HomeMy WebLinkAbout2025/01/21 - Regular Packet PS0rA� Board of Mason County Commissioners Draft Meeting Agenda Commission Chambers 411 N 5th St, Shelton, WA 98584 January 21, 2025 1854 9:00 a.m. Commission meetings are live streamed at hqp://www.masonwebtv.com/ Regular Commission business meetings will be held in-person and via Zoom. Please click the Zoom meeting link posted on the Mason County homepage and use the"raise hand"feature to be recognized by the Chair to provide comment and testimony. Public comment and testimony can be provided in-person,via e-mail at msmithng,masoncountywa.gov;mail in to the Commissioners'Office at 411 N 5t'St,Shelton,WA 98584;or call(360)427- 9670 ext.419. If you need to listen to the Commission meeting via telephone,please provide your telephone number to the Commissioners'Office no later than 4:00 p.m.the Friday before the meeting. 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Correspondence and Organizational Business 4.1 Correspondence 5. Open Forum for Citizen Input Please see above options to provide public comment; 3 minutes per person, 1 S-minute time limit. 6. Adoption of Agenda Items appearing on the agenda after `Item 10.Public Hearings"may be acted upon before 9:15 a.m. 7. Approval of Minutes—September 5,2024 Delegation Meeting Minutes; December 2,December 9,December 16,2024 and January 6, and January 13, 2025 Briefing Minutes; December 2,2024 Special Meeting Minutes; and December 3,2024 Regular Meeting Minutes 8. Approval of Action Agenda Items listed under `Action Agenda"may be enacted by one motion unless a Commissioner or citizen requests an item be removed from the Action Agenda and considered a separate item. 8.1 Approval of Warrants and Treasurer Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Funds Warrant#8109984-8110307 $1,743,101.92 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant# 112787-113187 $1,008,846.55 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant#7008616-7008653 $1,336,943.65 Treasurer Electronic Remittance $3,563,563.44 8.2 Approval to extend the warranty with Linev Systems US,Inc. for the body scanner machine at the Jail for the estimated amount of$15,500. 8.3 Approval for Corrections Technology Group(CTG)to upgrade and repair locks for the Jail for the estimated amount of$66,504. 8.4 Approval to upgrade the Jail security video storage archive to store sixty(60)days of video for an estimated cost of$20,160 through CTG to be compliant with Washington State retention rules. 8.5 Approval of the 2025 Memorandum of Agreement(MOA)Appendix A between Washington State University (WSU)Extension and Mason County in the amount of$99,836. 8.6 Approval of the Resolution setting a hearing date with the Hearings Examiner for Wednesday,February 26, 2025 at 1:00 p.m.via Zoom to consider public comment on Road Vacation no.421. 8.7 Approval for Public Works to procure a paint striping truck from Mark Rite Lines Equipment Co.,Inc. off of the Buy-Board contract for the estimated amount of$410,626 and approval for the County Engineer to sign the purchase agreement. 8.8 Approval of the Resolution setting the Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney position salary at 85%of that set for the Superior Court Judge by the Washington Citizens' Commission on Salaries for Elected Officials. 8.9 Approval of the one-time use of$200,000 of Treatment Sales Tax(TST)funding from the available balance of more than$2 million and approval for the Public Health and Human Services Director to sign the contract with United We Care for implementation of a mental health support and professional intervention pilot program. 8.10 Approval of the Resolution setting a hearing date with the Hearings Examiner for Wednesday,February 26, 2025 at 1:00 p.m.via Zoom to consider public comment on Road Vacation no.423. 8.11 Approval of the Resolution for County Road Project(CRP)2060 Matlock Brady Road safety improvement project,CRP 2061 Cloquallum Road improvement projects,CRP 2062 Blevins Road Evergreen Estates Water Extension project,and CRP 2063 for the Maples Road gravel road conversion project;approval for the County Engineer to Request for Qualifications(RFQ)as needed for consultant services for the project(s)and to enter into contracts;and approval for the County Engineer and/or the Chair to sign all pertinent documents. 8.12 Approval for Public Works to purchase bridge structures for the Portman,Danny Walker,and Crisman Bridge maintenance projects located on Beeville Loop Road through the Washington State contract with the Department of Enterprise Services(DES). 8.13 Approval of the Resolution amending Resolution no.2021-060 designating the Risk Manager to receive claims for damages served upon Mason County. 8.14 Approval of the Resolution amending Resolution no.27-19 Mason County Code Chapter 2.46 for Mason County's Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)designating the Risk Manager as the ADA Coordinator. 8.15 Approval of the Resolution amending Resolution no.2022-009 Washington Counties Risk Pool(WCRP) member county appointments and designations. 9. Other Business(Department Heads and Elected Officials) 10. 9:15 a.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time Please see above options to provide public testimony. 10.1 Public Hearing to consider changes to the Countywide Planning Policies. Staff:Marissa Watson 11. Board's Calendar and Reports 12. Adjournment MASON COUNTY TO: Board of Mason County Commissioners Reviewed FROM: Ravyn Marshall Ext. 380 DEPARTMENT: Support Services Action Agenda DATE: January 21, 2025 No. 4.1 ITEM: Correspondence 4.1.1 Capitol Land Trust sent 2024 report regarding Decker Creek Wetlands 4.1.2 Received Resolutions and Tax Levy Worksheets from Timberland Regional Library 4.1.3 Received news releases from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the following: Proposal to Update Grizzly Bear Endangered Species Act Listing and Management; Proposal to List Suckley's Cuckoo Bumble Bee as Endangered. 4.1.4 Received applications from the following: Ginger Kenyon for the Parks and Trails Advisory Board; M. Dujon Johnson for the Housing Authority of Mason County Advisory Board 4.1.5 Received notices from Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board for the following: Liquor License Renewal Applications for Casey's Bar and Grille, Inc; Happy CJ,Inc;Fraternal Order of Eagles; Somang Inc; Milakai Corp; The Fjord LLC; Olympia Local Foods,LLC; Home Meat Service Inc; and Mason County Senior Activities; and Cannabis License Renewal Applications for Hazy Daze Inc; Diamond Ace LLC; and Damn Good Bud LLC Attachments: Originals on file with the Clerk of the Board. U71 ;RUSTrro Decker Creek Wetlands Monitoring Year 2024 Visit 12/19/2024 Start time: 12:16 PM End time: 2:02 PM date: Monitors: Matt Faller Commissioners Randy Neatherlin, Was a landowner or property manager/agent present? Sharon Trask and Pat Tarzwell. Mark Neary, McKenzie Smith No If"Yes",who was present? N/A Did the landowner mention plans to sell all or part of the property? No What changes have there been to the property since last year's visit? No significant changes Other observations regarding the condition of the property's Conservation Values: Conservation values appear to be In good order.There were no signs of significant encroachments and the undeveloped areas seem undisturbed and in good health. What human uses did you observe on the property? No human uses observed If"Other",describe: N/A If"Yes",describe the activity and its location: No Response Page 1 of 6 ,r`n, ' _ ', � '.'.+j4„^fi Ifs .. . - ' .�?s6•-ve:i' i ii- JJ�h 4 • . ` ' g f�Piir� , i"• "YQ j � �f t�x 1 J�•" - 1 +1'e�#la.'' , ,L '. ,!'k'hN � L,1 ' a. {•�1. 1, w ,h r µ� FI 4 er [l L ' n • "lIP ow 1 ' v�k. ,Ml •1 iy ,f `' J� L�� '•• .li• ..[1 �{p S.t P, 11 �yF•/.f " J ,r•". � Y✓7t' r Mra P• -1 JO ' � �. r' c � i r �•' Ij to +�Oeckerv!le�c 7�1�. e��,� W j.� M h ,J G . f •r t�{ r*; 5wamv : i ia3k r I .y:YJ. .'YrJ f 1 4 J r . t r r'i j'v*A �• 1 _ y l �i, or tx v Y f a� . 4 '";� �rf�`' � T tr ; f{", ��J.//,t°.r• 1 ,'�,��t �� r' .,�1� 1 '.3 �'?yl •1✓r r } t. . If r" T•rL• cy t1 I(nd�h[.F3 1{ fi ,rye �, • '�i„�: +I1 rcy •�/ {tit ,� �! 3•.K 1 .� '1 4-� Y .�a T�'.J� .�f Y • ••'4 �J •.1.10 2f', 1�yq f� v V '", 1 ,r.� r`i i�T."1�•. t • �*�4 + + (. , y' �SY ^, .�Y /'ram k r .� 111 ' i 1 e.+'+i 1 �`1. 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Photopoint 06:looking N W boundary access route Photopoint 06:looking S W boundary access route s F F J P.v)S .y .2.z' a j J,:ib 11 `fir � �`yyy� tya'�: 93 J 'GF, f4.'5t-" '6`_wt �• dK, xi i 4i 9. b r xrt p� ry "� ���r b / F- ''� � t c �`,�,��� 1�1aa' �'1�sx:ri�'� 7 S -� �R3`„ "• _ Photopoint 07:looking N Flagged PVC on W central corner Photopoint 08:looking WSW SE access route(tree blockage) F .��y � YT• F��� ' i H �` Axe � � 4 K Photopoint 08:looking E SE access route Photopoint 09:looking SW End of E access route,scotch broom Page 5 of 6 Commissioners Randy Neatherlin, ECrEQVE Sharon Trask and Pat Tarzwell. Mark Neary, McKenzie Smith JAN 0 2 2025 TIMBERLAND REGIONAL LIBRARY _ INTERCOUNTY RURAL LIBRARY DISTRICT,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NUMBER 24-004 A RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE TAX LEVY AMOUNT AND TAX LEVY RATE AND POPULATION FOR THE 2024 REGULAR PROPERTY TAX LEVY FOR 2025 COLLECTIONS WHEREAS,RCW 27.12.150 requires the Board of Trustees of Timberland Regional Library to determine the funds necessary for the maintenance of the library services for the district by means of an annual tax levy on the property in the district of not more than fifty cents per thousand dollars of assessed value per year;and, WHEREAS,the property tax levy in the several counties of the Timberland Regional Library district shall be compiled by the Board of Trustees of Timberland Regional Library to determine the tax rate necessary;and, WHEREAS,the determination shall be certified to the respective Boards of County Commissioners,and, WHEREAS,final assessed values are now available and a uniform property tax levy rate for the Inter-county Rural Library District can now be established;and, WHEREAS,the five county assessors within the Inter-county Rural Library District have certified the total assessed value of property as shown by the completed tax rolls in accordance with RCW 84.48.130;and now,therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of Timberland Regional Library certifies a 2024 regular property tax levy for 2025 collection in the five-county district of$25,665,345.61;and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of Timberland Regional Library,certifies a 2024 uniform regular property tax levy rate of$0.228924 per thousand dollars of assessed real and personal property valuation for collection in 2025;and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of Timberland Regional Library,for the purposes of calculating the highest allowable lawful levy, determines that the population of Timberland Regional Library's taxing district is more than 10,000. Adopted this 1'8th day of December 2024. �LJ/IL Department of 02 Revenue C Ordinance / Resolution No. 24-005 Washington State RCW 84.55.120 WHEREAS,the Board of Trustees of Timberland Regional Library has met and considered (Governing body of the taxing district) (Name of the taxing district) its budget for the calendar year 2025 ; and, WHEREAS,the districts actual levy amount from the previous year was $ $24,913,409.34 ;and, (Previous year's levy amount) WHEREAS,the population of this district is ®more than or ❑less than 10,000;and now,therefore, (Check one) BE IT RESOLVED by the governing body of the taxing district that an increase in the regular property tax levy is hereby authorized for the levy to be collected in the 2025 tax year. (Yea of collection) The dollar amount of the increase over the actual levy amount from the previous year shall be$ 64,004.42 which is a percentage increase of .25690751 %from the previous year.This increase is exclusive of 1640 (Percentage increase) additional revenue resulting from new construction,improvements to property,newly constructed wind turbines, solar,biomass,and geothermal facilities,and any increase in the value of state assessed property,any annexations that have occurred and refunds made. Adopted this 18 day of December 2024 . Da �� If additional signatures are necessary,please attach additional page. This form or its equivalent must be submitted to your county assessor prior to their calculation of the property tax levies.A certified budgettlevy request,separate from this form is to be filed with the County Legislative Authority no later than November 30a'.As required by RCW 84.52.020,that filing certifies the total amount to be levied by the regular property tax levy.The Department of Revenue provides the"Levy Certification"form(REV 64 0100) for this purpose.The form can be found at:ht_pt :/Idor.wa.gov/does/forms/PropTNNormstLevvCertf.doc. To ask about the availability of this publication in an alternate format,please call 1-800-647-7706.Teletype(TTY)users may use the Washington Relay Service by calling 711.For tax assistance,call(360)534-1400. REV 64 010le(w)(1219114) LEVY LIMITATIONS WORKSHEET TAXING DISTRICT Timberland Regional Library j 2024 Levy for 2025 Taxes Instructions for electronic version of form -Fill in highlighted cells all other self populate. A. Highest regular tax which could have been lawfully levied beginning with the 1985 levy(refund levy not included). Year 2024 $2, ,730,11263 x ; 101.000% _ $24,977,413.76 Highest Lawful Levy Since 1985 Limit Factor/Max Increase 101% B. Current year's assessed value of new construction, improvements, and wind turbines,solar, biomass, and geothermal facilities in original districts before annexation occurred times last year's levy rate(if an error occurred or an error correction was made in the previous year, use the rate that would have been levied had no error occurred). r--_ __.---- - , $1,502,331,968 x , 0.234024000000 - $1,000 = $351,581.74 A.V. Last Year's Levy Rate C. Tax increment finance_ area increment AV increase(RCW 84.55.010(1)(e)) (value included in B&D cannot be included in Cl $0 x 0.234024000000 - $1,000 = $0.00 A.V. Last Year's Levy Rate D. Current year's state assessed property value less last years state assessed property value.The remainder is to be multiplied by last year's regular levy rate(or the rate that should have been levied). $1,534,498;291 $1,552,992,035 = $ (18,493,744.00) Current Years AV. Previous Year's A.V. Remainder 0 x 0.234024000000 - $1,000 = 0 Remainder from Line D Last Years Levy Rate E. Regular property tax limit: ........................................................ A+B+C+D = $25,328,995.50 Parts F through H are used in calculating the additional levy limit due to annexation. F. To find the rate to be used in G,take the levy limit as shown in Line E above and divide it by the current assessed value of the district, excluding the annexed area. $25,328,995.50 - $114112,688,542 x $1,000 = 0.225924442264 Total in Line E Assessed Value Less Annexed AV G. Annexed area's current assessed value including new construction and improvements,times the rate in Line F. --$0 - x 0.225924442264 - $1,000 = $0.00 Annexed Area's AV. Rate in Line F H. Regular property tax limit including annexation ....................................... E+G = $25,328,995.50 1. Statutory maximum calculation Only enter firelRFA rate,library rate,&firefighter pension fund rate for cifies annexed to a fire/RFA or library,or has a firefighters pension fund. 0:500000000000 - + 0.500000000000 District base levy rate Fire or RFA Rate Library Rate Firefighter Pension Fund Statutory Rate Limit $112,112,683,542 x 0.500000000000 - $1,000 = $56,056,341.77 A.V.of District Statutory Rate Limit Statutory Amount J. Highest lawful Levy For This Tax Year (Lesser of H and 1) ............................. _ $25,328,995.50 K. New highest lawful levy since 1985(Lesser of I &H minus C, unless A(before limit = $25,328,995.50 factor increase)is areater than I or H minus C then A before the limit factor increase L. Tax Base For Excess Levies 1. Regular levy taxable value(including state-assessed property, and excluding boats, timber assessed value, and the senior citizen exemption for the regular levy) $112,112,683,542 2. Less assessed value of the senior citizen exemption of less than$40,000 income or 65% of the median household income for the county based on lower of frozen or market value. 3. Plus Timber Assessed Value (fAV) .................................................. 4.Tax base for excess and voted bond levies......................................... (1-2+3) $112,112.683,642 Excess Levy Rate Computation -Excess levy amount divided by the assessed value in Line L4 above. 0 - -- - - $ .00 i $112,112,683,542 x $1,000 = 0.000000000000 Levy Amount A.V.from Line L4 above Bond Levy_ Rate Computation-Bond levy amount divided by the assessed value in Line L4 above. $0.00 $112,112,683,542 x $1,000 = 0.000000000000 Levy Amount A.V.from Line L4 above REV 64 007 Pagel TAXING DISTRICT Timberland Regional Library 2024 Levy For 2025 Taxes Population: ❑,Less than 10.000 (]t0,000 or more Was a resolution/ordinance adopted authorizing an increase over the previous year's levy? , EYes ❑Jo Was a second resolution/ordinance adopted authorizing an increase over the IPD? ❑Yes ❑No ❑� N/A ; If so,what was the percentage increase? Calculated% Increase 0.256907511640% A. Previous year's actual levy adjusted by the increases as stated in ordinance or resolution (RCW 84.55.120). 20 Year 24 $24,913,409.34 + 64,004;42 = $24,977.413.76 Previous Years Actual Levy Plus Resolution Increase Amount Year 2024 $24,913,409.34 x . 0.256907511640% _ $24,977.413.76 Previous Years Actual Levy Resolution Percentage of Increase B. Amount for new construction, improvements,&certain green energy(Line B page 1) _ $351,581.74 C. Amount for increment value increase(Line C page 1) _ $0.00 D. Amount for increase in value of state-assessed property(Line D, page 1) = 0 E. Amount for increase in annexation (Line G, page 1) .............................. _ $0.00 F. Total levy amount authorized, including the annexation ............. Lesser of A+(B+C+D+E) _ $25,328,995.50 G. Total levy amount authorized by resolution (F)plus amount refunded or to be refunded(RCW 84.55.070). $25,328,995.50 + $336;366.11 = $25,665.345.61 Total from Line F Amount to be Refunded Amount allowable per H. Total amount certified by county legislative authority or taxing district as applicable. (RCW 84.62.020 and RCW 84.52.070) ......................................... - ___ _6 ............ _ $26,200,000.0 I. Levy limit from line H on page 1, plus amount refunded or to be refunded (RCW 84.55.070). $25,328,995.50 + $336,350.11 = $25,665,345.61 Line H,Page 1 Amount to be Refunded Total J. Amount of taxes recovered due to a settlement of highly valued disputed property(RCW 84.52.018). $26,665,346.61 1 $25,665,345.61 Lesser of G.H,or I Amount Held in Abeyance Total K. Statutory limit from line I on page 1 (dollar amount, not the rate) ..................... _ $56,056,341.77 L. Lesser of J&K.............................................................................. $25,665,345.61 M. Levy Corrections Year of Error: Did the taxing district cause the error?(yes or no) 1. Minus amount over levied (if applicable) .................................................. 2. Plus amount under levied(if applicable) ................................................. N. Total: L+/-M ..................................................................................... $25.665,345.61 O. Regular Levy Rate Computation Without Levy Error Correction Use this rate in next year's levy calculations unless it's changed due to levy error,other limitation, or there's a road levy shift. $25,665,345.61 - $112,112,683,542 x $1,000 = 0.228924549829 Lesser of K and L Amount on line Lt on page 1 rate w/o error correction P. Regular Levy Rate Computation: Lesser of K and N divided by the assessed value in line L1 on page 1. Use this rate for the current year's tax roll unless it is changed due to another levy limitation such as the$5.90 limit. $25,665,345.61 - $112.112,683,542 x $1,000 = 0.228924549829 Lesser of K&N Amount on line L1 on page 1 rate before aggregate check Q. Road Levy Shift Rate Computation- (Do not enter a shift amount in both shift fields.) R. OR Amount shifted TO this taxing district Amount shifted FROM this taxing district S. $25,665,345.61 - $112,112,683,542 x $1,000 = 0.228924549829 Post Shift Levy Amount Amount on line L1 on page 1 Post Shift Levy Rate REV 64 007 10/17124 Page 2 • Photopoint 09:looking SW End of E access route Sig�need: &, By:Matt Faller Date:December 31 st,2024 at 10:18:39 AM GMT-8 Page 6 of 6 1/9/25,8:09 AM USFWS Proposes Update to Gdzzly Bear ESA Listing&Management I U.S.Fish&Wildlife Service a i t Image Details USFWS Proposes Update to Grizzly Bear ESA Listing & Management E0VtEI E Commissioners Randy Neatherlin, Sharon Trask and Pat Tarzwell. JAN 0 9 2025 Mark Neary, McKenzie Smith PRESS RELEASE U . S. Fish and Wildlife Service Proposes Update to Grizzly Bear Endangered Species Act Listing and Management Public Invited to Comment on New Distinct Population Segment and Revised 4(d) Rule Jan 8,2025 DENVER—The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today announced a new and comprehensive approach to long-term grizzly bear recovery in the lower 48 states and the concerns of those living with and near bears.The Service is proposing a rule to clarify the geographic area where grizzly bears in the lower 48 states are subject to protection under the Endangered Species Act. The Service also proposes revisions to the current protective regulations to provide additional management flexibility for authorized agencies and individuals experiencing conflicts with grizzly bears.The �,e„�•u...�.,e.,.�./t rass-reiaacw/2025-01/usfws-or000ses-uodate-grizzly-bear-esa-listing-management 1n 119125,8:09 AM USFWS Proposes Update to Grizzly Bear ESA Listing&Management I U.S.Fish&Wildlife Service Service is publishing an independently peer-reviewed updated species status assessment that compiles the best available scientific information,which helps to inform decision-making. q. "This reclassification will facilitate recovery of " r ` �'r • - :, grizzly bears and provide a stronger foundation for eventual delisting," said Martha Williams, °t NMI.rU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director. "And ° the proposed changes to our4(d) rule will provide management agencies and landowners more tools and flexibility to deal with human/bear conflicts, an essential part of grizzly bear recovery." Image Details Distinct Population Segment Grizzly bears were listed under the ESA in 1975 throughout the lower48 states, including areas outside the historical range of grizzly bears.The Service's proposed rule would revise that listing to establish a single.distinct population segment (DPS) encompassing areas in Idaho, Montana, Washington, and Wyoming,where suitable habitat exists and where grizzly bears currently reside or are expected to establish as populations recover.The grizzly bear DPS would retain threatened status under the ESA.The proposed action removes ESA protections outside the newly proposed DPS, where grizzly bears do not occur and are not expected to inhabit in the future. The proposed action is a first step towards fulfilling a settlement agreement with the state of Idaho requiring an evaluation of the grizzly bear listing in the lower48 states by January 2026.With today's announcement,the Service also responds to petitions from the states of Montana and Wyoming to establish and delist DPSs for the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem and Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, respectively, and finds these petitioned actions "not warranted".After a thorough review of the best scientific and commercial data available,the Service found grizzly bear populations in those two ecosystems do not, on their own, represent valid DPSs. Grizzly bear populations are now geographically closerto each other than ever, and the Service has documented grizzly bear movement between some populations, indicating recovery zones are no longer discrete.This increased movement of grizzly bears illustrates the success of conservation and management efforts to date while highlighting the importance of establishing and maintaining k«­u,......a— 19n5-n1 h isfsys-nrnnnses-update-arialy-bearvesa-lislina-management 217 1/9/25,8:09 AM USFWS Proposes Update to Grizzly Bear ESA Listing&Management I U.S.Fish&Wildlife Service a .� m., =,s.,,N�.• conservation measures and management L 4Y practices that foster continued movement of . % bears. Establishing a single DPS encompassing all six jrecovery zones will provide a comprehensive and scientifically based framework for recovery. Grizzly bear distribution has o r.w,orsery significantly expanded, largely due to the Map of proposed lower48 grizzly bear Distinct commitments of state, federal, and Tribal Population Segment boundary,overlaid with current agencies.These partners have played a key role recovery zones. I Image Details in the on-the-ground management of grizzly bears for over 40 years by dedicating significant resources toward monitoring and management; in addition, private landowners have made sacrifices to accommodate grizzly bears. The Service also recognizes that recovery of small and extirpated populations relies on contributions from highly resilient populations. Maintaining all recovery zones together in one DPS will increase the speed of recovery in remaining ecosystems and the overall viability of grizzly bears, increasing the likelihood of successfully delisting the entire DPS by addressing the species' recovery needs as a whole. 4(d) Rule The Service's proposed 4(d) rule will revise the existing rule to give management agencies and landowners greater flexibility and tools to take bears in the context of research and conflict management. Grizzly bear expansion is challenging for local communities and working lands, and the Service is committed to a collaborative approach and helping partner agencies, private landowners, and livestock producers by providing additional management tools. Management tools can be implemented along with important safeguards to promote connectivity and resiliency that are necessary for delisting. The proposed 4(d) rule recognizes the need for added flexibility and responsiveness on private lands and areas where grizzly bear populations are impacting private landowners and livestock producers while continuing efforts to promote conservation in areas crucial to the eventual delisting of grizzly bears in the lower 48 as a whole. The Service invites public comments on the proposed rule to designate a single DPS and the hffns•1/www.fws.anvloress-release/2025-01/usfws-or000ses-update-grizzly-bear-esa-listing-management 36 1/9125.8:09 AM USFWS Proposes Update to Grimly Bear ESA Listing&Management I U.S.Fish&Wildlife Service associated 4(d) revision during the 60-day comment period following its publication in the Federal Register in the coming days. For more information on the proposed rule (including supporting materials) and how to participate in the public comment process, please visit the project webpage at https•//www.fws.govlgri zzlyru lemaking. �..__..A......A.--. ,,in.r e_raioneci7n9F-nl/usfws-nroposes-update-gdzzly-bear-esa-listing-management 417 1114/25,4:38 PMG BB EVER Proposes to List Suckley's Cuckoo Bumble Bee as Endangered,Seeks Public Comment I U.S.Fish&Wildlife Service Commissioners Randy Neatherlin, JAN 14 2025 Sharon Trask and Pat TamWell. Mark Neary, McKenzie Smith BY• j Ima8ervice Proposes to List Suckley' s Cuckoo Bumble Bee as Endangered, Seeks Public. . . PRESS RELEASE U .S. Fish and Wildlife Service Proposes to List Suckley's Cuckoo Bumble Bee as Endangered , Seeks Public Comment Dec 16, 2024 Media Contacts Katrina Liebich The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is opening a.60 day public comment period on a proposed rule to list Suckley's cuckoo bumble bee as endangered underthe Endangered Species Act. This determination also serves as the 12-month finding on a petition to list Suckley's cuckoo bumble bee. https://www.fws.gov/press-release/2024-12/service-proposes-list-suckleys-cuckoo-bumble-bee-endangered-seeks-public 118 1/14/25,4:38 PM Service Proposes to List Buckley's Cuckoo Bumble Bee as Endangered,Seeks Public Comment i U.S.Fish&Wildlife Service The Suckley's cuckoo bumble bee depends on other bumble bee hosts for its survival and raising of young. It has been found in various habitat types including prairies, grasslands, meadows, woodlands and agricultural and urban areas.The bee has a broad historical distribution across North America and has been documented in Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah,Washington, Wyoming, and 11 Canadian territories and provinces. The last confirmed sighting in the United States was in 2016 in Oregon. ,t r � Suckley's cuckoo bumble bee on a Gaillardia flower(Gaillardia aristata) in Regina,SK,Canada. Image Details Suckley's cuckoo bumble bee is an important indicator species for the health of pollinators and native floral communities. In addition,this species' parasitic nature is very unique among bees, with social parasites making up less than 1% of all bee species. They are different from brood parasites, which only attack the brood of their host, because social parasites rely on the entire colony. Female cuckoo bumble bees invade host bumble bee nests where they will often eliminate the host queen, destroy host eggs, and eject host larvae from the nest. https://www.fws.gov/press-release/2024-12/service-proposes-list-suckleys-cuckoo-bumble-bee-endangered-seeks-public 2/8 1/14/25,4:38 PM Service Proposes to List Suckley's Cuckoo Bumble Bee as Endangered,Seeks Public Comment I U.S.Fish&Wildlife Service The viability of this bee is highly dependent on its host bumble bee species, many of which have declined historically, and are expected to continue to do so in the nearterm. Other major threats include pesticides, habitat fragmentation and conversion, and climate change . ----------------------- The public comment period on the proposed rule opens Tuesday, December 17th, 2024 and closes Tuesday, February 18th,2025. The proposed rule, supporting materials, and information on how to submit comments can be found at www.regulations.gov 0i under Docket Number: FWS-R7-ES- 2024-0117 For more details on the ESA listing process, go to:https://www.fws.govprogram listing-and- classification/what-we-do. For more information on pollinators, go to: https://www.fws.gov/initiative/pollinators The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service works with others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. For more information, visit www.fws.gov. or connect with us onFacebook [�,X ET,Flick[ [�, YouTube [�'orApple Podcasts Z. Story Tags POLLINATORS q* Press Release Published Dec 16,2024 Endangered Species Act Media Contacts Katrina Liebich https:llwww.fws.gov/press-release/2024-12/service-proposes-list-suckleyscuckoo-bumble-bee-endangered-seeks-public 3/8 Entry#: 18-Parks and Trails Advisory Board Status: Submitted Submitted: 1/8/2025 2:12 PM y Advisory Board Name: Parks and Trails Advisory Board Commissioners Randy Neathe ll. Sharon Trask and Pat Tarzwell. Mark Neary, McKenzie Smith E EIVE CAEsidl-Y- I __-_ -- Name: JAN O 9 2025 Today's Date: Ginger Kenyon 1/8/2025 BY, Address Voting Precinct: Phone Email ( Community Service: Employment: Adopt A Road Mason County Mason County Dept of Public Works;Engineering& Construction Tech.Been with Mason County for 6 Years What do you perceive is the role or purpose of this advisory board? Input on developing,aquission and of our county parks. What interest or skills do you wish to offer this advisory board? I am a grandmother and I have spent many hours in many parks in mutliple location throughout the United States.I have some ideas of what is good for our children and families who utilize our parks. I really think we need to bring back the old fashion outdoor activities for Mason County.I also have research skills and procurement background. List any financial, professional,or voluntary affiliations that could create a potential conflict of interest: I dont think there would be a conflict,though I am an employee of Mason County Puboic Works Required Training: Yes or No: Participation is dependent on attending certain trainings such as the Open Public Meetings Act(OPMA) Yes and Public Records Act(PRA)trainings at no cost to you. Will you be able to attend such trainings? How much time can you commit to Are you a U.S.citizen and *For Civil Service applications ONLY,what this advisory board: Mason County resident? is your political party? Monthly,Weekly Yes Entry#: 19-Housing Authority of Mason County Status: Submitted Submitted: 1/8/2025 8:43 PM Advisory Board Name: Commissioners Randy Neatherlin, Housing Authority of Mason County Sharon Trask and Pat Tarzwell. Mark Neary, McKenzie Smith ���� dCl," C{'on0giSt - Name: JAN O 9 2025 Today's Date: M.Dujon Johnson 1/8/2025 BY., Address Voting Precinct: Phone Email ( Community Service: Employment: Housing U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development What do you perceive is the role or purpose of this advisory board? to listen, inform,advocate What interest or skills do you wish to offer this advisory board? Working with governmental, private,and public stakeholders at the federal,state,and local level(s)on development,planning, regulatory,environmental and policy issues regarding housing issues. List any financial, professional,or voluntary affiliations that could create a potential conflict of interest: N/A Required Training: Yes or No: Participation is dependent on attending certain trainings such as the Open Public Meetings Act(OPMA) Yes and Public Records Act(PRA)trainings at no cost to you. Will you be able to attend such trainings? How much time can you commit to Are you a U.S.citizen and 'For Civil Service applications ONLY,what this advisory board: Mason County resident? is your political party? Quarterly, Monthly Yes Commissioners Randy Neatherlin, Sharon Trask and Pat Tarzwell. Mark Neary, McKenzie Smith Washington State Liquor Board ow Liquor and Cannabis Board PO Box 43098 , Olympia WA 98504-3098, (360) 664.1600 www.liq.wa.gov Fax N: (360) 763-2710 EC i January 06, 2025 JAN 10 2025 Dear Local Authority: RE: Liquor License Renewal Applications in Your Jurisdiction . Your Objection Opportunit)BY• Enclosed please find a list of liquor-licensed premises in your jurisdiction whose liquor licenses will expire in about 90 days. This is your opportunity to object to these license renewal requests as authorized by RCW 66.24.010 (8) . 1) Objection to License Renewal To object to a liquor license renewal: fax or mail a letter.-to the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WS-LCB) Licensing Division. This letter must: o Detail the reason(s) for your objection, including a statement of all the facts upon which your objection or objections are based. You may include attachments and supporting documents which contain or confirm the facts upon which your objections are based. pi I o Please note that whether a hearing will be granted or not is within the Board's discretion per RCW 66.24.010 (8) (d) . Your letter or fax of objection must be received by the Board's Licensing Division at least 30 days prior to the license expiration date. If you need additional time you must request that in writing. Please be aware, however, that it is within _ the Board's discretion to grant or deny any requests for extension of time to submit objections. Your request for extension will be granted or denied in writing. If objections are nottimely received, they will not be considered as part of the renewal process. A copy of your objection and any attachments and supporting•imaterials will be made available to the licensee, therefore, it is the Local Authority's responsibility to redact any confidentialior non-disclosable information (see RCW 42.56) prior to submission to the WSLCB. 2) Status of License While Objection Pending During the time an objection to a renewal is pending, the permanent liquor license is placed on hold. However, temporary licenses are regularly issued to the licensee until a final decision is made by the Board. 3) Procedure Following Licensing Division Receipt of Objection After we receive your objection, our licensing staff will prepare a report for review by the Licensing Director. The report will include your letter of objection, as well as any attachments and supporting documents you send. The Licensing Director will then decide to renew the liquor license, or to proceed with non-renewal. 4) Procedure if Board Does Not Renew License ' i If the Board decides not to renew a license, we will notify-th-e licensee in writing, stating the reason for this decision. The licensee also has the right to request hearing to contest non-renewal of their liquor license. RCW 66.24.010 (8)(d) . If the licensee makes a timely request for a hearing, we will noti fy you. The Board's Licensing Division will be required to present evidence at the hearing before an administrative law judge to support the non-renewal recommendation. You may present evidence in support of your objection or objections. The administrative law judge will consider all of the evidence and issue an initial order for the Board's review. The Board members have final authority to renew the liquor license and will enter a final order announcing their decision. 5) Procedure if Board Renews License Over Your Objection If the Board decides to renew the license over your objection, you will be notified in writing. At that time, you may be given an opportunity to request a hearing. An opportunity for a hearing is offered at the Board's discretion. If a hearing is held, you will be responsible for presenting evidence before an Administrative Law Judge in support of your objection to license renewal. The Board's Licensing Division will present evidence in support of license renewal. The Licensee may also participate and present evidence if the licensee desires. The administrative law judge will consider all of the evidence, and issue an initial order for the Board's review. The Board members have final authority to renew the liquor license and will enter a final order announcing their decision. For questions about this process, contact the WSLCB Licensing Division at (360) 664-1600 or email us at localauthority@sp.lcb.wa.gov. Sincerely, Rebecca Smith Rebecca Smith, Director, Licensing and Regulation Division LID 664 07/10 u, C091080-2 WASHINGTON STATE LIQUOR AND CANNABIS BOARD DATE: 01 /06/2025 LICENSED ESTABLISHMENTS IN UNINCORPORATED AREAS COUNTY OF MASON (BY ZIP CODE) FOR EXPIRATION DATE OF 20250430 LICENSE LICENSEE BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS NUMBER PRIVILEGES 1 . CASEY'S BAR AND GRILLE, INC CASEY'S BAR AND GRILLE 364305 SPIRITS/BRIWN REST LOUNGE — 24090 NE HWY 3 BELFAIR WA 98526 0000 2 . HAPPY CJ,. INC HAPPY HOLLOW GROCERY 070117 GROCERY STORE - BEER/WINE 15280 E HWY 106 BELFAIR WA 98528 0000 3 . FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES "NOR NORTH MASON EAGLES 44226 OB2754 PRIVATE CLUB — SPIRITS/BEER/WINE 80 BE ALDER CREEK LANE NON—CLUB EVENT BELFAIR WA 98528 0000 4 . SOMANG INC SUNSET BEACH GROCERY & DELI 350485 GROCERY STORE — BEER/WINE 17151 WA-106 BELFAIR WA 98528 0000 5 . MILAKAI CORP. LAKE CUSHMAN STORE' 076064 SNACK BAR 2550 N LAKE CUSHMAN RD SNACK BAR HOODSPORT WA 98548 0000 6 . THE FJORD LLC THE FJORD OYSTER BANK 433480 BEER/WINE REST — BEER/WINE 24341 N US HIGHWAY ,1O1 BEER/WINE REST — BEER/WINE HOODSPORT WA 98548 9643 7 . OLYMPIA LOCAL FOODS, LLC ELDON STORE 352141 GROCERY STORE — BEER/WINE 36870 N US HIGHWAY=101 LILLIWAUP WA 98555 0000 8 . HOME MEAT SERVICE INC. HOME MEAT SERVICE 430755 SNACK BAR 341 BE TAYLOR RD STE 100 SHELTON WA 98584 0000 SNACK BAR i is C091080-2 WASHINGTON STATE LIQUOR AND CANNABIS BOARD DATE: 01 /06/2025 LICENSED ESTABLISHMENTS I FOR EXPIRATION DATE AREAS COUNTY20030 MASON LICENSE LICENSEE BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS NUMBER PRIVILEGES 9 . MASON COUNTY SENIOR ACTIVITIES THE MASON COUNTY SENIOR ACTIVITIES CENTER 419279 SENIOR CENTER 190 W SENTRY DR SHELTON WA 98584 8045 Commissioners Randy Neatherlin, Sharon Trask and Pat Tarzwell. Washington State Mark Neary, McKenzie Smith Liquor and Cannabis Board Cannabis Board EW P 0 BOX 43098 ISCeP'7�EIV'E www.liq.wa.goV Fax H: (360) 753-2710 ��IAA ti `WASP JAN 10 2025 January 06, 2025 Dear Local Authority: BY'-------- RE: Cannabis License Renewal Applications in Your Jurisdiction - Your Objection Opportunity Enclosed please find a list of marijuana licensed premises in your jurisdiction whose cannabis licenseswill expire in abount 90 days. This is your opportunity to object to these license renewal requests as authorized by RCW 69.50.331 (7) . 1 ) Objection to License Renewal To object to a cannabis license rnewal: This letter must: fax or mail a letter to the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WS-LCB) Licensing Division. o Detail the reason(s) for your objection, including a statement of all the facts upon which your objection or objections are based. o You may include attachments and supporting documents which contain or confirm the facts upon which your objections are based. o Please note that whether a hearing will be granted or not is within the Board's discretion per RCW 69.50.331 (7) (c) . Your letter of objection must be received by the Board's Licensing Division at least 30 days prior to the license expiration date (WAC 314.55-165) . If you need additional time you must request that in writing. Please be aware, however, that it is within the Board's discretion to grant or deny any requests for extension of time to submiti objections. Your request for extension will be granted or denied in writing. If the objection is received within thirty days of the expiration date or the licensee has already renewed the license, the objection will be considered as a complaint and possible license revocation may be pursued by the enforcement division. A copy of your objection and any attachments and supporting materials will be made available to the licensee, therefore, it is the Local Authority's responsibility to redact any confidential or non-disclosable information (see RCW 42.56) prior to submission to the WSLCB. 2) Status of License While Objection Pending During the time an objection to a renewal is pending, the permanent marijuana license is placed on hold. 3) Procedure Following Licensing Division Receipt of Objection After we receive your objection, our licensing staff will prepare a report for review by the Licensing Director. The report will include your letter of objection, as well as any attachments and supporting documents you send. The Licensing Director will then decide to renew the marijuana license, or to proceed with non-renewal. 