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COM2004-00231 Change in Tenant - COM Permit / Conditions - 2/15/2005
0 O c 0 a� com o, 0) = p m m co CD -� o Z m o m m m 3 v •� P. < CD 0 m -1 r 0 m C Z G D W - o n p m m 0 `- � co m T! c D cnmr" z Cn m o 3 Z -1 o r D -i m c G O � C00 � w � � ca = D -n-n -n � Z OCoM0Z r, p' D N 3 of ZX (n � X > > CO) " 00 a ' O 2 g Z DNN a � o o °' �, c WaZrp W O Cl) zap o 2 -� om0o v ° =r = ocl) mr Acp Z m � moDcncn cow mm �_ rn m D Cl) � Z p w � = Om0 m o O CXcn m m C � 20 w n O O ca M o n m A m ic0 0 cn X X n d o rD- Z c o :11 x C v � 3 w � __. zo, o w r p O m �, "m0 0 W cc r o m 0 N 0 C 3 3 o Dv m c o co -% ? o Z C G) C TI D 0 p�j (D N CD O p C Co Z r M = CD 0. � tR fA fA m 0 N ,�► CL n N CD N : W ca 3 - m u CA Z o = 3 _ o c 3o eQ ? 000 m w m o 0 o CD 0 3 r v o0 a) ,R- :3 o av 7 ° r ca ce c° 3 W < m y m � -o y W O ;p 0 - 5 � CD0' ;aO o w y o. m w = v co N o o O rn y �+ m mmm � r co00 ? pjm -40 0 \1 CAN CS o 75 OON X ;4 000 "Y V cn o o 1 rn 0 N N n 0 0) v v o m 0 o ow Xn° m cD XDn X00 SOD X0 -nao -o -o aocc oyo ' v0 vmn � gmcOc S. vr � � z n� nF rt�(n < CDCcn m1 I Zmoon � 3 0. a am ; 0 > Z0 0 c O v < ' � _ coa0 CD 0 -1 OD -I n s � � m v _ =rw N - Z p < Kra � 0Z CD o w ti m v 0X WQ - Z -q -4Kmm v n� cu O - n0 c c m � 0mm -u � ='• � � (A 0)= 0m as Mmm � cAZ Z O CDC 0-0 < ° fn 0 c �, y -I � D : � A � v co D r= mr- 0 0 o v W 3 � Omm -iOAS� o vW Z O - � cn r ov co °% nXX Omp (nm00 m o CD 0 Q0 r m � Dim -10° = Dm n v �' to N ° 0 CD Z X D •� D Z '0 y CD � 70 -a 0 mmm v = � rr = ° ° m � v m 0 O O ° 0 Xm = mtn o ' F Q ° a, X w 3 D me- cnG) - uR -»� (A d aR 3 n p p�' � � r � �mW � n n p CL 3 - m c o m co C, m cD 0 m D r 0 C� 9 co =0 - v ° �' m � � 0 Z ° Omc a m 1 - tc C � o ? ccn 0> --TO i- a, c a � m O r o m v 0 av m o damn � Z �= D 3 y ai np n0D a y ° p mvo � Dmmm a0y Oz Om CD m co m � nm 000CDD CL o CD 3Q � `< v o p � z Ompm ; CD N 8 8 � ' CD m � � m e5 -q mz -q --1 < B D m om y K �a -off p -100m w c ° -� M m m � v Co co D - OZ NZD �C v 3 F O ? m -� - � D � :3 06 :3 v o z - - vao m tD m m -c m v r_ 0 0 CD � ZZ G) ZG) -nm a � a 0 ti � n > ZDm0ch Xc o -+ W c v, CD 0 - cAr' OO m �• z o_si(0 D = Z m0 ;a -jZ �. � � an G) Zr C� pZZD vv NfO C CD Q m0 'gym .< 0 ° CD m CD m � zv vx (A M ; p CD Z < cn Cm mom -0� CD 3 O Q. tnm mZ0m 0) o n z ? a 5CD m ° v n �0 D �v � � :3 .. v v � ' m c_ cnmm � ° � D O : � X m -_0-1 � 0 0 y m to O � o ._ _�• m C O O N O K (�/� 0 . n u u Cn ° m oo cm 0-0 MZKM D i Y -ZI c DVli vD0v CT 70 o nn p k, z > > -tz mnc m � x o � ° 200 K � �► 3 N . m = ° 0 -0 o r o r o o cQ o m D m --1 :3Z c > m z °cam � � Q � o 7 P P > > O , , o Err:E/ § G = 3 o m ID 6 (D3 \ K m . @ o \ CD CD omm M. k z § - _ � § ]0 R m - CD CS E § 22282, ƒ / m _ . « a k 2 § § _ SK CD (a Er — . \ (DCj � / �k kgki �. EI § rj. . § Ig \ :03f � £ K § ƒ 8 (� § E � � > Co F9 =27 t k k - a@ � ID x x \ 8 . / a $ & § § k / �2 � Ea C CD . Cad kk / 2 � m .. \ ao � § / � \k � E � ca k ƒP< 0 0R = @ q 2 0Em E — E C) o CONCRETE MECHANICAL MANUFACTURED HOME N o Footings / Setbacks Date By Ribbons o Date By Gas Piping Date By wFoundation Walls Date B y Set-up Date By INSULATION Date B y B G / Slab Insulation Floors Final Date By Date By Date By FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT D ate B y Date B y Date B y PLUMBING Attic OTHER Groundwork Date By Date By WALLBOARD NAILING D.W.V. Date By Date By FINAL INSPECTION Water Line Date By Date By Date By 41 ?� Lrcc-(.a�( C Ta�,•!��`G�-►'� ��g nu4.