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ADU2022-00013 - BLD Application - 8/19/2022
BLD2021-00300 CANCELLED Bulkhead - BLD Inspections - 11/9/2023
BLD2022-01490 - BLD CD Environmental Health Review - 11/30/2022
BLD2022-01490 SFR - BLD Inspections - 1/31/2024
OTH Record Requests
PERMIT#M-1578 - SWG Application / As-Built - 7/8/1964
SWG2021-00532 - SWG Application / Design - 9/16/2021
SWG2021-00532 - SWG As-Built - 1/16/2024
WAI2021-00112 - WAI Health Waiver - 9/16/2021
WAI2022-00115 - WAI Health Waiver - 9/29/2022
WAT2022-00315 - WAT Application - 8/19/2022
WEL2022-00052 - WEL Application, Design, Letter - 11/10/2022