HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018/04/16 - Briefing Packet BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
411 North Fifth Street, Shelton WA 98584
Week of April 16, 2018
Monday, April 16, 2018
Commission Chambers
9:00 A.M. Closed Session — RCW 42.30.140(4) Labor Discussion
9:15 A.M. Support Services — Frank Pinter
9:45 A.M. WSU — Noxious Weed Control — Pat Grover
10:00 A.M. Community Services — Dave Windom
10:30 A.M. BREAK
10:45 A.M. Public Works — Jerry Hauth
Utilities & Waste Management
11:30 A.M. Pac Mountain Workforce Development Board — Derek Epps
Commissioner Discussion — as needed
2:00 P.M. Law Library— Peter Jones
2:15 P.M Criminal Justice Treatment Account - Renee Cullop
Commissioner Discussion — as needed
Thursday, April 19, 2018
6:00 P.M. Belfair Mobility Plan Update
The HUB Senior Center
111 NE Old Belfair Highway, Belfair
Briefing Agendas are subject to change,please contact the Commissioners'office for the most recent version.
Last printed 04/12/18 at 10:30 AM
If special accommodations are needed,contact the Commissioners'office at ext.419,Shelton#360-427-9670;Belfair
Mason County Support Services Department Budget Management
COU�rA,4 411 North 5th Street Commissioner Administration
Emergency Management
Shelton, WA 98584 Facilities, Parks&Trails
360.427.9670 ext. 419 Human Resources
Information Services
Labor Relations
Risk Management
April 16, 2018
• Specific Items for Review
o House Bill 2261 allowing support to Housing Authorities—Frank
o Budget Advisory Group —Frank
o Set hearing to re-establish Mason Lake Management District 2— Frank
• Commissioner Discussion
FROM: Patricia Grover, Mason County Noxious Weed Board Coordinator
DEPARTMENT: WSU Extension — Mason County EXT: 592
Noxious Weed Control Board
BRIEFING DATE: April 16, 2018
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information
Professional Services Contract Agreement between Hood Canal Coordinating Council
and Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board for Hood Canal Coordinating Council's
In-Lieu Fee mitigation Program.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and
potential solutions):
BUDGET IMPACTS: An additional $1,700 into the 2018 budget and $1,440 into the
2019 budget for weed control assistance.
RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Request approval from Mason County
Board of County Commissioners to enter into the Professional Services Contract
Agreement between Hood Canal Coordinating Council and Mason County Noxious
Weed Control Board.
- Hood Canal Coordinating Council Professional Services Contract Agreement,
Exhibits A & B
Briefing Summary 4/11/2018
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THIS AGREEMENT is between Hood Canal Coordinating Council
(HCCC), located at 17791 Fjord Drive, NE, Suite 118, Poulsbo, WA 98370, and
Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board(Consultant),with an address of 303
North 41h Street,Building 4,Shelton,WA 98584 and is made effective as of the date
signed below by HCCC. HCCC and Contractor are also referred to as the"Parties"
and each as a "Party." This Agreement relates only to work funded by the Hood
Canal Coordinating Council's In-Lieu Fee Program.
The Parties to this Agreement agree as follows:
1) DEFINITIONS. --For purposes of this Agreement, the term-
a) "Hood Canal Coordinating Council" means Hood Canal Coordinating
Council, a Washington Corporation, and its members, directors, officers,
employees and agents also referred to herein as "HCCC", specifically the
Hood Canal Coordinating Council's In-Lieu Fee Program;
b) "Consultant" means the Consultant and its directors, officers, employees,
agents and subcontractors; and
c) "Contract Representative" means the person designated below and
incorporated by reference, to serve as representative of HCCC and the
Consultant for purposes of administration of this Agreement.
agrees to provide services to HCCC,in accordance with applicable professional
standards, as described in Exhibit A appended to this contract. No work shall
commence under this Agreement until it is fully executed by both Parties.
HCCC Professional Services Agreement with Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board
Page 1
a) Except as provided herein, HCCC agrees to pay Consultant on a monthly
basis following receipt of an invoice documenting services rendered and
costs incurred, in a manner and amount stipulated in Exhibit A.
i) HCCC may, at its sole discretion, retain up to 10 percent of the amount
otherwise due and owing under each invoice until Consultant
completes all work described in Exhibit A, or otherwise authorized by
HCCC. HCCC shall notify Consultant of the amount retained and
deposit the retained amount in an interest-bearing account. HCCC shall
release the amount retained,together with earned interest,not later than
30 days after receipt of a final invoice and acceptance of HCCC of all
work authorized.
ii) HCCC may, at its sole discretion, retain an amount otherwise due and
owing under each invoice until Consultant provides HCCC with
evidence that the Consultant has paid industrial insurance premiums
for its employees and/or is in compliance with state industrial
insurance requirements.
b) Allowable Costs. -
i) Travel Expenses. -- HCCC agrees to reimburse Consultant up to the
amount stipulated in Exhibit A for travel expenses (including per diem
at current government rate) from Consultant's home or principal place
of business to meeting sites. HCCC shall reimburse Consultant for
travel expenses in accordance with federal travel regulations. Payment
for expenses over the category amount will not be honored without
prior approval of HCCC's Contract Representative.
ii) Other Expenses. -Payment for miscellaneous expenses will be specified
in Exhibit A. Any request over the category amount will not be honored
without prior approval by HCCC's Contract Representative.
c) Unallowable Costs. --
i) Management fees or similar charges in excess of the direct costs are not
ii) If Consultant expends more than the amount of its approved budget in
anticipation of receiving additional funds, it does so at its own risk.
HCCC is not legally obligated to reimburse Consultant for costs
incurred in excess of the approved budget.
d) Invoice. --Consultant's invoice shall indicate dates of service,a description
of work performed,and time spent on that date in providing service under
this Agreement. The invoice shall include travel claims for travel expenses
incurred by Consultant in connection with performance under this
HCCC Professional Services Agreement with Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board
Page 2
Agreement. Invoices should be sent to the Accountant at the HCCC
address listed below via U.S. Postal Service or email (not both).
4) TERM.--The term of this Agreement commences on the effective date,the date
the agreement is signed by the HCCC Executive Director below,and continues
until December 31, 2019 as stipulated in Exhibit A, or until terminated by the
5) TRAINING. -- Consultant acknowledges that no training will be provided to
Consultant under this Agreement. Consultant warrants and represents that its
personnel are fully trained to perform services required under this Agreement
and that additional training provided by HCCC will be unnecessary.
a) Consultant shall, at its own expense, secure and maintain in full force and
effect during the term of this Agreement all required licenses, permits, and
similar legal authorization, and comply with all applicable Federal, State
and local regulations.
b) Consultant shall be responsible for payment of taxes, insurance and other
obligations relating to its performance of services under this Agreement.
Consultant shall provide HCCC with verification of its-
i) Unified business identifier number from the State of Washington and
that its business license is in good standing;
ii) Washington State Department of Revenue account and that the account
is in good standing;
iii) Washington State Labor and Industries account and that the account is
in good standing or that the Consultant is exempt from the state's
industrial insurance requirements;
c) All other necessary licenses and permits to perform the work specified in
Exhibit B.
a) Consultant shall act as an independent Consultant, and in no way shall be
considered an employee of HCCC. Consultant is not required to report to
HCCC's offices at any specific time, except as requested for occasional
consultations. HCCC does not have the right to assign any additional
projects to Consultant. Consultant shall choose the time and manner for
performing each part of the services described in Exhibit A according to its
own routines and schedules, independent from HCCC's normal business
HCCC Professional Services Agreement with Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board
Page 3
b) Consultant acknowledges that Consultant will not qualify for benefits
which may be available if classified as an employee. In the event that the
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) successfully asserts that Consultant is not or
was not an independent Consultant for any period during the term of this
Agreement and reclassifies Consultant as an employee, Consultant agrees
to complete, sign and deliver IRS Form 4669 (Employee Wage Statement)
to HCCC for any tax period affected. HCCC shall then file the Form 4669
with the IRS (along with IRS Form 4670 "Request for Relief From Payment
of Income Tax Withholding") to offset against HCCC's withholding
c) Consultant acknowledges that it will be liable to HCCC for any industrial
insurance premiums or any other premiums or fees that HCCC is required
to pay on its behalf under RCW 51.12.070, or any other applicable statute,
regulation or ordinance, to the State of Washington or local jurisdiction.
