact the Commissioners'office at ext.419,Shelton#360-427-9670;Belfair #275-4467,Elma#482-5269. MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' MEETING AGENDA May 15, 2018— PAGE 2 Chemical Dependency Treatment to improve the health of Mason County residents. 8.6 Approval to appoint the following citizens to the Mason County Citizens Advisory Budget Committee: Tamara Ingwaldson, James Sims, Cheryl Williams, Astrid Pearson and Jeff Carey for a term ending December 31, 2018 unless extended by the County Commissioners. 8.7 Approval to have the Chair sign Amendment #2 for the Hood Canal Regional Septic Loan Program Interlocal Agreement. 8.8 Approval to set a public hearing on June 5, 2018 at 9:30 a.m. to consider declaring Mason County Public Works owned property as surplus for the following parcel: 42002-10-00020, approximately 35 acres on the corner of Highway 101 and Highway 102. 9. Other Business (Department Heads and Elected Officials) 9.1 News Release- Mason County Housing and Behavioral Health Advisory Board Staff: Todd Parker 10. 9:30 a.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time- No hearings. 11. Board's Reports and Calendar 12. Adjournment J:\AGENDAS\2018\2018-05-15 Reg.doc NEWS RELEASE May 15, 2018 MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 411 NORTH 5T" ST SHELTON, WA 98584 TO: KMAS, KRXY, SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL, THE OLYMPIAN, SHELTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, NORTH MASON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, CITY OF SHELTON, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, THE SUN RE: Oakland Bay Day Join us for this free, fun, family-friendly celebration of the natural and cultural resources of Oakland Bay and the surrounding watershed. Visit with local resource agencies, community groups, and nonprofits for more information and tips to protect and enjoy Oakland Bay and local wildlife. Sunday, June 3rd 11 AM- 3 PM Bayshore Preserve 3800 WA Route 3, Shelton, WA 98584 Hosted by Capitol Land Trust Contact Mason County Community Services, Environmental Health with any questions: Shelton 360-427-9670 ext. 581, Belfair; 360-275-4467, or Elma 360-482-5269 Randy Neatherlin Kevin Shutty Terri Drexler Chair Commissioner Commissioner BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS'BRIEFING MINUTES Mason County Commission Chambers,411 North 5th Street,Shelton,WA Week of May 7,2018 Monday,May 7,2018 9:00 A.M. Executive Session—RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)Litigation Commissioners Neatherlin,Drexler and Shutty met in Executive Session from 9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. for a litigation matter. Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Tim Whitehead, Frank Pinter and Dawn Twiddy were in attendance. 9:45 A.M. Support Services—Frank Pinter Commissioners Neatherlin,Drexler and Shutty were in attendance. • Mason County has been awarded a Digital Imaging Grant up to$7,000 from the Secretary of State. This will be used to digitize original Commissioner meeting minutes for the period of 1986-2008.There is no match required and a letter of acceptance will be placed on agenda. • Set public hearing on June 5 to surplus Public Works property located at Highway 101/Highway 102—parcel 42002-10-00020.Frank stated there will be a BLA with part of another Public Works parcel and then subdivided with the goal being to sell the parcels. • Status of School Safety Summit. Ross McDowell drafted a potential agenda however he has learned the Sheriffs office has had meetings with the school districts. Sheriff Salisbury reported that North Mason School has a contract in place with the Sheriffs Office and the model has been presented to the other school districts. His office has been in meetings with all the school districts regarding school safety. The issue is deputy availability. The Sheriff reported that the schools are not interested in bringing anyone from the outside or volunteers;they want Sheriff staff to be assured they have all their certifications.North Mason does contract for outside security although they do not have the power to arrest. Grant funding is limited and typically they require the agency to hire any grant funded staff. Cmmr.Neatherlin stated he has been supportive of having deputies at the schools;with regards to hosting a summit,he would like to have been part of the conversation. He offered to meet with the Sheriff to review Cmmr.Neatherlin's funding proposals. The cost of a full time retired deputy to do school security is$55K plus benefits;$35K and no benefits if part time. Commissioners Shutty and Drexler were in agreement there is no need to host a summit. 10:15A.M. BREAK 10:45 A.M. Community Services—Dave Windom Commissioners Neatherlin,Drexler and Shutty were in attendance. • Approval to place a news release for National Historic Preservation Month. • Susan Stanley has applied for the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission and she sits on the Matlock Historic Committee which could be a conflict if she writes a grant request from the MCHPC on behalf of the Matlock group. After discussion,the Board declined appointing to the MCHPC due to a potential conflict. • Resolution creating an advisory board for the review of funding requests related to Housing,Homelessness,Mental Health and Chemical Dependency and news release will be placed on May 15 agenda. This advisory board is named Mason County Housing and Behavioral Health Advisory Board. • Final RFP for Therapeutic Court Housing will be reviewed next Monday for the May 22 agenda. • Request to fill two Environmental Health Specialists was approved. • News release for Oakland Bay Day,June 3,will be placed on agenda next week. Board of Mason County Commissioners'Briefing Meeting Minutes May 7,2018 • Planning Manager interviews will be this week;Environmental Health Manager position will be posted. • Discussion of dwelling height restriction of 35'. Dave is reviewing the county code and one way to incentivize low income housing is to go vertical. Staff is working on updating the Code Enforcement policy. • Cmmr.Drexler brought up the Public Benefit Rating System hearing before the PAC. Dave will be reviewing with Kell Rowen and the draft policy is on the website. Cmmr. Shutty asked Dave to follow up with comments received from the notice that was mailed to those currently in the Open Space program. 11:15 A.M. Public Works—Jerry Hauth Utilities&Waste Management Commissioners Neatherlin,Drexler and Shutty were in attendance. • Request to increase the Solid Waste Petty Cash drawers was approved to move forward. • Approval to execute the Cooperative Purchasing Agreement between Mason County and King County. • Review of 2018 Annual Construction Program amendment to add seven projects. A public hearing will be required along with a budget amendment. Projects are guardrail improvements,safety clear zone,Trails Road alternative study, Satsop Cloquallum mitigation,Deegan Road West culvert replacement,Shelton Valley Road culvert replacement and Rossmaier Bridge. • Renaming a road in honor of Kerry Schuffenhauer,who worked for Mason County for 37 years. Jerry suggested a road that goes to Hoodsport Transfer Station. The Commissioners were good with moving this forward. • Cmmr.Drexler brought up the mandatory recycling clause in the Mason County Garbage contract. Recycling does cost the citizens. The UTC regulates solid waste haulers. After discussion,it was agreed to have SWAC review the mandatory recycling. 11:45 A.M. Clerk—Sharon Fogo Commissioners Neatherlin,Drexler and Shutty were in attendance. • Clerk Fogo requested permission to fill a vacated Clerk position. She will be requesting an additional staff person because she has staff who is maxed out on overtime and comp time. Judge Goodell voiced support of adding staff to the Clerk's office. Commissioner Discussion—as needed • Cmmr.Drexler brought up a conversation with Chief Bakken regarding moving Sheriff operations into the North Mason Fire Authority building. Cmmr.Neatherlin commented on allowing other county services in the north end. Cmmr. Shutty has talked to Dave Windom about extending building department services and Dave indicated he didn't believe it is necessary because on-line permitting should lessen foot traffic. Extending services will cost money. NOON BREAK 2:00 P.M. Budget Advisory Committee Interviews Commissioners Neatherlin,Drexler and Shutty interviewed one applicant for the Budget Advisory Committee. The briefing adjourned at 2:20 p.m. Tuesday,May 8,2018 10:00—Noon Budget Advisory Committee Interviews Commissioners Neatherlin,Drexler and Shutty interviewed six additional applicants for the Budget Advisory Committee. Board of Mason County Commissioners'Briefing Meeting Minutes May 7,2018 The Commissioners asked that the appointments to the Budget Advisory Committee be placed on the May 15 agenda. The briefing adjourned at 11:50 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Diane Zoren,Administrative Services Manager BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Randy Neatherlin Terri Drexler Kevin Shutty Chair Commissioner Commissioner BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS'BRIEFING MINUTES Mason County Commission Chambers,411 North 5th Street,Shelton,WA Week of April 30,2018 Monday,April 30,2018 9:00 A.M. Executive Session—RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)Litigation Commissioners Neatherlin,Drexler and Shutty met in Executive Session from 9:00 a.m. to 10:10 a.m.with Chief Deputy Prosecutor Tim Whitehead,Frank Pinter and Dawn Twiddy on a litigation matter. 9:30 A.M. Support Services—Frank Pinter Commissioners Neatherlin,Drexler and Shutty were in attendance. • The Board would like to hold a 5t'Tuesday meeting in Belfair on May 29?Agenda items include the Belfair Mobility Plan and Public Benefit Rating System. • Frank reviewed the Take Home Vehicle Authorization list. This is a fringe benefit and the employee will receive notice of the value of the fringe benefit,if any,so the employee will be aware of any income tax liability. The animal control vehicle is still in question. • Interviews will be set for the Mason County Citizens Advisory Budget Committee applicants. • News Release for Mason County Board of Equalization Membership is on the May 1 agenda. • Frank notified the Commissioners Building 7 heating &cooling unit needs to be replaced at a cost of$12,000 from REET 1 and the DEM generator had to be repaired at a cost of$12,000 which will be paid from the Facilities budget. • Cmmr.Drexler brought up how the County comments on the BIA notices of when real property is being put into Trust. She wants to emphasize the cumulative impact of removing the property from the tax rolls. 10:00 A.M. Community Services—Dave Windom Commissioners Neatherlin,Drexler and Shutty were in attendance. • Amendment#2 for the Housing&Essential Needs(HEN)contract with Community Action Council adding$55,000. This will be added to the May 1 agenda. • HB 1622 increased the state fees for Building Permits—residential building permits to $6.50 and$25 for commercial permits. This will be placed on agenda as amending the fee ordinance. • Marissa will be starting as Planner I tomorrow;conducting Planning Manager interviews; PAC hearing on PBRS is continued to May 21. • Webb Hill lagoon project—Kell is responding to the comments and a copy will be sent to the Commissioners. Cmmr.Drexler shared some concerns voiced by the citizens and Squaxin Island Tribe. 10:40 A.M. Sheriffs Office—Chief Dracobly Commissioners Neatherlin,Drexler and Shutty were in attendance. • Chief Dracobly requested a supplemental appropriation to cover overtime on various contracts: Annual Highway 101 Wine Mixer—contract pending-$7,800;USFS contracts for$16,000(not Title 3 funding);US Marshals to arrest violent offenders- $9,000;PUD 3 overtime work-$5,850. Discussion of how much will actually be collected and concern if appropriation is made for more than is collected.Chief Dracobly voiced concern with waiting too long to make a budget supplement because the Sheriff's office receives several small revenues for OT requests from various community/private groups. Chief Dracobly provided a sample overtime contract that has had legal review. Board of Mason County Commissioners'Briefing Meeting Minutes April 30,2018 11:00 A.M. Public Works—Jerry Hauth Utilities&Waste Management Commissioners Neatherlin,Drexler and Shutty were in attendance. • Franchise renewal procedure change to allow the renewal by only Board action during a regular meeting with no public hearing. Public hearings will be required for telecommunication franchise renewals and if any franchise terms are revised and significantly different from existing terms. Private Line Occupancy permits will also be Board action during a regular meeting. Cmmr.Drexler asked that the change be recording via a resolution and to include language as to why telecommunication franchises will require a public hearing. • Review of the 2018 Annual Bridge Report. • Municipal Stormwater Phase II Permit—Ecology is meeting with Public Works on May 14 to determine whether Mason County will be issued a Municipal Stormwater Permit in 2019. • Cost of recycling vs.throwing it away—this will go back to SWAC for comments and Cmmr.Drexler noted that she wants mandatory curbside recycling part of the discussion. 11:45 A.M. Mason County Economic Development Council Commissioners Neatherlin,Drexler and Shutty were in attendance. • Interim Director Jim Toomey reviewed Quarter I report. A membership drive is necessary to raise additional funding.Cmmr.Neatherlin commented he would like GIS and EDC to work together on creating a GIS layer. Cmmr.Drexler asked for more detail in the quarterly report and for better explanations. Website traffic was reviewed. BREAK—NOON 2:00 P.M. Sheriff's Office—Chief Hanson Commissioners Neatherlin,Drexler and Shutty were in attendance. • Review of new Electronic Home Monitoring/Alcohol monitoring equipment vendor. They are changing vendors from STOP to Alcohol Monitoring Systems,Inc.