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BLD93-0331 SFR - BLD Application - 6/8/1993
Permit No. MRSOM COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PLEASE PRINT IAO C13 —v 2� #1 Owner i le X � L.^ OAlle $ Phone# 90 (o — Site Addres 2 2 6 PAAln t v l 9LYarire District # T- city ra-e m TO tv, St Zip Directions to Job -Site__O,,,� Owner Mailing Address — t City LIA JAM C_ ) kW st- Zip Sl6 Z 2 /Title Holder Algeule. Address S' }"n'► �- City St_ Zip O �►.� '�ssds a2�►/fi� #2 Contractor Name o ractor Reg# J Address Expiration date City St Zip Phone 4C3 If septic is located on groject site, include records. Connect to Septic? Z/ Public Water Supply Well�� (If residential, , proof of potable water is required) !.�3 DG Ea QLO ©-:L%, 4 Parcel No. - Legal Descriptions � z : a K TAT j a., 1 f 5 Building Square Footage dj&(P /� 1st Fl _ 2nd F ,,�'3rd'Fl Loft Basement A-/4 Deck_ #bedrooms #bathrooms Garage Carport Garage/Carport: Attached or ached O Other Use of building Describe work LLgQ AW(, �l�a►e� w-7 Type of Job: New' Add Alt Repair Demolition Re-Roof Bulkhead Other 8 MOBILE HOME INF RMATjON )todel Year ke Modgl- r N fLrength Widt Se 0. #Bedrooms #Bathrooms Type of Heat // 1` >9 Any water on or adjacent to property: saltwater lake �Y river pond wetland seasonal runoff other f Show following on the site plan Lot Dimensions Flood Zones Existing Structures Fences Structure SetbacksDriveways Water Lines Shorelines Drainage Plan Topography i Septic -Systems Wells Proposed Improvements Easements, Name of Flanking Street Scale: Name of Fronting Street Date: APPLICANT TO DRAW SITE PLAN BELO f-t,07Tc -e C-) APPLICANT TO DRAW TOPOGRAPHY PROFILE BELO Ir- ti� S c rg� No. Toilets' �tS �iczl Fr,;r Bath Basins Pri m Source Cefrct* two) Bnth Tubs �`Iect/F; /other Showers ig� Hot Water Htr _ EL FBB� _TLaundry Washer -I Furn einks. ____Heat Pumps Floor Drains —Vent S s (C en tral Laundry Basins — -Went Fans (Spot/ o0e)_ "sap Dishwasher Boilers/Compressors Disposal ,Hp ins s Air Handling Unit Other i-?,�r auk cfm. Fire Protection Systems Permit Basic Fee 1�J TOTAL PLUMBING $, Other 7)Pl4-n �e Gas ONYnu .Hookups Wood/ . Ile /Gas Stove _Other Permit Basic Fee t5__ TOTAL MECBANICAL $ 'ITOTICE z THIS PERMIT BECOMES RXUTHORIZED IS NOT' CO NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION iS SUS OR C$D WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK :S CO �ANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANYTIME AFTER WORK t WNERS AFFIDAVIT CONTRACTORS AFFIDAVIT CERTIFY THAT) AM EXEMPT FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ATRACTORS RE03TRATIO,U LAW RCW 18.27 ,_AND AN,AWARE I CERTIFY THAT I AM A THE MASON OOUNfY:ORDj�►R ICE REQUIREMENTS FOR WHICH IN THE STATE OF WISHIN�GTON AYNDREII��CEONTORFIICTOR :IS PERMIT IS ISSUED,"AU� T ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS REGULATING THE .'IFORMANCE THEREWITH. -NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE THE PERMIT IS ISSUED AND ALL WORK DONE WORK BE WHICH YHOJT FIRST STAINING APPROVAL FROM THE BUILDING IS THEREWITH. 