HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWG2017-00198 - SWG Application / Design - 8/2/2017 415 N 6TH STREET, SHELTON WA 98584 MASON COUNTY SHELTON: 360-427-9670, EXT. 400 COMMUNITY UNITY SERVICES BELFAIR: 360-275-4467, EXT.400 ELMA: 360-482-5269, EXT. 400 si0i"i' lns&"wm" `'commml`40 FAX: 360-427-7787 August 02, 2017 Brian Sund PO Box 477 Hoodsport WA 98548 RE: Design for KOPSENG Case No: SWG2017-00198 Parcel No: 422165200030 Your on-site sewage system design for the above referenced parcel has been reviewed and is APPROVED. The system must be installed by a Mason County Certified Installer. A list of installers is available on the Mason County Public Health WEB page at www.HealthyMasonCounty.org Select Environmental Health, then On-site Sewage Systems. In some cases, homeowners may be allowed to install their own system. Prior approval by Mason County Public Health is required. Please refer to the comments section of this letter for any additional information. Please call me at (360) 427-9670, ext. 279 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Alex Paysse Environmental Health Mason County Public Health COMMENTS: Maintain 6"/8" install depth 8/2/2017 Page 1 of 1 SWG2017-00198 OFFICIAL USE ONLY MASON COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH omI o ONSITE SEWAGE SYSTEM APPLICATION A"wmgAm - o m 415 N 6th Street,MId9 8) She mWA.98SN CA fA She m 36a427-9670 ext 4OO 8eIIWr.360-2754467 ad 4W C�A G rl/) 1 _o/'�I C O ; JVY �(U l v Z to Z AIH�ICANT PHONE D r1 JL O 2.n 43�•`I bo C& m m MAILING ADDRESS-STREET.CRY,STATE.ZIP CODE i r SrTE ADDRESS-STREET,CRY.ZIP CODE _ m NAME OF DESIGNER 'Q r k-, J u r 3 6 v 4410 NAME OF INSTALLER • PHONE CHECK ALL APPLICABLE ITEMS DRINKING WATER SOURCE v NEW CONSTRUCTION [3 RV HOLDING TANK ONLY 13 PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL WELL to Q REPLACEMENT SYSTEM D INSTALLATION PERMIT ONLY 13 PRIVATE TWO-PARTY WELL Z O E3 TABLE 9 REPAIR $SINGLE FAMILY COMMUNITY/PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM C/ 13 TANK(S)ONLY 13 COMMERCIAL SYSTEM NAME: Cd-s h r"&- 0 UPGRADE TO EXISTING 13 OTHER: gEpRpOM3 LOT SIZE tj EXISTING FAILURE 'Record CJ 7C Z U for aI kwhWoOm' DIRECTIONS TO SITE-BE SPECIFIC AND ADVISE OF ANY NEEDED INFORMATION FOR ACCESS(ex bd rAd gels) ! y i t et -rc> P6-k UL. ,t,l.. Curt. "^"" TZd I© 1 t`o 0 — 1'Pr'ox I'll, I 1'0 �hrooLc la►.e � o � :2`"�t [of a�`�^✓� I 'O 0 SITE MIST BE FLAGGED FROM MAIM ROAD AND TEST HOLES AN/STBE RAGGED W"N TEST MOLE IIIAIBERS OFFICIAL USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE UPGRADE I FALURE SOURCE(for reporin/pupom) D VOLUNTARY O MANTENANCEIPUMPING [3 BUILDING PERMIT E3HOME SAI.F OCOMPLAINT [3 OTHER: INSPECTOR SOIL LOGS COMMENTS I CONDITIONS 6> maw SOL CODES: �J p �V s VERYAG= Y S=SAD L=LOAM SI-SLT C=CLAY E=EXTREMELY R=ROOTS DATE APPLICATION EXPIRAtION DATE APPI" BY DATE `1 I� c.. Z l0 12®Z-� z 1� THIS FORM MAY SCANNED AND A FOR PUBLIC VEW ON THE MASON COUNTY WEBS: REVISE)12frrAlS DESIGN FORM-PAGE ONE Assessor's Parcel Number. (P 2 0 ? 0 A design will be reviewed when 3 conies of each of the following are=bMtKed: v Completed design form that has been signed and dated. %0 scaled layout sketch,including all applicable items on checklist 10 Scaled plot plan,including all applicable items on checklist. v,Cross-gection sketch,including all applicable items on checklist. Thisfbm may be sunned and avaNWefbr pub@c view on the Mason County Web dhL Maxi num paper size.