(AMS)on a lease basis. The daily rates,which are paid by the inmate,are less than STOP. Commissioner Discussion Commissioners Neatherlin,Drexler and Shutty were in attendance. • Cmmr.Drexler brought up how the County responds to the BIA regarding fiscal impact to Mason County when property goes into Trust. She would like to track the cumulative effect of these property transfers. Respectfully submitted, Diane Zoren,Administrative Services Manager BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Randy Neatherlin Terri Drexler Kevin Shutty Chair Commissioner Commissioner BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Mason County Commission Chambers, 411 North 5"' Street, Shelton, WA May 1, 2018 1. Call to Order—The Chairperson called the regular meeting to order at 9:01 a.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance — City of Shelton Commissioner Kathy McDowell led the flag salute. 3. Roll Call — Present: Commissioner District 1 - Randy Neatherlin; Commissioner District 2 — Kevin Shutty; Commissioner District 3 —Terri Drexler. 4. Correspondence and Organizational Business 4.1 Correspondence 4.1.1 United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs sent notices filed by the Skokomish Island Tribe to have real property accepted "in trust"for Parcel Number's 42235-32-00060, 42235-31-00090 and 42235-31-00091. 4.1.2 Squaxin Island Tribe sent in a Notice of Property Acquisition in collaboration with Capitol Land Trust for 614 acres in Skookum Valley 4.1.3 A petition was turned in by concerned citizens from Lake Limerick regarding The proposed sewage lagoon on Webb Hill, Union. 4.1.4 Bill Allen brought in an application for the Mason County Planning Advisory Commission. 4.1.5 Randal Lewis resubmitted an application for the Mason County Citizens Advisory Budget Committee. 4.1.6 Madison Larsen submitted an application for the Mason County Citizens Advisory Budget Committee. 4.1.7 Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board sent in a marijuana license for Batstone Bud Shop 933 East Johns Prairie Road, Shelton. 4.1.8 Gary Yando sent in an application for the Mason County Housing Authority Board. 4.1.9 Phyllis Antonsen sent in comments regarding the Webb Hill Bio Recycling Project. 4.1.10 Homes First sent in their 2017 Annual Report. 4.2 News Release- Mason County Solid Waste Advisory Committee Vacancy Staff:Bart Stepp 4.3 News Release-Mason County Board of Equalization Vacancy Staff: Frank Pinter 5. Open Forum for Citizen Input— 5.1 Cheryl Williams announced the Spell-e-bration, an adult spelling bee, and fundraiser at 6:00 p.m. on Friday may 11th at the Civic Center in Shelton. 6. Adoption of Agenda - Cmmr. Shutty/Drexler moved and seconded to adopt the agenda as published. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; D-aye. 7. Approval of Minutes—April 16, 2018 Briefing Minutes; April 24, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes. Cmmr. Drexler/Shutty moved and seconded to approve the April 16, 2018 Briefing Minutes; April 24, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; D-aye. 8. Approval of Action Agenda: 8.1 Approval of the Interlocal Agreement with Fire District 3 authorizing services provided by the Public Works Department for vehicle maintenance, road or site maintenance, engineering, survey, GIS, emergency assistance, sign fabrication, fueling and materials supply. 8.2 Approval to appoint Kathy Geist to represent transit interests on the Transportation Improvement Program Citizen Advisory Panel (TIP-CAP). 8.3 Approval of Warrants &Treasure Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant #s 8055572-8056144 $ 777,823.92 BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS May 1, 2018 - PAGE 2 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant #s 49369-49737 $ 742,117.54 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant #s 7003577-7003605 $ 563,901.38 Total $ 2,083,842.84 8.4 Approval to set a public hearing for Tuesday, June 5, 2018 at 9:30 a.m. to approve the amendments to Title 17.34- Signs in the Belfair Urban Growth Area. 8.5 Approval of the Law Library Access contract and the Correctional Access Contract between the Mason County Law Library and Westlaw for continued service. 8.6 Approval to amend the contract between Mason County and Community Action Council in the amount of$53,285 with additional funding from the Department of Commerce and pass on performance measures from Commerce. 8.7 Approval for the Chair to sign the Electronic Home Monitoring (EHM) contract with Satellite Tracking of People (STOP) for the Mason County Jail. The expense of the leased equipment is reimbursed by the Alternative Sentencing User Fees. Cmmr. Drexler asked Dave Windom, Director of Mason County Community Services to speak to item 8.4. Dave explained that the current code has some constitutional and legal issues that need to be corrected. He said after that is done he would like to meet with business owners in Belfair to determine if more regulations or changes are necessary. Cmmr. Drexler/Shutty moved and seconded to approve action items 8.1 through 8.7. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; D-aye. 9. Other Business (Department Heads and Elected Officials)- None. 10. 9:30 a.m. Public Hearings and Items set for a certain time— 10.1 Public Hearing to consider approval of the following supplemental appropriations and budget transfer requests to the 2018 budget: (Ex.A) Supplemental Requests • $80,000 to Current Expense MCSO Revenue from North Mason School District for School Resource Officer • ($88;000)($40,000)to Current Expense MCSO for Salaries and Benefits Patrol • $101,000 to Current Expense MCSO Revenue from BHO for Training • ($101,000) to Current Expense MCSO for Professional Services and Supplies CITC Training TOTAL: $0-$40,000 Budget Transfers • $150,000 Transfer Out from Treatment Sales Tax Fund to MCSO Revenue • $150,000 Transfer In from Treatment Sales Tax Fund to MCSO Revenue replacing $150,000 from BHO • $14,500 Revenue to CE Ending Fund Balance from Public Works ER&R for DEM Vehicle #00158 being returned to ER&R • $14,075 Payment to Public Works from MCSO- Professional Services via CE Ending Fund Balance for Labor&Equipment for Special Investigation work completed in 2017 TOTAL: $178,075-$178,575 Budget Impact: $14,500 Increase in Current Expense Ending Fund Balance BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS May 1, 2018 - PAGE 3 $14,075 Decrease in Current Expense Ending Fund Balance Net Impact: $425 Increase in Current Expense Ending Fund Balance Staff: Frank Pinter Frank went through each item and the correction of supplemental requests were discussed. Sheriff Salisbury spoke about the funds and said that the funds are not"being given"to the Sheriff's office, and described some uses for the money. Theresia Ehrich announced that the Sheriffs office was reimbursed $24,000 for the general fund at the end of 2017; the $14,000 charge is for dirt work done by Public Works on a case. She also addressed the North Mason school contract and the fact that salaries and benefits are being increased. Cmmr. Neatherlin and Theresia had a discussion regarding overtime costs. Cmmr. Drexler and Theresia discussed transfers in and out of the Sheriff's budget and the approved revenue source of$150,000. Theresia said the jail was denied their request for mental health funds when the budget was passed. She said the rate for nursing was given after the budget was accepted. Cmmr. Shutty said this money has been complex in terms of figuring out how to use them. He cautioned that these funds are being used for good things and voiced his support. Cmmr. Drexler agreed with Cmmr. Shutty in that the funds are being used for good and said she is in favor of the transfers. Cmmr. Neatherlin voiced his support and pointed out that money is being moved from one location to another and is basically a wash. Cmmr. Drexler/Shutty moved and seconded to approve the following supplemental appropriations and budget transfer requests to the 2018 budget: Supplemental Reauests • $80,000 to Current Expense MCSO Revenue from North Mason School District for School Resource Officer • ($40,000)to Current Expense MCSO for Salaries and Benefits Patrol • $101,000 to Current Expense MCSO Revenue from BHO for Training • ($101,000)to Current Expense MCSO for Professional Services and Supplies C3TC Training TOTAL: $40,000 Budget Transfers • $150,000 Transfer Out from Treatment Sales Tax Fund to MCSO Revenue • $150,000 Transfer In from Treatment Sales Tax Fund to MCSO Revenue replacing $150,000 from BHO • $14,500 Revenue to CE Ending Fund Balance from Public Works ER&R for DEM Vehicle#00158 being returned to ER&R • $14,075 Payment to Public Works from MCSO- Professional Services via CE Ending Fund Balance for Labor& Equipment for Special Investigation work completed in 2017 TOTAL: $178,575 BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS May 1, 2018 - PAGE 4 Budget Impact: $14,500 Increase in Current Expense Ending Fund Balance $14,075 Decrease in Current Expense Ending Fund Balance Net Impact: $425 Increase in Current Expense Ending Fund Balance Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; D-aye. 11. Board's Reports and Calendar -The Commissioners reported on meetings attended the past week and announced their upcoming weekly meetings. 12. Adjournment—The meeting adjourned at 9:58 a.m. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Melissa Drewry, Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin, Chair Terri Drexler, Commissioner Kevin Shutty, Commissioner C ky � MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Reviewed: FROM: Jennifer Giraides Ext. 380 DEPARTMENT: Support Services Action Agenda DATE: May 15, 2018 No. 4.1 ITEM: Correspondence 4.1.1 Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board sent a marijuana license application for Cannabis CO-OP 440 SE State Route 3, Shelton. 4.1.2 Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group (HCSEG) sent in a letter regarding grant funds from the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office. 4.1.3 United States Department of Homeland Security sent in a letter regarding the approval of Mason County Hazard Mitigation Plan. 4.1.4 North Mason School District sent an invitation to Community Health Projects at North Mason presented by Olympic College RN-BSN Nurses. 4.1.5 John Smith and Deborah Reis sent in applications for Mason County Board of Equalization. 4.1.6 Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board sent liquor license applications for Alderbrook Golf and Yacht Club East 330 Country Club Drive East, Shelton and Island Belle, LLC 23299 State Highway 3 Building A-2, Belfair. 4.1.7 Hoodsport Timberland Library sent a thank you letter to Commissioner Shutty for his dedication to the community. 4.1.8 Mason Conservation District sent in comments on the Public Benefit Rating System. Attachments: Originals on file with the Clerk of the Board. cc:CMMRS Neatherlin,Shutty&Drexler Clerk��l� r Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board NOTICE OF MARIJUANA LICENSE APPLICATION WASHINGTON STATE LIQUOR AND CANNABIS BOARD R E C E IV E�_ License Division - 3000 Pacific, P.O. Box 43075 Olympia,WA 98504-3075 Customer Service: (360) 664-1600 MAY 3 2018 Fax: (360) 753-2710 Website: http://Icb.wa.gov Mason County RETURN TO:localauthority@sp.lcb.wa.gov Commissioners TO: MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DATE: 5/03/18 RE: CHANGE OF LOCATION APPLICATION from CANNABIS CO-OP 431 WA 3 SHELTON,WA 98584 APPLICANTS: License: 417120 -1F County:23 CANNABIS CO-OP LLC UBI: 603-344-725-001-0002 PIERSON, ETIENNE MICHAEL Tradename:CANNABIS CO-OP 1988-09-07 New Loc: 440 SE STATE ROUTE 3 PIERSON,JANET CAROLYN SHELTON,WA 98584-9192 1958-04-02 EMARD,JERRY KEITH 1955-10-14 Phone No.: 360-499-1930 ETIENNE PIERSON Privileges Applied For: MARIJUANA PRODUCER TIER 3 MARIJUANA PROCESSOR As required by RCW 69.50.331(7) the Liquor and Cannabis Board is notifying you that the above has applied for a marijuana license. You have 20 days from the date of this notice to give your input on this application. If we do not receive this notice back within 20 days,we will assume you have no objection to the issuance of the license. If you need additional time to respond,you must submit a written request for an extension of up to 20 days,with the reason(s)you need more time. If you need information on SSN,contact our Marijuana CHRI desk at(360)664-1704. YES NO 1. Do you approve of applicant? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑ 2. Do you approve of location? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑ 3. If you disapprove and the Board contemplates issuing a license,do you wish to request an adjudicative hearing before final action is taken? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑ (See WAC 314-55-160 for information about this process) 4. If you disapprove,per RCW 69.50.331(7)(c)you MUST attach a letter to the Board detailing the reason(s)for the objection and a statement of all facts on which your objection(s)are based. DATE SIGNATURE OF MAYOR,CITY MANAGER,COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OR DESIGNEE cc:CMMRS Neatherlin,Shutty&Drexler Clark Mendy Harlow .` Executive Director p: 360.275.3575 ext. 23 SALMON f: 360.275.0648 mendy@pnwsalmoncenter.org P.O. Box 2169 1 Belfair, WA 98528 www.pnwsalmoncenter.org Deepening the connection between land,people,and salmon through restoration,education,and research. April 30, 2018 ``-.