HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPH93-0032 - SPL Application - 2/1/1993 COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES i POST OFFICE BOX 1666 SHELTON, WA 98584 (206) 427-9670 FAX 427-8425 �� ^ � LICAnTION FOR SHORT PLAT EVALUATION I IV" Receipt NO: INSTR IONS ate of Payment: -/ 1- �AYA a�pp/lICACI G Is emaSOand�,/comp..l_mtt• when the ran is paid and the falla Ang elements Oaw bass addeemaadr •. �' �a\L�ii}i �SE4VI .cSanypra must be completed. • Ods pmperlY Uncovered haahos pit par Proposed Parcel nut be ready for laapectlm. Properly aweassted pits ors 6 ft doep with a a It deep shelf on eds and of the pit. The a ft deep shelf aunt olepe Op to the graved surface for "my Ingress and *gross. • A sealed Plot plan must be attached to Cho application. The scaled plot plan most show the promise 1OOatioe of tho test holds, dimwalona of the prop•rcy, and location of any smLttsg or proposed w ". zoo". w buildings within 100 It of the property boundaries. 2. After a completed application in rmcmlwed, Utaff will !a•pmct the property add provide the epplteent with a writtea report. If the ProJsct rsgnlrds onto assistance than the evaluntles of four test holes add odR1Wm Of thin Import, an hourly rats of S31/hour as a" forth by the Mason County hoard of snalth m•y he ddegdd to the applicant. herlesd OV01122 PART 1: APPLICANT/PARCEL IDENTIFICATION a�3 .:. ......... .......................................................»::.............::z:::::£%u££':'i:i£££££-::mmssz£:£, . ::..... :stsssss...::s:zE ...........:::»......»......:..................::»z:»:::::»:::::::s:::::nu::::t.. ....£•s:sEs:us:uuu£:iii:eus£uuu: • NAME OF APPLICANT Icl nd ,f,lY�,�- 1AS�C� TELE/P111ONE (7lXn (-F2Jo —Z(o�-((P • NAILING ADDRESS -7 (• ) h f ( r� i l 1^J W (J • ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 3 2. ( 3 Z • Lsr.AL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION R W Sl l�!�4 .Y'G 3Z Z( V `•�j 2LJ • LOT SIZES (ACRES OR SQ FT) 4- _ j0 � � I J J tea i m. a rr. a sw • • DXRZCTTONS FCkR LOCATIXG SITE e r L IPHn, O( +-Or I S 2 - k'u 1 0 a r, V-+ — Sze Ynq- PART 2: INTENDED USE OF PARCEL 3 ......:........:::...................:...;;......;...........•.... ::::::.........• ... ...... ......... ..............................................._.............................................................. ... .................................................._......._.................................................... 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C t.i. draln headed? Mstala dr.ln naaaad? tJ McLain of iS ...Y.P N Slap (.)s ,N/ slpe (.): slops shoreline? (T/N)s 1`! Shoreline? (yfs): Shoreline? (y/N): e"acaLlme (T/>t)t s..Y— lot elzat MY..Ys.. lot airax Minims: lot slZa: ::imam lot aims 1� Mislshs lot size applies to new as:hdivisions and in defined as the aims:e anneals laml aiu pas reeldsocs cc Zealdeo- tlal equivalent ({SO gallons par day). ca"HI TS L•4 soil o 1 C6 "4 w u+ 41-. 1 SI+ P- Ear A.1 A4G 0n .RA t4 -;VtAA+1M 164c,,� `CI Now (psitwv 1 will We /:wy-rcd 11 net �tTQ XAViL4g, ✓ a i _Z[AIg(14�, FW +Wo Pf a we .A I W LA j S S� w d 11 ( /•pq kV-t4 Revised 09/01/92 PART 4: HEALTH DEPARTMENT REVIEW SUMMARY (COMMUNITY DEV_EWPMFNT USE) .............x:: s x: f:sssssis x(slsf}Sssa:gsaslll ..............................:....:................:........:......::.............:.........:......... ..:'::::.....................3.s..I.i.. ..... . : .: :::.:::...::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:................................................x:::::s:::::::::::s:I:s::: ssis.i..iz.......... APPROVE After examining lot size, proposed water source, and soil type, it is the de- tarmination of Mason County Department of Health Services that each proposed parcel can support an on-site sewage disposal system meeting the requirements of state and local regulations. &QQ, CO(Mw�e v��S ® DHNY After examining lot size, proposed water source, and soil type, it is the de- termination of Mason County Department of Health Services that each proposed parcel cannot support an on-site sewage disposal system meeting the require- ments of state and local regulations. This determination is based on consideration of the following factor(s) : i ®' MUM APPROVAL UNTIL FUrMBR ACTIONS ARE TAI®f Br APPLIf90T do-After examining lot size, proposed water source, and soil type, it is the termination of Mason County Department of Health Services that each proposed parcel cannot support an on-site sewage disposal system meeting the require- ments of state and local regulations until the following conditions are met: i i Cosaltlm(a) :+Gabes prior fo apps al hw era rt bf U16 appllesat. 6rlth aLL1ci.1 hats PART 5: APPROVAL SIGNATURE •• : ::.......................................... . ..........................................................................................j.....��...� .......... .... ........................... ..... ..... ................. :iif: •Sf::: :::....i........::: ...... .............................. .. ..::.............. ......... .i::•:'::.;.....III.............' ' :'.::::::: Health Official Date I I � 3eviseG'