HomeMy WebLinkAboutRLC95-0473 - RLC Inspections - 7/11/1995 MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 426 W. Cedar, P.O. Box 578, Shelton, WA 98584 (206) 427-9670 DATE: 07/11/95 TO: GARY CHURCH 291 GRANAT #24 PORT ORCHARD WA 98366 RE: MOBIEL HOME Case No. : RLC95-0473 Parcel No. : 123312390012 Dear Applicant : As part of this department ' s review on your permit application, a Resource Lands and Critical Areas (RLC) site inspection was performed on your property. Below you will find comments made regarding the proposed development and it ' s critical values . In some cases, setbacks for development from steep slopes, streams, wetlands, and waterbodies must be included in your specific proposal; these setbacks are included as part of the comments listed below. Please contact me at (206) 427-9670 or (206) 275-4467, ext. 295 if you have any questions. Sincerely, H o Flo es, Land Use Planner Department of Community Development COMMENTS: There are steep slopes (40%) along the front segment of property. According to plans submitted, proposed building will be 22 and 28 feet away from steep slopes. These setbacks will be accepted with the following conditions: 1) Gutters and surface drainage shall be directed away from slopes, and 2) after projects completion, slopes shall be re-vegetated. RLC, rev. 06/09/94 Mason County Planning Intake Checklist Owners ANae-) Date Cq Project: Reviewed By:Proposes of str cture(s) Commercial Development: YES NO PLANNER: GBM TSW PBC CMR A Site Plan: North Arrow ❑ Survey required in Allyn UGA — ❑ AF# ❑ Monuments Q� Property Dimensions: X r Streets and Driveways Shown. Road name: 1 All Existing Structures shown with setbacks and use �( Well Location, Septic and Drain-field Shown with setbacks Identify all surface water (streams, ponds, shoreline, wetlands, natural or historic drainage, defined drainage ditches) Topography (slopes) Minimum Structure Setbacks,(Direct' n/Setbac F: 42-- R• S1: S2: _�s Utility and Drainage Easements: Yes (if yes enter condition #5022) Other Easements co Accessory Appurtenances: Propane / Heatpump tA Does site plan show landings at all exits? Variance applied for: Yes / No - parking spaces allotted? Yes / No County Access Permit Needed (add condition #0010) ❑ State Access Permit Needed (add condition #0020) Standard Conditions to be added to all Building permits that planning reviews: #5019 and #0700 Site Access: Are there any impediments (dogs/gates) that my restrict access to your site? Is the site clearly marked? How? ❑ Address ❑. Name Zoning: ❑ Other: Comp. Plan: Rural Zonjinn.L UGA Zonina: 'WRural X RR 2. 5 0 20 0 RT/RTC ❑ R-1 ❑ R-5 ❑ HC ❑ BI ❑ RAC ❑ RMF ❑ Unknown ❑ R-1P ❑ R-10 ❑ LTA ❑ VC ❑ Allyn UGA ❑ RC 1 2 3 ❑ Agricultural ❑ R-1R ❑ PD ❑ FR ❑ T ❑ Belfair UGA ❑ RI ❑ In-holding ❑ R-2 O PF ❑ MU ❑ MHP ❑ Shelton UGA ❑ RNR ❑ LTCFL ❑ R-3 ❑ POS ❑ GC ❑ BP ❑ Tribal ❑ GC-CI Critical Areas: (streams, ponds, shoreline, wetlands, steep slopes) Shoreline Designation: �N/A ❑ Urban ❑ Rural ❑Conservancy ❑ Natural ❑ Unkown Water Body (type of water if unnamed): �-' SEPA: Yes/ o n Flood Plain: YES/N o ap# Aquifer Recha O Unkno leap# Tags/Cases: RLC/SPI Case: 6-Year Dev. Moratorium: YES Eagle Nest Tag: ES/N Other/North Bay Sewer YES I Revised 01-13-2009 a � \ '� sv � ��\ �- a s 2 MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT-OF COMMUNITY DEVS-10PMENT RESOURCE LANDS AND CRITICAL AREAS CHECKLIST f�e�mit t\vcr11�� �J✓V y� tJ y� ,owner `- Parcel Number C- Z- 'Saltwater-or take 20 acres or farger? ' '' V Name of Water Sod - Y � 2 Rivers,streams_or creeks with year rood flow? Type of other Water 3. Ovem steams or creek with inter n eat flow but are vfi"n a Beady defined channel? 4 Lakes or ponds less than 20 acres in size? ❑ 5. Wetlands-- Areas that are inundated or saturated by surface water that under normal circumstances support vegetation adapted for life in such conditions:such as inacshes,bogs, and sv+ramps_ KD X6- Slopes greater than 15% (8.5 degrees)? On tands5de Hazard Map? C1 7_ Floodpiains? (V v �.6 of opes n $- Sessmic Hazard Areas? N V n 9. Agrioudtural Open Space Taxation-Program? PV - 10. Open Space Timber Taxation Program_or Designated forest or Ctassrfied Forest? 11• Site has no Resource Lands or GYifcal Area-- 'Comments: t 7kc� �12vvi2 vAA A ledz f rc� , f�aie