` p �-�i�L I.I.i %; MAY 02 2018 Mason County Cnmmissi;-)nnrs Dear Commissioners, As you know,the Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group (HCSEG) is seeking grant funds from the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO)for the Upper Sweetwater Creek Riparian Protection Project (#18-1764). Before applying for a grant to acquire property in the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program, per RCW 79A.15.110, project sponsors such as HCSEG must give the county commission or city council with jurisdiction over the project area an opportunity to review the grant application. As the local legislative authority, the Board of Mason County Commissioners must review this project and may, at its discretion, submit a letter to the Recreation and Conservation Funding Board (RCFB) identifying your position with regard to this project.The RCFB shall make the letters received available to the Governor and Legislature when submitting its prioritized project list as part of the RCO's biennial capital budget request. Attached to this letter are several other maps and documents you will find useful in reviewing this project. The project description as it appears in HCSEG's application reads as follows: HCSEG will use this grant to acquire, develop and restore 0.92 acres of salmon habitat in the upper reaches of Sweetwater Creek.The site sits in the Belfair UGA of Mason County,just east of State Route 3.The project conserves the ecological integrity and biological diversity of the Sweetwater Creek Watershed by restoring fish passage to the upper reaches of the stream and linking critical riparian habitat.The project will create a new roughened stream channel to restore fish passage to 0.79 miles of the creek, bypassing a historic water wheel and its eight-foot spillway, along with a second eight-foot tall weir further upstream.The 0.92-acre parcel will connect more than 150 acres of public lands and protect critical riparian habitat.Anadromous fish supported by this habitat include fall chum and coho. The parcel being acquired is directly adjacent to five acres of protected North Mason School District property that will also be improved and developed to restore a historic water wheel, add an ADA- accessible loop trail and fishing dock and create solar and hydropower learning stations.A natural play area, native plantings, interpretative signage, permeable parking area and a restroom and maintenance facility will also be added. Developing a park and trail system with signage and learning stations will educate the public and students about the links between Hood Canal, estuaries, upland forests and streams, the life cycle of salmon and important aquatic resources issues. I sincerely appreciate your continued support of this project and its benefits to our community and the greater Hood Canal ecosystem. Thank you, A4 t4'- K 'J OLX-� Mendy Harlow Executive Director Sweetwater Creek Protection and Restoration #18-1764 Environmental Benefits The genesis of the Sweetwater Creek Protection and Restoration Project goes all the way back to 1997 when the North Mason School District acquired five acres of property directly adjacent to south side of Belfair Elementary School with ALEA Grant#AL-97-15.The wooded upland property is bisected by Sweetwater Creek and includes a dilapidated water wheel, a pond that feeds the wheel through a spillway, and a pair of eight-foot weirs blocking fish passage to the upper reaches of the creek. As part of the ALEA grant used to secure the upper Sweetwater Creek property, the district's scope of work addressed restoring the water wheel and creating trails at a future date.The Sweetwater Creek Protection and Restoration Project is the culmination of that 20-year-old vision. As part of this project, an additional 0.9-acre parcel will be acquired to allow enough room to re-align upper Sweetwater Creek to get past the historic fish barriers and pond. The water wheel will also be replaced and an ADA-accessible interpretive loop trail, with ADA fishing dock and three bridges over the creek will be installed. A parking lot along State Route 3, picnic shelter, natural play area and a structure with two restrooms and maintenance space will also be constructed.The restroom and maintenance facility will feature solar panels on its roof.A Tesla Power Wall will be on display and used as a learning station for students to understand solar-power generation. A second learning station will be housed in the water wheel generator and battery house to help students better understand hydro-power generation. The Hood Canal Watershed is a Washington State treasure facing the ongoing pressures of population increases and climate change. Educating young people about the value of clean water, human health as it relates to the environment and career development in natural resource fields will help ensure that Hood Canal remains a productive ecosystem by fostering a love of lifelong learning and environmental stewardship. Supporting teachers in districts throughout the watershed with environmental education curriculum development around our restoration and protection of Sweetwater Creek and delivery of this curriculum will only strengthen the likelihood that more students will grow to become environmental stewards. Our hands-on approach to STEM activities, environmental education and commitment to outdoor education and recreation rely on research that shows these approaches to be the most effective way to reach young people and engage them in the kind of critical thinking that leads to positive action and outcomes that benefit the environment. The National Wildlife Federation's 2010"Back to School: Back Outside!" study demonstrates that the outdoor education time proposed in these programs "helps students become high-performance learners with skill sets that will be with them throughout their lives" and "help students perform measurably better on standardized tests."Through our work with the Pacific Education Institute (PEI) and school district partners, we know that STEM and field-based learning experiences are some of the most significant and meaningful learning opportunities a student will have in his or her K-12 years. As a result, each element of this project includes extensive outdoor learning opportunities for STEM education. RESTROOM BUILDING POND OVERLOOK INTERPRETIVE CENTER STORAGE VIEWPOINTWITH RAILS - ij�l / I /1IIIIlII /2 UNISEX RESTROOMS WRH SOLAR GATHERING SPACE ✓/ PANEL ROOF&INTERPRETIVE SIGNS INTERPRETIVE SIGNS YA e t - 4- ' -- _- _`' '� ~�''•',�T MATCH GRADE OF NEW CREEKTO EXISTING CREEK _PARKING LOT BRIDGE aB POROUS CONCRETE PARKING LAT- WITH 2%CROSS SLOPE 2 ADA STALLS J4 a+ +•Vy • }, / A 9 STANDARD STALLS- _ w di BERM WITH NATIVE PLANTINGS-. _ - F— _ " - a BOTANICAL MARKERS ..a \'CONNECT TO ADA INTERPRETIVE LOOP TRAIL ;� " %" P, "' ExIsnNG7RAaz 11 ALONG TRAILS 5%6-WIDE ADA WALK 8%6'WIDE ADA WALK WITH RAILS'" fi'•. ,�?K" � tr., _• �.+ Ji' �_ ON BOTH SIDES .__ _- .�♦<::.` .-0". �... LOW STONE WALL-" .. UPPER WATER WHEEL t L~ t -. •• VIEWPOINT -..,�. S ' d'.• ' WATER WHEEL INTERPRETIVE CENTER ~ RESTORED WATER WHEEL- WATER WHEEL GENERATOR AND __ -- " x —REMOVE POND SEDIME BATTERY HOUSE NT TO ACHIEVE ORIGINAL SIZE '� '-�`•: x (.p� lP J l BRIDGE a1 ' r ... 'r` .�"�'• - / •._"; '-. -_ ADA LOOPTRAIL 10 x 15 PICNIC SHELTER -` FlSHING DOCK 'Z - -- - ---, WITH POWER AND WATER . '.. J♦ - "�_ ADA ACCESS �.+; -..-, ', 4 {�J7••)., NA PLAYGROUND7�WTURE CREEK/ Khr -REMOVE cuivEnT -MATCH GRADE OF NEW CREEKTOa - 0 10 20 44DEXISTING CHANNEL �.::. ORMRK:SCALECHANNEL CENTERLINE BRIDGE a2 ! 5%GRADE HOOD CANAL SALMON ENHANCEMENT GROUP SWEETWATER CREEK WATER WHEEL PARK MASTER PLAN "i S& January 11,2016 ASXX1AI ES _ A Partnership Between the Port of Allyn and Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group worm rwa r . r � . PNW Salmon Center Theler Wetlands Community Center and Trails 4 Peterson Schindelheim West Parcel Schindelheim East Parcel At Johnson Parcel BELFAIR STATE PARK DEPARTMENT OF GAME DEPT OF FISH &WILDLIFE T. k- AL x� 1 ` / / 1 1 1 1 • 1 _ w VIIIA Or lot 0.8 acres 4.2 acres 9.73 acres 11.5 acres ' 0.92 acres 1V Om. yw ' - 's= "ice. '^�. .� � ' ' -;,, ,i '+a:I's•, r ,i a t� Peterson Parcel Sweetwater Creek Protection and Restoration Schindelheim West Parcel #18-1764 Schindelheim East Parcel 0 0.035 0.07 0.14 0.21 0.28 Johnson Parcel Miles /_- cc:CMMRS Neatherlin,Shutty&Drexler Clerk U.S.Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region 10 130—228th Street,SW Bothell,Washington 98021 FEMA May 1, 2018 The Honorable Randy Zeatherlin RECEIVED Chair,Board of County Commissioners MAY 4 Zd�s Mason County 411 N. 5th St. Mason County Shelton, Washington 98584 Commissioners Dear Chair Zeatherlin: On April 30, 2018,the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA), Region 10, approved the Mason County Hazard Mitigation Plan as a multi- jurisdictional local plan as outlined in Code of Federal Regulations Title 44 Part 201. This approval provides the below jurisdictions eligibility to apply for the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act's, Hazard Mitigation Assistance(HMA) grants projects through April 29, 2023, through your state: Mason County Public Utility District Central Mason Fire and Public Utility District No. 3 EMS No. 1 FEMA individually evaluates all application requests for funding according to the specific eligibility requirements of the applicable program. Though a specific mitigation activity or project identified in the plan may meet the eligibility requirements, it may not automatically receive approval for FEMA funding under any of the aforementioned programs. Approved mitigation plans may be eligible for points under the National Flood Insurance Program's Community Rating System(CRS). For additional information regarding the CRS,please visit: www.fema.gov/national-flood-insurance-program-community-rating-system or contact your local floodplain manager. Over the next five years, we encourage your communities to follow the plan's schedule for monitoring and updating, and to develop further mitigation actions. To continue eligibility, jurisdictions must review, revise as appropriate and resubmit the plan within five years of the original approval date. www.fema.gov Chair Zeatherlin May 1, 2018 Page 2 If you have questions regarding your plan's approval or FEMA's mitigation grant programs,please contact Derrick Hiebert, State Mitigation Strategist with Washington Emergency Management Division, at(253) 512-7142,who coordinates and administers these efforts for local entities. Sincerely, Carey, Director Mitigation Division cc: Tim Cook, Washington Emergency Management Division Enclosure BH:vI FEMA REGION 10 LOCAL MITIGATION PLAN REVIEW TOOL The Local Mitigation Plan Review Tool demonstrates how the Local Mitigation Plan meets the regulation in 44 CFR §201.6 and offers States and FEMA Mitigation Planners an opportunity to provide feedback to participating jurisdictions. 1. The Multi-Jurisdiction Summary Sheet is used to document how each jurisdiction met the requirements in the Plan. 2. The Regulation Checklist provides a summary of FEMA's evaluation of whether the Plan has addressed all requirements. 3. The Plan Assessment identifies the plan's strengths as well as documents areas for future improvement. The FEMA Mitigation Planner must reference the Local Mitigation Plan Review Guide when completing this Local Mitigation Plan Review Tool. Jurisdiction: Title of Plan: Date of Plan: Mason County Multi-Jurisdiction Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard January 2018 Mitigation Plan Local Point of Contact: Address: Tammi Wright 100 W. Public Works Drive Shelton,WA 98584 Title: Emergency Management Coordinator Agency: Mason County Emergency Management Phone Number: E-Mail: 360-427-9670 Tammi Wright-TammiW@co.mason.wa.us State Reviewer: Title: Date: Derrick Hiebert Mitigation Strategist 01/10/18 FEMA Reviewer: Title: Date: Kate Skaggs Mitigation Champion 1/22/18 Josh Vidmar Mitigation Planner 2/2/18 Brett Holt, brett.holt@fema.dhs.gov FEMA Region 10 Mitigation 2/8/18 Planning Program Manager Date Received in FEMA Region 10 January 11,2018 Plan Not Approved Plan Approvable Pending Adoption March 23,2018 Plan Approved April 30, 2018 Local Mitigation Plan Review Tool A-1 SECTION 1: MULTI-JURISDICTION SUMMARY SHEET(used only for multi-jurisdictional plans) INSTRUCTIONS: The Multi-Jurisdiction Summary Spreadsheet is completed by listing each participating jurisdiction and which required Elements for each jurisdiction were 'Met' or 'Not Met,' and when the adoption resolutions were received. This Summary Sheet does not imply that a mini-plan be developed for each jurisdiction; it is used to ensure that each jurisdiction participating in the Plan has been documented and has met the requirements for those Elements (A through Q. MULTI-JURISDICTIONpages Requirements Met(Y/N) Jurisdiction A. B. C. D. E. F. # Jurisdiction Type POC Required Revisions/ Planning Hazard Mitigation Plan Review, Plan State Name (city/borough/ Comments Process Identification Strategy Evaluation& Adoption Require- district,etc.) &Risk Implementation ments Assessment 1 Mason County Y Y Y y y County City of City Police 2 Shelton Chief y y y y Darrin Moody Central Special Chief Tim B3 3 Mason Fire Purpose McKern Y Y Y Y y & EMS District Mason Special Chief B3 4 County Fire Purpose Matthew y Y Y Y District#16 District Welander PUD 1 Special Kristen B3 Purpose Masteller, 5 District Director Y Y Y Y Y of Business Services PUD 3 Special Joel Myer, B3 6 Purpose PIO Y Y Y Y Y District Local Mitigation Plan Review Tool A- 2 SECTION 2: REGULATION CHECKLIST INSTRUCTIONS: The Regulation Checklist is completed by FEMA. The purpose of the Checklist is to identify the location of relevant or applicable content in the Plan by Element/sub-element and to determine if each requirement has been 'Met' or 'Not Met.' The 'Required Revisions' summary at the bottom of each Element is completed by FEMA to provide a clear explanation of the revisions that are required for plan approval. Required revisions are explained for each plan sub-element that is 'Not Met.' Sub-elements are referenced in each summary by using the appropriate numbers (Al, B3, etc.), where applicable. 