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#11272 - BD General - 8/21/1981
#2203 - BD General - 5/18/1978
#22048 - BD General - 5/31/1988
#4454 - BD General - 3/14/1977
#9518 - BD General - 10/31/1979
1421 E BALLOW ROAD - SWG Application / As-Built - 5/5/1978
1423 E BALLOW ROAD - SWG Application / As-Built - 6/13/1978
BLD94-1814 - BD General - 12/8/1994
BRN99-0837 - BRN Permit - 10/5/2001
MIS98-00280 - BD General - 6/1/1998
OTH Record Requests
SEP98-00075 - PLN General
SEP98-00140 - PLN General
SHR2005-00011 MEP2005-00042 SEP2005-00061 JARPA/GEO - PLN General
SWG Inactive
swg2010-00208 - SWG Application / Design - 9/2/2010
SWG2010-00208 - SWG As-Built - 9/13/2010
SWG2016-00297 - SWG Application / Design - 10/17/2016
SWG2016-00297 - SWG As-Built - 3/26/2018
WEC2000-00081 DECOMMISSION - WEC Application