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Envelope Summary - COM Letters / Memos
1994 Washington State Nonresidpintini Fnimrrvii Code Com /dance Form 1994 Washington State Nonress0enbal Eneryy Code Comphancs Forms • - • April,190t Project Info Project Address 7-q D S, partment Use YS2-e Applicant Name: Applicant Address: PO• ix ifs Gc N t✓AjTF Applicant Phone: Project Descri Lion ❑ New Building ❑Addition ❑Alteration ❑ Change of Use Compliance Option Jol Prescriptive ❑ Component Performance ❑ ENVSTD (See Decision Flowchart(over)for qualifications) ❑ Systems Analysis S ace Heat Ty a Electric resistance 80m Od All other (see over for definitions) Total Glazing Area Glazing Area Calculation (rough opening) (vertical 8 overhd Gross Exterior Note:Below grade walls may be included in the ) divided by Wall Area times 100 equals %Glazing Gross Exterior Wall Area if they are insulated to 9 the level required for opaque walls. 9- " �T _ iZ a,33 X 100 = Qt °l'o Concrete/Masonry Option ❑Check here if using this option and if project meets all requirements for the Concrete/AAasonry Option, gee Decision Flowchart(over)for qualifications. Enter requirements for each qualifying assembly in the table below. Envelope Requirements(enter values as applicable) fInsulation que Concrete/Masonry Wall Requirements Fully heated/cooled space lation on interior-maximum U-factor is 0.19 Minimum/nsula6on R-values on exterior or integral-maximum U-factor Is 0.25 Roofs Over Attic roject qualifies for Concrete/Masonry Option,list walls All Other Roofs with HC>_9.0 Btu/R'•'F below(other walls must meet Opaque Walls Opaque Wall requirements). Use descriptions and values from Table 20-5b in the Code. Below Grade Walls Wall Description U-factor Floors Over Unconditioned Space — (including insulation R-value&position) Slabs-on-Grade Radiant Floors 1 Maximum U-/actors Opaque Doors u Vertical Glazing Overhead Glazing Maximum SHGC(or SC) VerticaVOverhead Glazing �• Semi-heated space*- Minimum/nsula6on R-values Roofs Over Semi-Heated Spaces' 'Refer to Section 1310 for qualifications and requirements Notes: 1994 Washin ton State Nonresidential Enercm Code Com liance Form ,Envelope • . - Zo 1 ENV-SUM ne 1994 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compiance Forms April,1994 Decision Flowchart Use this flowchart to determine if project qualifies for the optional Prescriptive Option. for Prescriptive Option If not,either the Component Performance or Systems Analysis Options must be used. 1302 Space Heat Type:For the purpose of determining building envelope Elecb Resistance:Space heating systems which use electric resrstanee elements as the nma heats s including baseboard,radiant and forced an units requirements,the following two categories compose all space heating types' P 7 n9 Y�ef^ n9 Other.All other space heating systems including gas,solid fuel,oil,and propene ( start J where the total electric resistance heat capacity exceeds 1 0 WIW of the gross space heating systems and those systems listed in the exception to electric conditioned floor area. Exception:Heat pumps and terminal electric resistance resistance. (continued at right) , heating in.vanable au volume distribution systems. Electnc Resistance no Heat? Yes i All Masonry i Masonry walls R-11 --*,Wall Cntena OK2 all Cntena OK?>EJ, walls R-19 > ,insulation? 'no (below),,-' Yes yes\(lxNow) . no `iftsulation?Z Yes.. "01 0 no Yes <40%� Y <25% \ l <20% ' <2 '> Glaiirg?: E no lazing%' lazing�-- �Gtazin9�,b no »,= r y Y� All Insulation Installed? i All insulation'instated? All Insulation Installed? All Insulation Installed? Opaque Walls R-11 Opaque Walls R-11 Opaque Walls R-19 Opaque Walls R-19 Below grade walls(ext) R-10 Masonry walls(int) U-0.19 Masonry wells(int) U-0.19 Below grade walls(ad) R-10 Below grade walls(otter)R-11 Masonry walls(other) U-0.25 Masonry walls(other) U-0.25 Below grade walls(othr)R-19 Roofs over attics R-30 Below grade walls(ext) R-10 Below grade walls(ad) R-10 Roofs over attics R-38 All other roofs R-21 Below grade walls(othr)R-11 Below grade walls(otter)R-19 All other roofs R-30 Floors over uncond.sp. R-19 Roofs over attics R-30 Roofs over attics R-38 Floors over uncond. R-30 Stabs-on-grade R-10 All other roofs R-21 All other roofs R-30 Slabs-on-grade R-10 Radiant floors R-10 Floors over uneond.sp. R-19 Floors over uncond. R-30 Radiant floors R-10 Opaque doors U-0.60 Stabs-on-grade R-10 Slabs-on-grade R-10 Opaque doors U-0.60 Radiant floors R-10 Radiant floors R-10 Glazing Criteria Met? Opaque doors U-0.60 Opaque doors U-0.60 Glazing Criteria Met? Glazing Vert OH Glazing Criteria Met? Grazing Criteria Met? Glazing Vert OH Area% U U SHGC i Area% U U SHGC 00.15% 0.90 1.15 1.00 Glazing Vert OH Glazing Vert OH 00.20% 0.40 0.80 1.00 15.20% 0.75 1.40J.45 .00 Area% U U SHGC Area% U U SHGC 20.30% 0.60 1.30 .65 00.15% 0.90 1.45 1.00 00.20% 0.40 0.80 1"00 yes no 30-4M 0.50 1.25 15.20% 0.75 1.40 1.00 20-30% 0.60 1.30 0.65 yes no no yes 3040% 0.50 1.25 0.45 ra yes Prescriptive Path Allowed Component Performance a Systems Analysis Required Concrete/Masonry Option* Wall Heat Capacity (HC) *If the area weighted heat Assembly Description Assy.Tag HC' Area(sf) HC x Area capacity(HC)of the total above grade wall is a minimum of 9.0, the Concrete Masonry option may be used. **For framed walls,assume HC=1.0 unless calculations are provided;for all other walls,use Totals Section 2009• Area weighted HC:divide total of(HC x area)by Total Area 1994 WasTilin t n State rvonresiden"ai Ener " C'2) a/zP� _ Code Com liance Form taw WasAmgtcn State Nonres,denbal Energy code Cornpbanp Forms °�ect Address Apr".taw Project Info Pr N Date /2^7^ -1-y For Building Department Use Applicant Name: APPIicant Address: A pplicant Phone: G f.0 Project Description ❑ New Building ❑Addition ❑Alteration ❑ Change of Use Compliance OptionPrescriptive ❑ Component Performance ❑ ENVSTD ❑ Systems(See Decision Flowchart(over)for qualifications) Anatysis S ace Heat Ty e p Electric resistance All other (see over for definitions) Total Glazing Area Glazing Area Calculation (rough opening) Note:Below grade walls may be included in the (vertical&overhd) Gross Exterior divided by Gross Exterior Wall Area if they are insulated to Wall Area