'ARTMENT. NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. Oa1NER X BY DATE wrn permit to: Department P�. Cedar/P.O. Box 1886 Selton WA 98584 ral ices 427-9670/1-800-562-5628 'i.ti - .. n...- .. DEPA►R AL.gEVWW C mm GM_ - Approved Cana Hold Approvel gnviroamental Reatlth: Building Plan ReVCEED LOCAL CODES. IF ANY QWESTION ION. -,Occupancy Group: Fire Marshal: Other: F$B II S ecial Conditions: 3 II IlSite Inspection I II P II II it IlBuilding Permit it n II p IlViolation Fee II it II IlViolation Investigation Fee I I II l II � I Plan Check II II l I II Il plumbing Fee I II II l II � II it IIMechanical Fee II II Ilwoodstove Feeg�:f'�c. II II II II IlBuilding State Fee I II TOTAL IlBuilding Valuation: 1it a II II I „ i r FDA/ Date Checklist Prepared MASON COU - #UILDING DEPARTMENT r, PLAN RZY'I& VHCfL�IST AN 1941, vSEC AND V MQ CODE COMPLIANCE L7' 31 Address / �”7a fh�- ..�t�. ._.,?�' LK1 lCo' PermitNumbcr SloBcl Name on Permit ? � � rye Contractor/Mone S:�� 4Z pmpliance Method: -N Prescriptiwq pptiott) ( ) .Component ( ) Systems Attalysis Date FOUNDATION Insp. Rev. ; Slab.-R- (efa.*Mftdft~d&mftfi Nhwffi*bovma.er'maim 2 fapdo1@baeb.ri WAL R.&..MWK*MiW4 Below gwde cuerior."ll,iosulatione ( ) ) Crawlspwe ventilation. (t sq.fe LW130 sq.D6 floor area-Coss ven1w) FI2AMIN0 _ Intmme4i4te - ( ) Advanced is (- ) �(, ) �j�Woodatovesandlorf+t�ePfaoes. <6,�+�tw.e�uruo.sir�rakc,�aaao�eratoeetbtre�.) ( ). -�•) Standatd.air seal.�ivttaoMpl�.tuminirL wi�aowaooc fiame�,pwefnuioao aotd'iliom a.oe-oo.aKio..) t ) {4) Attic ventilation(isq.ft Mnso sq.fL a41u6-area) Spot exhaust furls: N"4b&W so dm M wti;kkdwa 100 dw*X wc. Vested 0d wide&MP4=j Fresh exhaust fa c6f(WACM "swan ft=W A lI*"d"or ew .S at.11MO)• INSULATION Attic bales installed to deflect incoodut air(Rigid uwAaW re amd to wWd,driveb=M,bKt,ruled 17 above toosedq or 6' abow ban iaadWm) ( ) tVfe I Wikilidiou&W R-4 to uswWNowd spa rt apply it aosdidowd Spam) t ) ) wfdt fttmtation(won gads) .R Vapor n0rden oa WSW tWd ball.oN.0 Pelt'at perm.paint.-doe 00) �` I Rim joist t w&W wA vapor oetatdw.:d#d roam oral aaoHoea w 4 ail 0Y.) FINAL PAW itlanlati0n R.��boa Wised m nrPorh bs dwtar s 1e u"QC.mot Wookka vasto ( ) ' S) V latai eptxa6lotisi d wbekbook ftsa sir N siti bobk0boopow IKW" t�is tier is } ) HVAC ducts in unconditioned ar 1 R-8 O ws owl*weduiaar futowd wiia; at t ( ). ) Iripe inwlation R-3 (tiNami alit timaalp moperidored arw-aavtoe or rodro.w 7ybM S-t�. S IIa/h WAWA hbd.ospaaN Itaaasr'ioc su dal-dt;am R 10 pd if ete�"lm tmiaom�itio for oiba�aietea �' ) ( ) T6 $iw nmpe 3�- :AC T�iSi,6oN►S3-t3. Bocbq hat aomltoh QodwO pmat dMAIMM apaotiom d pd mnr a�e�.) ) ) Sa ;. ,; : tighaMtiog loos;lk ooad►.atc samao.ec 4'din•dMtoPotoi.wtir.aotrwa for euistiog*ONO ) ! ..l�dl Waet potpba�te..ar apprav d Ord§W"W at}oi %m4aftsohnddi0awdo ( ) ) Penetration tM auaic ad=ft Pansastioar