1. REGULATION CHECKLIST Location in Plan Regulation(44 CFR 201.6 Local Mitigation Plans) (section Met Not Met ELEMENT A. PLANNING PROCESS Al. Does the Plan document the planning process, including how Vol 1,Section it was prepared and who was involved in the process for each 2,Table 2-1 jurisdiction?(Requirement §201.6(c)(1)) (PDF Pg.22) and 2-2(PDF Pg. 24); X Sections 2.2- 2.4(PDF Pg. 22);Vol. 2, PDF Pg. 11. A2. Does the Plan document an opportunity for neighboring Section 2.2- communities, local and regional agencies involved in hazard 2.4 mitigation activities,agencies that have the authority to regulate PDF Pg. 22 X development as well as other interests to be involved in the planning process?(Requirement§201.6(b)(2)) A3. Does the Plan document how the public was involved in the Section 2.6 planning process during the drafting stage?(Requirement (PDF Pg.26); X §201.6(b)(1)) Table 2-3(PDF Pg. 27) A4. Does the Plan describe the review and incorporation of Section 2.5 existing plans,studies, reports,and technical information? (PDF Pg.25); (Requirement§201.6(b)(3)) cited X throughout plan. A5. Is there discussion of how the community(ies)will continue Sections 2.6 public participation in the plan maintenance process? (PDF Pg.37); X (Requirement§201.6(c)(4)(iii)) (PDF Pg.283) A6. Is there a description of the method and schedule for keeping Section 15 the plan current(monitoring,evaluating and updating the PDF Pg.281 X mitigation plan within a 5-year cycle)?(Requirement §201.6(c)(4)(i)) Local Mitigation Plan Review Tool A-3 1. REGULATION CHECKLIST Location in Plan Regulation 44 CFR 201.6 ELEMENT A: REQUIRED REVISIONS ELEMENT B. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION AND RISK ASSESSMENT B1. Does the Plan include a description of the type, location,and Drought,Vol extent of all natural hazards that can affect each jurisdiction(s)? 1. (Requirement§201.6(c)(2)(i)) PDF Pg.89 Earthquake PDF Pp. 102, 109 Flood PDF Pp. 132, 144 Landslide X PDF Pp. 162, 164 Severe Weather PDF Pp. 183, 194 Wildfire PDF Pp. 207, 211 Local Mitigation Plan Review Too[ A-4 1. REGULATION CHECKLIST Location in Plan Regulation 44 CFR 201.6 Local Mitigation B2. Does the Plan include information on previous occurrences of Section 3.3, hazard events and on the probability of future hazard events for PDF Pg.42; each jurisdiction?(Requirement§201.6(c)(2)(i)) Table 3.2(PDF Pg.43); Future Impacts,PDF Pg.79; Vol. 2— City of Shelton:Table 2-1(PDF Pg. 16) PUD 3: x Table 3-1(PDF Pg.42) PUD 1: Table 4-1(PDF Pg. 57) Central Mason: Table 5-1, (PDF Pg.71) Fire District #16: Table 5-1(PDF Pg.71) B3. Is there a description of each identified hazard's impact on the Vol 1., community as well as an overall summary of the community's Sections 5— vulnerability for each jurisdiction?(Requirement§201.6(c)(2)(ii)) 11;Section x 12,Tables 12- 3:7(PDF Pg. 232). B4. Does the Plan address NFIP insured structures within the NFIP jurisdiction that have been repetitively damaged by floods? discussed in (Requirement§201.6(c)(2)(ii)) Chapter 8 (Section 8.1.5). Plan x discusses SRL and RFC as of writing of update (2017). ELEMENT B: REQUIRED REVISIONS ELEMENT C. MITIGATION STRATEGY Local Mitigation Plan Review Tool A-5 1. REGULATION CHECKLIST Location in Plan Regulation 44 CFR 201.6 Local Mitigation Cl. Does the plan document each jurisdiction's existing Vol. 1, authorities,policies, programs and resources and its ability to Chapter 14 expand on and improve these existing policies and programs? (PDF Pg. 266); (Requirement§201.6(c)(3)) Volume 2, 2.7, X 3.5,4.5,5.5, 6.5;Section 3.7 C2. Does the Plan address each jurisdiction's participation in the Vol. 1,Table NFIP and continued compliance with NFIP requirements,as 8-2(PDF Pg. appropriate?(Requirement§201.6(c)(3)(ii)) 143)and X Table 8-3(PDF Pg. 144);Vol 2.,PDF Pg. 18 C3. Does the Plan include goals to reduce/avoid long-term Mitigation vulnerabilities to the identified hazards?(Requirement Goals,PDF Pg. §201.6(c)(3)(i)) 17 X Vol. 1, Chapter 13 PDF Pg. 240 C4. Does the Plan identify and analyze a comprehensive range of County: specific mitigation actions and projects for each jurisdiction being Vol. 1, considered to reduce the effects of hazards,with emphasis on Chapter 13, new and existing buildings and infrastructure?(Requirement Table 13.2 §201.6(c)(3)(ii)) (PDF Pg. 243) and 13.3(PDF Pg. 249) City of Shelton:Vol. 2, 2.10(PDF Pg.26) PUD 3: Vol.2, 3.9, X (PDF Pg.49) PUD 1: Vol. 2,4.9, (PDF Pg.64) Central Mason: Vol. 2, 5.9, (PDF Pg. 76) Fire District #16: Vol.2,6.9, (PDF Pg.88) Local Mitigation Plan Review Tool A-6 1. REGULATION CHECKLIST Location in Plan Regulation 44 CFR 201.6 Local Mitigation C5. Does the Plan contain an action plan that describes how the Chapter 13, actions identified will be prioritized(including cost benefit Table 13.2 review), implemented, and administered by each jurisdiction? (PDF Pg. 243), (Requirement§201.6(c)(3)(iv));(Requirement§201.6(c)(3)(iii)) Table 13.3 (PDF Pg.249); Section 13.6 (PDF Pg. 253), Table 13-4 (PDF Pg. 254); Vol 2., Pg. 1-4; City of Shelton:Vol. 2, 2.10(PDF Pg. 26) X PUD 3: Vol. 2,3.9, (PDF Pg.49) PUD 1: Vol. 2,4.9, (PDF Pg.64) Central Mason: Vol. 2,5.9, (PDF Pg.76) Fire District #16: Vol.2,6.9, (PDF Pg.88) C6. Does the Plan describe a process by which local governments Vol 1.,Section will integrate the requirements of the mitigation plan into other 3.7(PDF Pg. planning mechanisms,such as comprehensive or capital 62) X improvement plans,when appropriate?(Requirement Chapter 14 §201.6(c)(4)(ii)) (PDF Pg.275- 280) ELEMENT C: REQUIRED REVISIONS ELEMENT D. PLAN REVIEW, EVALUATION, AND IMPLEMENTATION (applicable to plan updates only) D1.Was the plan revised to reflect changes in development? Chapter 3 (Requirement§201.6(d)(3)) PDF Pg.49 Vol 2.,Section X 3.3 PDF Pg. 38 Local Mitigation Plan Review Tool A-7 1. REGULATION CHECKLIST Location in Plan Regulation 44 CFR 201.6 Local MitigationPlans) D2.Was the plan revised to reflect progress in local mitigation County- efforts?(Requirement§201.6(d)(3)) Chapter 13, Table 13-6 (PDF Pg. 257) X PUD3-Vol. 2, Section 3.11 PDF Pg.51 D3.Was the plan revised to reflect changes in priorities? Executive (Requirement§201.6(d)(3)) Summary X (PDF Pg. 14) ELEMENT D: REQUIRED REVISIONS ELEMENT E. PLAN ADOPTION E1. Does the Plan include documentation that the plan has been Emailed in. formally adopted by the governing body of the jurisdiction X requesting approval?(Requirement§201.6(c)(5)) E2. For multi-jurisdictional plans, has each jurisdiction requesting Pending approval of the plan documented formal plan adoption? review and X (Requirement§201.6(c)(5)) approval by FEMA/State. ELEMENT E: REQUIRED REVISIONS ELEMENT F. ADDITIONAL STATE REQUIREMENTS (OPTIONAL FOR STATE REVIEWERS ONLY; NOT TO BE COMPLETED BY FEMA) F1. F2. ELEMENT F: REQUIRED REVISIONS Local Mitigation Plan Review Tool A-8 SECTION 2: PLAN ASSESSMENT A. Plan Strengths and Opportunities for Improvement This section provides a discussion of the strengths of the plan document and identifies areas where these could be improved beyond minimum requirements. Element A: Planning Process Plan Strengths • Very clear planning process. • Clear and helpful 'Initial Solicitation and Letters of Intent' from special districts and city that described expectations and roles. • Good practice of holding workshops for Planning Partners to learn about the templates and overall planning process. • Effective public outreach strategy; public outreach events included over 500 citizens in various capacities, including presentations on the risks, hazards, and strategies; several events were televised or recorded for local viewing. • Supportive Hazard Questionnaire with useful information collected about household preparedness for natural hazards and provided key information about preferred methods of outreach and hazard priority areas. Opportunities for Improvements • Consider a more robust method for continuing public engagement on the plan, such as leveraging existing community events with a County booth on emergency management, rather than only a static posting on a website. Element B: Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Plan Strengths • Helpful discussion of social vulnerability in the context of assessing natural hazard risk. • Good inclusion of climate change in the hazard assessment. • Supportive Social Vulnerability and Classifications information that inform the Results and Discussion. This section provides a thorough understanding of the risk assessment and leads to comprehensive mitigation initiatives. Opportunities for Improvements • Consider integrating the impacts of climate change into each hazard section, since the impacts listed are exacerbating existing hazards. Element C: Mitigation Strategy Plan Strengths • Very clear method for prioritization, cost-benefit analysis and categorizing of mitigation actions. Local Mitigation Plan Review Tool A-9 • Comprehensive and clear Mitigation Initiatives included in Table 13-2, including the 'New or Existing assets' column. • Good inclusion and use of the Community Rating System scale for mitigation types to encourage leveraging multiple programs through the NHMP process. Opportunities for Improvements • Consider providing more information on how to expand on existing authorities, listed in Chapter 14, similar to the expansion potential and plan integration listed in Section 3.7. This information helps to illustrate not just was authorities or regulations exist, but if funding and resources become available, potential projects for code review and plan integration. For example, integrating updated hazard assessments as best available data in the Shoreline Master Program or Critical Areas Ordinance. • Consider providing more information on the processes used by participating jurisdictions to integrate hazard mitigation plan information into existing planning mechanisms. The plan provides an exhaustive list or federal, state and local planning processes but not specifically how a jurisdiction would integrate hazard data into each, except for the Comprehensive Plan update. Element D: Plan Update, Evaluation, and Implementation (Plan Updates Only) Plan Strengths • Good alignment with land use planning: Comprehensive land use plan is currently under review for updating. Parties involved in that process were part of the HMP and provided draft reports; Section 3.7 identifies additional data/information. • Helpful Table 3-9 to predict future land use in Urban Growth Areas, Rural Activity Centers, and Hamlets. Opportunities for Improvements • Consider reaching back to jurisdictions who had participated in the plan before and chose not to participate. Local Mitigation Plan Review Tool A-10 B. Resources for Implementing Your Approved Plan The Region 10 Integrating Natural Hazard Mitigation into Comprehensive Planning is a resource specific to Region 10 states and provides examples of how communities are integrating natural hazard mitigation strategies into comprehensive planning.You can find it in the FEMA Library at http://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/89725. The Local Mitigation Plan Review Guide and Tool resource is available through FEMA's Library and should be referred to for the next plan update. http://www.fema.gov/1ibrary/viewRecord.do?id=4859 The Local Mitigation Planning Handbook is available. While the requirements under§201.6 have not changed, the Handbook provides guidance to local governments on developing or updating hazard mitigation plans to meet the requirements is available through the FEMA Library website. http://www.fema.gov/library/viewRecord.do?id=7209 The Mitigation Ideas: A Resource for Reducing Risk from Natural Hazards resource presents ideas for how to mitigate the impacts of different natural hazards,from drought and sea level rise,to severe winter weather and wildfire.The document also includes ideas for actions that communities can take to reduce risk to multiple hazards, such as incorporating a hazard risk assessment into the local development review process. http://www.fema.gov/library/viewRecord.do?id=6938 FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance: Currently, FEMA administers three programs that provide funding for eligible mitigation projects that reduces disaster losses and protect life and property from future disaster damages.The three programs are the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), the Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Program, and the Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Program. • HMGP assists in implementing long-term hazard mitigation measures following a Presidential major disaster declaration • PDM provides funds for hazard mitigation planning and projects on an annual basis • FMA provides funds for projects to reduce or eliminate risk of flood damage to buildings that are insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) on an annual basis The mitigation strategy may include eligible projects to be funded through FEMA's hazard mitigation grant programs(Pre-Disaster Mitigation, Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, Flood Mitigation Assistance). Contact your State Hazard Mitigation Officer, Tim Cook at tim.cook@mil.wa.gov,for more information or visit: http://www.fema.gov/hazard-mitigation-assistance. The FEMA Region X Risk Mapping,Analysis, and Planning program (Risk