4) Procedure if Board Does Not Renew License (WAC 314-55-165 (2) (b)) - If the Board decides not to renew a license, we will notify the licensee in writing, stating the reason for this decision. The licensee also has the right to request a hearing to contest non-renewal of their cannabis license. If the licensee makes timely request for a hearing, we will notify you. The Board's Licensing Division will be required to present evidence at the at the hearing before an administrative law judge to support the non-renewal recommendation. You may present evidence in support of your objection or objections. The administrative law judge will consider all of the evidence and issue an initial order 9nnoaheiBgatB93rrdVi&VioMbe Board members have final authority to renew the cannabis license and will enter a final 5) Procedure if Board Renews License Over Your Objection (WAC 314.55-166 (2) (a)) If the Board decides to renew the license over your objection, you will be notified in writing. At that time, you may be given an opportunity to request a hearing. An opportunity for a hearing is offered at the Board's discretion. If a hearing is held, you will be responsible for presenting evidence before an Administrative Law Judge in support of your objection to license renewal. The Board's Licensing Division will present evidence in support of license renewal. The Licensee may also participate and present evidence if the licensee desires. The administrative law judge will consider all of the evidence, and issue an initial order for the Board's review. The Board members have final authority to renew the cannabis license and will enter a final order announcing their decision. . For questions about this process, contact the WSLCB Licensing Division at (360) 664-1600 or email us at localauthority@sp.lcb.wa.gov. Sincerely, Rebecca Smith Rebecca Smith, Director, Licensing and Regulation Division LID 864 07/10 C092080-2 WASHINGTON STATE LIQUOR AND CANNABIS BOARD DATE: 01 /06/2025 LICENSED ESTABLISHMENTS IN UNINCORPORATED AREAS COUNTY OF MASON (BY ZIP CODE) FOR EXPIRATION DATE OF 20250630 LICENSE LICENSEE BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS NUMBER PRIVILEGES I . HAZY DAZE INC HAZY DAZE 412452 CANNABIS PRODUCER TIER 2 1982 NE OLD BELFAIR HWY CANNABIS PROCESSOR BELFAIR WA 98528 9657 2 . DIAMOND ACE LLC DIAMOND ACE LLC 436262 CANNABIS PRODUCER TIER 3 450 W ENTERPRISE RD CANNABIS PROCESSOR SHELTON WA 98584 2807 3 . DAMN GOOD BUD LLC DAMN GOOD BUD, LLC 429287 CANNABIS PRODUCER TIER 1 160 W WESTFIELD CT STE B CANNABIS PROCESSOR SHELTON WA 98584 4604 Board of Mason County Commissioners 35t' Legislative Delegation Meeting 100 W Public Works Drive Shelton, WA 98584 September 5, 2024 1. Call to Order—The Chairperson called the delegation meeting to order at 2:32 p.m. 2. Discussion on Sexually Violent Predators (SVPs) Representative Dan Griffey discussed a comprehensive six-week violent predator program aimed at transitioning individuals deemed dangerous to society through a gradual step-down process and advocated for giving counties greater veto power in zoning decisions related to Secure Community Transition Facilities(SCTFs). Also highlighted were the challenges of balancing public safety with constitutional requirements for transitioning individuals from civil commitment centers back to the community. Cmmr.Neatherlin stressed the importance of safety in the siting of SCTFs, expressing discomfort with community reintegration processes as currently structured. There is a need for alternative approaches to ensure higher security facilities are not placed directly in communities. 3. Transportation and Infrastructure Belfair Bypass Scheduled to begin moving dirt in 2026,with discussions focusing on transportation processes aligning with the bypass plans. Johns Prairie/Highway 3 Rep. Griffey shared oval roundabout designs were proposed as a cost-effective and geographically feasible solution for transportation improvements in the area. However,there is not a lot of land,and the geography is poor. Rep. Griffey emphasized prioritizing this project as it could serve as a freight corridor bypass to Shelton, enhancing economic and transportation efficiency. General Challenges Rep. Griffey discussed rising costs,with transportation projects facing 40%overages statewide. Loretta added there are growing liabilities from over 3,300 culverts and a bridge inventory that has increased from 67 to over 90 in recent years as well as concerns about the impact of heavier electric vehicles on road maintenance and design standards. Looking ahead,there is a bigger deficit. 4. Economic Development and Housing Property Tax Adjustments Rep. Griffey and Cmmr.Neatherlin discussed lifting the current 1%property tax cap to address housing shortages and inflationary pressures while balancing affordability for residents. Childcare Rep. Couture highlighted the lack of childcare availability in rural areas,particularly communities under 100,000 population and advocated for local licensing policies to match community needs,while ensuring compliance with federal safety and security standards. David Windom pointed out workforce shortages and the financial burden on families,with some paying$33,000—$36,000 annually for childcare. One proposal is reducing educational degree requirements for childcare workers and focusing on certification-based pathways instead. Rep. Griffey added that certification requirements should be changed. 5. Justice and Public Safety Jail Study The draft report identified a need for crisis stabilization units to address mental health and substance use disorder(SUD)cases, alongside traditional incarceration options. Proposed modifications include adding specialized treatment spaces for detox and medical triage, exploring partnerships with tribal communities to share resources and costs, and modernizing existing facilities to improve operations and workforce retention. Rep. Couture also touched on the staffing issue across the state for jails, public defense, and prosecutors. Mark shared the County is discussing the existing Jail facility—if it can be added on to or if a new one needs built. David included that a lot of mental health or SUD individuals are dropped off at the hospital. Other existing behavioral health or SUD facilities are financially difficult to operate because they do not cover their own costs. Rep. Couture suggested partnering with the Tribes and pooling resources. David added that SUD treatment camps can cost as much as $30,000. These camps have no oversight and are not licensed through DCYF. Law Enforcement Support Rep. Griffey advocated for increasing law enforcement and prosecutor budgets by 30%to address staffing shortages and emphasized the need for legal reforms to address property rights and squatting issues, streamlining court processes to resolve disputes faster. 6. Community Projects and Priorities Mason Lake Campground Acquisition Green Diamond offered to sell the Mason Lake Campground to the County. The Commissioners discussed prioritizing the purchase to preserve the site for public use,with potential funding from Real Estate Excise Tax(REET) and state support. Cmmr. Shutty noted the risk of the property being developed into housing if not acquired for community use. Department of Children,Youth, and Families(DCYF) Rep. Couture outlined a need for reforms to reduce child fatalities and fentanyl-related deaths, highlighting workforce shortages as a critical issue and proposed greater flexibility in block grant use for evidence-based juvenile justice programs and diversion initiatives to reduce recidivism. DCYF is planning a walkout due to Collective Bargaining Agreement(CBA)negotiations. 7. Workforce and Community Needs Vulnerable Adults Mark Neary shared the vulnerable adult definition is so restrictive that individuals who are vulnerable do not have access because do not meet specific criteria per RCW. David added that a lot cannot be addressed for those between age 25-60. 21September 5 , 2024 Delegation Minutes Healthcare Access David raised concerns about rural hospitals,with 51%of critical assets at risk of closure and 30%of hospitals ceasing obstetrics services. Workforce Development The impact of childcare shortages on the workforce,with a lack of capacity hindering economic recovery was highlighted. Discussions focused on bridging the policy gap between highly regulated small businesses and publicly subsidized K-12-style childcare systems. 8. Meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Sharon Trask, Chair Pat Tarzwell,Vice-Chair Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner 3 1 September 5 , 2024 Delegation Minutes Board of Mason County Commissioners' Briefing Minutes Mason County Commission Chambers,411 N 5"Street,Shelton,WA 98584 Week of December 2, 2024 Monday,December 2,2024 9:30 A.M. Closed Session—RCW 42.30.140(4)Labor Discussion Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty,and Trask met in closed session for labor negotiation from 9:30 a.m.to 10:30 a.m. Mark Neary,Mary Ransier,Christopher Pinkston,Cabot Dow,and Lindsey Smith were also in attendance. 10:30 A.M. Executive Session—RCW 42.30.110(1)(g)Evaluation of a Public Employee Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask met in executive session for evaluation of a public employee from 10:30 a.m.to 11:30 a.m. Mark Neary and Mary Ransier were also in attendance. 11:30 A.M. Civil Service Interview Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Commissioners interviewed Eric Gough for the Civil Service Commission. Approved to move forward to appoint. 11:40 A.M. WSU Extension—Heidi Steinbach Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Heidi discussed the Interagency Agreement between Washington State Department of Agriculture and Mason County Noxious Weeds contract no.K5694 for$5,000. Approved to move forward. 11:45 A.M. Public Works—Loretta Swanson Utilities&Waste Management Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Richard Dickinson brought forward the Water Wastewater Utilities software purchase from AllMax Software,LLC for$32,915. • Loretta discussed the potential road vacation for the easement along the John's Prairie parcel. • Loretta shared that the bioluminescent road striping is very expensive compared to regular paint and requires sunlight to glow,may not always be reflective. 11:55 A.M. Support Services—Mark Neary Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Jennifer Beierle shared the Resolution for Certification of Road Diversion to adopt during the Public Hearing set for Tuesday,December 3,2024 at 9:15 a.m. Approved to move forward. • Mary Ransier discussed the Resolution setting the Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney's salary. Approved to move forward. • Mary shared the final recommendations for the 2024 Non-Represented Classification and Compensation Study. • Mark discussed the sale of real property at 6 Public Works Drive,Shelton,WA,parcel no.42002-13- 90060 for$500,000.00 and sale of real property at 8 Public Works Drive, Shelton,WA,parcel no. 42002-13-90080 for$650,000.00 to David C.Bayley and/or Assigns. • Mark provided an update on the Washington State Association of Counties(WSAC)BEAD grant sharing that the grant is only for governmental entities. Respectfully submitted, McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board December 2,2024 I Page 1 of 2 Board of Mason County Commissioners' Briefing Minutes Mason County Commission Chambers,411 N 5"Street,Shelton,WA 98584 BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Sharon Trask, Pat Tarzwell, Randy Neatherlin, Chair Vice-Chair Commissioner December 2,2024 I Page 2 of 2 Board of Mason County Commissioners' Briefing Minutes Mason County Commission Chambers,411 N 5"Street,Shelton,WA 98584 Week of December 9, 2024 Monday,December 9,2024 9:00 A.M. Closed Session—RCW 42.30.140(4)Labor Discussion Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask met in closed session for labor negotiation from 9:00 a.m.to 10:00 a.m. Mark Neary,Mary Ransier,Christopher Pinkston,Cabot Dow,and Lindsey Smith were also in attendance. 10:00 A.M. Historic Preservation Commission Interviews Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Commissioners interviewed Christopher Gaynor for the Historic Preservation Commission(HPC)and chose to move forward to appoint. 10:20 A.M. Superior Court—Paddy McGuire Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Paddy requested to convert the contracted Court Commissioner to one full-time employee(FTE)in Superior Court. Cmmr.Neatherlin shared concerns and requested more information before moving forward. Tabled. • Paddy shared that there will be two full-time Court Commissioners from January 1 to January 12,2025 due to the timing of Judge Goodell's term. 10:30 A.M. Public Health—David Windom Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Dave discussed the Consolidated Contract(CONCON)between the Washington State Department of Health(DOH)and Mason County Public Health and Human Services. Approved to move forward. • Casey Bingham shared the updated Environmental Health fee schedule for 2025 with a Consumer Price Index(CPI-U)of 2.4%. Approved to move forward. • Melissa Casey shared the Treatment Sales Tax(TST)Law Enforcement Co-Responder Program contract with Olympic Health and Recovery Services(OHRS)for the amount of$180,000. Approved to move forward. • Melissa shared the TST contract for FY25 with Northwest Resources II for the Social Opportunity Services(SOS)Program in the amount of$169,003.24. Approved to move forward. 10:45 A.M. Public Works—Loretta Swanson Utilities&Waste Management Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Tina"Lovejoy"Schaefer discussed Road Vacation Order No.419 to vacate the east half of an unnamed road adjacent to Lot 15,Block 1 in Pirates Cove as recorded May 9, 1960 in Volume 5 of Plats,page 30,under Auditor File No. 183390,records of Mason County,Washington in Section 8,Township 21 North,Range 1,West. This unnamed road is now known as E.Bahama Drive. Approved to move forward. • Richard Dickinson shared the early closure of Eells Hill transfer station and Belfair drop box on December 19,2024 to allow for a Public Works all-staff Christmas luncheon and staff meeting. Approved to move forward. • Loretta attended an Audit Committee meeting to review proposed changes to Mason County Code Chapters 2 and 3 relating to finances for utilities and presented a slideshow. 10:55 A.M. Support Services—Mark Neary Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Jennifer Beierle requested to reallocate funds from remaining internal County American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA)projects. Approved to move forward. • John Taylor discussed the amendment to the State Homeland Security Program(SHSP)FY-22 Grant Contract#E23-098 from Washington State Military Department(EMD)and US Department of December 9,2024 I Page 1 of 2 Board of Mason County Commissioners' Briefing Minutes Mason County Commission Chambers,411 N 5"Street,Shelton,WA 98584 Homeland Security for the increase of the amount from$15,335 to$29,835 for the performance period of September 1,2022 to July 31,2025. Approved to move forward. • Mark shared the request from Mark and Pam Schlauderaff for the honorary facility renaming of the Mason County Administration Building to the"William Hunter Administration Building"in honor of two Commissioners sharing the name William Hunter. Approved to move forward. • Mark discussed the two proposals received in response to the Request for Qualifications(RFQ)for a feasibility study for the potential purchase of Mason Lake Camp. Two proposals were received: BerryDunn for$99,523 and Freiheit Architecture$131,100. • Cmmr. Shutty shared a letter of support request from MACECOM and Fire Districts for two hundred new portable radios. Approved to move forward. Respectfully submitted, McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Sharon Trask, Pat Tarzwell, Randy Neatherlin, Chair Vice-Chair Commissioner December 9,2024 I Page 2 of 2 Board of Mason County Commissioners' Briefing Minutes Mason County Commission Chambers,411 N 5"Street,Shelton,WA 98584 Week of December 16,2024 Monday,December 16,2024 9:00 A.M. Closed Session—RCW 42.30.140(4)Labor Discussion Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask met in closed session for labor negotiation from 9:00 a.m.to 10:00 a.m. Mark Neary,Christopher Pinkston,Cabot Dow,and Lindsey Smith were also in attendance. 10:00 A.M. Superior Court—Paddy McGuire Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Paddy requested to convert the contracted Court Commissioner position to a regular one full-time employee(FTE)position. Approved to move forward. 10:05 A.M. Support Services—Mark Neary Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Jennifer Beierle requested to recertify to the County Assessor the amount of taxes levied for county purposes due to a submission error on the bond amount for the North Mason Regional Fire Association (NMRFA). NMRFA originally submitted the levy bond as$5,800,000 and the amount should be $580,000. Approved to move forward. • Jennifer shared the Belfair Sewer Fund 413 for salaries and benefits is close to exceeding budget authority,the budget amendment scheduled will be insufficient to cover estimated remaining costs. An additional$25,000 will need to be moved from the operating budget to the salaries budget. Approved to move forward. • Jennifer presented the November 2024 financial report. Current Expense revenue$44,534,016 at 99%. Treasurer Department receipts$30,206,590 at 103%. Current Expense expenditure$44,548,573 at 84%. Six-year specific revenue streams:Community Development$2,803,758;Detention and Correction$24,082;Current Expense property tax$10,436,948;Road Diversion property tax $1,068,720;County Road property tax$10,440,966;Current Expense sales tax$9,057,899;Criminal Justice taxes$1,937,785;Rural Sales and Use$1,084,632;Homelessness Prevention filings$537,843; Lodging tax$1,079,145;and Real Estate Excise Tax 1 and 2$1,492,047 each. Total collected revenue $9,057,900.18;revenue budgeted$9.2 million;and projected end of year revenue$9,828,082.18. Current Expense cash$27,609,329. Special Fund cash$65,588,941. Motor Pool expenditure $1,354,975 at 70%. Special and Other Funds revenue$at 87%. Special and Other Funds expenditure $48,703,106 at 65%. Outstanding County debt$16,861,538 and remaining debt capacity $203,161,663. 10:25 A.M. Public Works—Loretta Swanson Utilities&Waste Management Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Loretta shared the one-year extension to the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Bremerton and Port of Bremerton to collaboratively improve sewer service availability to a portion of the Puget Sound Industrial Center(PSIC). • Mike Collins requested to purchase a paint striping truck in the amount of$410,626. Lisa Frazier requested that any internal loans go through the Finance Committee for approval. Approved to move forward. • Loretta discussed the requests to open tribal consultation regarding the expansion of the Belfair sewer system from the Skokomish, Squaxin Island,and Suquamish tribes. These requests were due to the City of Bremerton's Department of Commerce grant award of$3 million to advance design of a collection system serving the southern portion of PSIC($1.6 million),and system capacity upgrades to the Belfair collection system and water reclamation facility($1.4 million). Approved to move forward. • Richard Dickinson provided a status report on Rustlewood and Beard's Cove water system metered rates. Stephanie Buhrman gave a presentation. Topics included:residential water meters and rates, Beard's Cove water usage review,Rustlewood water usage review,and take aways. December 16,2024 I Page 1 of 2 Board of Mason County Commissioners' Briefing Minutes Mason County Commission Chambers,411 N 5"Street,Shelton,WA 98584 • Loretta shared the Flood Control Assistance Account Program(FCAAP)to assist local governments and tribes to develop comprehensive floodplain management plans and put actions and projects into place to mitigate local flood hazards. • Loretta provided an update on the changes to Mason County Code Chapters 2,3, 13,and 17. Chapter 2: establishes utility operating and capital reserves. Chapter 3: identifies all utility enterprise funds and updates department administration. Chapter 13:revises to be clear the Title refers to utilities owned and operated by the County,reorganizes into one chapter public water systems and public sewer,and removes Harstine Pointe language. Chapter 17:updates language,revises criteria and requirements for allowing on-site septic systems on existing lots of record,eliminates payment of CFC if on-site septic is approved and requires recording a certificate guaranteeing connection when available,and removes the County as designated operator of approved large on-site septic systems(LOSS). Respectfully submitted, McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Sharon Trask, Pat Tarzwell, Randy Neatherlin, Chair Vice-Chair Commissioner December 16,2024 I Page 2 of 2 Board of Mason County Commissioners' Briefing Minutes Mason County Commission Chambers,411 N 5"Street,Shelton,WA 98584 Week of January 6, 2025 Monday,January 6, 2025 9:00 A.M. Executive Session—RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)Potential Litigation Commissioners Neatherlin,Tarzwell,and Trask met in executive session for potential litigation from 9:00 a.m.to 9:45 a.m.Tim Whitehead,Mark Neary,and Nichole Wilston were also in attendance. 9:45 A.M. Closed Session—RCW 42.30.140(4)Labor Discussion Commissioners Neatherlin,Tarzwell,and Trask met in closed session for labor negotiation from 9:45 a.m.to 10:50 a.m. Tim Whitehead,Mark Neary,Christopher Pinkston,Cabot Dow,and Lindsey Smith were also in attendance. 10:45 A.M. Sheriff's Office—Chief Kevin Hanson Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Chief Hanson requested to extend the warranty with Linev Systems US,Inc. for body scanner machine at the Jail for the estimated amount of$15,500 from the General Fund. Approved to move forward. • Chief Hanson requested to upgrade and repair locks for the Jail with Corrections Technology Group (CTG)for the estimated amount of$66,504. Jennifer Beierle will research if this is maintenance or capital improvement to be paid for from Real Estate Excise Tax(REET)funding. Approved to move forward. • Chief Hanson requested to upgrade the Jail security video storage archive to store sixty days of video for an estimated cost of$20,160 to be compliant with Washington State retention rules. The estimate is through CTG. Jennifer shared this would be paid from the General Fund. Todd Cannon shared a new estimate will be required. Approved to move forward. 11:00 A.M. WSU Extension—Dan Teuteberg Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Dan shared the 2025 Memorandum of Agreement(MOA)Appendix A with Washington State University Extension for the amount of$99,836. Approved to move forward. 11:05 A.M. Community Development—Kell Rowen Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Kell discussed the applications for the Planning Advisory Committee(PAC)from Ronald Medley, District 2;Joel Galbraith,District 1;and Khirstie Rose,District 3. There is one at-large position open. • Marissa Watson shared the Short-Term Rental(STR)Regulations review by the PAC. The revisions and commentary is varied and PAC does not feel confident in adequately addressing the issue until more progress is made on the mandated periodic update of the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioners requested to bring STR back in one month. 11:15 A.M. Support Services—Mark Neary Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • McKenzie Smith shared the 2025 Commissioner briefing and regular meeting schedule. The briefings will be each week in person and the regular meetings will be every other week in person. • McKenzie discussed the 2025 boards,councils,and commissions that the Commissioners will sit on. Cmmr.Neatherlin will be the designated voting member for the Hood Canal Coordinating Council (HCCC). Cmmr.Tarzwell will sit on the Economic Development Council(EDC). Kelly Frazier will bring the Courthouse Security Committee back. • Becky Rogers shared the Notice of Approval to hear property tax appeals for the Mason County legislative authority. Approved to move forward. • Mark shared the final recommendations for the 2024 Non-Represented Classification and Compensation Study and adjusting the Non-Represented Salary Range Alignment so that the increases between steps and ranges are 2.5%. The Sheriff's Office Lieutenant position will be removed from the salary schedule. Approved to move forward. January 6,2025 I Page 1 of 2 Board of Mason County Commissioners' Briefing Minutes Mason County Commission Chambers,411 N 5"Street,Shelton,WA 98584 11:30 A.M. Public Works—Loretta Swanson Utilities&Waste Management Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Tina"Lovejoy"Schaefer shared Road Vacation Order No.421 requested by Fjord Holdings,LLC. This resolution will set a hearing date with the Hearings Examiner for Wednesday February 26,2025, at 1:00 p.m.via Zoom to consider public comment. Approved to move forward. • Mike Collins requested to procure a paint striping truck from Mark Rite Lines Equipment Co.,Inc.off of the Buy-Board contract for the amount of$410,626.00 from the Roads fund. Approved to move forward. • Kevin Guijosa discussed the free Christmas tree recycling available at Eels Hill and Belfair transfer stations. Mason County Garbage will accept decoration and tinsel free. • Richard Dickinson shared that each person in Mason County produced 4.33 pounds of garbage daily for a total of 52,380 tons last year. Almost 191 tons came through for the free dump day. Free dump day vouchers for 2025 are being worked on,and the County can accept up to 572 tons. Respectfully submitted, McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Sharon Trask, Pat Tarzwell, Randy Neatherlin, Chair Vice-Chair Commissioner January 6,2025 I Page 2 of 2 Board of Mason County Commissioners' Briefing Minutes Mason County Commission Chambers,411 N 5"Street,Shelton,WA 98584 Week of January 13,2025 Monday,January 13, 2025 9:00 A.M. Closed Session—RCW 42.30.140(4)Labor Discussion Commissioners Neatherlin,Tarzwell,and Trask met in closed session for labor negotiation from 9:45 a.m.to 10:50 a.m. Tim Whitehead,Mark Neary,Christopher Pinkston,Cabot Dow,and Lindsey Smith were also in attendance. 10:00 A.M. Planning Advisory Commission Interviews Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask attended in person. • Khirstie Rose and Ronald Tevin Medley were interviewed for the Planning Advisory Commission. Joel Galbraith was unable to attend and will be interviewed Monday,January 27,2025. 10:30 A.M. Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Council—William Westmoreland,CEO Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask attended in person. • William shared the 2023-2024 Annual Report and the 2024-2028 Pacific Mountain Workforce Development plan. Cmmr.Neatherlin asked that more services be provided in-person in Belfair, Hoodsport,Lilliwaup,and Tahuya. William explained that since the pandemic,it has been more beneficial to work with individuals where they are coming from by assisting in the format that works best for the job seeker. 11:00 A.M. Prosecuting Attorney—Michael Dorcy Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask attended in person. • Michael discussed the importance of increasing the Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney's position salary to 85%of that set for the Superior Court Judge by the Washington Citizens'Commission on Salaries for Elected Officials. Approved to move forward. 11:05 A.M. Public Health—David Windom Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask attended in person. • David provided information regarding the United We Care Pilot Project to address the health-related social needs of our community,particularly behavior health. This would require the one-time use of $200,000 of Treatment Sales Tax(TST)funding from the available balance of more than$2,000,000 and allow the Public Health Director to sign a contract with United We Care for implementation of the pilot program. Cmmr.Trask asked which committee this will fall under in the Legislature and wants to inform the Senate and the House Representatives to make them aware of this pilot project. Cmmr. Trask also would like to see if the Department of Emergency Management(DEM)alert system can be used for local missing persons when they occur. Approved to move forward. • David announced that Jessica Todorovich will serve as interim Secretary of the Department of Health. • David stated the Board of Health will meet on Tuesday,January 28,2025 and a new Chair will be appointed at that meeting. 11:15 A.M. Public Works—Loretta Swanson Utilities&Waste Management Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask attended in person. • Tina"Lovejoy"Schaefer discussed Road Vacation Order No.423 to vacate all that portion of the old alignment of Johns Prairie Road lying Northerly of the new alignment and Westerly of Johns Creek Drive,and adjacent to Parcel B as delineated on Auditor's File No.454652 and as shown on the official map of County Road Project# 1010,all lying within the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter,in Section 5,Township 20 North,Range 3 West,W.M. Approved to move forward. • Mike Collins requested to create County Road Project(CRP)numbers for road improvement projects on Matlock Brady Road and Cloquallum Road,the Blevins Road Evergreen Estates water extension, and gravel road conversion project for Maples Road. The Evergreen Estates Water Extension is now an engineering project for Public Works. Approved to move forward. January 13,2025 I Page 1 of 3 Board of Mason County Commissioners' Briefing Minutes Mason County Commission Chambers,411 N 5"Street,Shelton,WA 98584 • Mike shared the request for Public Works to purchase bridge structures for the Portman,Danny Walker, and Crisman Bridge maintenance projects located on Beeville Loop Road through the Washington State contract with the Department of Enterprise Services (DES). A portion of Beeville Loop Road has been closed due to a failed bridge and there is no plan for future replacement at this time. Approved to move forward. • Loretta shared the new Transportation Improvement Program Citizens'Advisory Panel(TIP-CAP) Chair is Will Harris and Vice-Chair is Phil Wolfe for 2025. • Loretta shared there will be a luncheon at the North Mason Chamber in Belfair on Wednesday,January 22,2025 from 11:30 a.m.—1:00 p.m.to share the latest plans for transportation and maintenance and projects such as the WSDOT freight corridor and public input will be accepted. • Loretta provided an update regarding Southside School,Public Works will limb trees and blade right- of-way areas to improve safety. The school will look at possible grants to purchase flashing pedestrian signs that Public Works will install to create a safer cross walk and will add dedicated walking guards. • Loretta reported that she spoke to Robert Thorns regarding the telephone service outages in the Satsop/Maple Glen area. Addresses of concern were provided and it was explained that Lumen Technologies does not have an outage map and must rely on reported outages. Copper wire service will be phased out within the next ten(10)years and customers will need to look at alternative options for communication service. 11:30 A.M. Central Services—Mark Neary Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask attended in person. • Todd Canon announced that an Incident Response Test will be conducted on Wednesday,January 15, 2025 at 11 a.m.and will consist of an exercise to conduct County business in the event of a loss of network/intemet access. The event is designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the county's incident response plans and identify areas for improvement. MACECOM will not be included in this test,and the Sheriff's Office can cancel this outage exercise if necessary. The event will be posted on the County website and social media for public awareness. Management is encouraged to meet with their staff to discuss operations during the event and identify any gaps in service that may occur and how to work through any service issues in preparation for an inevitable future event. • Nichole Wilston explained that Resolution 2021-060 Receipt of Claims for Damages Resolution needs to be amended to update the business hours for Human Resources/Risk Management to 8:00 a.m.to 4:00 p.m. Approved to move forward. • Nichole explained that Resolution 27-19 and Title 2 Chapter 2.46 should be amended to designate the Risk Manager as the ADA Coordinator for Mason County. Approved to move forward. • Nichole shared that Resolution 2022-009—Washington Counties Risk Pool(WCRP)Member County Appointments and Designations should be amended to remove former Commissioner Kevin Shutty and add Commissioner Pat Tarzwell as the Alternate Director,remove Kelly Frazier and add John Taylor, DEM Manager as the Safety Officer,and update the County Position for Nichole Wilston to the correct title,Risk Manager. Approved to move forward. • Jennifer Beierle presented the 2025 Budget Supplemental Appropriations and Amendments Calendar and recommended adding an additional meeting in the later part of December in order to approve any final budget amendments for the year. It was agreed to add a special meeting on December 16,2025. • Jennifer presented the December 2024 financial report. Current Expense revenue$45,869,673 at 106%. Treasurer Department receipts$31,991,376 at 1039. Current Expense expenditure$48,917,407 at 90%. Six-year specific revenue streams:Community Development$3,248,383;Detention and Correction$27,369;Current Expense property tax$10,514,416;Road Diversion property tax $1,075,890;County Road property tax$10,511,039;Current Expense sales tax$9,857,799;Criminal Justice taxes$2,064,443;Rural Sales and Use$1,180,522;Homelessness Prevention filings$586,164; Lodging tax$1,143,715;and Real Estate Excise Tax 1 and 2$1,612,520 each. Total collected revenue $9,857,799.18;revenue budgeted$9.2 million;and projected end of year revenue$9,857,799.18. Current Expense cash$28,863,109. Special Fund cash$63,763,505. Motor Pool expenditure $1,458,727 at 75%. Special and Other Funds revenue$60,374,235 at 86%. Special and Other Funds expenditure$54,648,199 at 67%. Outstanding County debt$16,860,198 and remaining debt capacity $203,161,663. January 13,2025 I Page 2 of 3 Board of Mason County Commissioners' Briefing Minutes Mason County Commission Chambers,411 N 5"Street,Shelton,WA 98584 • Mark explained that the new management jobs identified during the reorganization have not yet been filled and requested that the employees currently receiving lead pay to cover during this process continue to receive this until those management positions are filled. Approved to move forward. • Mark reported that he had a recent meeting with Becky Cronquist,Housing Authority,regarding an updated Memorandum of Understanding(MOU)and would like to provide an update at a briefing on February 3,2025. Ms. Cronquist will attend to answer any questions. • Cmmr.Trask requested that an upcoming opening in Community Development be filled early to allow for cross-training. • Cmmr.Neatherlin reported that he will be providing information regarding animal control and possible options for Commissioner discussion. Respectfully submitted, McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board (Prepared by Cami Olson) BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Sharon Trask, Pat Tarzwell, Randy Neatherlin, Chair Vice-Chair Commissioner January 13,2025 I Page 3 of 3 Board of Mason County Commissioners Proceedings Commission Chambers 411 N 51h St, Shelton, WA 98584 December 2, 2024 1. Call to Order—The Chairperson called the special meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. 2. Jennifer Beierle led the pledge of allegiance. 3. Roll Call—Present: Commissioner District 1 —Randy Neatherlin; Commissioner District 2—Kevin Shutty; Commissioner District 3 —Sharon Trask. 4. Public Comment No public comment. 5. Public Hearing to consider adopting the 2025 Budget for Mason County. Staff: Jennifer Beierle (Exhibit A,Resolution No.2024-068) Jennifer shared that copies of the 2025 preliminary budget were available to the public on November 18, 2024 per RCW 36.40.071. General Fund:beginning fund balance$26.6 million;revenues$70,816,717; salaries and benefits$37,566,883;operating$19,037,321; expenditures$70,816,717 with$12,387,487 from the ending fund balance; and budgeted full-time employees(FTEs)290.12. Special and Other County Funds:beginning fund balance$55,694,024;revenues$57,928,667; salaries and benefits $16,104,488;operating$55,708,235; ending fund balance$41,809,968;expenditures$113,622,691;and FTEs 134.41. Jennifer provided a summary breakdown of the changes made since the budget was posted on November 18,2024. Recommended action is move to adopt the 2025 budget in the total amount of$184,439,408. The General Fund is $70,816,717 and the total other county funds are$113,622,691. No public testimony. Cmmr.Shutty/Trask moved and seconded to adopt the 2025 budget in the total amount of $184,439,408;the General Fund$70,816,717 and the total other County funds is$113,622,691. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; T-aye. 6. Adjournment—The meeting adjourned at 9:13 a.m. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Sharon Trask, Chair Pat Tarzwell,Vice-Chair Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner Board of Mason County Commissioners Proceedings Commission Chambers 411 N 51h St, Shelton, WA 98584 December 3, 2024 1. Call to Order—The Chairperson called the regular meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance—Jeff Carey led the flag salute. 3. Roll Call—Present: Present: Commissioner District 1 —Randy Neatherlin; Commissioner District 2—Kevin Shutty; Commissioner District 3 —Sharon Trask. 4. Correspondence and Organizational Business 4.1 Correspondence 4.1.1 Applications were received from the following: Elizabeth Zigler and Christopher Thomas Gaynor II for the Historic Preservation Commission(HPC)and Teri King for the Mason County Clean Water District(CWD)Advisory Board. 4.1.2 Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board sent in the following: liquor license approval for Haru Sushi Teriyaki&Wok,cannabis license for Sasha's Cannabis, and notice to licensees on firearms. 4.1.3 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission sent in the following:plan and schedule to address the Board of Consultants(BOC)meeting no. 1 recommendations for the Cushman Project and result of the 2024 environmental inspections of the Wynoochee and Cushman Hydroelectric Projects. 4.1.4 2025 budgets,levy certifications,and/or resolutions were received from the following: Port of Allyn,Mason County Fire District No. 6, South Mason Fire District No.4,Port of Hoodsport,Port of Dewatto,Hoodsport Fire and EMS Fire District No. 18,Mason County Fire District No. 17,Mason County Cemetery District No. 1,Timberland Regional Library (TRL), Shelton School District,Mason County Fire District No. 12,Mason County Fire District No. 13 EMS,and Port of Grapeview. 4.1.5 Xfinity sent notice of price changes. 4.2 Mark Neary read the Planning Advisory Commission(PAC)Vacancy news release. 4.3 Luke Viscusi presented a certificate and letter of appreciation for David Dally. 5. Open Forum for Citizen Input No citizen input. 6. Adoption of Agenda Cmmr.Trask/Shutty moved and seconded to adopt the agenda as published. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; T-aye. 7. Approval of Minutes Cmmr.Shutty/Trask moved and seconded to adopt the August 27,2024,November 5,2024,and November 19,2024 Regular Minutes and October 28,2024,November 4,2024,November 18, 2024,and November 25,2024 Briefing Minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. N- aye; S-aye; T-aye. 8. Approval of Action Agenda 8.1 Approval of Warrants and Treasurer Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant#8108861-8108958 $1,397,968.98 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant# 111551-111965 $ 954,918.42 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant#7008525-7008551 $ 635,632.54 8.2 Approval of the Lewis County prisoner housing contract amendment increasing the daily housing rate from$94.27/day to $103.69/day and extending the expiration date to December 31, 2025. 8.3 Approval to renew the Lexis Nexis contract for$744/month for the activation date through December 31,2024; $999/month for January 1,2025 through December 31,2025; $1,049/month for January 1,2026 through December 31,2026;and$1,101/month for January 1,2027 through December 31,2027. 8.4 Approval to reappoint Bob Wilkerson to the Planning Advisory Commission(PAC)for a term expiring January 31,2029. 8.5 Approval to set a Public Hearing for Tuesday,January 21,2025 at 9:15 a.m.to consider changes on the Countywide Planning Policies. 8.6 Approval for the Public Health and Human Services Director to move forward with the United We Care Mental Health Technology pilot program and seek$200,000 in grant funding. 8.7 Approval for the Public Health and Human Services Director to sign the Pierce County Planning and Public Works: Subrecipient Agreement for Mason County for South Sound Shellfish Recovery. 8.8 Approval for Public Works to purchase a pick-up broom attachment off of the NJPA (Sourcewell)joint cooperative purchasing contract#03211-JDC with Pape Machinery for $13,373.07. 8.9 Approval to reappoint Blair Schirman to the Transportation Improvement Program Citizen Advisory Panel(TIP-CAP)to represent Commissioner District 3—Shelton UGA or City for a three-year term expiring December 3,2027. 8.10 Approval for the County Administrator to sign the lease agreement extension with Crossroads Housing to provide office space to Veterans' Service Officers(VSOs)from January 1,2025 through December 31,2025 in the amount of$550 per month payable from the Veterans' Assistance Fund 190. 8.11 Approval of the Resolution amending the Non-Represented Salary Range Alignment per the recommendations of Cabot Dow Associates and Mason County Human Resources. 8.12 Approval of the American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA)contract amendment with The Youth Connection to amend the scope of work to include renovation costs to the first and second floors of The Youth Connection building. 8.13 Approval to reappoint Teri King to the Mason County Clean Water District(CWD)Advisory Committee for a term expiring October 26,2027. 8.14 Approval of the Dispute Resolution Center contract in the amount of$44,500 for lead and subgrantees of the Consolidated Homeless Grant(CHG)for a term of December 1,2024 through June 30,2025. 8.15 Approval to accept and certify the addition of the Camp Robbinswold property on the Mason County Historic Register. 8.16 Approval of the amended Heritage Grant contract for the Skokomish Grange No. 379 in the amount of$5,000 to amend the scope of work to include repair of ceiling tiles. 8.17 Approval of the State Homeland Security Program(SHSP)FY-24 Grant Contract#E25-209 for $19,580 from Washington State Military Department(EMD)and US Department of Homeland Security for the performance period of September 1,2-24,to October 31,2025. 8.18 Approval to amend Resolution no.2024-027 for the Salary Commission to establish staggered terms. (Exhibit A,Resolution No.2024-070) 8.19 Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding(MOU)with the City of Shelton to allow District Court to hold court calendars at 525 W Cota Street, Shelton during the construction of the District Court facility—Building 10. 