times 100 equals X Glazing the level required for opaque walls. ! �C) �^ Concrete/Masonry Option ❑Check here if using this option and if project meets all requirements for the ConcreleANasonry Option. gee Decision Flowchart(over)for qualifications. Enter requirements for each qualifying assembly in the table bebw. Envelope Requirements(enter values as applicable) Opaque Concrete/Masonry Wall Requirements Fully heated/cooled space Insulation on interior-maximum U-factor is 0.19 Roo Over Attic Minimum Insulation R-values Insulation on exterior or integral-maximum U-factor is 0.25 (s y If project qualifies for Concrete/Masonry Option,list walls All Other Roofs with HC>_9.0 Stu/R'•'F below(other walls must meet Opaque Walls /y Opaque Wall requirements). Use descriptions and values Below Grade Walls from Table 20-5b in the Code. _ Wall Description U-factor Floors Over Unconditioned Space "'— (including insulation R-value 8 position) Slabs-on-Grade ho Radiant Floors Maximum U-/actors Opaque Doors Vertical Glazing ~ t to 410 Overhead Glazing Maximum SHGC(or Sc) Vertical/Overhead Glazing SemPheated space, Minimum Insulation R-values Roofs Over Semi-Heated Spaces* 'Refer to Section 1310 for qualifications and requirements Notes: 1994 Washin ton State Nonresidential Energy-Code Comclliance, Form • • - • . Zone 1 ENV-SUM 1994 WasMrpmn Stan Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forma April,1994 Decision Flowchart Use this flowchart to determine if project qualifies for the optional Prescriptive Option. for Prescriptive Option If not,either the Component Performance or Systems Analysis Options must be used. I W2 space Heat Type'For the purpose of determining budding envelope Elect7lc Resistance:Space healing systems which use electric resistance elements -' as the prima hdati s including baseboard.radiant and forced au units requrremertts.the following two categories compose all space healing types: primary n9 Yarn n9 Other:All other space heabng systems including gas,solid tuel,al,and propane ( Start where the total electric resistance heat capacity eaeeeds 1 0 WIR'of the gross space heating systems and those systems listed in the exception to electric condrboned floor area. Fxeepbon:Heat pumps and terminal electric resistance resistance. (continued at right) heating in variable au yofume distribution systems. Electric ' �- Resistance no Heat` Yes All 'Masonry Masonry ... /� All walls R-11 30-Vall Criteria OK?. all Cntena OK?}E-�, walls R-19 �4psutabon?. 'no (below) Yes Yes below) no •Nrnsulat)W� yes 1 no Y j no yes tlaZrng?.1 no E � �Claang// . •Clazingy�" r�T Yes yes yea I I An Insulabon Installed? I All insulation installed? ALL Insulation Installed? All Insulation Installed? Opaque Walls R-11 I Opaque Walls R-11 Opaque Walls R-19 Opaque Walls R-19 Below grade walls(ext) R-10 Masonry walls lint) U-0.19 Masonry walls(int) U-0.19 Below grade walls(eid) R-10 (Below grade walls(othr)R-11 Masonry walk(other) U-0.25 Masonry waits(other) U-0.25 Below grade wogs(othr)R-19 Roofs over attics R-30 I Below grade walls(ext) R-10 Below grade walls(ext) R-10 Roofs over attics R-38 flAll other roofs R-21 Below grade walls(othr)R-11 Below grade walls(otter)R-19 All other roofs R-30 Floors over uncond.sp. R-19 Roofs over attics R-30 Roofs over attics R-38 Floors over uncond. R-30 Stabs-on-grade R-10 01,other roofs R-21 All other roofs R-30 S abs on grade RAI Radiant floors R-10 Floors over uncond.sp. R-19 Floors over uncond. R-30 Radiant floors R-10 Opaque doors U-0.60 Slabs-on-grade R-10 Slabs-on-grade R-10 Opaque doors U-0.60 Radiant floors R-10 Radiant floors R.10 Glazing Criteria Met? Opaque doors U-0 60 Opaque doors U-0.60 Glazing Criteria Met? Glazing Vert OH Glazing Criteria Met? Grazing Crttena Met? Glazing Vert OH Area% U U SFIGC Area% U U SHGC 00.15% 0.90 1.45 1.00 Glazing Vert OH Glazing Vert OH 00-20% 0.40 0.80 1.00 15-20% 0.75 1.40 1.00 Area% U U SHGC Area% U U SHGC 20.30% 0.60 1.30 0.65 00-15%'0.90 1.45 1.00 00-20% 0.40 0.80 1.00 yes no 304M 0.50 1.25 0.45 15-20% 0.75 140 1.00 20-30% 0.60 1.30 0.65 yes no no yes 3G 40% 0.50 1.25 0.45 no yes Prescriptive Path AJIoweC Component Performance or Systems Analysis Required Concrete/Masonry Option* Wall Heat Capacity (HC) weighted edh weigh heat Assembly Description Assy.Tag HC" Area(so HC x Area capacity(HC)of the total above grade wall is a minimum of 9.0, the Concrete Masonry Option may be used. **For framed walls,assume HC=1.0 unless calculations are provided;for all other walls,use Totals Section 2009. Area weighted HC:divide total of(HC x area)by Total Area 1994 Washin ton State Nonresidential Ener Code Com liance Fo 1 /7 (rm 1994 Washington State 4onresidenhal Energy Code Compliance Forms ADnI 1094 Project Info Project Address Date p COVIV '01, For Building Department Use . 4 PS2r Applicant Name: at 004.) ,f Applicant Address: , Po,A. S Lt Applicant Phone: O Z`75''(sOD Project Description Briefly describe mechanical system type and features. Compliance Option Simple System ❑ Complex System ❑ Systems Analysis (See Decision Flowchart(over)for qualifications) Equipment Schedules The following information is required to be incorporated with the mechanical equipment schedules on the plans. For projects without plans,fill in the required information below. Cooling"Equipment Schedule 041 Equip. OSA CFM SEER ID Brand Name' Model No.' Capacity Total CFM Econo or EER IPLV' Location Heating E ui ment Schedule Sn& ATrokw Equip. OSA cfm ID Brand Name' Model No.' CapacityZ Total CFM Econo Input Btuh Output Stuh Efficiency' Fan-Equipment Schedule Equip. ID Brand Name' Model No.' CFM SP' HP/BHP Flow Controls Location of Service 'If available. 2 As tested according to Table 14-1, 142 or 14-3. 3 If required. 'COP, HSPF,Combustion Efficiency,or AFUE,as applicable. 5 Flow control types:VAV,constant volume,or variable speed. 1994 Washin ton State Nonresidential Ener Code Com fiance Form Mechanical Surnmary (back) MECH-SUM 1994 washin9bn Sub En*W Cod.Con"anc.Fame - Apr.1994 If Heating/Cooling ❑Constant Vol? ❑Air cooled? Q Packaged Sys? ❑-54,000 Stuh? System Description See Section 1421 for full description of or Cooling Only: Split system? ❑ Economizer included? Simple System qualifications. If Heating Only: 5000 cfm? ❑<70%outside .air? Decision Flowchart Use this flowchart tQ determine if project qualifies for Simple System Option. If not,either the Complex System or Systems Analysis Options must be used. Start eating/Cooing Cooin -,Constant-,or System Type or Cooling Only �J(olume� no yes Heating Only Air Cooled? <5000 cfm? \\ /no e yes yes no Reference 1 Sec. 1421 Ffackage �ystem?