anted to 8rywan-plambie&. loaam4 iiiaepliales. �Q� ( ) _�) CCIM'i$`fnStt�tiOn lGdo�i r, (lesutrte n.wwtbastrlp eooess.battle w prevwt spittdMie�,�Ns Vapor retarder paint if a vapor retarder was not installed when insulation was installed. IPO Plan.Reviewer-Fdl ddi4�s FI�n$won of t a'w tl r sC 1i► s i t. I pl�t4t- vft*'window iofgn nsim dui field mspeFtm. Include skylights,gbu doom and all other'g>ating ou this fom Use mugb opm"g Sf (Nianfity Atta SO.PL: 'U-awl' >�fsoatm - ., , F o S �I I5 O .Z/3 oso 11 ao _ .. D .3 • °5b �1Io0 . 43 c{° Cote. o M 61 rt? fm��rs - D , V Pe 'foeaCglazing area: x �5 = . Cod . .5 ..,:. : , a �.CaU Tetd�on�tioued aara __ :,. , l /,4 X �5l 7 , l q �� ��a Va�lfied• � 1� • � ��� �00 Percentage _ /�,8'v �. .. DOORS r . U��'a11tc a+ IGlitl! ftV 'Signature of BWMbg bgwdq!t': Date of Flail Inspection: fD i Plan Reviewer.Fill out tins glut g' n'dt'ar, E a wi do it this` LSptCIM- Vaify window infotmsttion timing field inspections. Include Skylights.glass doors and all other Siazing on this form. Use tough opening area for i>aiett6tions.. - iat6 "Odantity Ft. U-Value h+ &Cft rer Irev.` t (J Z/o 46. / �lv (P 4 43 All 150 1 fi0' 3 D, O q�Co YOc9Y1GC I 7 Y •43 C� 5 0 g� C-5 .40 40, 92C, ado /01 ��� L��`�°r roc . ::�, .. , •� _ �� �' y., o o I 3 . , ' Perca�tage �.,i VertBed: Va�ifir dour� f '� - Awr polo T"e/Qa nfi _ it•Value Ma�uft tt�wearar ira Signature of Bu Inspe E late of Final I we n: Date Checklist Prepared MASON CO,U . I SING DEPARTMENT ST MP CE Permit Number Address Sq,,Ft. Ne o.t},Pcrn .. r . "Cstltra�Ctat�P►tme Cotiiance Method: ( .) Pu!! r j ( ) ( ) Cotupbnent ( ) Systems lysis w � Date ;FOUNDATION Irisp. Rev: _ { :) ( ) $1a1,.IL- xtrlb«abtia.yfo+rrt o i ahI boM atWaiarWoref"Abaiwaal..-waMatuaaumdimi . r { 'l. . { Y_._.J3elow SM&=Wrior w ll.W*Autm-- {; ) { ) Gawlsp�oe'veatilatioa.` o sq.rL lWiso sq.L boor we.-an -venue ,...__._._... _ _. ...,..FRAWNG _ staw"4 late dvatteed ( ) (..) - Weodstovasend/or� '(6+9 '' aombauiaaairarppliealuatvntb,duap�sdioecttocre6o:.) wbwbwmm fmaus.peaskadam 0"doa to aoacoaditioa.) Attic ventilation(I sq.a. 3bss.(L a") Spot exhat g bac (r ![O dm o m wo;tie.teodra o. S VVAM V*&W a t. ( ) ( ) Fresh air ventilation: A«ailabla 1q as room l.aafled and epetWord. (la}ear ted rased sic,w i doaay n>jl poeu j ( ) .- (; ) 1Nhole hotisF eiihausf"igtt ilii(l syskm meand et MMo eoatrolrbbae teas amo acre to'fs u 3 ! INSULATION Attie baffles instal CA:.la�.de j pS W(RW material rowunt to wwd4nvea m wkne.a:read it above tooso q a G' above bau ioarlalioe}' ( ) '( ) i 1�ICCh80iCdT VlaeOn,�tit�ll:� t Li goaadhieaed�p.oe A'"�Ppt7 iaanrditioed sP�.) (abomoad*40. ( ) ( ) Vapor nsarders on watt(Eased bite.«4 a pwy ar p..p.i t. c a) { ) < ) Rim joiat*uddW wi&report reurdMr- i'aa ..d aulloea ar 4 raif poly.) ( ) ( ) Vaulted ceiling insulation.— (tfspw=WAac,dbYsir*No _. ..... FINAL ( ) ( ) PlooriowlationR- oet!"�aae[a0sw�ppousle.et6...c•a?