8) NON-EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT. -- This Agreement is non-exclusive.
Consultant reserves the right to perform services for others during the term of
the Agreement.
9) MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT. -- Consultant shall provide all materials
and equipment necessary to perform its obligations under this Agreement:
Provided, however, that Consultant may use office equipment located in the
offices of HCCC,as available,and provided however,that if"Other Expenses"
have been awarded as part of this agreement, HCCC may purchase said
supplies and services on behalf of the Consultant as part of this Agreement.
10)INSURANCE.-Consultant shall provide HCCC with a certificate of insurance
for each insurance provision required in this section. The certificate of
insurance shall be effective during the duration of this agreement. HCCC may
require that the certificate of insurance name HCCC as an additional insured
party. Consultant shall also require all of its subcontractors to maintain the
same type and level of insurance as required in this section and provide
certificates of insurance to HCCC as required in this section. Consultant shall,
at its own expense, acquire and maintain the following insurance throughout
the term of the Agreement:
a) Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance covering all owned, non-
owned and hired automobiles, trucks and trailers. Such insured shall
provide the Standard Comprehensive Automobile Liability policy in limits
not less than$1,000,000 Combined Single Limit;
HCCC Professional Services Agreement with Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board
Page 4
b) Commercial General Liability Coverage Insurance, with not less than the
following limits: $1,000,000 for each occurrence limit, $1,000,000 for
personal injury limit, $2,000,000 general aggregate limit;
c) Professional Liability Insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per
claim and in the aggregate; and
d) Workers' Compensation and Employer Defense Insurance as required by
statute and employer liability coverage, with not less than the following
limits: $1,000,000 each accident for bodily injury by accident, $1,000,000
each employee for bodily injury by disease and $1,000,000 policy limit for
bodily injury by disease.
11)CONFIDENTIALITY. -- Information produced or made available to the
Consultant shall not be disclosed to others or used for any other purpose,
except as required under this contract, without prior written approval by
All data and products developed under this contract, excluding copyrighted
material used with permission,or other public data that cannot be copyrighted,
shall become the sole property of the HCCC and its assigns. Permission for its
subsequent use must be obtained from the HCCC prior to that use. Any
alteration of the data by HCCC for purposes other than those intended by this
Agreement shall be at HCCC's sole risk and without legal liability upon the
gives HCCC the right and authority to publicize HCCC's financial support for
this Agreement and the Project in press releases, publications and other public
communications. Consultant agrees to not publicize its work under this
Agreement without HCCC's express written approval.
make all applicable financial records, supporting documents, and all other
pertinent records related to this Project, available to HCCC or any of its duly
authorized representatives, for inspection. Records shall be retained until the
Term date of this Agreement and then submitted to the Project Manager for
retention according to law.
15)APPLICABLE LAW.--This Agreement shall be construed and enforced under
the laws of the State of Washington, irrespective of the fact that any one of the
Parties is now or may become a resident of another state. Venue for any action
under this Agreement shall lie in Kitsap County,Washington.
HCCC Professional Services Agreement with Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board
Page 5
- 16)MODIFICATION. -- This Agreement may not be waived, discharged or
modified in any manner other than by written agreement of the Parties.
17)SEVERABILITY. --No provision of this Agreement is severable from any and
all other provisions of this Agreement. Should any provision or provisions of
this Agreement be unenforceable for any reason,the party finding itself unable
to enforce said provision(s) may, at its sole discretion, declare this entire
Agreement to be null and void.
18)TERMINATION. -- Either party may terminate this Agreement with 30 days
written notification to the other party. If this Agreement is so terminated, the
Parties shall be liable only for performance rendered or costs incurred in
accordance with the terms of this Agreement prior to the effective date of
termination.If for any cause,either party does not fulfill in a timely and proper
manner its obligations under this Agreement, or if either party violates any of
these terms and conditions, the aggrieved party will give the other party
written notice of such failure or violation. The responsible party will be given
the opportunity to correct the violation or failure within 15 working days. If
the failure or violation is not corrected, this Agreement may be terminated
immediately by written notice of the aggrieved party to the other. HCCC shall
have the right to terminate this Agreement in whole or in part at any time, if
the Funding Source issues an early termination under the funding
agreement(s) covering all or part of the Project at issue hereunder.
19)WAIVER. -- If either party fails to exercise its rights under this Agreement, it
shall not be precluded from subsequent exercise of its rights. A failure to
exercise rights shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this
Agreement,unless stated in a letter signed by authorized representative of the
party and attached to the original agreement.
20)COSTS AND ATTORNEYS FEES. -- If either party brings any action against
the other for relief,declaratory or otherwise,arising out of this Agreement,the
prevailing party shall recover against the other party all costs and reasonable
attorneys' fees, including costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred to
enforce any judgment rendered pursuant to this Agreement.
21)DEBARMENT. - By signing this Agreement, Consultant warrants and
represents its initial and continued compliance that it is not listed on the
Washington State Department of Labor and Industries state-wide Debarred
Contractors List (or debarred in another state in which the Consultant's
business resides).
may be executed in counterparts, after execution by all Parties hereto, shall
together constitute the Agreement. The parties acknowledge that a signature
HCCC Professional Services Agreement with Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board
Page 6
in electronic form has the same legal effect and validity as a handwritten
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement
effective as of the day and year the Executive Director has executed.
Hood Canal Coordinating Council
Scott Brewer, Executive Director
Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board
Patricia Grover
HCCC Professional Services Agreement with Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board
Page 7
Consultant Checklist: Consultant will complete and provide requested
information on Exhibit B.
Contract Representatives:
Scott Brewer, Executive Director
Hood Canal Coordinating Council
17791 Fjord Drive, NE Suite 122
Poulsbo,WA 98370-8430
HCCC Project Manager:
Patty Michak, In Lieu Fee Mitigation Manager
Hood Canal Coordinating Council
17791 Fjord Drive, NE Suite 122
Poulsbo,WA 98370-8430
Tom Goishi
Hood Canal Coordinating Council
17791 Fjord Drive, NE Suite 122
Poulsbo,WA 98370-8430
Consultant Representative(s):
Patricia A. Grover, Coordinator
Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board
Mason County, Building 4
303 N. 4th Street
Shelton,WA 98584
360-427-9670 ext. 592
FAX: 360-427-7264
Project Manager (if different):
HCCC Professional Services Agreement with Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board
Page 8
Independent Consultant Scope of Services
Project Title: Irene Pond Mitigation Site Weed Control
Consultant: Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board
Description of Services:
Consultant shall:
• Provide 2 staff members from May - September 2018.for on-site weed
control work; including herbicide application, timing of which will be
weather dependent.
• Transportation to/from property.
• Supply equipment and supplies necessary to accomplish work.
• Photo documentation.
• Permitting necessary to apply near water (NPDES).
• Posting of site for use of herbicides.
• NPDES Reporting and completion of WSDA Pesticide Application Records.
Task 1:Year 1 Weed Control 2018
Weed Control Assistance: 24 hours of on-site work by two staff members;
estimated dates for site work; May 1, June 12, July 2-6, Aug/September
(weather dependent for primary herbicide application).
Description Budget Completion Date
Weed control assistance; apply herbicide, photo $1,700.00 12/31/2018
documentation, permitting and reporting.
Task 2:Year 2 Weed Control 2019
Weed Control Assistance:up to 24 hours of on-site work by two staff members;
dates for site work to be determined in coordination with HCCC staff(weather
dependent for primary herbicide application).
Description Budget Completion Date
Weed control assistance; apply herbicide, photo $1,440.00 12/31/2019
documentation, permitting and reporting.
Agreement Exhibits A & B Page 9
Compensation: The Consultant shall be compensated under this agreement in
an amount not to exceed: $3,140.00 Submit monthly invoices to the Accountant
by the 15th of the following month. Expenses are payable with prior
authorization from HCCC project manager, and contingent upon satisfactory
progress reporting toward completion of project deliverables.
Progress Reporting: Consultant will submit an activity summary report with
each invoice.
Travel: If claiming mileage Consultant will submit HCCC Mileage Report for
Reimbursement(provided in Exhibit B) with invoice. Mileage and travel costs
will be reimbursed at current federal rates or allowances.
Contract Duration Date: The effective date is the date the contract is signed by
the Executive Director and ends December 31,2019.
Consultant Checklist: Consultant will complete and provide requested
information on Exhibit B.