�'no <70%OA �` yes no' �54,000 Bt4t, Split no r 1900 cfm,?/ System7 no yes' yes (includes) I Econo? =Secl 54,000 Btu no yes r 1900 cfm no ye� Simple System Allowed (#Refe,,ence 420 Use Complex Reference System Sec. 1430 Complex Systems Refer to MECH'-COMP Mechanical Complex Systems for assistance in determining which Complex Systems requirements are applicable to this project. 5117 BUILT-IN COUNTER FLOW ELECTRIC WALL HEATERS e ,F r UL E BtiILTI tEGTR(C V1/ALL s rFEATUR r i EZT609 L i f =��1. r ,�'.fiea�clu"fyr�sttse4�Frnnsd rnetaL'�� � I �` 1� •;Burlt`tn fan detayi:svrettrh eosrg�zas = �u 1 - ��� wh� fort motor,orrlp cfl'b�elernents tares:.-ram 4 ••+Integral►Fiarmostat for 'tr .......... �r ;uistallahon ' 9wie�cyf =` er Mbfors tars fofol ^` 1 encloset3 Dfo 31�P �, Bronzs brown fiotsh =��-'` trt'P�Q�e P rot' t'&' ff' erma �" - ' Nd SET76< _�� `nenH lu6rttatedibeanng3-p , :. y`. �Q ' , ) •F EoR use•rri ap Ir<chorrrvvFers P rr, i A Nava a whetts flntsh � � r t errargy management is ertheol>an�# � r a-"` No SET7T ' M . acts a a eletereent to vandalrsraa st 3UP^S8 (A] TAMPER-RESISTANT HEATERS •�-• "�'` '--•�''�`•_•-• •�-•-•..3.�x.,,�.;. ARCHITECTURAL /COMMERCIAL GRADE HEATERS Tamper-resistant, commercial-grade construction Highly styled design is ideal for supplementary heating of offices, reception features are ideal for small entryways,lobbies,cor- rooms, game rooms, family rooms and similar light-duty commercial and resi- ridors, stairwells, rest rooms, churches, schools, dential applications. Rugged stamped steel front covers attractively finished in offices, stores and other public buildings where Navajo White baked enamel with a brushed gold and silver trimmed face plate. supplementary heat is required. Integral thermo- Hole plugs provided for tamper-resistant installations. Separate tamper resis- stat is tamper-resistant and adjustable only by tant front cover, in Navajo White finish available for Nos. 3UF59 thru 3UF63, inserting narrow blade screwdriver through front Nos. 3UF59 thru 3UF63 have a built-in fan only switch. Nos. 3L'F60, 3UF61, bar grille of heater. Permanently lubricated totally 3UF59, 3UF62, and 3UF63 grille dimensions are 19'h H x 15s/, W x 1t/: 1, enclosed fan motor provides long life and low Openings are l8t/.,H x 14%W x 33/4 D. No. 3UF58 grille dimensions are 14T/s H x maintenance;gently distributes or ry h warm air 11'%W x i'/s D;Opening is 12%H x 9th W x 3'h D.QMark brand. throughout room area. Contemporary heavy-duty 16-gauge steel bar grille available in bronze brown SURFACE MOUNTING FRAMES baked enamel finish and satin fin frame or Navajo white unit and ished aluminum No.4TM74.Surface Mounfing frame. frame. Recess 3UF63.Shpg.wt.2.0.List..............................................Q,btark brand(C WHS�Used with 3UF58 th S5 h mounts in standard 2" x 4" stud walls. HousingEach...................................... 5EI88 ................................................... 36. measure ................................................................................................$d3 OS (Bronze sBro/wn)sW xor8 o No. 5E189 (Navajo White 9 Q-Mark brand No 4TM75 Surface Mounting Frame. (FZSM)used with 3UG12,3UG13 and frames for surface mounting applications. 3UG14 on page 3385.Shpg.wt.2.0.List.........................................................................$44 02 Each...................................................... . $3 SURFACE MOUNTING FRAMES No.3UF66.Surface Mounting Frame.Frame extends 3 3/4".Q-Mark brand(CWH M11M). FOR TAMPER-RESISTANT HEATERS Shpg,wt.2.0 lbs.List...................................For surface installation on brick, concrete block, $65.43. Each............................................. .. wood, and plaster walls. Frame extends 33/ie". No.3UF64,Surface Mounting Frame I"Deep surface m.ou..nt.i.ng sleeve for se........mi_ $42,85 .... ................... ......... Screws and mounting hardware included. recessed installation.Q-Mark brand(CWH3S-1). No.5E188, Bronze brown frame.Q-Mark brand(AWH- Shpg.wt 2.0 lbs.List........................ .......... . �.Shpg.wt.4.0 lbs.List$56.27.Each.................$45.10 Each................................................. . ..No,5E189.Navajo white frame.Q-Mark brand(FRA- No.3UF65.Surface Mounting Frame.2"Deep Surface mounting sleeve for semi- .$42.8542.85 SM)•Shpg.wt.4.0 lbs.List$56.27.Each..................$45.10 recessed installation.Q-Mark brand(CWH3S-2).Shpg.wt.2.0 lbs.l.ist...................$55.43. Each...................................................... . ....................................... No.3UG58.Security Front Cover.For Nos.3UF59 through 3UF63 and 3UG55 through 3UG57(sold on page 3473.)14-Gauge steel,Navajo White finish.Q,Mazk brand FC).Shpg.wt.6.0lbs.List...............................................................................................585S- Each...................................................... $5527. . .................................... Heater Key Description Watts BtuH Volts Enamel Q Mark Stock S__p 60Hr Amps Finish Model No. Ust Each r. 1500 5 1205120 277 5.5 Brown AWH4157 SE178 t437.00 $318.00 26.0 1500 6842 277 5.5 White AWH4157MG SE177 2000 6842 208 10.0 Brown AWH4208 SE178 433'00 318,00 25.0 2000 6842 208 10.0 White AWH4208MG SE178 433.00 318.00 25.0 2000 6842 240 8.5 Brown AWH 1204 5E180 4M1)0 318.00 25.0 A Tamper-Resistant 2000 6842 240 8.5 White AWH4204MG SEI81 433'00 318.00 26,0 4W0 433.00 318.00 25.0 l3,660 208 19.5 Brown AWH-4408 SE182 49.5.84 383.73 26.0 4000 13,650 208 19.5 White AWH-4408MG SE183 495.84 363.75 25.0 40W 13,660 240 16.7 Brown ArVH 4404 SE184 44�4000 13,650 240 16.7 White AWH-4t04MG SE185 495.84 363.495.84 74 ,p 13,650 277 14.5 Brown AWH-H07 SE186 496.84 363.73 13660 277 14.5 White AWH-r407NG 5E187 49684 383,75 210 J30'1t11111I1Q611 8b 119;:+1�1#q 7; 68SV4Z<> fyt tom'. g Architectural/ 1 0239/13.652 208/240 N.c/169 .E 3UF60 3843; Commercial Grade 10239/13,652 240/277 1^_.a✓I4.5 White CWH3407 250.80 22.0 41( 3000 10,239 277 10.8 White CWH3307 3UF61 364.54 250.50 22.0 3600/4800 10,287/16.382 208/240 17.3r20.0 White CWH3.504 3UF59 364.SJ 250.50 22.0 3600/4800 12,287/16,382 240/277 I5.0/17.3 White CHW3507 3UF62 2SO.50 22.0 3UF63 364.5! 