�t"t1C.aotMwd3gtva�,) HVAC duds in naeotldid0oed tam�■83(raise*,atlas:oer�dapir ratte.et r�r a ai`� S.).." ; inwlationR 3 -serV 4K .-13).saeira.lea 7Lble ?ale lapadl abet* ve area ) .( } ARadaieawsi6ecer}"Mrit41_�s ( 73a1t 36-a-DaebP heat aoa�ole @o,R ^"�� a.d soarea.ar doa=rora�a l dir aomk dr 4•�a.daralaeetL ladi� ""lot bled w at)oints, b oaiiil tlaa wig { ��titllta : . eataioc!uatlaN �., .y •, ,� ,. »•�r�( � ( ) till- i Pier salad w dk�►ap-plwabiaa.aepomd�. ��iillfe+sed�) l�nstt'tatton R- Gonow.-beft to ( ) ( ) Vapor retarder paint if a vapor nmlaedor was ot installed when insulation was installed. '`` i bate Checklist Prepared �G MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEWER AND INSPECTOR CHECKLIST � 1991 WSEC AND V&IAQ CODE COMPLIANCE Permit Number 93'0 3-3/ Address /1/E o? 70 24xtA" /K A0 Sq. Ft. 4006— Name on Permit _}�Ie/15 Lei I k/bn e/ Contractor/Phone# aQ(p- �,16 Compliance Method:' ) Prescriptive 3!2t (Option) { ) Component O Systems Analysis. Date FOUNDATION Insp. Rev. Slab:R-_ja (Ext.foundation down to frostline/slab bottom;or interior 24"top of slab dt horizontal. Radiant under entire.) ( ) ( ) Below grade exterior wall insulation: R- t Crawlspace ventilation: 1pi�o . (1 sqa ft.h/130 sq.ft.floor aria-cross vented) 0/eAq -te a FRAMING /� t%) Standard ( ) Intermediate ( ) Advanced Woodstoves and/or fireplaces: (6 sq.inches combustion air supply dud with damper direct to firebox.);�. - ( Standard air seal;,(Bottom phue tibnoor,rim joisthmWsill,window/door fracas,penetrations condition to non-condition.) Attic V 1 .ft 50 .ft.ceiling entilati011( sq 1�1 sq area) Spot exhaust fails: (4"exhaust-batliftundry 50 cfm 0.25 WG;kitchen 100 cfm 0.25 WG. Vented.ourwith dampen.) \) Fresh air ventilation: Available to all habitable rooms. Installed and operational. (Integrated forced air„windows,wall pacts.) R ( } �} Whole house exhaust fan'LQ6tfm(Intermittent system manual et auto control lsone less than or=to 1.5 at.1 WG) 1 , XINSUU649 ( ) ) Attic baffles installed to deflect incoming air(Rigid material resistant to wind-driven moistii e,extend 12"above loose fill or 6" above batt insulation) Mechanical ventilation ducts R-4(Exhaust in unconditioned space 8t supply in conditioned apace.) ^ C ( ) �► ) Wall insulation(above grade) R- ,9 (Batts face stapled) ( ) Wall insulation(below grade-interior) R- - (Batts face stapled) ( ) -'(V ) Vapor retarders on walls (Faced ban,.or 4 mil poly or perm.paint.-circle one) ( ) "(-4 Rim joist(Insulated with vapor retarder-rigid foam and caulked or 4 mil poly.) Vaulted ceiling insulation R- Cya _(Vapor retarder st 1"airspace) ,FINAL ( )_ 't-) Floor insulation R-Rs s(Substantial contact w/surface,supports less than or-to 24"OC,not blocking vents.) Ventilation System is operational(spot,whole house,fresh air to all habitable rooms. If integrated system,certification by installer is required.) ( ) CV) HVAC ducts in unconditioned areas R-8(Joints sealed;mechanically fastened with a minimum of 3 