HomeMy WebLinkAboutJARPA - SHX Application JARPA FORM AOL ����� (low ua a wlAfdlaplon BWM) PLEASE rME OR PRINT'aY 8111E OR SLAM Mac Bassd on the preoedirg ctme'01t I am sxxft enphN of Vz appleafm to the tolbwkq: (dwdcaN fttAWY) Local Goverrrnetlt for shoreline: 13 SIAnta nU Devebpment [3 CmRditWW Use ❑Varlanoe.5 Exemption:or,if W0kaWe ❑Roodplakl Manl:lgement ❑Critical Areas Ordkl m Was*VM Depa Ww t of fish and WWft for HPA ,® WashkVM Department of Ewbgy br:.T Approval b Albw Temporary E=eederm of Water Qua1dy Standards ❑4ol W4W Quality Cerfkadon Nationwide Peffnb �$( Was*VM DeWUrIerd of Natural Resources for:DrAqtwft Resmm Use At torization Notification Carps ErlQkwn for ;ffSection 404 13 Section 10 pan* Q Coalst G=d foe ❑Section 9 Permit SE=ON A-Use forag permits A?ommd by this Edon. Be aura to also complete Secdon C(SJOOWm Bloch for&U permit eppubc om 1.APPLICANT Dana L Zaichkin MAILM ADDRESS 6038 Jody Ct SW Olympia, WA 98512 "ORcPHONE (253) 535-7516 HOME (360) 705-8740 FAX 754-5730 (home) Man agent is ecting for due app/leant during the permit process,complete#2 djzaichkin@msn.com 2.AUTHo a M AGENT MAIM ADDRESS WORK PHONE HOME PHONE FAX t S.RELATIONSHIP OF APPLMANTTO PROPERTY: OWNER O PURCHASER O LESSEE O OTHER: 4.NAME,ADDRESS.AND PHONE NUMBER OF PROPERTY OWNER(S),IF OTHER THAN APPLICANT: S.LOCATION(STREET ADDRESS.INCLUDING CITY.COUNTY AND ZIP CODE.WN6RF Parg2c m ACTIVITY EXISTC nR WILL OCCURI 360 East Plantation Way, Shelton WA 98584 (Harstene Island) Mason County WATER BODY Case Inlet TRIBUTARY OF Puget Sound 114 SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE GoveRNMENT LOT SHORELINE DESIGNATION Saltwater Shoreline sev,.Nwv< i Island Shores — & 1 20 North 1 West,WM 2nd ADD. TR. 5 ZONING DESIGNATION Rural S W!i<.NE'/ TAX PARCEL NO.: DNR STREAM TYPE.IF KNOWN 12018-51-00005 N/A s OESWASEIMCU>RfANru6ECFIMPROPSM.AmDa7luwnmEiioxnmooNTmp1oPElm WAWPOltTMOFTNEPROPOSMAC.TVMMAIJWADYCpyKEfeo CH Mn PttOP M.It+OR?I►M MOt rd AND V AR OFOOLVLE C*L Rural residential salt waterfront lot w/tidelands,high bank(35-40 Ft shoreline bluff) Existing old cabin on lot approximately 25 ft from top of bluff Property not occupied at time of application No portion of proposed activity completed at time of application IS TIE PROPEFIN AGRIOULTURAL LAND?G VEGA NO ARE YOU A USCA PROGRAM PARflC Mn C]YSk*NO 7a OESCMW TIE PROPOSED WORK COLVWM PtAM AND SP60MAMW SWKW BE PRO'VNM FOR ALL WO W WATEMAM OFTNE OROO ARY H Mt WATea MARK OR Construction of erosion control rock breast wall revetment/bulkhead at toe of slope and abutting concrete bulkheads of Lot 4&Lot 5. Breast wall will follow the contour of the 74 foot slope toe projecting no greater than six feet seaward of the toe. Where possible,rock will abut and bridge existing living trees and root masses for the preservation and protection of this vegetation with its associated shade and shoreline habitat. Future breast wall repairs will be required if/when these trees(alders)die and decompose. Angle of slope and extent of toe erosion will not support stabilization by vegetation alone without structural protection. Following breast wall construction, slope base vegetation enhancement will occur via live staking and plantings of willow&madrona The previous owner(see statement)and adjacent property owners report the existence of a wooden piling bulkhead on lot 5,which has decomposed and washed away greater than five years ago. One residual pile identifies the boundary of the old bulkhead. Adjacent property owners report that the toe of lot 5 used to be even with their concrete bulkheads approximately 9-12 years ago. Wave action has caused approximately 10-12 feet of slope toe erosion in this time period. Scouring has begun to create erosion behind the wingwalls of the adjacent concrete