250.50 22.0 ZION'S CAMP P.O. Box 945 Allyn, Washington 98524 (360) 275-6601 S17 ��- ' ' MODEL GAS-FIRED, POWER-VENTED, FAN-TYPE UNIT HEATER FOR FE COMMERCIAUINDUSTRIAL USE pESIG,y ,,%Mc. STANDARD FEATURES 3 • Orifices for natural gas o il, ° Aluminized steel heat exchanger "ATIF1 Aluminized steel burner rack with stainless steel insert ANSI Z83.8 Spark-ignited intermittent safety pilot with electronic flame supervision Single-stage combination gas valve 115/1/60 supply voltage 115 volt fan motor with internal overload protection Fan and limit safety controls "��"°�`° Differential air pressure switch to verify vent flow CAN/CGA 2.6 Energy cutoff(ECO)device 24-volt control voltage transformer DESCRIPT'Of'� Factory-installed power venter Individually adjustable horizontal louvers Reznor®Series 100, Model FE gas-fired unit heaters Full safety fan guard are designed for 80%thermal efficiency and were devel- Terminal strip connector for 24-volt field wiring oped to provide an annual fuel use improvement of up to Convenient bottom burner access 25%when compared with gravity-vented unit heaters.The 2-point 3/8"-16 threaded hanger connections use of a factory-installed power venter,with metered com- Vent cap(C.G.A.only) bustion air, limits burner flue losses while reducing vent OPTIONAL FEATURES - Factory Installed pipe size.A sealed flue product collection chamber(in place of the draft diverter on a gravity-vented unit), reduces the Equipped for propane gas loss of dilution air from the room in both the on and off Equipped for high altitude (2001 9000 ft) cycles. E-3 (409) stainless steel heat exchanger and burner Two-stage gas control(50%low fire) -Sizes 75-400 The Model FE unit heaters use either natural or pro- Spark ignited, intermittent safety pilot with timed lockout pane gas, as specified, in sizes from 25,000 through (required for propane gas) 400,000 BTUH gas input. These units are designed for Manual summer/winter switch ceiling suspension with propeller fans for air delivery. Burner air shutters Standard features on the Model FE Series include an 208 single phase supply voltage-Sizes 125-400 intermittent spark pilot and a single-stage,24-volt gas valve. 230 single phase supply voltage-Sizes 100-300 A terminal strip connector facilitates field connection to a Totally enclosed 115V motor remote 24-volt thermostat for automatic operation. Each Low ambient fan control relay unit is provided with a fan control and all required limit ACCESSORIES - Field Installed safety controls, including an energy cutoff (ECO) device Vertical louvers and a combustion air pressure switch that verifies proper Downturn air nozzle, 25-65°or 50-900 variable air deflector vent flow before allowing operation of the gas valve. range(includes 4-point suspension kit) See page 35 These units are design-certified by the American Gas Thermostat and relay kits Association (A.G.A.) and approved by the Canadian Gas Air recirculation kits-See page 33 Association(C.G.A.)and display either the A.G.A.or C.G.A. Manual summer/winter switch label.C.G.A. units include a vent cap;A.G.A. units do not Multiple heater control include a vent cap but require use of a Reznor®optional 4-point suspension kit vent cap or equivalent. Unit-mounted.thermostat bracket Vent cap(A.G.A.) Step down transformer 230/115 or 460/115-See page 33 WARNING:Gas-fired appliances are not designed for Burner air shutters use in hazardous atmospheres containing flammable Low ambient fan control relay kit vapors or combustible dust, or atmospheres Hanger kit to suspend from 1"pipe(2 or 4 point suspension) containing chlorinated or halogenated hydrocarbons. Single-stage and two-stage thermostats Installations in public garages or airplane hangars Thermostat guard with locking cover are permitted when in accordance with ANSI Z223.1 Manual shutoff valve and union and NFPA 54 Codes or CAN1-B149 Codes and Gas conversion kit enforcing authorities. NOTE: Not certified for residential use. ' NOTE: Regulated combination redundant gas valve consists of combination pilot solenoid valve, electric gas valve, pilot filter, pressure regulator, pilot shutoff, and manual shutoff, all in one body.Gas supply pressure must not exceed 0.5 �( w.c.).Minimum inlet pressure for natural gas is 5"w.c.;minimum inlet pressure for propane gas is 11"w.c. 1-MI NUP Page 6 P.O. Box 945 Allyn, Washington 98524 (360) 275-6601 ZION'S CAMP TECHNICAL DATA - Model FE P.O. Box 945 Allyn, Washington 98524 i 275-6601 Size 25 50 75 100 125 - -_165 200 250 300 400 BTUH Input 25,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 125,000 165,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 400,000 Aff BTUH Thermal Output 80% ' 20,000 40,000, 60 000 80,000 100,000 132,0001 160,000 200,000 240 000 320,000 Vent Diameter inches 4 4 4 4 5 5 1 5 5 6 6 Gas Connection - Natural Gas" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1 1/2" 1/2" 1 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" Control Amps 24-volt 0.55 1 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.65 1 0.65 Full-Load Amps 115 volt 1.9 2.2 2.8 3.9 4.0 5.9 5.9 3.3 4.8 7.8 Normal Consumption watts 100 135 180 235 245 350 375 355 450 640 Throw at 8'Mounting Height— 35' 39' 48' 60' 73' 78' 85' 96' 108, 120' Motor HP"" Standard 1/50 1/35 1/15 1/30 1/30 1/20 1/20 1/6 1/4 1/2� Optional Enclosed - 1/15 1/15 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/6 1/6 1/2 1/2 Motor RPM 1550 1550 1550 1050 1050 1050 1 1050 850 850 850 Fan Diameter inches 10 10 12 14 16 16 1 20 22 22 24 CFM 380 650 980 1250 1600 2200 2800 3360 3800 4940 Outlet Velocity FPM 423 853 1166 1358 1 1332 1100 1217 1182 1426 1420 Approximate Net Wt Ibs 76 83 92 101 132 154 175 209 226 281 Approximate Shipping Wt(Ibs) 93 100 111 122 1 155 177 201 237 254 316 `A.G.A.ratings for altitudes to 2000 ft.Above 2000 ft,de-rate by orifice change, 4%for each 1000 ft above sea level. 