fasteners.) ( ) -(-A) Pipe inSulation R-3 (Hot and cold lines in unconditioned areas-service or recirc.see Table 5-12). ( ) (-A SHW beaters: (NAECA label separate.power or gas shut-off,on R-10 pad if electric in unconditioned or an concrete+.) q Heating system type: �Y#lam' ZUE2ls � Radon monitor on Site With instructions.NO.' Supplied byMCBD ( } " } Thermostat: (Heat range 55-75;AC 70-85;both 55-85. Backup heat controls(lockout)prevent simultaneous operation of primary system.) Solid fuel appls.: (Glass/metal tight-fitting doors;dir.comb.air source,or 4"dia.dampened,indir.source for existing eonst.) ( ) (V) Ground Cover: (6 mil black polyethylene or approved equal lapped 12"at joints,extending to foundation wall.) ( ) ) Penetrations(All exterior wall and ceiling penetrations.aealed to drywall-phunWrig,exposed beam,wall receptacles,fans,recessed lights.) ( } ) Ceiling Insulation R--%3Q(Insulate&weatherstrip access,baffle to prevent spillover-no cardboard) ( ) - ) Vapor retarder paint if a vapor retarder was not installed when insulation was installed. GLAZING Plan Reviewer-Fill out this glazing section"or attach&wihdow scbedale to this Checklist. bAoidWr- Verify window information during field inspections. Include skylights,glass doors and all other glazing on this form. Use rough opening area for oakulwo . l Size Quantity. Area S .Ft. U-Vale • MpoubjMM, Rev,7 606-o pie- (00 c �i� !a�© ,3 050 xCb!v 00 3a �° 0-5 ZI P� sr.�� l Aoiokfn 450 r 3..? at o ao,PIet coo/ °!o 67 O�•�, 9/Q Total glazing area. /O/` •3 Total conditioned area: �O • Percentage glazing: Verified: DOORS Plan Reviewer-List opaque doors by type(solid core,insulated,etc.)quantity,U-value,and manufacturer. bVIA"- Verify door information during field inspection. Date Type/Quantity U-Value Manufacturer Rev. tnsp. 50&8 ., r001 .Signature of Building Inspector: Date of Final Inspection: GLAZWG , Plan Reviewer-Fill out this glazing section or attach a window schedule to this checklist. ItUmoa- Verify window information during field inspections. Include skylights,glass doors and all other glazing on this form. Use rough opening area for calculations. Date Size Quantity Area S .Ft. U-Value Manufacturer Rev. Insp. G Ova V 040 G©60 I tit . ° ty4j Y 4 o 0 0o f Total glazing area: Total conditioned area: Percentage glazing. Verified: DOORS Plan Reviewer-List opaque doors by type(solid core,insulated,etc.)quantity,U-value,and manufacturer. I - Verify door information during field inspection. Date Type/Quantity U-Value Manufacturer Rev. Insp. ,Signature of Building Inspector: bate of Fhud Inspection: er Date Checklist Prepared .