Agreement—Exhibits A & B Page 10
Consultant's UBI No. Click here to enter text.
Consultant's Federal Tax ID No. Click here to enter text.
Consultant Type [non-profit, local government, tribal government, commercial
entity]: Click here to enter text.
Program Name: In Lieu Fee Mitigation
Funding Source Name/Number: Not applicable—funds are not federal.
DBE Program Reporting (indicate as appropriate):
Owned and Managed as Disadvantaged Business:
❑ Women Owned Business Enterprise
❑ Minority Owner Business Enterprise
❑ Veteran Owned Business Enterprise
❑ Community Based Organization
If certified by Washington State's Office of Minority and Women Owned
Business Enterprise (OMWBE) www.omwbe.wa.g_ov or Department of Veterans
Affairs (DVA), enter the certification number: Click here to enter text.
EJ Provide current IRS W-9 Form
Provide proof of WA Dept. of Revenue Account in Good Standing Click here to
enter text.
Provide proof of WA Labor &Industries Account in Good Standing or
Exemption (if no employees) Click here to enter text.
Other Licenses or permits if needed: Click here to enter text.
Construction contractor registration number and expiration if needed: Click here
to enter text.
Insurance (as applicable)
Commercial Auto Liability (if claiming mileage--use HCCC Mileage
Report if included in tasks)
Commercial General Liability (naming HCCC as additional insured)
Professional Liability Insurance
Workers' Compensation and Employer Defense Insurance
Agreement—Exhibits A & B Page 11
Notice: The Hood Canal Coordinating Council is an equal opportunity employer
will not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry,
sex, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, age [40 and over], maternity, and
childbirth, honorably discharged veteran or military status, disability, genetics,
HIV and/or Hepatitis C status, use of a trained guide dog or service animal by a
person with a disability, or other protected class [legally recognized] under
federal, state or local law. Persons requiring reasonable accommodation in the
application process or requiring any information in an alternative format may
contact 360-394-0046. Inquiries about the HCCC's compliance may be directed to
Scott Brewer,Executive Director.
Agreement—Exhibits A & B Page 12
FROM: David Windom-Ben Johnson
DEPARTMENT: Community Services EXT: 260
BRIEFING DATE: April 16, 2018
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information
Shelton Substance Abuse Prevention Education Partners (PEP) Letter to All Mason County
Mini Marts and Grocery stores to reduce easy access to Air Duster and Whip Its.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available
options and potential solutions):
The Shelton Substance Abuse Prevention Education Partners Coalition work to
address substance abuse prevention for our community youth. Coalition partners
include Law Enforcement,Schools, Mental Health & Medical providers, Faith Based,
Public Health,Substance Abuse Treatment,Youth and Parents.
The PEP coalition would like to inform the Mason County Board of County
Commission of our intent to send the attached letter to all mini marts and grocery
stores in Mason County requesting that they partner with us in reducing easy access
to air duster and whip its.
BUDGET IMPACTS: No Budget Impact
Move to Action Agenda,to be read at the Board of County Commission meeting.
ATTACHMENTS: Shelton Substance Abuse Prevention Education Partner Letter
Briefing Summary 4/10/2018
Store Owner/Manager
The Shelton Substance Abuse Prevention Education Partners (PEP) Coalition have
a community concern we would like to bring to your attention and feel we could
partner with you to make a positive impact in an issue affecting our youth.
Our concern is about Air Duster, and similar products, that are sold in your store.
The City of Shelton and Mason County have seen an increase of Air Duster abuse.
We are specifically alarmed by an increase in what is commonly called "huffing".
Youth in this community are using the chemicals in the Air Duster to get high,
inhaling the product and producing some very serious medical concerns. It is even
possible to die from a single inhale of the product due to its ability to affect heart
rhythms. After confirming the problem with local law enforcement, the Shelton
PEP coalition has begun to conduct outreach to store owners in our community
with hopes to provide some community education surrounding this issue.
We are contacting you to address our concern about the easy availability of these
products. We are asking for your help in prevention by requesting you have some
type of lock system, cage or store product behind the counter to remove these
spray cans from the easy access of youth who quite often steal them from stores.
Although this may seem like a small gesture, it would be widely supported in the
community and could have a positive impact. The cost of the locking system may
even be offset by the fact you would no longer be losing the product to theft.
would be happy to reach out to the media if you feel it would be beneficial,
explaining how your store has partnered in this prevention effort to help the
youth in our community.
Gerald Apple
Shelton Prevention Education Partners PEP
Coalition Chair
FROM: David Windom
DEPARTMENT: Community Services EXT: 260
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information)
Mental Health Fund (Treatment Sales Tax) Resolution
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and
potential solutions):
Resolution submitted for approval.
Allocation, name change and budget process
Approve Mental Health Fund (Treatment Sales Tax) Resolution move to
action agenda for approval
TST Resolution
Briefing Summary 4/11/2018
Resolution #
Renaming the l/loth of 1% Sales & Use Tax for Mental Health and Substance Abuse
to Treatment Sales Tax and Establish a Collaborative Budget Development and
Approval Process for the Allocation of the Treatment Sales Tax under RCW
WHEREAS, RCW 82.14.460 (2) authorizes the County Legislative Authority to authorize, fix and
impose a sales and use tax in addition to other taxes authorized by law with a rate not to
exceed one-tenth of one percent; and RCW 82.14.460 (3) provides that monies collected shall
be solely for the purpose of providing new or expanded substance abuse or mental health
treatment services and for the operation of new or expanded therapeutic court programs, and
section (4)(d) states that moneys collected under this section may be used to support the cost
of the judicial officer and support staff of a therapeutic court; and
WHEREAS, in Resolution 28-16, the Board of County Commissioners reauthorized the
continuance of the 1/10th of 1% Sales and Use Tax with annual reports and evaluation; and
WHEREAS, services provided and funded by the tax should align with the priorities set forth in
the Mason County's Community Plan on Behavioral Health and the Therapeutic Courts 5-year
plan (2017 — 2022); and
WHEREAS, this fund has gone by different names in the county such as Sales & Use Tax or
1/10 of 1% that may have created misunderstandings on the purpose and use of funds; and
WHEREAS, under-spent budgets can create a fund balance which is an unsustainable funding
source for on-going programs and services; and
WHEREAS, budgets have been submitted and approved from different departments and special
requests made throughout the year impacting how the budget operates as a whole and creating
risk for over committing funds; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Mason County Commissioners that:
1. Henceforth, the funding source will be commonly known as the "Treatment Sales Tax"
to reflect the purpose of the funds and be consistent with the common name used by
counties throughout Washington State.
2. The Treatment Sales Tax will be a separate line item budget within the Mental Health
Fund Budget; and
3. The previous year's collection will determine the money to allocate the following year.
4. Community Services will maintain the Treatment Sales Tax Policy and Procedures for all
proposals and fund recipients to follow.
5. The board seeks to appropriate 10% of the Treatment Sales Tax toward administration
of the fund.
6. The board seeks to appropriate 60% of the Treatment Sales Tax to services to assist in
the operation of the Therapeutic Courts such as the judicial officers, support staff, clerk,
prosecution, public defense and Juvenile Services.
7. The board seeks to appropriate 30% to be contracted through a Request for Proposal
(RFP) process to fund gaps in services including, but not limited to, intensive case
management related to mental health and substance abuse treatment, insurance gaps,
transitional-aged youth, gaps to fund supportive housing services and other needs
outlined in the Mason County's Community Plan on Behavioral Health.
8. A minimum fund balance equal to three months of the amount collected in a one-year
period will be maintained to pay out services should the tax end.
9. Fund balances resulting in unexpended funds shall be reserved for one-time capital
expenditures or allocated for special projects as approved by the Commissioners.
10. To demonstrate that funds are directed to programs that achieve the goals of the
therapeutic courts and community priorities, improvements in program outcomes are
expected and will be assessed through quarterly and annual performance measures.
11. A quarterly budget reconciliation process is enacted to reallocate unspent funds to
contracted agencies, toward the Capital & Special Projects Reserve, or additional
proposal requests as decided by the Commissioners.
Approved this day of April, 2018.
Melissa Drewry, Clerk of the Board Kevin Shutty, Chair
Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner
Tim Whitehead
Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
Terri M. Drexler, Commissioner
C: Clerk of the Board
(For Commissioners Meeting April 24,2018)
Itemsfor this meeting are due to Diane Zoren on Wednesday,April 18,2018
• Contract with Financial Consulting Solutions Group, Inc. update and revise the Belfair sewer
financial plan and complete a financial plan for Phase II.
