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BLD14114 Plumbing - BLD Permit / Conditions - 6/9/1983
BLD14724 Repair Stairs to Beach, Deck - BLD Application - 9/26/1983
BLD2004-00807 Replace Deck - BLD Permit / Conditions - 6/16/2004
BLD2008-00748 - BD General - 6/18/2008
BLD2008-00748 Reroof - BLD Permit / Conditions - 6/18/2008
BLD288 SFR - BLD Permit / Conditions - 8/31/1979
OTH Record Requests - 6/15/2010
SHB SHR94-0007 HPA Pier, Ramp, Float - SHR Permit / Conditions - 5/3/1996
SHR94-0007 Request for Extention Pier, Ramp, Float - SHR Letters / Memos - 12/14/1998
SWG Application / As-Built - 11/12/1969