* 11"X17" Permit Number: SWGJ�e�- Designer's Name: Applicant's Name: 'K,t�k; Y,0A-Sjn!j-j Designer's Phone Number: 3 Mailing Address: T v-.A 7.11-11 Designer's Address: Y� rin titv state zip city State Zi'Gpv to p­ (--OM Treatment Device [3 Glendon Biofilter 0 Sand Filter 0 Mound 0 Sand Lined Drainfield E3 Recirculating Filter,Type:_ [3 Aerobic Unit Make/Model 13 Disinfection Unit Make/Model other. Drainfield Type 0 Gravity pressure jKTrench 0 Bed 0 Sub Surface Drip Septic Tank/Drainfield Specifications Laterals Number of Bedrooms 2 Schedule/Class 11 6 6 Daily Flow:Operating Capacity 110 gpd Length Daily Flow:Design Flow 1-40 gpd Diameter in Septic Tank Capacity I 0-_ 4C gal Number Receiving Soil Type(1-6) 4 Receiving Soil Appl.Rate Orifices Required Square Footage ces Designed Square Footage 0 0 fe Percent Reduction Taken % in Trench/Bed Width ft Manifold Trench/Bed Length Sc ulekit ass Elevation Measurements Length 1 ft in Original Dfainfield Area Slope % Diameter New Slope,If Altered % prferredmanifold configuration used? JkYes ONo Depth of Excavation UP-810Pe in Transport Pipe from Original Grade, D.,,,,-,j,9e in Schedule/Class Designed Vertical Separation 'Z in Length 0 ft Gmvelless Chambers Required? 0 yes [3 No Optional Diameter 11** in Pump Required? 14 Yes 0 No Dosing and Pump Chamber Pump/Siphon Specifications Number of doses/day Difference in Elevation Between Pump Shutoff and Uppermost Dose quantity 0 gal Orifice 6 ft Chamber Capacity 1 b 0 gal Uppermost Orifice 0 Higher 0 Lower than Pump Shutoff Pump controls:Please check those required. Capacity @ Total Pressure Head gpm *imer Olapse Meter WEvent Counter Calculated Total Pressure Head ft If Timer. Pump on *3.-1 4A PUMP Off Comments or1j, Tcke S-Tv,.xp-S orV -,J1Ne4,e. -rr•ev%c-ke,,s o-re- . e-o+ +yIe, re$+- DESIGN FORM-PAGE TWO Assessor's Parcel NUMber: 4 Q �- - S� - U U 0 o Permit Number: SWG DESIG>!T1lKlfS , Soled Plot Plan Soled Layout Sketch Cress-Section Sketch El Test hole locations 1'f eld orientation and layout Re� depth from original grade: Soil logs Trench/bed dimensions and Septic tank 0" y lines critical distances within layout Er Drainfield cover O''Existing and proposed wells 0'D-Box/Valve box locations Reference depth from original grade within 100 ft of property 0(Septic tank/pump chamber and restrictive strata: 0'Measurements to cuts,banks,and locations 0001ateaals,trench/bed,top and surface water and critical areas 0oe Observation port location bottom ' r Location and orientation of d Clean-out location Ad Curtain drain collector curtain drain and all absorption dAlanifold placement lW Sand augmentation l(components (Orifice placement Other detail: Location and dimension of &Y'Lateral placements distance Observation ports/clean-outs primary system and reserve area to� of bed Other Information f Buildings Audr'bleiMsual alarm referenced Yes No W Direction of slope indicator EScale of shown on scale 719 ❑Design staked out EY"Waterlines bar f ❑ ❑Recorded Notices attached Z Roads,casements,driveways, ❑ ❑Waiver(s)attached parking �� 9 ❑Pump curve attached Cr'North arrow and scale drawing s ❑ ❑Evaluation of failure shown on scale bar r t Non-residential justification ❑ ❑Waste strength txs -l- NO ❑Flow The undersigned designer must be notified by' at time f installation ❑Yes ❑ No -7/4// 1 Signature of Designer Date The undersigned has reviewed this desi on behalf of Mason County Public Health and determined it to be in compliance with state and loci o 'te ans: En ' Health Specialist Date CAUTION: DESIGN APPROVAL IS VALID ONLY UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: ✓ The design is stamped"Approved"by Mason County Public Health. ✓ The Onsite Sewage Permit has not expired,the Permit Expiration Date is Zll Zn2� ✓ Drainfield site conditions have not been altered to adversely affect conditions of design approval. Please Note: The system must be installed by a certified installer, unless prior authorization is obtained from Mason County Public Health. An Installation Fee is require d This form mall be scanned and available for pttbiic view on t M Mason County web sibs. Updated Date: 12/7/2015 ■ L't-L3� LGc - JCS �U ' w T HVe ® AUO2 3 � —Lop (Z.csefve. q L 3 101 o f'D --- - - - - -- - - .3s 10 ,9 v, ,� . •- � - x tt a. _ o a �✓� 3 Jq 3 -u- AU kq� - n► __ cC G ?p 2Ae 1T - ti 10 no JZ �. ,� es ----------- --- - q U i -- - -- - - - C - -- -- -- - - INN -- - - - o c -- --- --------- - - o m; ----------------- _. _ o - ---- ------ ------ - -- V� 10-rr - - -- - --- -------- - - --- ------- - --- ---:-- --- --- - ---------4 Ito - --- - -- - �Q- - - -- --- - - --- - - --------------------------- -- os ! - Submersible Effluent DETAILS Pump Characteristics PerFormance Data hMA1dwv1k 32 R1oomd Rlelek Os D 4ef�c ffieiek asrse�r osrser►2 Ig 24 Fa u u tra r� Free R.PJL 179 �is f*ae s yaw Its n0 F�a HKIZ 60 8 Codb@M Reid 14'F hdw iiM e 30 eo so so Q 10 CAPACITYU.&QPA L OM F to Nrr Dimensional Data saa� s Oil St b& , 1, pY rm cod 1=/>~stray t=/�,snw ",• �1 IV dL(W VQ 2r SkL ie twin 0.9 Moterials-of Construction 4t/� Mo sal Sal R*Rna �Sty Sfeel oN Yrao ifi�ril r�ss� �arf Rnr Y tamer t{wr Y N ie incda.McUla for lobrn>800e1 oee.ComOooalt �colt t 1B inek Diaeeo�orol6ett ootfercomfruefieo pispoa u�oetflled. ead aee Cat ti ON01f Iwel YYie weerve the 1%M to MW rerWahs to off wood aw heir F�deiees Sleiiae SUet wlYoiR aoroa ffA —xowAuia�d toaoi ILAr Hpo YDROMATIC• ' �1 W� 740 6a�F 91h Street A�Nand,Oiao�A805 2W Mn Drive K5 ww,OMw,Canada N2G 4W5 Tek 419�-285►-3042 F=419-281.4067 W ► wM iek 51"%2163 Fmc 5194896-6337 0 M pAa4 ahw. All ftW R110 I !tern t W a2 M 2.6M sM • Construction Notes For Pressure Distribution l. Install drainfield ditches with contour of ground. Keep ends level. 2. Keep !; inch per foot fall from house to septic tank. -3. Keep 1/8 inch to K inch per foot fall from tank to pump chamber or drainfield. 4. Observation ports to extend from final grade to drain rock and original ground interface. 5. Audiovisual alarm required. 6. Install 1/8 inch mesh screen around pump not interfering with float operation or use baffle screen as indicated. 7. Always use T to T type construction. 8. Install check valve in pump outlet line to prevent system from draining back. - 9. Filter fabric required over drain rock. Mdrain rock extends above natural grade, run filter fabric at least 2 inches down the trench wall. 10. Install threaded cleanouts at end of all laterals no deeper than 6 inches and mark. 11. Divert all storm water and-run off away from on-site sewage system. 12. Install drainfield during dry weather conditions. Avoid smearing. Any smearing must be eliminated by hand raking. 13.. Inspect septic and pump chamber every 3-5 years. Pump septic as needed. 14. Inspect and clean pump screen every 6-12 months. Inspect floats and alarm every 6-12 months. 15. Install septic tank and pump chambers. Risers to surface an all openings. 16. Deviation from this design without prior approval from the Designer and Mason County Health Department will make this design null and void. MC ppot,p'D 20 17