• Approval Procedure for Private Line Occupancy Permits.
• Contract amendment with Mason County Garbage Co. Inc. that allows for the implementation
of surcharges based on market conditions.
Commissioners: Public Works: Other Dept.: Press: Public:
_Randy Neatherlin _Jerry Hauth List below: List below List Below:
_Kevin Shutty _John Huestis
_Terri Drexler _Bart Stepp
Others-List below:
FROM: Jerry W. Hauth, PE, Director
DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 652
BRIEFING DATE: April 16, 2018
ITEM: Belfair Financial Plan Update
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Belfair sewer financial plan was originally prepared in 2010 and
2011 by Financial Consulting Solutions Group, Inc. before construction of the facility. The
purpose of the plan was to forecast costs, revenues, rates and financial commitment from the
County that would be required for the new system.
Phase II of the Belfair Sewer project did not moved forward as part of the previous financial
plan and as a result, the system has not achieved financially self-sufficiency. The rates are $96
per Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) per month, which is high but still not adequate to fully
cover system costs.
At this time, the County desires to take the next step towards financial viability for the Belfair
system. The proposed analysis will evaluate the expansion of the system into surrounding areas
that are currently not served by sewer and will include the potential for additional capital
projects and system expansion to take advantage of existing treatment capacity.
This financial plan update is intended to incorporate the latest information about capital and
O&M costs, debt service, capital funding sources, reserve balances, non-rate revenues and
potential customer growth. A goal of this plan is to map out a financial strategy for extending
the sewer line to the Puget Sound Industrial Center near the Bremerton airport and to Beards
Cove / Sandhill areas of the County.
Cost Impact to the County: The total cost of the Financial Plan Update is $64,000. Exhibit
A of the Agreement outlines the scope of work, Task 1 through 10 and the cost breakdown for
each task. The City of Bremerton has agreed to contribute $33,939. The County will be
responsible for the remaining $30,061.
This will require a Budget Supplement for the cost of the analysis and the subsequent
reimbursement from the City of Bremerton.
RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Recommend the Board authorize the Public
Works Director to execute the contract agreement with Financial Consulting Solutions Group,
Inc. to update and revise the Belfair sewer financial plan and complete an updated financial
Attachment: Contract Agreement
Briefing Summary
April 2, 2018 Page 1
GROUP, INC. AND Department of Public Works
Redmond Town Center 100 West Public Works Drive
7525— 166`s Ave. NE,Suite D-215 Shelton, WA 98584
Redmond,Washington 98052
PROJECT: Belfair Sewer Financial Plan Update
THIS AGREEMENT combines all understandings between the Parties regarding professional
services for the Project named above and supersedes all prior proposals,quotations, solicitations,
negotiations,representations, agreements or understandings, whether written or oral.
The performance of the professional services herein described and authorized,as well as
payment for such services,shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions presented in this
Agreement and the following Sections and Exhibits which are attached and incorporated by reference
which, taken together,shall constitute the whole Agreement.
Section I - Relationship of the Parties
Section II - Contract Provisions
Exhibit A - Scope of Work
Exhibit B - Fee Schedule
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals this 2nd day of
SOLUTIONS GROUP, INC. Department of Public Works
J0.14hitarducel Jerry Haath
President Director
Date: Date:
+l�FCS GROUP www.fcsgroup.com
April 2,2018 Page 2
Mason County, acting through its Department of Public Works ("Client" or"County"), desires analytical
services("Project") in support of the Belfair Sewer development. In furtherance of the Project,the
Client hereby contracts with Financial Consulting Solutions Group, Inc. ("FCS GROUP")to perform
the professional services described in Exhibit A of this Agreement. All services shall be performed
under the supervision of the Client's Representative,Jerry Hauth,or a designee or designees identified
in writing to FCS GROUP by the Client's Representative.
This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon successors, assigns, and legal
representatives of each of the Parties hereto. Any assignment or transfer of an interest in this
Agreement by either Party without the written consent of the other shall be void.
1. Scope of Work: FCS GROUP shall perform the service for the Clicnt which as defined in Exhibit A
of this Agreement.
2. Time for Completion: The Scope of Work for the conduct of the study as set forth above is
anticipated to be completed by FCS GROUP within the time frame shown in Exhibit A,with the
contract extending until December 31, 2018. Any delays shall be agreed upon by FCS GROUP and
Client prior to the due date. Changes in the schedule caused by Client delays may require additional
compensation and a change order.
If FCS GROUP is delayed in the performance of services by conditions which are beyond their control,
or by a change in the scope of work, the schedule showing time of performance may be revised. Any
revision thereto shall be submitted in writing to the Client for review and approval by the Client
Representative. If FCS GROUP's services are temporarily suspended by the Client in the interest of the
Project and with written notice to FCS GROUP, and the suspensions last longer than 90 consecutive
days,FCS GROUP shall be compensated for any additional labor and direct expenses incurred due to
the interruption and resumption of services.
3.Pati-ment: FCS GROUP will be paid by the Client on a time and materials basis as outlined below
and in accordance with the standard billing rates attached hereto as Exhibit B. FCS GROUP agrees to
perform the services as set forth in Exhibit A at a cost not to exceed$64,000. It is understood that FCS
GROUP will not exceed this amount without the Client's prior written authorization.
Payment to FCS GROUP for services set forth in Exhibit A shall be: an amount equal to FCS GROUP's
standard billing rates as set forth in Exhibit B multiplied by the actual hours worked. Should any
unforeseen project delays, not caused by FCS GROUP, and/or any requested amendments to the original
scope of work, cause this contract to extend more than 90 days past the original contracted schedule
date, any work and/or amendments to the work shall be billed at the standard billing rates in effect for
the period of time the work is being performed. If said change in billing rates will cause the project to
exceed the amount stated in the preceding paragraph, a change order will be prepared and signed by
both parties.
Direct expenses will not be charged except as identified in Exhibit B. Payment shall be made monthly
upon receipt and approval of FCS GROUP's invoice.
4.Supplemental Agreements: Supplemental Agreements may be entered into upon mutual written
agreement that would increase or decrease the scope and associated costs and payment.
5. Work to be Accomplished: All work accomplished will be performed under the direction of the
Client Representative or his/her Designee.
6.Termination: This contract may be terminated by the Client by giving FCS GROUP written notice
of such termination no fewer than fifteen(15)days in advance of the effective date of said termination.
•gh>FCS GROUP www.fcsgroup.com
April 2, 2018 Page 3
FCS GROUP shall be entitled to terminate this agreement only in the case of a material breach by the
Client,and upon failure of the Client to remedy said breach within fifteen(15) days of said notice. In
the event that the contract is terminated before completion, FCS GROUP shall be paid for the services to
date on the basis set forth in Paragraph 3,plus 10%of the total compensation earned to time of
termination to compensate for FCS GROUP's rescheduling adjustments,reassignment of personnel, and
related costs incurred due to termination. The Client shall notify FCS of termination or abandonment in
7.Indemnitv: FCS GROUP shall comply with all Federal Government, State and local laws and
ordinances applicable to the work to be done under this Agreement.
FCS GROUP hereby agrees to hold the Client harmless from and shall process and defend at its own
expense, specific claims,demands or suits at law or equity, arising from FCS GROUP's negligent
performance of the provisions of this Agreement;provided that if the Client and FCS GROUP are
concurrently negligent,FCS GROUP shall be required to indemnify and defend only in proportion to
negligence of FCS GROUP. These indemnity provisions shall not require FCS GROUP to defend or
indemnify the Client against any action based solely on the alleged negligence of the Client.
8.All Work Produced is-Joint-Property of FCS GROUP and the Client: The materials,computer
programs, reports,calculations, analyses,etc., generated by FCS GROUP under this contract including
the final report shall be the joint property of the Client and FCS GROUP. FCS GROUP may retain
copies thereof for work paper documentation and their own use unless specifically restricted in writing
by the Client as to use.
Computer models use generally available software, such as Microsoft Excel(TM), and FCS GROUP
does not intend or imply any warranty of those programs.
9. Financial Forecasts: Neither FCS GROUP's name nor the report and its financial projections may be
referred to or included in any prospectus or as a part of any offering or representation made in
connection with the sale of securities or participation interests to the public,whether through a public or
private offering.
