HomeMy WebLinkAbout2025-007 - Res. Amending Res. 27-19 Chapter 2.46 Mason County's Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinators RESOLUTION NO. �OarJ-00� Amends Resolution 27-19 and Title 2'Chapter 2.46 — Mason County's Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinators i WHEREAS, the United States Congress adopted the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) as amended; and WHEREAS, the ADA provides that the public entities like Mason County, shall not exclude disabled people from participating in the county's services, programs, activities and employment, and that the County shall not discriminate against disabled people or otherwise deny the disabled the benefit of County services, programs, activities and employment. Mason County, Washington, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 2.46 also designates the Risk Manager to be the designated contact and investigate complaints and grievances; and WHEREAS, Federal regulations require that the County designate at least one County employee to coordinate the County's efforts to comply with and carry out, the County's responsibilities under the ADA. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that effective on the date of this resolution, the Board of Mason County Commissioners herby designates the Risk Manager as Mason County's ADA Coordinator for any internal or external complaints or grievances (see attachment A); BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the ADA Coordinator shall post Mason County's ADA Grievance Procedure (Exhibit A) and Notice of Nondiscrimination (Exhibit B) in all County buildings. Oared ,�s ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON McKenzie Smitfi, Cle\r-k of the Board Pat Tarzwell, Commissioner APPROVED AS TO FORM: Randy Ned erlin, Commissioner Tim Whitehead, Chief Deputy Sharon Trask, Commissioner Prosecuting Attorney { i Exhibit A NOTICE DISABILITIES ACT �Sst In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Mason County will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs or activities. Employment: Mason County does not discriminate on the basis of disability. in its hiring or employment practices and complies with all regulations promulgated by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission under Title I of the ADA. Effective Communication: Mason County will generally, upon request, provide appropriate aid and services leading to effective communication for qualified person with disabilities so they can participate equally in Mason County's programs, services, and activities, including qualified sign language interpreters, and various other ways of making information and communications accessible to people who have speech, hearing or vision impairments. Modifications to Policies and Procedures: Mason County will make all reasonable modifications to policies and programs to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to enjoy all of its programs, services, and activities. Requests for Accommodation: Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a program, service, or activity of Mason County, should contact the Court or Department directly. Please make requests for accommodation at least 48 hours before the scheduled event. Problems or Complaints: Nichole Wilston, Risk Manager & ADA Coordinator 360-427-9670 ext. 643 nwilston(a-)-masoncountywa.gov The ADA does not require Mason County to take any action that would fundamentally alter the nature of its programs or services, or impose and undue financial or administrative burden. Complaints that a program, service, or activity of Mason County is not accessible to persons with disabilities should be directed to the ADA Coordinators as listed above. Mason County will not place a surcharge on a particular individual with a disability or any group of individuals with disabilities to cover the cost of providing auxiliary aids/services-or reasonable modifications of policy. WE ARE COMMITTED TO PROVIDING EQUAL ACCESS TO OUR SERVICES. Exhibit A co CON DISCAPACIDADES 1854 De acuerdo con los requisitos del Tftulo R de la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades (ADA) de 1990 y la Seccion 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitacidn de 1973, el Condado de Mason no discriminara a personas calificadas con discapacidades por motivos de discapacidad en sus servicios, programas o actividades. Empleo: El Condado de Mason no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad en sus practicas de contratacion o empleo y cumple con todas las regulaciones promulgadas por