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BLD18873 NULL & VOID BY 1/9/91 - BD General - 6/26/1986
BLD2010-00017 - BLD CD Environmental Health Review - 3/28/2010
BLD29918 - BD General - 2/10/1992
COM2001-00113 & COM2001-00114 NULL & VOID BY 7/6/06 - COM Permit / Conditions - 9/1/2001
COM2011-00006 Storage - COM Permit / Conditions - 3/10/2011
COM2011-00006 Storage - COM Permit / Conditions - 3/10/2011 (2)
COM2022-00086 Metal Siding/Door - COM Permit / Conditions - 11/3/2022
COM2024-00016 Warehouse - COM Application - 3/21/2024
FIR2011-00045 vehicle storage - FIR Permit / Conditions - 10/26/2011
GEO2011-00003 Addendum COM2011-00006 - COM Engineering / Geo-Tech Reports - 9/6/2021
GEO2011-00003 COM2011-00006 - COM Engineering / Geo-Tech Reports - 2/24/2011
GEO2024-00037 COM2024-00016 - COM Engineering / Geo-Tech Reports - 10/5/2023
GRD2021-00013 Cancelled - GRD Permit / Conditions - 6/10/2021
LETTERS RE: COM2001-00113, COM2001-00114 & SPL VIOLATIONS FOR SEPA - COM Letters / Memos
OTH Record Requests
SEP2021-00080 GRD2021-00013 - SEP Application - 9/10/2021
SWG Inactive
SWG Non-Occupancy Notice - 12/11/2023
SWG Onsite Survey - 12/28/1995
SWG Onsite Survey - 4/23/1996
SWG96-0604 SEPIC FOR SHOP - SWG Application / Design - 8/27/1996