8.20 Approval to set a Public Hearing for Tuesday,December 17,2024 at 9:15 a.m.to consider sale of real property located at 6 Public Works Drive, Shelton,WA,parcel no. 42002-13-90060 for $500,000.00 and sale of the real property located at 8 Public Works Drive, Shelton,WA,parcel no.42002-13-90080 for$650,000.00 to David C.Bayley and/or Assigns. 8.21 Approval to move American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA)funds for the retainage fee of$9,139.21 back into the"Downtown Fiber Project"from"Governmental Operations"for final payment. 2 1 December 3 , 2024 Commission Minutes Cmmr.Shutty/Trask moved and seconded to approve action items 8.1 through 8.21. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; T-aye. 9. Other Business(Department Heads and Elected Officials) Kelly Frazier shared the Employees Group will host the Christmas tree lighting on December 6 at 5:30 on the Courthouse lawn;the hygiene and food drive is December 9-20 and donations go to the school district;the money envelope will benefit Kitten Rescue,Adopt-a-Pet,and the Humane Society; and the annual bake sale will be held December 19 and proceeds will go to Pathway's House. 10. 9:15 a.m.Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time Please see above options to provide public testimony. These options are available only while COVID-19 OPMA meeting restrictions are in place. 10.1Public Hearing to consider adopting the Capital Improvement Program 2025-2030(Appendix A of the Capital Facilities Element). Staff. Marissa Watson(Exhibit B,Ordinance No.2024- 071) Marissa Watson shared that this is the six-year financing plan for Capital Facilities Element. During this cycle of the Capital Improvement Program(CIP)review the Planning Advisory Commission(PAC)voted to form a sub-committee to perform a more thorough review of the document,meet with County staff in a less formal setting for review and education regarding capital project choices and financing,and to form topics for the inclusion in a recommendation letter to the Commissioners. Planning staff worked with Public Works,Parks and Trails, Facilities,Finance,and Support Services to update and bring forth the draft CIP prior to Commission decision on the 2025 preliminary budget. Bringing the CIP before the BOCC prior to the budget decision provides another layer of public engagement and recommendation. The CIP sub-committee drafted a recommendation letter that was approved by the PAC at their September 16,2024 meeting. The PAC is recommending approval of the 2025-2030 CIP as is but makes a list of recommendations for future capital project planning and financing and communication of that information within future CIP documents. No comment was received from the State,Tribe,or from the public. The six-year planning period estimates$41,515,000 in capital project costs;the 2025-2030 fund balance is$17,266,000. However,the balance is reduced to$5 million with grants and other funding sources. Staff recommend approval. Jeff Carey,Vice-Chair of PAC, shared the PAC presented a letter to the Commissioners to use as a guideline. PAC would like to see directors of various departments get acquainted with the Department of Commerce's book on capital facilities planning with regards to the Growth Management Act(GMA). This book shares a number of steps and key points that would greatly help PAC facilitate its job and determine priorities. Cmmr.Trask/Shutty moved and seconded to approve and adopt the six-year financing portion of the Capital Facilities Plan also known as Appendix A: Capital Improvement Program 2025-2030. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; T-aye. 10.2Public Hearing to consider the sale of parcel no. 32005-31-60070 in the amount of$10,000 to Thaddeus and Brenda Bamford. Staff. Mark Neary Mark shared that on July 2,2024 the Commissioners passed Resolution No. 2024-041 declaring parcel no. 32005-31-60070 as surplus. On August 13,2024 at a public hearing,the parcel was declared surplus. One bid was received. The assessed value is$5,935 and the offer from Thaddeus and Brenda Bamford was$10,000. Parcel is located on Johns Prairie Road and was acquired years ago for alignment of the road. However,the road was lined in a different manner. Public Works will vacate this easement since there is no need. 3 1 December 3 , 2024 Commission Minutes Cmmr. Shutty/Trask moved and seconded to approve the sale of parcel no.32005-31- 60070 in the amount of$10,000 to Thaddeus and Brenda Bamford. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; T-aye. 10.3Public Hearing to consider certifying to the County Assessor the amount of taxes levied for County purposes and the amount of taxes levied for Current Expense and Road for 2025; an increase to the Current Expense and Road property tax levies for 2025 may be considered. Staff: Jennifer Beierle(Exhibit C,Resolution No.2024-072;Exhibit D,Resolution No.2024- 073) Jennifer shared this is a continuation of the Public Hearing from November 19,2024 to certify to the County Assessor the amount of taxes levied for county purposes and the amount of taxes levied for collection in 2025. The Current Expense and Road property tax levy resolutions were approved by the Board of County Commissioners at the November 19, 2024,hearing. The Assessor's Office has received levy requests and calculated for all taxing districts. The recommendation is to 1)adopt the resolution certifying to the County Assessor the property tax levies for collection in 2025 and 2)adopt the resolution certifying diverted County Road funds to the General Fund for the 2025 property tax collection year. Cmmr. Shutty/Trask moved and seconded to adopt the resolution certifying to the County Assessor the property tax levies for collection in 2025. Motion carried unanimously. N- aye; S-aye;T-aye. Cmmr.Trask/Shutty moved and seconded to adopt the resolution certifying diverted County Road funds to the General Fund for the 2025 property tax collection year. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; T-aye. 11. Board's Calendar and Reports—The Commissioners reported on meetings attended the past week and announced their upcoming weekly meetings. 12. Adjournment—The meeting adjourned at 9:44 a.m. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Sharon Trask, Chair Pat Tarzwell,Vice-Chair Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner 41 December 3 , 2024 Commission Minutes *1854 Mason County Agenda Request Form To: Board of Mason County Commissioners Item No. 8.1 From: Ravyn Marshall Ext: 380 Department: Central Services Briefing: ❑ Action Agenda: Z Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): Click or tap here to enter text. Agenda Date(s): January 21,2025 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ IT ❑ Risk ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Item• Approval of Warrants &Treasurer Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant#8109984-8110307 $ 1,743,101.92 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant# 112787-113187 $ 1,008,846.55 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant#7008616-7008653 $ 1,336,943.65 Treasurer Electronic Remittance $ 3,563,563.44 Macecom 12.10.24 $ 288,049.21 Mental Health 12.10.24 $ 12,922.18 Dispute Resolution Surcharge 12.10.24 $ 1,250.00 USDA Beard's Cove Water Meters#1 PRIN 12.13.24 $ 1,340.00 USDA Beard's Cove Water Meters#1 INT 12.13.24 $ 2,095.00 Current Expense 12.31.24 $ 119.72 Road Div-Current Expense 12.31.24 $ 12.46 Veterans Assistance 12.31.24 $ 1.67 County Road 12.31.24 $ 122.12 Mental Health 12.31.24 $ 2.56 ARPA 8.22.24 $ 75,000.00 Public Works-Rustlewood 8.22.24 $ 75,000.00 ARPA 12.18.24 $ 267,584.07 DCD 12.18.24 $ 267,584.07 Mason County Landfill(Brink's) 12.18.24 $ 1,422.20 Mental Health Transfer Out 12.31.24 $ 15,545.70 Clerk 12.31.24 $ 15,545.70 General Fund 12.17.24 $ 376,255.00 Community Health 12.17.24 $ 376,255.00 Mental Health Transfer Out 12.17.24 $ 100,000.00 Public Health 12.17.24 $ 100,000.00 Professional Services 12.18.24 $ 20.00 Skokomish Flood Zone 12.26.24 $ 28,964.96 County Road 12.26.24 $ 28,964.96 ARPA 12.27.24 $ 485,458.95 C.E. 12.27.24 $ 485,458.95 ARPA 12.27.24 $ 103,886.49 C.E. 12.27.24 $ 103,886.49 Mason County Clean Water District 12.27.24 $ 95,407.99 Community Services Health 12.27.24 $ 95,407.99 Mental Health Transfer Out 12.31.24 $ 80,000.00 C.E. Office of Public Defense 12.31.24 $ 80,000.00 Background/Executive Summary: The Board approved Resolution no. 80-00 Payment of Claims Against County: Procedure Authorizing Warrant Issue and Release Prior to Board Claim Approval. Mason County Code 3.32.060(a)requires that the Board enter into the minutes of the County Commissioners the approval of claims listing warrant numbers. Claims Clearing YTD total $ 1,743,101.92 Direct Deposit YTD total $ 1,008,846.55 Salary Clearing YTD total $ 1,336,943.65 Treasurer Remittance YTD total $ 3,563,563.44 Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment, etc.): See above. Public Outreach: N/A Requested Action: Approval of the aforementioned Claims Clearing Fund,Direct Deposit Fund, Salary Clearing Fund, and Treasurer Electronic Remittance warrants. Attachment(s)• Originals on file with Financial Services and the Treasurer's Office; copies on file with the Clerk of the Board *1854 Mason County Agenda Request Form To: Board of Mason County Commissioners Item No. 8.2 From: Kevin Hanson Ext: 369 Department: Jail Briefing: FXI Action Agenda: Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): January 6,2025 Agenda Date(s): January 21,2025 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ IT ❑ Risk ® Other- (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Facilities Item• Body Scanner Warranty Background/Executive Summary: Facilities personnel purchased body scanners for the courthouse,juvenile, and the jail. The warranty is expired for the jail machine and needs renewed. Contact Facilities personnel for additional information if needed as they are the contact for the vendor. Budget Impact (amount, funding source,budget amendment, etc.): $15,500 Public Outreach: None Requested Action: Approval to extend the warranty with Linev Systems US, Inc. for body scanner machine at the Jail for the estimated amount of$15,500. Attachment(s)• Warranty Quote 13631 Poplar Circle DATE 1/6/2025 Conroe,TX 77304 QUOTE# EF1625MWA Phone:936.588.2064 VALID UNTIL 2/5/2025 Emily Fain efain@linevsystems.com Diane Zoren Payment: Net 30 Days Mason County Jail Receipt of PO+ 411 North 4th Street 12 months Shelton,WA 98584 dlz@masoncountywa.gov ITEMS QTY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT CONPASS DV-ANNUAL EXTENDED WARRANTY 1 $ 15,500.00 $ 15,500.00 S/N 333KS1 WARRANTY INCLUDES ANNUAL PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE VISIT TECHNICAL SUPPORT PARTS AND SHIPPING LABOR TECHNICIAN TRAVEL SOFTWARE UPGRADES 30%DISCOUNT ON HARDWARE UPGRADES IMAGE INTERPRETATION REFRESHER TRAINING(2 hrs) $ 2,500.00 ON-SITE TRAINING-Up to 10 Operators* (OPTIONAL) $ 5,900.00 OPTION Radiation Safety(2hrs) Scanner Operations(2hrs) Supervisor Functions/Reporting(1hr) Image Interpretation (2hrs) 50 question test Certificate of Completion Subtotal $ 15,500.00 TERMS AND CONDITIONS Shipping 1.These prices do not include sales tax, if applicable. Tax rate 0% 2. Purchase Orders shall be written to: Tax due $ - Linev Systems US,Inc.,13631 Poplar Circle,Conroe,TX 77304 TOTAL 3. Late fees may be applied to past due invoices. https://linevsystems.us/terms-and-conditions/ *1854 Mason County Agenda Request Form To: Board of Mason County Commissioners Item No. 8.3 From: Kevin Hanson Ext: 369 Department: Jail Briefing: Z Action Agenda: Z Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): January 6,2025 Agenda Date(s): January 21,2025 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ IT ❑ Risk Z Other- (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Facilities Item• Jail Door Locks Background/Executive Summary: Mason County Facilities personnel forwarded me a bid to replace/upgrade jail door hardware/locks from Corrections Technology Group.They are the vendor, sole source, for the jail security hardware.We have a contract with them for annual maintenance. During the last maintenance evaluation,they identified three areas needing upgrade and repair: 1) overhaul of two existing sliding doors; 2)replace locks on four doors -Z6,Z7,Control, and Indoor Rec; and 3)add manual locks to the outdoor yard gates. Having dependable and operation locks and doors is essential to the safety of the facility. Mason County Facilities personnel is familiar with this and has more information than I about the specifics of the locks or lock problems or how they work or don't work. Todd Cannon, IT,reached out to CTG and CTG is willing to honor the quote from June 11,2024. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment, etc.): #1 - Slider doors- $29,537,#2 - $25,032,#3 - $11,935; for an estimated total of$66,504 Public Outreach: None Requested Action: Approval for Corrections Technology Group(CTG)to upgrade and repair locks for the Jail for the estimated amount of$66,504. Attachment(s): Bids from CTG C 0 R R E C T 1 0 N S CTG TECHNOLOGY GROUP 5615 E.Trent Ave.,Ste. 3 Spokane,WA 99212 509-991-2815 DATE: June 11, 2024 PROJECT: Mason County: Repair of 2 sliding detention doors PROPOSAL: MC-002: Under this proposal, CTG shall supply and install all new components, including Weld- on tracks,for 2 of the existing detention sliding doors, as detailed herein: NET PRICE: $29,537 plus applicable WA sales taxes REMARKS: 1) Prices Indicated include engineering, submittals, project management, installation and programming labor, parts, freight, air and vehicle costs, per diem, and one-year warranty on supplied new parts. 2) Includes prevailing wages. 3) Includes primer paint, but does not include finish paint, which will be provided by the Owner. The Terms and Conditions of Sales shown on the reverse are a part hereof. NET 30 DAYS Prices are good for 60 days. PROPOSAL ACCEPTED CORRECTIONS TECHNOLOGY GROUP LLC SUBMITTED BY: BY: Bob Ellis, Design/Build Manager TITLE: CORRECTIONS TECHNOLOGY GROUP * 5615 E.Trent Ave.,Ste. 3, Spokane,WA 99212 LICENSES * ID Public Works#024602-B-4, CA#1096382, AK#111427, OR#20897, WA#CORRETG760BP TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE (CONTRACT SALES) 1. REMITTANCES All invoices shall be due and payable upon receipt in United States currency,free of exchange, collection,or any other charges,or as otherwise agreed upon and set forth in writing by CORRECTIONS TECHNOLOGY GROUP. (hereinafter called"Seller"). The Customer,if so requested agrees to furnish Seller with all information including financial statements, necessary to make a proper credit appraisal. Refusal to supply such information may cause this proposal to be withdrawn. Terms of payment originally granted are subject to the approval of continued credit status. Prices are subject to correction for error. 2. PROPOSALS Proposals are based upon straight-time labor. Any request by the Customer for overtime work shall be considered an extra. This Proposal expires 30 days after its date,subject to the provisions of the first sentence of the paragraph below entitled"Acceptance of Terms". 3. PROGRESS PAYMENTS Seller reserves the right to invoice Customer monthly as the work progresses for all materials delivered to the job site or to an off-sit facility and for all work performed on-site and off-site. Engineering,drafting and other mobilization costs incurred prior to installation shall be included in Sellers initial invoice and be equal to fifteen percent(15%)of the contract price. Invoices are due upon receipt by Customer. If the Customer becomes overdue in any progress payment,Seller shall be entitled to suspend work,shall be entitled to interest at the annual rate of 18%or the maximum permitted by the State of Washington and also to avail itself of any other legal remedies. Seller shall also be entitled to interest on all amounts retained by Customer from progress payments or otherwise Customer agrees that he will pay and/or reimburse Seller for any and all reasonable attorney's fees which are incurred by Seller in the collection of amounts due and payable hereunder. 4. CANCELLATION AND SUSPENSION Any contract resulting from this proposal is subject to cancellation or instructions to suspend work by the Customer only upon agreement to pay Seller adjustment charge. 5. TAXES The amount of any future sales, use,occupancy,excise,or other tax,federal,state,or local which Seller hereafter shall be obligated legally to pay,either on its own behalf or on behalf of the Customer or otherwise,with respect to the material covered by this proposal shall be added to such prices and paid by the Customer. 6. LOSS DAMAGE OR DELAY Seller shall not be liable for any loss,damage,or delay occasioned by any cause beyond Seller's control, including but not limited to governmental actions or orders,embargoes,strikes,differences with workmen,fires, floods,accidents,or transportation delays. IN NO EVENT SHALL SELLER BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES. 7. WARRANTY Seller warrants that the equipment manufactured and services furnished by it and covered by this proposal are free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service and without charge,equipment to be so defective in material or workmanship will be repaired or replaced, if written notice of failure is received by Seller within one(1)year after date of installation,provided said equipment has been operated in accordance with Seller's instructions and provided such defects are not due to abuse,fire or decomposition by chemical or galvanic action. THIS EXPRESS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF AND EXCLUDES ALL OTHER WARRANTIES,GUARANTEES,OR REPRESENTATIONS,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. THERE ARE NOT IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Seller assumes no responsibility of repairs made on Seller's equipment unless done by Seller's authorized personnel,or by written authority from Seller. Seller makes no guarantee with respect to material not manufactured by it. 8. PURCHASER'S REMEDIES The Customer's remedies with respect to equipment found to be defective in material or workmanship shall be limited exclusively to the right or repair or replacement of such defective equipment. IN NO EVENT SHALL SELLER BE LIABLE FOR CLAIMS(BASED UPON BREACH OR IMPLIED WARRANTY)FOR ANY OTHER DAMAGES,WHETHER DIRECT, IMMEDIATE,FORESEEABLE,CONSEQUENTIAL,OR SPECIAL OR FOR ANY EXPENSES INCURRED BY REASON OF THE USE OR MISUSE OF EQUIPMENT WHICH DOES OR DOES NOT CONFORM TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ANY CONTRACT RESULTING FROM THIS PROPOSAL. 9. PATENT INFRINGEMENT Seller will hold its Customer and the Owner harmless from infringement of any United States patent covering equipment of its manufacture. This,of necessity, is limited to the equipment per se and cannot be extended to applications of such equipment in a system,except in writing by an officer of Seller. The Customer and Owner shall advise Seller immediately in the event any claims of infringement are brought to their attention. 10. GOVERNING LAW Any contract resulting from this proposal shall be governed by,construed,and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. 11. CERTIFICATION The person whose signature appears on the fact side hereof hereby certifies that,to his best knowledge and belief,the annexed bid is not the result of any agreement,arrangement or understanding between the Seller and any other manufacturer or Seller of security systems and that the prices,terms or conditions thereof have not been communicated by or on behalf of the Seller to any such person and will not be communicated to any such person prior to the official opening of said bid. 12. ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS This proposal shall become a binding contract between the Customer and Seller when accepted in writing by the Customer and when subsequently approved in writing hereon by CORRECTIONS TECHNOLOGY GROUP.or by our written acceptance of your purchase order by CORRECTIONS TECHNOLOGY GROUP. Such acceptance shall be with the mutual understanding that the terms and conditions of this proposal are a part thereof with the same effect as though signed by both parties named herein and shall prevail over any inconsistent provision of said order. No waiver,alteration,or modification of the terms and conditions on this and the face side hereof shall be binding unless in writing and signed by and authorized representative of CORRECTIONS TECHNOLOGY GROUP. CORRECTIONS TECHNOLOGY GROUP * 5615 E.Trent Ave.,Ste. 3, Spokane,WA 99212 LICENSES * ID Public Works#024602-B-4, CA#1096382, AK#111427, OR#20897, WA#CORRETG7606P C 0 R R E C T 1 0 N S CTG TECHNOLOGY 1 GROUP 5615 E.Trent Ave.,Ste. 3 Spokane,WA 99212 509-991-2815 DATE: June 13, 2024 PROJECT: Mason County: Repair of Doors Z6, Z7, Control, and Indoor Rec. PROPOSAL: MC-002: Under this proposal, CTG shall replace the locks with new FA locks for the above 4 doors, as detailed herein: NET PRICE: $25,032 plus applicable WA sales taxes Deduct for combining the work of this proposal with the work in Proposal MC-02: <$5,070> REMARKS: 1) Prices Indicated include engineering, submittals, project management, installation and programming labor, parts, freight, air and vehicle costs, per diem, and one-year warranty on supplied new parts. 2) Includes prevailing wages. 3) Includes primer paint, but does not include finish paint, which will be provided by the Owner as needed. The Terms and Conditions of Sales shown on the reverse are a part hereof. NET 30 DAYS Prices are good for 60 days. PROPOSAL ACCEPTED CORRECTIONS TECHNOLOGY GROUP LLC SUBMITTED BY: BY: Bob Ellis, Design/Build Manager TITLE: CORRECTIONS TECHNOLOGY GROUP * 5615 E.Trent Ave.,Ste. 3, Spokane,WA 99212 LICENSES * ID Public Works#024602-B-4, CA#1096382, AK#111427, OR#20897, WA#CORRETG760BP TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE (CONTRACT SALES) 1. REMITTANCES All invoices shall be due and payable upon receipt in United States currency,free of exchange, collection,or any other charges,or as otherwise agreed upon and set forth in writing by CORRECTIONS TECHNOLOGY GROUP. (hereinafter called"Seller"). The Customer,if so requested agrees to furnish Seller with all information including financial statements, necessary to make a proper credit appraisal. Refusal to supply such information may cause this proposal to be withdrawn. Terms of payment originally granted are subject to the approval of continued credit status. Prices are subject to correction for error. 2. PROPOSALS Proposals are based upon straight-time labor. Any request by the Customer for overtime work shall be considered an extra. This Proposal expires 30 days after its date,subject to the provisions of the first sentence of the paragraph below entitled"Acceptance of Terms". 3. PROGRESS PAYMENTS Seller reserves the right to invoice Customer monthly as the work progresses for all materials delivered to the job site or to an off-sit facility and for all work performed on-site and off-site. Engineering,drafting and other mobilization costs incurred prior to installation shall be included in Sellers initial invoice and be equal to fifteen percent(15%)of the contract price. Invoices are due upon receipt by Customer. If the Customer becomes overdue in any progress payment,Seller shall be entitled to suspend work,shall be entitled to interest at the annual rate of 18%or the maximum permitted by the State of Washington and also to avail itself of any other legal remedies. Seller shall also be entitled to interest on all amounts retained by Customer from progress payments or otherwise Customer agrees that he will pay and/or reimburse Seller for any and all reasonable attorney's fees which are incurred by Seller in the collection of amounts due and payable hereunder. 4. CANCELLATION AND SUSPENSION Any contract resulting from this proposal is subject to cancellation or instructions to suspend work by the Customer only upon agreement to pay Seller adjustment charge. 5. TAXES The amount of any future sales, use,occupancy,excise,or other tax,federal,state,or local which Seller hereafter shall be obligated legally to pay,either on its own behalf or on behalf of the Customer or otherwise,with respect to the material covered by this proposal shall be added to such prices and paid by the Customer. 6. LOSS DAMAGE OR DELAY Seller shall not be liable for any loss,damage,or delay occasioned by any cause beyond Seller's control, including but not limited to governmental actions or orders,embargoes,strikes,differences with workmen,fires, floods,accidents,or transportation delays. IN NO EVENT SHALL SELLER BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES. 7. WARRANTY Seller warrants that the equipment manufactured and services furnished by it and covered by this proposal are free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service and without charge,equipment to be so defective in material or workmanship will be repaired or replaced, if written notice of failure is received by Seller within one(1)year after date of installation,provided said equipment has been operated in accordance with Seller's instructions and provided such defects are not due to abuse,fire or decomposition by chemical or galvanic action. THIS EXPRESS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF AND EXCLUDES ALL OTHER WARRANTIES,GUARANTEES,OR REPRESENTATIONS,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. THERE ARE NOT IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Seller assumes no responsibility of repairs made on Seller's equipment unless done by Seller's authorized personnel,or by written authority from Seller. Seller makes no guarantee with respect to material not manufactured by it. 8. PURCHASER'S REMEDIES The Customer's remedies with respect to equipment found to be defective in material or workmanship shall be limited exclusively to the right or repair or replacement of such defective equipment. IN NO EVENT SHALL SELLER BE LIABLE FOR CLAIMS(BASED UPON BREACH OR IMPLIED WARRANTY)FOR ANY OTHER DAMAGES,WHETHER DIRECT, IMMEDIATE,FORESEEABLE,CONSEQUENTIAL,OR SPECIAL OR FOR ANY EXPENSES INCURRED BY REASON OF THE USE OR MISUSE OF EQUIPMENT WHICH DOES OR DOES NOT CONFORM TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ANY CONTRACT RESULTING FROM THIS PROPOSAL. 9. PATENT INFRINGEMENT Seller will hold its Customer and the Owner harmless from infringement of any United States patent covering equipment of its manufacture. This,of necessity, is limited to the equipment per se and cannot be extended to applications of such equipment in a system,except in writing by an officer of Seller. The Customer and Owner shall advise Seller immediately in the event any claims of infringement are brought to their attention. 10. GOVERNING LAW Any contract resulting from this proposal shall be governed by,construed,and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. 11. CERTIFICATION The person whose signature appears on the fact side hereof hereby certifies that,to his best knowledge and belief,the annexed bid is not the result of any agreement,arrangement or understanding between the Seller and any other manufacturer or Seller of security systems and that the prices,terms or conditions thereof have not been communicated by or on behalf of the Seller to any such person and will not be communicated to any such person prior to the official opening of said bid. 12. ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS This proposal shall become a binding contract between the Customer and Seller when accepted in writing by the Customer and when subsequently approved in writing hereon by CORRECTIONS TECHNOLOGY GROUP.or by our written acceptance of your purchase order by CORRECTIONS TECHNOLOGY GROUP. Such acceptance shall be with the mutual understanding that the terms and conditions of this proposal are a part thereof with the same effect as though signed by both parties named herein and shall prevail over any inconsistent provision of said order. CORRECTIONS TECHNOLOGY GROUP * 5615 E.Trent Ave.,Ste. 3, Spokane,WA 99212 LICENSES * ID Public Works#024602-B-4, CA#1096382, AK#111427, OR#20897, WA#CORRETG7606P No waiver,alteration,or modification of the terms and conditions on this and the face side hereof shall be binding unless in writing and signed by and authorized representative of CORRECTIONS TECHNOLOGY GROUP. CORRECTIONS TECHNOLOGY GROUP * 5615 E.Trent Ave.,Ste. 3, Spokane,WA 99212 LICENSES * ID Public Works#024602-B-4, CA#1096382, AK#111427, OR#20897, WA#CORRETG760BP C 0 R R E C T 1 0 N S CTG TECHNOLOGY 1 GROUP 5615 E.Trent Ave.,Ste. 3 Spokane,WA 99212 509-991-2815 DATE: June 13, 2024 PROJECT: Mason County:Addition of manual locks to Outdoor Rec Yard Gates (2). PROPOSAL: MC-004: Under this proposal, CTG shall modify the existing gates and add manual detention locks as detailed herein: NET PRICE: $11,935 plus applicable WA sales taxes Deduct for combining the work of this proposal with the work in Proposal MC-02 or MC-03: <$5,070> REMARKS: 1) Prices Indicated include engineering, submittals, project management, installation and programming labor, parts, freight, air and vehicle costs, per diem, and one-year warranty on supplied new parts. 2) Includes prevailing wages. 3) Includes primer paint, but does not include finish paint, which will be provided by the Owner as needed. The Terms and Conditions of Sales shown on the reverse are a part hereof. NET 30 DAYS Prices are good for 60 days. PROPOSAL ACCEPTED CORRECTIONS TECHNOLOGY GROUP LLC SUBMITTED BY: BY: Bob Ellis, Design/Build Manager TITLE: CORRECTIONS TECHNOLOGY GROUP * 5615 E.Trent Ave.,Ste. 3, Spokane,WA 99212 LICENSES * ID Public Works#024602-B-4, CA#1096382, AK#111427, OR#20897, WA#CORRETG760BP TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE (CONTRACT SALES) 1. REMITTANCES All invoices shall be due and payable upon receipt in United States currency,free of exchange, collection,or any other charges,or as otherwise agreed upon and set forth in writing by CORRECTIONS TECHNOLOGY GROUP. (hereinafter called"Seller"). The Customer,if so requested agrees to furnish Seller with all information including financial statements, necessary to make a proper credit appraisal. Refusal to supply such information may cause this proposal to be withdrawn. Terms of payment originally granted are subject to the approval of continued credit status. Prices are subject to correction for error. 2. PROPOSALS Proposals are based upon straight-time labor. Any request by the Customer for overtime work shall be considered an extra. This Proposal expires 30 days after its date,subject to the provisions of the first sentence of the paragraph below entitled"Acceptance of Terms". 3. PROGRESS PAYMENTS Seller reserves the right to invoice Customer monthly as the work progresses for all materials delivered to the job site or to an off-sit facility and for all work performed on-site and off-site. Engineering,drafting and other mobilization costs incurred prior to installation shall be included in Sellers initial invoice and be equal to fifteen percent(15%)of the contract price. Invoices are due upon receipt by Customer. If the Customer becomes overdue in any progress payment,Seller shall be entitled to suspend work,shall be entitled to interest at the annual rate of 18%or the maximum permitted by the State of Washington and also to avail itself of any other legal remedies. Seller shall also be entitled to interest on all amounts retained by Customer from progress payments or otherwise Customer agrees that he will pay and/or reimburse Seller for any and all reasonable attorney's fees which are incurred by Seller in the collection of amounts due and payable hereunder. 4. CANCELLATION AND SUSPENSION Any contract resulting from this proposal is subject to cancellation or instructions to suspend work by the Customer only upon agreement to pay Seller adjustment charge. 5. TAXES The amount of any future sales, use,occupancy,excise,or other tax,federal,state,or local which Seller hereafter shall be obligated legally to pay,either on its own behalf or on behalf of the Customer or otherwise,with respect to the material covered by this proposal shall be added to such prices and paid by the Customer. 6. LOSS DAMAGE OR DELAY Seller shall not be liable for any loss,damage,or delay occasioned by any cause beyond Seller's control, including but not limited to governmental actions or orders,embargoes,strikes,differences with workmen,fires, floods,accidents,or transportation delays. IN NO EVENT SHALL SELLER BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES. 7. WARRANTY Seller warrants that the equipment manufactured and services furnished by it and covered by this proposal are free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service and without charge,equipment to be so defective in material or workmanship will be repaired or replaced, if written notice of failure is received by Seller within one(1)year after date of installation,provided said equipment has been operated in accordance with Seller's instructions and provided such defects are not due to abuse,fire or decomposition by chemical or galvanic action. THIS EXPRESS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF AND EXCLUDES ALL OTHER WARRANTIES,GUARANTEES,OR REPRESENTATIONS,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. THERE ARE NOT IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Seller assumes no responsibility of repairs made on Seller's equipment unless done by Seller's authorized personnel,or by written authority from Seller. Seller makes no guarantee with respect to material not manufactured by it. 8. PURCHASER'S REMEDIES The Customer's remedies with respect to equipment found to be defective in material or workmanship shall be limited exclusively to the right or repair or replacement of such defective equipment. IN NO EVENT SHALL SELLER BE LIABLE FOR CLAIMS(BASED UPON BREACH OR IMPLIED WARRANTY)FOR ANY OTHER DAMAGES,WHETHER DIRECT, IMMEDIATE,FORESEEABLE,CONSEQUENTIAL,OR SPECIAL OR FOR ANY EXPENSES INCURRED BY REASON OF THE USE OR MISUSE OF EQUIPMENT WHICH DOES OR DOES NOT CONFORM TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ANY CONTRACT RESULTING FROM THIS PROPOSAL. 9. PATENT INFRINGEMENT Seller will hold its Customer and the Owner harmless from infringement of any United States patent covering equipment of its manufacture. This,of necessity, is limited to the equipment per se and cannot be extended to applications of such equipment in a system,except in writing by an officer of Seller. The Customer and Owner shall advise Seller immediately in the event any claims of infringement are brought to their attention. 10. GOVERNING LAW Any contract resulting from this proposal shall be governed by,construed,and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. 11. CERTIFICATION The person whose signature appears on the fact side hereof hereby certifies that,to his best knowledge and belief,the annexed bid is not the result of any agreement,arrangement or understanding between the Seller and any other manufacturer or Seller of security systems and that the prices,terms or conditions thereof have not been communicated by or on behalf of the Seller to any such person and will not be communicated to any such person prior to the official opening of said bid. 12. ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS This proposal shall become a binding contract between the Customer and Seller when accepted in writing by the Customer and when subsequently approved in writing hereon by CORRECTIONS TECHNOLOGY GROUP.or by our written acceptance of your purchase order by CORRECTIONS TECHNOLOGY GROUP. Such acceptance shall be with the mutual understanding that the terms and conditions of this proposal are a part thereof with the same effect as though signed by both parties named herein and shall prevail over any inconsistent provision of said order. No waiver,alteration,or modification of the terms and conditions on this and the face side hereof shall be binding unless in writing and signed by and authorized representative of CORRECTIONS TECHNOLOGY GROUP. CORRECTIONS TECHNOLOGY GROUP * 5615 E.Trent Ave.,Ste. 3, Spokane,WA 99212 LICENSES * ID Public Works#024602-B-4, CA#1096382, AK#111427, OR#20897, WA#CORRETG7606P *1854 Mason County Agenda Request Form To: Board of Mason County Commissioners Item No. 8.4 From: Kevin Hanson Ext: 369 Department: Jail Briefing: Action Agenda: Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): January 6,2025 Agenda Date(s): January 21,2025 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal © IT ❑ Risk ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Item• Jail Security Video Storage Archive Background/Executive Summary: The county approved an upgrade to the security electronics system at the Mason County Jail. That project included upgraded computer systems,control panel,and cameras. The upgrade has been installed and operational for several months.We found the storage device is only storing 30 days of video.Washington State retention rule, LE15-01-64 Rev. 1,mandates inmate surveillance be stored for 60 days. I submitted a work ticket to IT for an electronics evaluation.They forwarded a bid from Corrections Technology Group to upgrade the computer. Todd Cannon, IT,reached out to CTG and CTG is willing to honor the quote from September 10, 2024. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment, etc.): It appears, from the bid forwarded from IT,the cost will be $20,160.00. Public Outreach: None Requested Action: Approval to upgrade the Jail security video storage archive to store sixty days of video for an estimated cost of$20,160 to be compliant with Washington State retention rules. Attachment(s): CTG Quote CORRECTIONS Estimate CTG TECHNOLOGY GROUP 5615 East Trent Ave Suite 3 ESTIMATE # 1051126552 Spokane WA 99212 (509) 436-9060, DATE 09/10/2024 Info@corrtechgroup.com PO # CUSTOMER SERVICE LOCATION SCO05 - SC SCO05 - SC Todd Cannon Mason County Facilities 411 N 4th Mason County Facilities 411 N 4th Shelton, WA, 98584 Shelton, WA, 98584 (360) 427-5501 (360) 427-5501 toddc@masoncountywa.gov toddc@masoncountywa.gov DESCRIPTION Server request Estimate i Description Qty Rate Tax Total PowerEdge 750 1.00 $19,000.00 $0.0000 $19,000.00 Server Microsoft Server Software 2019 1.00 $900.00 $0.0000 $900.00 Microsoft Server Software 2019 Engineer shop labor 3.00 $65.00 $0.0000 $195.00 Shop Labor Engineering - Field 1.00 $65.00 $0.0000 $65.00 Engineering work in field CUSTOMER MESSAGE Estimate Total: $20,160.00 TERMS AND IONS OF SALE CON I REMITTANCES am An ee.� �rd���' .e;,�ewawd=m�mean�*TIONS hwwe°Ln.W5. The moo* a.pa�tD burnafte�.' �an� ��."��aa�q..mm� "�ee:�aeamwm�� �s�,�e nz al z PROPOSALS �em� �a a � q.m.ea ttL Seem Curatereadmi, ANSIgy� 2 PROGRESS PAYMENTS a mo�„LIKENLROM deny Randall ALI m in Sal e made add be ma _ ; AM dithey assumeany �vem �Pp dual be mf . ea be enthedwdameeemnmda m� aesmaa Mam m a�Naxnerra xBniaeas2meeM Na"aemuu®m✓WayemmrrmewhMakemmm� �am mmaa all nmmsie q mm mom.Mmeo�nmBBimsmh upon aAe eapmwoavumnoImwvu S mgme 4giMm psee iny anyountat m q dam�earl o mix a qe Cuamao mousy RE Lspm Nor Shici m qe wanes aem ry qa pal aee be Added m al poes ae wa ry ee Sunni a LOSS CAMAGE OR DELAY Saked shell n A be I My any No Jandems A Ready w'Bvaa pm All I dicul accedual N All IN SO EENT STALL GELLER BE LIABLE FEE NNEV CONSEQUENTIAL ON SPECIAL e. uusss. m AS AIR mm m p e AIR ml�are free men dessam in maynal Red reewshyunder mmm�may q GNi»aeNa ANSI Xt(MAR iewunoe levee akin In �lS���aV���ISINUEUOFMDaCLUDES mipeem�vivdavano�eR IMPLIED NCT ED �MS TMeisiessis FORA P ppas MMs�xtren+u>tio*vam s"�aw4i sPURSPEND neLemses m uamamgm mmamvimmaanrvm Mrt PURCHASERS REMEDIES s wslasAANED UN+wrew�mre�UPON BREACH OR ED VAGasmi�ueMmeav)ceANim�s�iaeAGES aims SELLER BE LIMBLE FOR MI PROFIT IMMEELATE ABLE co ov SORANYEvpANY OTHER n NIFURMSED By RESSON OF THE USE OR ABUSE PIE ECUIPMENTI DOES ON ADDS NOT CONFORM TOTHETERMASAND SENATORS OF NNEV CONFUSSULT RESULTING FROM THE PROPOSSI 2 PATENT INC RINGE asutv.aims m day wapnerney p Se ss ammo ras�av m emmpda msaes Isatrsav�MENT mamwa ymd ICrovsvwera�a. iwswvreaneunertAaiamzsn �w.a�aa mueama aa�rma�mm aeam�y.mge.aeemm. 10 mvva.neenwree namwiawque ' iarsmgCERTIFICATION asni on aiwnmaYmmi evor 'x. meamaae OFTERM ss new ual as wvmmam vm m"earcua gseL a�win dams ysde"cwmer ae wimsww.mg awue Andayarmse e�axmnd ee�wi ey cw dentividen v[rnw�i^mr rt�xaewvw mma am Al demf wq daCHINDSOCRY s A SAsarernw�as gioge �be win Fee mutual underateradmig mart Fee ta and wri Duke p ED p aromai AUGH3301 Dr maddramic n I Fee Name Mae Museum Ad DUN and Us Eyes veeieregsatreuem Weesmmmndseseree a A anted pesmowe a sawsrnoias pscwpsosv svaa. *1854 Mason County Agenda Request Form To: Board of Mason County Commissioners Item No. 8.5 From: Dan Teuteberg,Director Ext: 686 Department: WSU Extension Briefing: Action Agenda: ❑ Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): January 6,2025 Agenda Date(s): January 21,2025 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑X Legal ❑ IT ® Risk ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Item: 2025 "Memorandum of Agreement"Appendix A between Washington State University Extension and Mason County. Background/Executive Summary: Request signature of the chair on the 2025 "Memorandum of Agreement"Appendix A between Mason County and Washington State University Extension. "Memorandum of Agreement"Appendix A provides funding for WSU Extension to provide programs in Mason County based upon the 2025 budget. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment, etc.): WSU Extension budget impact of $99,836(included in the 2025 adopted budget). Public Outreach: N/A Requested Action: Recommend that the board moves to place the 2025 "Memorandum of Agreement" Appendix A between Washington State University Extension and Mason County on the Action Agenda for signature approval. Attachment(s): 2025 "Memorandum of Agreement"Appendix A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Between WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION And Mason County APPENDIX A The following funds will be provided under this Memorandum of Agreement for the period January 1,2025 through December 31, 2025 to provide an extension program. Federal Funds $ Non-Federal Funds $99,836 TOTAL FUNDS $99,836 It is understood that non-Federal funds provided by the County in support of this agreement may be identified by WSU as match for Federal capacity program(Hatch Act, Smith-Lever Act, etc.) funds received by WSU to support Extension activities. Dr. Vicki McCracken Date County Commissioners Date Associate Dean and Director or County Executive WSU Extension Matthew Michener Date Associate Director Office of Research Support and Operations December 17t'',2024 *1854 Mason County Agenda Request Form To: Board of Mason County Commissioners Item No. 8.6 From: Tina Schaefer,Right of Way Agent Senior,on behalf of Mike Collins,PLS,PE Deputy Ext:456 Director/County Engineer Department: Public Works Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): ,January 6,2025 Agenda Date(s): January 21,2025 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ IT ❑ Risk ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Item: Road Vacation Order No. 421 —Set Hearing date with Hearing Examiner Parcel 1 Vacate all that portion of Mason Ave adjacent to and Easterly of Lots 1,2,3 &4,and Easterly of the vacated alley,all lying Northerly of the centerline of Finch Creek, all in Block 11, of Hoodsport, as recorded in Volume 2 of plats,page 6,records of Mason County,Washington. Parcel 2 Vacate all that portion of Mason Ave adjacent to and Easterly of Lots 5,6,7& 8,and Easterly of the vacated portion of Grove Street on the North, all in Block 11, of Hoodsport, as recorded in Volume 2 of plats,page 6,records of Mason County,Washington. Background/Executive Summary: Fjord Holdings,LLC, a Washington limited liability company owns Lots 5,6,7 & 8,in Block 11 and a portion of Lots 1,2,3 &4 and the vacated alley in Block 11,in the plat of Hoodsport, as recorded in Volume 2 of plats,page 6. The LLC has petitioned for the vacation of the deeded right of way as attached on Exhibit A. That portion of Mason Ave is adjacent to the State right of way for State Route 101 and isn't opened. This area consists of vegetation,grass,landscape rock and a patio. The requested right of way to vacate is unopened and has never been maintained. The area is adjacent to the state right of way for Hwy 101. The right of way was dedicated to the public on August 1, 1890,when the plat of Hoodsport was originally platted. An Engineer's Report has been prepared for the Hearing Examiner,and Public Works acknowledges the right of way was vacated by operation of law,pursuant to the Session Laws of 1889-1890. Budget Impact(amount,funding source,budget amendment,etc.): Petitioners have paid the required administrative fee of$1,000 for vacation of the county road. The right of way is classified as"Class C"per MCC 12.20.040, 12.20.050, & 12.20.060,therefore no compensation other than the Administrative Fee is due. Public Outreach: The Notice of Intent to vacate will be published in the Shelton Journal two times and posted in three locations, as required by RCW 36.87.050. Requested Action: Recommend the Board approve and execute the resolution setting a hearing date with the Hearings Examiner for Wednesday February 26, 2025, at 1:OOpm via zoom to consider public comment on Road Vacation No.421. Attachment(s)• Engineer's Report Hearing Notice MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC WORKS 100 W PUBLIC WORKS DRIVE SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 MEMORANDUM DATE: December 18, 2024 TO: Mason County Hearings Examiner FROM: Tina Schaefer, Right of Way Agent Senior, on behalf of Mike Collins, County Engineer, and Deputy Director Cc: Mike Mclrvin, County Surveyor & David Smith, Engineering and Construction Manager SUBJECT: ENGINEER'S REPORT— ROAD VACATION FILE NO. 421 Parcel 1 Vacate all that portion of Mason Ave adjacent to and Easterly of Lots 1,2,3 & 4, and Easterly of the vacated alley, all lying Northerly of the centerline of Finch Creek in Block 11, of Hoodsport, as recorded in Volume 2 of plats, page 6, records of Mason County, Washington. Parcel 2 Vacate all that portion of Mason Ave adjacent to and Easterly of Lots 5,6,7 & 8, and Easterly of that vacated portion of Grove Street on the North, all in Block 11, of Hoodsport, as recorded in Volume 2 of plats, page 6, records of Mason County, Washington. BACKGROUND: Fjord Holdings, LLC, a Washington limited liability company owns Lots 5,6,7 & 8, in Block 11 and a portion of Lots 1,2,3 & 4 and the vacated alley in Block 11, in the plat of Hoodsport, as recorded in Volume 2 of plats, page 6. The LLC has petitioned for the vacation of the deeded right of way as attached on Exhibit A. That portion of Mason Ave is adjacent to the State right of way for State Route 101 and isn't opened. This area consists of vegetation, grass, landscape rock and a patio. The requested right of way to vacate is unopened and has never been maintained. The area is adjacent to the state right of way for Hwy 101. The right of way was dedicated to the public on August 1, 1890, when the plat of Hoodsport was originally platted. Vacating this area would clear title for the property owner. Public Works acknowledges the right of way was vacated by operation of law, pursuant to the Session Laws of 1889-1890. 1 In compliance with RCW 36.87.40, at the Board of County Commissioners and County Engineer's direction, Public Works Department staff examined that portion of the road right- of-way requested to be vacated and solicited comments on the proposed vacation. Our findings are the following: 1. The right of way is unopened, and no records indicate it was opened. 2. The right of way is vacated by operation of law, pursuant to RCW 36.87.090. 3. The right of way is classified as "Class C" per MCC 12.20.040, 12.20.050, & 12.20.060, therefore no compensation other than the Administrative Fee is due. 4. The petitioner has paid in full the required administrative fee of$1,000.00, pursuant to MCC 12.20.080. Public Notice Public notice has been provided as required by RCW 36.87.050, both by posting at the site and by publishing in the county official newspaper. Recommendation Public Works recommends the vacation of all that portion of Mason Ave adjacent to and Easterly of Lots 1,2,3 & 4, and Easterly of the vacated alley, all lying Northerly of the centerline of Finch Creek, all in Block 11, of Hoodsport, as recorded in Volume 2 of plats, page 6, records of Mason County, Washington. And vacate all that portion of Mason Ave adjacent to and Easterly of Lots 5,6,7 & 8, and Easterly of the vacated portion of Grove Street on the North, all in Block 11, of Hoodsport, as recorded in Volume 2 of plats, page 6, records of Mason County, Washington. The vacated area will be subject to existing easements for ingress, egress, and drainage or other purposes, if any, and in accordance with RCW 36.87.140, and retaining an easement in favor of Mason County for any utilities and drainage present in the vacated right of way. Attachments: • Legal Description: Exhibit A • Petition: Exhibit B pages 1 - 15 • Aerial Plat Map: Exhibit C • Photos— Exhibit D pages 1-3 2 Road Vacation#421 EXHIBIT"A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel 1 Vacate all that portion of Mason Ave adjacent to and Easterly of Lots 1,2,3 & 4, and Easterly of the vacated alley, all lying Northerly of the centerline of Finch Creek, all in Block 11, Plat of Hoodsport, as recorded in Volume 2 of plats, page 6, records of Mason County,Washington. Parcel 2 Vacate all that portion of Mason Ave adjacent to and Easterly of Lots 5,6,7 & 8, and Easterly of the vacated portion of Grove Street on the North, all in Block 11, Plat of Hoodsport, as recorded in Volume 2 of plats,page 6, records of Mason County,Washington. Exhibit B MASON COUNTY PETITION FOR VACATION OF COUNTY ROAD TO: Board of Mason County Commissioners c/o: Mason County Public Works Department 100 W. Public Works Drive Shelton, WA 98584 Applicant Name:John Hansen president " Fjord Holdings LLC" Mailing Address: 213 SE Stotsbery RD Shelton WA 98584 Phone Number:360-229-6981 Email Address: lohnandrachel@comcast.net Parcel Number: 42212501100,422125011003 We, the undersigned, being owners of the majority of the frontage of the below-described county road, hereby petition the Board of Mason County Commissioners for vacation of the following described county road: Road Name:Mason Avenue Road Number: Description of road right of way to be vacated: Mason Avenue right of way per plat or N HWY 101 west side adjoining said parcels from centerline of Finch Creek and North East end of Parcel on N Finch Creek Road.See attached survey. Plat Name: Recording Date: Section: 12 Township: 22N Range: 4W Attached herewith is a map secured from the Mason County Engineer or from the Mason County Assessor. We have shaded the right of way herein petitioned to be vacated and have also shown the ownerships along said right of way. IN SUPPORT OF SAID PETITION,PETITIONERS ALLEGE: I That the undersigned are the owners of the majority of the frontage of the county road right of way petitioned to be vacated and said right of way is located in Mason County, Washington. 11 That contact information,signatures and legal descriptions of the property owned by each petitioner on the right of way to be vacated are provided below: NAME/ADDRESS/SIGNATURE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PHONE PROPERTY/PARCEL# Fjord Holldings LLC, John Hansen see attached 360-229-6981 1 213 SE Stotsbe helton WA 985 i I Z' Al X PETITION FOR VACATION OF COUNTY ROAD Page I Exhibit B NAME/ADDRESS/SIGNATURE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PHONE PROPERTY/PARCEL# 3 X 4 X (Additional petitioners are listed on the attachment hereto.) III That, if the plat was recorded prior to March, 12, 1904, and, if the right of way is not now in use as a public road,the following proof is provided that the road was never opened for public travel for five years following recording of the plat: The property in question has been in use since the road was built, the gardens in place have been in place since the 70's-when the bank building was first built IV That such county road right of way is useless as a part of the county road system and that the public would be benefited by its vacation for the following reasons: The original drawing for the road was not used since they did not allow for terrain which is why the road was built where it is leaving the piece to be vacated. It appears based on all vacations along 101 this is the only one that has been left unvacated. V That this road vacation is requested for the following purpose: To clear up legal use and property lines with setbacks etc. VI That this petition is accompanied by an Administrative fee of One Thousand Dollars($1,000.00), payable to Mason County Public Works, pursuant to statute,conditioned upon petitioners paying into the Mason County Road Fund the amount of all costs and expenses incurred in the examination,report and all proceedings pertaining to this petition for the vacation of said road right of way.The County also requires compensation for Class A(50%)and Class B (100%)of appraised value. DATED this 24th day ofAugust 2024 PETITION FOR VACATION OF COUNTY ROAD Page 2 Exhibit B EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1: LOTS 7 AND 8, BLOCK 11, HOODSPORT, VOLUME 2 OF PLATS, PAGE6, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON, TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF THE VACATED SOUTH 10 FEET OF STREET ADJOINING SAID LOT 8 ON THE NORTH. PARCEL 2: LOTS 5 AND 6, BLOCK 11, PLAT OF HOODSPORT, VOLUME 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 6, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH ONE-HALF OF THAT PART OF VACATED ALLEY ADJOINING SAID LOT 5 ON THE SOUTH. AND THAT PORTION OF LOTS 1,2,3,4, AND THE VACATED ALLEY BLOCK 11, OF THE PLAT OF HOODSPORT, RECORDED IN THE VOLUME 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 6, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING NORTHERLY OF THE CENTERLINE OF FINCH CREEK AND EASTERLY OF THE WEST LINE OF LOTS 5 AND 6 OF SAID BLOCK 11 EXTENDED SOUTHERLY TO THE CENTERLINE OF SAID CREEK. �I Exhibit B DESCRIPTION of REcon LEGEND SEE QUITE TITLE ACTION FJORD HOLDINGS LLC: PARCEL 90. 42212-50-11003: LOTS 5 AND 6, - SEr/5 mox BAR w,PLAsrtc c� SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 23-2-00535-23 FIfACK 11, PLAT OF HOODSPORT. VOLUME 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 6, I CAP "HO IS 15853" RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TOGETHER WITH THE O - FOUND AS NOTED -'--- / NORTH ONE-HALF OF THAN PART OF VACATED ALLEY ADJOINING SAID (P)- PLAT ---� F _�� cRovE STREET LINE TABLE NOT 5 ON THE SOUTH (N)- AO?ASLIRED O FOUND CONCRETE NAIL IN PAVEMENT SET BY MERLE B. FJORD HOLD24GS ISO: PARCEL.NO. 42212-50-11004: LOTS 7 AND 8, UM TY POLE LINDGREN AS SHOWN ON SURVEY VOL 1, PG 178. REPLACED 4 BLOCK 1L OF _ UNDERGROUND CABLE i WITH#5 IRON BAR W/CAP-HOLMAN IS15653" (MARCH. 2022) % RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY TOGETHER PLATS, PAGE 8, B eaz4'u'• 123J0(1Q u VACATED SOUTH 10 FEET OF STREET ADJOINING SAID LOT 8 ON THE IS- LANDSCAPING AREA NORTH 0 - FIREHIDRANT / t O VACATED ------ t e - SPIGOT I---_- O -------'-L------ r ] 7 MA MA YOUNG FOOD INC: PARCEL NO. 42212-50-11001: HOTS 1, 2, 3. ®- WATER METER $ t ------ AND 4, BLOCK 11. PLAT OF HOODSPORT, VOLUME 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 6, ©- IRRIGATION BOX / g S ve t RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TOGETHER W[TH THE O- TREE / NORTH ONE-HALF OF THAT PART OF VACATED ALLEY ADJOINING SAID LOT 5 ON THE SOOT$ ALSO TOGETHER WITH ALL THAT PORTION OF / 8 Parking drain held THE VACATED NORTH 20 FEET OF CUSHMAN AVENUE ADJOINING SAID LOT 1 ON THE SOUTE. RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS. RESTRICTIONS, // 50'setback 0 b� �01 RESERVATIONS AND COVENANTS OF RECORD. p / from creek 3 S ptic 30 0 gallon A rA NOTE Park 10, %��41 ALL IA p4 Parkin T9 2s' PER BRA PLAT OF HOODSPORT glsj�y REFERENCE SURVEYS g �, FOUND MONUMENT Sy // `A i SEE PLAT OF HOODSPORT Si Existing septic c+ S 100, / 2 CORNER LOT 15 P VOLUME 2 OF PLATS. PAGE 8 ,r BLOCK 11 (MARCH, / I $ - ��► setback m 2022) AS SHOWN ON / VOLUME 1 OF SURVEYS, PACE 178 _-_-_SURVEY -------- B. BREN�E 1. // I 1 SEE ALSO UNRECORDED SURVEYS BY PG. 178 / I I SWIFT, BRACY k THOMAS. / I j TIN g �,� HAT 5 B BUILI)ING yl�O 1 i I AN // LOT 15 j L07 14 � LOT 19 � LOT 12 I LOT 11 LOT 10 LOT 9 J 6Bi4'u"[co 17524 ' I/2 ALLEY 2SW(P) S$24'a4'I 6].6S(�W7.46()KN_.- Op, LS t �/ 18' VACATED ALLEY _�-03(C) - Vlc ; a _____________________________ ' Outdoor prep 1.W - NEW DESCRIPTIONS --------------=-=— ----------�•[[.�--s�---- uaaa� PAST FJORID HOLDINGS LLC PARCEL.NO. 42212-50-11003: W � C) q� LOTS 5 AND 6, BLOCK U. PLAT OF HOODSPORT, VOLUME 2 OF FLATS, PAGE 8, RECORDS OF FOUND LEANWG L7 LOT 4 \ O GRe.S3 i co MASON COUNTY. WASHINGTON. TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH ONE-HALF OF THAT PART OF 3/4- IRON PIPE LANDSCAPE 9 y VACATED ALLEY ADJOINING SAID LOT 5 ON THE SOUTH I�TH CAP 'Co 4 HD ERR _� ROCK M �.\yi d 4A' NW 1/4, SW 1/4 AND THAT PORTION OF LOTS 1. 2, 3, 4, AND THE VACATED ALLEY, BLOCK 11. OF THE PLAT OF 12309- SOUTH 0.45------'o+� ____\___\ HOODSPORT. RECORDED IN VOLUME 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 8, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, AND EAST WASHINGTON. LYING NORTHERLY OF THE CENTERLINE OF FINCH CREEK AND EASTERLY OF THE HHTME SHIFCLNG. ,a.W 7J�, OFF S LINE OF 11 LOTS 5 AND 8 OF SAID BLOCK EXTENDED SOUTHERLY TO THE CENTERLINE O SAID CREEK APOINT NOT CCEPTED LOT 3 �c"C, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON c� z TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND COVENANTS o --________G______--- 101 I OF RECORD MA MA YOUNG KOREAN FOOD INC: PARCEL NO. 42212-50-UOOI �,OG LOOT 2 SEC. 12, N., R 4 W 2, . LOTS 1, 3, AND 4, BLOCK 11, PLAT OF HOODSPORT, VOLUME 2 OF PLATS. PAGE 8. RECORDS pFS A OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TOGETHER WITH THE SOUTH ONE-HALF OF THAT PART OF TpT13' % O VACATED ALLEY ADJOINING SAID LOT 4 ON THE NORTR ALSO TOGETHER WITH ALL THAT L •H PORTION OF THE VACATED NORTH 20 FEET OF CUSHMAN AVENUE ADJOINING SAID LOT 1 ON ---_------ THE SOUTH. MA MA YONG KOREAN FOOD INC. !s' PO BOX 1534 EXCEPTING THAT PORTION OF LOTS 1,2, 3. 4, AND THE VACATED ALLEY. BLOCK IL OF THE HOODSPORT, WA OW48 jJ oq'3 SCALE L" - 20' g PLAT OF HOODSPORT. RECORDED IN VOLUME 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 8. RECORDS OF MASON PARCEL NO. 42212-50-UO01 ,Iv r 0 20 40 r COUNTY, WASHINGTON, W.Y., LYING NORTHERLY OF THE CENTERLINE OF FINCH CREEK AND LOT 1 gt EASTERLY OF THE WEST LLNE OF LOTS 5 AND 8 OF SAID BLOCK U EXTENDED SOUTHERLY TO q u>N THE CENTERINE OF SAID CREEK. RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY. WASHINGTON TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS, RESTRICTIONS. RESERVATIONS AND COVENANTS VACATED NORTH 20' 22-030.DWG ENT AND PROCEDURES a 505 22-030.ASC LAKE CUSHMAN ROAD EQUIPMENT OF RECORD. s 662a'u'L n n(C) 1 MUM Faw TITAW= Outdoor seating P Aumfors ,� s��Ry�� HOLMAN & ASSOCIATES SURVEY PROMM"A,LAMB StMVMRS Y=FOR MX==..........DAY.........EO.... 2Z 1(AP CVH7CILT=n>e M A SVZYXT EGDL BY A6 OR P.O.BOX 2= UMS JR D=CMN JN COWORMAJ=T=TB[IIQ FOR 5ME=X WA 2aW4 OF TM SEWVrY J=OJMM ACT AT Tffi R QE23r OF (360)426-ERW PRIM LoLuaemt.— AT..........R W BOOK...........6F..... FJORD HOLDINGS LLC ..... PIPED.$OI-07NGS.1�4C....................... JleN sr 1u1z J68 Na PAOa..........AT ffi F=Ul=OF 1WX,F.ROrAIAN MA.MA.YOUN Q.AMAW.FOOD nrc............... MA MA YONG KOREAN FOOD INC CMF AUG, 2023 22-030 M,,AUQUET„tta Z3. NW 1/4, SW 1/4 ®m scars sear cvmtTT A. BANID.F IDLItAN Ott la.1E66s........ SECT30N 12, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 WEST. W.M. DCH 1"- 20' 2 OF 1 Exhibit B jl- � 000 � � o • *Cat 2'Tfee't p One 1nek cL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l _ _ _ _ ._ - _ _ -_ _ _ _ _ ___ �— �_.——y���_ _ _a�.,_c,.:....a - , of .,/..• / Lir I � _ ?TIl' =LGIfL.iiT�- - ." � ,a 4rw• sn.s >\ ;/.'.aTlf[sT. s 16 r• P Lw..i.:�'.�. �. r '15i.4'iu�gl41'4��' 000pvotif�• woa:•I-5OAfoel'ygok`Jeek'�11 '�Gci.u.`t Gn1iPu.t�aY•�r 11la1ma L'nwfy'hli«i«�.a.,eL Ba,cl�w.l.-Pmrion.W,audtiu..ena.[��.G. �""pJ+r*gip aid,�i•.eh.�al lot.7.Ji./'1�oaw.F/iP 22'he t1'Ran�a.4Wa.t ek tljeWillmn4ro °"43da�1V..'#fxdull�i..,uift.,ouax6c_u` #v ewd.So+dW�a�dy�'%y. S�oQi..11 aW. G�,auAGuu2.Qef..W„�+ww n /' / On�fa'v r...h 3ny ep(L.j,.tQ.'D.ISW,bt fart me huna¢awoTn.aa.Ca...by.vleex\awytml. •.:.91e9LRnuah lV Waai u..gtlncaw "0 W 1,._--d I..W'fie.uw.wi'e ki'(a,�rPeeRa.,e'�n.t1a^.{ 4urrF 1(/'K,al,Cry o11oWn�Pxblie iT.nnDrtSe L1SWi?�'4)ushinr�tIDi�.garaamUy 'lccula.Lee. wn io+lao�cd:w.,x CL?FWUL1, ^nt nN tSxreo.a.,w.,englfi oP7we,,iu aeeaeada.se wl4�e`+W�cC.j"GJ{ .arl dcdec�h�.tn-t`5�a. / fincl. 14AA•FTelvhu wifc,Rnow�.tomc.to bdlfu"rtis who nwwu,sln.t.ow•a11.y.ot.. .are..tI to o. bwK.ert..„a�w. aaL6Ci.Ta.a.dat( a..�'wua+wcwvylm.e. t3Gs "M1Ialow�wuK9t{uaixa o.4,k1�L°i. ettaxded.'J�soman.rywynyCaert��eda�nTdoetrro+uiadyad4eme-biat#v,ex�a.ep*.. onw Qlcc ea.tv �arl.p' 9 t ^'U6 rue& dk vree.G ewn oGw!•www Rnil4..l. OtRTeu4rdeuL-the sameiix?y a+d uotwtariLJ. CUse n�yeowt C.tWYuo.rc4„Pnaik+d�t 'IAlki..tN4.th.SaWllkrtearre�4aCJ.iwan4YwvF�21 alKwaN O.wwosa IfCav w�J�y(�,u Pndl'.vyoodEaLnncovw4tM4&w cAcrkaased6ye�tb4fiaeTl°e.iWTSy^^lJmPl.�nafCoonPau�,kvwatnuct+bend Tagv.l1LTge4Y(ut^aPww.t.:..c:.H26w'P�ed'7l.ab..;�lefcdiaw Ydaam•l� ew(,$tuQep.otC�b.etCro LL+e6lpuwttw)P�"LGuydswwOa.4^waw'1+,:, a�taro.n+lx.Ctwwled�adt.+na�w[t4hc�Wceu�'elilCecm.eaeiM,�rte.tl'oF2.iJ.ew�anela. C«Tc.\\e«.++a..ta sc.ti..0 Il.u,'f^r�k •x'a.'Cewvn:4.'(hc 4e ttvbksC ,wsTia` .e w.�n.fG.�ave..l t"u q+a ta�l`..b ww} io- w- GtuSuea00 u�w ut'tfa uiL 7Aid!ncte++c�lwad ad e�.�iW�Sal#e fide laai�aaUc un+14v.. a �q�p°m'o-.ne. 4 11u 5o Ctb.4. nM 6o at 7onL lti�YislQooS,' 'l�uua��uu�,'�(•,9'da.'x(•fWdaPau. Qaa Qay � asG aade, uC'r�al::Gv'�Q / C feu., 5llax..($.9i4i:;.,.J.@el�..-k9.l.y i;L.swidr#uJ. e.�.it: p w.m6 a*'ttr:.ao.da•a.J_ _—�Gs�+.Sryt�-.�,^. � ��e l4 a'cA•-u`4fe.&.7=:wdv.''M:iflJrtr�'Cr._.:e:•Y.a•e7—i�,. Y rc.,�a'ry�r: 7; gd�i Exhibit B O � � P 0 � � • l& z oo f e&2�'- On,e- 1 n&/Z/ .. „4 .. � Art 1,,,,••• ^ ' ULitifioaR___-apEnYf7. /1;'Q„17 .. V i I D Z �,!. �fJ1I 7A t6'-• ./ 1" *r IA 6G K r ��� 1,L.r jL°fi�8.4t 1e,•d,✓-�; 'I / Afar. r 1 1 N..I.ra.r w .R r`�sr8/d_ � � _f I ra I.Ix r 4 /r P,. _�Mr `y v.a. ' y �•�{� mil,/�' e.'_Atr • > ��•t•� Ir>4r._.t •: "1 �'w.:/r7 c� fv��� ,�'wy� I � �.� 7^ m.,.M..ai a+,.la°r..r. ' rl' Jr•' I lK.iJ.Rt L,/yrf r n 1!Iw l� 1-��71^ •I:I�•�i I jl � I1 � � I 1 i i �' � tiiC .,�� c` _.1_��rl r_,r _— _— ' _ _--- Al '�ii.�— 1___ _ .+. .. .__.__•_— .'.. .. ?....- tint t Ar �� { *••, .)�}.,.1. .,�:piUaa--a$',ice. �- ,F�••'� •I 1 , , „ � �✓Aw'>-.rf,.e/ 1 i I ee� � I 1 i,I: I!'I C 1..Ic ..:� ;�r r;,; �\ /: of ao....iy c..,:Ire �..c.5•�4 sax QL,z51 Qrt C v1 _tr .vim7, �"�,A>•�i�>111+>:I>.>r. r (� _� t,_ a,�.1` � '>\r � .�� �•A>:. ,t 1 "�a.^••,.� LL./ �/ •�1 , i � I•--r�l •�--r—, .a l' .• ;�a• a4rtl•rr,e`1 1 �. � , .!,�,��. }'t4,� ,, i /�"r.° v��,Fj >�d K• _ I J _�""-`I„�;•�, _ ;,;�,- o s�'Nr l ..•a. 1' r L.t , Jc:.[i...� ra..-✓• ...'� , :if �M >• ^ ^ A gv 1"I `� ✓ /IJS�uLuUj�a�fe.eGF . A ,\ Qs >. p �•®N " �. ��/ a siglF.]t'-w" xcrt d Ly Prx,f' ` f ` `'\ 11'�F S .... /� ee•a nf� .ed i J,•�Cuelail r .• t � } .r> ,.�. }lo- �• Arl.rll. A�y �k$*•' x�......... aCS.__ _._ ../ >• ,;__... •'. :any!`__...�____ �', `' .a..�,y,IJ`�`�'IQL 9,�/,!-.�. ��.r.vra � 1� ,�f W'�,i,�.� 0�.4a�•I t9>f._ •_.. •'./ � i% �/\� G.i 77t1ww// .�'.�s�. .Pa..✓�/ . .'77'• !..�G.i-_2.�,t o,•/�a 1. Fxhihit R z b •� ��t.. • ��5��'"•�'•'�)j''• Fje\Po feet i-� One lneRc. I I �L •off oo \i•pig' !• ., 17 MUD Ail rl •ti � �� rtx. I + 4roo° bt..ai I e,STRtRY /' �,1 `''� ,��� �r"'^� �°�• �• •mot••"` ��. + � M" '>;" ,• ,iMysN �' eta• tom: �,,. , •\ �\1 '�\ ��,�aK_ ..+�eTre,�e�zt:-- st„o.�.ar�,.�.r— ��—� 'aS�di.4,Sr't.adyif.l7aatl alfo .roro,oQ°onKl�p 22w'toloa-rtYr.I((ax.gaoulfytok5eti)tt t a ' ' u y. 2 +Wak at 1f0Wdlamtol, a4`dax4.4uQ,,,+ vummt 44kt.eorLS¢u f,,A �w1.'Qow.�O.any..tv,d'liiueool'�ti.tG. au/. O�aOPi'Al"t.-ry„�auu�+. /r / Onih�r,./-3ny° Q.�..,t Q.D.t690�btFara mr. 'tnaidia.�iwfiaw°Counoy.vlwMA.gTms. °;L91rd1.(tW�aF l.�eit w,4llww�ow�, ,�nt7��aQd'k�a, oawa.wfio.2s7.a, ,�-°ipi �urct�7�a.<�ilry a'Roinry'PoLlie in.vJ.fDrltit °,�'2Jashin�gIDn,.p¢tsonaUg '�tgulncLots awe goal¢o�erG is,nsa art 75►loou shn..on plat' aPAP+IL,iu•M�le°tdowet 4nY1.'�uW�i�d ef.7� .awl�pteLy.cicdt¢a7Qi.'�o��",v62 G CL??atxAur-fnt Fnel.°"4RR.7 .71i-4v his wife, u llwaw.,sh d.u.t•0.11.,�.aL.fe A.,Alats W W.A.are as.N'r-dd• awYUd�Iuawlt.cud.a.P�,l.•,.�.euron naawruy 6a•e. ^ t is oa;,E°N.laBm.nnuuµ 9l�uu.ut,ow{.k1�L(oe. ttetsdecLtht ac�m(bn�i mg�RrT edfoandofkruiJlwl�Pa4te'mt•bfal'jTi�Paah.o er,. oti+Sa.muLuv'f!!it ad.pawk. d 'G w #Gee nu -�vo+[G owti Qaa(-at��n.(lCudu.l, oCR'rou�tdgul.�lte 9amt�xrelgaud 11olucYariL,. Q2so a�po.rv{F$.u;bitf.rdl�,RvidaB' oath p14c• U y 0 4 x r ICnoww tewe'ko l:e m -G��[ C<<.clx:d.,..{,.3 o t3�elTlosoal°o,'illtnt �'t9tue2 tom '(Rs liYwLQa.R isthe 5oaibUkR Come+•k LaC�.ix,saul.'f nrkip l2 4wawe ei• 'C++�a..•tl,m..�.e.. faw. w tar oad _Q.u�.aQeo M1t --�-'-J � � �� 'Rxdo.f�'Range o,11(gX WLAu t.ta i%1,155 {c.MteM,e;;he Scoti.w Mlonow 0 twr1.`�'waQo}�aw'!✓�.et da k t4�.ww.nu �t y dsrw•awl W o ietro a+�..+eKn°wkdg d t.w,t itr.. thij W¢exCgul tlfe sawt astAt gmc act e�svdeer Ca.wccam*.a�L°sedi.n.11.lt,rx'vi4iuua,rCow.uri.Q.'(hc4oxttttakst w wra�on.�it.�ewr+I >;ugza (f wol. , Cbruvrutao(1 ...D....x"ue'>`t.mi4, ry '1.t)itneu�nsfwndaw7r�lipClal'erl..•ther�e Iasi aba0tu7rillru o.•a..,�91.e1�1 is 60.we narbe of aN.6o{ett fp-q so.a,ltittioll". 'Uwa�.#wd e'l�Et.`�N•' ,Qa.•cn.tt.PA.wcU Owe i7 �.z¢ew.Bade.,,a,;�"aa.Qe','3-4-tL paid. 9vaa..agua�,,u.l-eaa. a.�,,y ..BYaier.'k aad. l�u2r :a,w.Pv,u.a(J4 'fha: B,a:ea,aueL �a6n:J+sSr,.4,_. ✓ oy.,rR„•ry�i ue%a.. U 0 a�:.{adayQ ly-rd°`L -.:I:'�a.... 'ri/oe. Fn�cygt•:c•_v!.•w F.:-<n,,y, rt.:.«t�%y ,� 1R4nv...v�e��/r....7.e f.o• y=�1�✓ -r�'b�..�2��%'�e� r' r•— Exhibit B ��2 og6x i 7 cL.y...&.. d...�.� �:' S�utle Zoofi�t—One. �nc� 40 • ,' .dui � ,' / s..,rrym •%(`i�� - W y ��i.J/J I.fd�s•MI L {}� T r' � � /jN /-.a.lw ri �V •-mil"" .'T'TI ,;:, �,'3- I ••1 'I1 .o� �i "•mC �.u.n:-.iu•. i� P.,fk:'c '} •�1,. �, � ' Z(Ay!�i_'o ,• K , id°`i�f�,�,e..... .. Exhibit B 2180178 Mason County WA 04/19/2022 09:60:45 AM DEED eRecorded #173893 RecFee: $206.50 Pages:4 FJORD HOLDINGS After recording please forward to: Fjord Holdings,LLC Attn: John Hansen AFF1 213 SE Stotsbery Rd. (F---£4090 Shelton, WA 98584 WAt=` CISE TAX A F 2022 t8� ' 0.00 I S FRAZIER easu r Mason County First American Title Co. BkRGAIN AND SALE DEED NCs-1215621 (4) GRANTORS: C�1?UMBIA STATE BANK,a Washington banking -sorporation, as successor in interest to WEST COAST BANK,a dissolved Washington corporation,and as successor in interest to HOOD CANAL STATE BANK GRANTEE: FJORD HOLDINGS, LLC, a Washington limited liability company ABBREV� LEG IPTION: HOODSPORT BLK: I I LOTS 5-8 &N1/2 ALLEY ADJ 5 �S Oft' TAX ARC NO. 42212-50-11003;42212-50-11004 '\`,RB NCE NUMBERS N/A OCUMENTS ASSIGNED RELEASED: 1 Exhibit B THE GRANTOR, COLUMBIA STATE BANK, a W hington banking corporation, as successor in interest to WEST COAST BANK, a dissolved shington corporation, and as successor in interest to HOOD CANAL STATE BANK ,-fo din consideration of Ten Dollars($10) and other good and valuable consideration;in handpoid, grants,bargains, sells, conveys and confirms to FJORD HOLDINGS, LLC,�,Jd s�ngton limited liability company, the following described real estate, situated in the Couq-Y'' Mason, City of Hoodsport, State of Washington(the"Property"): SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS RTaiQ01n1EQ N - GRANTOR, for and in conside Ten Dollars ($10) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, bargai l;se h, and conveys to Grantee that certain real estate situated in Mason County, Washington, described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein subject to: current taxes and assessments, patent reservations, all covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, easements, encumbrances, liens and declarations or o her._malte't f record or to which reference is made in the public record, any and all conditio�'` i�gc2ents, rights-of-way, restrictions or other matters that a physical inspection, qr acct a survey, of the real estate would reveal, and the applicable zoning and use reguhti 60f a� ,municipality,county,state or the United States affecting the Property. For a nod . - ighteen (18) month from date of closing, Grantee and its successors coven that a real estate shall not be used for banking purposes; provided, however Grantees-I h 1-1 a the right to use or rent the security deposit boxes. D E �J April 18th , 2022. COLUMBIA STATE BANK, a Washington banking corporation By: �— ��\ Its: By: G�Vp It 2 2180178 Page 2 of 4 04/19/2022 09:50:45 AM Mason County, WA Exhibit B STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF •G'C ) Z- I certify that I know or have satisfactory evi#nce)t at NI f signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she was'-a0tbd*ed to execute the instdiment and acknowledged it as the 15VP ,of -oltuitbia State Bank, to be die free and voluntary act and deed of said entity, for the µ'ses an , purposes therein mentioned in the instrument. _�\ WITNFti� „Epy,hand and official hereto'hffixed on 2022. NOTAI? ��`�' ( ted N e) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington cn` PUBLIC ' _ ^• Resrfiing in 3I ~�!�9 :•r�^Num'•" �, �a'�, " -;appouatment expires ox STATE OF WAS G O COUNTY OFti, ) I q if}./'ghat`I:-know or have satisfactory evidence that E-r!G EI a signed 0-'it g ument, on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute the instrument and ac1cngvyledg9d'-i(-as the EVP of Columbia State Bank, to be the free and volu ntary�dd and deed of said entity, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned in the u�tram ,> �TNESS,my band and official seal hereto affixed on A2 ( / ,2022. .K S1il Ci(lu V�.'hr, � (r rated N e) Notary Publi_ in and for the State of Washington z pUtli,IG ,} Residing in C My appointment expires r HZ42 • ;' , . 3 2180178 Page 3 of 4 04/19/2022 09:50:45 AM Mason County, WA Exhibit B Exhibit"A"To Deed Z__ \ LEGAL DESCRI PARCEL I: LOTS S AND 6,BLOCK 111 HOODSPORT O LAM OF PLATS,PAGE 6,RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON� OGET4ER WITH THE NORTH ONE-HALF OF THAT PART OF VACATED ALLEY A ININ SAID LOT 5 ON THE SOUTH. PARCEL 2: LOTS 7 AND 8,BLOCK. 11,I CZDSP T, VOLUME 2 OF PLATS,PAGE 6,RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY,W SHIN TOGETHER WITH THAT PART OF THE VACATED SOUTH 10 FE -EI St ET ADJOINING SAID LOT 8 ON THE NORTH A-1 2180178 Page 4 of 4 04/19/2022 09:50:45 AM Mason County, WA Exhibit B 2206018 MASON CO WA 12/20/2023 01:17 PM MISC WHITEHOUSE 8 NICHOLS #193784 Rev. Fee: $206.50 Pages: 4 1IIINII IIIIII III1111 Im IIIIII IIII IIII IIII III IIIIIII III IIIII111111111I111 Name and Return Address WHITEHOUSE& NICHOLS, LLP O Attorneys at Law P.O. Box 1273 Shelton, WA 98584 DOCUMENT TITLES) STIPULATION, AGREED ORDER& DECREE QUIETING TITLE REFERENCE NUMBER f re d ocuments Additional Reference#'s on page GRANTOR(S)La First d Middle Initial MA MA Y AN FOOD, INC. Additional Grantors on page FG E S) bast, First and Middle Initial F INGS,LLC Additional Grantors on page AL DESCRIPTION(Abbr. Form: quarter/quarter,section,township&range, plat, lot& block) Hoodsport Blk 11 Lots 1-4 and Vac Cushman/Alley PARCEL NUMBER Portion of 42212-50-11001 Exhibit B The document to which this certifies is attached is a full, true and correct copy of the original on file and of record in my office. IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said court this December 27, 2023 1 oR co�gT� Haley Sorys 2 QwQ�•'' :01,11 County Clerk and Clerk of the Superio� RECEIVED & FILED 3 �; :�'; Court of the State of Washington„in---� Mason County Clerk x and for the County of Mason ' ,> DEC 21 202340 3 4 114 001Vc0\3`' By Superior Court of WA 5 `"-�•� � C/ Charles G. Rhodes AFTER RECARDINQ RMJRN TO: g Whitehouse&Nichols LLP P.O.Box 1273 7 Shelton,WA 98584 8 g DOCUMENT TITLE: STI U 'I'[ON,AGREED ORDER&DECREE QUIETING TITLE GRANTORS: MA MA YONG KOREAN FOOD,INC. 10 GRANTEES: FJORD HOLDINGS,LLC 11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Hoodsport Blk 11 Lots 1-4 and Vac Cushman/Alley ASSESSOR'S TAX PARCEL 42212-50-11001 12 REFERENCE NOS,RELATED QE ME TS 13 INT UPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON 0-2-°° -2 14 IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY 0"reea 15 /� UI Iltllllllllllllll����IIIIIII�IIW F ORD ULDC\LLC 16 1 y N ,.,, ) a Wa hi gt n limited liability company, ) 17 Plaintiff, ) NO.23-2-00535-23 18 s. ) STIPULATION,AGREED ORDER 19 MA YONG KOREAN FOOD,INC., ) AND DECREE QUIETING TITLE PE BANCORP,INC., ) b/a BANK OF HOPE, ) 1 a California corporation, ) Defendant(s). ) STIPULAT N 24 THIS MATTER having compromised and settled, the Plaintiff herein, FJORD 25 HOLDINGS, LLC, a Washington limited liability company, being represented by attorney 26 JULIE NICHOLS of WHITEHOUSE & NICHOLS, LLP, the Defendant herein, MA MA YONG WHITEHOUSE SC NIcHOLS, LLP Attorneys at Law P.O.BOX 1273 601 W.RAILROAD AVE,SUITE 300 SHELTON,WASHINGTON 985" 2206018 Page 2 of 4 12/28/2023 01:17:10 PM Mason Cogjjty4*V3k5-PAX(360)426-6429 ��, Exhibit B i i KOREAN FOOD, INC., being represented by JAMES K. KI of THEMIS LAW, and the 2 Defendant HOPE BANCORP, INC.,d/b/a BANK OF HOP alf rnia corporation,being 3 v 4 represented by KIMBERLY HOOD ofALDRIDGE PIS' ,LL nd MATTHEW CLEVERLEY of ! 5 FIDELITY NATIONAL LAW GROUP,the partie7e.., nI to to the following,and agree 6 to a decree being entered as follows: I 7 DATED this d-1 day of Y2023. 8 I 9 10 11 1 LIE ICHOLS,WSB. * .3769 JAMES K.KIM,WSBA No.2B331 Whitehouse&Nichols, Themis Law 12 Attorney for Plaintif Attorney for Defendant Ma Ma Yong Korean Food,Inc. 13 Matthew d 14 Cleverley ,,�, 15 MATTHE SBA No.32055 *10 FIDELI NA,T tV 1,AW GROUP 16 Atto f efen.ant Bank of Hope 17 18 URDER&DECREE 19/ Based on the foregoing stipulation,IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND DECREED that: Title to the following described real property is hereby quieted in Plaintiff FJORD HOLDINGS, LLC, free and clear of any claim of Defendant MA MA YONG KOREAN FOOD, 2 INC.and free and clear of any claim of Defendant HOPE BANCORP, INC., d/b/a BANK OF 3 24 HOPE: 26 THAT PORTION OF LOTS 1,2, 3,4,AND THE VACATED ALLEY,BLOCK 11, OF THE PLAT OF HOODSPORT, RECORDED IN VOLUME 2 OF 26 PLATS, PAGE 6,RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON, LYING NORTHERLY OF THE CENTERLINE OF FINCH CREEK,AND EASTERLY WHITF-HOUSE&MCHOLS, LLr Attomeys at T..aw P.O.BOX 1273 60t W.RaI ROAD AVE..SUITE 300 SHPLTON.WASHINGTON 98584 (360)426-5885•FAX(360)426-6429 2206018 Page 3 of 4 12/28/2023 01:17:10 PM Mason County, WA Exhibit B 1 OF THE WEST LINE OF LOTS 5 & 6 OF SAID BLOC 11 EXTENDED 2 SOUTHERLY TO THE CENTERLINE OF SAID CREEK. , PORTION OF ASSESSOR'S TAX PARCEL NO.42Z - 001 ' 3 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND DECREED TH JJ 4 No additional costs or attorney's fees shal ae rded to either party. 4 5 I1 i 6 7 Dated this iu day 2023. 8 9 _ JUDGE/GGUW COMA�&S*WER 10 DAVID STEVENS 11 Presented by: D 12 13 14 ' LIE ,IC 0 _ 15 Wh' ehott e&. ,LLP Atto �y o la toff FJORD HOLDINGS,LLC 16 17 r. d as o form;notice of presentation waived: 18 1 ES K KIM,WSBA No.26331 1 Themis Law Attorney for Defendant MA MA YONG KOREAN FOOD,INC. I 23 Matthew6--: Cleverley— u," , 24 MATTHEW CLEVERLY,WSBA No.32055 25 FIDELITY NATION LAW GROUP Attorney for Defendant HOPE BANCORP,INC.,d/b/a BANK OF HOPE 26 WHITEHOUSE &NICHOLS, LLP Attorneys at Law CO.BOX 1273 601 W.RAILROAD AV&,SUITE 300 SHCLTON,WASHINGTON 98584 2206018 Page 4 of 4 '12/28/2023 01:17:10 PM Mason County, WA•PAX(360)416•a4z9 rpa r Road Vacation # 421 - Mason Ave N X IL Mason Ave, 0 0 r0� ftO4. ,♦ RN .101 ht�fw R19h Vacation Area Parcels—Export 40 20 0 40 80 120 160 • * , Feet Exh i b i i a r sx zRi* it _ L • •il. 4 >k" 4� Ili``� �h'k9'" a " • + a ,k Allcv _y a, +� • y x � q ' A •: `�� v� ge�J,.yam,,, �x �2 e 1 x i ' ' RESOLUTION NO. VACATION FILE NO.421 NOTICE OF INTENT TO VACATE SETTING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING ON SAID VACATION RCW 36.87 WHEREAS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mason County Public Works Department is requesting the vacation of the following right of way: Parcel 1 Vacate all that portion of Mason Ave adjacent to and Easterly of Lots 1,2,3 & 4, and Easterly of the vacated alley, all lying Northerly of the centerline of Finch Creek, all in Block 11, Plat of Hoodsport, as recorded in Volume 2 of plats,page 6,records of Mason County,Washington. Parcel 2 Vacate all that portion of Mason Ave adjacent to and Easterly of Lots 5,6,7 & 8, and Easterly of the vacated portion of Grove Street on the North, all in Block 11, Plat of Hoodsport, as recorded in Volume 2 of plats,page 6,records of Mason County,Washington. WHEREAS the Board of Mason County Commissioners did set a date for public hearing on the matter before the Hearing Examiner on the matter and directed Public Works to prepare notice thereof for posting and publication. NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that said hearing has been set for Wednesday, February 26,2025,at 1:00 p.m.via Zoom,at which time any taxpayer may appear via Zoom to hear the County Engineer's report and be heard either for or against the vacation of the above said portion of road located in Mason County Washington. For those unable to attend the hearing email testimony to mfrazier&co.mason.wa.us. Visit the Mason County Hearings Examiner Agenda webpage at www.co.mason.wa.us/hearings-examiner or contact Mariah Frazier at mfrazier(kco.mason.wa.us or call(360)427-9670 Ext 365 for Zoom information. DATED this day of , 2025. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON ATTEST: McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin, Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Pat Tarzwell,Vice Chair Tim Whitehead, Ch. DPA Assessor Auditor Sharon Trask, Commissioner County Engineer Petitioner Post no later than 2/6/25 (20 days prior to hearing at each terminus of the county road or portion thereof proposed to be vacated or abandoned.) Vacation File No. 421 JOURNAL—Publish 2t: 1/30/25—2/6/25 (Bill Public Works) *1854 Mason County Agenda Request Form To: Board of Mason County Commissioners Item No. 8.7 From: Mike Collins,PLS,PE Deputy Ext•450 Director/County Engineer Department: Public Works Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): December 16,2024&January 6, Agenda Date(s): January 21,2025 2025 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ IT ❑ Risk ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Item: Approval to Purchase Paint Striping Truck through the Buy-Board Contract for the Public Works Road Department Background/Executive Summary: The Public Works Department would like to purchase a new paint striping truck(MRL Model 1-80-AA Air Atomized Paint Striper) from the Buy-Board contract with Mark Rite Lines Equipment Co.,Inc. out of Billings,MT. to handle in-house striping of county roads. This purchase will eliminate the need for annual contracts with external vendors,resulting in long-term cost savings and greater control over scheduling and quality.The truck includes a 2024 Isuzu NRR chassis,advanced hydraulic and pneumatic systems, stainless steel paint tanks, and a comprehensive electronics suite. It also comes with free delivery,a 5-day training session for Road Operations and Maintenance staff and a full service and parts manual. Budget Impact(amount,funding source,budget amendment, etc.): The paint striping truck costs $410,626,with$200,000 allocated from the 2025 striping program for the vehicle and$250,000 for the purchase of the paint. This purchase will be funded by the Road Fund. Public Outreach: Staff contacted two different vendors on the Buy Board contracts. One vendor offered a model without all the accessories,training, or delivery,while the other vendor required additional special parts to match the fully loaded features of the selected model. Requested Action: Requesting the Board of Commissioners authorize Public Works to procure a paint striping truck from Mark Rite Lines Equipment Co., Inc. off of the Buy-Board contract for the amount of$410,626.00 and authorize the County Engineer to sign the purchase agreement. Attachment(s): Purchase Agreement&pictures MRL 1-80-AA Paint Truck Purchase Agreement 12-1 1-24 Mason County, WA Page 11 MARK RITE LINES EQUIPMENT CO., INC. 5379 SOUTHGATE DRIVE BILLINGS, MONTANA 59101 (406) 869-9900 PURCHASE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this I I' day of December, 2024, by and between MARK RITE LINES EQUIPMENT CO.,INC.,with principal office at 5379 Southgate Drive; Billings, Montana 59101; hereinafter referred to as "Seller", and MASON COUNTY, WA PUBLIC WORKS with principal office at 100 Public Works Drive, Shelton WA, 98584; hereinafter referred to as "Buyer". * WITNESSETH * I. Subject to the terms and conditions herein expressed, Seller hereby agrees to assemble for Buyer, and Buyer hereby agrees to contract for assembly from Seller the following piece of equipment: a. A TRUCK MOUNTED MRL MODEL 1-80-AA AIR ATOMIZED PAINT STRIPING APPARATUS. The assembly of this particular piece or item of equipment shall be upon the express terms and conditions set forth. II. Any components manufactured by MRL EQUIPMENT CO., INC., shall be warranted for twelve (12) months from its completion date. All other parts, pieces and equipment shall be covered according to their manufacturer's policies. No other warranty, expressed or implied is included. a. This warranty does not apply to defects caused by damage or improper or abusive use while in the possession of the consumer. Seller shall not be liable for consequential damages regardless of causal factor. III. Training on the operation of equipment manufactured by MRL EQUIPMENT CO.,INC., a. One (1) MRL EQUIPMENT CO., INC., technician will provide training at the buyers's facility for a minimum of three (3) days and a maximum of five (5) days. IV. A service and parts manual will be provided with each piece or item of equipment. V. Equipment will be delivered to customers location and all costs are included with attached pricing a. Delivery Address— 100 Public Works Drive, Shelton, WA 98584 VI. The following equipment,parts and systems will be assembled by the Seller to provide to the Buyer an item of equipment capable of applying,reflectorized water based or low VOC traffic paint. MRL 1-80-AA Paint Truck Purchase Agreement 12-11-24 Mason County, WA Page 12 1. CAB & CHASSIS a. 2024 Isuzu NRR cab and chassis 19,500 GVW chassis, 132.5" WB, 7,275 lb. capacity front axle with 8,440 lb. capacity suspension, 14,550 lb. capacity rear axle with 14,550 lb. rear suspension, 215 HP/317CID/5.2L Isuzu 4HK1-TC turbo charged diesel engine, 140-amp alternator. Aisin 465 6 speed automatic transmission, 5.571:1 rear end ratio, hydraulic brakes with anti-lock feature, 30- gallon capacity fuel tank, air-conditioning, AM/FM stereo. Chassis cab and equipment painted white. Equipment bed and gun carts painted white. DOT inspection performed prior to shipping. 2. EQUIPMENT PARTS AND SYSTEMS POWER EQUIPMENT a. Air Werks Twister 185 cfin utility mount air compressor with final tier 4 Yanmar 39.1 HP turbo diesel engine with 80-amp alternator. Hydraulic pump mounted to compressor engine to power orbitals, paint tank agitators, pointer bar lift cylinder, and the hydraulic oil/AC separator oil cooler fan. Fuel source is the chassis tank. b. Hydraulic reservoir and combination hydraulic oil/air compressor separator oil cooler with hydraulically driven fan. 3. FABRICATED PARTS a. Foldable center mount steel guide wheel assembly with hydraulic lift mounted to the front bumper. b. Steel, 84" wide platform with aluminum railings,built inside and rear access steps, aluminum front canopy vertical uprights with arrowboard rack, 72" wide X 24" deep rear aluminum framed with wood decking rear tailboard and all required ICC lights. c. Two (2) SST paint filter assemblies with SST filter elements. d. Two (2) bead manifolds with exhaust mufflers mounted on the gun carts. One (1) per cart. e. Hydraulically extendable diamond shaped square tube gun carriage assemblies. Carriages extend 48". L Pneumatically raised and lowered gun carriage assemblies. g. Mounted hydraulic steering orbitals with steering wheels to control the lateral movement of the gun carriages. h. Rear operator's control console mounted between the rear operator's stations. L Two (2) lockable toolboxes mounted on the rear of the deck area with two (2)high back bucket seats with armrests and seat belts mounted on top of the toolboxes. j. Aluminum tread plate to cover some surfaces. k. Two (2)weather-resistant, stainless steel boxes to protect the skipline switch box. 1. Hydraulic reservoir with sight gauge, magnetic particle separator, interior baffles and removable lid. m. A steel pedestal mounted in the chassis cab to secure a timing system switch box while in the one-man operation mode. n. Aluminum canopy installed over the rear operator's stations. MRL 1-80-AA Paint Truck Purchase Agreement— 12-11-24 Mason County, WA Page 13 4. MARKING MATERIAL SYSTEM a. Two (2) 80 gallon 24" diameter A.S.M.E. certified stainless steel paint tanks with hydraulically driven stainless steel agitator assemblies installed in the paint tanks. One each for yellow and white paint. b. One (1)A.S.M.E. certified 20-gallon capacity stainless steel solvent (H2O) tank. c. Two (2) Wilden XPS420 SST/Wilflex 1 1/2" diaphragm type load pumps mounted on the right side of the unit. Load hoses with SST couplers and caps mounted to the pumps and stored under the striper bed. d. All paint plumbing including all fittings will have stainless steel wetted parts. The main plumbing will be 1 1/2" NPT 304 SST pipe and 1 1/2" chemical hose. e. The paint hoses will be 3/4" W., teflon lined for compatibility with fast dry water base paints. f. Two (2) stainless steel paint filter assemblies with removable SST filter elements. g. Two (2) stainless steel paint manifolds. h. Plumbing to enable white to be applied through a dedicated gun on the C/L carriage. i. Four (4) 5-way valves located in the rear operator's control console to control the Kamber spray guns "flush on the fly". j. Two (2) outlets with SST ball valves provided, one at each rear corner of the unit to enable paint supply for a handgun. 