la Comision de Igualdad de Oportunidades en el Empleo de EE. UU. bajo el Tftulo I de la ADA. Una comunicacion eficaz: El Condado de Mason generalmente, previa solicitud, proporcionara ayuda y servicios adecuados que conduzcan a una comunicacion efectiva para personas calificadas con discapacidades para que puedan participar equitativamente en los programas, servicios y actividades del Condado de Mason, incluidos interpretes calificados de lenguaje de senas y varias otras formas de generar informacibn y comunicaciones accesibles para personas con discapacidades del habla, auditivas.,o visuales. Modificaciones a las politicas y procedimientos: El Condado de Mason hara todas las modificaciones razonables a las politicas y programas para garantizar que las personas con discapacidades tengan igualdad de oportunidades para disfrutar de todos sus programas, servicios y actividades. Solicitudes de adaptaciones: Cualquiera persona que requiera ayuda o servicio auxiliar para una comunicacion efectiva, o una modificacion de politicas o procedimientos para participar en un programa, servicio o actividad del Condado de Mason, debe comunicarse con el tribunal o el Departamento directamente. Por favor hacer las solicitudes de alojamiento al menos 48 horas antes del evento programado. Problemas o Quejas: Nichole Wilston, Gerente de Riesgos Y Coordinadora de ADA 360-427-9670 Ext. 643 nwilston@masoncountywa.gov La ADA no requiere el Condado de Mason de emprender cualquier accion que fundamentalmente alterar la naturaleza de sus programas o servicios, o imponga una carga financiera o administrativa indebida. Las quejas de que un programa, servicio o actividad del Condado de Mason no es accesible para personas con discapacidades deben dirigirse a los coordinadores ADA como se enumeran anteriormente. El Condado de Mason no impondra un recargo a una persona con una discapacidad en particular ni a ningun grupo de personas con discapacidad para cubrir el costo de proporcionar ayudas auxiliares y servicios o modificaciones razonables de la poliza. ESTAMOS COMPROMETIDOS A PROPORCIONAR IGUALDAD DE ACCESO A NUESTROS SERVICIOS. 09ptz CO Exhibit A PROCEDIMIENTO DE QUERELLAS DE =-_ ADA 1854 Condado del mason ha adoptado un procedimiento de queja internos preven pronta soluci6n equitativa de las quejas alegando cualquier acci6n prohibida por las regulaciones del Departamento de Justicia estadounidense aplicaci6n el titulo II de la ley de estadounidenses con discapacidades. Titulo II los Estados, en parte, que "de to contrario no individuo calificado con discapacidad, unicamente por raz6n de tal incapacidad, se excluira de la participaci6n en, ser negado los beneficios de o ser objeto de discriminaci6n" en programas o actividades patrocinadas por una entidad publica. Las quejas deben ser dirigidas a: Coordinadora de ADA Condado de Mason 411 North 51h Street Shelton, Washington, 98584 (360) 427-9670 1. Una queja por escrito se debe Ilenar y contienen informaci6n sobre la presunta violaci6n como el hombre, direcci6n, numero de telefono del querellante y la ubicaci6n, fecha y descripci6n de la violaci6n. Medios alternativos de presentaci6n de denuncias, como una entrevista personal, estaran disponibles para las personas con discapacidad previa solicitud. 2. Una queja debe presentarse tan pronto como sea posible, pero no mas tarde de treinta 30 dias calendario despues de la supuesta violaci6n. 3. Una investigaci6n, segun corresponda, debera seguir a la presentaci6n de una denuncia dentro de los quince (15) dias calendario. La investigaci6n sera realizada por el Coordinador de ADA del Condado de Mason. Estas reglas contemplan investigaciones informales pero exhaustivas, brindando a todas las personas interesadas y a sus representantes, si los hubiere, la oportunidad de presentar pruebas relevantes para una denuncia. 4. Una determinaci6n escrita en cuanto a la validez de la denuncia y la descripci6n de la resoluci6n, si los hubiere, se expedira por el Coordinador de ADA y copia enviada a la organizaci6n querellante no mas tarde de quince 15 dias calendario despues de la investigacion. 5. Si la respuesta del Coordinador de ADA no resuelve satisfactoriamente el asunto, el demandante puede apelar la decisi6n dentro de los quince 15 dias calendario despues de la recepci6n de la respuesta a la Junta de Comisionados del condado. Una decisi6n final se hard por la Junta de Comisionados del Condado dentro de 30 treinta dias de calendario. 6. El Coordinador de ADA mantendra los archivos y registros relativos a las quejas. El Condado de Mason mantendra estos registros de acuerdo con el programa de retenci6n establecido por el estatuto estatal aplicable. 