�- � P��l�'v�i �-►�IC� b N O � d O � W � 0 COM MASON COUNTY " CHANGE IN TENANT APPLICATION Complete the Change in Tenant Application and return with a floor plan,site plan,septic pumper's report,septic records and fee to the Mason County Permit Center, P.O. Box 186,Shelton,WA 98584. Evaluation of the Change in Tenant Application will involve staff members from the Building,Fire Marshal, Environmental Health, Planning and Public Works offices who will identify compliance requirements. This application is intended for tenant change only. If construction or remodeling is proposed or required a building permit will be necessary. Upon approval the permit will be issued to the applicant/tenant, After the permit is issued,schedule an inspection by calling(360)427-7262. Upon satisfactory inspection a Certificate of Occupancy will be Issued and must be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises. Date: .l IL a plp Assessor's Parcel Number: a 3 3 So C>0 S Legal Description: aCo5 36 r Building Site Address: as r e Method of sewage disposal: ®t Septic O Sewer—name of district: Water source: O Individual Well O Community Well ILPublic System, name of system:ig 1Q . : Name of Applicant: © R0, i3p7( 316 Mailing address: P,p` gv ✓iVA, qS5y City: eJ_jXA,R State: Zip: g�jr Day phone:337—y 4(0 211 Contact Person:(-1, ,DEL Message phone:3(pD— 75— IM a. Proposed business name: C)t,4 P4 c-Is. i Proposed use: 'QvsiNes Number of employees: Previous business name: , 5 Describe previous use: ws,,+css q�gg a'rog Check one: 9 Detached single level/single tenant O Single level/mul ti tenant O Multi level/single tenant O Multi level/multi tenant Age of structure: Is structure currently If not occupied, how long has it been vacant? 15 occupied? Yes No Yr. Mo. Square footage: I Basement: First: Mezzanine: Second: Third: Is the structure d? Heating type: Circle one: Circle one: Ye Srjc No Electric Liquid Propane ral.Ga Oil Type of heat: Circe one: urn Heat Pump Electric baseboard or wall mount Radiant Will there be any changes to the following? Circle yes or no,If applicable: j Floor lay-out: Yes fo Lighting: Yes o Heating: Yes Exterior Finishes: Yes Q Interior Finishes: Yes Parking: Yes No ivy,.-y Es kLl s Number of restrooms provided: Number of fixtures in each j L4 _L _ Is structure handicap accessible? Circle one Yes No Is the structure equipped with a fire sprinkler system? Yes o Fire alarm system? Yes No Monitoring Station Name: MIA Phone number: 1. Floor Plan(5 sets): • Draw the floor plan to scale • Use of rooms • Room Dimensions • Location of all exits and windows(include dimensions) • Location of plumbing and mechanical fixtures • Interior doors with swing radius 2. Site Plan(5 sets): Note scale used • Property lines, easements,&right of ways • Location of all existing structures&dimensions +; • Distance, in feet,from property line&structures • Landscape buffer yards j • On-site sewage tanks and drain fields, &reserve . Well location • Location of fire hydrants&vehicle access roads • Parking areas number&arrangement) 3. Septic records,pumper's report or O&M report. R 4. Fees will be collected at time of submittal Accepted by Date_ Submittal Amount$ Receipt number__ ` Department Review Initials Date Comments Building OriF 240 WX(- Environmental Health E-24M.. 0001 Fire Marshal Planning Public Works Occupancy Change? (circle one) Yes N Type of construction EL - - -I L Occupancy classification change from�_ to_2. Occupant load calculated:_ g persons Existing occupant load design ! _persons. Land Use Designation: Occupancy Classification: _____ _ � MASON COUNTY COM_Lq rfD "' CHANGE IN TENANT APPLICATION Complete the Change in Tenant Application and return with a floor plan,site plan,septic pumper's report,septic records and