The information used in developing the forecast assumptions will be derived from published information
and other sources FCS GROUP considers appropriate. However, FCS GROUP cannot assume
responsibility for the accuracy of such material. Moreover, forecasts are subject to many uncertainties
as to the future; therefore,FCS GROUP cannot represent that the projected financial statements will be
representative of the results that actually occur. FCS GROUP will endeavor to include appropriate
comments drawing the readers' attention to these matters.
10.Integrated Azreement: This agreement together with attachments or addenda,represents the entire
and integrated agreement between the Client and FCS GROUP supersedes all prior negotiations,
representations, or agreements written or oral. This agreement may be amended by written instrument
signed by both the Client and FCS GROUP.
11.Independent Contractor: The parties intend that an independent Contractor/Client relationship
will be created by this agreement. No agent, employee,or representative of FCS GROUP shall be
deemed to be an agent, employee, or representative of the Client for any purpose. FCS GROUP shall be
solely responsible for all acts of its agents, employees,representatives, and subcontractors during the
performance of this contract.
12.Equal Opportunity: FCS GROUP is committed to the principles of providing equal employment
opportunities for all employees.The performance and diversity of our employees will help us meet the
challenges of the present and the future in serving our clients. This policy statement is a reaffirmation of
our long-standing commitment to provide equal opportunity on the basis of individual merit and
personal qualifications to employees and applicants for employment without regard to race,color,
•:;>FCS GROUP www.fcsgroup.com
April 2, 2018 Page 4
religious creed, sex,sexual orientation or preference, gender identity, genetic characteristics or
information of employee or family, age,national origin,ancestry,marital status,citizenship,the
presence of sensory,mental,or physical disability,pregnancy/childbirth or related condition,medical
condition, membership in the military service,veteran's status,political ideology or any other basis
protected by applicable federal, state, or local laws.
13.Notices: Notices to the Client shall be sent to the following address:
Mason County Department of Public Works
Attention: Jerry Hauth
100 West Public Works Drive
Shelton,WA 98584
Notices to FCS GROUP shall be sent to the following address:
Financial Consulting Solutions Group,Inc.
Attention: Gordon Wilson, Senior Program Manager
Redmond Town Center
7525— 166`s Ave.NE, Suite D-215
Redmond, Washington 98052
•:,>FCS GROUP ww w1csgroup.com
April 2, 2018 Page 5 -Exhibit A
EXHIBIT A: SCOPE OF WORK - Belfair Sewer Financial Plan Update
This document describes the work that FCS GROUP proposes to perform in behalf of Mason County,in
cooperation with the City of Bremerton.
The purpose of this project is to update the Belfair sewer financial plan.The Belfair sewer financial plan
was originally prepared in 2010 and 2011,before the Belfair sewer system was constructed and any
customers were actually connected. Its purpose was to forecast costs,revenues, rates, and financial
commitment from the County that would be required for the new sewer system being planned for the
Belfair Urban Growth Area. Part of the goal was to map out a pathway to financial self-sufficiency for
the new sewer utility.
The treatment facility now has excess capacity,since the projected growth has not materialized. In
addition,the County did not move forward at the time with the previously planned extension of the
collection system into adjacent areas. As a result,the system has not had the scale to be financially self-
sufficient. The rates are quite high—$96 per Equivalent Residential Unit(ERU)per month—but still not
adequate to fully cover system costs, so the County has been subsidizing the system.
At this time,the County desires to take the next steps toward financial viability for the Belfair system.
This includes potential for additional capital projects and system expansion to add customers and better
take advantage of treatment capacity.This financial plan update is intended to incorporate the latest
information about capital costs, O&M costs,debt service,capital funding sources,reserve balances,
non-rate revenues,and potential customer growth.Then the financial plan will project the rate impact
and help the County develop a strategy for self-sufficiency of the Belfair system.
The Belfair treatment plant is close to the County line and only a few miles from the Puget Sound
Industrial Center(PSIC)near the Bremerton airport.One of the County's goals with this plan is to map
out a financial strategy for extending a sewer line to the PSIC. The City of Bremerton also has an
interest in this and is willing to contribute funding for this financial plan.
Similarly,there is a possibility that a sewer extension to Beard's Cove will be required because of
concerns about the environmental impact of existing septic systems.This plan is intended to address the
potential financial impact of such an extension,both on the Belfair system's finances and on the Beard's
Cove property owners.
Task 1 : Kickoff Meeting and Data Collection
Meet with County staff to discuss scope of work and timeline,project background, and client needs.
Collect and organize data relevant to the study. This includes O&M and planned capital costs, flow
projections, data on existing and future customers, capital funding sources, existing debt service
schedules.For the Capital Facilities Charge(CFC) update,it will include the system capacity and
the cost of prior capital improvements made to construct the existing system, offset by proceeds
from grants and forgivable loans.The data requested will also include recent growth trends and
County projections of future growth in the Belfair sewer service area,along with potential
extensions of the system to Beard's Cove and the Port of Bremerton property.
Ongoing project administration, including tracking, scheduling, and billing.
r;>FCS GROUP www.fcsgroup.com
April 2, 2018 Page 6-Exhibit A
Task 2: Develop Financial Forecast
Develop updated projections of O&M costs.
Incorporate updated ERU counts and growth projections.
Forecast revenue without rate increases.
Update debt service and capital costs, offset by potential grants or other capital funding sources.
Develop a capital funding strategy to address CIP costs.
Update inflation and other economic assumptions.
Review and update policy parameters for fund reserves and rate-funded capital reinvestment.
Develop a revenue requirement forecast and projected rates.
Develop alternate rate increase strategies and a phase-out schedule for system subsidies,including up to
three scenarios based on different levels of customer growth and capital investment.
Task 3: Update Capital Facilities Charge
Update data on existing assets,outstanding debt, cash reserves, future capital improvements, ERUs,
system capacity, and other information relevant to the CFC.
Prepare updated CFC.
Task 4: Update Standard Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU)
Collect water consumption data from Belfair Water District.
Analyze water usage data by customer class to update the standard ERU.
Task 5: Analyze Sewer Extension to Beard's Cove
Develop a capital funding strategy for a sewer extension to Beard's Cove.
Incorporate capital funding strategy into the forecast in order to show impact of the extension.
Task 6: Analyze Puget Sound Industrial Center (PSIC) Sewer Extension
Review existing sewer plans for PSIC.
Site visit to PSIC and meeting with stakeholders and staff.
Develop a capital funding strategy for a sewer extension to Port of Bremerton property.
Develop up to three scenarios of wholesale rates and CFC that would be applicable to area, assuming
varying levels of external capital contributions.
Incorporate wholesale revenue into the forecast in order to show impact of the extension on Belfair
system finances.
Task 7: Management Review
Prepare discussion notes for briefing County management on results of'the forecast.
Meet with County staff to discuss results and alternatives. One review meeting will be after the baseline
forecast is updated,and the second review meeting will be after the Beard's Cove and PSIC sewer
extension impact is estimated. Where there are multiple options,help arrive at a preferred option.
Task 8: Documentation
Prepare draft technical memorandum describing assumptions,results, alternatives, and recommendations
for the updated Belfair Sewer Financial Plan.Include a summary of historical financial planning
•:;3 FCS GROUP www.fesgroup.com
April 2, 2018 Page 7-Exhibit A
results to compare with current results. Include a description of the sewer extension strategy for
After incorporating comments by staff, finalize the technical memo.
Task 9: Presentation to Mason County Board
Prepare PowerPoint summarizing the findings of the updated Belfair Sewer Financial Plan.
Meet with County Commissioners and present the updated Belfair Sewer Financial Plan.
Task 10: Presentation to Bremerton City Council
Prepare PowerPoint summarizing the sewer extension strategy for the PSIC.
Meet with Bremerton City Council and present the PSIC sewer extension strategy.
The proposed timeline is shown below. Assuming a start date at the beginning of May, we expect the
analytical work would take about three months, while the documentation and presentations to the
County Board of Commissioners and Bremerton City Council would require another two months.The
entire project should be wrapped up by the end of September.