bulkheads. Associated with this proposal(separate permit) is the construction of a single-family residence with approximately 75 feet setback from the top of bluff. SFR construction is projected to commence in April 2000. Future development(projected summer 2001) includes construction of wooden stairway from top of slope to base after toe stabilization has been achieved. Attachments: Site Plan Geotechnical Report(JW Morrissette&Associates) Cross Section&Vicinity Map Mason County Pre-Inspection Report(6/9/1999) Mason County Miscellaneous Permit application Statement from prior owner(Pamela Kinkade) SEPA Environmental Checklist Site Photographs 7b.DESCRIBE THE PURPOSE OF THE PROPOSED WORK • Reduction of wave action slope toe erosion and resultant bank instability of lot 5 • Protection of adjacent properties(Lots 4&6)experiencing bulkhead wingwall erosion and potential structure failure. • Groundwater pressure relief using a porous breast wall structure(Surticial and Groundwater mgmt.to be addressed in SFR plan) • Preservation of wildlife habitat by retention of existing living trees/root mass and utilization of irregular rock structure. • Enhance long term slope integrity and toe biomass with supplemental plantings of willows, madrona and other native vegetation 7C. DESCRIBE THE POTENTIAL WACTS TO CHARACTERISTIC USES OF THE WATER BODY.THESE USES MAY INCLUDE FISH AND AOUATIC LIFE,WATER WAUTY,WATER SUPPLY.RECREATION.•ut AESTHETICS. IDENTIFY PROPOSED ACTIONS TO AVOID.MINMQZE.AND MITIGATE DETRIMENTAL WACTS.AND PROVIDE PROPER PROTECTION Impacts: • Increased turbidity of water during construction. Beach habitat disruption and limited shellfish mortality during construction due to heavy equipment movement, construction materials and barge landing • Habitat reduction related to removal of beach debris • Minimal adverse impact on recreation, aesthetic or access/use qualities of beach and water body(particularly in relation to adjacent properties) • Decreased future beach nourishment with erosion reduction Mitigation: • Project designed to retain trees and biomass on beach and enhance long-term slope vegetation. • Rock and construction materials to be delivered via barge. Minimized heavy equipment travel on beach. • Contractor to assure control and no release of hazardous materials during beach construction • Construction timing to be determined according to Dept of Fish & Wildlife criteria(ie salmon migration exclusionary period from 3/15-6/14; intermittant smelt closure 7/1-3/31). Excavated beach substrate to be retained on beach. • Some dead wood mass to be partially buried and secured immediately waterward of breast wall TE • Preservation of vegetation buffer at top of slope and upland water runoff controlled with straw bales and interceptor swales. AUCIRriC• e.WILL THE PROJECT BE CONSTRUCTED IN STAGES? )JYES 13 NO PROPOSED STAFTnNG DATE: Lot Preparation & SFR construction beginning 4/2000. Breast Wall construction: 7/2000,Access Stairway: Summer 2001 ESTBSIATEDDURATIONOFACT1V17Y Beach work to be completed within two weeks per Dept of Fish& Wildlife a**XK F MY STIIUCTtRES WILL BE PLAOM ,NWATOWMM OF TIE OROMMIY MOH WIATER MARKOR LNE NOR FI SO OR TIDAL WATERS ANWnR *WATERWAAOOF THE L EMI MOH WATER LINE N TIDAL WATERS I&WLL L.MATEM4L OOM FEJ..MAM*AM PL*M OR OTHM MATONAW BE PLACED:' p WATEMWARDOFTM OFON W MOH WATM UARKOR LNE NOR PaM WAVERS? Approx 33.5 cubic yards forward of OHHW Approx 16.5 cubic yards forward of MHHW II WILL MATE RIAL.BEAAOEDNWERA DS? Approx. 55-65 cu yd total fill avwxNO A.MSPACIID MEAN ACREB: E HAS A DELI EATION/ESN OOMPLETFD?IF YES.PLEASE SUBW WITH APPUCATiON OYES NO C.HAS A WEnAND REFOW BEEN PREPARED?F YES,PLEASE SUBMIT WITH APPLOATIOK G YES O No a TYPE AND OOMPOS111 H OF FILL MATERIAL lE&.SAM ETC.1: E WIIERIALOOMMe F.9WALLSOLSEM(TYPEOFSOBSLOCATEDATTFEPf0=rVMAB&DIOATEFTtEYAREON THE OOLKrrSUSTOFHYDWCSOL& SOILSWORMIITIONCANBE OBTAlED FROM TIENATURM.RE80URC�OONBERVATION B@LVICE�iiCBx TLWLLPROPOS DAI)VATYCAUSEILOOD00ORDRANMAOFWETLADS? 