5. CENTERLINE GUN CARRIAGE a. Centerline gun carriage to include: i. -Three (3) Kamber 38-5 spray guns with "Quick Flush" feature. Two guns are dedicated yellow and one gun is dedicated white. ii. -Four (4) 12-volt linear actuators to raise and lower the spray guns and the outside beader. iii. -Two (2) MRL bead guns with MRL adjustable fan attachments. iv. -One (1) Bead manifold. v. -Two (2) Blow air nozzles directly in front of the spray guns. vi. One GL1000 Laser installed on carriage 6. EDGELINE GUN CARRIAGE a. Edgeline gun carriage to include: i. -One (1) Kamber 38-5 spray gun with"Quick Flush" feature. ii. -Two (2) 12-volt linear actuators to raise and lower the spray gun and the beader. iii. -One (1) MRL bead gun with MRL adjustable fan attachment. iv. -One (1) Bead manifold. v. -One (1) Blow air nozzle directly in front of the spray gun. vi. One GL1000 Laser installed on carriage 7. GLASS BEAD SYSTEM a. One (1) 1,000-pound capacity, 24" diameter, A.S.M.E. certified bead tank with 9" lid and 3" suction inlet. b. Venturi vacuum load system on tank. Venturi exhausted below the deck through muffler. MRL 1-80-AA Paint Truck Purchase Agreement 12-11-24 Mason County, WA Page 14 8. AIR SYSTEM a. Blow air system plumbed to the gun carts. b. Thermostatically controlled air cooler with electric fan installed on the compressed air system to cool the compressed air. c. One (1) La-Man 111 dryer/extractor installed in the air plumbing to the bead tank. d. Self-expelling moisture traps on main airline and bead tank supply. e. Oiler installed on the main airline to the gun carriage solenoids. f. Quick coupler to the air system at the rear of the unit to facilitate the use of air tools. g. Air pressure regulators and gauges installed in the control console to control paint tank pressures, bead tank pressure, solvent tank pressure and spray gun-atomizing pressures. 9. ELECTRONICS a. Adjustable electronic Skipline SC-12 serial communication timing system. The serial communication timing system consists of two switchboxes located at the rear operator's stations and"driver"boxes mounted in the gun carriage solenoid boxes. Each switchbox has individual control of skip cycles, footage counters, digital speedometers, and bead lead/lag controls. The single LCD display in each switchbox serves the skip cycle, footage counter and digital speedometer display functions. Switchboxes will be fully interchangeable and enable simultaneous application of different skip cycles. System to incorporate metric conversion capability. Digital speedometer installed in the chassis cab. A cable for the left side switchbox will be installed to the chassis cab to enable movement of the box into the chassis cab to facilitate "one-man" operation of the unit. i. Roll Printer installed in cab b. Laserline GL3000P Remote Controlled Laser installed on roof i. Controls mounted in cab c. GL1000 Lasers installed on each carriage. d. Three (3) station aviation type intercom system with two (2) "ultralite" type headsets. e. 22" wide LED amber light Beacon on E&O List mounted on cab. L Two (2) amber LED strobe lights mounted on the rear of the unit. PN 043567/043573 g. Three by Six (3' x 6') Wanco LED 25 light multifunction arrowboard mounted to the rear canopy. Controller mounted at the rear operator's area. h. Linear actuator installed to raise and lower the arrowboard. Switch for the actuator is located in the rear operator's control console. i. Six(6) 12-volt linear actuators with dust covers to raise and lower the 6 spray guns and the outside C/L beader and the E/L beader. j. Seven (7) mounted 2,200 lumen LED Federal Signal 12-volt lights for night use. Two mounted to illuminate each gun cart, one mounted to illuminate the control console and two mounted on the top of the canopy front corners to illuminate the material tanks. k. Two (2) weather resistant boxes, one per side to house the paint and bead gun actuating solenoids. MRL 1-80-AA Paint Truck Purchase Agreement 12-11-24 Mason County, WA Page 15 1. Wiring in the chassis cab for one of the timing system switchboxes to enable one- man operation from the chassis cab. m. A two (2) camera color video guidance system. System includes a 10.4" LCD flatscreen color monitor with suction mount and storage bracket, a video crosshair generator with controller, two color cameras with auto iris 18mm lenses mounted inside weather-resistant MRL "self-leveling" housings, an AB camera position selection switch and electrically actuated camera mounting brackets. n. A rearview/back up camera system. System includes a 5.4" LCD monitor in the chassis cab and a camera on the rear of the truck. System has a continuous on feature or turns on when the chassis transmission is shifted into reverse. 10.ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT a. First aid kit. Warning triangle kit. b. Two (2)mounted fire extinguishers. c. Protective vinyl cover for the control console. d. Aluminum fenders with mudflaps installed over the rear chassis tires and wheels. e. Reflective red and white conspicuity tape installed around the equipment bed. L Outlet in solvent plumbing with a 25' hose mounted on an automatic retractable hose reel for striper cleanup. g. One (1) Binks 2100 handgun with 50' hose. Handgun is capable of spraying white or yellow paint. h. A bracket installed on the rear of the equipment bed to store a handgun and hose. MRL 1-80-AA Paint Truck Purchase Agreement 12-11-24 Mason County, WA Page 16 TERMS OF PAYMENT: The purchase price of this piece or item of equipment is four hundred five thousand six hundred twenty six dollars($410,626.00),F.O.B. Billings MT. Four hundred five thousand six hundred twenty six dollars($410,626.00)is due NET30 after receipt of the piece or item of equipment at buyers location. All applicable state and local sales taxes will be assessed on the MRL balance due invoice. WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have executed this Purchase Agreement the day and year written below. ***Quote Is Valid until January 15th, 2025*** MARK RITE LINES EQUIPMENT CO.,INC. MASON COUNTY,WA Company Company Signed Signed Title Title Date Date STATE OF MONTANA) )ss. County of Yellowstone) On this day of 20 ,before me personally appeared known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument,and acknowledged to me that executed the same. NOTARY PUBLIC for the State of Montana. Residing at Billings. My Commission Expires STATE OF ) ss. County of On this day of 20 before me personally appeared known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument,and acknowledged to me that executed the same. NOTARY PUBLIC for the State of Residing at My Commission Expires MRL 1-80-AA Paint Truck Purchase Agreement 12-11-24 Mason County, WA page 17 MRL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE CUSTOMER AND MRL EQUIPMENT COMPANY,INC.(THE"SELLER"),AGREE THAT SALES OF SELLER'S PRODUCTS (THE"PRODUCTS")ARE MADE ONLY UNDER THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS,AND THAT SELLER SHALL NOT BE BOUND BY CUSTOMER'S ADDITIONAL OR DIFFERENT TERMS.ACCEPTANCE OF CUSTOMER'S ORDER IS CONDITIONED ON CUSSTOMER'S ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS.CUSTOMER SHALL INDICATE ITS AGREEMENT TO BE BOUND BY THESE TERMS BY WRITTEN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, BY IMPLICATION,OR BY ACCEPTANCE OF DELIVERY OF THE PRODUCTS. Seller reserves the right to increase the quoted order price set forth in this order acknowledgement at any time before delivery to Buyer to reflect any increase in Seller's costs to manufacture or deliver the ordered product due to any factor beyond the reasonable control of Seller.Seller shall provide Buyer with prompt electronic notice of any such price increase. Buyer shall have five days from receipt of such notice to cancel its order,absent which Buyer shall be deemed to have consented to the price increase. NOTICE TO SELLER'S DEALERS AND DISTRIBUTORS: IF THE CUSTOMER IS A PARTY TO AN AGREEMENT THAT INCLUDES TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE THAT WOULD NORMALLY APPLY TO THE TRANSACTION UNDER WHICH THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS WERE ISSUED,THEN THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SHALL NOT MODIFY,SUPERSEDE OR OTHERWISE AFFECT SUCH DEALER OR DISTRIBUTOR AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE INCLUDED WITH SUCH AGREEMENT SHALL CONTROL. 1. Title and Risk of Loss. A. If the Products are subject to state vehicle title laws,title and risk of loss or damage will pass to Customer on the first of the following to occur: (i)delivery of the Products to Customer;(ii)delivery of the Products to Customer's authorized agent;or(iii)delivery of the Products to any common carrier for shipment. The manufacturer's statement of origin("MSO")shall be delivered from Seller to Customer upon Seller's receipt of payment in full. B. If the Products are not subject to a state vehicle title law,title and risk of loss or damage will pass to Customer on the first to occur of the following: (i)delivery of the Products to Customer;(ii)delivery of the Products to Customer's authorized agent;or(iii)delivery of the Products to any common carrier for shipment. 2. Taxes. Product prices are exclusive of,and Customer shall pay,applicable sales,use,service,value added or like taxes,unless Customer has provided Seller with an appropriate exemption certificate for the delivery destination acceptable to the applicable taxing authorities. 3. Prices and Payment. All quotations shall expire thirty(30)days from date of issuance,unless otherwise set forth on the quotation or agreed in writing. Quoted prices include packing and packaging. Customer shall make payment in full prior to or upon delivery by cashier's check,or ACH transfer,unless Seller approves Customer for credit terms. If Seller approves Customer's credit application, payment shall be due no later than 30 days from the date of Seller's invoice. All sums not paid when due shall accrue interest daily at the lesser of a monthly rate of 1.0%or the highest rate permissible by law on the unpaid balance until paid in full. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by Seller,payments shall be made in U.S.Dollars. In the event of any order for several units,each unit(s)will be invoiced when shipped. 4. Orders. All orders are subject to acceptance by Seller,which shall be indicated in writing. 5. Delivery. Seller shall deliver the Products F.O.B.Seller factory and,if the Products are sold to a Customer outside the United States,shall clear the Products for export destined outside the United States. Customer shall pay all freight charges,applicable import duties,and other necessary fees and shall bear the risks of carrying out customs formalities and clearance. Orders are entered as close as possible to the Customer's requested shipment date,if any. Shipment dates are scheduled after acceptance of orders and receipt of necessary documents. Claims for shipment shortage shall be deemed waived unless presented to Seller in writing within forty-five(45)days of shipment. 6. Non-Conforming Delivery. Customer shall notify Seller of any visible defects,quantity shortages or incorrect product shipments in writing within five(5)working days of receipt by Customer. Failure to notify Seller within such time period shall be deemed an unqualified waiver of Customer's right to subsequently raise such objections. 7. Limited Warranty. IF THE PRODUCTS PURCHASED ARE SOLD PURSUANT TO A WARRANTY POLICY SPECIFIC TO SUCH PRODUCTS,THEN THE POLICY SET FORTH IN SECTIONS 7-8 SHALL NOT BE EFFECTIVE AS TO SUCH PRODUCTS AND THE SPECIFIC WARRANTY POLICY SHALL CONTROL. Subject to the foregoing paragraph,Seller's Products are warranted against defects in material sand workmanship and shall conform to Seller's published specifications or other specifications accepted in writing by Seller for one year from the date Seller ships the Products to Customer("Delivery Date"). 8. Customer Remedies. Seller's sole obligation(and Customer's sole remedy)with respect to the foregoing Limited Warranty shall be to,at its option,return the fees paid or repair/replace any defective Products,provided that the Seller receives written notice of such defects during the applicable warranty period. Customer may not bring an action to enforce its remedies under the foregoing Limited Warranty more than one(1)year after the accrual of such cause of action. MRL 1-80-AA Paint Truck Purchase Agreement 12-11-24 Mason County, WA Page 18 9. Return/Cancellation/Change Policy. Customer may return unwanted parts Products withing thirty(30)days of the Delivery Date,provided such Products are in new,unused and undamaged condition and are resalable as new products without modification or repackaging. Customer shall pay a fifteen percent(15%)restocking charge on any unwanted Products returned to Seller. No returns will be accepted after the thirty(30)day period has expired. Where custom Products or services are involved,Customer shall be responsible for all related work in progress;however,Seller shall take reasonable steps to mitigate damages immediately upon receipt of a written cancellation notice from Customer. A Return-Material Authorization number must be obtained from Seller for return of any Products. Seller may terminate any order if representative made by Customer to Seller are false or misleading. Changes to orders shall not be binding upon nor be put into effect by Seller unless confirmed in writing by Seller's appropriate representative. 10. NO OTHER WARRANTIES. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH ABOVE,THE PRODUCTS ARE PROVIDED"AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,AND NO OTHER WARRANTIES,EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED ARE MADE WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCTS,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY,FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,TITLE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES THAT MAY ARISE FROM USAGE OF TRADE OR COURSE OF DEALING. SELLER DOES NOT WARRANT,GUARANTEE,OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE OF OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE OF THE PRODUCTS IN TERMS OF CORRECTNESS,ACCURACY, RELIABILITY,OR OTHERWISE. SELLER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES NOT STATED HEREIN. 11. No Liability for Consequential Damages. The entire liability of Seller and its licensors,distributors,and suppliers(including its and their directors,officers,employees,and agents)is set forth above. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law,in no event shall Seller and its licensors,distributors,and suppliers(including its and their directors,officers,employees,and agents)to be liable for any damages,including,but not limited to,any special,direct,indirect,incidental exemplary,or consequential damages,expenses,lost profits, lost savings,business interrupting,lost business information,or any other damages arising out of the use or inability to use the Products, even if Seller or its licensors,distributors,and suppliers has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Customer acknowledges that the applicable purchase price or license fee for the Products reflects this allocation of risk. Because some states/jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages,the above limitation may not apply. If the foregoing limitation of liability is not enforceable because an Seller product sold or licensed to Customer is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction in a final, non-appealable judgement to be defective and to have directly caused bodily injury,death,or property damage,in no event shall Seller's liability for property damage exceed the greater of$50,000 or fees paid for the specific product that caused such damage. 12. Force Maieure. Seller shall be excused for any delay or failure to perform due to any cause beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of governments,natural catastrophes,acts of Customer,interruptions of transportation or inability to obtain necessary labor or materials. Seller's estimated shipping schedule shall be extended by a period of time equal to the time lost because of any excusable delay. In the event Seller is unable to perform in whole or in part because of any excusable failure to perform,Seller may cancel orders without liability to Customer. 13. Limited Indemnity Against Infringement. Seller,shall,at its own expense,defend any litigation resulting from sales of the Products to the extent that such litigation alleges that the Products or any part thereof infringes any United States patent,copyright,or trademark,provided that such claim does not arise from the use of the Products in combination with equipment or devices not made by Seller or from modification of the Products,and further provided that Customer notifies Seller immediately upon its obtaining notice of such impending claim and cooperatives fully with Seller in preparing a defense. If Customer provides to Seller the authority,assistance,and information Seller needs to defend or settle such claim,Seller shall pay any final award of damages in such suit and any expense Customer incurs at Seller's written request,but Seller shall not be liable for a settlement made without its prior written consent. If the Products are held to be infringing and the use thereof is enjoined,Seller shall,at its option,either(i)procure for the Customer the right to use the Products,(ii) replace the Products with others which do not constitute infringement,or(iii)remove the infringing Products and refund the payment(s)made therefor by Customer. The foregoing states the Customer's sole remedy for,and Seller's entire liability and responsibility for,infringement of any patent,trademark,or copyright relating to the Products provided hereunder. THIS LIMITED INDEMNITY IS IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER STATUTORY OR IMPLIED WARRANTY AGAINST INFRINGEMENT. 14. Acknowledgment/Governing Law. Customer acknowledges reading these Terms and Condition,understands them and agrees to be bound by them. A waiver of any provision of this agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or modification of any other term hereof. With respect to all orders accepted by Seller in the United States,disputes arising in connection with these Terms and Conditions of Sale shall be governed by the laws of the State in which Seller's factory is located without regard to principles of conflicts of laws. With respect to all orders accepted by Seller outside the United States,disputes arising in connection with these Terms and Conditions of Sale shall be governed by the laws of the country and locality in which Seller accepts the order without regard to principles of conflicts of laws. 15. Intellectual Property Rights. All drawings,data,designs,tooling,equipment,procedures,engineering changes,inventions, trade secrets,copyrights,mask works,source code,object code,patents,patent applications,know-how,computer and/or Product software and all parts thereof,trademarks and all other information,technical or otherwise which was developed,made or supplied by or for Seller in the production of any Product sold hereunder will be and remain the sole property of Seller(or its licensors,if any). Customer agrees not to reverse engineer any Products purchased hereunder. 16. Export Regulations. Customer agrees to comply fully with all laws and regulations concerning the export of Products for the United States. 17. Assignment and Subcontracting. Seller may assign its rights and obligations by giving Customer written notice thereof but without being obligated to obtain Customer's consent prior thereto. In the even if an assignment,Seller shall be discharged of any liability pursuant to those purchases orders which have been assigned or delegated. Customer may not assign its rights nor delegate its obligations under any or all of its purchase orders unless Seller's written consent is obtained prior thereto and any such assignment or delegation without such consent shall be void. 18. Waiver. No waiver will be valid unless in writing,signed by an authorized representative of Seller and no waiver granted will release Customer from subsequent strict compliance herewith. MRL 1-80-AA Paint Truck Purchase Agreement 12-11-24 Mason County, WA Page 19 19. Severability:Headings. Any provision hereunder found to be legally enforceable shall be deemed deleted and replaced with a legally enforceable provision having the closest possible intent. All other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. Headings and subheadings are for convenience only and shall not be construed to limit the applicability of individual provisions or subprovisions. G i i• + _ 1, �, / i � ,�,._ � __ �. - . . 1 �. �� - '1 ®� - �_--,� �:,: , _ - _,.�- � � �� 4 - - : _ _�-- �: �..: �, ' ' _. r - _ - -i .. - � _ _ � _ ,ry���, Syr ����. .` 4,y .�-. � r�j1.1,: y (( � r. �hON Co .1 t• Mason County Agenda Request Form rss To: Board of Mason County Commis ' ners Item No. 8.8 From: MICHAEL K.DORCY Ext:417 Department: Prosecutor Briefing: Action Agenda: ❑ Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): JANUARY 13,2025 Agenda Date(s): Click or tap here to enter text. Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ® Legal ❑ IT ❑ Risk ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Item: Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Salary Background/Executive Summary: In the past, there were two supervisory positions within the Prosecutor's Office titled Chief Criminal Deputy Prosecutor and Chief Civil Deputy Prosecutor. These two positions were consolidated into one position,titled Chief Deputy Prosecutor,consolidating the duties of the Chief Criminal Deputy and Chief Civil Deputy. The Chief DPA position was placed at Range 45 on the non-union salary chart, the top of which was approximately 83% of the salary that had been set for the Prosecuting Attorney prior to the amendment of RCW 36.17.020 and Resolution 61-08 which set the salary of the Prosecuting Attorney equal to that set by the Washington Citizen's Commission on Salaries for Elected Officials. (After that amendment,the Chief DPA salary at step 45 reflected approximately 64%of the Prosecutor's salary). The Washington State Legislature made that change for the following reasons stated: The legislature finds that an elected county prosecuting attorney functions as both a state officer in pursuing criminal cases on behalf of the state of Washington, and as a county officer who acts as civil counsel for the county, and provides services to school districts and lesser taxing districts by statute. The elected prosecuting attorney's dual role as a state officer and a county officer is reflected in various provisions of the state Constitution and within state statute. The legislature finds that the responsibilities and decisions required of the elected prosecuting attorney are essentially the same in every county within Washington state,from a decision to seek the death penalty in an aggravated murder case, to the decision not to prosecute but refer an offender to drug court;from a decision to pursue child rape charges based solely upon the testimony of the child, to a decision to divert juvenile offenders out of the justice system. Therefore, the legislature finds that elected prosecuting attorneys need to exercise the same level of skill and expertise in the least populous county as in the most populous county. The legislature finds that the salary of the elected county prosecuting attorney should be tied to that of a superior court judge. This furthers the state's interests and responsibilities under the state Constitution, and is consistent with the current practice of several counties in Washington state, the practices of several other states, and the national district attorneys'association national standards. 2008 Wa.ALS 309; 2008 Wa. Ch. 309; 2007 Wa. SB 6297 The justification for the alignment between the role of the Superior Court Judge and Prosecuting Attorney remain valid and compelling, and the rationale applies by extension equally to a position like the Mason County Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney. In 2015, the Prosecuting Attorney advocated for raising the salary of the Chief DPA to 75% of that set for the Prosecuting Attorney. This request was to keep with the comparative relationship between the Prosecuting Attorney and the Chief DPA, as well as to reach internal parity with the contracted Court Commissioner position which was also then set to 75% of the salary set for a Superior Court Judge. Instead, the BOCC reclassified the salary of the Chief DPA position in 2016 by setting it to the then newly created Range 46,the top of which amounted to approximately 74%of the then-established salary for the Prosecuting Attorney. (Soon thereafter, the salary for the Superior Court's full time Court Commissioner was set to 85%of the salary set for the Superior Court Judge.) In 2019,the Prosecuting Attorney again advocated for setting the Chief DPA salary to 85%of that set for the Superior Court Judge/Prosecuting Attorney. At that time, the BOCC adopted Resolution 22-19, addressing the salary of the Chief DPA position. The BOCC therein recognized the extension of the Legislature's justification for aligning the salary of the Prosecuting Attorneys to that set by the WCCSEO for the Superior Court Judges and indicated that they "now wish to tie the Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney's wage to the wage of a Superior Court Judge at 75%." At the BOCC Meeting on December 17, 2024, the BOCC adopted Resolution 2024-75, establishing the salary of the Chief DPA at 80% of that of a Superior Court Judge. This action was taken in part due to advocacy by the Prosecuting Attorney to bring the Chief DPA salary back into parity with that of the Superior Court Commissioner (at 85% salary set for a Superior Court Judge), as well as bringing the salary competitive with comparable and surrounding positions of a similar nature within the market. At the meeting on December 17, 2024, one Commissioner proposed to match the Court Commissioner position at 85% of a Superior Court Judge (rather than 80%, which had apparently come out of BOCC discussions and was what was on the agenda). Only one other Commissioner was in attendance,and that Commissioner raised concerns over the process, including the lack of additional briefing, time for deliberation, and the presence of the third Commissioner. Furthermore, the BOCC has taken recent steps to address the persistent difficulty in attracting and retaining deputy prosecutors by adjusting their salaries by 20%, recognizing that Mason County was at the bottom of even the counties that the BOCC uses for comparison,notwithstanding the regional stresses of being surrounded closely by counties with easy commutes that were paying substantially more.While necessary and appreciated, this also gives rise to the concern for compression between the salary of the Chief DPA and those DPAs who fall under the supervision of that position. Finally, it should not go without acknowledging that most (if not all) of the counties with which the BOCC chooses to use as comparable counties have more deputy prosecutors overall, more deputy prosecutors fulfilling civil duties, more non-lawyer support staff, and specifically more supervisory or chief deputy prosecutors, as we have historically and continue to do more with less. Determining the market and setting salaries can be a very difficult process, and counties (including Mason) have historically looked to "comparable counties" to assess the salary market for positions. However, when the markets are changing rapidly and especially with professional positions requiring a high level of education, skill, and licensure, other considerations must be considered. In at least the last 20+years it has not been more difficult to recruit and retain licensed attorneys to Mason County. So while external comparability can be instructive, we must also look to internal equity among employees of the same employer,the scarcity of the human resource(here, attorneys), and the value of certain positions to the effective running of county government. At this time,I would like to continue to advocate for the propriety of establishing the salary for the Chief DPA position in parity with that of the Court Commissioner, the duties of which have recently been reduced without any corresponding reduction in compensation. Whereas the duties of the Chief DPA for the County have only grown with increasing county government, additional departments and programs, significant changes to the criminal justice system causing increased demands and persistent short staffing. Budget Impact(amount,funding source,budget amendment, etc.): Adopting the recommended action will impact the current estimated expenditures of the Prosecutor's Office(and therefore the County) in the amount of approximately$11,413 over and above the approved current expense budget for 2025. Public Outreach: N/A Requested Action: Adopt a new Resolution setting the Chief DPA position salary at 85% of that set for the Superior Court Judge by the Washington Citizens' Commission on Salaries for Elected Officials. Attachment(s): None *1854 Mason County Agenda Request Form To: Board of Mason County Commissioners Item No. 8.9 From: David Windom Ext: Click or tap hereto enter text. Department: Public Health Briefing: Action Agenda: Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): January 13,2025 Agenda Date(s): January 21,2025 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑X Legal ❑ IT ❑X Risk ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Item• United We Care Pilot Project Background/Executive Summary: Mason County, in partnership with United We Care, is working to address the health-related social needs of our community, especially in the area of behavioral health.Access to behavioral health resources is a crisis with the need for behavioral health services far outreaching the supply of services available locally. Mason County Public Health addresses that crisis by implementing an innovative technology solution as a pilot program to determine the viability and effectiveness of providing behavioral health resources via technology.At the regular commission meeting on December 3,2024,the Mason County commissioners directed the director of Public Health and Human Services to proceed with a pilot project and to seek funding to support the effort. We request$200,000 for a pilot project starting January 2025 and running through April 2025.This pilot would touch 2500 people across the community and across all demographics. The document"Addressing Accessibility and Affordability in Rural Mental Health Care"outlines the pilot project in detail. The unique data generated by this pilot project will integrate well with Mason County's goal setting around social determinants of health and health-related social needs. Time is short. The holidays and dark winter days exacerbate mental health difficulties.Mason County Public Health and Human Services looks to meet this need as soon as possible during these dark days of winter. Budget Impact(amount,funding source,budget amendment, etc.): $200,000 for Treatment Sales Tax Fund Balance for a one-time pilot program to determine feasibility and effectiveness. Public Outreach: N/A Requested Action: Approval of the one-time use of$200,000 of Treatment Sales Tax(TST)funding from the available balance of more than$2,000,000 and allow the Public Health Director to sign a contract with United We Care for implementation of the pilot program. Attachment(s)• Agreement MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT This Master Services Agreement("Agreement")is made as of January_,2025(the"Effective Date'),between: Mason County Public Health,Represented by David Windom,MSHS Director,having its principal office at on behalf of itself and its Affiliates(the"Client"or"Customer"); United We Care is a Delaware Corporation Represented by Rim Mehrotra,President and Chief Executive Officer,having its principal office at 1240 Rescoworkl5,1000 N.West Street,Suite 1200,Wilmington,Delaware 19801,on behalf of itself and its Vendor Affiliates,where,for purposes of this agreement,"Vendor Affiliates"means any entity directly or indirectly controlled by,controlling,or under common control with Vendor(the"Vendor"or"Service Provider"). Any Affiliate of Customer may execute a SOW hereunder,and in such case,all obligations of,and references to,Customer in this Agreement shall instead refer to such Affiliate.For purposes of this Agreement,"Affiliate"means any entity directly or indirectly controlled by,controlling,or under common control with Customer. Section 1.Services Section 1.1 Description of Services and Service Levels. (A)Description of Services.Vendor shall provide to Customer the services("Services")as specified in statements of work to this Agreement that are signed by the parties from time to time in a form substantially similar as attached hereto as Exhibit A("SOWs"or"Statements of Work").SOWs and any and all other documents referenced as a part of this Agreement are hereby incorporated by reference into this Agreement.SOWS shall constitute the only authorization for Vendor to take any action that will result in expense to or otherwise on behalf of Customer. Customer does not guarantee Vendor any particular amount of work under this Agreement.The Services shall be performed at the locations identified in the SOW,or if not identified,from such location specified by Customer. Section 1.2 Additional Exhibit Terms.Vendor agrees to comply with the requirements outlined in the following Exhibits attached to this Agreement,which are fully incorporated herein by reference. Exhibit A—Form of Statement of Work Exhibit B-Pricing Exhibit C-Service Level Agreement Exhibit D-Implementation Plan Section 1.3 Personnel. (A)General Requirements.The parties are independent contractors and nothing in this Agreement or otherwise shall be deemed or construed to create any other relationship,including one of employment,joint venture or agency.Vendor shall be solely responsible for any taxes of any type,including central,state or local tax,employment,withholding or reporting tax,social security taxes,workers'compensation taxes or costs,unemployment compensation taxes or costs,or any other taxes or charges,provident fund,gratuity,bonus,workmen's compensation,employee state insurance,other employment Law deductions,or private insurance,related to Vendor or Vendor personnel's receipt of compensation and performance of Services under this Agreement.Vendor will be solely responsible for compliance with immigration and visa Laws and requirements,including compliance with the Immigration and Reform Control Act of 1986(IRCA)with respect to Vendor employees and contractors and utilizing the federal government E-Verify program to verify the employment eligibility of all of its employees.Vendor represents and warrants that all Vendor personnel(1)will hold appropriate and valid visas or other work authorizations for the jurisdiction in which such individuals will be working,each of which will be valid for a period at least equal to the anticipated duration of each such individual's assignment to the Customer account, and(2)will not be provided by Vendor with any technology or information in violation of any export Laws of the U.S.or any other relevant country. Section 2.Pricing and Payment Terms Section 2.1 Fees.All charges for the Services are set forth in the applicable Statement of Work.Customer shall pay to the Vendor for the Services specified as per the Scope of Work under Appendix-A.,and(B)reimbursable expenses,subject to Section 2.3.The parties agree and acknowledge that,except as set forth in the applicable Statement of Work,the charges will be inclusive of,and not subject to adjustment to account for,any inflation or cost of living increases or fluctuation in any currency exchange rates.If Vendor fails to provide the Services in accordance with this Agreement,the applicable charges will be adjusted in a manner such that Customer is not responsible for the payment of any charges for Services that Vendor fails to provide.Vendor is solely responsible for managing its resources so as to provide the Services in compliance with applicable Service Levels and the other terms of this Agreement and each applicable Statement of Work. Section 2.2 Expenses; Taxes.All pass-through or out-of-pocket expenses for which Customer is responsible must be expressly identified in the applicable Statement of Work.If a Statement of Work provides that Customer will reimburse Vendor for travel expenses, Vendor will obtain Customer's prior written approval for travel. Customer will not be responsible for the payment or reimbursement of expenses not expressly identified as a Customer responsibility in the applicable Statement of Work.With respect to services or materials paid for on a pass-through expenses basis,Customer reserves the right to obtain such services or materials directly from a third party or designate the third parry source for such services or materials.Vendors will use commercially reasonable efforts to minimize the amount of pass-through and out-of- pocket expenses.Customer will provide the Vendor with a legally sufficient tax exemption certificate.Vendor shall apply the tax exemption to invoices generated after the date Vendor receives such documentation.The Customer shall be liable to pay the applicable federal and State taxes,incase the Customer is unable to provide tax exemption Certificate.)Each party t ommented[1] Inserted will be responsible for any personal property taxes on property it owns or leases,for franchise and privilege taxes on its business,and for taxes based on its net income or gross receipts. Section 2.3 Invoicing and Payment.Vendor will invoice Customer based on the terms in the SOW. Section 3.Confidentiality Section 3.1 Confidentiality Obligations.During the tern of this Agreement,from time to time,either party may disclose (the"Disclosing Party")or make available to the other party(the"Receiving Party'),whether orally,electronically or in physical form,confidential or proprietary information concerning the Disclosing Parry and/or its business,products or services in connection with this Agreement(together,"Confidential Information").Each party agrees that during the term of this Agreement and thereafter:(a)it will use Confidential Information belonging to the Disclosing Party solely for the purpose(s)of this Agreement;and(b)it will not disclose Confidential Information belonging to the Disclosing Party to any third party(other than the Receiving Parry's employees,contractors and/or professional advisors on a need-to-know basis who are bound by obligations of nondisclosure and limited use at least as stringent as those contained herein)without first obtaining the Disclosing Party's written consent.Upon request by the Disclosing Party,the Receiving Parry will return all copies of any Confidential Information to the Disclosing Party.Vendor hereby agrees that every individual person who performs under this Agreement shall execute the appropriate documents to undertake obligations of confidentiality consistent with the terms set forth herein.Vendor hereby agrees to provide evidence and/or copies of such duly executed documents to Customer upon request. Section 3.2 Confidentiality Exclusions.For purposes hereof,Confidential Information will not include any information that the Receiving Party can establish by convincing written evidence:(a)was independently developed by the Receiving Party without use of or reference to any Confidential Information belonging to the Disclosing Party;(b)was acquired by the Receiving Party from a third party having the legal right to famish same to the Receiving Party without disclosure restrictions;or(c)was at the time in question(whether at disclosure or thereafter)generally known by or available to the public(through no fault of the Receiving Parry). Section 3.3 Required Disclosures.These confidentiality obligations will not restrict any disclosure required by order of a court or any government agency,provided that the Receiving Party gives prompt notice to the Disclosing Party of any such order and reasonably cooperates with the Disclosing Party at the Disclosing Parry's request and expense to resist such order or to obtain a protective order. Section 3.4 Injunctive Relief.The parties acknowledge and agree that the disclosure of Confidential Information may result in irreparable harm for which there is no adequate remedy at law.The parties therefore agree that the Disclosing Party may be entitled to seek an injunction in the event the Receiving Party violates or threatens to violate the provisions of this Section 3,and that no bond will be required.This remedy will be in addition to any other remedy available at law or equity. Section 3.5 Customer IT Systems Security. To the extent that Vendor accesses Customer's information technology systems for any reason,Vendor shall comply with Customer's security requirements necessary to protect that access,and which are either provided in this Agreement or otherwise provided to Vendor by Customer.This shall include compliance with usage terms of Customer-managed user accounts,prompt notification to Customer if Vendor suspects unauthorized access to their user accounts,and cooperation with Customer questions applicable to Vendor personnel security practices prior to being given access. All access by Vendor personnel to Customer information technology systems shall be subject to prior approval by Customer and shall follow Customer-provided procedures.Vendor shall only have access to Customer information technology systems authorized by Customer and shall use such access solely to the extent minimally necessary for providing Services to Customer.Vendor shall not attempt to access any applications,systems or data which Customer has not authorized Vendor to access or which Vendor does not need to access in order to perform Services for Customer.Vendor's attempt to access any applications,data or systems in violation of the terms in this Section shall be a material breach of the Agreement.If Vendor personnel with access to Customer information technology systems no longer require access,Vendor will notify Customer promptly. Vendor and its subcontractors will not perform any of the Services from outside of the United States,and Vendor will not allow any of Customer's data to be sent by any medium,transmitted or accessed outside of the United States. Section 4.Customer Property and Residual Knowledge Section 4.1 Customer Property.Vendor acknowledges and agrees that Customer owns all tangible property,including but not limited to goods, equipment,documents,spreadsheets,notes, disks,text, artwork,computer software, and similar property provided to Vendor by Customer.Vendor agrees to deliver this tangible property to Customer promptly upon Customer's request,but in any event,after Vendor is finished using such tangible property in performing the Services. Section 4.2 Residual Knowledge.Nothing contained in this Agreement will restrict a party from the use of any general ideas,concepts,know-how,methodologies,processes,technologies,algorithms or techniques retained in the unaided mental impressions of such party's personnel relating to the Services which either party,individually or jointly,develops or discloses under this Agreement,provided that in doing so such parry does not breach its obligations under Section 3 or infringe the intellectual property rights of the other parry or third parties who have licensed or provided materials to the other party. Section 5.Representations and Warranties;Compliance with Laws Section 5.1 General Warranties.Vendor represents and warrants to Customer that:(a)it is duly incorporated and validly existing under applicable Laws and in good standing in applicable business locations as required;(b)it has all necessary right,title,license and authority to enter into and perform its obligations under this Agreement;(c)Vendor has appropriate agreements with its employees and Customer-approved subcontractors to allow it to provide the Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement;and(d)the person signing this Agreement(including each attachment)on behalf of Vendor has full authority to bind Vendor to the terms and conditions hereof. Section 5.2 Performance Warranties.Vendor represents and warrants to Customer that:(a)the Services performed and the work created under this Agreement will conform with all applicable Laws, industry standards and Customer's instructions and specifications;(b)Vendor will provide the Services in a workmanlike,professional,and ethical manner;(c) the Services performed and the Work Product created under this Agreement will not infringe the copyrights,patents,trade secrets or other intellectual property or other rights of any third party;(d)performing the Services will not conflict with any other agreements to which Vendor is a parry;and(e)Vendor will not use any of its own proprietary materials in the Work Product without Customer's prior written permission and an appropriate perpetual license to Customer. Section 5.3 Warranty of Software Integrity.Vendor warrants that any and all computer code and/or software created or modified for,or otherwise supplied to Customer:(A)contains only what is stated in the documentation provided;(B)is free of any open source code that would require Customer to make available any of its Confidential Information,Customer Data, Customer intellectual property or otherwise proprietary information,contains or is subject to any copyleft license,or which is not otherwise covered by the terms of this Agreement regarding Software.For clarity,any open source code provided by Vendor is considered Software under this Agreement;and(C)immediately prior to its delivery to Customer,has been checked for and deemed free of any and all computer viruses and/or other destructive code using a regularly updated, industry-standard software package designed for such purpose and has been inspected by Vendor's authorized personnel.In the event any computer code and/or software created or modified for,or otherwise supplied to Customer contains destructive code,then,in addition to any other remedies available to Customer,at Customer's request,Vendor will,at no cost to Customer:(1)restore to the fullest extent possible any and all data lost by Customer as a result of the destructive code,and (2)provide and install a new copy of the computer code and/or software without the presence of destructive code. Section 5.4 Pass-Through of Third Party Warranties.If third party software or hardware is acquired hereunder,Vendor agrees to pass through to Customer all warranties from such third party software vendors,in addition to the warranties provided in this Agreement. Section 5.5 Additional Warranties;Disclaimer.Other warranties pertaining to the services or deliverables may be set forth in an applicable Statement of Work. OTHER THAN AS PROVIDED IN THIS AGREEMENT OR ANY STATEMENT OF WORK, THERE ARE NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES AND THERE ARE NO IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Section 5.6 Compliance with Laws.Vendor shall comply with all applicable international,federal,state,county,and local laws, orders, rules, ordinances, regulations, and codes (collectively, "Laws"), including without limitation Vendor's obligations as an employer regarding the health,safety and payment of its employees.Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,Vendor will be responsible for compliance with all(a)Laws applicable to Vendor and Vendor's business(i.e., Laws under which Vendor would be liable in the case of non-compliance)that affect the provision or receipt of the Services, (b)Laws applicable to the performance or delivery of the Services,and(c)privacy and security Laws to which any Customer Data is subject. Vendor's compliance shall also include identifying and procuring the required permits, certificates, approvals,and inspections in Vendor's performance under this Agreement.Vendor and its subcontractors shall abide by the requirements of 41 CFR 60-1.4(a),60-300.5(a)and 60-741.5(a),which regulations prohibit discrimination against qualified individuals based on their status as protected veterans or individuals with disabilities,and prohibit discrimination against all individuals based on their race,color,religion,sex,sexual orientation,gender identity,or national origin.Moreover Vendor and its subcontractors shall take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment individuals without regard to race, color,religion,sex,sexual orientation,gender identity,national origin,protected veteran status or disability.To the extent applicable,the employee notice requirements set forth in 29 C.F.R. Part 471,Appendix A to Subpart A, are hereby incorporated by reference into this contract. Section 5.7 Conflict of Interest. (A)Vendor hereby represents and warrants to Customer that: (1)There is no conflict of interest between Vendor's other contracts,business relationships,revenue- sharing arrangements or other business activities,if any,and the Services to be provided to Customer pursuant to this Agreement,and Vendor will ensure that no such conflict arises during the term of this Agreement(which includes,but is in no way limited to,use of another's confidential and proprietary information).Accordingly,Vendor agrees that it may not perform duties for any third party,if Vendor believes its duties to such third party may result in a conflict of interest relative to Vendor's work for Customer,unless Vendor first notifies Customer in writing of the possible conflict of interest and obtains written consent from an authorized representative of Customer. (2)Vendor will not use for the benefit of Customer any confidential information acquired from any third party and subject to a duty of confidentiality to such third party. (3)Unless previously disclosed in writing to an authorized representative of Customer,Vendor has not, for at least I year before the Effective Date,(a)acted as or been paid for services as a consultant,employee or in any other capacity,to any governmental entity with respect to procurement by such governmental entity of health insurance coverage or an administrative services agreement,or(b)participated in any capacity on behalf of a governmental entity in a decision- making capacity in connection with the procurement of health insurance coverage,administrative services agreement or any related services. (B)Vendor agrees that during the term of this Agreement Vendor will not act as or be paid for services as a consultant for any governmental entity with respect to procurement of such governmental entity's health insurance coverage or administrative services agreement.It is understood by the parties that Customer does not have the exclusive right to Vendor's services. Section 5.9 Accessibility and Non-Discrimination Compliance.Vendor represents and warrants that the Services provided pursuant to this Agreement comply with all applicable accessibility and non-discrimination laws, regulations and administrative guidance including,but not limited to,the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,Section 1557 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010(as each of the forgoing have been and may be amended),and the Information&Communication Technology(ICT)Standards&Guidelines Final Rule issued by the Federal Accessibility Board on January 2017(36 C.F.R.1193).Vendor agrees that all websites and mobile applications developed or made available to individuals pursuant to this Agreement will be built and maintained in accordance with the W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines(WCAG)2.0 AA standard(or any subsequent standard adopted by a relevant administrative body,or by Customer).In the event that an accessibility assessment conducted or obtained by Vendor reveals an issue of non-compliance,Vendor will notify Customer of non-compliance and Customer will determine,at its option,next steps.On request,Vendor will provide Customer with a copy of any accessibility assessment completed or obtained by Vendor.In the event that Customer discovers an issue of non-compliance,Customer will,at its option,notify Vendor. If any of the Services do not fully comply with WCAG, Vendor will notify Customer of its remediation plan.Within thirty days of Vendor notifying Customer,Vendor will provide a remediation plan that(i)provides details regarding the deficiencies identified and(ii)sets forth commercially reasonable timeframes for the resolution of such deficiencies. Section 5.10 Environmental Protection.Vendor agrees to comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations regarding hazardous materials,air emissions and waste.Vendor also agrees to complete an annual sustainability survey(as requested by Customer) identifying practices used to minimize its environmental footprint (e.g., key environmental sustainability policies and/or goals for waste and carbon reduction,recycling and other measurements). Section 6.Insurance Section 6.1 Required Coverage.The Vendor has obtain and maintain insurance in the types and minimum amounts outlined below or as required by applicable Law,whichever is greater,and any such additional insurance necessary,to insure against claims that may arise from or in connection with Vendor's obligations under this Agreement,whether such obligations are performed by or on behalf of the Vendor: Coverage Typa Minimum Limits of Liability Commercial General $1,000,000 each occurrence Liability $3,000,000 general aggregate $3,000,000 products and completed operations aggregate Workers In accordance with the laws of the country,state,province,or territory exercising Compensation and jurisdiction over employees Employer's Liability $500,000 each accident/disease—each employee Coverage Type animum Limits of Liability Professional Liability/ $1,000,000 each claim or occurrence/aggregate Errors&Omissions Liability including, where applicable, medical malpractice Cyber/Network Privacy $1,000,000 each claim or occurrence/aggregate &Security Liability Section 6.2 Waiver of Subrogation/Waiver of Right to Recover.Except where prohibited by Law,Vendor agrees to waive its rights to recover and its insurers'rights of subrogation and rights to recover,as applicable,against Customer and its Affiliates,under the commercial general liability,business automobile liability,workers compensation,and employer's liability coverage. Section 6.3 Certificates of Insurance.On or before the Effective Date,and upon Customer's request thereafter,Vendor will provide certificate(s)of insurance providing evidence that Vendor has complied with the insurance requirements set forth in this Agreement.Vendor shall endeavor to promptly notify Customer in writing prior to cancellation of the insurance required hereunder. Section 6.4 Notices.In the case of loss,damage,or other event involving Customer or its Affiliates that requires notice or other action under the terms of any insurance coverage specified in this provision,Vendor will be solely responsible to take such action.Vendor will provide Customer with contemporaneous notice and with such other information as Customer may request regarding the event. Section 6.5 Subcontractors.Except to the extent otherwise stated in this Agreement or agreed to by Customer in writing, Vendor shall require in writing that each subcontractor maintain insurance coverage substantially consistent with what is set forth herein.However,provided that any deficiencies in subcontractors'insurance shall be the Vendor's responsibility, Vendor may alternatively elect to(1)insure subcontractors'actions under its own insurance policies,where applicable and/or(2)modify subcontractors'insurance requirements as long as the requirements are not below customary industry standard insurance coverage. Section 6.6 Limits of Liability.All insurance required of Vendor to provide coverage to Customer and its Affiliates as additional insureds will be primary,and not excess over,or contributing with,any insurance or self-insurance maintained by Customer and its Affiliates.Such additional insured coverage will apply to the full limits of liability maintained by the Vendor,whether those limits of liability are in excess of those required in this Agreement.The availability or unavailability of insurance coverage shall not limit,modify or otherwise impact Vendor's other obligations and liabilities under this Agreement.Vendor's obligation to maintain the insurance stipulated in this section shall be in addition to,and not in lieu of,Vendor's other obligations hereunder,and Vendor's liability to Customer shall not be limited to the amount of coverage required hereunder or any other limitations elsewhere in the Agreement. Section 6.7 The insurance requirements set forth in this Section 6,shall apply,whether other insurance requirements apply elsewhere within this Agreement,except to the extent that such requirements are broader. Section 7.Indemnification The Vendor agrees to take all necessary precautions to prevent injury to any persons or damage to property during the term of this Agreement,and shall indemnify,defend and hold harmless the Client,its officers,directors,shareholders,employees, representatives and/or agents from any claim, liability,loss,cost,damage,judgment,settlement or expense(including attorney's fees)resulting from or arising in anyway out of injury(including death)to any person or damage to property arising in any way out of any act,error,omission or negligence on the part of the Vendor or any of the Vendor's employees in the performance or failure to fulfill any Vendor or obligations under this Agreement. Vendor shall defend,indemnify and hold harmless Client,its officers,directors,shareholders,employees,representatives and/or agent from and against claims,damages or causes of action including reasonable attorneys'fees and related costs arising out of the claim that the services or its use,infringes Intellectual Property rights("Intellectual Property Claim"). Section 8.Liability Section 8.1 General Intent.Subject to the specific provisions of this Section 8,it is the intent of the parties that each parry will be liable to the other parry for any actual damages incurred by the non-breaching party as a result of the breaching parry's failure to perform its obligations in the manner required by this Agreement. Section 8.2 Waiver of Damages.SUBJECT TO SECTION 8.3,IN NO EVENT,WHETHER IN CONTRACT OR IN TORT(INCLUDING BREACH OF WARRANTY,NEGLIGENCE AND STRICT LIABILITY IN TORT), WILL A PARTY BE LIABLE FOR INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL,EXEMPLARY,PUNITIVE OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF SUCH PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES IN ADVANCE. Section 8.3 Exceptions;Cumulative Remedies.The limitations set forth in Section 8.2 will not apply with respect to:(A) damages caused by the unlawful,fraudulent,or willful misconduct or gross negligence of a party;(B)claims that are the subject of indemnification under this Agreement;or(C)damages occasioned by a party's breach of its obligations with respect to Confidential Information.The remedies specified in this Agreement are cumulative and in addition to any remedies available at law or in equity. Section 9.Organizational Resiliency and Force Majeure Section 9.1 Force Majeure. (A)As used in this Agreement,a"Force Majeure Event"means an act of God,riot,civil disorder,or any other similar event beyond the reasonable control of a party,provided that the event is not caused,directly or indirectly,by such party.Notwithstanding the foregoing,no event will be considered a Force Majeure Event if and to the extent that the nonperforming party could have(1)prevented the event(or any resulting defaults or delays in performance)by taking reasonable precautions,or(2)circumvented the event(or any resulting defaults or delays in performance)through the use of alternate sources,workaround plans or other means(in the case of Vendor,including by meeting its obligations with respect to developing,maintaining and implementing an organizational resilience program as described in this Section 9 or an applicable Statement of Work). Section 9.2 Alternate Source;Termination Rights. (A)With respect to Critical Services(as defined below),if the performance of all or a portion of such Critical Services is prevented or delayed(including by a Force Majeure Event)for more than one(1)business day,then Customer may procure such Services from an alternate source,and Vendor will be liable for payment for such Services from the alternate source for so long as the delay in performance continues,up to a maximum of forty-five(45)consecutive days.As used in this Agreement,"Critical Services"means those specific Services identified in the applicable Statement of Work as "critical,"or(if no Services are so identified in the Statement of Work),the Services necessary for the performance of functions reasonably identified as critical by Customer.The timeframes set forth in this paragraph may,for any or all components of the Services,be superseded by more specific requirements set forth in the applicable Statement of Work. (B)With respect to Non-Critical Services(as defined below),if the performance of all or a portion of such Non- Critical Services is prevented or delayed(including by a Force Majeure Event)for more than three(3)business days,then Customer may procure such Services from an alternate source,and Vendor will be liable for payment for such Services from the alternate source for so long as the delay in performance continues,up to a maximum of forty-five(45)consecutive days. As used in this Agreement,"Non-Critical Services"means all Services that are not Critical Services.The timeframes set forth in this paragraph may,for any or all components of the Services,be superseded by more specific requirements set forth in the applicable Statement of Work. (C)If the performance of any Services is prevented or delayed(including by a Force Majeure Event)for more than five(5)business days(in the case of Critical Services)or ten(10)business days(in the case of Non Critical Services),then Customer will have the option to terminate this Agreement or any impacted Statement of Work without liability or obligation to pay any termination fees or meet any minimum commitments as of a date specified by Customer in a written notice of termination to Vendor.The timeframes set forth in this paragraph may,for any or all components of the Services,be superseded by more specific requirements set forth in the applicable Statement of Work. Section 10.Term and Termination Section 10.1 Agreement Term and Termination.This Agreement shall commence and be effective as of the date above and shall continue until-(a)terminated by Customer at any time with or without cause,upon written notice to Vendor without any charge,liability,or obligation whatsoever,except for payment for Services performed by Vendor specified in a SOW but not yet paid for by Customer;or(b)terminated by either party if the other party materially breaches or defaults on any of the provisions of this Agreement,and such breach is not cured within thirty(30)days after the breaching party receives written notice.Termination of this Agreement shall not impact any signed SOWS then in effect,which shall continue in effect until completed or otherwise terminated under Section 10.2 or Section 10.3,and shall be governed by the terms of this Agreement while in effect. Section 10.2 SOW Termination for Convenience.The term of an SOW shall be as outlined thereunder.Upon written notice to Vendor,Customer may,for its own convenience and with or without cause,terminate any SOW,in whole or in part,without any charge,liability or obligation whatsoever except for payment for Services performed by Vendor but not yet paid for by Customer. Section 10.3 SOW Termination for Cause.If either party materially breaches or defaults on any of the provisions of any SOW,and such breach is not cured within thirty(30)days after the breaching party receives written notice,then in addition to all other rights and remedies of law or equity or otherwise,the injured party shall have the right to terminate any SOW(s) impacted by such breach without any obligation or liability,at any time thereafter. Section 10.4 Termination for Change of Control.Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement or SOW, Customer may terminate this Agreement and/or a SOW without further liability,upon written notice to Vendor in the event of a Change of Control of Vendor.For purposes of this Agreement,"Change in Control"means(a)the acquisition by any person,entity or group,within the meaning of Section 13(d)(3)or 14(d)(2)of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,as amended(the"Exchange Act"),of beneficial ownership(as defined in the Exchange Act)of 20%or more of the outstanding shares of common stock of Vendor or the combined voting power of Vendor's then-outstanding voting securities in a single transaction or series of related transactions;(b)a change in 50%or more of the directors of Vendor in any 12 month period; (c)a reorganization,merger,consolidation or share exchange in which the shareholders of Vendor immediately prior to such transaction hold less than 5 1%of the outstanding shares of Vendor after such transaction;(d)the sale(in a single transaction or a series of related transactions)of either:(i)all or substantially all of the assets of Vendor,or(ii)the assets which are provided to Customer hereunder or used to provide Services to Customer hereunder;or(e)the first purchase under any tender offer or exchange offer pursuant to which shares of Vendor common stock or other voting securities are purchased. Section 10.5 Insolvency.Either party will have the right to immediately,or with such written notice as such party deems reasonable,terminate this Agreement and any SOWS in the event the other party:(a)ceases to do business as a going concern; (b)becomes subject to any bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding under federal or state statute(and if the proceeding is involuntary,it is not dismissed within 60 days of its commencement);(c)becomes insolvent or becomes subject to direct control by a trustee,receiver or similar authority;(d)has wound up,dissolved or liquidated,voluntarily or otherwise;(d) makes a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors;or(e)takes any action authorizing or in furtherance of any of the foregoing. Section 10.6 Effect of Termination.Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement(or any SOW,as applicable)each party shall,upon the request of the other:(a)return all papers,materials and properties of the other held by such party;and (b)provide reasonable assistance in the termination of this Agreement,as may be necessary for the orderly,non-disrupted business continuation of each party.In no event will Vendor inhibit in any way Customer's attempt to effect a smooth transition.At Customer's option,upon termination of this Agreement or a Statement of Work for any reason,Vendor will: (1)certify to Customer in writing,in a form provided by Customer,that all Confidential Information of Customer has been returned or destroyed,as required under this Agreement;and(2)refund to Customer any prepaid fees on a pro rata basis. Section 10.7 Survival.Customer and Vendor's respective obligations hereunder which by their nature would continue beyond the termination of this Agreement or expiration of any SOW,shall survive.This includes,by way of example but not limited to,the obligations provided under the Sections or Exhibits with the following headings:"CONFIDENTIALITY", "INDEMNIFICATION",any warranty by Vendor. Section 11.Assignment;Divestiture. Vendor may not assign this Agreement or any SOW,or any of Vendor's rights(except the right to receive payments hereunder)or duties under this Agreement,without the prior written consent of Customer.Any attempted assignment without Customer's consent will be void.Customer may freely assign all or any part of this Agreement,without the consent of Vendor,either:(a)to an Affiliate;or(b)incidental to a sale,transfer or other disposition by Customer or an Affiliate of all or substantially all of the assets of that component of Customer's business or its Affiliates business having the benefit of the goods and/or services under this Agreement.In the event Customer either:(a)acquires any entity which has entered into an Agreement with Vendor,or(b)acquired any goods or services from Vendor under a separate agreement within any twelve (12)months prior to the Effective Date,Vendor shall in both cases,upon Customer notice,execute any documents necessary to allow such goods and services to be governed by this Agreement,and any price adjustments shall be made immediately on a go forward basis.All benefits under this Agreement shall accrue and inure to each party's valid and legal heirs, successors and assigns.From time to time,Customer(or its Affiliates)may divest some or all interests in certain business units or Affiliates.Following the divestiture,at Customer's request,Vendor will continue to provide Services to such divested business unit or entity under the terns of this Agreement and any applicable SOWS(including for the then-current charges)for 24 months,or any shorter period specified by Customer. Section 12.Export Related to Services Vendor shall not,absent proper authorization and licensing,if applicable,from all United States agencies having jurisdiction, including without limitation the United States Bureau of Industry and Security(United States Department of Commerce) and the United States Department of State,and from any other relevant jurisdiction that requires any license or other government approval, Export any Item in the course of performing the Services hereunder. Customer makes no representations as to whether or under what conditions any Item supplied by Customer may be Exported.For purposes of this Section,"Item"means any data,technology,commodity or other item,including without limitation,computer software, computer hardware,or telecommunications hardware or software or encryption device or algorithm,and"Export"means "export,""release,"or"reexport,"as those terms are defined in 15 Code of Federal Regulations§734.13,734.14 and 734.15, as such regulation may be amended and in effect from time to time. Section 13.Record Keeping and Audit Vendor agrees to maintain accurate and complete records relating to the provision of Services under this Agreement.If Vendor has a formal records management program which includes a documented and compliant records retention schedule (based on applicable federal, state and industry recordkeeping requirements) and a corresponding employee training program,during the term of this Agreement and for four years following the expiration or termination of this Agreement, Vendor will apply records retention practices in the normal course of business according to the retention periods set forth in Vendor's records retention schedule.If Vendor does not maintain a documented and compliant records retention schedule, then Vendor will maintain records relating to the provision of Services under this Agreement for a period of six years from the creation of the applicable record,except to the extent that Customer may require a longer or shorter retention period for specific categories of records. Section 14.Entire Agreement;Order of Precedence. This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties and may be amended only by a writing signed by the parties. This Agreement(including its Exhibits),and any SOWS placed hereunder shall constitute the entire agreement between Customer and Vendor.In the event of a conflict between the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the terms and conditions of any Statement of Work,the terms and conditions of this Agreement will control,unless the Statement of Work makes specific reference to the Section of this Agreement that is to be amended in the Statement of Work.Any exceptions expressly agreed upon in writing by Customer(or an applicable Affiliate)and Vendor under a particular Statement of Work will apply only for purposes of that Statement of Work,and will not be deemed to in any way amend,modify,cancel,or waive the provisions of this Agreement or any other Statement of Work.Notwithstanding the foregoing,no Statement of Work or any provision thereof will be effective to:(A)decrease any limitation of liability,reduce the scope of recoverable damages,or restrict or eliminate exceptions to the limitation of liability;(B)expand,eliminate or restrict the scope of any indemnity obligations set forth in this Agreement or any Exhibit hereto;or(C)waive,settle or resolve any claims or disputes between the parties.Any amendment or modification to this Agreement or any duly executed SOW hereunder shall not be valid,enforceable,or binding on the parties unless such amendment or modification(a)is a written instrument duly executed by the authorized representatives of both parties and(b)references this Agreement and any SOW,if applicable,and identifies the specific sections contained therein which are amended or modified.No amendment or modification shall adversely affect vested rights or causes of action that have accrued prior to the effective date of such amendment or modification.The terms and conditions of the Exhibits and any SOW hereunder are integral parts of this Agreement and are fully incorporated herein by this reference.No conflicting or supplemental pre-printed provisions on Vendor and Customer forms(including without limitation shrink wrap terms,terms on purchase orders or invoices)shall be binding on the parties. Section 15.Choice of LawNenue This Agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties hereunder shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Texas,excluding its conflict of laws principles and excluding the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act(UCITA)as may be enacted,amended,or modified by the various states.The parties hereby agree that the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods will not apply to this Agreement or any related transaction between the parties.The parties irrevocably and unconditionally consent to venue in Harris County,Texas and hereby waive any claims of forum non conveniens with respect to such venue)and to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of competent Wisconsin state courts in Dane County or federal courts in the District of Wisconsin for all litigation which may be brought with respect to the terms of,and the transactions and relationships contemplated by,this Agreement.The parties further consent to the jurisdiction of any state court located within a district that encompasses assets of a party against which a judgment has been rendered for the enforcement of such judgment against the assets of such party. Section 16.Severability If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction,then the remaining portions of this Agreement shall be construed as if not containing such provision,and all other rights and obligations of the parties shall be construed and enforced accordingly. Section 17.Notices All notices, approvals, waivers, and other communications under this Agreement (other than routine operational communications),will be in writing and will be deemed duly given(A)when delivered by hand,(B)one business day after being given to an express courier with a reliable system for tracking delivery,(C)four business days after the date of mailing, when mailed by United States mail,registered or certified mail,return receipt requested,postage prepaid,and addressed as set forth below,or(D)by DocuSign Services;to the appropriate party at the address set forth in this Agreement.Notices are deemed given upon receipt if delivered using DocuSign Services.Routine operational communications(which will not constitute legal notice)related to administration of the Agreement,may be sent to the parties using any contact information provided in the course of performance. Customer Confidential Page 10 of 15 Rev 09.22.2021 DocuSign Envelope ID:D067ED40-E231-46F8-ADAE-5A7DCOEFEB4E Notices to Customer: Notices to Partner: Attn:David Windom Attn:Ritu Mehrotra MSHS Director President and Chief Executive Officer Mason County Public Health United We Care,Inc With a copy to: With a copy to: Attn: Attn: Mason County Public Health and Human United We Care Services Section 18.No Waiver No waiver or failure to exercise any option,right,or privilege under the terns of this Agreement on any occasion or occasions shall be construed to be a waiver of the same or any other option,right or privilege on any other occasion. Section 19.Third Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement is entered into solely between,and may be enforced only by,Customer and Vendor.This Agreement will not be deemed to create any rights in third parties or to create any obligations of a party to any third parties,other than in and to Customer's Affiliates receiving Services hereunder. Mason County Public Health United We Care By: By: (Authorized Signature) (Authorized Signature) Tama Name: Rim Mehrotra Title: Title: CEO Date: 01/ /2025 Date: 01/ /2025 Appendix A Scope of Work The Effective Date of this Scope of Work shall be:01/_/25. The Expiration Date of this Scope of Work shall be:03/_/25. • Implement accessible platforms that facilitate mental health support and professional intervention • Ensure that residents have continuous and comprehensive access to mental health and wellness resources and expert care tailored to their individual circumstances and needs. • Use data to improve service offerings and in line with the statutory requirements for user privacy. • Align our pilot program with Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)adopted by the UN,Good Health and Well- being(Goal No.3),& Reduced Inequalities(Goal No.10),to improve overall health outcomes and reduce inequalities within the target community. Appendix B Pricing The cost of Services for this pilot project is set at$200,000.00 covering 2500 lives for the term of this agreement. Appendix C Evaluation Plan Objective 1:Implement accessible platforms that facilitate mental health support and professional intervention Expected Outcomes: o Increased Access to Mental Health Resources:Through Stella the platform enables access in areas where distance and lack of providers have been barriers,with a focus on seamless integration that doesn't make technology the focal point. o Affordable and Scalable Solutions:Ensuring that the solutions are economically feasible,reducing the cost barrier to accessing mental health services. Objective 2: Ensure that residents have continuous and comprehensive access to mental health and wellness resources and expert care tailored to their individual circumstances and needs. • Expected Outcomes: • 24x7 Personalized Support:Stella provides real-time,personalized support,adapting to individual user circumstances and needs. • Customized Care Pathways: Stella tailors resources and interventions to match the unique mental health requirements of each user,ensuring comprehensive and relevant support.. Objective 3:use data to improve service offerings discreetly and in line with the statutory requirements for user privacy. • Expected Outcomes: • Real-Time Data-Driven Insights & Reporting Dashboard: With access to an advanced analytics dashboard featuring comprehensive engagement and demographic data.This will facilitate precise customization of interventions and a deeper understanding of user behaviors,ensuring optimal service delivery while safeguarding privacy and security. • Feedback Loops for Platform Optimization: Utilizing user and provider feedback to refine platform features discreetly and effectively. Objective 4:Align our pilot program with Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)adopted bythe LIN,Good Health and Well-being (Goal No.3),& Reduced Inequalities (Goal No.10),to improve overall health outcomes and reduce inequalities within the target community. • Expected Outcomes: • Empowering Local Communities:Community feature on the platform encourages peer support and enhances social connections,directly contributing to reducing health inequalities. • Scalability and Future Expansions:Insights gained from the pilot will inform potential scaling strategies to other rural or underserved communities,enhancing health outcomes and striving towards achieving the SDGs. Q� UNITED WE CARE Ecua izinc Mental Health Connecting the dots in the mental health ecosystem www.unitedwecare.com Q The Proble 0 U 0 .. a� Barrier Urgency Crisis In Washington 32.6%of adults and 300,000 adults suffer from serious 20.1% of adolescents are facing Washington Leads the Nation in mental illness, compounded by a depression and anxiety Loneliness: Over 43% of Residents drug overdose death rate of 28.1 per Report Feeling Isolated 100,000 64% with mental health condition say Holiday makes it worse 52% adolescents and 34% that needed clinical intervention could not find one 2 Q� Solution Omnicnnel Mental Health Robert Whistable Anxiety Assessment Anger Assessment SCREENING CLINICAL Lees Slatl p Lefs Slst:n MANAGEMENT 30+ Assessment tools Today 7:00 pm 30 min C) Personality Test Parenting&ale ersonslityTest help in early diagnosis 70 STELL 100+ Clinicians, �Joinnow worksheets reminders • Let's$IArI:p leCs$lazr p r 1 THE DIGITAL WALLET SELF How is your mood today? � � MANAGEMENT pry °°"°° s°° "°°°y °OSOf a Support Group s Talk to Stella > o � o Self paced programs o w•,•«. m� Audio, Video, Articles, Podcasts, ro 5ndfe6«• 9 Specific support groups in the Communities G I�i i Virtual Coach Stella Sea' '4rxiety' Provides a reliable solution rt _ 94.7% Intent Detection Trained - 2 Trill Generic Tokens & 300 Bill Clinical Tokens & 150 Clinicians, over 10 Mill on F O Platform Conversations V H•PPY Personalised Journey I 'I i i i Seeking clinical support or connecting with Quick Actions listereners or if you need content Stella can help ' 29+ Languages Self Assessment view All Global languages pp a mM Anxiety Physical Stress Assessment Assessment [B S Questions © [B 22 Questions 24X7X365 Psychological first aid - Look Listen Link 4 Q Evidence Based Care 12+ Patents 25+ World Records 1. Translation with Clin • - • 1. SNLI (Stanford Natural Language E Inference): 94.7% - current record 93.1% to emotion vect• generation EFL by Meta Hallucination Mit •• • 2. BioNLI (Biomedical Natural Language v _ Inference): 87.8% - current record 77% information classification BioLinkBert by Stanford University a� Clinicians like eneration 3. MedNLI (Medical Natural Language 6. _ _ura _ , Inference): 92.1% current record 86.57% HealthMental SciFive Large by Massachusetts Institute of Technology 7. Stochastic Actor Oriented Model driven Clinician Suggestion 4. LibreSpeech Benchmark: 0.9%WER - Current Record 1.34 by Google 8. Interoperable EHR Taxonomy and Data Mapper 5. Europarl ASR Benchmark: 0.4%WER - •. Clinical Case History GenerationCurrent Record 7.0 by MMPL & 20 others on NLI 10. Deltawave-guided wearable EEG happiness Monitors 11. Intelligent Conversational Agent for Clinical Decision Support 12. Phoneme-Viseme Alignment Framework for Realistic Lip Movement Synthesis Q Our Global Customers . . E O U U Marsh Flipkart EYring w better wok JJ working world MARYLAND RURAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION LEI: LEGACY > COMMUNITY HEALTH L'O AO WtW G R GALLAGMER PA R iS 6 G Impacting The Lives of Our Clients & Users Our users experienced ' improvement in their mental well-being 0 O 95% users chat with Stella for subclinical and pre- clinical needs .............. ....... Reported 22 mins average engagement time less stress a� O21 Sessions with Stella to One Appointment Booked ................ .............. ...... Improved sleeping 50 Average Messages/Session patterns 73% 76% 82.5 o� 0 " What our users say " G Collaborative Care Mental Health - State & Fed Level E O Oo� Easy Integration With eMR, ✓ 0OpeneHRs - Across Levels to Payor N Integration & Offerings aD Robust Deep Tech to Support Mass % ;� Special Focus on Rural Access, Adoption and Acceptability Mental Health Programs Open to Mental Health Research For _ Training and Adoption of How Al Can Help Supporting Rural Population in Accelerating Mental Health Penetration 9 www.unitedwecare.com G e DASHBOAR0 POSSIBLE COLLABORATIONS G Why Our Users Love Us e Appo,,"ems Q Chat Wdh Stella _ ® it �. My P'ograms 8 slags Appointments Vkw All O ELM FAQ Upcoming ea.t O4j Help center John Smith O Jacob Jones Coach Marvin McKinney*yQ Arlene McCch � Wellness Coach Wellness Coach Wellness Coach Wellness Coach U Today 7:00 pm 30 min Tomorrow 7:00 pm 30 min Tue,July 7 7:00 pm 30 min Wed,July 8 7:00 pm 30 min 6 cnat p cnn p L"t p ch.,, a--t Explore Programs Veen All O Premium User Assessment User Prof essional-Care User Self-Care Dashboard User Follow up & Relapse Dashboard Dashboard (encourages user engagement Management Dashboard by • • real time • •• Q Whywe have a 100% - - � . enterprise retention rate 0 Community Professional- Care 0 User Topic Trends Over Time U Happiness M Psychic Stress M Relationship Issues Anxiety Somatic Stress M Anger M PTSD M Addictions Emotional Wellness M Behaviour Issues M Communication Issues M Lifestyle Issues M Eating disorders M Ice Breaker 7C:) 15 Panic Disorder M Personality disorder M Sleep disorder Self-esteem Issues M Substance-Related Disorders 10Community . Care Analytics 0 O°�ryOArlo�ry��lo�ry$No�ryo��lo�,yNV",bao�N%O,11o,1010 r 100 r X%O,TObD..IV�0e°ryo3pe°ry�ry3 I Community Themes Analytics 12 G WhyEnterprises Love Us Enrollment Insights & Breakdowns Key Themes Breakdown Professional Booking by Status Assessment Breakdown Worksheet Breakdown • 0 •ADHD Assessment H,l •Happiness •Alcohol Assessment •Goal Setting •Anger Assessment •Gratitude and Happiness •Psychic Stress OAnxiety Assessment •General Relationship •Ice Breaker •Depression Assessment Resol•Angerution •Anxiety T,534 Self Talk 4 1'- Relationship Issues •Booked •Diabetes Assessment Depression •Cancelled •Drug Assessment —rksheet Basic OHQ 5.34 • p aj •Happiness Assessment •Relationship Resolution •Somatic Stress v •Mental Stress Assessment •My Small Talk 4,Emotional Wellness nl •OCD Assessment •Acceptance Commitment •pTSD W •parenting Assessment iircirksh11 4,others Gratitude One 33W, •Others � 0 . 