MAP) releases a monthly newsletter that includes information about upcoming events and training opportunities, as well as hazard and risk related news from around the Region. Past newsletters can be viewed at: http://www.starrteam.com/starr/RegionalWorkspaces/RegionX/Pages/default.aspx. If you would like to receive future newsletters, email rxnewsletter@starr-team.com Local Mitigation Plan Review Tool A-11 cc:CMMRS Neatherlin,Shutty&Drexler Clerk North Mason School District 71 E.Campus Drive,Belfair,WA 98528 (360)277-2300; (360)277-2320 FAX May 3,2018 Dear Commissioner Drexler,Commissioner Neatherlin,and Commissioner Shutty, I am writing to personally invite you to an upcoming presentation at North Mason High School on May 30th. This marks the third year North Mason School District(NMSD)has partnered with Olympic College's RN-BSN to allow nurses to work on community health projects in the district to fulfill their clinical requirement for their program. This year one group focused their attention at the elementary level and the other at North Mason High School,in an effort to improve student health and outcomes. Throughout the past few months,the nurses have been working hard to apply evidenced-based research in our schools,focusing on improving dental health in elementary-aged students and increasing hope through peer-to-peer connections at the secondary level.Watching their projects unfold has been inspiring and presents a powerful reminder of the influence nurses have in the community. N On May 30th,you will be able to witness the culmination of their projects and the importance of the partnership North Mason School District has created with Olympic College. It is my hope this partnership will continue and grow over the years and as a prominent member of our community,we will have your continued support.We at NMSD hope to see you on May 30th in the high school auditorium from 3:30- 4:30pm. Light refreshments will be provided after the presentations. If you would like to RSVP or have any questions,please contact me at the number or email below. Thank you for your time and support. Sincerely, R G C I MAY 032018 Catherine Shutty BSN,RN Mason County District Nurse for NMSD Commissioners cshuttgnorthmasonschools.org 360-277-2328 } hiereasing n-6—pexii 'olig i.:uomitection Iinproviug Dental Health in Elementary Students Please join North Mason School District as we celebrate the achievements in community health by RN-BSN students from Olympic College. The projects focusing on promoting resiliency and dental health will be presented to the district followed by light refreshments. District staff and community members are encouraged to attend. cc:CMMRSSNNeaat�herlin,Shutty&Drexler Clerk, RECEIVE J ,epN COa'aMASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MAY 0 7 2018 411 NORTH FIFTH STREET SHELTON WA 98584 _ Mason County Fax 360-427-8437; Voice 360-427-9670, Ext. 419;275-4467 or 482-5269 1854 Commissioners I AM SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO the local BOARD OF EQUALIZATION NAME: John Smith ADDRESS: 5291 Skokomish Valley Rd. PHONE: (360)427-3599 CITY/ZIP: 98584 VOTING PRECINCT: 2 WORK PHONE: (360)427-3599 (OR AREA IN THE COUNTY YOU LIVE) E-MAIL: pinbalwyz@yahoo.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT: (IF RETIRED, PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE) (ACTIVITIES OR MEMBERSHIPS) COMPANY: Amucus Curia Collections YRS Independent prn hnnn rP�. ting, vidPogranh�- Tutoring, & paralegal consulring; community Collection Agent musician; county advisory committee for POSITION: 9 mental health care tax;volunteer teacher's COMPANY: Amicus Curia YRS assistant in Hood Canal School Dist Census Enumerator in last 3 counts, Habitat for Humanity, pro bono paralegal consulting. POSITION: paralegal & bankruptcy preparer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In your words,what do you perceive is the role or purpose of the Board, Committee or Council for which you are applying: The Board Of Equalization is a citizen based body charged withrop viding an appeal process for property owners who believe they have been assessed in excess of a proper fair market evaluation according to Washington State law, i.e. 100% al, altelliatively, its faif conanuiciallincume pfuducing value. Raiely, a citizen may object to undt:i-evaluation uf– a 3rd party's parcel. The Board's fiduciary responsibility is to do equity(and the appearance of the same)for all the parties including the state itself...a very important function surrounding a sensitive issue...taxes! What interests, skills do you wish to offer the Board, Committee, or Council? 1 have particpated in the last 3 cens,is co,ints-as an en,imerator on Mason Col inty, worked Pq a paraliagpl, hankri 1ptcy— preparer, collection agency, process server, independent journalist&videographer, and pro bono consultant here since m well versed In real estate law and a tireless advocate or private property rights and due process. Please list any financial, professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect your position on this Board: (i.e. create a potential conflict of interest) fairness required of the Board Of Equalization. Your participation is dependent upon attending certain trainings made available by the County during regular business hours (such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would be at no cost to you.Would you be able to attend such trainings? Yes, absolutely. Realistically,how much time can you give to this position? X Quarterly X Monthly X Weekly X Daily Office Use Only 5-4-2018 Appointment Date Signature Date Term Expire Date From: Amicus Curia <pinbalwyz@yahoo.com> To: "KShutty@co.mason.wa.us" <KShutty@co.mason.wa.us>, "kevin.shutty@des.wa.... Date: 5/4/2018 10:06 PM Subject: Volunteer application for Board Of Equalization Attachments: AdvisoryboardappTxt.pdf Please consider my application to volunteer for the Board of Equalization. I believe I can provide constructive assistance and have the experience which would make me a good fit. I served on the citizens advisory board that ultimately led to Mason County's mental health services when Tim Sheldon was one of the county commissioners. Cordially, John Smith, goatherd (360)427-3599 DBA: Amicus Curia, paralegal ("We help you help yourself') DBA: Amicus Curia Collections, Inc. ("Debt Redemption")DBA: Soul Snatcher, Productions (Investigatory News Gathering, Photos) mol n labe "If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!" --Samuel Adams-- "You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man's initiative and independence." -William J.H. Boetcker- http://amicuscuria.com http://www.amicuscuria.com/roseycuria2.gif http://amicuscuria.com/wordpress cc:CMMRS Neatherlin,Shutty&Drexler RECEIVE® Cler".6,: ,� cq j�OM a51�1V�1�J ♦, ' c MASON CO MAY 0 8 2018 411 NORTH FIFTH STREET SHELTON WA 98584 Mason County Fax 360-427-8437; Voice 360-427-9670, Ext. 419;275-4467 or 482-5269 Commissioners 1854 I AM SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO Board of Equalization NAME: Deborah Reis ADDRESS: PO Box 4, 20 E 4th St. PHONE; 360-898-6393 CITY/ZIP: Union 98592 Union VOTING PRECINCT: WORK PHONE: 360-898-6393(OR AREA IN THE COUNTY YOU trrE) E-MAIL: delNeids@yahoo.com COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT: (IF RETIRED. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE) Bd.of Equalization(current�'EMBERSHIPs) COMPANY: Benton Co.WA 4 yrs 1984-88 YRS Lewis,AAA I hurston,Mason Uounties. (cuff en Walkie Talkies Hiking Group(current) POSITION: Commissioner COMPANY: Educator—Multiple Locations, Multiple level:YRS POSITION: Teacher, instructor,administrator -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In your words,what do you perceive is the role or purpose of the Board, Committee or Council for which you are applying: The BOE is tasked with holding hearings on Mason County property values to assure all property values are equitable and reflect current marKet value. What interests, skills do you wish to offer the Board, Committee, or Council? General leadership and a genuine respect for all participants. Please list any financial, professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect your position on this Board: (i.e.create a potential conflict of interest) None Your participation is dependent upon attending certain trainings made available by the County during regular business hours (such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would be at no cost to you.Would you be able to attend such trainings? Y- Realistically,how much time can you give to this position? Quarterly Monthly Weekly X Daily Office Use Only Appointment Date Signature Date Tenn Expire Date cc:CMMRS Neatherlin,Shutty&Drexler Clerk 4f A^,1 9" P WASHINGTON STATE LIQUOR AND CANNABIS BOARD — License Services 3000 Pacific Ave SE - P O Box 43075 Olympia WA 98504-3075 FAX:360-753-2710 EMAIL:specialoccasions@lcb.wa.gov TO: MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MAY 4, 2018 SPECIAL OCCASION #: 090131 RECEIVED MASON GENERAL HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 2505 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY NORTH STE 450 MAY 0 7 2018 SHELTON WA 98584 Mason County DATE: JUNE 22, 2018 TIME: 7 AM TO 7 PM Commissioners PLACE: ALDERBROOK GOLF & YACHT CLUB - E 330 COUNTRY CLUB DR E, UNION CONTACT: JENNIFER CAPPS [DOB: 1.28.70] 360-427-3623 SPECIAL OCCASION LICENSES * _Licenses to sell beer on a specified date for consumption at a specific place. * _License to sell wine on a specific date for consumption at a specific place. * _Beer/Wine/Spirits in unopened bottle or package in limited quantity for off premise consumption. * _Spirituous liquor by the individual glass for consumption at a specific place. If return of this notice is not received in this office within 20 days from the above date, we will assume you have no objections to the issuance of the license. If additional time is required please advise. 1. Do you approve of applicant? YES NO 2. Do you approve of location? YES NO 3. If you disapprove and the Board contemplates issuing a license, do you want a hearing before final action is taken? YES NO OPTIONAL CHECK LIST EXPLANATION YES NO LAW ENFORCEMENT YES NO HEALTH & SANITATION YES NO FIRE, BUILDING, ZONING YES NO OTHER: YES NO If you have indicated disapproval of the applicant, location or both, please submit a statement of all facts upon which such objections are based. DATE SIGNATURE OF MAYOR, CITY MANAGER, COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OR DESIGNEE cc:CMMRS Neatherlin,Shutty&Drexler t Washington State Clerk J CM`,1 4 CA r /—Y/ �(\ Liquor and Cannabis Board t/�-1 �J NOTICE OF LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION WASHINGTON STATE LIQUOR AND CANNABIS BOARD License Division - 3000 Pacific, P.O. Box 43075 Olympia,WA 98504-3075 Customer Service: (360) 664-1600 Fax: (360) 753-2710 Website: http://lcb.wa.gov TO: MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RETURN TO: localauthority@sp.icb.wa.gov RE: NEW APPLICATION DATE: 5/09/18 UB1: 602-746-853-001-0001 License: 426729 - 1F County:23 APPLICANTS: Tradename:ZECH INTERIORS AND DESIGN ISLAND BELLE, LLC Loc Addr: 23299 STATE HWY 3 BLDG A-2 ZECH, DONALD GERARD BELFAIR WA 98528-9324 1956-11-05 ZECH,TAMMIE ZALE Mail Addr: PO BOX 2434 1957-09-05 BELFAIR WA 98528-2434 Phone No.: 360-552-2733 TAMMIE ZECH RECEIVED Privileges Applied For: MAY O 9 2018 DIRECT SHIPMENT RECEIVER-IN/OUT WA BEERIWINE SPECIALTY SHOP Mason County Commissioners As required by RCW 66.24.010(8), the Liquor and Cannabis Board is notifying you that the above has applied for a liquor license. You have 20 days from the date of this notice to give your input on this application. If we do not receive this notice back within 20 days,we will assume you have no objection to the issuance of the license. If you need additional time to respond,you must submit a written request for an extension of up to 20 days,with the reason(s)you need more time. If you need information on SSN,contact our CHRI desk at(360)664-1724. YES NO 1. Do you approve of applicant? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑ 2. Do you approve of location? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑ 3. If you disapprove and the Board contemplates issuing a license,do you wish to request an adjudicative hearing before final action is taken? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑ (See WAC 314-09-010 for information about this process) 4. If you disapprove,per RCW 66.24.010(8)you MUST attach a letter to the Board detailing the reason(s)for the objection and a statement of all facts on which your objection(s)are based. DATE SIGNATURE OF MAYOR,CITY MANAGER,COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OR DESIGNEE cc:CMMRS Neatherlin,Shutty&Drexler Clerk May 2, 2018 RE%r 'VE® MAY 0 7 2018 Dear Commissioner Shutty, Mason County Commissioners Thank you for your effort on behalf of concerned business owners & local residents to address the issues of traffic & pedestrian safety in downtown Hoodsport. Strategies such as an additional crosswalk, flashing beacons, traffic calming devices, and an increased presence of law enforcement were suggested that would facilitate a safer corridor for walkers as well as motorists. It's unfortunate that changes are usually implemented based on accident or injury statistics rather than taking proactive measures. Your dedication on behalf of the Hoodsport community is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Kelly Aline Hart Lead Library Assistant Hoodsport Timberland Library cc:CMMRS Neatherlin,Shutty&Drexler ih Clerk 1�4 Mason Conservation District 450 W. Business Park Road• Shelton, WA 98584 Phone: (360) 427-9436 • FAX: (360) 427-4396 www.masoncd.org RECEIVED May 7, 2018 RE Board of County Commissioners 411 N 5th Street MAY 08 2018 Shelton, WA 98584 Mason County Dear Commissioners: Commissioners Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed Public Benefit Rating System. The District does not take a policy position on the proposed ordinance itself. However, there are several places the ordinance is unclear or may create unintended consequences. 