13YES.WNO 1FVM1MPACTEDAREK1S ACRES T WL MON ® W L E)CAVAT OR OROO BE REOL11 ED N WATER OR WETLANDS? YES ONO S. FYES: AVOLUME:_JBIOYAFo%%REA-UORES) Approx 28.5 cubic Yards excavation B.COMPOSITIONOFMATERALTOBEREI+M(VED: Beach gravel, Glacial till/clay C.DISPOSAL SITE MR EXCAVATED MATS To remain on beach waterward of construction. D METHOD OFOR� ' Mechanical excavator tE.LWr OnM APPLICATIONS,APPnOVALS,OR CERTIFICATIONS FROM OTHETI FEDERAL.STATE OR LOCAL ASS FOR ANY STRUCTURES,CONSTRUCTXK DMOHN1 M OR 01 ACTImm DESCRMED N THE APPLCATION ILE.PRELIM OM PLAT APPROVAL MJILTH OI.STTIICr APPFI01/AL,BUp DINrJ PETiMIi.SEPA REVIEW FERC LICENSE MFM ppjAOTICES APPLICATION,ETC.)ALSO INDICATE WHETHER WOW HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND INDICATE ALL EXMW WORK ON DRAWINGS. TYPE OF APPROVAL ISSUDG AGENCY DENM&ATION N0. DATE OF APPLI CATION DATE APPROVED OOMPL EW Septic Mason Count 99-0174 6/17/99 7/28/99 No Single Family Residence Pending SEPA LEADAGENCY SEPADECISON: SEPA DECISION DATE: Ili. HAS;ANY AGENCY DENIED APPROVAL FOR THE ACTIVITY DEGORSED HEREIN OR FOR ANY ACTIVITY DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE ACTNITY DESC.' MED HEREIN?0 YES )M NO IF YES.EXPLAIN: . __..__0....1 M. ' SWnON B-Us*Ibr&%ffe ne and Corps ofE s pw=ftMW. ' K 1OTIIL O06Twr�e.�.enr •..e ue�ur•aye rye u�a.,��....... wr w..�nw.er.+rLC1a�NG UAT13oAt$LADOR.IIACIEE RENTALS,E1Yr: One contractor estimate at $20,360.00 w/o permit fees 17. LOCAL GOVERB0AW WUN JURNWI TIOft Mason Countv u FOR coRPs,COASTOLIVA AND 00 PEt LAM PROVIDE NAPAES,ADDRESSES.AND TOM-WE WAIDERS CFAQIOINNG PFKX4MW CA11*FA LtESSEM ETQ 10M OMPA JNEMA A0EIEM000KW"&IAYFOOLO�AOOMONALNOr110E—CONIKA.T�fCIJR PLEASE NAVE ADDRESS _ _ PIIOAEtB�gl Guy/Gloria Jonas(Lot 4) 12918 SE 5 PI Bellevue, WA 98005 (425)455-0577 Wesley/Judith Freeman(Lot 6) 4411 No. 37`s Street,Tacoma, WA 98407 (253)753-3724 SECTION C-This section MUST be completed for any permit covarod by this appoostion. I& APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE FOR A PERM TOR PEA TO AUiNOfi-Jr-THE ACTIVRIEB DES HEREN.1 CERTIFYIMT 1 AM FAMILIAR WRH THE IRMATION COWAIIEO IN THIS APPLICATION,AND THAT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF.SUCH NFORMATION IS TRUE.COMKEM AND ACCURATE 1 FUKTIM CIRi1FY1HAT I PO6SES8 THE A VDCFPY TO UNDERTAKE THE PROPOSM AOTMTIEL 1 HEREBY GRANTTO THE AGENCES TO %"CH THIS APPLICATION IS MADE.THE RIGICTO ENTER THE VACATION TO NSPECTYM PROPOSED.KfROGAESS OR M PLETM WORK 1 AGREE TO START WOFVCMU AFTER ALL NEOMARY PERMITS HAVE BEEN RECDVED. a WHATUREOFAISKJOANTORAIFIMRIZEDAGENT DATE I HERESY DESIGNATE TO ACrAS U1'AGENT N UATi6IS FtELATED TO THIS APPLICATION FOR PEFUT(U 1 UNDERSTAND THAT IF A FEDERAL.PER f T IS WJEQ.1 MUST SKIN THE POW. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE SIGNATURE OF LANDOWNER POCEPT PUBLIC EN1rY LNVO1 N3M E.G. �— .S��cPJJ THIS APPLK.ATION MU BE SIGNED BY THE APPLICANT AND THE AGENT.IF AN AUTHOFi�D AGENT LS DESIGNATED U U.SrC f10M poNdw oft Whwwr,b wry m wwr vrl W ow)xb&cdan of any deparbnwht er epwrcy of ow United Stan kwwkh*Uld6es.owwoaK or awam W by any Mdr sdw=.or- Mdos a anlwW fsd ar w Akw any k1w&ftou&or tw Wwt pa9wnwfts or repraswoaoons or mebs a uses any lske wrMinp or doerahwrt Iabwlrp wrw b oonfah any hbe,icdtious or UatrdiAw+t efaWnwo crefty.@W be tined not mow own S10AW or kn boned not mow own 5 yeses or both Mig These Agencies are Equal Opponurity and Affirmative Action employers. For Spedal accommodation needs,please oonfacf the appropriate agency from Appendix B.