HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPI2005-00083 - SPI Inspections - 5/4/2005 0 STgtF MASON COUNTY
S N Z Planning Division
y n P O Box 279,Shelton,WA 98584
Site Inspection
May 04, 2005
TULLAHOMATN 37388 + 2�.03 -42--Ct011o
Case No.:
Parcel No.: 220031290120
Project Description: Determine suitable building site.
Dear Applicant:
Pursuant to your application, a site pre-inspection (SPI)was performed on your property. Below you
will find comments made regarding the proposed development and its critical values.
In some cases,setbacks for development from shorelines, steep slopes,streams,and wetlands must
be included in your specific proposal; these setbacks are included as part of the comments listed
This information is based on County and State regulations as they exist to date. These regulations
may change and may affect the requirements for development of the subject property.
Please contact me at(360) 427-9670,ext. 365 if you have questions.
Allan Borden
Land Use Planner
Mason County Planning Department
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Site Inspection
5/4/2005 Case No.: SP12005-00083
Pre-inspection for Ken / Cynthia Takegami made on April 5, 2005:
The purpose of the pre-inspection was to evaluate issues related
to the construction of a single family residence on a vacant 3.15
acre parcel along Pickering Passage. The parcel has areas near
the access road that are cleared of evergreen and deciduous
trees; there is a general 5 to 8 percent slope on the upper 320
feet of the parcel; the middle 200 feet has 12 to 20 percent slope
and wet areas that are seeps for the drainages downslope; the
lower 300 feet near the shoreline and beach has a natural 25 to
45 percent slope where drainages are observed. At the shore,
there are 20 foot high banks with past erosion from tides evident.
Geotech Report/ Potential Landslide Hazards: There are
medium bank shoreline slopes adjacent to Pickering Passage that
exceed 40 percent. These slopes in the west area of the parcel
are more than 300 feet from the potential building sites near the
access road at the east end of the parcel. If development of a
bulkhead or stairway at the shoreline is proposed, and due to the
past slumping and instabilities of the bank along the rising and
falling tide levels, a Geotechnical Report would be needed as part
of the review. The Geotechnical Report format is contained in
Mason County Resource Ordinance section 17.01.100 E.S. The
report must state the conditions on the property, that the hazards
of the landslide area can be overcome in such a manner as to
prevent harm to property and public health and safety, and must
also assure the proposed site preparation and construction will
cause no significant environmental impact. This study must
accompany any development permit and should be based upon
the footprint area where structures are proposed.
The zoning designation for the site is Rural Residential 5.
Standard building setbacks for this zoning are a 25 foot front yard
setback, and 20 foot side and rear yard setback (lot line
setbacks). These setbacks are measured from structures above
grade such as roof overhangs (roof gutters), and other structures /
appurtenances, including balconies, decks, heat pumps etc.
Shoreline setbacks: The shoreline designation for the area is
Rural Environment per the Mason County Shoreline Master
Program and setbacks would be determined by the Mason County
Resource Ordinance. The shoreline setback is typically
determined by drawing a line between the adjacent neighbor's
rooflines across the applicant's property. Any portion of the new
structure, including decks, balconies, and rooflines, must be
behind this common line. Landward of this line for 15 ft. toward
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Site Inspection
5/4/2005 Case No.: SP12005-00083
the shore is an area that may be used for lawns or patios or
landscaping, etc. (development at grade level). From that point
toward the shore is considered to be a required vegetated buffer
and is regulated by the Mason County Resource Ordinance Fish
and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas Chapter. Within this
chapter are those activities listed that can be done both with and
without a Mason Environmental Permit.
Staff did not measure the common line setback from the OHWM
of the saltwater shoreline to a proposed building site. The nearby
residences within 200 feet from the shoreline or within 150 feet of
either property line of the subject parcel, are considerably closer
to the shoreline than the anticipated residence for the subject
parcel. A residence proposed near the commonline setback from
the shoreline (toe of the bluff)would in the potential landslide
hazard area of the subject property, as noted above. The
applicant stated that the residence would be situated near a 150
feet setback distance from the easement road, forward towards
the shore than the existing metal building on the lot to the north.
There should be adequate area for a septic system adjacent to
the proposed buildings.
General process: Future site development must include a site
plan, showing all building setbacks from property lines, slopes and
shoreline will be needed for building permit application submittal.
A topographical profile will also be needed if the stairway to the
shore or bulkhead at the shore are proposed, however the project
geotechnical engineer, or geologist would normally prepare this as
part of the geotechnical report. A path to the shoreline, not more
than 3 feet wide, is allowed to be located in the buffer area.
Further development of a staircase to the beach or bulkhead
would require special review; both need approval of a habitat
management plan and an environmental permit, and a state
hydraulic permit; the staircase may need a shoreline development
permit as well.
Specific standards for future development contained in County
Codes may be found at the County website address
http://www.co.mason.wa.us. If you have any questions please
feel free to call. Thank you.
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