1. Section 3.25.030--A "County Conservation Agency" may endorse a properties that fall outside of the framework established in this chapter. What organization does this refer to?What will this organization need to do to prepare for this in the event the ordinance is enacted? The language does not designate which agency or agencies, which could be less than helpful to the applicant, and it also does not define what type of support from that agency would be acceptable. 2. 3.25.035 A. What are the best management practices identified in this subsection? The County code in general does not specify BMPs, it has been left to the property owner and their professionals to determine. Guidance for the landowner on that would be helpful in this section. 3. 3.25.035 D The district has great concern with the omission of buffer averaging within the ordinance. The ordinance specifically prohibits buffer averaging under two occasions in this subsection. However, buffer averaging is permitted in the resource ordinance and no reason is provided as to why it is not permitted in this ordinance. A study published by the Washington State Conservation Commission has documented the ecological and scientific benefits of buffer averaging approaches in riparian restoration across Washington State. The ordinance, as currently drafted, would have a negative impact on the conservation and protection of riparian habitats in Mason County. We appreciate your consideration in this matter and the opportunity to comment. District staff are available to work closely with County staff to resolve these issues. Sincerely, CJ A ` John Bolender, District Manager Promoting the sustainable use, conservation and restoration of natural resources for future generations clot, MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Jennifer Giraldes Action Agenda _X_ Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 380 DATE: May 15, 2018 Agenda Item # S, (Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: [X] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval of Warrants &Treasure Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant #s $ Direct Deposit Fund Warrant #s 49738-50098 $ 650,801.50 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant #s 7003606-7003645 $ 916,344.35 Treasure Electronic Remittance for April 2018 $ 185,188.31 Electronic Remittance Detail Macecom 4/5/18 $ 98,731.55 Mental Health 4/10/18 $ 13,960.83 Family Law to Superior Court 4/30/18 $ 2,500.00 General Fund to Trial Court Improvements 4/11/18 $ 5,798.00 County Road-IT Computer 4/5/18 $ 13,529.00 County Road-IT Computer 4/5/18 $ 36,579.00 County Road-IT Phone 4/5/18 $ 1,578.00 County Road-IT Phone 4/5/18 $ 6,725.00 County Road GIS-IT Computer 4/5/18 $ 5,417.00 County Road GIS-IT Phones 4/5/18 $ 369.00 Current Expense 4/30/18 $ .38 Road Div-Current Expense 4/30/18 $ .04 County Road 4/30/18 $ .15 Background: The Board approved Resolution No. 80-00 Payment of Claims Against County: Procedure Authorizing Warrant Issue and Release Prior to Board Claim Approval. Mason County Code 3.32.060(a) requires that the board enter into the minutes of the County Commissioners the approval of claims listing warrant numbers. Claims Clearing YTD Total $ 6,729,123.30 Direct Deposit YTD Total $ 6,570,357.76 Salary Clearing YTD Total $ 7,080,997.57 Approval of Treasure Electronic Remittances YTD Total $ 2,445,017.54 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to: Move to approve the following warrants: Claims Clearing Fund Warrant #s 8055100-8055363 $ 1,051,595.60 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant #s 49738-50098 $ 650,801.50 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant #s 7003606-7003645 $ 916,344.35 Treasure Electronic Remittance for April 2018 $ 185,188.31 Attachment(s): Originals on file with Auditor/Financial Services (Copies on file with Clerk of the Board) N` SNCo9 Office of the Treasurer �A 411 N. 5th, Bldg. P.O. Box 429 Shelton, Washington 98584-0429 (360) 427-9670, ext. 475 • Fax (360) 427-7267 Belfair (360) 275-4467 • Elma (360) 482-5269 KE »r2618 Elisabeth (Lisa) Frazier, Treasu M-s# Payment approval of macecom: Account FUND # Remittance RECEIPT # Macecom 001.000000.300.300 $ 98,731.55 M-43254 Is - 4/10/2018 Payment approval of Mental Health: Account FUND # Remittance RECEIPT # MENTAL HEALTH 164.000000.000.000 $ 13,960.83 M-43343 $ - M- Payment approval of Community Health&Social Services Fees: BOND FISCAL FUND AGENT FUND No. ACCT.#'S Remiittance RECEIPT # Community Health&Social Services 637.000000.000.000 $ - M Respectfully submitted by: Julie Richert,Chief Deputy Treasurer 7/31/2017 30-Apr-18 Account FUND # Remiittance RECEIPT # Family Law Facilitator Budgeted Trsfr 138.000000.000.000 $ 2,500.00 M-43908 Current Exp-Superior Court 001.000000.250.000 $2,500.00 M-43911 11-Apr-18 Account FUND # Remiittance RECEIPT # General Fund 001.000000.310.000 $ 5,798.00 M-43366 Trial Court Improvemnets 135.000000.000.000 $5,798.00 M-43367 5-Apr-18 Account FUND # Remittance RECEIPT # County Road-IT COMPUTER 105.000000.000.000 $ 13,529.00 M-43249 County Road-IT COMPUTER 105.000000.000.000 $ 36,579.00 M-40303 County Road-IT Phones 105.000000.000.000 $ 1,578.00 M-40303 County Road-IT Phones 105.000000.000.000 $ 6,725.00 M-40303 County Road GIS-IT Computer 105.000000.000.100 $ 5,417.00 M-40303 County Road GIS-IT Phones 105.000000.000.100 $ 369.00 1 M-40303 Respectfully submitted by: Julie Richert,Chief Deputy Treasurer - 4/30/2018n \ t� l- 30-Apr-18 REFUND INTEREST EARNED Account FUND # Remiittance RECEIPT # CURRENT EXPENSE 001.000000.260.000 $ 0.38 Multiple Rec ROAD DIV-CURRENT EXPENSE 001.000000.260.010 $0.04 Multiple Rec Veterans Assistance 190.000000.000.000 $ - COUNTY ROAD 105.000000.000.000 $0.15 Multiple Rec MENTAL HEALTH 164.000000.000.000 $0.00 ioAal " RS) RT.11 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: John Huestis, PE, Deputy Director/County Engineer Action Agenda DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 DATE: May 15, 2018 Agenda Item # BRIEFING DATE: May 7, 2018 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: John Huestis [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Cooperative Procurement Agreement with King County Background: RCW 39.34.030 permits public agencies to enter into agreements with one another for joint or cooperative action to purchase various goods and/or services that have been competitively secured by either agency. The awarding agency does not assume responsibility for orders placed by the other agency. Currently, there is a cooperative agreement between Mason County and King County that allows Mason County to purchase off contracts that King County has procured through the competitive bid processing (Commissioners approved June 21 2015). King County would like to do the same and is requesting Mason County allow King County to purchase off Mason County contracts procured through the competitive bid process. The agreement remains in effect unless terminated by either party with thirty (30) days prior written notice. Recommended Action: Recommend the Board authorize the Chair to execute the Cooperative Purchasing Agreement between Mason County and King County extending the right to cooperatively purchase goods and/or services award through one another through competitive bidding process. Attachment: Agreement Agreement No.18-05 INTERLOCAL COOPERATIVE PURCHASING AGREEMENT In accordance with Chapter 39.34 RCW, Mason County and King County agree to a cooperative governmental purchasing agreement for various goods and services using Mason County's competitively awarded contracts. Mason County therefore extends the use of its contracts to King County to the extent provided by law and upon the following terms 1. Pursuant to RCW 39.34.030,Mason County hereby extends to King County the right to cooperatively purchase goods and services under contracts awarded by Mason County through competitive bidding process and which contain a provision informing bidders that other public agencies shall have the right to cooperatively purchase the goods and/or services upon the same accepted price,terms and conditions, exclusive of freight and transportation fees. 2. The vendor(s) agree to extend to King County the terms and conditions of Mason County's contract(s). 3. King County accepts responsibility for compliance with any additional or varying laws and regulations governing its purchase. Any purchases by King County shall be by a purchase order from King County and directed to the vendor. 4. Mason County shall not be liable or responsible for specification, delivery, payment or any other aspect of cooperative purchases by King County. This agreement may be revoked by either party with thirty (30) days prior written notice. Accepted for: Mason County Accepted for: King County Randy Neatherlin Daniel( Hinz �L4 I Chair Chief Procurement Icer Date: Date: Mason County King County Procurement&Payables 100 W Public Works Drive Section Shelton, WA 98584 401 51h Ave, MS-CNK-ES-0340 Email: kellern0co.mason.wa.us Seattle, WA 98104 Email: Procurement.Web@kingcounty.gov MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Bart Stepp, Deputy Director/U&W Management Action Agenda DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 207 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: May 15, 2018 Agenda Item # 3 BRIEFING DATE: May 7, 2018 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Bart Stepp [] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency: ITEM: Solid Waste Petty Cash Increase BACKGROUND: Currently, the Shelton Transfer station, Hoodsport, Belfair & Union Drop Box Stations share a petty cash bag of $250. Now that Hoodsport is open on Sundays, the $250 is not enough to make change for the weekend. Public Works would like to up the petty cash bag to $450 to accommodate the solid waste services on the weekends. BUDGET IMPACTS: $200.00 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend the Board approve the attached resolution to amend Resolution No. 85-17 and increase the Utilities &Waste petty cash to $450. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Resolution No. 85-07 RESOLUTION NO. AMENDING RESOLUTION NO.85-17 MASON COUNTY UTILITIES &WASTE MANAGEMENT CASH DRAWERS WHEREAS,Mason County Department of Utilities&Waste Management has the operation of the Mason County Solid Waste Facilities, and WHEREAS,due to an increase in traffic at the Transfer Station&Drop Box Stations, it is necessary to have additional cash on hand in order to adequately operate the attendance stations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the following cash drawers be amended for the Mason County Solid Waste Facilities: SHELTON TRANSFER STATION BAG 1 Cash Drawer from $250.00 to $250.00 SHELTON TRANSFER STATION BAG 2 Cash Drawer from $250.00 to $250.00 BELFAIR DROP BOX STATION Cash Drawer from $250.00 to $250.00 UNION DROP BOX STATION Cash Drawer from $200.00 to $200.00 HOODSPORT DROP BOX STATION Cash Drawer from $200.00 to $200.00 EXTRA CHANGE BAG Cash Drawer from $250.00 to $450.00 MASON CO ADMIN BUILDING Cash Drawer from $ 25.00 to $ 25.00 Total $1,425.00 to $1,625.00 EFFECTIVE this day of ,2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: Randy Neatherlin,Chair Elisabeth(Lisa)Frazier, Terri Drexler,Vice Chair Mason County Treasurer ATTEST: Kevin Shutty, Commissioner Melissa Drewry,Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tim Whitehead, Chief DPA C: Accounting,Treasurer,Public Works,Budget&Finance oiuTio$pro. TO.AME D Ris0LlUnbN"Q7. MMON COUNTY VraXMS eft WASTI9 MAXAVMM EASY bR&WW S I,Masm Ca�y Depa �eM ofU'H est Waste IVlauagem'.. haft the_o ie iati.Q. fhs*D t.cDu�rty Citi W�sfe Fo1_i .and '@UMBEL,due toa change in.opem&irrs it fs"nwes'saey.tq 1XIM 440WOMI cash.tai ippet ft �thdar7ee sits.at the:Tiansfer Station.&Imp 13o.�r:$tafiarrs, N()W TSERUO R9 IT RUO M THAT the.fGlbwing oish drawers be vam*d fw Mwo County goNd W Fwilitiess .& LTON T tsFER STA.TTow 13Av h brai fTou# $25UD to $ `I"4TRA XSTATZOAi BAE'1 CaA bra '-from $256,00 BELFAIRDROP BOX STATION Cash FJ-kwor frbm $2501.6D td -$25g.0.0 , UMON DROP.BOX-STATM Cash Dmwerfro>ir $20U.Q6 16 $20b 3QQi $ 3RT DrRC?1 IWX STATION tach Dmv4r ftm �i t" �200.D4 TRA.C iGF,9AC Ali I rav e>' cpm $ 59.0 tti ILU:O MA-SM CD.ADMR4]LTILDI( d Cub,Dm rf r $2 Tata;( $-1,425.(YQ: 1 k this dag Of,��g flF tC1 ► I{.ei*�ii.BIt: ;.Chair T "Dmde 4 Cbmmi�sioner RXr N at#ie)K r 'ssi A'I`M, T EVmb;fh'(L=)Frazier,k+=n Comfy`repur" ATT'rETTc Q t#�ed APPR{3.'VI D:A S TO.FQ ; Tiiiri�hite.e ;C MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Diane Zoren Action Agenda x Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 747 DATE: May 15, 2018 Agenda Item # Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: May 7, 2018 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Support Services [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval for the Chair to sign the letter of acceptance for a Digital Imaging Grant from the 2017-2018 WA State Archives Local Records Grant Program for up to $7,000. Background: Support Services applied for and was awarded a no-match grant for up to $7,000 to digitize original signed Commission meeting minutes for the period of 1986-2008. There were 266 applications made to State Archives and 57 awards were made. In 2017, Support Services digitized microfilmed Commission minutes for the 1858- 1985 time period and from 2009 forward staff have saved an electronic copy of signed minutes. With this grant, there should be an electronic copy of all signed minutes dating back to 1858. Having a digital copy of Commission minutes will allow easier public access and free up storage space. Budget Impacts: No impact to Current Expense except to add the $7,000 to Support Services 2018 budget. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval for the Chair to sign the letter of acceptance for a Digital Imaging Grant from the 2017-2018 WA State Archives Local Records Grant Program for up to $7,000. Attachment(s): Award letter and letter of acceptance aSecretary of State LegislPO Bou0220 PO Box 40220 Olympia,WA 98504-0220 � J Tel:360.902.4151 U sos.wa.gov May 1, 2018 Mason County Commissioners Diane Zoren 411 North 5th Street Shelton, WA 98584 Dear Diane, Congratulations on your selection as one of the award recipients of the 2017-2018 Washington State Archives Local Records Grant Program! A total 266 applications were received requesting over $6,500,000. Due to the volume of quality requests, we are not able to fully fund all of the worthy projects that were submitted during this grant cycle. After reviewing all 266 applications,the Archives Oversight Committee has recommended that your grant proposal receive up to $7,000 for your Digital Imaging Grant. I encourage you to continue working with your regional branch archivist or records consultants to answer any questions you may have regarding your project.To find your local archivist, please visit www.sos.wa.gov/archives. To accept your award, please send a letter of acceptance to Mark Vessey at the Washington State Archives, PO Box 40238, Olympia, WA, 98504-0238. Once your acceptance letter is received, you will be sent a Grant Agreement requiring your signature.This Grant Agreement is necessary for your agency to receive the grant funds. I am very pleased to make this award announcement to your agency, and I look forward to the successful completion of your very worthwhile project. Sincerely, 07���� KIM WYMAN 5 E EXCELL Secretary of State State Archivist tt'��oS1 Coag F -_. May 15, 2018 1854 WA State Archives PO Box 40238 Olympia, WA 98504-0238 MASON COUNTY BOARD Attn: Mark Vessey OF We are pleased to accept the Digital Imaging Grant from the 2017-2018 WA State COMMISSIONERS Archives Local Records Grant Program for up to $7,000. Staff contact will be Diane Zoren, dlz@co.mason.wa.us , 360-427-9670 ext. 747. 1 sr District Distr RANDY NEATstrict LIN We look forward to receiving the grant agreement and completing this project. 2nd District Best regards, KEVIN SHUTTY Randy Neatherlin, Chair 3rd District Mason County Commission TERRI M. DREXLER Mason County Building 1 411 North Fifth Street Shelton,WA 98584-3400 (360)427-9670 ext.419 (360)275-4467 ext.419 (360)482-5269 ext. 419 Fax(360)427-8437 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Dave Windom // Todd Parker Action Agenda _X_ Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Community Services EXT: COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 5/15/18 Agenda Item # Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 5/7/18 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Todd Parker [] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency: ITEM: A resolution to form a Housing and Behavioral Health Advisory Board to strategically align the housing, homelessness, mental health and chemical dependency grant awards to improve the health of Mason County residents. Background: Mason County receives approximately $1,800,000 through the Consolidated Homeless Grant, local document recording fees and the 1/10 of 1% Sales and Use Tax (i.e. Treatment Sales Tax) for mental health and chemical dependency treatment. Previous groups that were formed to identify needs, develop plans, and evaluate request for proposals and make funding recommendations have varied each year resulting in challenges in consistency. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval of a Housing and Behavioral Health Advisory Board to strategically align the housing, homelessness, mental health and chemical dependency grant awards to improve the health of Mason County residents. Attachment(s): Resolution I:\Community Services-Public Health\PH_05.15.18 C.Agenda resolution advisory board.doc MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Diane Zoren Action Agenda x Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 747 DATE: May 15, 2018 Agenda Item # 0 Commissioner staff to com tete BRIEFING DATE: May 7 & 8, 2018 interviews BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval to appoint the following citizens to the Mason County Citizens Advisory Budget Committee: Tamara Ingwaldson, Diane McLean, James Sims, Cheryl Williams, Astrid Pearson and Jeff Carey for a term ending December 31, 2018 unless extended by the County Commissioners. Background: The Mason County Citizens Advisory Budget Committee was established by Resolution 18-18 with the intent of evaluating the Mason County budget to improve the financial stability of Mason County. Budget Impacts: Staff support RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve to appoint the following citizens to the Mason County Citizens Advisory Budget Committee: Tamara Ingwaldson, Diane McLean, James Sims, Cheryl Williams, Astrid Pearson and Jeff Carey for a term ending December 31, 2018 unless extended by the County Commissioners. Attachment: Resolution 18-18 1 Resolution No. I " A Resolution Establishing a Mason County Citizens Advisory Budget Committee Whereas,the Mason County Board of Commissioners are responsible for the adoption of a balanced budget pursuant to RCW 35.40; Whereas, Mason County expenditures continue to grow at a higher rate than Mason County revenues; Whereas,the Mason County Board of Commissioners have agreed to form a citizens advisory committee to evaluate the Mason County budget and provide recommendations to improve the financial stability of Mason County; NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mason County Board of Commissioners that a Mason County Citizens Advisory Budget Committee be established and comprised of no more than seven members: • Two residents, not employed by Mason County,from each Mason County Commissioner District. • One Commissioner,designated as Chair,voting in case of a tie. + Terms shall end December 31, 2018 unless extended by the County Commissioners. Mason County elected officials,department directors and staff should serve as a resource to the Citizens Advisory Budget Committee and attend meetings as requested. The Citizens Advisory Budget Committee shall review and develop recommendations to the County Commissioners on the following: a. Recommend Budget Priorities based on mandates. b. Recommend how to close the funding gap between expenditures and revenues. c. Examine and evaluate new revenue sources and new revenue options and provide recommendations on which to pursue. d. Define and recommend alternative budgeting methods,i.e.zero based,line item authority, biennial. e. Define opportunities to better manage expenditures and revenues growth. f. Establish recommendations for a county wide sustainable budget. A report containing recommendations should be received by the Board of Commissioners by July 31, 2018,unless extended by the Board of Commissioners. Citizens Advisory Budget Committee meetings shall be subject to the Open Public Meetings Act and members will be required to attend,at no cost to themselves,Open Public Meetings Act and Public Record Act trainings made available by Mason County. Dated this 201h day of March,2018. J:\RESOLUTIONS&ORDINANCES\RESOLUTIONS-ORDINANCES Word Files\2018\Citizens Budget Advisory Committee.docx 4.. V�, MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Debbie Riley Action Agenda X Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Community Services/Environmental EXT: 358 Health DATE: May 15, 2018 Agenda Item # Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: March 19, 2018 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Debbie Riley [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement entered into by and between Clallam County, Jefferson County, Kitsap County, Mason County, and the Kitsap Public Health District for the purpose of participating in a Clean Water (Septic) Loan program to provide financial assistance to the citizens residing within the boundaries of the Parties to address water quality issues in Hood Canal caused by onsite sewage systems. Background: The funding for this program was effective July 1, 2014.The project completion date was June 30, 2017. The purpose of this amendment (Amendment 2) is to deobligate funds, establish the final blended interest rate, officially close out the project, and establish a final loan repayment schedule. The RECIPIENT and ECOLOGY mutually cancelled Amendment 1 before it was fully executed. Amendment #2 is incorporated in full into the original Interlocal Agreement Exhibit B. All other terms and conditions of the original Interlocal Agreement remain in full force and effect. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to: Approval for the Chair to sign the Amendment 2 to Hood Canal Regional Septic Loan Program Interlocal Agreement. Attachment(s): Hood Canal Regional Septic Loan Program Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement Between Clallam County, Jefferson County, Kitsap County, Mason County and Kitsap Public Health District. HOOD CANAL REGIONAL SEPTIC LOAN PROGRAM AMENDMENT TO THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN Clallam County Jefferson County Kitsap County Mason County Kitsap Public Health District THIS AMENDMENT ("AMENDMENT")amends an Interlocal Agreement entered into by and between Clallam County,Jefferson County, Kitsap county, Mason County, and the Kitsap Public Health District(collectively,"the Parties") for the purpose of participating in a Clean Water(Septic) Loan program to provide financial assistance to citizens residing within the boundaries of the Parties to address water quality issues in Hood Canal caused by onsite sewage systems. In consideration of the mutual benefits and covenants contained herein,the parties agree that their Interlocal Agreement, executed between January and May 2016, shall be amended as follows: 1. Exhibit B to the original Interlocal Agreement is hereby revised and amended to include the terms of Amendment#2, attached hereto, as if Amendment#2 were incorporated in full into Exhibit B in its entirety. 2. Except as expressly provided in this Amendment, all other terms and conditions of the original Interlocal Agreement remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Parties have executed this Agreement. Executed this_day of , 2018 Executed this_day of ,2018 Clallam County Jefferson County By: By: Title: Title Executed this_day of , 2018 Executed this_day of , 2018 Mason County Kitsap County By: By: Title: Title: Amendment to Hood Canal Regional Septic Loan Program Interlocal Agreement Page 1 Executed this__day of ,201_ Kitsap Public Health District By: Title: Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY BY THE Clallam County Prosecuting Attorney Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY BY THE Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorney Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY BY THE Kitsap County Prosecuting Attorney Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM BY THE Mason County Prosecuting Attorney Amendment to Hood Canal Regional Septic Loan Program Interlocal Agreement Page 2 AMENDMENT#2 TO EXHIBIT B TO HOOD CANAL REGIONAL SEPTIC LOAN PROGRAM INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN Clallam County Jefferson County Kitsap County Mason County Kitsap Public Health District KPHD 1516 Amendment 2(1787) Page 1 of 8 DEPARTMENT OF come ECOLOGY State of Washington AMENDMENT NO.2 TO AGREEMENT NO.WQC-2015-KitPHD-00157 BETWEEN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY AND KITSAP PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT PURPOSE: To amend the above-referenced agreement(AGREEMENT)between the state of Washington Department of Ecology(ECOLOGY)and KITSAP PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT(RECIPIENT)for the Regional Clean Water Revolving Loan Program(PROJECT). The purpose of Amendment 2 is to deobligate funds,establish the final blended interest rate,officially close out the project,and establish a final loan repayment schedule.The RECIPIENT and ECOLOGY mutually cancelled Amendment 1 before it was fully executed. The RECIPIENT should review the original agreement conditions and requirements that apply during the loan repayment phase. For example: Section 5, H.Loan Repayment Section 5, I.Loan Security,Reserve Requirement Updated Amoritzation Schedule,attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment 1 1)The original grant amount is decreased by$72,500,from$695,000 to$622,500 based upon the final eligible costs for the project. 2)The original loan amount of$1,000,000 remains unchanged. In addition,$11,915.58 of interest has accrued from previous payments at the original interest rate of 1.4%and is included in the final repayment amount of$1,011,915.58. 3)The original interest rate of 1.4%is replaced with the final blended interest rate of 1.0%. The original interest rate is applied to the accrued interest from previous payments until this amendment is fully executed. 4)The project completion date shall be June 30,2017,and loan repayment shall commence no later than June 30, 2018. 