-ask 1: Kickoff Meeting and Data Cuilecfior
Task 2: Develop Financial Forecast
Task 3: Update Capital Facilities Charge(CFC)
Task 4: Update Standard Equivalent Residential Unit(ERU)
Task 5: Analyze Sewer Extension to Beard's Cove
Task 6: Analyze Puget Sound industial Center Sewer Extension
Task 7: Management Reviewf
Task 8: Documentation
Task t Presentation to Mason County Commissioners
Task 10: Presentation to Bremerton City Council
The following table is a detailed breakdown of estimated hours needed for this study, along with our
hourly billing rates. The total estimated project cost is $64,000.We bill monthly based on hours actually
worked.The only direct expenses we anticipate are ferry passage and mileage at the federal
reimbursement rate of$0.535 per mile.
•:;>FCS GROUP www.fcsgroup.com
Apri12, 2018 Page 8 -Exhibit A
Mason County-Belfair Sauter System Financial Plan Update
GNbrducci Wilson Bozet Admin Total Labor Cost Expense Total Cost
- -- --- kW-
-._- - - - -
Task Dull Mks Prirncipar S7Prop kyr Analys! Support Fours Fsfmale Budpel by Task
Task 1:jwiiff Meeting and Dtts Collection
1.1 Project kickoff ineefng 1 n 6 12 $ 2,010 E 90
1.2 Collect ad drgauze dela 6 10 1,6P7
1.3 Ongoing prg2c inaregerrent 2 4 6 750
Task l Subtotal 1 '2 12 4 2B 3 4,3W 90 4,450
Task2 Dewelop Pli andal Forecast
21 Forecast O&M cods 2 1; 12 S 1,710
22 Finacast reoenues assunug existing riies plplus growth c 12 1.860
2.3 Updaie debt service and capilal p nectars- - 8 ' 1,040
24 Develop Capbl funding Sba_y 2 E. ? 1,190
2-5 Dewdcp revenue nape rrerrnent brecasl 2 2 10 1,700
26 Deedop allernab rrale, mse r lik ie's and rob tables 2 6 8 $ 1.190
- Task 2 Subtotal 0 2 12 44 56 $ 61690 $ $ 8,690
Task 3:Update Capital Fadildes Charge(CFC) _
3.1 Updaleaigb CFC calculalan 4 32
3.2 Develop ailamalve approaches to CFC 4 6 10 1,600
Tssk3Su&"__ 0 8 36 46 5 6,5730 S S 6,580
Taski UpdatwStwifardt=quivateMResidentialUnit(FM)
4.1 Cd ect wat r cmu rn ion data torn Bdw Water bast-;t 2 n 8 $ 1 190
_2A -
naly-ze w-a- -ter tosage data by custxrner lass 2 12 ti 1970
- - - - Task 4 Subtdai 0 118 22 $ 3,160 S $ 3,160
Task 5:Analyte tower Bdension to Bard's Cove
5.11 Develop 4 rrg_planfA sewer e_xi ion 2 4 6 S
5.2 Incapoiab sewer extension hb financial(recast 2 10 12 1,710
Task 5 Srdntdad 0a :d i8 2640 $ $ 2640
Task B:Analyze Puget Sniund Induatlal Cider Sntwnx 6derndon
6.1 Review exisrng sewer plans for PSIC 4 6 10 S 1,600
6.2Sit;visdtiPSIGadsblkef&s& eefng B g 16 2, S W
6.3 Develop fmdngplan brsewer extension 4 12 16 2380
6.4 Develop_projeclad wholesale rates and CFC 4 12 16 2,380
6.5 Devebp ggecled wholesale CFC 4 12 16 2,380
6.6 Inomporale sewer extension hit fuiancial brec'ast 4 12 16 2380
Task 6 Subtotal 0 28 62 90 $ 13,800 $ 90 $ 13,890
Task 7:MarMemerd Review
7.1 Prepare dsc;Wi t 4 Ez TO $ 1,500
7.2 Meetwith management,dscuss finding stalwjies 2 12 12 24 4,020 $ 180
Tsi Sufotdal 2 16 1"n 34 S 5,620 180 $ 5,800
-t Wk
8.1 Prepare drat technical marno 2 44 8 L58
$ 10,570
8.2 1'ncaipora�cWnFoiii m s,it Kze icfirtical memo 4 �
Task 8 SuUotal 0 2 48 8 S 11.2� f c 11,390
Task 9:Presentation to Meson County Commissioners
9.1 Pr�are PowerPari pnenfabn an BeHar Firianraal Plan a fi i0 10
9.2 Presentabon b County Cormissimers 1 6 6 12 2.010 $ 90
1 11 Taskkubtatal 1 10 12 22 $ '3,610 $ 3,700
Task 110:Presentation i Branerton dity Coundl
10.1 Prepare PowerPoird presentaron on PSIC Sewer Extension 4 6 10
10.2 Presen&Wi)Cly Canc1 S B 6 12 2 D 1 96
Task 10 SuNotal 1 $ $ 10 $ 12 $ S S 3,610 S 90 $ 3,709
ToW Projnxi
- TOW Meefrgs 5
Labor Holies 4 13 2.35 4 3%
Billing Rate 255 $ 205 $ 130 $ BS
Told r7,limaEed Cast' S 1,02D $ 31,160 S 30,940 $ 340 S`63;4611 $ 540 $ ,B1,00D
:;>FCS GROUP wv rwksgroup.com
April 2,2018 Page 9-Exhibit B
Name Title Hourly Billing Rate
John Ghilarducci President $255
Gordon Wilson Senior Program Manager $205
Chase Bozett Senior Analyst $130
Diane Harmon Administrative Support $85
Travel expenses will be charged at cost. These include ferry passage and mileage at the then-current
federal mileage rate.The federal mileage rate is currently 53.5 cents per mile. Other expenses will not
be directly charged unless by mutual agreement of the client and FCS GROUP and specific terms will be
established in advance prior to expenditure and billing.
•:;>FCS GROUP www.ksgroup.com
FROM: John Huestis/Loretta Swanson/Terry Conley
DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450
BRIEFING DATE: April 16, 2018
(If this is a follow-up briefing, p/ease provide only new information,)
ITEM: Private Line Utility Occupancy Permit Approval Procedure
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Commissioners wish to improve government efficiency and
requested a review of the approval process for Private Line Utility Occupancy(PLO) permits. Public
Works and the Deputy Prosecuting Attorney have completed the review and recommend a change
from a public hearing and Board action to one of Deputy Director/County Engineer approval.
BACKGROUND Public Works utilizes a variety of permits or licenses to manage right-of-way use. A
PLO permit is issued when installation of a utility is considered to have little impact. Some examples
include: a utility line crossing the road, a utility line with a longitudinal distance of 500 feet or less,
and the utility line serves a single-family residence.
The approval process to date has been: application acceptance and review by Public Works, Board
briefing and action to set a hearing, hearing and Board action to approve or deny. The entire
process takes approximately 6-8 weeks and costs the applicant$200. On average, it costs Public
Works—$500 to process the permit. Public Works processed an average of four permits in prior
years and four in the first quarter of 2018.
LEGAL AND PROCESS REVIEW A public hearing is required for a new franchise application per
Chapter 36.55 RCW. The Chapter is silent on other permits such as a PLO. Mason County Code
Chapter 12.24 appears to follow the RCW. A review of neighboring county practices yielded mixed
approaches: Kitsap approves by Board action (not a hearing);Thurston approves through Public
Works administrative action; King also approves administratively.
1. Deputy Director/County Engineer grants or denies PLO permits.
2. Board grants or denies PLO permits as an action agenda item.
3. Board grants or denies PLO permits after a public hearing (current process).
Recommend the Board authorize the Deputy Director/County Engineer to grant or deny approval for
Private Line Occupancy permits.
Briefing Summary
FROM: Bart Stepp, Deputy Director/ Utilities and Waste Management
DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 652
BRIEFING DATE: April 16, 2018
ITEM: Recycle Material Values
The County has a contract with Mason County Garbage Co. Inc. for them to haul and service
blue box recycling containers at our solid waste facilities. This contract expires in August 2020.
Last fall China, the major consumer of many of recycled materials, instituted more restrictive
requirements for accepting recyclables. This has led to the amount of money Mason County
Garbage Co. Inc. receives for various materials to decrease significantly the last six months.
The biggest material value change is with mixed waste paper. Before China's announcement
Mason County Garbage Co. Inc. received money for mixed waste paper, now they have to pay
$66/ton to have facilities accept the material. Other materials like cardboard have also dropped
in price but mixed waste paper is the only one that is negative. Other companies in the Puget
Sound region have already received approvals to start disposing of paper in landfills.
