HomeMy WebLinkAboutTaylor Shellfish Geoduck Aquaculture - SHR Letters / Memos f T1}/lOC 130 SE LYNCH ROAD, SHELTON, WA 98584 PHONE: 360.426.6178 FAX: 360.427.0327 1V W W.TAYLORSH ELLFI S H . 0061 ORDERS@TAYLORS H ELLFIS H . COM Shellfish TO BE KEPT IN THE Farms PAR L L FILE October 5,2009 Kell McAboy,Land Use Planner Mason County DCD 411 N. 5th/P.O.Box 279 Shelton,WA 98584 Subject: Taylor Shellfish Floating Geoduck Nursery Dear Kell: I am attaching a diagram and specifications for our new geoduck nursery system. This system replaces the current"kiddie pool" system we applied for last year. This proposal addresses several elements. Specifically and primarily we are answering the concerns expressed in the letter from Department of Ecology as a result of our initial investigation conducted by Environ, Inc. While we believe the questions and concerns raised by our preliminary research could have been addressed by re-designing our intertidal proposal,we have decided that the best approach for us at this time is to move our nursery from the intertidal area to a floating subtidal location. As you know we have an approved Shoreline Substantial Development Permit and Conditional Use Permit for a subtidal mussel farm off of Deepwater Point in Totten Inlet wholly located in Mason County. Our proposal is to remove one mussel growing unit which is approximately 30' X 90' and replace it with a 30' X 60' geoduck nursery float. Essentially,this reduces the overall visible surface area as well as the shellfish biomass. We will be seeking an amendment to our existing mussel farm lease from State Department of Natural Resources and have already approached the proposal with them. Additionally,we have discussed this with the Army Corps of Engineers and will be submitting a Preconstruction Notice on our authorized mussel growing activity under Nationwide Permit 48 to include geoduck. I am sending you this initial request and attached diagrams and documents so that you can begin your review of the proposal. We are seeking a minor revision amendment to our shoreline approval. We believe the reduction in both floats and biomass are consistent with the revision criteria. We also believe our proposal is consistent with the Shoreline Guidelines that require local jurisdictions to provide latitude and flexibility to aquaculture development proposals. TAYLOR SHELLFISH CO. TAYLOR RESOURCES INC. TAYLOR TIMBER INVESTMENT CO. TAYLOR RESTAURANTS INC. Ms.Kell McAboy October S,2009 Page 2 I will be following up with you to discuss additional details relative to the design and answer any questions you might have. Thank you for your consideration of our proposal and your cooperation as we continue to work toward a permanent solution. Sincerely, c Diane Cooper Taylor Shellfish Farms 1 Illillll illllgl i� ! � 1lIIIIIIIIIIIEIII 1�� � P _ _- _ '�'! - t lIII1111111?illll 1� _ • 11111iHill!!IIl1 'I�� - IlIIIII111111lI11 1lIIIIIlIIllltlll !,� � � _ �-( - ��5[��'fir�Z�••l�-i�r`V+r-�'Y'y ''� 14, rvVA u 7 u • - J : _ t - -Illllllilitllll!!I � - !lil111U1llllill� II4i1 rr �, - it(t4i4E',4t;t41tll i11 � - - r Il11111!!I!(lIII!( If � - � • Jill III ll UIVIII � • ullllllnlulnl i�i I �. ,� `'� _ lllllilllll,il;Ill JI t, � r} { MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SHORELINE MANAGEMENT ACT OF 1971 PERMIT FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT Type of Action(s) Case #: SHR92-0018 {*) Substantial Development Permit Agency: MASON COUNTY {+�} Conditional Use Permit Issued: 02 9 3 ( ) Variance Permit Expire: 5- Pursuant to RCW 90.98, A permit is hereby granted/denied to: TAYLOR UNITED, INC SE 130 LYNCH RD SHELTON WA 98584 to undertake the following development: 16 raft units and up to 4 longlines for suspension and culture of blue mussels . Floating aquaculture to grow blue mussels. upon the following address: PARCEL#: 319172201010 ADDRESS: . . . . . . LEGAL: TR 1 N 1/2 NW NW FS 14468:A Within TOTTEN INLET and/or its associated wetlands. The project will not be within shorelines of state-wide significance (RCW 90.58.030) . The project will be located with a conservancy designation. MASTER PROGRAM PROVISIONS & SPECIAL CONDITIONS This permit is granted pursuant to the Shoreline Management Act of 1971 and nothing in this permit shall excuse the applicant from compliance with any other federal, state or local statutes, ordinances or regulations applicable to this project,but not inconsistent with the Shorline Management Act (Chapter 90 .58 RCW) . This permit may be rescinded pursuant to RCW 90 .58.140 (7) in the event the permittee fails to comply with the terms of conditions hereof. CONSTRUCTION PURSUANT TO THIS PERMIT WILL NOT BEGIN OR IS NOT AUTHORIZED UNTIL THIRTY (30) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF FILING THE FINAL ORDER OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT WITH THE REGIONAL OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY AND THE ATTORNEY GENERAL, OR UNTIL ALL REVIEW PROCEEDINGS INITIATED WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF SUCH FILING HAVE TERMINATED. No permit authorizing construction shall extend for a term of more than five (5) years. If actual construction of a development for which a permit has been granted has not begun within two years after the approval of the permit by the Board of Commissioners, the Board shall, at the expiration of the two-year period, review the permit, and upon a showing of good cause, extend the permit for one year. Otherwise, the permit terminates: provided that no permit shall be extended unless the applicant has requested such review and extension prior to the last regular meeting of the Board coming before the permit expiration date. r. a q� DATE Authorized Local Government Official --------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS SECTION FOR DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY USE ONLY IN REGARD TO A CONDITIONAL USE OR VARIANCE PERMIT. Date received,by Department of Ecology Approved Denied This Substantial Development Permit with Conditional Use/Variance is approved by the Department of Ecology pursuant to Chapter 90.58 RCW. Development shall be undertaken pursuant to the following additional terms and conditions: Date Authorized Dept. of Ecology Official SHR_PRMT, rev: 03/24/92 January 20, 1993 TO: Mason County Shoreline Advisory Board FROM: Planning Staff SUBJ: Taylor United Mussel Rafts - Substantial development and Conditional Use Permit. STAFF REPORT I. INTRODUCTION. This report evaluates a floating aquaculture proposal to grow blue mussels in Totten Inlet. II. APPLICANT. The applicant is Taylor United. The representative is Tom Hettinger. III. LOCATION. The system will be anchored just north of Deepwater Point in Totten Inlet between the -27 and -31 foot bottom contours, approximately 450' seaward of the OHWM. SE Quarter of Sec 14, Twn 19 N, R 3 W. IV. PROJECT DESCRIPTION. Thirty by thirty (30' X 301 ) rafts are linked in groups of three (one raft per unit) . There will be sixteen units, with a 40' space between raft units. The rafts will be constructed of fir lumber. Floatation for the longlines will be plastic buoys. There will be up to 50 buoys per longline and 30' between each longline. Both rafts and longlines will be anchored with concrete blocks. One ton concrete anchors, used on either side of each raft unit and longline. Blue mussels will grow from 15' long culture ropes which are suspended from the rafts. The bottom of the raft units to be located 271 - 31' above the floor of Totten Inlet. Depending upon loading, rafts will vary from 1 to 2 feet above the water surface. The total area used for the project is 660' X 600' or 396, 000 square feet which includes the anchors and longlines. The total area used and visible on the surface is 400' X 100' or 40,000 square feet. V. EVALUATIONS. A. Characteristics of the site. The site is currently unused for aquaculture. The proposals western, boundary to be 450' offshore from the OHWM. The upland property is Rural in character with only occasional residences along the waterfront. Most of the waterfront in the upland vicinity is still in timber. The site has been a proven as a good mussel growing area. B. Characteristics of the area. There is a large mussel growing operation (longlines) located 200' south of .this project (Kamilche Seafarms Co. ) Dahma.n Oyster Company and Olympia Oyster Company are also located in the immediate area, C. Shoreline Designation. The upland shoreline designation is Rural. The project is located within marine waters which are designated as Conservancy (between one and ten fathoms) . VI. SEPA COMPLIANCE. A Determination of Nonsignificance was issued on December 24, 1993. Comments were received from the Dept. of Ecology and the Mason County Economic Development Council regarding this determination. Comments are attached. VII. OTHER PERMITS. This permit also requires Hydraulic Project Approval from the Washington State Department of Fisheries. Approval from the Army Corps of Engineers is required as well as a County Building Permit. VIII. CONCLUSION. The Aquaculture Chapter 7.16.020 guides in the review of this proposal. The proposal appears to consistent with all policies and use regulations of the Mason County Shoreline Master Program Aquaculture Chapter. Applicable Policies are as follows: #1 - "Potential locations for aquaculture practices are relatively restricted due to specific biophysical