'C.G.A.ratings for altitudes to 2000 ft.High altitude units(2001-4500 ft) are de-rated by 10%of maximum input. "Gas connection for propane is 1/2"for all sizes.Sizes shown are for gas connection to a single-stage gas valve;NOT gas supply line size. "`See page 28 for additional mounting heights. ""All other information in this table is based on a heater equipped with a standard 115v motor.(The standard motor for a Model 25 is an enclosed motor;all other standard motors are open motors.Optional enclosed motors are available in 115v only.) DIMENSIONS (incises + or 1/8") SUSPENSION POINTS(2)or(4) 3/8-16 FEMALE THREAD C ELECTRIC SUPPLY CONNECTION SEE NOTE 1 24 B IG B I6 E G 4 M 0 D. VENTER OUTLET N FAN GUARD A K 11 It6 t T OPTIONAL FRONT VERTICAL 8 1 J L = GAS Connection LOUVERS D 44 REAR (NOT SUPPLY LINE SIZE) RIGHT SIDE Required Clearances Size A B C D E F G H J K L M N Top 6" Nat Pro I Flue Connector 6" ++ . 25 501 29-3/4 13-1/2 27 31-1/2 5-7/8 14-1/2 14 4 10 1/4 16 1/2 1/2 9 3/4 3 Sides 18" 75 1 29-3/41 15--112 27 31-1/2 5 7/8 14-1/2 14 4 10-1/2 16 1/2 1/2 10-1/2 3 Bottom 12" 100 29 3/41 17-1/21 30 1/2 31-1/2 5-7/8 14-1/2 14 4 12-7/8 16 1/2 1/2 10-1/2 3 125 1 29-3/41 23-1/4 30-1/2 31-1/2 5-7/8 1 14-1/2 14 5 14-1/2 16 1/2 1/2 11-1/2 2-5/8 (when supplied with optional 165 40 20-1/4 35-1/2 36 4-7/8 19-1/2 15-3/4 5 14-1/4 24 1/2 1/2 11-3/4 4-5/8 downturn nozzle, bottom clear- 200 1 40 123-1/4 36-1/4 36 4-7/8 19-1/2 15-3/4 5 14-3/8 24 1/2 1/2 11-3/4 4-5/8 anceis42").Forservicepurposes, 250 40 1 28-3/4 36-1/4 36 4-7/8 19-1/2 15-3/4 5 12-3/8 24 1/2 1/2 11-3/4 4-5/8 in standard units, bottom umcle is ance exceeding 12" minimum is 300 40 28-3/4 36-1/4 36 4-7/8 19-1/2 15-3/4 6 12-318 24 3/4 1/2 11-3/4 3-5/8 not required,but may be desirable. 400 1 40 37 37-1/4 36 4-7/8 19-1/2 15-3/4 6 13 24 3/4 1/2 11-3/4 3-5/8 Rear 24" SUSPENSION NOTES:1)Use dimension"G"for 2-point suspension and"E"and "F"for 4- For service purposes the back of point suspension. 2)Factory equipped with 2-point suspension;4-point is optional. the unit must have 24"clearance. Page 7 1994 Washin ton State Nonresidential Ener Code Com liance Form 01 P' • • Summary 1994 Washington Shte Nonresident a Energy Code Compliance Forms 4-1-111994 Project Info Project Address t Date For Building Department Use LOONtvE fkl Applicant Name: ? Applicant Address: Applicant Phone: Aed GC� .P.0 IH Project Description New Building ❑Addition ❑Alteration Compliance Option ❑ Prescriptive ❑ Lighting Power Allowance aspaces ystems=nais (See qualification Checklist(over). Indicate Prescriptive&LPAclearly os.) Alteration Exceptions ❑ No changes are being made to the lighting (check appropriate box) ❑ Less than 60%of the fixtures are new,and installed lighting wattage Is not being increased Maximum Allowed Lighting Wattage (Interior) Sj5,6 Location Allowed (floor400m no.) Occupancy Description Watts .. Wattssper ft Area in ft' Allowed x Area From Table 15-1 (over)-document all exceptions taken from footnotes Total Allowed Watts Proposed Li hting Wattage (Interior) (May not exceed Total Allowed Watts for Interior) Location Number of Watts/ Watts (floor/room no.) Fixture Descri tion P Fixtures Fixture Proposed Total Proposed Watts may not exceed Total Allowed Watts for Interior Total Proposed Watts Maximum Allowed Lighting Wattage (Exterior) TA:Ilowed Watts Areain R' Allowed Watts Location Descri lionCovered Parking P . or per If (or If for perimeter) x R2(or x If) 0.2 W/R' Open Parking 0.2 W/ft1 Outdoor Areas Bldg.(by facade) 0.2 W/ft20.25 W/ft2 Bldg.(by Perim) 7.5 W/If Note:for building exterior,choose either the facade area or the perimeter method,but not both) Total Allowed Watts Proposed Li htin Wattage (Exterior) (May not exceed Total Allowed Watts for Exterior),''$f 44.W7, 12 Number of Watts/ Waft Location Fixture Description Fixtures Fixture Proposed Total Proposed Watts may not exceed Total Allowed Watts for Exterior Total Proposed Watts 1994 Wastlin ton State Nonresidential Ener Code Com liance Form �Lighting (back) LTG-SUM 14§4 Washington state Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Apnl 1994 Prescriptive Spaces Occupancy ❑Warehouses,storage areas or aircraft storage hangers Other Qualification Checklist Lighting Fixtures: ❑ Check here if at least 95%of fixtures in the space meet all four criteria: Note:If occupancy type is"Other"and fixture answer is checked.the number of fixtures in .1 Fixtures are fluorescent,non-lensed,with only one or two lamps,and the space is not limited by Code. Clearly 2. Lamps are T-5,T-6,T-8 Qr PL,and 3. Lamps are 5 50 Watts,and indicate these spaces on plans. H not 1 qualified.do LPA Calculations. 4. Ballasts are electronic ballasts Table 15-1 Unit Lighting Power Allowance (LPA) for Interior Lighting LPA' LPA' Use' (W/tt) use' (wflle) Painting.welding,carpentry,machine shops 2.3 Police and fire stations° 1.2 Barbershops,beauty shops 2 Atria(atriums) 1 Hotel banquet/conference/exhibition hall'` 2 Assembly s acesg auditoriumsgymnasia",theaters Laboratories Process plants 1 Aircraft repair hangars 1.5 Restaurants/barss 1 Cafeterias,fast food establishments5 1. Retail A'0 1 Factories,workshops,handling areas 5 Retail Bt0 Retail bankinq1 Gas stations,auto repair shoP56 1.5 Locker and/or shower facilities 0• Institutions 1.5 Warehouses" stor a areas 0.5 s t.5 Aircraft store hangars 0.4 Libraries g.,S_e,%m 1532 Nursing homes 1.5 Parking garages Wholesale stores(pallet rack shelving) 1.5 Mall concourses 1.4 Plans Submitted for Conrnon Areas Only' Schools buildings,school classrooms,day care centers 1.35 Common area,corridors,lobbies(except mall concourse 0. Laundries 1.3 Toilet facilities and washrooms e Office buildings,office/administrative areas in facilities of other use types(including but not limited to schools, 1.2 hospitals,institutions,museums,banks,churches)°"' Footnotes for Table 15-1 I. In cases in which a use is not mentioned specifically,the Unit Power.-Illowance shall be determined by the building official.This determination shall be based upon the most comparable use specified in the table.See Section 1512 ror exempt areas. The watts per square loot may be increased.by two percent per foot ofeeiling height above twenty feet,unless specifically directed otherwise by subsequent tootnotes. t. Watts per square toot of room may be increased by two percent per loot of ceiling height above twelve feet. 4. For all other spaces_such as seating and common areas,use the Unit Light Power.