Attached is an e-mail from Rik Fredrickson with Mason County Garbage Co. Inc. They are
requesting to add a surcharge for the cost of them disposing of mixed waste paper containers
from our facilities. The current contract does not discuss how to implement a surcharge so a
contract amendment would be required. The amendment would also establish a process to
implement or eliminate surcharges for other materials depending on how the markets progress.
As other Counties are granting revisions to their mixed waste paper recycling program I believe
some type of monetary adjustment is appropriate. The current cost for the County to dispose
of solid waste with Republic Services is $55.71/ton. So the cost of recycling is more expensive
than solid waste disposal. Implementing a surcharge now to maintain services is critical to
keeping resident recycling habits up even if it is more expensive than solid waste disposal.
Cost Impact to the Countv
A surcharge of $66/haul would increase annual recycling costs to the County by $15,000. Solid
Waste Fund #402 can handle that increase in 2018 without increasing tipping fees.
RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Authorize the Deputy Director/Utilities and
Waste Management to negotiate and sign a contract amendment with Mason County Garbage
Co. Inc. that allows for the implementation of surcharges based on market conditions.
Briefing Summary
From: Rik Fredrickson <Richard.Fredrickson @WasteConnections.com>
To: Bart Stepp <BStepp@co.mason.wa.us>
CC: Chris Giraldes <Chris.Giraldes@WasteConnections.com>
Date: 4/4/2018 2:22 PM
Subject: FW: Recycle material values
Hi, thank you for meeting with me today. We have discussed the problems with recycle materials,
marketing, and price volatility in the SWAC and in our previous meetings. I shared with you today the
issue facing our company with our Blue Box contract with Mason County. Since October of 2017, mixed
waste paper has moved to a negative value resulting in a $66.36 revenue reduction for each container we
haul and transport to market. We would request a surcharge of$66 per each mixed waste container
hauled and we would monitor pricing each month to adjust as required to maintain a revenue neutral on
the haul rate. Currently this material is the only one at a negative value. We are not requesting any other
surcharges although cardboard has dropped in price from $160 per ton to currently $60 per ton. We will
continue to track that commodity and all commodities to maintain revenue neutral hauling rates . Thank
you for your consideration with this hopefully temporary market pricing.
Rik Fredrickson
Site Manager
[Mason Co color logo, email size]
FROM: Rachelle Osman
DEPARTMENT: Law Library Committee EXT: 348
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information
ITEM: Extension of current contract between the Mason County Law Library fund and
Thomson Reuters-West for continued service of the Westlaw patron access.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and
potential solutions):
Westlaw is in the process of raising their rates. In addition, our current services are
inappropriate for use in the jail as it allows for a form of unmonitored communication.
Westlaw has offered to continue their current rates, and to convert one of the three
current user accounts for the Law Library into a Correctional Use account dedicated for
use in the jail, with the appropriate restrictions. The Law Library is not mandated to
serve the jail, but the Law Library Committee believes that the use of the Law Library to
serve the jail is in the best interest of the population that most needs access to Law
Library services.
Negligible. This would result in a short-term $1.50/month reduction in cost. There is
going to be an extended negotiation later in the year for a five-year plan, but this
extension is necessary to line our current contract (which expires in May) up with our
normal budgetary cycle. This is funded via the Law Library fund, and no part of this
contract would be a portion of the General Fund.
Approvement of the attached proposed contract with a correction modifying the
contracting agency for the correctional user account from the Mason County Jail to the
Mason County Law Library, as approved by the Law Library Committee.
ATTACHMENTS: Proposed terms from Thomson Reuters.
Briefing Summary 4/11/2018
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r' 2
Nl tet?e��
Behavioral Health Administration
Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery
PO Box 45330, Olympia, WA 98504-5330
March 28, 2018
Dear County Commissioner:
The 2018 Washington State Supplemental Budget ESSB 6032 Section 213 (oo)contains new
requirements related to the distribution and administration of the Criminal Justice Treatment Account
(CJTA). Under this legislation,each county can decide if they would prefer to directly administer
their share of funding provided by the CJTA. Since April 1, 2016,the CJTA dollars have been
contracted to and administered by the Behavioral Health Organization(BHO)or Administrative
Service Organization(ASO) in each region.
The CJTA funds are provided for substance use disorder treatment and treatment support activities,
including treatment services for individuals participating in drug courts. If your county intends to
administer these funds,we will contract directly with you. Funding will be provided beginning in
July 2018 and funding amounts for each county are in the attached document.Up to 10 percent of the
funds may be used for administration.
CJTA guidelines require that a plan for use of the funds be submitted. Each county can choose to use
the funds according to the current plan or provide an updated plan with any changes by June 15,
2018. New or updated plans for all regions are due by October 1, 2018. The contract will include
requirements for reporting of expenditures and numbers of people served.
It may be helpful to contact your Regional BHO/ASO representatives to get additional information
about how these funds are currently being used in your region(a list of contacts is attached).
Please submit your response by Monday,April 23,2018,to Ahney King, Behavioral Health Criminal
Justice Administrator,via email at ahney.king@u,dshs.wa.gov, indicating if your county intends to
administer CJTA dollars or defer to the current arrangements with the BHO/ASO. Should you have
any questions,please contact Ahney King at the email above or by telephone at 360-725-3753.
Michael Langer, Office Chief
Office of Behavioral Health and Prevention
cc: Behavioral Health Organizations
Administrative Service Organizations
Ahney King,Behavioral Health Criminal Justice Administrator .
FY19 CJTA by County $ 6,217,000
County Total
Adams $ 43,461
Asotin $ 44,018
Benton $ 111,679
Chelan $ 68,221
Clallam $ 134,115
Clark $ 270,600
Columbia $ 39,840
Cowlitz $ 220,602
Douglas $ 47,677
Ferry $ 41,370
Franklin $ 61,132
Garfield $ 39,801
Grant $ 90,027
Grays Harbor $ 77,610
Island $ 50,705
Jefferson $ 45,531
King $ 1,356,277
Kitsap $ 293,038
Kittitas $ 48,118
Klickitat $ 43,979
�wis $ 68,814
Lincoln $ 41,392
Mason $ 49,130
Okanogan $ 51,222
Pacific $ 44,497
Pend Oreille $ 42,427
Pierce $ 732,986
San Juan $ 41,910
Skagit $ 185,093
Skamania $ 41,392
Snohomish $ 425,820
Spokane $ 506,874
Stevens $ 50,210
Thurston $ 239,327
Wahkiakum $ 39,840
Walla Walla $ 51,222
Whatcom $ 174,881
Whitman $ 50,705
Yakima $ 251,457
Total $ 6,217,000
Bud Blake,Chair
Thurston County District Three
Terri Drexler, Co-chair
Mason County District Three
Organization LLC John Hutchings,Commissioner
Behavioral Health Or
g Thurston County District One
April 3, 2018
Criminal Justice Treatment Account(CJTA): Mason County
Background: The CJTA Account established by the Washington State Legislature pays for substance use
disorder treatment for criminal offenders who are chemically dependent or have a substance abuse
problem that could lead to addiction if left untreated.
CJTA Panel: The county alcohol and drug coordinator(BHO), county prosecutor, county sheriff,county
superior court, a substance use treatment provider(Northwest Resources), and the county drug court
administrator jointly submit a plan, approved by the county legislative authority for CJTA expenditures.
Mason County CJTA 2017 -2019 Plan calls for exclusively funding the Mason County Drug Court.
CJTA pays for:
• Substance Use Disorder Treatment(outpatient or inpatient)
• Substance Use Disorder Treatment in jail (8 sessions)
• Drug Screens
• Treatment supports
o Transportation(bus passes)
o Child care services
o July 1, 2018--Recovery support services (vocational and housing subsidies)
Mason CJTA(July 1, 2018-June 30,2019) Allocation
• $49,130
• 10%Admin allowed
Reporting requirements to the WA Division of Behavioral Health&Recovery(DBHR)
• Monthly expenditures
• Annual CJTA plan updates
• Quarterly activity reports
612 Woodland Square Loop SE, Suite 401,Lacey,WA 98503
Page 1 of 3
Renee Cullop - RE: County Commissioner Letter re: CJTA
From: Sabrina Craig <craigs@co.thurston.wa.us>
To: "Taylor, Mary" <Mary.Taylor@kingcounty.gov>, "Altshuler, Sandra J." <SAL...