fee to the Mason County Permit Center, P.O. Box 186,Shelton,WA 98584. Evaluation of the Change in Tenant Application will involve staff members from the Building, Fire Marshal, Environmental Health, Planning and Public Works offices who will identify compliance requirements. This application is intended for tenant change only. If construction or remodeling is proposed or required a building permit will be necessary. Upon approval the permit will be issued to the applicant/tenant. After the permit is issued,schedule an inspection by calling(360)427-7262. Upon satisfactory inspection a Certificate of Occupancy will be issued and must be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises. Pk6paRTY I11 FO 1000"'. Date: I I 0-oo L4 Assessor's Parcel Number: 1 013 3 01 Sv OCJ b s Legal Description: —r(L4,_-f- g_&, Vje 3('01 + IL( Building Site Address: g;) jS I k)r` E .4 --row Method of sewage disposal: K Septic O Sewer-name of district: Water source: O Individual Well O Community Well &Public System, name of system: PEOPLE .IN'Vt'�VtP.IIN THE 41ECT Name of Applicant: ©N 5' l P,o, Go,c 3ito Mailing address: p,p o2 Ra-Pav mow, VA q 8'S4(o City: State: WA Zip: Day phone:337—Li q(,S' Contact Person:M� hcz A4t:rU Message phone: 3(00—a7 5- L�L f?JEGT 1NP+CIRMATION Proposed business name: d P,g00L.0)5 W i Proposed use: I&S,N s �,o r Number of employees: 0 Previous business name: , Describe previous use: 13VS,f.)eSs (L, STRUCTURE RE DETAILS Check one: 19 Detached single level/single tenant O Single level/multi tenant O Multi level/single tenant O Multi level/multi tenant Age of structure: Is structure currently If not occupied, how long has it been vacant? 15 RS occupied? Yes No Yr. Mo. 1,r_zs N t' fZ Square footage: Basement: First: yn Mezzanine: Second: Third: Is the structure ed? Heating type: Circle one: I Circle one: Ye $en No Electric Li uid Pro ane ural Ga Oil Type of heat: Circe one: urna Heat Pump Electric baseboard or wall mount Radiant Will there be any changes to the following? Circle yes or no, if applicable: Floor lay-out: Yes � Lighting: Yes o Heating: Yes Exterior Finishes: Yes Interior Finishes: Yes Parkin : Yes No Auur I=+It�s Number of restrooms provided: Number of fixtures in eachV 1 _ Is structure handicap accessible? Circle one Yes No Is the structure equipped with a fire sprinkler system? Yes o Fire alarm system? Yes No Monitoring Station Name: rJ Phone number: APPLICAT10N W,,11L.L C3T;BE ACCEII TE©WLir dll T; 1. Floor Plan(5 sets): • Draw the floor plan to scale Use of rooms • Room Dimensions • Location of all exits and windows (include dimensions) • Location of plumbing and mechanical fixtures • Interior doors with swing radius 2. Site Plan(5 sets): Note scale used • Property lines, easements, &right of ways • Location of all existing structures&dimensions • Distance, in feet,from property line&structures • Landscape buffer yards • On-site sewage tanks and drain fields, &reserve • Well location • Location of fire hydrants&vehicle access roads • Parking areas number&arrangement) 3. Septic records,pumper's report or O&M report. 4. Fees will be collected at time of submittal ffiCiaf Use :Ong Accepted b __________ Date____ _ Submittal Amount$___________ Receipt number_________ Department Review Initials Date Comments Building Environmental Health Fv_4 oq- b V Fire Marshal Planning Public Works Occupancy Change? (circle one) Yes Type of construction—V-Nn 3_c�V ioe_ P ��22 Occupancy classification change from_L___ to--13__ Occupant load calculated:—_--..