•Illowance for assembly. 5 Watts per square loot of room may be increased by two percent per toot of eeiling height above nine feet. ti. Includes pump area under canopy. 7. In cases in which a lighting plan is submitted for only a portion ol'a floor,a Unit Lighting Power Allowance of 1.35 may be used for usable office floor area and 0.80 watts per square foot shall be used for the common areas,which may include elevator space,lobby area and rest rooms.Common areas.as herein defined do not include mall concourses. 9. l-or the tire engine room.the Unit Lighting Power Allowance is 1.0 watts per square toot. 9. For indoor sport tournament courts with adjacent spectator seating,the Unit Lighting Power Allowance for the court area is 2.6 watts per square foot. Itl. For both Retail A and Retail B.light for tree-standing display,building showcase illumination and display window illumination installed within two feet ofthe window are exempt Retail A allows a Unit Lighting Power Allowance of 1.0 watts per square foot. Ceiling mounted adjustable tungsten halogen and HID merchandise display illuminaries are exempt. Retail B allows a Unit Lighting Power Allowance of 1.5 watts per square loot,including all ceiling mounted merchandise display luminaries. if. Provided that a floor plan.indicating rack location and height,is submitted,the square rootage Ior a warehouse may be defined,for computing the interior Unit Lighting Power Allowance.as the floor area not covered by racks plus the vertical face area(access side only) of the racks. The height allowance defined in footnote 2 applies only to the floor area not covered by'racks. LU 3 x N � W W a A En F � � DE w VT 4 F A e _ Ilk ro a M m 00 X CAM T66 ) x 5 N M cJ Ally So 60152 3 Sent by: PACIFIC LIGHTING 2067268317) 02/03/99 11 :53AM;Jetrax #606;Page 310 W6m t-,n O twr h a Avrtlgc 111►itt>,ttta�t�btitKi 4lil let�ug? of lti,wa �� w. lUtUtl+Qt;r,!:r 11et1sfty 1>!'P)' 0 43 V'ra��11., l pry�i t 411g 12 33 patitrt�Crttq 1"zxd t ufQla 3 . ... t�t�l,a3pwt trig t 1::7 lS.fittrrlrld�l!'t��Yri�ltl��n��fa(�r��l (��13 N�i$y,,l? rrt�tl�r1+�r�+et ll�.El r;�I 2 Yi.'aq � Gnu �x��s D D D D D D 4.. D D D D U D U Room Characteristics Dirlumsions: X: 34.00 11 Rcllectancem: Ceiling: 0.6 Work 11Im1c I leight. 2.50 1t Y: 74,00 It Walls: 0.5 Tared UPD: 0.43 W/sq. it. 7.,: 10.0011 11wl; 0.2 1 argot Illuminance: 20.00 fc(avg) Luminaire !Characteristics Luminuire Description; Metwlux Sunccc W-232A Suspension Length 1.5011 C.U: 0.70 Light I.04:.1 Factor: 0.72 Lamp Description 32W T-S Rapid~tart Lamps/Luminaitc; 2 himp Lumens 2850 I1us Lamp Life. 20000 Ballast: ZION'S CAMP P.O. Box 945 Ballast Factor: i Allyn, Washington 98524 (360) 275-6601 Sent by: PACIFIC LIGHTING 20672683173 02/03/99 11 :52AM;fgtraX #606;Page 2��/' id -L r1 . Averegc(llurbttlenr��3btlalpd; (�old fctlivg� aflta�v t fi u>sa lifowt tUI'i a ?UNIsr�.:�. ;<duu� u.utg t2 �' g Cruccta. lxcact �f`tya�9 3 but 5pu�litg 1;1:,33. . : . l+�Itrnllrrctrre�r�tv�s,�lrle rZ{}�r8,fo(iy.��1..#I�13 F>ti'�6�.j.�r+�ars:lur�e►�t1,��+'tfA��'!��� _ Ll o ►w A zt µ P3 6-wA4-i FA tx1 �t D U D I D � 0 Room Characteristics D1111CINiURS: X: 34.0011 RLIILclunws: ceillllg: 0.6 Wot-L Plane 1leight: 2.50 It Y: 74-U0 R Walls: o.a 'lam UPD: 0.43 W/ul, 11, Z: 10.00 ft 111x1r; 0.2 Tulwl Illumitimcc 20.00 fc(avg) Labiair0 Characteristics 1-unlinuirc Deseriptiull: Metulux Surface W-232A Suspension Lengt11 1.50 11 Light Loss Factor 0.72 Lamp Description 32 W T-8 Rapid Stet i Lumps/Luminui.re 2 Lump Lwnviri. 2R54w)Ims Lump Life: 20000 Bullust: ZION'S CAMP 13allastt factor; I P.O. Box 945 Allyn, Washington 98524 (360) 275-6601 Sent t.y: PACIFIC LIGHTING 2067268317, 02/03/99 11 :56AM;JgtFax #606;Page 9/ff) Avo +�80 4 s�tvBr llW;i<iowataetstsy. 3 t)6 1f1se1 #t: Pnutg' 9.25 6ltrt+rr �rft�N ►1�viA� �, w OtS1 il'Ja »�rt�ts is s1 EI'C�p 3 ifs 18.50' 9.25 A5V 1r r 5. W 00, 10.0 ' U.JU' Room Cturacteristics Dimensiuns: X: 30.00 fl Itetlectancc;s: Ceiling: 0.6 Wurl; !'lure l lefght. 2.S011 Y. IH.50 tl Walls; 0.5 '1argot t11'I): 0.65 W/sy.11. L: 10.00 ft Fleur- 0.2 Turvt Illuminance 25.00 fe(avg) U—nAinaire Characteristics Lurninuire Description: Metalux Surrace W-232A Suspension Lengilr 1.5011 Cl 1: 0.51 Light Loss hactur 0.72 Lamp Description 32W T-N Rapid Sturt Lanrps/Lurnutuire 2 Lump Lumens: 2950 ImN Lu np Lift:: 20000 1:luilust; Ballast Factor- 1 ZION'S CAMP P.O. Box 945 Allyn, Washington 98524 (360) 275-6601 Sent by: PACIFIC, LIGHTING 2067268317; 02/03/99 11 :56AM;JetFaX #606;Page I/jv�� Ilya-q" ► Y1 �71tf�( r Q i> SAY j #�7� .bWl1 ,Unit I'att�i�t�rt�t�7.k'I.`l�1 ��►l.1�faq.li: . .: .. .;: 1�t;<4v�paatug: $41� Speisut�0xttn�M 4, tv1p�rKrtg 7:5t� 1 7iru btalx�a praWrk 9 fl[,� err ;i 4l 94.W/O /i »team: �Fl)bi(J.:ii"x9 �7 Z fX rTS }fix x. 1l �ba 1.12' 3.15' Rolm Characteristics Dimenstouy' X: 30.0011 Itciloclancos: Ceilir►g: 0.6 Wurl:I11ar3e I Icight: 2.50 It Y: 26.50 it Wulls: 0's '1urpia UPD: 0.91 whq 11. %: 10.00 fl Moor: 0.2 Turka Illunununce. 40.00 fe(avg) LuminairC CharaCteristic9 huninaire Description: Mclulux Surface W-232A Suylx:nsiun Length 1.5011 C'11; 0.63 Light Loss 1'uctur: 0.72 Lamp Duscriptiun 32W'I'-H Rupid Stun Lamps/Lurninuirc 2 himp Lumens: 2KS0 Ims Lamp Lifa: 20000 I3alluyt: Ballast Fuclorr: I ZION'S CAMP P.O. Box 945 Allyn, Washington 98524 (360) 275-6601 Sent by: PACIFIC LIGHTING 2067268317; 02/03/99 11 :55AM;JetfjX #606;Page Aver Sm. " Obt tt ld: CIS S Yotsug) of 1 a�vx 1.1rutaw Ileusnt77 y �> ►1 t161 W1�q,ft Rtaw lSlrst�m gz ��39C�1 C: 16d1IH oP401 111u�:>t#ultra plvYirda4,� fo{avg� 0 �: 'laq : ailtrlt rarer(Ip1�a ;f?i'►��y. ............. .. .... .. . C� liiu�cu iuuy: X: 30,0ti 11 Rellwanues: Ceiling: 0.