requirements such as water quality, temperature, substrate, dissolved oxygen, and salinity. Priority should be given to aguaculture uses in areas having a_hieth potential for such uses. " The area has been proven as a good mussel growing area. The applicants have taken all biophysical requirements into consideration for growing the mussels. #2 - "The County should strengthen and diversify the local economy by encouraging aquaculture uses. " Taylor United has stated in their application that the reason for requesting the development was that they must diversify their product line if they are able to survive as a business. There is a growing demand for mussels, and they are amenable to culture. Taylor United has the hatchery technology to produce mussel seed, and experimental data shows they can expect excellent growth rates in Totten Inlet. #6 - "Aquacultural practices should be operated in a manner that allows navigational access to shoreline owners and commercial traffic. " This appears to be an ideal location for the project in that it will not create a navigational problem for either shoreline owners or commercial traffic. There is little recreational traffic and the only commercial traffic is most likely from other aquaculture activities. #9 - "Maximum effort to protect water quality should be made in areas with high potential for aquaculture and current aquaculture areas which have been identified as sensitive areas. " Use Regulations from the Aquaculture Chapter which apply to this proposal are as follows: Consistent with policy ##6, Use Regulation #4 states that "aquacultural practices shall be located and conducted so as to provide reasonable access to waterfront property owners and along the shoreline. " Use regulation #10 states that °aquacultural structures shall be placed in such a manner and be suitably marked, so as to minimize interference with navigation. " There will be- over 200 buoys attached to the longlines. The Coast Guard may require flashing strobe lights on the four corners. This should prevent any navigational hazard to recreational boaters in the area who may be unfamiliar with this operation and the operation adjacent to it. • Use Regulation #8 states that "Aquaculture structures and fisheries enhancement activities shall, to the greatest extent feasible with regard to the economic ability of the operation and protection of the environment be located, designed and operated so that native plant and animal populations, their respective habitats and the local ecological balance are maintained. " The applicant has stated that "the sea bottom below the proposed site, is essentially a desert. " Please see Appendix A, Benthic Survey taken on November 6, 1992 . Use Regulation #9 states that floating aquaculture structures shall not duly detract from the aesthetic qualities of the surrounding area. The area has historically (ie: 100+ years) been used for shellfish culture and the proposed site is within 200' of an established mussel farm. The site can be easily accessed and is near Taylor United's processing plant/headquarters in Shelton. It is staff's opinion that the proposal will not duly detract from the aesthetic qualities of the area. Rather, it is a positive addition to the already aesthetic quality of the area which is capable of sustaining shellfish operations. Comments were received from -Jay Hupp of the Economic Development Council expressing support and enthusiasm for the applicant' s potential contribution to economic growth and employment opportunities and for it' s contribution to enhanced water quality as well. The letter states that "by expanding aquaculture operations under the sponsorship of oysterman whose livelihood depends on clean water, we guarantee an increasing interest and effort toward clean water in Mason County. It may also be noted that this project is in concert with the letter and spirit of the Aquaculture and Land Use Section of the proposed Southeastern Mason County Sub-Area Plan. ,, Because the proposal is within all of the guidelines of the Aquaculture Chapter of the Master Program, staff recommends approval of the permit with the following conditions: 1) (per Use Reg. #10) Applicant shall maintain structures and keep them suitably marked so as not to create any interference with navigation. 2) (per Use Reg. #13) Aquacultural discards shall be disposed of in such a manner that will not degrade associated shoreline. 3) (per Use reg. -#14) Equipment, structures and materials shall not be abandoned in the shoreline area. IX. CHOICE OF ACTION. 1. Approve Substantial Development and Conditional Use Permit. + 2 . Deny Permit. 3 . Conditionally approve permit. 4. Postpone for further information. GBM