�____ persons Existing occupant load design i g_—persons. Land Use Designation:_—_____—_______ Occupancy Classification:__—BL I V COM MASON COUNTY _ - "�'� CHANGE IN TENANT APPLICATION Complete the Change in Tenant Application and return with a floor plan,site plan,septic pumper's report,septic records and fee to the Mason County Permit Center, P.O. Box 186,Shelton,WA 98584. Evaluation of the Change in Tenant Application will involve staff members from the Building, Fire Marshal, Environmental Health, Planning and Public Works offices who will identify compliance requirements, This application is intended for tenant change only, If construction or remodeling is proposed or required a building Permit will be necessary. Upon approval the permit will be issued to the applicant/tenant. After the permit is issued,schedule an inspection by calling(360)427-7262. Upon satisfactory inspection a Certificate of Occupancy will be issued and must be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises. Date: I pp Assessor's Parcel Number: a 3 3 g So 00 S Legal Description: aCo0,4 3(1 r Building Site Address: ;Lg`1 r � Method of sewage disposal: ®( Septic O Sewer-name of district: Water source: O Individual Well O Community Well &.Public System, name of system: 41 Q R j ¢� Name of Applicant: © r R0, Box 3l6 Mailing address: p,p t3m 19ala r ri<w, fir, City: State: WA Zip: Cl gar Day phone�3�—yq(o�{ Contact Person:M Message phone:3&0_ `�-3• cam, ',�_ � -_ mProposed business name: C44 PEA 1.f-5 i Proposed use: 'Qvs car-�c Number of employees: Previous business name: r Describe previous use: [ivs►s S S.S r� 7777 Check one: 9 Detached single level/single tenant O Single level/multi tenant O Multi level/single tenant O Multi level/multi tenant Age of structure: Is structure currently If not occupied, how long has it been vacant? J 5 VrLs. occupied? Yes No Yr. Mo. Lrss Square footage: I Basement: First: Mezzanine: Second: Third: Is the structureheated? Heating type: Circle one: Circle one: Ye $en No Electric Liquid Propane ral Ga Oil Type of heat: Circe one: urn Heat Pump Electric baseboard or wall mount Radiant Will there be any changes to the following? Circle yes or no,if applicable: Floor lay-out: Yes fo Lighting: Yes o Heating: Yes Exterior Finishes: Yes (20 Interior Finishes: Yes 6D Parking: Yes No Acrv+,+,'r F,9ALess Number of restrooms provided: j I Number of fixtures in each L4 1 ek _ Is structure handicap accessible? Circle one Yes No Is the structure equipped with a fire sprinkler system? Yes Qo Fire alarm system? Yes No Monitoring Station Name: N A Phone number: 1. Floor Plan(5 sets): • Draw the floor plan to scale • Use of rooms • Room Dimensions • Location of all exits and windows(include dimensions) • Location of plumbing and mechanical fixtures • Interior doors with swing radius 2. Site Plan(5 sets): Note scale used • Property lines, easements,&right of ways • Location of all existing structures&dimensions • Distance, in feet,from property line&structures • Landscape buffer yards • On-site sewage tanks and drain fields,&reserve • Well location • Location of fire hydrants&vehicle access roads • Parking areas number&arrangement) 3. Septic records,pumper's report or O&M report. 