() Wor.;Plane I leigh(: 2.50 it Y: 29.75 n wall!,.: 0.5 Targut UPD: 0.61 Wltiq, it, /.: 10.00 it Flww 0.2 'l arft,:l lllumi11wice: 25.00 fe(avp) L�titittait e�)t rac �.ristics Lun►inaire Description: McIalux Surlacc W-232A Suspcnsiun Leugdt 1.5011 L:U: 0.64 Light Luys Factur: R 7 2 Lump Description 32W 1A Rapid Stwt bunps/LunnnUn't 2 Lamp lumens 2850 In► bunp Life 20000 1 alluvt: E3allayt Factur: 1 ZION'S CAMP P.O. Box 945 Allyn, Washington 98524 (360) 275-6601 Sent by: PACIFIC LIGHTING 2067268317; 02/03/99 11 :57AM;,fgtraX #606;Page �itP P� 1�v�ra�w 1p►. Il�t�t�b�iit� 37+�d feEay83 Unit Pn*&.:r:f rla ty l t� ! l 1 - 4 s < Rc>�+: tug 88 Syieel�t Cntt s t ept�b a of:c.Wi, -. ..: .. Ptu u►g �2S i t 41mPMat►>'�}�++�v;re a11,44 :lxrgar E*FA .2 t vrrq/t 11 .']5 5.Ob 2.94 4.63 Room Ch r ,l, tl ,tS D1111ensions; X: 18.5011 lZell Ctanf:es. Ci!iIulg: 0.6 Wort:Plane I leight. 2.50 it Y; 11.75 1l Walls: 0.5 Tarvi l.11'D; I.I 1 W/sy, It. Z: lo.00 n I lour: 0.2 7argm Illutnivance: 25.00 fc(avg) Lul3linaire Characteristics 1.1111)ivairc Doscription. Malalur Surface W-232A SuspensionLengtlt 1-5011 CU: ti.al.i Ligltl Loss Factor: 0.72 Lump Desurtpuon 32 W T-8 Rapid Statt Lamps/Luminaire 2 tamp l.urncn s. 2930 ht►ti Lamp Life: 200W Ballast: 13allast Factur: I ZION'S CAMP P.O. Box 945 Allyn, Washington 98524 (360) 275-6601 Sent by: PACIFIC LIGHTING 20672683173 02/03/99 11 :54AM;JetFaX #606;Page f/)p u� 1� 1 till I .1@t�- 20 I lCpvg �11QW 1 �lieui��t�i�rls ; �xt1t�3 - : !Ia ttlE�`t�ib 2 WLI+aortig.: 1 s t>E? Itr(h�hllif ptpc�lie�#1� ,�eun O�t3 ii%xq /1;: eel�lrrters(!pJ' Y W�� Z h'AT T' - 2 . 50 :7 -------- -------p 0_,R..... ... ...,,, Room Chafacjeri3tips Dimensions: X. 3o.00 it ReIbmunces: Ceiling; 0.6 Wotl:Plww I Icight: 2,50 it Y: 3.00 It walls: 0.5 -I urg a I1I'I)- 0.80 W/sy 11. L: 10.00 It 1=1LK11: u.2 ftvga tlhuninunca 20.U0 fc(nvg) Luulivaire Descripliou: Metsrlux Surface W-232A Suspension Length 1.5011 UT 0.17 Light Luss Factor: o.72 1-amp Description 32 W 1-8 Rapid Start Lwnps/Luntivairu 2 Lamp l:ulnew, -1851.)I►ns Ltunp life, 2004JO Ballast: 13allivo Fuctur: I ZION'S CAMP P.O. Box 945 Allyn, Washington 985 (360) 275-6601 Sent by: PACIFIC LIGHTING 2067268317) 02/03/99 11 :55AM;,JetFaX #606;Pagejojt tldl,. ON Iv �ge 11 �tttllr► tllt 1,'+�vB: �!aflawR d ;U,tit T'tiwa.�fee,tl t1 !' t3c�1h�t�q,titrw 5 a tiri 112 5 p g: t;�raeutl{tvtp' . . txrd. t<l1't 3 i I~;t1� ,�..... lt: 14�� l,l;lu��frtplr�xP.M.wfd�,?b1 q ,F�av �tSp hlr�� fr ur�eta:lipi#s VF 6..I,2 ii%sq J 2 rtln�ps 3 <XITS b 5,0 WA# © I r a5.UU 43.00, Room C'haractcristics L)uncuyions: X: 43.001t l;?ellectauces Ceiling: 0.6 Wotl:Plane ILight: 2.SO It Y: 45.00 it Wulls: Q5 'Intg•a U1'I) 0.6O W/sq. It. Y.: Iwm it Pluur: 0.2 'l'urp-t Iltutninaace: 30.00[e(avg) Luminaire Characteristics Luminaire Description: Metaius Suduce W-332A 5uy}>L1Isiu1)Length 1.50 it tr117 o.76 Light LossFuctor; 072 Lutltli 1JV%U1iptiun 32W T-9 Rupid Simi 1.waps/t..w Ili[uia-c 3 Lamp Lumcny: 2850 Ims Latttp Lilt: 20000 liullasl: 1� Hallast Factor. I ZION'S CAMP P.O. Box 945 Allyn, Wastriington 98524 (360) 275-6601 Sent by: PACIFIC LIGHTING 2067268317, 02/03/99 11 :54AM;JetraX #606;P2ge��/�Jr Avtragm�ll+ 1>�tt tkir $�Ilkr}�C(&v trfitt�wo iP L 1 i W1sq Q: I�aw I}tdatng; �► UOU l:'atwl .> am sp P) Ctrl. lp+�ktrg: .. . . x /i rttlr�aFr?� r i a 4t,(: 111'Wft1 ttled� rq r >�IWO OP of 1�Fv7a I? 1j1 �J1 1.00 Room Characteristics Dimensions- X; 11.75 13 Itetlo-caauces: C'rilutg: 0.6 Work Mane I lciglu: 2.5011 Y: 18.50 n Wally: 0.5 Trio tet IJI'D. 1.11 W/yy. It. !: 10.00 It Floor: 0.2 Target Illuminance: 35.001c(avg) Lur11itlaire ChiiraC isfira 1AU111naire Description: Mctalux Surface W-232A SuspimsiunLcngt1i 1.5011 Cal 0,50 Light Luss Factor: t1.72 Lump Ur.-acriptwn 32 W'1'-8 Rapid Start Lwnps/Luminaiie 2 Lump Lwncns: 2950 lens Lamp Life: 20OW l;alla-t: 13uilunt Fuctc„-: I ZION'S CAMP P.O. Box 945 Allyn,Washington 98524 (360) 275-6601 ACW D -- C H -no.of v A holes -,-- G-Dla. ACW-D DIMENSION DATA I _ Approx. j Ship'g. Size A B C D E F G H T wt. 70 11-7/8 1 17 12.7/16 5-1/8 8 14.3/4 11132 4 15.1/2 20 90 15-1/8 21 15.5/8 7.1/4 10 20.1/4 11132 4 21.1/4 28 �® E T 100 15.1/8 21 15-5/8 7.1/4 10 20.1/4 11132 4 21-1/4 30 B I® p F 120 18-5/8 30.1/4 24.5/8 8 12-3/8 23-1/2 11132 4 25 67 ® 135 18.5/8 30-1/4 25.1/4 9 12-3/8 23-1/2 11/32 4 25 72 L 150 20 34.3/4 29.3/4 10 15.3/8 28-1/2 11/32 8 30 87 165 20 34.3/4 30.5/16 11 15-3/8 28.1/2 11/32 8 30 90 180 22.3/4 39-1/2 31 12 18-13/16 34.1/2 11132 8 36 102 1 - + - r� The type ACW-D Roof Ventilators are available as Underwriters' Laboratories' listed models.When listed models are required, omcakk specify Type ACWDU. i-m Loren Cook Company certifies that the ACW-D shown hereon arelicensed to bear the AMCA seal.The ratings shown are based on E35337 tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication 211 and AMCA Publication 311 and comply with the The type ACW-D Roof Ventilator shown here are certified by the requirements of the AMCA Certified Ratings Program. Canadian Standards Association.When CSA certified Fans are requested please specify type ACWDC. LR15267 �. TYPE ACW-D CENTRIFUGAL WALL VENTILATOR CAPACITY CHART DIRECT DRIVE �.. CFM VS.STATIC PRESSURE Catalog Watts Fan Tip Motor Number HP RPM Seed HP Sons7WW 36ne7WWone one one one one one ons one one 70W10DH 80 1050 1922 1125 1 70W10DM 75 1150 2105 1/25 3.7 14 70W10DL 72 1160 2123 1/25 ---"iuu 70W15DH 92 1550 2837 1/20 4 7.0 2106.3 151 70W15DM 92 1680 3057 1120 11 169 11 70W15DL 86 1720 3112 1/20 14 11 4 .4 -4 4. 90W10DH 85 1050 2478 1/25 47 1352 4.7 4.7 4.1 200 9OW10DM 85 1110 2596 1125 t 299 184 4.8 4.1 9OW10DL 80 1130 2655 1125 242 157 .1 9OW15DH 132 1550 3658- 118 4 4 4 1 1 9OW15DM 118 1680 3841 1/8 584 4 4 4 1 90W15DL 95 1710 4047 118 462 4 47 2 24 1 .4 .1 100WIODH 94 1050 2751 1/25 5 4 4 100WIODM 90 1090 2817 1125 4 5 124 5.4 1 100W10DL 89 1100 2882 1/25 370 304 1 1 100W15DH 169 1550 4061 1/8 1 27 41 1 1 10.1 1 1 1 1 .1 100W15DM 139 1640 4258 1/8 666 1 1 1 .5 100W15DL 130 1650 4362 118 54 510 4 4 4 178 10.1 9.7 9.4 .1 .1 120W10D 1075 3376 116 1163 1069 970 852 556 0 5 .4 120W17D 1725 5417 113 1 1 0 1749 168 1 2T 1567 1499 1426 1343 1003 19.61 1 19.1 1 1 1 . 1 1 -1-7-TTIF1 1 1 1 135W100 t075 3795 116 1656 1 50 144 i 2 1180 2 11. 1 11.1 .14 1 15 1 .1 .15 .4 .16 .14 '5W17D I 1725 6089 3/4 265 2 2 25 45 23 2 2324 2255 21 1 1 1 1 50W700 1075 4225 113 2271 4 2154 4 203 i 1911 1772 1606 1288 1 - 1 1 1. 165W10D i 1075 4644 113 302 280 3 1 24 14 t 1 .4 t .4 16.0 t .4 1 .4 1 .4 180W11D 1140 5369 314 4 11 41 7 4062 935 3805 36 34 2 2. 1 .3 174 1 18.4117. .8 16.91 .82 116.21 . 16. 