HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD92-0397 Addition - BLD Permit / Conditions - 6/10/1992 _ BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATION 60 42 -o50 MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT of GENERAL SERVICES P.O. BOX 186 SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 427-9670 DATE ISSUED �� � �.� �V PERMITNO. CITY&STATE �21Py PHONE NAME MAILADDRESS wt. /1J70 OWNER /�pl s �Soti .370 G ��r//� TDIRECT1 O OBIONSSITE rn,le "�► /�/( PARCEL o LEGAL of Sw-� /rya NUMBER ��l�900�� DESCR. LICENSE NO. ZIP PHONE NAME MAIL ADDRESS CITY&STATE CONTRACTOR USE OF BUILDING MOVE REMOVE CLASS OF NEW ADDITION ALTERATION �R�EPAIIIR WORK r DESCRIBE �' Qof Q10L WORK L h P CII BK� �JK f In DECKS CARPORT NOTICE BEDROOMS _---- SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR PLUMBING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR BATHROOMS TOTAL SO.FT. GARAGE CONDITIONING. STRUCTION UTHORIZED IS NOT NO.OF STORIES BASEMENT ATTACHED THIS PERMIT BECOMECOMMENCED WITTHINS so JAYS, OR NULL AND DIFFCONSTRUCTION O WORK OR CON R WORK AS SUSPENDED OR TOTAL SD.FT. FI REPLACE DETACHED ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANYTIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. PERMANENT _-XL--- SHORELINE SEASONAL CONTRACTORS AFFIDAVIT OWNERS AFFIDAVIT OR IN THE STATE OF I CERTIFY THAT I RCWAHO AM AWARE OF THE MASON COUNTY ORDINANCE WASH NGTON AND AM AWARE OF THEORDINANCE I CERTIFY THAT I AM A CURRENTLY REGISTERED REQUIREMENTS REGULAT NG THE REGISTRATION LAWL BE REQUIREMENTS FOR WHICH T THES PIEREWITH. NO ICHANGESD AND SHALLHBEAMADE RWITHOUT IIFIRST CONFORMANCE THEREWITH. O CHANGIS ISSUED S SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT FIRSK DONE TVOBTAINING IN CONFORMANCE APPROVAL FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. DATE X BY DATE X OWNER FOR OFFICE USE ONLY APPROVED BUILDING VALUATION (� APPROVED DEPARTMENT YES NO DEPARTMENT YES NO FEE PUBLIC WORKS HEALTH BUILDING PERMIT • PLANNING O FIREawl BUILDING PLAN CHECK D.O.T. PRE-INSPECTION SPECIAL CONDITIONS BUILDING GROUP SHORELINE WOODSTOVE PLUMBING MECHANICAL STATE BUILDING FEE STATE SURCHARGE APPIICATIONACCEPTEDBY PLANS B APPROVED FOR E PERMIT VALIDATION TOTAL B i CASH CK MO j .k . 3 C • • i 1. • ■rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr■ rrrr■ rrrrrlrrrrrrrrrr■ ■rrrrrrrrrr■ rrrrrrrr■ ■rrrrrrrrr®rrrrrrr �� :err[fin rrrrr� ME �rr r �rrra��■ , rrrrrrrrrrrr■ rrr mom rr r`■rrrr��T d rrrrr■ rrrrrrrrrrrr�ISEErrrrrr ■rrrr1r1!141rrrrrrrrrrr■ ■rrrr �rirrrrr�lrrrrrrrr■ rrrIP rrrrrrru� rrrrrrrrro rrrrrrrrrrrr�r��rrrr ■r■ ' r�rrrrrr�rrrrror��rsrr■ �'!�■ rrrrrrr r rr■rrrrrrr �rr�rrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr■ ■rrrrrrrrrrrrirrr ■rrrr■ rrrrr mom No ■rrrr r�rr�rr.rrr�r■:..rrrrrrrrrr■ ■rrrr ,rrrrr®,rrrrrrrrrr■ ■rrr■rrr�rr Mrrr Q rrrmom �! rMOM rrrrrrrrrrr � rrrrr■ rrrrfi r�!!�r NONE rr�WHO rr r irrrrrr rrrrMErrrrrrr■ rrr ■ rr�c ■rrrrrrlrr rrrrr■ ■rrrrrrrrrrrr IrrrrrrON ■rrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr■ s! " !14FeD NOV 1 219912 M4SON CG PIMN1NG UEpr STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY Ma, Stop PV-11 • Olympia. Washington 98504-8711 • (206) 459fi000 November 11, 1992 Gary Yando Mason County P.O. Box 186 Shelton, WA 98584 RE: Construction of a warehouse, office and light manufacturing space proposed by Tom Sagerson Dear Mr. Yando: Thank you for the opportunity, to comment on the determination of nonsignificance for the above referenced project. We reviewed the environmental checklist and have the following comments. Water Quality Erosion control measures should be in place prior to any clearing, grading, or construction. These control measures should be effective to prevent soil from being carried into surfacewater by stormwater runoff. Sand, silt, and soil will damage aquatic habitat and are considered pollutants. Causing or allowing pollutants to enter state waters carries a maximum penalty of $10,000 per day. After completion of this project, stormwater runoff will likely contain increased levels of grease, oils, sediment, and other debris. Appropriate source controls, such as good housekeeping, should be used to prevent these substances from entering stormwater. Treatment devices should also be used to further reduce polluted runoff. Wetlands Based on the information contained in the checklist, it appears that wetlands are present on the project. Wetlands are a valuable natural resource that provide many useful benefits, including wildlife and fisheries habitat, floodwater attenuation, water quality improvement, and recreational and aesthetic values. Any adverse impacts to wetlands on the site should be minimized to the fullest extent possible. Ecology recommends that a buffer of native vegetation be retained to protect the functions and values provided by the wetlands. Wetland buffers act to filter surface runoff, reduce erosion, screen adjacent noise, light and activity, and protect critical habitat for wetland dependent species. Our review of available studies indicates that effective buffer widths range from 50 feet to 300 feet, depending upon the values provided by the wetland, the topography, soils, existing vegetation, and the proposed adjacent land use. In some instances, 40dp-s 7 Gary Yando November 11, 1992 Page 2 enhancement of an existing buffer, such as planting of Native vegetation, or constructing a fence, can improve the protection of wetland functions. The checklist identifies that some fill will be necessary for the proposed construction. It should be verified whether or not the proposed fill area is a wetland. If it has not already been done, we recommend all wetlands on the site be delineated using the 1989 federal wetlands delineation methodology to determine the extent of wetlands. If you have any questions regarding the Water Quality comments, please contact. Bill Young in our Southwest Regional Office at 586-5551. If you have any questions regarding the Wetland comments, please contact Ann Remsberg in our Wetlands Section at 493-9260. Sinc rely, Patricia L. Crumley Environmental Review Section PLC 6947 cc: Sarah Barrie, SWRO Ann Remsberg, Wetlands ae-a sus mom = -Z n Z :71 3D, w rx .Im 77 10 t 41t "r,311 m XLA a'axis c 2 0 m n r 39 Z ,X z c z 0 m x In cr, 3> 6 z V Ab N aw 0 a a In m c C c qlp WD,A* Z Z Im, MP Al. is Pt t qA i. 40fwj 4t,*W 40 Im. mm X� st :1 Cr mm His t S I CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback c7E dateby Ribbons date by Gas Piping date by Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date by date by date by FRAMING Wt Walls FIRE DEPT. date - — - Z by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Attic Groundwork date by date by WALLBOARD NAILING D.W.V. date by date by .FINAL INSPECTION Water Line date by date by date by r