4. Fees will be collected at time of submittal . x w �w< Accepted b Date, ____ Submittal Amount$_ Receipt number ' Department Review Initials Date Comments f Building' F Z00 - � Z Environmental Health Ea40q- OOV 1 1 L74 2A, i Fire Marshal s Planning l ' Public Works i Occupancy Change? (circle one) Yes Type of construction V���� [- Occupancy classification change from�_ to�_ Occupant load calculated:_ . persons Existing occupant load design_12persons. Land Use Designation: Occupancy Classification:��_� 2 " COM�Q MASON COUNTY CHANGE IN TENANT APPLICATION Complete the Change in Tenant Application and return with a floor plan,site plan,septic pumper's report,septic records and fee to the Mason County Permit Center, P.O. Box 186,Shelton,WA 98584. Evaluation of the Change in Tenant Application will involve staff members from the Building, Fire Marshal, Environmental Health, Planning and Public Works offices who will identify compliance requirements. This application is intended for tenant change only. If construction or remodeling is proposed or required a building permit will be necessary. Upon approval the permit will be issued to the applicant/tenant. After the permit is issued,schedule an inspection by calling(360)427-7262. Upon satisfactory inspection a Certificate of Occupancy will be Issued and must be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises. Date: 1:1 I 0400 q I Assessor's Parcel Number: 3 3 3 01 so 000S1 Legal Description: g(o U 36 r r ` t Building Site Address: ggj,51 u r� Method of sewage disposal: 4111. Septic O Sewer—name of district: Water source: O Individual Well O Community Well &Public System, name of system: Q, � i5r, ri Name of Applicant: © pro. Qox 31.6 Mailing address: P,O` a v i 04%w S5y City: State: WA zip: `IC/5 $ Day phone:337-Li q(o 211 Contact Person:l'4�� Message phone:3&O_,a7 - Proposed business name: C)t4 P40fjl F 5 W 1 Proposed use: �VS11�s ag000l Number of employees: Previous business name: A 1KtK.4,L- , Describe previous use: 13VS1fjCAs Check one: 9 Detached single level/single tenant O Single level/multi tenant O Multi level/single tenant O Multi level/multi tenant Age of structure: Is structure currently If not occupied, how long has it been vacant? 15 qks, occupied? Yes No Yr. Mo. Lrss Square footage: I Basement: IFirst: Mezzanine: Second: Third: Is the structurem5r� d? Heating type: Circle one: Circle one: YeNo Electric Liquid Pro ane ral Ga Oil Type of heat: Circe one: urn Heat Pump Electric baseboard or wall mount Radiant Will there be any changes to the following? Circle yes or no,If applicable: Floor lay-out: Yes 10 Lighting: Yes o Heating: Yes Exterior Finishes: Yes CW interior Finishes: Yes Parkin :Yes No Ac v*.,r F44X L1 s Number of restrooms provided: Number of fixtures in each j L4V, 1 4k, _ Is structure handicap accessible? Circle one Yes No Is the structure equipped with a fire sprinkler system? Yes eLo Fire alarm system? Yes No Monitoring Station Name: 0 A Phone number: l 1. Floor Plan(5 sets): • Draw the floor plan to scale • Use of rooms • Room Dimensions • Location of all exits and windows(include dimensions) • Location of plumbing and mechanical fixtures • Interior doors with swing radius 2. Site Plan(5 sets): Note scale used • Property lines, easements,&right of ways • Location of all existing structures&dimensions • Distance, in feet,from property line&structures • Landscape buffer yards • On-site sewage tanks and drain fields,&reserve • Well location • Location of fire hydrants&vehicle access roads • Parking areas number&arrangement) 3. Septic records,pumper's report or O&M report. 4. Fees will be collected at time of submittal Accepted by Date_____ Submittal Amount$ Receipt number Department Review Delte Comments Building t 21 F zoo L, Environmental Health ��01. '� � Fire Marshal Planning ` Public Works Occupancy Change? (circle one) Yes Type of construction -N-Xxfjy-i�-, L n Occupancy classification change from�_ to___�__ Occupant load calculated:_ 1 g persons Existing occupant load design ( persons. Land Use Designation: Occupancy Classification: _____ 1 )