1 1 Performance shown is for ACE-D without ducts.The sound ratings shown are loudness values in fan sones at 5 ft.(1.5m)in a h9M3M0EMI5h0YaW9B er AMCA Stan- dard 301.Values shown are for installation Type A free inlet fan sone levels.RPM shown is nominal and performance is based on act(MeAp :616ffdel sizes 70-90,and 165.All others are at constant RPM. 40 J 0- W w WjOO p a 2 � O � W wI � c) Zuja z JUJO cj � Z0 W F" N N IT �- W c31 1� V a Q N M N IT M .- M }.+ a 2 OD Z Z M z �, �w � > > > 15 N N NNN Q 00 M a N N H W U Z ui wO O n F- F-W ZOw O uj 0. N cr- U m W W O V W O >- LL - c Z F- z Z Z W W Z W a O W Z Z N Z LlJ V U) p N O `* N p C7 U U W M J J J J W W J W Q W p W � aO � O = O Qp O _ 2 IX2 U U W Y X Y Z p w < o ui w ( z 0 Z ZION'S CAMP w 0 w < < W P.O. Box 945 Allyn, Washington 98524 4�D %2�j agll�melm 275-6601 N. kU 0II �I � 1 4 C C ` Fn Iti I I l i q sl �i VI to Vl `I 1 �? ofPzO = _ a Qt I v 1' ` F' �l � C1 z Z b At 1 � �C1 z .. I Q .� CQ kj mi xk �, J p * ,J LI ZION'S CAMP P.O. Box 945 Allyn, Washington 98524 (360) 275-6601 ELCTRICAL SERVICE One 320 Amp Meter Base 10 110/240 V. Part # U 1179 Milbank One 200 Amp Panel Part # CH 42 KKM200 W/Cover CH 7kk (S) or (F) ZION'S CAMP P.O. Box 945 Allyn, Washington 98524 (360) 275-6601 o L _ a Q C7 \ _ coo D ao _ z 0 c� C)i --� > n V) _ z ICE 0 0 2,-OI,r via •� �.• � s!AW RrR UT C D p I M/sa�rY'j f ;P. i�� oaH �_�(_� wry N r000 CLASS 1 Hc�ol� Q 000 GAS• •• �ze� . 1 CQ�?KTOP HOOD -7 0 261I F�pS'S THROUGH ZION'S CAMP - P.O. Box 945 Allyn, Washington 98524 (360).275-6601 DIMENSIONS 33.5 One Two Three Of Section Section Section Net Capacity: 20.2 44 67.8 13.56 Width: .27.5" 55" 82.5" ...E7 Height:with legs or casters 84.5" 83.69" 83.69" Depth:cabinet only- 83.69(2 a 3 SECTION including controls 31.81" 31.81" 31.81" 64.94 Depth:over hardware 34.81" 34.81" 34.81" 84,5(1 SECTION) Depth:door open 90* 57.81" 57.8111 57.81" Net Door Opening:width 21.25" 21.25" 21.25" Net Door Opening: height 57" 57" 571' Adjustable Shelves: 3 6 9 34.81 Shipping Weight: Consult Consult Consult 5.19(2 6 3 SECTION) 6(1 SECTION s -...._..� �drp t I-.-�.:rp I ict P ' e List POWER CONNECTION ELECTRICAL 31.81 One Section Base Model Number* 7-702OFT 57.81 Compressor HP 1/2 id Voltage (60 hz, 1 ph) 115 Total Amperage: 12.4 I---55 —, BTU/HR** 1700 Cord connection - ANSI 5-15P ,/11 POWER CONNECTION ��iQe Two Section 57.81 Model Number* 7-7045FT Compressor HP 3/4 in Voltage(60 hz, 1 ph) 115 iP Total Amperage: 16.- BTU/HR** 2840 r--- 62.5 Cord connection-ANS 15-20P LJ POWER CONNECTION 31.81 ,Three Sect�ot►=`-'� Base Model Number* 7-707OFT —J 57.81 Compressor HP 1 Vt Voltage(60 hz, 1 ph) 208/230 ° Total Amperage: 15.8 t BTU/HR** 3450 Cord connection.- Permanent (3 wire+ground) Notes:*First 3 digits omitted. Model Suffix Description **Based on 90*F ambient and NT evaporator 01 ❑ Half height doors. Certain options and accessories may affect UUNSF approval and electri- C Cl Heavy-duty 6 inch casters, (cord con- cal requirements. nected models only). Specifications subject to change without notice. ❑Tray slides ❑ extra epoxy coated shelves. ❑ Left or right door hinge. ZION'S CAMP P.O. Box 945 Allyn, Washington 98524 - (360) 275-.6601,, 33.5 One Two Three i' Section Section Section Net Capacity: 20.2 44 67.8 136° Width: 27.5" 55" 82.5" Height: with legs or casters 84.5" 83.69" 83.69" Depth: cabinet only - 93.°a(2&3SECTION including controls 31.81" 31.81" 31.81" U.94 Depth:over hardware 34.81" 34.81" 34.81" Depth: oor open 90° 57.81" 57.81" 57.81" 04.5(1 SECTION) Net Door Opening:width 21.25" 21.25" 21.25" Net Door Opening: height 56.88" 56.88" 56.88" Adjustable Shelves: 3 6 9 1 3481 Shipping Weight: Consult Consult Consult 5.19(233SECTION) -6(1SECTION Price List Price List Price List p CONK CTION 31.21 One Section j,bfo Base Model Number* 7-7020T Compressor HP 1/3 \ 5 Voltage (60 hz, 1 ph) 115 Total Amperage: 8•0 BTU/HR** 2600 Cord connection - ANSI 5-15P ICODM 31.81 J S7.°1 T%vo Section .®%Z� ��!! h47 Model Number* 7-7045T tl Compressor HP 1/3 Voltage (60 hz, 1 ph) 115 Total Amperage: 10 I----821/2 BTU/HR** 2600 Cord connection -ANS 15-20P OM 3113nts ff ee ection S 5713/16 Base Model Number* 7-7070T ++ll Compressor HP 1/2 td Voltage (60 hz, 1 ph) 115 t Total Amperage: 13.3 BTU/HR** 3570 Cord connection - 5-20P Options Notes:'First 3 digits omitted. Model Suffix Description01 ❑Half height doors. *'Based on 90°F ambient and 20•F evaporator C t]Heavy-duty 6 Inch casters,(cord con- nected models only). Certain options and accessories may affect UUNSF approval and elec- ❑Tray slides trical requirements. ❑ extra epoxy coated shelves. Specifications subject to change without notice. ❑ Left or right door hinge. ZION'S CAMP P.O. Box 945 j Allyn, Washington 98524 (360) 275-6601 501 HT High Temperature wI;--,\ Undercounter Dishwashing Machine Dimensions shown In Inches and millimeters I i 1 !� Orono 106] CLEARAN CI Iasi] J 1 - [254]�— -9- 6li- [165] 2 3- [761 2 1" Front View Side View �--24" [6 i C j------ 87A- 225] --3- 24" 610] ` Quick Facts MI T rise . Capacity 9" (21 29] x. Fuse Racks per hr. 21 d size Motor horsepower ps Wash 0.5 Plan View Water Consumption - 208/60/1 7p Per hr.(max.use) 37 US gal; 230,'60l1 70 147 liters; 31.5 imp gal F3Drain Per rack 1.8 US gal; #flow: 30/60/1;3 wire+ground 7liters; uired 1.5 imp gal n: 1/2" I.D. flexible fill hose Temperatures°F/C ' Wash(minimum)' 150/66 25-95 psi(172.5-656 kPa) Rinse(minimum) 180182 :5/8"(16) I.D.flexible hoseHeating :8 US gpm;30.31 Ipm;Tank heat,electric(kw) 12 Booster,electric(kw) 6 Warning: Time cycle in seconds Plumbing and electrical connections should be made by a qualified Wash 80 workman who will observe all the applicable plumbing, sanitary and Rinse 23 safety codes. Drain/fill 37 Due to an ongoing value analysis program at Moyer Diebel,specifications Supply water temperature 140%60° In this catalog are subject to change without notice. Optional Accessories Kit 504-top and side panel Kit 505-top panel Uncrated Crated ' Kit 506-left side panel Kit 507-right side panel Height' 33-1/2"(851) 39-1/2" (1003) Kit 508-rinse aid pump kit Width 24" (610) Kit 511 -700 rise booster 25" (635) 17RS- 17"rack storage stand Depth 24"(610) CST-Combination sink/table 6T-6°stand Ship Wt. Ibs/kg 178/79 Ally , WN190gtbn 9852 'Front leveling feel provided.