5)The Estimated Loan Repayment Schedule Number 2056 created on 11/24/2014,shall be replaced with the attached Final Loan Repayment Schedule Number 2410 created on 6/14/2017. All other terms and conditions of the original Agreement including any Amendments remain in full force and effect, except as expressly provided by this Amendment. IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED that the AGREEMENT is amended as follows: Total Cost: Original: 1,695,000.00 Amended: 1,622,500.00 Total Eligible Cost: Original: 1,695,000.00 Amended: 1,622,500.00 Version 10/30/2015 KPHD 1516 Amendment 2(1787) State of Washington Department of Ecology Page 2 of 8 KITSAP PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT Regional Clean Water Revolving Loan Program Project Agreement No.WQC-201 5-KitPHD-00 157 Amendment No.2 CHANGES TO THE BUDGET Funding Distribution EL150037 Funding Title: State Revolving Fund Funding Type: Loan Funding Effective Date: 07/01/2014 Funding Expiration Date: 06/30/2017 Funding Source: Title: CWSRF-SFY15 Type: Blended State/Federal Funding Source%: 100% Description: The Clean Water Act(CWA)(33 U.S.C. §1251-1387)established the State Revolving Fund(SRF)low interest loan program(40.C.F.R.Part 31,35 Sub Part K).Funds come from a combination of Federal Capitalization Grant provided through the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA),state match,and revolved funds from repayments and interest on previous loans. Approved Indirect Costs Rate: De Minimis Rate per 2 CFR§200.414 Recipient Match%: 0% InKind Interlocal Allowed: No InKind Other Allowed: No Is this Funding Distribution used to match a federal grant? No Effective Interest Rate: 1% Interest Rate:% Admin Charge: 1% Terms: 5 years Project Start Date: 07/01/2014 Project Completion Date: 06/30/2017 Estimated Initiation of Operation date: Loan Security: General Obligation Debt of the Recipient or the state of Washington Final Accrued Interest: $11,915.58 Final Loan Amount: $1,011,915.58 Repayment Schedule Number: 2410 State Revolving Fund Task Total Financial Assistance to Homeowners $ 1,000,000.00 Total:S 1,000,000.00 CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK Version 10/30/2015 KPHD 1516 Amendment 2(1787) State of Washington Department of Ecology Page 3 of 8 KITSAP PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT Regional Clean Water Revolving Loan Program Project Agreement No.WQC-2015-KitPHD-00157 Amendment No.2 Task Number: 1 Task Cost: $0.00 Task Title: Project Administration/Management Task Description: A.The RECIPIENT will administer the project. Responsibilities will include,but not be limited to: maintenance of project records;submittal of requests for reimbursement and corresponding backup documentation, progress reports and recipient closeout report(including photos);compliance with applicable procurement,contracting,and interlocal agreement requirements;application for,receipt of,and compliance with all required permits, licenses,easements,or property rights necessary for the project;and submittal of required performance items. B.The RECIPIENT must manage the project. Efforts will include: conducting,coordinating,and scheduling project activities and assuring quality control. Every effort will be made to maintain effective communication with the RECIPIENT's designees;ECOLOGY;all affected local, state,or federal jurisdictions;and any interested individuals or groups. The RECIPIENT must carry out this project in accordance with any completion dates outlined in this agreement. Task Goal Statement: Properly managed project that meets agreement and Ecology administrative requirements. Task Expected Outcome: *Timely and complete submittal of requests for reimbursement,quarterly progress reports and recipient closeout report. * Properly maintained project documentation Recipient Task Coordinator: Stuart Whitford Deliverables Number Description Due Date 1.1 Progress Reports 1.2 Recipient Closeout Report 1.3 Project Outcome Summary Report CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK Task Number: 4 Task Cost: $0.00 Task Title: Outreach and Education Task Description_ Version 10/30/2015 KPHD 1516 Amendment 2(1787) State of Washington Department of Ecology Page 4 of 8 KITSAP PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT Regional Clean Water Revolving Loan Program Project Agreement No.WQC-2015-KitPHD-00157 Amendment No.2 A.The RECIPIENT or its designees will support efforts to identify and pursue enforcement of failing septic systems by leading Clean Water loan outreach efforts to reduce the financial barriers to addressing failing septic systems. Activities will include,but are not limited to,mailings,newsletter announcements,convening septic educational classes,local media stories and advertisements,coordination with local community partners,OSS contractors,and Pollution Identification and Correction efforts. Task Goal Statement: Maintain and expand awareness of the Clean Water Loan with an emphasis on building awareness amongst financially distressed homeowners with failing septic systems. Task Expected Outcome: 1-Finalize marketing plan. 2-Advertisement of the loan program—low-income residents,OSS contractors,real estate professionals,general public awareness of Clean Water Loan resulting in submission of Clean Water loan applications. Recipient Task Coordinator: Stuart Whitford Deliverables Number Description Due Date 4.1 Marketing strategy 06/30/2017 4.2 Quarterly reporting on key outreach activities 06/30/2017 Version 10/30/2015 KPHD 1516 Amendment 2(1787) State of Washington Department of Ecology Page 5 of 8 KITSAP PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT Regional Clean Water Revolving Loan Program Project Agreement No.WQC-2015-KitPHD-00157 Amendment No.2 Fundin¢Distribution Summary Recipient/Ecology Share Funding Distribution Name Recipient Match % Recipient Share Ecology Share Total State Revolving Fund 0 % $ 0.00 $ 1,000,000.00 $ 1,000,000.00 Centennial Grant with Match 32.79 % $ 200,019.00 $ 409,981.00 $ 610,000.00 Centennial Grant without match 0 % $ 0.00 $ 12,500.00 $ 12,500.00 Total $ 200,019.00 $ 1,422,481.00 $ Version 10/30/2015 KPHD 1516 Amendment 2(1787) State of Washington Department of Ecology Page 6 of 8 KITSAP PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT Regional Clean Water Revolving Loan Program Project Agreement No.WQC-2015-KitPHD-00157 Amendment No.2 AUTHORIZING SIGNATURES All other terms and conditions of the original Agreement including any Amendments remain in full force and effect, except as expressly provided by this Amendment. The signatories to this Amendment represent that they have the authority to execute this Amendment and bind their respective organizations to this Amendment. This amendment will be effective 07/01/2017. IN WITNESS WHEREOF:the parties hereto,having read this Amendment in its entirety,including all attachments,do agree in each and every particular and have thus set their hands hereunto. Washington State KITSAP PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT Department of Ecology LL By: f/ By: TDA Heather Bartlett Date Keith James Grellner Date Water Quality Administrator Program Manager Board of County Commissioners,Kitsap County, WA CV ROBERT GELDER �V EDWARD E.WOLFE CHARLOTTE GARRIDO Commissioner Version 10/30/2015 KPHD 1516 Amendment 2(1787) State of Washington Department of Ecology Page 7 of 8 KITSAP PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT Regional Clean Water Revolving Loan Program Project Agreement No.WQC-2015-KitPHD-00157 Amendment No.2 Attest t Dana Daniels,Clerk of the Board Date GG M A41& Template Approved to Form by Q��P,1 E ���0 Attorney General's Office ,••CGS •m a: 0. �•��SHING�o2: Version 10/30/2015 ATTACHMENT 1 KPHD 1516 Amendment 2(1787) Page 8 of 8 DEPARTMENT OF FINAL LOAN REPAYMENT SCHEDULE ECOLOGY State of Washington Loan Number. EL150037 Loan Amount: $1,011,915.58 Recipient Name: Kitsap Public Health Term of Loan: 9 Amortization Method: District Annual Interest Rate: 1.000 % Project Completion Date: Compound-365 DN Interest Compounded: Monthly Initiation of Operations: 06/30/2017 Loan Date: 06/02/2017 Schedule Number: 06/30/2017 Schedule Creation Date: 06/14/2017 2410 Payment Due Early Payment Interest Principal Balance Number Date Repay Amount Amount Amount Amount 01 06/30/2018 115,935.41 10,935.69 104,999.72 906,915.86 02 12/30/2018 115,935.41 _ 4,544.04_ 111,391.37 795,524.49 Sub Total 2018 ^231,870.82 15,479.73 216,391.09 03 06/30/2019 115,935.41 3,985.92 111,949.49 683,575.00 04 12/30/2019 _ 115,935.41 3,425.00_ 112,510.41 571,064.59 Sub Total 2019 231,870.82 7,410.92 224,459.90 05 06/30/2020 115,935.41 2,861.28 113,074.13 457,990.46 06 12/30/2020 115,935.41 _ 2,294.73 113,640.68_— 344,349.78 Sub Total 2020 231,870.82 5,156.01— 226,714.81 07 06/30/2021 115,935.41 1,725.34 114,210.07 230,139.71 08 12/30/2021- — 115,935.41 , 1,153.10 114,782.31 — 115,357.40 Sub Total 2021 231,870.82 2,878.44 228,992.38 09 06/30/2022 __ 115,935.39 _577.99 115,357.40 0.00 Sub Total 2022 115,935.39 577.99 115,357.40 Grand Total ` 1,043,418.67 ^ 31,503.09 1,011,915.58 y Scedule Number:2410 ELTS Repayment Schedule Report run:06/14/2017 Page 1 of 1 Pages MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Frank Pinter Action Agenda Public Hearing x Other x_ DEPARTMENT: Commissioners EXT: COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 5-15-18 Agenda Item # Commissioner staff to l lete BRIEFING DATE: 5-7-18 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Support Services [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval to set a public hearing on June 5, 2018 at 9:30 a.m. to consider declaring Mason County Public Works owned property as surplus for the following parcel: 42002-10-00020, approximately 35 acres on the corner of Highway 101 and Highway 102. Background: This parcel is surplus to the County needs and the request is to declare it surplus and sell the parcel. This parcel will be subdivided into six equal parcels and a rezone request has been submitted. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to set a public hearing on June 5, 2018 at 9:30 a.m. to consider declaring Mason County Public Works owned property as surplus for the following parcel: 42002-10-00020, approximately 35 acres on the corner of Highway 101 and Highway 102. Attachment: None 5/9/2018 NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a public hearing in Mason County Building I, Commission Chambers, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, WA 98584 on Tuesday, June 5, 2018 at 9:30 a.m. SAID HEARING will be to take public comment on surplussing parcel 42002-10- 00020, approximately 35 acres on the corner of Highway 101 and Highway 102 owned by Mason County Public Works. If there are questions about the proposal, please contact Frank Pinter at 427-9670 ext.530. If special accommodations are needed, contact the Commissioners' office, 427- 9670, Ext. 419. DATED this 15th day of May 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Melissa Drewry, Clerk of the Board c: Journal-Publ 2t: 5/24&5/31 (Bill: Property Mng-411 North 5`h Street, Shelton, WA 98584) 9. 1 NEWS RELEASE May 8, 2018 MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 411 NORTH 5T" ST SHELTON, WA 98584 TO: KMAS, KRXY, SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL, THE OLYMPIAN, SHELTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, NORTH MASON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, CITY OF SHELTON, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, THE SUN RE: Mason County Housing and Behavioral Health Advisory Board In a continuous effort to improve the health and quality of life of Mason County residents, the Mason County Board of Commissioners has adopted a resolution forming a Mason County Housing and Behavioral Health Advisory Board. The Advisory Board will solicit membership from the following sources: • One County Commissioner, designated as Chair, voting in case of a tie; • One City Council Member; • One Board of Health member that is not a county commissioner; • One representative from a social services funding organization; and • Mason County resident, not employed by Mason County, but not to exceed one resident per district. All interested citizens must complete a Citizens Application found on the Mason County Website. All applicants will be selected and appointed through the County Commissioners; and • All members shall serve a four-year term. The Housing and Behavioral Health Advisory Board shall review and develop recommendations to Mason County's Department of Community Services and County Commissioners in the areas of: a. Funding prioritization and gap identification which can be addressed utilizing available funding sources; b. Requests for Proposals (RFP): review, evaluate, score and provide funding recommendations to Mason County Community Services to ensure funding is prioritized in the areas of greatest need; c. Set community and program goals and ensure alignment of strategic plans; d. Examine and evaluate the identification of goals, performance measures, strategies, and costs and evaluation of progress towards established goals; e. Development and/or approval of Policies and Procedures related to the request for proposal process, contract monitoring, performance and corrective actions; and f. Define opportunities to better manage services and expected outcomes. A report containing recommendations on funding priorities should be received by the Board of Commissioners by January 31, of each calendar year beginning in 2019, unless extended by the Board of Commissioners. Advisory Board meetings shall be subject to the Open Public Meetings Act and members will be required to attend, at no cost to themselves, Open Public Meetings Act and Public Record Act trainings made available by Mason County. Interested citizens may obtain an application on the Mason County website at www.co.mason.wa.us or emailing tparker@co.mason.wa.us. Applications will be accepted until June 30, 2018. BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Randy Neatherlin Kevin Shutty Terri Drexler _ Chair Commissioner Commissioner