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BLD11819 WoodStove - BLD Application - 12/7/1981
BLD14552 Mobile Home - BLD Application - 8/17/1983
BLD18521 Cancelled Replace Gas Pump - BLD Permit / Conditions - 1/9/1991
BLD2016-00894 Final of BLD14552 - BLD Inspections - 8/17/1983
BLD97-01257 Cancelled Retail Grocery - BLD Permit / Conditions - 1/13/2000
COM10375 Cancelled Groceries and Apartment - COM Permit / Conditions - 1/9/1991
COM2003-00181 Cancelled ReRoof - COM Permit / Conditions - 4/22/2004
COM2022-00099 - COM CD Environmental Health Review - 11/23/2022
COM2022-00099 Occupancy Coffee Stand - COM Inspections - 6/12/2024
Grading and Clearing within Wetland Buffer - GRD Letters / Memos - 12/9/2016
No Permits on Worksite. Bldg Used for Car Painting - BLD Letters / Memos - 5/18/2016
SWG Application - 4/18/1969
SWG Application / Design / As-Built - 12/2/1980
SWG2023-00020 - SWG Application / Design - 1/27/2023
SWG2023-00020 - SWG As-Built - 9/11/2023
WAT Application - 11/23/2022