7. El derecho de una persona a una resoluci6n rapida y equitativa de la denuncia presentada a continuaci6n no debera ser deteriorado por la busqueda de la persona de otros remedios como la presentaci6n de una queja de ADA con la agencia o Departamento federal responsable. El use de este procedimiento de quejas no es un requisito previo para la busqueda de otras soluciones. 8. Estas reglas se interpretara para proteger los derechos sustantivos de las personas interesadas para cumplir con normas de proceso debido apropiado, y asegurar el Condado de Mason cumple con la ADA y reglamentos de aplicacion. �yoK Cpt Exhibit A ADA GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ,Rs4 Mason County has adopted an internal grievance procedure providing for prompt equitable resolution of complaints alleging any action prohibited by the U.S. Department of Justice regulations implementing Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Title II states, in part, that "no otherwise qualified disabled individual shall, solely by reason of such disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination" in programs or activities sponsored by a public entity. a public entity. Complaints should be addressed to: Mason County ADA Coordinator 411 North 5` Street Shelton, Washington, 98584 (360) 427-9670 1. A complaint should be filled in writing and contain information about the alleged violation such as the name, address, phone number of complainant and the location, date and description of the violation. Alternative means of filing complaints, such as a personal interview, will be made available for persons with disabilities upon request. 2. A complaint should be filed as soon as possible, but no later than thirty (30) calendar days after the alleged violation. 3. An investigation, as may be appropriate, shall follow the filing of a complaint within fifteen (15) calendar days. The investigation shall be conducted by Mason County's ADA Coordinator. These rules contemplate informal but thorough investigations, affording all interested persons and their representatives, if any, an opportunity to submit evidence relevant to a complaint. 4. A written determination as to the validity of the complaint and description of the resolution, if any, shall be issued by the ADA Coordinator, and copy forwarded to the complainant no later than fifteen (15) calendar days after the investigation. 5. If the response of the ADA Coordinator does not satisfactorily resolve the issue, the complainant may appeal the decision within fifteen (15) calendar days after the receipt of the response to the Board of County Commissioners. A final decision will be made by the Board of County Commissioners within thirty (30) calendar days. 6. The ADA Coordinator shall maintain the files and records relating to complaints. Mason County shall retain these records for at least three years. 7. The right of a person to a prompt and equitable resolution of the complaint filed hereunder shall not be impaired by the person's pursuit of other remedies such as filing of an ADA complaint with the responsible federal department or agency. Use of this grievance procedure is not a prerequisite to the pursuit of other remedies. 8. These rules shall be construed to protect the substantive rights of interested persons to meet appropriate due process standards, and to assure the Mason County complies with the ADA and implementing regulations. Attachment A Chapter 2.46 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT CONTACT PERSONS, Sections: 2.46.010 Contact persons—Designated 2.46.020 Contact persons—To review and investigate complaints 2.46.010 Contact persons—Designated The S U.,.,e,+ ce.,a. '_; Dire,.teF ed PaGir+ies nnaRa WRlsk Manager shall b Formatted•J,,Ufled designated as ADA contact persons for any internal or external complaints or grievances,, and will provide proper notice of this complaint procedure to the community and on official county bulletin boards and will provide complaint/grievance forms (See Attachment A attached to the resolution codified in this chapter and on file in the office of the county clerk of the board)in all county facilities where there is public access. I. (Res. 20 17( a.q') O017) 2.46.020 Contact persons—To review and investigate complaints The Risk Manager will review, investigate and otherwise dispose of such complaints in a manner that meets the good of the service and will provide a quarterly report of any ADA concern to the board of county commissioners.