7 9.8% E) \ W C- Enrollment Insights:Registration Breakdown Analysis Signups 100 5 80 RO 60 1.1 40 ;1 20 wit 0 min 29 Oct 30 Oct 31 Oct 1 Nov 2 Nov 3 Nov 4 Nov 5 Nov 6 Nov 7 Nov 8 Nov 9 Nov 10 Nov 11 Nov Registration Day Total Registrations Assessments Taken Total Course Enrollments Worksheets Filled 60,993 16,582 II 2,425 4,037 13 G e White Labelled 0 Products & Mockups G r�R O Write about a recent 1 U improvement in your lifestyle. Tap to start writing 0 _ Mental Health Wellness U Email Address* Programs Programs T>� Enter a functional Emad ID that you can access durrnq Programs:Start your Self-care Journey Recommended Programs vn� Ihls process We well send a One Time Password(OTP) lU on this ID to get started .r ox' ' Rural Health aNw Mental Health Programs Wellnes,P og-, > -_.,I _._ UNITED WE CARE y a Pr am ogr s Quick Actions Gel S[:lried with Mindfulness Healing with Meditation as Cl i nically-proven,at-home alcohol and substance abuse treatment program Unlock United We Care Premium �n�wnem Self Assessment - Start The Program SI Most Watched Programs Anxiety Physical Stress Rural Health Assessment Assessment 15 G 9:41 .rd= 9:41 .dl? 941 .HI? Programs O 'to Speak to our Best-in-class personalized experience U Certified Clinicians Search for an programs HI,I'm Sam U Email Address* ®ness Wellness Program ^` Your Virtual Well Coach Enter a functional Email ID that you can access Now are you... during this process,we will send a one time Active Program (D .tu�o Password(OTP)on this ID to get started Tpy HP01 Understanding Health I'm Stella Care Burnout • t xeel Tree to ask me gucstio,s l.�kr� started 3 days ago p �' ` `./. •• x•s e e _ —ftsrnents,or simply explore cup II3 Modules Completed ® resources. > `e moor '�f�litl AsA Enter your message. O Recommended Program Quick Actions .. UNITED WE CARE Here's Your Daily Guide ' Appointment Assessment Programfill Conflict Management Healing from Healln 0 in Relationships Heartbreak Heart 632 enrolletl 46-60 min 632 enrouetl 65-50 ram Self Assessment View All Begin your journey What we can help you with? Anxiety Physical Stress Assessment Assessment rofessional Help P moo 16 G Stella > > Clinicians Helps Engagement EChats �° Intake forms filled by Stella • Hey ther How are ye' ou doing today Case History Preparation, 2 Summarization N • II's okay,all of us experience sadness sometimes.BuI don't worny we can getlhroughd. AI-Assisted Prescription Generation >>� O 3 (Disease & Symptom) - Causality • Ple m ase tell e what Is bothering you the most. ® Myrelauonship Recommendation Management Generally sad My sleep lama—ous lamreallyangry 4 Biomarkers, Pharmacogenomics, lifestyle I am using alcohol/drug rA O Type Something... O 5 Stella for Clinicians 17 G Connectin You with I t h Some of our best in class certified clinician Professionals Expert Clinichal surr%r%rt Beverly King Therapist Years Of Exp:21 yrs Speaks:English Qualifications:RADFORD UNIVERSITY:MS in Counseling Psychology,Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Supervisor (NC),Licensed Professional P Our network is designed to provide comprehensive care through a Counselor(VA),Certified Clinical Trauma Professional range of highly trained and qualified professionals. Here's who you can d connect with: Next available slot 0 8 07 Nov U varissa Owens Coaches - Skilled at guiding you through challenges and helping Therapist Years Of Exp:14 yrs you achieve personal growth. Speaks:English D cell Qualifications:LPC,NCC • Certified Listeners - Available to provide empathetic support and a non-judgmental space for you to express yourself. Next available slot 04 Nov • Therapists - Experts in therapeutic techniques, ready to assist you in navigating mental health concerns. Hiba Fatima Moinuddin Therapist Years Of Exp:3 yrs Speaks:English • Psychiatrists (Coming soon) - Medical doctors specializing in Qualifications:Master's in mental health care, including diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Counseling,LPC Next available slot e 04 Nov 18 G Home SELF TESTS General Anxiety Clinical Anger Scale Disorder Scale (GA... (CAS) 7 Questions 21 Questions By-Robert L.Spitzer,... By-Snell,W.E.,Jr.,G... Take Assessment PHQ Somatic Scale Perceived Stress s s e s s m ( (y-Kurt Scale(ldon O 16 Questions 10 Questions C) By-Kurt Kroenke et al. By-Sheldon Cohen Take Assessment�Iv% PHQ Depression Yale-Brown Scale(PH09) Obsessive Compuls... 9 Questions 11 Questions moary By-Kurt Kroenke et al. By-Wayne K.Goodma... Take Assessment Take Assessment Socrates 8 Alcohol Socrates 8 Drug A range of clinical-standard assessments alongside well-being Addiction(S8A) Addiction(S8D) evaluations for issues like anxiet de ression and more Questions tions Y, �� B By-W.R.Miller and J.S... By By-W .R.Miller and IS.... Take Assessment Take Assessment Rosenberg Self Oxford Happiness Esteem Test Questionnaire(OHQ) 10 Questions 30 Questions By-Rosenberg,M. By-Michael Argyle an... Take Assessment Take Assessment 19 G Community & Wellness at Your Fingertips Find Clubs Community Connections: Dive into our community hub, where empathy BP Join sparks action. Connect, share, and grow with peers who understand and Official social group Q 101 members U support your journey towards wellness. (Ij BP club description:Regulating your blood pressure can I.— help you beat a number of other life-threatening diseases. 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It's LGBTOIA+ C_ more than a forum—it's a supportive network where empathy leads to Join Official social group >>� action.Here's what you can expect: ('WD 119 members Educational content to understand the community better for those outside of it.Seek support&knowledge around • Connect with Peers: Share your journey with others who truly mental health challenges for the members ofLGBTOIA+ groups. understand, in a space that values empathy and privacy. • Engage and Share: Participate in lively discussions, access helpful Cancer resources, and enjoy real-time support through live chat groups Joined Official social group and virtual meet—ups. 96members • Learn and Grow Together: Benefit from a wealth of shared Cancer can be challenging for your physical and mental experiences and tips, helping each member of the community n (D V fO advance their path to wellness. home Stella Community Programs Sessions 20 G Mental and Well < Programs b e'le n Programs ' Managing Your Mind and C... 11298 enrolled•1.5 Hour P Diverse array of programs tailored to enhance your mental and o physical well-being. Each program is crafted with expert care to A Guide to Mental Health an... support, inspire, and educate you at every step of your wellness 0 journey. Explore what we offer: 8554 enrolled•1.SHours 0 aD N / 4 Caring for Mental Health wit... 2072 enrolled•1.5 Hours � . Mental Health Programs: Access personalized programs addressing stress, anxiety, and more, all guided by experts. • Wellness Programs: Explore initiatives designed to boost both '` ,, Managing Claustrophobia r:your physical and emotional well-being. 871 enrolled•30 Minutes • Bedtime Stories: Unwind with stories that soothe the mind, promoting deeper and more restorative sleep. Ultimate Guide to Managing... • Inspirational Podcasts: Discover powerful stories and expert W +r fo advice in our podcasts, designed to inspire and inform your Stella Community Programs Session wellness journey. 21 G s:241 rr m Today United We Care United There Is Always Hope. L We Care Even When Everyone Tells You There Isn't. 63 RATINGS AGE DEVELOPER 4.9 12+ 0 O ***** Years Old United for her priv, We Are Just Getting Started.We New Version History Version 3.3.27 6d ago 0 -Minor bug fixes and improvements. QD Preview N D ■ ■ 2 UNITED WE CARE . theQR code Safe Space Happiness Priority •� • Your First roc • r to learn more ! 0 r M E 0 0 Nom • ON ON Arcade Search 22 t��oN Coo Mason County Agenda Request Form 1854 To: Board of Mason County Commissioners Item No. 8.10 From: Tina Schaefer,Right of Way Agent Senior,on behalf of Mike Collins,PLS,PE Deputy Ext: 456 Director/County Engineer Department: Public Works Briefing: ❑x Action Agenda: ❑x Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): January 13,2025 Agenda Date(s): January 21,2025 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑x Legal ❑ IT ❑ Risk ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Item: Road Vacation Order No.423—Set Hearing date with Hearing Examiner Vacate all that portion of the old alignment of Johns Prairie Road lying Northerly of the new alignment and Westerly of Johns Creek Drive, and adjacent to Parcel B as delineated on Auditor's File No. 454652 and as shown on the official map of County Road Project# 1010, all lying within the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter,in Section 5,Township 20 North,Range 3 West,W.M. Background/Executive Summary: Mason County currently has a right of way from the old alignment of Johns Prairie Road and owns a small parcel of land which lies North of the existing right of way for Johns Prairie Road as established as CRP 1010 in 1985,known as parcel#32005-31-60070 and shown as parcel B on Exhibit A. Mason County purchased parcel B as an uneconomical remnant from the parcel to the South being parcel# 32005-31-00090. Mason County Commissioners have directed Public Works to vacate the right of way as shown on Exhibit A to clear title for parcel B.The right of way isn't maintained any longer and is of no use to Mason County. Johns Prairie Road was originally called L.W. Spence and was established on May 5, 1892. At that time the road didn't extent into the area being requested for vacation. At some point after that the L.W. Spence Road aka the Shelton-Mason Lake Road was extended South to the area in question. For the requested vacation area,we didn't find any establishment or dedication. The right of way is a prescriptive easement. The road does appear on the Metsker map around the year 1941 as L.W. Spencer Road No. 33. Vacating this area would clear title for the sale. Public Works sees no value in reopening the proposed vacation area at any point in the future. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment, etc.): The road vacation was started at the direction of the County Commissioners;hence no administrative fee is due. The right of way is classified as"Class A"and is an easement; compensation is fifty percent of appraised value. The area of the proposed road vacation is 5,595 sq feet. The square foot value of the property is $1.52. The total right of way compensation would be$4,252.20. The compensation amount is being negotiated to be included in the sale of parcel#32005-31-60070.The sale is between Mason County and Thaddeus Bramford and Brenda Bramford. Public Outreach: The Notice of Intent to vacate will be published in the Shelton Journal two times and posted in three locations, as required by RCW 36.87.050. Requested Action: Recommend the Board approve and execute the resolution setting a hearing date with the Hearings Examiner for Wednesday February 26,2025, at 1:OOpm via zoom to consider public comment on Road Vacation No.423. Attachment(s)• Engineer's Report Hearing Notice MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC WORKS 100 W PUBLIC WORKS DRIVE SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 MEMORANDUM DATE: December 11, 2024 TO: Mason County Hearings Examiner FROM: Tina Schaefer, Right of Way Agent Senior, on behalf of Mike Collins, County Engineer, and Deputy Director Cc: Mike Mclrvin, County Surveyor & David Smith, Engineering and Construction Manager SUBJECT: ENGINEER'S REPORT— ROAD VACATION FILE NO. 423 Vacate all that portion of the old alignment of Johns Prairie Road lying Northerly of the new alignment and Westerly of Johns Creek Drive, and adjacent to Parcel B as delineated on Auditor's File No. 454652 and as shown on the official map of County Road Project# 1010, all lying within the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter, in Section 5, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M. BACKGROUND: Mason County currently has a right of way from the old alignment of Johns Prairie Road and owns a small parcel of land which lies North of the existing right of way for Johns Prairie Road as established as CRP 1010 in 1985, known as parcel # 32005-31-60070 and shown as parcel B on Exhibit A. Mason County purchased parcel B as an uneconomical remnant from the parcel to the South being parcel # 32005-31-00090. Mason County Commissioners have directed Public Works to vacate the right of way as shown on Exhibit A to clear title for parcel B. The right of way isn't maintained any longer and is of no use to Mason County. Johns Prairie Road was originally called L.W. Spence and was established on May 5, 1892. At that time the road didn't extent into the area being requested for vacation. At some point after that the L. W. Spence Road aka the Shelton-Mason Lake Road was extended South to the area in question. For the requested vacation area, we didn't find any establishment or dedication. The right of way is a prescriptive easement. The road does 1 appear on the Metsker map around the year 1941 as L.W. Spencer Road No. 33. Vacating this area would clear title for the sale. Public Works sees no value in reopening the proposed vacation area at any point in the future. In compliance with RCW 36.87.40, at the Board of County Commissioners and County Engineer's direction, Public Works Department staff examined that portion of the right-of- way requested to be vacated and solicited comments on the proposed vacation. Our findings are the following: 1. The right of way is not presently in use as a roadway. 2. The road vacation was started at the direction of the County Commissioners; hence no administrative fee is due. 3. The right of way is classified as "Class A" and is an easement; compensation is fifty percent of appraised value. The area of the proposed road vacation is 5,595 sq feet. The square foot value of the property is $1.52. The total right of way compensation would be $4,252.20. The compensation amount is being negotiated to be included in the sale of parcel #32005-31-60070. The sale is between Mason County and Thaddeus Bramford and Brenda Bramford. 4. The proposed vacation area is not deemed necessary for future use for the County Road system. 5. The public will benefit from this action since it will add the vacated area to the tax rolls and relieve the county of liability. Public Notice Public notice has been provided as required by RCW 36.87.050, both by posting at the site and by publishing in the county official newspaper. Recommendation Public Works recommends the vacation of all that portion of the old alignment of Johns Prairie Road lying Northerly of the new alignment and Westerly of Johns Creek Drive, and adjacent to Parcel B as delineated on Auditor's File No. 454652 and as shown on the official map of County Road Project # 1010, all lying within the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter, in Section 5, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M. The vacated area will be subject to existing easements for ingress, egress, and drainage or other purposes, if any, and in accordance with RCW 36.87.140, and retaining an easement in favor of Mason County for any utilities and drainage present in the vacated right of way. 2 Attachments: • Legal Description: Exhibit A • Metsker Maps: Exhibit B • Aerial Plat Map: Exhibit C 3 EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description for Road Vacation # 423 Vacate all that portion of the old alignment of Johns Prairie Road lying Northerly of the new alignment and Westerly of Johns Creek Drive, and adjacent to Parcel B as delineated on Auditor's File No. 454652 and as shown on the official map of County Road Project # 1010, all lying within the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter, in Section 5, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M. of-sker Man VI Year 1941 TOWNSHIP 20 N., RANGE 3 W.W. M. PAGE II SCALE 2 IN.-1 MILE MASON COUNTY] WASH • CHAS,F.METSKE CIVIL ENGINEER q4 S14 S.W.OAK STREETT..PORTLANO,OREGON >; III SO.TEHTH STREET t TACOMA WASHINGTON IOZO THIRD AVE.,SEATTLE WASNINGTON IZ ToBelfa;,-J 3944 4.1 1... H.44 l.it Se '�!�A/• 1 etI b.94T- Al.X ] b.Ee 4 11 b.EG AM,— 41.i2 M•]4 }f.t4 q`y` 43.0 e3 11.26 1:! SMALL TRACTS HE`f(leN \\ TA OMA I I py 3 0.[iy•'<��-.4,/:!':- 200M[RE[A!A O• A•J•B,SNAL I0MJ A00• 2B•TNOMAS R.ROYYE V Y! TeR.CO. B-NElONAM OOAYS 9EPA00. 39•S/MPSON LOBE/MG CO. ^ �\ O0. •Ce J,O.VAH CLEAVECOUNTY E.A.RE% P.jyB�� 9 : y s,,I M[r AL CO Y I I _l3o-CEMETERY ALYS ADO. 3/-B.E.SCNRAOER KMELAHOSDD. 3t-B.F.JAMES .1 JULIA A.NEAet TDR.cO. A.#G.t - 19.3 ROY MARotp F-NILLCRES7 EXTENS/OH 33-JACKA•CO<f NNBON -C/ 9BIMM S SxIgK XxM/Tz LlTt 34-EOWARD W/veLL sTl ' /-MAR✓M/YCNELL 3S•GOVfY45/MPSON/HV.CO. L.R.KOLMOROAN 36-X.PARRY 3-AC+A7E GRANGE 3T•SMALL Al C74•N•E. 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J r - � ..d��T� .Fa� i1!�r _ - �. _ n:i'•T•SC' P' 'i:rw -3Tl d -A'! �K?bG'b I�.Yr A'L�Y Per=�� )L S T:s3%R� <»m:aaae. e.avre..-.wN:,au ..� U-r!.N-f.X_,Pr-' ------- Year 1955 TOWNSHIP 20 N., RANGE 3. W.W M. PAGE_ SCALE 2 IN.-I MILE MASON COUNTY, WASH. tCHAS.IZSW F.METSKER.ORTL ENGINEER MAY 1955 - E12 SWETL AND BLDG.,PORTLAND.OREGON III SO.TENTH STREET,TACOMA,WASMINGTON lTp NpO[IS pTa` IOZO THIRD AVE.,SEATTLE WASHINGTON �2 --�A//n ToBelfail� EEK rab. PUGEr MILLTR"<TD A a♦ /t {°tE a v[ u.t Piont[r S.ILDt aAo2 9 TRACTS ALDER<R (/ 3f.44(G]l ZTII {O.o EI 11e.3c b.Ta [pAb.De O.•!B4b.•EI 4oJpk ]}✓L 14ri FF b 3A 3 y{4 Ad.99 A-✓0.JILfTON A[NM (OJf-MAf-)•MAZ/-AWBNI -bfc.L!- 'j'.,:•E.:.:, d 4 BsuffwYWlOAr✓t^�AMN. (AJTO <OJ/-MEAWEJH NO<o[N LOU �moo2 11�NAI kT-LE= /J^fB ECY/NfRIJ AOpM. f-xwAAr BIY tI°e IAWt°H yy((]]-yl♦2i I- � \\ 1.CR I �� I v !� 0�4�i i si � p O-fG<YY A<BN. 1-eFNGR R 3MMR?[t HKu/Af `� -ANFEGNOJ A[AM -MARJOAIE./BIivSOn I`.c0 7RY_ .y(- t �`1 / �'I _� 1./r ` R Ii yT n Y J-N/l1fAEST EYT. q-BFNSBPFA N :)d.EMwSFboYJN 'T T J 91 4-GIILO. JULI LE R'a T�=A1,C�O s� i t TI 4 - ''.: �( �0 �,• l.4£PFTININN R-N.I.-2 Y T may. i RR DevoE O J� II p5 `�``�' J ° '.•.'.' IMN 5 s w > fGOSJER M-Zwg ✓rWE#N - � JOh - 'j:Btyti:•:•.::. fp�L. 1:✓�sNNR(of 40SJFA NfK-.H%iE JI XSTy PVGET��L�TNALY9 n:N-u-N[q«A/sAfL len-rz-✓BwewN<wi fA ' Ed-r-Al //.N-/AY/BMAseN -[-fU OEH%wf NFA> < JOZ rMOA(L /EN-E✓.Q/FACE J-l-(N.40<OJBY N Ia(`..: o 1„P =< !E[ IRO O Y!•X P[Q Ji,(rTSI s �1 "/' TM iw<K[A fR Nji 4LE TRACTS f'ROrF FNRgfN //S�A1V I � <. y „•�4 _ •'SiG_._-• t unV[`J'hR�'QYsO�•il.`• v /SAKY[[tANO lOT/-FwYBN/Er/Nt. yp Oq n i1 �4\•Y-9.� `$Y [OVnTY •=J 4- y'rVl' GI 7P• ' o R.BAM/F1J0.Y Llrf)JN E'URSTt..... 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' if it I .A.O.IMIR[JON /L-NM.�TN 11 r Y I °`i v< ya.}„ • 4? f y y - TS tl I 19 /qN.JNFLYOM ONCE<Ll/B BLOCK-4- R 'M_T.8/MMONB ..CM- r O /Ai ilx/tR �Jwr A([r.e[o�K s<L lo. /d 14 BFl[ fBJf-/-1-f.J. <u/J 41.t1 yy1'a O Iff- Yf[[ "IO�TAYLOyN OLUND + P N I [MP9oN Lo4c.cG j Q.-� FOR[eTER O II T R IM OUYNfIBEROfR P/.)ylA-✓A[q PALNOR 14..cN Flt P.>-/T.I-1:/•✓ONES 2 Y; I ° ♦ Z E A � /N.O.YAOHYR J 141"1" f PIERCE c.D.COJELMAN c.e.COSELMwN n Y twM/<rpY CLA0.fiN<c C.9.c05ELMA OL FFF/F IURN£rY ita X.q.tu/DAN< J u° L I a / Bon RE l0 r -LEGEND- iii-E.JScotisoXi /2)•C.MEEJf 3 s' '� �� tau �� t1<< o /Z4-JIMPSON[ac.Co. PAVED ROADS F 11ae S Y 'A Iv v<s �g �EV i0 �`p0 �ts`4 STATE b<NOOL LD. ,� STATE RW Y. IA .oI ✓ BRUN11U4N O f v h D GRAVELED ROADS j a LvoE LAN4 -A. NN ETi a DIRT ROADSINFERIOR ROADS = `;`� b�P �fr**cy..r < Nw.Nr•'N[aelareauwee Loins o Dwwl veer MaL co. R ]e(.PtE i� W RAILROADS -- b N 4D a. Ncamo P a /1 8// Mapk&h/hwrE iN" .r< w.N I TRAILS "^- `6 A 101 �ToO/ylnpia fToO/ympia �O / To 0/ympia/ D INTERMITTENT CREEKS' SCHOOLS s� cuvrR[cnr er c,IA9. ELECTRIC POWER LINES Road Vacation : 423 Exhibit C 320052400000 320052490011 '� � � 320052490012 i A� a 1?00531100070 320053100000 '320053100040 � � 320053160070 320050060000 320053100010 320053100090 10 vvA .e P i%_CIS 320053190060 Tax Parcels 50 25 0 50 100 150 200 Vacated Road Feet RESOLUTION NO. VACATION FILE NO.423 NOTICE OF INTENT TO VACATE SETTING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING ON SAID VACATION RCW 36o87 WHEREAS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mason County Public Works Department is requesting the vacation of the following right of way: Vacate all that portion of the old alignment of Johns Prairie Road lying Northerly of the new alignment and Westerly of Johns Creek Drive, and adjacent to Parcel B as delineated on Auditor's File No. 454652 and as shown on the official map of County Road Project# 1010,all lying within the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter,in Section 5,Township 20 North,Range 3 West,W.M. WHEREAS the Board of Mason County Commissioners did set a date for public hearing on the matter before the Hearing Examiner on the matter and directed Public Works to prepare notice thereof for posting and publication. NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that said hearing has been set for Wednesday, February 26,2025,at 1:00 P.M.via Zoom,at which time any taxpayer may appear via Zoom to hear the County Engineer's report and be heard either for or against the vacation of the above said portion of road located in Mason County Washington. For those unable to attend the hearing email testimony to.mfrazier(&,co.inason.wa.us. Visit the Mason County Hearings Examiner Agenda webpage at www,co,i-nason.wa.us/heari-nps-exai-niner or contact Mariah Frazier at,mfrazierAgo.i'nason.wa.us or call (360)427-9670 Ext 365 for Zoom information. DATED this day of ,2025,5 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WAS INGTON ATTEST: McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Sharon Trask, Chair APPRD-AS TO FORM. Pat Tarzwell, Vice Chair Tim Whitehead,Ch. DPA Assessor Auditor Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner County Engineer Petitioner Post no later than 2/6/25 (20 days prior to hearing at each terminus of the county road or portion thereof proposed to be vacated or abandoned.) Vacation File No. 423 JOURNAL—Publish 2t: 1/30/25 —2/6/25 (Bill Public Works) *1854 Mason County Agenda Request Form To: Board of Mason County Commissioners Item No. 8.11 From: Mike Collins,PLS,PE,County Engineer Ext:450 Department: Public Works Briefing: Action Agenda: Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): January 13,2025 Agenda Date(s): January 21,2025 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑X Legal ❑ IT ❑ Risk ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Item: Approve County Road Projects(CRP)No.2060 through 2063 Background/Executive Summary: Public Works requests approval to create County Road Project(CRP)numbers for road improvement projects on the Matlock Brady Road and Cloquallum Road,the Blevins Road Evergreen Estates Water Extension and the gravel road conversion project for Maples Road. All these projects are on the approved 2025 Annual Construction Program(Resolution No 2024-052). Budget Impact: The project description and cost sheet attached provides the estimated cost and local/grant funding for each project. Local funds will be funded out of the County Road fund. Public Outreach: Resolution will be published in the Shelton Journal. Requested Action: Request Board authorize the following: 1. Execute a resolution for CRP 2060 Matlock Brady Road safety improvement project, CRP 2061 Cloquallum Road improvement project, CRP 2062 Blevins Road Evergreen Estates Water Extension project and CRP 2063 for the Maples Road gravel road conversion project. 2. Authorize County Engineer to Request for Qualifications as needed for consultant services for the project(s) and enter contract(s). 3. Authorize County Engineer and/or the Chair to sign all pertinent documents. Attachment(s)• 1. Resolution 2. Project Location Maps 3. Project Descriptions and Cost BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON. In the matter of initiating county road projects and assigning CRP numbers. Resolution No.2025- IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the roads listed below be improved as shown between the points indicated. These projects are hereby declared to be public necessity and the county road engineer is hereby ordered and authorized to report and proceed as by law provided.(RCW 36.75.050,36.80.030,36.80.070 and/or WAC 136-18-030). IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that appropriations from the officially adopted road fund budget and based on the county engineers estimates are hereby made in the amount and for the purposes shown: Cost Estimate(Thousand ) Annual Type of Contract Const. Road Log and/or CRP No. Prog.Item Road Name or Bridge No. No Project Name M.P. to M.P. ; Work Local Grant/Other Engr R/W County Project Total No. ;(See Code) Forces 2060 2 Brady Matlock Road 90100 Road Improvement 23.30-24.50 D 600,000 - - - 600,000 600,000 Project 2 2061 17 Cloquallum Road 10000 Road Improvement 6.60-7.80 D 146,000 1,314,000 - - 1,460,000 1,460,000 Project Blevins Road 2062 15 Blevins Road North 50990 Evergreen Estates 0.00-.22 D - 551,764 100,000 - 451,764 551,764 Water Extension ---F 2063 14 Maples Road 40850 Gravel Road 0.04-0.60 C 45,000 - - - 45,000 45,000 Conversion 791,000 1,865,764 1 100,000 21556,764 2,656,764 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (6) TYPE OF WORK CODE A.Grading and Drainage F.Sidewalks K.Environmental Mitigation (11) The construction is to be accomplished by contract B. Base&Top Course G.Traffic Facilities L.Fish Passage in accordance with RCW 36.77.020 et.seq.AND/OR C. B.S.T./SEALS H.Paths,Trails,Bikeways The construction is to be accomplished by county D.A.C./P.C.C.Pavement I. Bridges forces in accordance with RCW 36.77.065 and WAC 136.18 E.Curbs and Gutters J. Ferry Facilities ADOPTED this day of 2025 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON ATTEST: Sharon Trask,Chair McKenzie Smith,Clerk of the Board APPROVE AS TO FORM: Pat Tarzwell,Vice Chair Tim Whitehead, Ch.D.P.A Randy Neatherlin 1,Commissioner cc: Commissioners Engineer JOURNAL: Publ.It: 1/30/25(Bill Rd Dept.) CRP 2060 - Matlock Brady Road' Improvement Project 2 MP : 23 . 30-24. 50 i � o ------------ o �. m� i Turnow Cemetery I � on Peak �4m , CRP2061 Cloq ua I I u m Road Improvement Project MP 6. 60-7.80 _ , 1 ♦1 _ W C\_O O-_0 00 1 , -- ---- ' / I , 1 n 1 - 1 -Sheltoi 1 _ F7CRP 2062 Blevi ns Road Evergreen US101 Estates Water Extension MP 0 . 00 — 0 . 22 �L�sf it 0� = o L�4° Z 0- us 101 t P \ �po b� W �❑ Chevron\ m U U t sh ED fo cp p 10 i� O - a Sanderson -' Field � I CRP2063 Maples Road Gravel Conversion MP 0 .4 — 0. 60 Tc l s Q Q East Lansky Drive WA3 Harstine Island Hammersley0 Inlet[- 1.. - Squaxin - Island Reservation PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS AND COSTS CRP Road Name Mileposts 2060 Shelton Matlock Road 23.30—24.50 Project Info.: Paving 12'travel lanes with HMA(Hot mix asphalt). Construction: $600,000(local) Project Est.Cost: $600,000 Funding:County Road funded project. CRP Road Name Mileposts 2061 Cloquallum Road 6.60—7.80 Proiect Info.: Road improvement project that includes:widening and paving the roadway with HMA to 12'lanes, widen and pave existing gravel shoulders,remove and replace existing guardrail and improve drainage. Construction: $1,314,000(RAP) 146 000 aggLaD Project Est.Cost: $1,460,000 Funding:Rural Arterial Program(RAP)and County Road funded project. CRP Road Name Mileposts 2062 Blevins Road North 0.00—0.22 Proiect Info.: This project is to replace an existing community well water system with a new connection to City of Shelton water system.The purpose and need for the proposal are to alleviate elevated nitrate concerns and provide for a clean,consistent water supply for the Evergreen Estates community.The project would expand the City's water system with a new water main and associated connections to integrate the existing Evergreen Estates community water system. Construction: $551,764(CDBG) Project Est.Cost: $551,764 Funding: Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)funded project. CRP Road Name Mileposts 2063 Maples Road 0.04—0.610 Proiect Info: Converting county gravel road to chipseal. Construction: $45,000(local) Project Est.Cost: $45,000 Funding:County Road funded projects. *1854 Mason County Agenda Request Form To: Board of Mason County Commissioners Item No. 8.12 From Mike Collins,PLS,PE,County Engineer Ext:450 Department: Public Works Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): January 13,2025 Agenda Date(s): January 21,2025 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ IT ❑ Risk ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Item: Purchase of Three (3) Steel Superstructures for Crisman,Danny Walker and Portman Bridge Replacement Projects on Beeville Loop Road Background/Executive Summary: Three bridges on Beeville Loop Road have timber superstructures that need to be replaced. These bridges and milepost locations are: Crisman MP 0.58, Danny Walker MP 1.41, Portman MP 3.82. The proposed replacement is prefabricated steel superstructures,precast concrete panel decking and guardrails. The installation of these structures will be completed by County Forces. The Washington State Contract for Prefabricated and Modular Bridges (Contract#23723) provides the required features with a delivery expected in September 2025. Budget Impact• The structures are estimated to cost $100,000.00 per bridge. The projects are in the adopted budget and revenue source is the Road Fund. Public Outreach: Each project will require a road closure of about one week. Public Works will seek approval from the Board for these closures and will be responsible for publishing and posting the closure notices once the structures are delivered and all permits are in place. Requested Action: Requesting the Board authorize Public Works to purchase bridge structures for the Portman, Danny Walker, and Crisman Bridge maintenance projects located on Beeville Loop Road through the Washington State contract with the Department of Enterprise Services (DES). Attachment(s) 1. Project Location Map Beeville Loop Bridge Vicinity Ma Danny Walker MP m 1.41 v h�e�F`i o �o Op �O Crisman Quo MP 0.58 o° 0� �O v� J�v VJ BEEVILLE Creek LOOP RD N/BEEVILLE W BEEVILLE LOOP RD o?� LOOPRD Portman MP 3.82 N G, 0 01 va CO 1 O oLL Esri Community Maps Contlautors,WA State Parks GIS, Esr, Tom,Garmin,SafeGraph, m s GeoTechnologies,Inc,METI/NASA,USGS, Bureau of Land Ma.m� ment,EPA,NPS,US Census �p t Bureau,USDA,USFWS o � c� i �hON Co .1 t• Mason County Agenda Request Form rss To: Board of Mason County Commissioners Item No. 8.13 From: Nichole Wilston Ext: 643 Department: Human Resources Briefing: 0 Action Agenda: 0 Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): 1/6/2025 Agenda Date(s): 1/21/2025 Internal Review: ❑ Finance 0 Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ IT ❑ Risk ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Item: Recommending an amendment to the Receipt of Claims for Damages Resolution to update the business hour information in Mason County Code 2.148.060. Background/Executive Summary: The normal business hours for the Human Resources/Risk Management department were modified in 2023 to 8:00am to 4:00pm.However, an amendment to the resolution was never adopted to record this change,nor was it updated in Mason County Code 2.148.060. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment, etc.): None Public Outreach: N/A Requested Action: Approval to move forward to action an amendment to the Receipt of Claims for Damages Resolution to update the business hour information in Mason County Code 2.148.060. Attachment(s)• DRAFT-Resolution Amending Resolution 2021-060 Designating the Risk Manager to Received Claims for Damages Served Upon Mason County RESOLUTION NO. AMEDNING RESOLUTION NO. 2021=060 DESIGNATING THE RISK MANAGER TO RECEIVE CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES SERVED UPON MASON COUNTY WHEREAS, RCW 4.96 requires each local governmental entity to designate an agent to receive any claim for damages made under said chapter, and WHEREAS, in accordance with State Statute, the County desires to designate its Risk Manager as the designated agent for service of claims for damages arising out of the tortious conduct of the County, or its officers, employees, or volunteers, acting in such capacity-, and WHEREAS, the hours of operation for receipt of claims requires updating in Mason County, Washington, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 2.148.060; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mason County Board of County Commissioners that: 1. The Risk Manager is hereby designated as the agent to receive any claim for damages made under RCW 4.96. 2. The Risk Manager may be reached during the normal business hours of the County, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., at 423 N Fifth Street, Shelton, Washington. 3. If the Risk Manager is not available during normal business hours, the Risk Manager's designee is designated as the agent to receive claims for damages. 4. All claims for damages against the County made pursuant to RCW 4.96 shall be presented to said agent within the anplicable period of limitations within which an action must be commenced. Said claims shall not be effective unless delivered to the agent or designee as specified in this Resolution. 5. The Risk Manager is hereby directed to record a copy of this Resolution with the Mason County Auditor. 6. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its adoption. DATED this day of , 2025 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Clerk of the Board, McKenzie Smith Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner APPROVED AS TO FORM: Pat Tarzwell, Commissioner --dim Whitehead, Chief Deputy Prosecuting Sharon Trask, Commissioner Attorney 2.148.060 Claims administration. (a) The risk manager is hereby designated as the agent to receive any claim for damages made under RCW 4.96. (b) The risk manager may be reached during the normal business hours of the county, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.to 54:00 p.m.,at 423 N Fifth Street,Shelton,Washington. (c) If the risk manager is not available during normal business hours,the risk manager's designee is designated as the agent to receive claims for damages. (d) All claims for damages against the county made pursuant to RCW 4.96 shall be presented to said agent within the applicable period of limitations within which an action must be commenced.Said claims shall not be effective unless delivered to the agent or designee as specified in this section. (e) The risk manager is hereby directed to record a copy of the resolution from which this section derived with the Mason County Auditor. (Res. No. 29-13, Exh.A, § F, 6-4-2013; Res. No. 2021-060, §§ 1-5,9-28-2021) Created: 2024-12-12 08:59:11 [EST] (Supp. No.69, 11-24) Page 1 of 1 �hON Co .1 t• Mason County Agenda Request Form rss To: Board of Mason County Commissioners Item No. 8.14 From: Nichole Wilston Ext: 643 Department: Human Resources Briefing: 0 Action Agenda: 0 Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): 1/13/2025 Agenda Date(s): 1/21/2025 Internal Review: ❑ Finance 0 Human Resources 0 Legal ❑ IT 0 Risk ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Item: Recommending an amendment to the Designated ADA Coordinator Resolution and Mason County Code 2.46 designating the Risk Manager as the ADA Coordinator. Background/Executive Summary: The ADA Coordinator is tasked with ensuring that the County complies with all provisions of the ADA(Americans with Disabilities Act), including accessibility requirements, accommodations and responding to disability-related complaints. The Human Resources department plays a central role in managing employee accommodations,benefits and workplace policies,all of which are integral to ADA compliance. Additionally,the roles of the Risk Manager and ADA Coordinator overlap significantly, particularly in areas of liability management,compliance, and ensuring safe, inclusive environments. By designating the Risk Manager, who already works closely with HR policies and practices, the County can ensure seamless coordination between disability accommodations and broader risk management strategies. This alignment of responsibilities will enhance the County's ability to ensure stronger compliance with ADA regulations, effectively manage risks related to disabilities, improve accessibility, and foster a more inclusive environment. Better serving the needs of employees, residents and visitors with disabilities. Budget Impact (amount, funding source,budget amendment, etc.): N/A Public Outreach: N/A Requested Action: Approval to move forward to action an amendment to the Designated ADA Coordinator Resolution and to update Mason County Code 2.46 designating the Risk Manager as the ADA Coordinator. Attachment(s)• Draft—Amended Resolution Designating the ADA Coordinator,Exhibit A&B—Spanish/English RESOLUTION NO. Amends Resolution 27=19 and Title 2 Chapter 2.46 — Mason County's Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinators WHEREAS, the United States Congress adopted the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) as amended; and WHEREAS, the ADA provides that the public entities like Mason County, shall not exclude disabled people from participating in the county's services, programs, activities and employment, and that the County shall not discriminate against disabled people or otherwise deny the disabled the benefit of County services, programs, activities and employment. Mason County, Washington, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 2.46 also designates the Risk Manager to be the designated contact and investigate complaints and grievances; and WHEREAS, Federal regulations require that the County designate at least one County employee to coordinate the County's efforts to comply with and carry out, the County's responsibilities under the ADA. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that effective on the date of this resolution, the Board of Mason County Commissioners herby designates the Risk Manager as Mason County's ADA Coordinator for any internal or external complaints or grievances (see attachment A); BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the ADA Coordinator shall post Mason County's ADA Grievance Procedure (Exhibit A) and Notice of Nondiscrimination (Exhibit B) in all County buildings. ATTEST.- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Pat Tarzwell, Commissioner APPROVED AS TO FORM: Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner Tim Whitehead, Chief Deputy Sharon Trask, Commissioner Prosecuting Attorney ��eoK CO Exhibit A PROCEDIMIENTO DE QUERELLAS DE ADA /x5,t Condado del mason ha adoptado un procedimiento de queja internos preven pronta solucion equitativa de las quejas alegando cualquier accion prohibida por las regulaciones del Departamento de Justicia estadounidense aplicacion el titulo II de la ley de estadounidenses con discapacidades. Titulo II los Estados, en parte, que "de to contrario no individuo calificado con discapacidad, unicamente por razon de tal incapacidad, se excluira de la participacion en, ser negado los beneficios de o ser objeto de discriminacion" en programas o actividades patrocinadas por una entidad publica. Las quejas deben ser dirigidas a: Coordinadora de ADA Condado de Mason 411 North 5t" Street Shelton, Washington, 98584 (360) 427-9670 1. Una queja por escrito se debe Ilenar y contienen informacion sobre la presunta violacion como el nombre, direccion, numero de telefono del querellante y la ubicacion, fecha y descripcion de la violacion. Medios alternativos de presentacion de denuncias, como una entrevista personal, estaran disponibles para las personas con discapacidad previa solicitud. 2. Una queja debe presentarse tan pronto como sea posible, pero no mas tarde de treinta 30 dias calendario despues de la supuesta violacion. 3. Una investigacion, segun corresponda, debera seguir a la presentacion de una denuncia dentro de los quince (15) dias calendario. La investigacion sera realizada por el Coordinador de ADA del Condado de Mason. Estas reglas contemplan investigaciones informales pero exhaustivas, brindando a todas las personas interesadas y a sus representantes, si los hubiere, la oportunidad de presentar pruebas relevantes para una denuncia. 4. Una determinacion escrita en cuanto a la validez de la denuncia y la descripcion de la resolucion, si los hubiere, se expedira por el Coordinador de ADA y copia enviada a la organizacion querellante no mas tarde de quince 15 dias calendario despues de la investigacion. 5. Si la respuesta del Coordinador de ADA no resuelve satisfactoriamente el asunto, el demandante puede apelar la decision dentro de los quince 15 dias calendario despues de la recepcion de la respuesta a la Junta de Comisionados del condado. Una decision final se hard por la Junta de Comisionados del Condado dentro de 30 treinta dias de calendario. 6. El Coordinador de ADA mantendra los archivos y registros relatives a las quejas. El Condado de Mason mantendra estos registros de acuerdo con el programa de retencion establecido por el estatuto estatal aplicable. 7. El derecho de una persona a una resolucion rapida y equitativa de la denuncia presentada a continuacion no debera ser deteriorado por la busqueda de la persona de otros remedios como la presentacion de una queja de ADA con la agencia o Departamento federal responsable. El use de este procedimiento de quejas no es un requisito previo para la busqueda de otros soluciones. 8. Estas reglas se interpretara para proteger los derechos sustantivos de las personas interesadas para cumplir con normas de proceso debido apropiado, y asegurar el Condado de Mason cumple con la ADA y reglamentos de aplicacion. Q�oN CO& Exhibit A r � ADA GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE �xs,r Mason County has adopted an internal grievance procedure providing for prompt equitable resolution of complaints alleging any action prohibited by the U.S. Department of Justice regulations implementing Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Title II states, in part, that "no otherwise qualified disabled individual shall, solely by reason of such disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination" in programs or activities sponsored by a public entity. a public entity. Complaints should be addressed to: Mason County ADA Coordinator 411 North 5t" Street Shelton, Washington, 98584 (360) 427-9670 1. A complaint should be filled in writing and contain information about the alleged violation such as the name, address, phone number of complainant and the location, date and description of the violation. Alternative means of filing complaints, such as a personal interview, will be made available for persons with disabilities upon request. 2. A complaint should be filed as soon as possible, but no later than thirty (30) calendar days after the alleged violation. 3. An investigation, as may be appropriate, shall follow the filing of a complaint within fifteen (15) calendar days. The investigation shall be conducted by Mason County's ADA Coordinator. These rules contemplate informal but thorough investigations, affording all interested persons and their representatives, if any, an opportunity to submit evidence relevant to a complaint. 4. A written determination as to the validity of the complaint and description of the resolution, if any, shall be issued by the ADA Coordinator, and copy forwarded to the complainant no later than fifteen (15) calendar days after the investigation. 5. If the response of the ADA Coordinator does not satisfactorily resolve the issue, the complainant may appeal the decision within fifteen (15) calendar days after the receipt of the response to the Board of County Commissioners. A final decision will be made by the Board of County Commissioners within thirty (30) calendar days. 6. The ADA Coordinator shall maintain the files and records relating to complaints. Mason County shall retain these records for at least three years. 