HomeMy WebLinkAboutMEP2015-00046 - MEP Permit / Conditions - 2/17/2016 p�N.srAreO MASON COUNTY o m � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $� £ Planning Division tiM216 99 CeNar tit,Shelton,WA uts:04 ca ?� (360)427.9670 TB6� MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL PERMIT February 17,2016 OWAYNE GRONQUIST CO TRS 1610 TRENTON AVE GLENDALE CA 91206 Parcel Number(s). 32 12 753 001 67 Expiration Date: 2/17/2018 12:00:OOA 0ate Issued: 2/17/2016 Caro Number:.fVEP2015-00046 Prolect Description: 0evelopment wthki buffer area, removal and refocatimr of ulfities and RV pad onside FWHCA butter. Replanting of buffer w4h kinnikinnick, bearberry and ferns. The follming critical areas are pras-mt on this properly: - Lorx3-Perm Commercial Fo�esl XXFWHCA Ch.17.I0.060; Ch. 17.01.110; Mlnera; Resource Lands Frequently Flooded trees Ch. I T01.066; Ch. 17.01.090; Inholding Lands XX Landslide Hazard Areas Ch. 17.01.062; Ch. 17,01,100; XX Wetlands Seism c Hazard Areas Ch. 17.01.070; Ch. 17.01.102; Critical Aquifer Recharge Erosion Hazard Areas Ch. 17,01.060; Ch. 17,01.104. This ponbit,with conditions, is gr€nted nursuaal to the Mason County Resource Ordinance(Chapter 17.01 MCC.) Nothing in this podnit shall excuse thz applicant trom compliance with any other fedaral,state,or local statutes,ordinances,or regulations appli;abV to this project. This pa•m1 may be rescinded If the permitee fails to complete the project as proposed or fails to comply with the standards of this ordinance. Atrthonzsd Loral Gove•nment Offic1hal mate Conditiom;: abouCblank 3/I/2016 MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL PERMIT 2/171201C Case No . MEP2015-0004 3 ATFI—jplaiasreas ffisturood or newly cras e y cons ruc n ac rv„ios sIhaV be sqp,wu,v I •1 an equfvalont type of erosion protection(silt fencing or straw mattinM 2,) Approved per dimensions and setbacks on submitted slra plan. I) monitoringq of the installed vegetation will he performed annually for three years Kowing ir0allation. MonOoring will entail inspection of each planted specimen for survival and vigor,anti w0i be performed In August or September of each monitoring year. in addiban,two photo points will be estabitshed that portray the planting area from each side of the property. A brief letter report summarizing monitoring findings will be submitted to Mason County Planning by i Oct o:each monitor ing year. 4.1 This application is sub;nct to Buffer requirements that have been proposed by the applicant end indicated on site plan. No permit or oxernptlon autl-,o&Intf conslniction sliall extend fix a term of more than five years. If actual a nstruction of a development for whlrh a permit has been granted I gas not begun within two years after approval,the Review Authority,the Mason County Planning Department, shaf reviaw the Mason hnvironmental Permit(MEP)and upon showing good cause•may extend the Initial two year period by one year. No pemit shall be extended unless tine •appfflitcah has r=_•quest d sti h revlev.,and exter0on prior to the nxpoorratln(n date. $Ig fiahire ti'{ 1LC li_1G"t C. Lit l' �WkER� - REPRESFNTA1IVE - CONTRAC'ron vrim ni.� c - Mirolo ora to Indicafel Dwayne'Swede'Gronquist It Feels Good Creations 1610 Trenton Ave Glendale, CA 91206 about:blank 3!1 '2016 Grace Miller- Re:FW: Environmental Permit, lot 167 div 4 From: Grace Miller To: Bill Subject: Re:FW:Environmental Permit,lot 167 div 4 Received.Thank you. >>> Bill <billmcturnal@hotmail.com> 2/29/2016 8:48 AM >>> Good morning Grace, Here are the signed does requested from Dwayne Gronquist and Barbie Parker. Please confirm you received this. Scottie Perrine Bill MCTurnal Enterprises P.O. Box 129 Shelton,WA 98584 Shelton:360.432-0971 Fax: 360-427-0168 billmcturnal@hotmail.com From: barbie@beaverdamaz.com To:billmcturnal@hotmaiLcom Subject: FW:Environmental Permit, lot 167 div 4 Date:Sun, 28 Feb 2016 10:49:28-0700 Let me know when you get this,Thanks,Barble From: Dwayne Gronquist[mailto:dwayne.gronquist@att.net] Sent: Monday, February 22, 2016 10:40 AM To: Grace Miller; Barbie Parker; Bill Subject: Environmental Permit, lot 167 div 4 Here's the signed copy of the environmental permit for the records. about:blank 3/1/2016