HomeMy WebLinkAboutBRN2009-00037 - BRN Permit - 9/25/2009 + BUFIN PERMIT Mason County Dept. of Community Development PO BOX 186 -426 W Cedar St, Shelton WA 98584- 360.427.9670 B R N2009 =00 037 Issue Date Expiration Date Site Address: lasso E STATE ROUTE 3 ALLYN 122311100050 31 22 1 5 Parcel Number Section Township Range Fire District Applicant: DEBBIE GAU Address: P O BOX 242 ALLYN WA 98524 PH1: 1.360.275.0220 Contact Number(s) - Must be a 24 hour number Conditions: 1.Valid permit must be on-site while burning. 2. The following materials may not be burned: Garbage, dead animals, asphalt, petroleum products, paints, rubber products, plastics, paper, cardboard, treated wood, construction /demolition debris, metal or any substance (other than natural vegetation) that normally releases toxic emissions, dense smoke or obnoxious odors when burned. 3.All material must originate from the property on which the burning is to occur. 4. The fire must not create a nuisance from smoke, obscure visibility on public roads and highways or endanger life and property. 5.The maximum pile size is twenty (20) feet in diameter, with a minimum ten (10)feet firebreak around each pile. 6. Each pile must be at least one hundred (100) feet from any structure and at least fifty (50) feet from standing timber. 7. Do not burn if wind is blowing more than seven (7) MPH. 8. Do not bum if wind is blowing from direction. 9. The minimum people required to be in attendance at the fire while burning: 1 10. On site water required? 11. Provide excavator / doz with a fire extinguisher at the site with a qualified operator. 12. Provide a 24-hour fire watch. 13. Fire must be completely extinguished within three (3) days after ignition. 14. Fan is required. 15. Other: Fire Warden: Signature ffate * YOU MUST CALL (360) 427-7761 EVERY MORNING TO REPORT IN— I BRN2009-00037 09/25/2001 * PERMIT NO. �)�n dK.CJ MASON COUNTY BURN PERMIT APPLICATION 426 W. Cedar- P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 Shelton (360)427-9670 • Belfair(360) 275-4467 • Elma (360)482-5269 •www.co.mason.wa.us APPLI ANTNFORMAION CONTRACTOR INFIORM�TION Owner P� LL?'_./.l� _ Company Name poll Mailin Address Mailing AddressPQ A"K '30 r City StateJdl L Zip Code City State �_ Zip Code YZZZ Phone Z Other Ph.31 2`13 __iula� Phone 44<<V Other Ph. Lien/Title Holder Contractor Reg.# J eExp. E mail Address E Mail Address Drivers Lic.#Caaj T DOB Drivers Lic.# DOB PARCEL INFORMATION - 12 Digit Parcel No_I -2 ?,k� I 0570 So Fire District 'C 13 Is property flagged or addressed prior to inspection?&Q/ No Site Address(Plea a include s reet name, ggtr�eet nurpbe and city) I LOSS—Z� � 5�r'- e-n K4C_ � Directions to site S m' �ec � 3 oTb, l .pin o rt S , 4,--,,-1 �+ Will timber be cut and sold in parcel preparation?Yes/ Is property within 200'of Saltwater Lake River/Creek Pond Wetland Seasonal Runoff Stream Slopes or Bluffs > 15% The person in charge of the fire may be liable for the cost of fire supression if the fire gets out of control or if it becomes necessary to extinguish the fire as a result of enforcement action. Open buming shall be prohibited during any period of impaired air quality as designated by the Olympic Region Clean Air Agency,or during extreme fire danger due to dry weather conditions as designated by the Mason County Fire Marshal's Office.Information hotline(360)427-7799 Is this permit submittal the result of a Stop Work Notice,Correction Notice or other enforcement action? Yes I No Burning is authorized subject to the following conditions: Valid permit must be on site while burning 14 Prohibited materials.the following must not be burned: Garbage,dead animals,asphalt, petroleum products, paints, rubber products, plastics,paper,cardboard,treated wood, construction/demolition debris, metal,or any substance(other than natural vegetation)that normally releases toxic emissions,dense smoke,or obnoxious odors when burned. IDo ll materials must originate from the property on which the burning is to occur. he fire must not create a nuisance from smoke,obscure visibility on public roads and highways,or endanger life and property. aximum pile size is twenty(20)feet in diameter,a minimum ten(10)feet firebreak must be constructed around each pile. ach pile must be at least one hundred(100)feet from any structure,at least fifty(50)feet from standing timber. not burn if wind is blowing more than seven(7)miles per hour.o not burn if wind is blowing from (direction) responsible adult and equipment shall be required to be on site and in attendance at the fire while burning. n site water required: W6s; 0No rovide EXCAVATOR/DOZER with a fire extinguisher at the site with a qualified operator. rovide 24 hour fire watch. ire must be completely extinguished within three(3)days after ignition. Fan required Other Upon completion of above conditions,applicant must call(360)427-9670 Ext.459 for inspection prior to buming OWNER/CONTRACTOR Acknowledges submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation. Acknowledgement of such is by signature below.I declare that I am the owner,owners legal representative,or the contractor. 1 further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed in the application. I declare that I have obtained the permission from all the neces- sary parties. If permission is required from any easement holder or any other party in interest regarding this application or the work proposed in the application, I have obtained permissi n from them to apply for this permit and conduct the work proposed. The owner or agent on owners behalf, represents that the intomration ed is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property for review and inspection.This pertnit/appli mes null and void if work is not completed within 30 days. Permit includes two(2) inspections maximum, itional inspections will fee of sbdy four(64)dollars per inspection. X Date: 'S 0�1. Owner/Owners Re ntative/Contractor indicate which one FOR OFFICIAL USE BEYOND THIS POINT Accepted by Date DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW APPROVED DENIED NOTES Fire Marshal FEES Burn Permit Fee Site Inspection Violation Fee State Fee Pre-Paid at Submittal Other TOTALFEES