Date: 4/11/2018 9:22 AM
Subject: RE: County Commissioner Letter re: CJTA
Thanks Mary. This answered my questions regarding the 10%. 1 thought it had sunset in 2015.
DUI/Di-ug Court Manager
Thurston County Superior Count
(360)357-2482 ext. 1
craig@i co.thtwston.watts
From:Taylor, Mary [Mary.Taylor@kingcounty.gov]
Sent: Monday, April 02,2018 2:04 PM
To:Altshuler,Sandra J. <SALTSHULER@spokanecounty.org>;Angela Noel
<Angela.Noel @co.yakima.wa.us>; Chris Furman<CFurman@co.whatcom.wa.us>;
cpence@co.island.wa.us; Emily Brown <emilyb@meritresources.org>; Emily Brown (EBrown@adds-
joneal@stevenscounty.wa.gov;jwatts@co.clallam.wa.us; katharine.shiner@snoco.org; Kelli Frazier
(kellif@co.skagit.wa.us)<kellif@co.skagit.wa.us>; kend@co.island.wa.us; larryb@co.klickitat.wa.us;
Marshall.Pickett@co.benton.wa.us; Norrie Gregoire<NGregoire@co.walla-walla.wa.us>; Pat Austin
<Pat.Austin@co.benton.wa.us>; Pithan,Adam <PithanA@co.cowlitz.wa.us>; Renee Cullop
<ReneeC@CO.MASON.WA.US>; Sabrina Craig<craigs@co.thurston.wa.us>;Samantha Lyons
(slyons@co.kitsap.wa.us) <slyons@co.kitsap.wa.us>;Sgrignoli,Janelle<Janelle.Sgrignoli@snoco.org>;
Shauna McCloskey(shauna.mccloskey@clark.wa.gov)<shauna.mccloskey@clark.wa.gov>;
sonyam@co.whitman.wa.us;Stephanie Miller(Stephanie.Miller@lewiscountywa.gov)
<Stephanie.Miller@lewiscountywa.gov>; Steve Wilson <swilson@okbhc.org>;
tclements@co.pacific.wa.us;Terree Schmidt-Whelan (schmidtt@p-c-a.org) <schmidtt@p-c-a.org>;
Subject: FW: County Commissioner Letter re: CJTA
Importance: High
Hi everyone—me again.
When Bob Cooper read the letters that I forwarded previously he found 2 errors in the letters. I do not
know if DBHR will be issuing new letters but just in case they don't please see Bob's corrections below.
From: Bob Cooper[mailto:Bob@EvergreenPublic.com]
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2018 1:18 PM
To:Taylor, Mary<Mary.Taylor@kingcounty.gov>
Subject: Re: County Commissioner Letter re: CJTA
Importance: High
file•///C •/Tlcerc/ReneeC'/AnnT�ata/T.ncal/Temn/XParnwice/5 AC`.TITI�T�T1Macnnmail 4/17/7(118
Page 2 of 3
(1) Treatment support is new authority starting June 8.
(2) There is no authority to use any of the money for administration generally —
there was authority during the recession for using up to 10% for administration
and operation of a drug court, but the authority expired June 30, 2015 (and the
statute is cleaned up in SHB 1524).
• Bob Cooper
Evergreen Public Affairs
From: Mary Taylor<Ma_ry.Taylor@kingcounty.gov>
Date: Monday, April 2, 2018 at 11:44 AM
To: Bob Cooper<Bob@EvergreenPublic.com>
Subject: FW: County Commissioner Letter re: CJTA
From: Problem Solving Court Coordinators [mailto:PSCCOORD@LISTSERV.000RTS.WA.GOV] On Behalf
Of King, Ahney M (DSHS/BHA/CD)
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2018 2:45 PM
Subject: [PSCCOORD] County Commissioner Letter re: CJTA
Attached are the copies of the documents sent to the County Commissioners today regarding CJTA and
the counties option to refuse the dollars first. The only difference in the attached letter and the letter
mail merged to the commissioners, is the commissioner letters were individually addressed to each
commissioner. Should you need access to the county commissioner list it may be accessed at this site:
Should you have questions, comments or concerns please feel free to reach out to myself or the county
commissioner in your county.
Kira will be forwarding it on to the BHO Administrators, as well as, Beacon Health who manages the
distribution of the CJTA dollars in the fully integrated region.
Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery
Washington State Department of Social and Health Services
(0)360-725-3753 / (F) 360-725-2280 /ahney.king@dshs.wa.gov
file•///C -/TTcerc/RenPeC/AnnTlatn/T ncal/Tamn/VParnu7icP/SAC T)Tl'IT1T)Mncnmmnil d/17/7(118
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Mason County Criminal Justice Treatment Account Strategic Plan
July 1, 2016 —June 30, 2018
This plan has been prepared in response to DSHS, Behavioral Health Administration, Division of Behavioral Health
and Recovery (DBHR) and County guidelines for submittal of Criminal Justice Treatment Account (CJTA) plans and
services. Additionally, the Statewide Criminal Justice Treatment Account Panel has some oversight of the plans and
sets the funding formula for counties.
The CJTA funding formula takes into account a number of variables utilizing data,including Washington State Research
Data Analysis (RDA) and historical Treatment and Assessment Report Generation Tool (TARGET) data.
1. Criminal Justice Treatment Account(GTA) Funds 2017-2019
Mason County receives approximately $65,000 per year in CJTA funds which is used to contract services for Mason
County Therapeutic Drug Courts substance use disorder treatment services.These funds provide services for various
treatment program tracks depending on the individual's criminal justice involvement and identified clinical need.
The Panel would like to expand covered populations and services as additional needs and models are identified.
II. Program Description
The Mason County Therapeutic Drug Court programs are voluntary post guilty plea, court-supervised,comprehensive
treatment programs for individuals with non-violent charges that have been diagnosed with a substance use
disorder. Successful completion from the program results in the criminal charge(s) being dismissed.
The mission of the Mason County Therapeutic Drug Court Programs include breaking the revolving door cycle of
substance use disorder and crime, enhancing public safety and reducing recidivism by developing partnership
between the behavioral health and criminal justice communities. This partnership will address the specialized needs
of offenders diagnosed with mental illness and/or substance use disorder, thereby reducing recidivism rates,
promoting public safety and improving the quality of life for offenders by establishing mandatory, comprehensive
community-based treatment and services.
III. Criminal Justice Treatment Account Innovative Project Plan July 1,2016—June 30,2018
Each program that utilizes CJTA funding must use a portion of those funds to go toward an innovative project, a best
practice project, or a regional project. Mason County will utilize CJTA innovative funds to provide Moral Reconation
Therapy as a core piece of the therapeutic intervention.
Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) is a highly structured cognitive-behavioral treatment strategy that focuses on
changing the thinking (beliefs) and behaviors that lead to problems of substance use disorder, relationship
difficulties, and negative (crime-related) lifestyles. MRT significantly raises moral reasoning levels, helps the
participant set goals, and develops positive personal qualities. MRT helps redirect decision-making to "do the right
thing because it is the right thing to do." MRT creates a language the entire team can use when working with an
individual, building strength of the therapeutic interventions of the problem solving court.
The Mason County CJTA Panel is working to develop an approved plan to support individuals being served with
additional innovative evidence based programs such as trauma informed care and a program addressing nutritional
needs and impacts related to individuals in recovery with substance use disorders.
IV. Measurable Goals and Objectives
Criminal Justice Treatment Account Strategic Plan-Mason County 1
The following measurable goals and objectives shall be obtained:
1) Demonstrate the cost-efficiency of Therapeutic Drug Court programs (measuring cost for 12 months of
service, per client, from date of admission to date of discharge). Cost efficiency is measured by comparing
the mean cost referenced above with the cost of maintaining an offender who is incarcerated and/or on
extended supervision who has not experienced therapeutic court.
2) Identify eligible offenders
3) Provide judicial oversight
4) Increase treatment engagement and retention
5) Reduce recidivism
6) Decrease the long-term use of jail space
Evaluation will be measured through the following:
1) The Thurston Mason Behavioral Health Organization management information system data and reports will
be used to document treatment engagement and retention rates
2) Client satisfaction surveys administered at the end of each phase
3) Measure post graduate recidivism (arrest) data through Mason County law enforcement
1 https://www.ccimrt.com
Criminal Justice Treatment Account Strategic Plan-Mason County 2