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AFTER THE FACT AS BUILT - SWG As-Built - 1/7/2014
BLD2011-00705 ReRoof SFR - BLD Permit / Conditions - 8/24/2011
BLD2022-00148 - BLD Inspections - 2/7/2022
BLD2022-00838 - BLD Application - 5/26/2022
BLD2022-00838 - BLD CD Environmental Health Review - 5/26/2022
BLD2022-00838 Remodel - BLD Inspections - 10/22/2024
MIS95-0535 - MIS Application - 8/8/1995
MIS97-0594 - MIS Application - 9/9/1997
SWG Onsite Survey
SWG2015-00043 - SWG Application / Design - 3/2/2015
SWG2015-00043 - SWG As-Built - 6/1/2015
SWG2015-00045 REVISION - SWG Application / Design - 4/15/2015
WAT Application - 5/26/2022