� MASON COUNTY SMI)INO DEPARTMENT .' PLAN REVIEWERAID INS06M- R CMCKLIST ' 1991 WSEC AND V&JAQ CODE COMPLIANCE Permit Number Address Sq. Fit Name old Permit Contractor/Phone# Compliance Method; O Prescriptive (option) ( ) Component O Systems Analysis Date FOUNDATION Insp. Rev. ( ) ( ) Slab:R- (Ext,foundation down to frostline/slab bottom;or interior 24"top of slab&horizontal. Radiant under entire.) ( ) ( ) Below grade exterior wall insulation: R- ( ) ( ) CraWlspace ventilation: (1 sq.ft.jyE&/150 sq.ft floor area-cross vented) FRAMING ( } ( ) Standard ( ) Intermediate ( ) Advanced ( ) ( ) Woodstoves=4 br fireplaces: (6 sq.inches combustion air supply duct with damper direct to firebox.) ( ) ( ) standard air.seal: (Bottom plaWsubfl=,rim joist anxisHl,window/door frames,penetrations condition to non-(ondition:) ( ) ( ) Attic ventilation(1 sq.ft.l&/15o sq.ft.ceiling ffiea.) ( ) ( ) Spot exhaust fans: (4"exhaust-bath/laundry 50 dim @.25 WG;kitchen 100 cfm @.25 WG. Vented out,with dampen.)_: ( ) ( ) Fresh air ventilation: Available to all habitable rooms. Installed and opefational. (Integrated forced air,windows,wall ports.) (' ) Whole house exhaust fan: cfnt(Intermittent system manual&.auto controls/sone leas than or=to 1.5 at.1'WG) INSULATION ( ) ( ) Attic baffles installed to deflect incoming air(Rigid material resistant to wind-driven moisture,extend 12"above loose fill or 6" above ball insulation) ( ) ( ) Mechanical ventilation ducts R-4(Exhaust in unconditioned space&supply in conditioned space.) ( ) ( ) Wan insulation(above grade) R- (Batts face stapled) Wall insulation(below grade-interior) R- (Batts face stapled) ( ) ( ) Vapor retarders on WaHS (Faced ball,or 4 mil poly or perm.paint-circle one) ( ) ( ) Rim joist(Insulated with vapor retarder-rigid foam and caulked or 4 mil poly.) ( ) ( ) Vaulted ceiling insulation R- (Vapor retarder tit 1"air space) FINAL - ( ) ( ) Floor insulation R- (Substantial contact w/surface,supports lea than or=to 24"OC,not blocking vents.) ( ) ( ) Ventilation system is operational(spot,whole house,fresh air to all habitable rooms. If integrated system,certification by installer is requirvd.) HVAC ducts in unconditioned areas R-8(joints sealed;mechanically fastened with a minimum of 3 fastenem) ( ) ( ) Pipe insulation R-3 (Hot and cold lines in unconditioned areas-service or recur.see Table 5-12). ( ) ( ) SHW heaters: wAEcA label,separate power or gas slut-off,on R 10 pad if electric in unconditioned or on concrete.) ( ) O Heating system type: Radon monitor on site with instructions.No. - supplied by MCBD ( ) ( ) Thermostat: (Heat range 55-75;AC 70-85;both 55-85. Backup heat controls(lockout)prevent sim ltawous operation of primary system.) ( ) ( ) Solid fuel appls.: (Glasshmew tight-fitting doors;dir.comb.air source,or 4"din dampered,ind r.source for existing const) ( ) ( ) Ground cover: (6 mil black polyethylene at approved equal lapped 12"at joints,extending to foundation wall.) ( ) ( ) Penetrations(All exterior wan and ceiling penetrations sealed to drywall-plumbing,exposed beams,wall reoeptac e.,fans,recessed lights.) ( ) ( ) Ceiling Insulation R- (Insulate&weatherstrip access,baffle to prevent spillover-no cardboard) ( ) ( ) Vapor retarder paint if a vapor retarder was not installed when insulation was installed.