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BLD13411 - BD General - 12/21/1982
BLD14060 FINAL PASS 8/4/83 - BD General - 6/1/1983
BLD1973 - BD General - 6/11/1975
BLD2000-01212 FINAL PASS 12/8/00 - BD General - 9/12/2000
BLD2006-00764 - BD General - 5/9/2006
BLD2006-00764 FINAL 10.8.09 - BD General - 5/9/2006
BLD2006-01195 - BD General - 9/12/2000
BLD2009-00669 - BD General - 8/7/2009
BLD2009-00669 Addition - BLD Permit / Conditions - 9/11/2009
BLD2075 NULL & VOID BY 1/9/91 - BD General - 5/1/1978
BLD93-0416 - BD General - 7/26/1993
SWG Inactive
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SWG Inactive (5)
SWG Inactive (6)