7. The right of a person to a prompt and equitable resolution of the complaint filed hereunder shall not be impaired by the person's pursuit of other remedies such as filing of an ADA complaint with the responsible federal department or agency. Use of this grievance procedure is not a prerequisite to the pursuit of other remedies. 8. These rules shall be construed to protect the substantive rights of interested persons to meet appropriate due process standards, and to assure the Mason County complies with the ADA and implementing regulations. Exhibit A 5pN COLNOTICE UNDER THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT 1854 In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Mason County will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs or activities. Employment: Mason County does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its hiring or employment practices and complies with all regulations promulgated by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission under Title I of the ADA. Effective Communication: Mason County will generally, upon request, provide appropriate aid and services leading to effective communication for qualified person with disabilities so they can participate equally in Mason County's programs, services, and activities, including qualified sign language interpreters, and various other ways of making information and communications accessible to people who have speech, hearing or vision impairments. Modifications to Policies and Procedures: Mason County will make all reasonable modifications to policies and programs to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to enjoy all of its programs, services, and activities. Requests for Accommodation: Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a program, service, or activity of Mason County, should contact the Court or Department directly. Please make requests for accommodation at least 48 hours before the scheduled event. Problems or Complaints: Nichole Wilston, Risk Manager & ADA Coordinator 360-427-9670 ext. 643 nwilston(a).masoncountywa.gov The ADA does not require Mason County to take any action that would fundamentally alter the nature of its programs or services, or impose and undue financial or administrative burden. Complaints that a program, service, or activity of Mason County is not accessible to persons with disabilities should be directed to the ADA Coordinators as listed above. Mason County will not place a surcharge on a particular individual with a disability or any group of individuals with disabilities to cover the cost of providing auxiliary aids/services or reasonable modifications of policy. WE ARE COMMITTED TO PROVIDING EQUAL ACCESS TO OUR SERVICES. Exhibit A 5pN COLS AVISO BAJO LA LEY DE AMERICANOS CON DISCAPACIDADES 1854 De acuerdo con los requisitos del Titulo II de la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades (ADA) de 1990 y la Seccion 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitacion de 1973, el Condado de Mason no discriminara a personas calificadas con discapacidades por motivos de discapacidad en sus servicios, programas o actividades. Empleo: El Condado de Mason no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad en sus practicas de contratacion o empleo y cumple con todas las regulaciones promulgadas por la Comision de Igualdad de Oportunidades en el Empleo de EE. UU. bajo el Titulo I de la ADA. Una comunicacion eficaz: El Condado de Mason generalmente, previa solicitud, proporcionara ayuda y servicios adecuados que conduzcan a una comunicacion efectiva para personas calificadas con discapacidades para que puedan participar equitativamente en los programas, servicios y actividades del Condado de Mason, incluidos interpretes calificados de lenguaje de senas y varias otras formas de generar informacion y comunicaciones accesibles para personas con discapacidades del habla, auditivas o visuales. Modificaciones a las politicas y procedimientos: El Condado de Mason hara todas las modificaciones razonables a las politicas y programas para garantizar que las personas con discapacidades tengan igualdad de oportunidades para disfrutar de todos sus programas, servicios y actividades. Solicitudes de adaptaciones: Cualquiera persona que requiera ayuda o servicio auxiliar para una comunicacion efectiva, o una modificacion de politicas o procedimientos para participar en un programa, servicio o actividad del Condado de Mason, debe comunicarse con el tribunal o el Departamento directamente. Por favor hacer las solicitudes de alojamiento al menos 48 horas antes del evento programado. Problemas o Quejas: Nichole Wilston, Gerente de Riesgos Y Coordinadora de ADA 360-427-9670 Ext. 643 nwilston(a)-masoncountywa.gov La ADA no requiere el Condado de Mason de emprender cualquier accion que fundamentalmente alterar la naturaleza de sus programas o servicios, o imponga una carga financiera o administrativa indebida. Las quejas de que un programa, servicio o actividad del Condado de Mason no es accesible para personas con discapacidades deben dirigirse a los coordinadores ADA Como se enumeran anteriormente. El Condado de Mason no impondra un recargo a una persona con una discapacidad en particular ni a ningun grupo de personas con discapacidad para cubrir el costo de proporcionar ayudas auxiliares y servicios o modificaciones razonables de la poliza. ESTAMOS COMPROMETIDOS A PROPORCIONAR IGUALDAD DE ACCESO A NUESTROS SERVICIOS. Attachment A Chapter 2.46 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT CONTACT PERSONS . Sections: 2.46.010 Contact persons—Designated 2.46.020 Contact persons—To review and investigate complaints 2.46.010 Contact persons—Designated The Support Services Director and Facilities Manage Risk Manager shall be- Formatted:Justified designated as ADA contact persons for any internal or external complaints or grievances, and will provide proper notice of this complaint procedure to the community and on official county bulletin boards and will provide complaint/grievance forms (See Attachment A attached to the resolution codified in this chapter and on file in the office of the county clerk of the board)in all county facilities where there is public access. Res 20 17(pai# 2017) 2.46.020 Contact persons—To review and investigate complaints The Suppert ServiGes Dire,.+ F r the Facilities Manage Risk Manager will review, investigate and otherwise dispose of such complaints in a manner that meets the good of the service and will provide a quarterly report of any ADA concern to the board of county commissioners. (Res 20 17(pail) 2017). �hON Co .1 t• Mason County Agenda Request Form rss To: Board of Mason County Commissioners Item No. 8.15 From: Nichole Wilston Ext: 643 Department: Human Resources Briefing: 0 Action Agenda: 0 Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): 1/6/2025 Agenda Date(s): 1/7/2025 Internal Review: ❑ Finance 0 Human Resources 0 Legal ❑ IT 0 Risk ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Item: Recommend amending Resolution 2022-009—WCRP Member County Appointments and Designations to remove former Commissioner Kevin Shutty and add Commissioner Pat Tarzwell as Alternate Director, remove Kelly Frazier and add the DEM Manager, John Taylor as the Safety Officer, and to update the County Position for Nichole Wilston to the correct title,Risk Manager. Background/Executive Summary: The Washington Counties Risk Pool's(WCRP's)Interlocal Agreement,Bylaws, and Policies of its Board of Directors requires appointees and/or designees from each member county be acknowledged through a Resolution. Budget Impact(amount,funding source,budget amendment, etc.): N/A Public Outreach: N/A Requested Action: Approval to amend Resolution 2022-009—WCRP Member County Appointments and Designations with the recommended changes. Attachment(s)• DRAFT Resolution Amending Resolution 2022-009—WCRP Member County Appointments and Designations RESOLUTION No. AMENDS RESOLUTION 2022-009 - CONTINUING RELATIONSHIPS WITH THE WASHINGTON COUNTIES RISK POOL AND THE RELATED APPOINTMENTS AND DESIGNATIONS FOR EACH MEMBER COUNTY. WHEREAS, several Washington counties agreed to the creation of the Washington Counties Risk Pool ("Pool"), organized and operating under Chapters 48.62 and 39.34 RCW, to provide to its member counties programs of joint self-insurance, joint purchasing of insurance, and joint contracting for or hiring of personnel to provide risk management, claims handling, and adminis- trative services; and WHEREAS, the Pool's Interlocal Agreement and Bylaws, and policies of its Board of Directors require appointees and/or designees from each member county; that is: a) Director/Alternate Director — officers or employees of each Pool member county that are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the respective county's legislative authority (Article 8 of the Interlocal Agreement and Article 2 of the Bylaws); b) County Risk Manager— an employee of each Pool member county appointed to serve as a liaison between the County and the Pool as to risk management and who is responsible for the risk management function within the County (Article 11(b) of the Interlocal Agreement); c) County Safety Officer— an active employee designated by each Pool member county who, along with a related committee, are maintained to consider all recommendations concerning the development and implementation of a loss control policy to prevent unsafe practices (Article 11(c) of the Interlocal Agreement); and d) County Claims Administrator — each Pool member county must designate someone to administer civil claims, with whom incidents should be immediately reported to, who is responsible for sending all claims and lawsuits and reporting various known incidents to the Pool, and with whom the Pool will coordinate the County's clams administration (section B of the Pool Board of Directors' Claims Handling Policies and Procedures),- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners for Mason County hereby confirms the appointment or designation of the following individuals for the applicable and required relationships with the Washington Counties Risk Pool: WCRP Name County Position Email Telephone# Relationship Director: Randy Commissioner randyn@masoncountywa. 360-427-9670 Neatherlin gov ext. 419 Alternate Sharon Trask Commissioner strask@ 360-427-9670 Director: masoncountywa.gov ext. 419 Alternate Pat Tarwell Commissioner ptarzwell 360-427-9670 Director: masoncountywa.gov ext. 419 Alternate Nichole Wilston Risk Manager nwilston@ 360-427-9670 Director: masoncountywa.gov ext. 643 Risk Nichole Wilston Risk Manager nwilston@ 360-427-9670 Manager/Claims masoncountywa.gov ext. 643 Administrator: Safety Officer-, John Taylor DEM Manager jtaylor@ 360-427-9670 masoncountywa.gov ext. 806 Prosecuting Michael Dorcy Prosecutor michaed@ 360-427-9670 Atto rn ey: masoncountywa.gov ext. 417 (Civil) Deputy Tim Whitehead Chief Deputy tlmw@ 360-427-9670 Prosecuting Atty: Prosecuting Atty masoncountywa.gov ext. 417 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passag e and shall supersede any prior conflicting action s and BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED that the clerk of this body shall forward a copy of this resolution, once completed, to the attention of Executive Director Derek Bryan at the Washington Counties Risk Pool, 2558 RW Johnson Rd. S.W., Suite 106, Tumwater, WA 98512- 6103. PASSED this day of 2025 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: Pat Tarzwell, Commissioner McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: Sharon Trask, Commissioner TFrmy Whitehead, Chief Deputy Prosecuting Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner Attorney *1854 Mason County Agenda Request Form To: Board of Mason County Commissioners Item No. 10.1 From: Marissa Watson Ext: 367 Department: Community Development Briefing: Action Agenda: Public Hearing: ❑X Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): November 18,2024 Agenda Date(s): January 21,2025 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑X Legal ❑ IT ❑ Risk ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Item• Countywide Planning Policies Background/Executive Summary: The Planning Advisory Commission(PAC)is in the process of reviewing and revising the Mason County Comprehensive Plan to meet Growth Management Requirements. The PAC reviewed and discussed the Countywide Planning Policies(CPPs)at their August 19ti', October 7ti', and November 6'2024 meetings.The draft CPPs were reviewed by County staff, state agencies, and tribes prior to PAC and public review.At the November 6,2024 meeting the PAC discussed the public comment matrix and made revisions to the document based on staff/consultant suggestions, PAC suggestions, and the suggestions of the public. The draft before the BOCC has many deletions to background information,this information is not disappearing but being moved to more appropriate locations such as the Introduction to the Comp Plan. The other important note is that staff and the consultant are suggesting that the Countywide Planning Policies be a stand-alone document and not Chapter 2 of the Comp Plan as it is currently situated. In most jurisdictions the CPPs are a standalone document adopted separately from the Plan in order to help guide the rest of the Comprehensive planning process. The PAC were presented with this suggested format,had no objection and are recommending(6-0)to the BOCC the approval of the Countywide Planning Policies as amended. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment, etc.): N/A Public Outreach: All meetings mentioned above were advertised in the Shelton-Mason County Journal, on the 2025 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update project webpage, and to the project notification list. Requested Action: Approval of the Countywide Planning Policies as a standalone document with amendments as presented in Attachment 1. Attachment(s)• Ordinance;Attachment 1 -Countywide Planning Policies,Attachment 2—Staff Summary,Attachment 3 — Comment during 60-day Notice to Commerce, and Attachment 4—60 Day Notice to Commerce Attachment 1 Countywide Planning Policies .& Page 1 of 22 Attachment 1 The Role of the Countywide Planning Policies..............................................................................................3 Introduction..................................................................................................................................................6 ,t n4"56rnEa-Unty..............................................................................................................................66 Histor.,of Public Engagement.................................................................................................................77 Vis+eRSt ................................................................................................................................11iiig PlanningPolicies..................................................................................................................................133312 1:URBAN GROWTH.........................................................................................................................133312 2:REDUCE SPRAWL.........................................................................................................................143413 3:TRANSPORTATION.......................................................................................................................151514 4:HOUSING.....................................................................................................................................164615 5:ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT........................................................................................................171716 6:PROPERTY RIGHTS.......................................................................................................................18497 7:PERMITS......................................................................................................................................18'8" 8:RESOURCE INDUSTRIES...............................................................................................................181817 9:OPEN SPACE................................................................................................................................18494-7 10:ENVIRONMENT.........................................................................................................................193318 11:PUBLIC PARTICIPATION..............................................................................................................202019 12:FACILITIES/SERVICES..................................................................................................................202019 13:HISTORIC PRESERVATION..........................................................................................................21�1= 14:CLIMATE CHANGE AND RESILIENCY..........................................................................................212120 15:SHORELINES OF THE STATE........................................................................................................212120 Page 2 of 22 Attachment 1 The Role of the Countywide Planning Policies • These countywide planning policies shall be the foundation for the Mason County Comprehensive Plan. • As required by RCW 36.70A.120,all elements of the Comprehensive Plan and implementing regulations,including zoning maps,zoning regulations,and any amendments,shall be consistent with and implement these policies. • As required by RCW 36.70A.120,all planning,land use permitting actions,and capital budgeting decisions shall be made in conformity with the adopted Comprehensive pl-Plan. .--The Mason County Comprehensive Plan a4eptsby shall reference and be coordinated with the following functional plans:Shoreline Master Plan,Drainage,Floodplain,S'"eels,,Speeiia.' I)]strlGts Economic Development,Parks and Recreation,Transportation,Watershed,Hazard Mitigation Plan,Puget Sound Action Plan,�ad the funct onal plans of Schools and Special Districts and any other functional or subarea plans adopted by Mason County.Eachrcc rreferenccc.erenc^^ ^^ ^d ..i..n shall be a—rdi...tpd with, nd with,the C,.,.,prehe.,Siye Dl—I commented[CHI]:Verify the intent to adopt by • All disputes over the proper interpretation of other functional plans and all implementing reference for each of these. regulations,including zoning maps and zoning regulations,shall be resolved in favor of the Cristina and Kirsten to recommend which should be interpretation which most clearly achieves Countywide Planning Policies. adopted by reference and which should be listed as —A definition section will be incorporated into the final Comprehensive Plan document with "consulted in this update." definitions for technical terms that are clearly articulated in Mason County Code or state or Identify which are GMA requirements and which are just federal statutes. If a specific term is not defined or referenced,it takes its normal and customary helpful information/implementation docs. meaning within the context of how it is used. Differentiate which elements are outside of the comp plan but are comp plan requirements. Page 3 of 22 Attachment 1 Table 1. Crosswalk-Countywide Planning Policies and Comprehensive Plan Chapter Comprehensive Plan Countywide Planning Element Development Regulations Policy Policy Statement Chapter 3 Land Use MCC 17.07;17.10-17.17; #1 URBAN GROWTH Encourage development in urban areas where adequate public facilities and services exist 17.20-17.35;17.70 or which can be provided in an efficient manner. Chapter 3 Land Use MCC 17.02;17.05;17.70; #2 REDUCE SPRAWL Reduce the inappropriate conversion of undeveloped land into sprawling, low-density 17.90 development. Chapter 8-6 Transportation MCC Title12 #3TRANSPORTATION Encourage efficient multimodal transportation systems that are based on regional priorities and coordinated with county and city comprehensive plans. Chapter34 Housing MCC 17.11;17.90 #4 HOUSING Encourage the availability of affordable housing to all economic segments of the population of this state,promote a variety of residential densities and housing types,and encourage preservation of existing housing stock. Chapter445 Economic MCC 2.78;17.07;17.24 #5 ECONOMIC Development DEVELOPMENT Encourage economic development throughout the state-County that is consistent with adopted comprehensive plans,promote economic opportunity for all e'•'�.rresidents of this stateCounty,especially for unemployed and for disadvantaged persons,promote the retention and expansion of existing businesses and recruitment of new businesses, recognize regional differences impacting economic development opportunities, su ort safe and healthy working environments and living wages,and encourage growth in areas _ _- Commented[MW2]:Revision noted in Comment Matrix experiencing insufficient economic growth,all within the capacities of the&tate'sCounty's natural resources,publicservices,and publicfacilities. Chapter 3 Land Use MCC 17.01 #6 PROPERTY RIGHTS Private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation having been made. The property rights of landowners shall be protected from arbitrary and discriminatory actions. Chapter 3 Land Use&Chapter MCC 15.05 #7 PERMITS Applications for both state and local government permits should be processed in a timely 5&8 Economic Development and fair manner to ensure predictability. Chapter 4-7 Rural MCC 8.52;17.02 #8 NATURAL RESOURCE aintain and enhance natural resource-based industries, Commented[CH3]:Suggest deleting the GMA goal title INDUSTRIES including productive timber, agricultural, and fisheries industries. Encourage the for consistency with the other goals listed in this table. conservation of productive forestlands and productive agricultural lands,and discourage incompatible uses. Chapter 3 Land Use,Chapter4-7 MCC 16.23;17.07;17.10; #9 OPEN SPACE Retain open space,enhance recreational opportunities,conserve fish and wildlife habitat, Rural,&Chapter 9-8 Parks 17.26 increase access to natural resource lands and wateraad develop new parks and recreation facilities and maintain existing.) Commented[MW4] Revision noted in comment matrix {anfte Chapter 3 Land Use&Chapter MCC 8.52 Resource #10 ENVIRONMENT Protect the environment and enhance the Count 's high quality of life, 4-7 Rural Ordinance/Shorelines including,but not limited to,kir and water quality,and the availability of wate4 ___ _- Commented[MWS]:Revision noted in comment matrix See Public Involvement Plan MCC 15.09.060 #1CITIZENr� PUBLIC Encourage the involvement of "�, rresidents,property owners,and business owners in Commented[KP6]:WDFW:Include language about PARTICIPATION the planning process and ensure coordination between communities and jurisdictions to updating the CAO to include best available science as it reconcile conflicts. becomes available. Page 4 of 22 Attachment 1 Chapter-7-9 Utilities MCC Title 13,Title 6 #12 PUBLIC FACITILES Ensure that those public facilities and services necessary to support development shall be AND SERVICES adequate to serve the development at the time the development is available for occupancy and use without decreasing current service levels below locally established minimum standards. Chapter 3 Land Use MCC 17.40 #13 HISTORIC Identify and encourage the preservation of lands,sites,and structures that have historical PRESERVATION or archaeological significance. Cha ter 4211 Climate #14 CLIMATE CHANGE Ensure that comprehensive plans,development regulations,and regional policies.plans, Resilience and Hazard AND RESILIENCY and strategies under RCW 36.70A.210 and chapter 47.80 RCW adapt to and mitigate the Mitigation effects of a changing climate;prepare for climate impact scenarios;foster resiliency to W-W Commented[CH7]:New Chapter l2 will beinserted climate impacts and natural hazards;protect and enhance environmental,economic,and before Plan Implementation and Monitoring. human health and safety;and advance environmental justice. 7inommented[MW8]:I'm wondering if it is confusing to See Mason Count Shoreline MCC 17.50 #15 SHORELINES OF For shorelines of the state,the goals and policies of the shoreline management act as set this portion since we are not mandated nor will we Master Program THESTATE forth in RCW 90.58.020 shall be considered an element of the county's or city's entrating on the greenhouse gas emissions/vehicle comprehensive plan. is time around. Commented[CH9]:Previously missing from crosswalk/goals-consider adding. Page 5 of 22 Attachment 1 Introduction This chapter presents the Countywide Planning Policies used to develop Mason County's Comprehensive Plan.The policies in this document are organized and numbered based on the t"�,, —R-fifteen goals adopted in Washington's State's Growth Management Act(RCW 36.70A)to guide counties and cities in the development and adoption of comprehensive plans.Table 1 shows which Chapter of the County Comprehensive Plan provides additional information,statistics,maps,and other detail related to each policy. an arm n hsl� Commented[KP10]:Mention habitat connectivity, climate resilience and ecosystem services,to help w/flooding,thermal regulation,carbon sequestration. ales.it borders Jefferson Ceumy to the RE)Fth,GFaYS HarbE)F County to the west and southwest, Reference w/in this section. ThursteR CouRty to the southeast,PieFee County to the east,and Kitsap County to the Rortheast Mason County Femains a predominantly FuFal county despite the uFban gFewth in bmth Thurqtnn and Kitsap Cn, nt4ps UP City 9f Shelton,the only incorporated area M aspn Cn- nt,,� appFE,�i­t.h,IA 771 Commented[CH11]:Update with current area. Recent annexations have increased this size. Commented[CH12]:UGA and any boundary updates? Commented[CH13]:Confirm no changes. TFObal�= Commented[CH14]:Confirm no changes. Commented[CH15]:Check Belfair Planned Action EIS QlympiG Mountains,and the B!aG!(Hills.Additionally—Sevenseven,wateFsheds exist%vit'hin Mason-County. They include Case inlet,Chehalis,LE)weF Heed Cana',Oakland Bay-Skakemish,T9tten Little Skeekwn, ThFee geological pFevinees cambinp tm fnrm Masnn County.They include the Puget Sound Lowland,the 4atioRal,state,and private faFests eurreRtly aGeouRt for eveF fifty(50)perGent Af the land;;re-;;that 4�Aakes up Mason County.Mineral deposits underlie MasOn County's top sailstpps�.Agricultural and inek Apq q bqtantial open spaee.Open space within the County hests wildlife habitat,undeveloped RaWlFal f4ede al ' I Rd PlFiVate yet sheltered by the QIYMPOG MOURtaiRs.Average temperatwFes raRge from a high of 78'F.on july to 32 F.in januaFy.The aveFage daily teFnpeFatuFe in Mason County is 51'F.The County reeeives an aveFage e Page 6 of 22 Attachment 1 nrh..r to a high of 10 n inrhr,r in Ianua.., Commented[CH16]:Opportunity to add information about climate indicators and potential changes that may The ..bteeI.. .,:.a,.s data,abet potential changes ,-lim-ate-that Mason County F.. experoenep I:h occur in the future. rh of\n/nrtnrn\n/-,.-hi n..tnn nn-,.....r..u..+.,.n Changes: pree4patatien patterns that 6nerease Precopotatien at eertain times of YeaF .,h:l..alr ...��..h+...,....+. coupled...ith rnd��..+;....�.........,..,rl.the+�....+r:h.�tnr to draught nd In... g4ea...fln...r and a a" lnr.narnr: n h:..h+emigeFatLIFes that n n human health.irLr a ell a nd 'dfirn danger..,h:rh a n I:nLnd to drn ..ht and: ..♦emperat„r..r Increased..,'Idfi r..danger days,1'nLnd t...,I... ..ht and' a tn...nnrat r Commented[MW77]:I think these two points are very similar and could be combined red+ nl,n Fer r17..aa+e rh,n..e H*Stl,Fy Of PIlhli Teble'f Ar: el nrafters..F the Countywide Dl..nn:..e Policies_1 DD'f �n n♦ Mason County organized,public process c4y of Chelten[ire-nenart...ent fer developing the Countywide Dlannin.. [..,...e-Mic neyelen...ent reUns:l Policies/!'\n/DDr1 in 1992 That.. meess C:.e Ilirt:rtr h l'shed le t Gk. Gewnty Cle ed Pfirial De.,i e..,Dea.d/Dea.d\ This De...d nnasen re..nt.,F:.,,n .shal sly�ded the c .F.e...loth AAaren!`..unt.,and the!`it.,eF fhe lten DnninrUla Denienal T-FaRSPE)FtatiOR Planning n.naniza+ken The Beard.. sided by the Dn.t flirt.:rtr e nts of He Dill 1075 and the Duhl:r Utility Il:h.:rt Na 1 Mason Coon+../Cit.,of Shelton De..fenal Agreement. D..hl:r I It;lit.,nutria#nl.. C+ra+e.... In addition,the Dna.d ed a4eFative s Fe. cahanlIrt.:cts pFeees PfePaFiRg the l`\AIDOr The a eh Cn..,e. irt.:rtr Chelten City!'ommirrien chelten/Mason Chamber eF1'e..m eFee uhlk agencies.gee Table 7 c..,,a„in bland T.:hal Nation The firs+draft of the Countywide Dlanni nn Delicies. completed in late lane„r., Countywide Planning Policies OR August 17 1992. Page 7 of 22 Attachment 1 Updated to incerperate euFrent public input,refleet tb@9 rurrent trends,and haq become a hFoad rFay of goals,policies and objectives throughout the planning documents Mason County has-..J....+...J a updated+ addFess..uhl66 6ROUt,FeeeRt state I....islat4 Felated+ ..IanRiRg fGF h....64.... a...J the-.. GFGWth AAa..........eRt A..+.. al+ ..I..m fmF climate F Dili.. Rd ; pd f.. ♦h..mert impaet4..+h ..GFOI.,+h AFeas of All..n and o..Ifa.F ARd I;WeFed the P 5ihili+..of deli.nat4 R I I..iRn a help support the compreheRsive PlaR update are Table 3 Page 8 of 22 Attachment 1 Commented[CH18]:Are there other plans missing from Pka WOOF- Date of AdeptiGn this list? Resilienf� A A;;,;RF;C; f Commented[MW19R18]:Allyn Circulation Plan 2017, Belfair Mobility Plan 2018,Belfair UGA 2018 Basin Plan Commented[CH2O]:List Puget Sound Action Plan iEeeneiffle Develepment R- PAFAA Faphie RePGFt,Mason Gaunty Renemie Deyelopment Ge-Unril 2(47 Commented[CH21]:Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan Commented[KP22]:Add 2006 WRIA 16 Watershed Management Plan.14B and 15 are the active plans(but were not approved by Ecology). Fife Mason County PFe-terfien Plan 2012 Discuss w/Public Health to determine which plan should be referenced. Commented[KP23]:Title revision proposed by Fire Housing Mason County and Gity of SheltGR HOW54Rg Needs AssessmeRt 2004 Marshal. Housing Housing MatteFS:3 Year Housing and Harnpip;snprs StFategy for Masen County Washington 2015 Commented[MW24]:There is a more recent plan from 2019,and the Housing and Homelessness Coordinator will 2024 be updating this again(due 2025...?)based on the new requirements that tie it more directly to the Comp Plan �Aled Mfa#p Mason Ceunty Selid Waste Management Plan 2019 and Update https://www.masoncou ntywa.gov/forms/Health/homeless- housing-pla n-2019-2024.pdf 1993 Page 9 of 22 Attachment 1 Commented[MW25]:2024 Page 10 of 22 Attachment 1 /I C I G R C t a t e m 0 R t Mason County will remain a PF"FnaFily FUFal GGI:!HtV�GhaFaGteFiied by quiet tFanquilit"4,ffivaGVL,HatuFal Af 4 ORP.1-AP:natui:al vistas,fish,shellfish,wildlife,and RatUFal eeesystemsj feWeF FeStFiGt4eRl;RRGI MAFe picivaGy than in an urban area;UFb;;R GFOY.fth AFeRl;that AFP vibl'ant Peenemir.and sedal GenteFS, and thp elesp tips of family and community to the land-. The Urban Growth Areas Commented[CH26]:Reviewing feasibility of establishing a Union UGA. This is reflected in updated CPPs,below. ndustl:ial,and aiFPeFt and business hiubq.Each%A411 have a cernpact GGFP-;-;Fe-;;andhGFIA'by Fetall,seicvke - Commented[KP27]:Shelton supports health services, and eigntin--P tA APP e as a regional health centelF serving the Olympic Peninsula,and regien@l Fetal'Will but recognizes there should be other medical services out in hP rpntPFPd the City's Qlyrnpie Highway North area.!The three Urban GFOIA41h AFPal;Will provide a the County. ..I,..,.,eRt @RGl tRX l3a,;t Commented[CH28]:Updated per discussion w/City of Shelton. The Rural Areas Commented[MW29]:I'm not sure we even have any master planned developments.,though provisions have GeFAPL-tiRg uses. been on the books for a long time. Heusing Res'dential growth%vithin the Ce unty will primarily ecrur the I lrh;;n Grnwth A rear of Shelton,Belfa' family�multifamily,and Fnixed use6 lnnai�atianq he,-song that provide affordahlP rha6rps v4l'hP Commented[CH30]:Should middle housing options be considered? Commented[MW31 1130]:There area few more sIngle famol.,I.......,....,..d .,...t.,;R WF RF FRAFe i,«+aph I «,Fpd�.... p,;;R.I„a; a., l examples of middle housing that aren't currently + I, l fGW F.l five.I.mes skol.xes t..,.,..he ses stacked flat .8UFtYaFd.,.....«..,.,...«� ....,�,.,,w mentioned/allowed in the Belfair and Allyn UGA codes that umight be worth allowing.Would be interesting to hear from L... �i.... .,,,,.... ,..u...,,.... -.N....� .,.II be encouraged to s ert compact,....II _ the developer/builder realm on this. Commented[KP32]:Include reference to support The G r,, r r e r+ r .l Open c r affordability in both rental and homeownership opportunities. Mason County will PFE)teet the envimnment in a way that is compatible viith the Reeds R_f a g, Page 11 of 22 Attachment 1 estuaFies,paF'(S,tFails and caMpgFOURds.This system will help pFeseFve the COURty's eRViFGnFn,-nt and n A.,......l'..��..+„...iII......tiwu......lalggicat4... Woth etheF ijWm 6ktiARI;AIR h@-aFd WitiRat;.R Ria....�.... ncemeFated ..d u Fate J� ..I+;..� N/laser County has a ...J or heen OFF...-+.,.a 'dfires and,.,ill bue'J c ..I+.,. ..nn,.nce cot„ c nti..uky of...eFations and s ste Commented[CH33]:Drafted with information from 2023 Hazard Mitigation Plan. Will be revised with info from community survey. PF i..atp...I..+....I.i�L�F....i....nA..�....!`..��..+..............+........ +h...........+�q.-rh Fl......I�.... 0 they weFe somewhat.. e d h.,...tential climate change i..�. -...+�en nn-,sen Cei said that AA;;-;n.!'..u..+.,..,-.s not fully.. ....J+..a.J.J...s.-a...J adapt+.,eIi...a+..Gh a........,i+hn--t FriprevementarMason Geunty will.centinue te-resewGh and amplement meaSLIFes to combat such r6sks,t ...I.........nt of a!^I:..ate 4+ipm Plan(GAP) ReseaFGh and in fermatinn d......I..ped f9F the CAD...III alg ..d S HaZa Fd neitigati,...DI.,..+..I..'......the mmpaets..F Ratural ai,;;;,;ter,;..,i+hi..+h r +., Commented[KP34]:Revision proposed by Fire Marshal. Page 12 of 22 Attachment 1 Planning Policies Mason County's Comprehensive Plan addresses each of the thiFuapn fifteen GMA goals according to the vision shared by County residents.The following discussion identifies the Countywide Planning Policies for Mason County organized by the GMA goal they address. 1: URBAN GROWTH GMA encourages concentrating development where adequate public facilities and services exist,or which can be provided within a reasonable amount of time.In conjunction with the City of Shelton, Mason County has adopted County-Wide Planning Policies(CWPP),some of which deal specifically with the issue of urban growth and are designed to ensure growth can be supported by adequate public infrastructure and services. 1.1. Vie-Maintain Urban Growth Areas around the incorporated City of Shelton and two unincorporated areas of Belfair and Allyn. Prioritize urban growth a where infrastructure exists or,+n4as •4• :e is planned,as identified in an approved Capital Facilities Plan,or services can be reasonably and economically extended;where development does not conflict with natural resource uses;where there is a sufficient supply oflenviFenmentally sGuffddevelogable land to Commented[MW35]:Revision noted in comment matrix support urban densities and urban growth forecasted for the 20-year planning cycle,,--and Commented[CH36]:Changing this to"developable" where the community's vision has identified its area as an Urban Growth Area. broadens potential exclusions to include lands with historic cultural significance etc. Explere the feasibility of establishing a .,Ur-ban r're%yth Area-around the Unincorporated .Fge scale patabl..wateF USeFS SUGh..S 901f....��F_geS l`......1�....t....,:th T 3PI;F..PRIA.... ...... 1.2. (Coordinate planning,zoning,and development standards in the Shelton Urban Growth Area with the City of Shelton to ensure consistency in development patterns,logical transition from urban to rural uses,adequate provision of infrastructure and services,and to facilitate annexation as envisioned in the Growth Management Act. Commented[CH37]:This policy opens the door to an Interlocal Agreement or similar tool that would delegate 1.2-.1.3. Mixed-use developments,multi-family developments,employment centers,and other certain planning and permitting authorities to the City of urban land uses are appropriate.J...,elel...ent t be encouraged within designated Urban Shelton. This allows a more seamless transition to City Growth Areas,,iA eFde to make efficient use of urban-level infrastructure and services and to services and supports annexation consistent with the GMA. protect rural character in the remainder of the County. 1­3-.1.4. Encourage development in Urban Growth Areas where: • infrastructure exists or is planned;or •_infrastructure is provided by the developer according to locally established minimum urban standards. 1.5. Encourage development in Urban Growth Areas where: • services,such as public transit,emergency response,fire protection,schools,and other public services,have adequate capacity;or Page 13 of 22 Attachment 1 • services can be expanded through County action or via private investment from the developer. 2: REDUCE SPRAWL GMA discourages the inappropriate conversion of undeveloped land into sprawling,low density development.Several of Mason County's CWPPs are designed to reduce the impacts of growth,including sprawl,in areas outside of Urban Growth Areas.Rural areas now exist throughout Mason County and contribute to a large measure of the quality of life enjoyed by residents.These areas are characterized by low housing densities,wilderness and recreational living opportunities,and open space.Other rural qualities include tranquility,low traffic volumes,natural views,privac)&and rural enterprise. 2.1. =-.Designate rural areas in Mason County.Rural areas include those portions of the County that lie outside designated growth areas,master planned communities.kea+e ew+fefshomeowner's associations,and destination resorts,and may have lower standards of infrastructure and service that reflect and maintain this rural character.Intensive development will be is discouraged in these rural areas due to the difficulty of providing cost-effective services andd—ef because rural areas are character-defining features of Mason County♦he a,.....................s FI-IFRI fFem the L...a..,.ape,. „la impaet the P1........t...Of the Geln!..t.. Rbi FaI aFeas of Mase..!^eunt.,should be designated as such and 2­1-.2.2.Rural development and accompanying water availability,including permit exempt wells, shall be consistent with protection of natural surface water flows and groundwater recharge. 2-.2-.2 3 The r-,....pFehensive Plan%%ill; I,,, a Rural Element. Protect the County's rural character,lifestyles,and values. 2­3-.2_4.Establish Level of Service StandarrIsstandards,timely development of essential infrastructure and provision of services,and adherence to design standards for rural and urban areas. 242_5.Establish a rural land use system that provides for continued vitality of eUactivity centers that may become erban Urban grewtirGrowth areas Areas or incorporated communities.The categories of these areas include rural activity centers,hamlets, commercial centers,industrial areas,and tourist and recreational areas. Page 14 of 22 Attachment 1 3: TRANSPORTATION GMA encourages the development of efficient,multi-modal transportation systems that are based on regional priorities and are coordinated with county and city comprehensive plans. 3.1. Coordinate multimodal transportation systems with neighboring counties,Tribes,and the City of Shelton to encourage efficiency and align transportation with regional priorities.Encourage efficient multi Fnedal transpartatien systems that-. a Lase.-a Fegional prierities ...J (2RAFEliRRted With GeLlRty and City CE)MpFehensive plans. 3.2. Establish Level of Service standards that encourage densities in Urban Growth Areas where services such as public transit,sidewalks,car-pooling,etc.,are available. 3.3. Establish multimodal Level of Service StaadaFelsstandards,timely development of essential infrastructure,and adherence to design standards for rural and Urban Growth Areas. 3.4. Protect functions of designated High ve4umehiph-volume corridors by restricting individual access points. 3:4.3.5. Promote safety and security for the multimodal transportation system. 15:3.6. Promote interconnecting street networks which provide alternative efficient routes. - Commented[MW38]:Revision noted in comment matrix 3-:6.3.7. Develop policies and encourage use of varied multi-modal transportation alternatives that support health and wellbeing through physical activity by providing bikeways, sidewalks,trails,public transit,et4e-.7and system connectivity as appropriate to location and terrain,especially in Urban Growth Areas,and accommodating the young,aging,and disabled. 44-3.8. Ensure that cooperative planning efforts continue with the Peninsula Regional Transportation Policy Organization and the County's Citizen Advisory Panel on the Transportation Improvement Program,and that policies of the County and the organization are consistent and coordinated,with the Comprehensive Plan as the guiding document for Mason County. 3.9. The County and the City and Urban Growth Area should work cooperatively with the Mason County Transit Authority(MCTA)to provide equitable public transit throughout the County. 3.10. Local and County transportation plans should considerinon-motorized methods of transportation,in addition to(rail,marine,and aviation transportation as an integral part of the Commented[MW39]:Revision noted in comment matrix area's transportation system. 3.11. Incorporate technological advances into transportation systems planning by encouraging coordination among jurisdictions and Mason County Transit where feasible and applicable. 3.12. Encourage the development of transportation funding resources that support land use goals and strategies. 3.&3.13. Protect transportation assets through proper operations,maintenance,and preservation activities to provide safe,efficient,and reliable movement of people,goods,and services. Page 15 of 22 Attachment 1 4: HOUSING GMA requires the County to make adequate provision for khe availability a affordable - Commented[MW40]:Hasn't updated legislation housing to all economic segments of the population,promotes a variety of residential densities and changed"encourage(s)"to"require(s)"? housing types,and encourages the preservation of existing t#e-housing stock. Commented[MW41]:Revision noted in comment matrix.PAC member Lewis requested revising this 4.1. Incentivize affordable housing,promote a variety of residential densities and housing statement. types,with a diversity of both rental and homeownership options,and encourage the preservation of existing housing stock). Commented[KP42]:Reference diversity of rental and ownership options. 4-4-.4.2.Coordinate processes for supporting affordable housing between Mason County and the City of Shelton. (Define and establish the need for affordable housing countywide through creation of a collaborative City/County Housing Plan that provides for a mix of housing types for housing at all Income levels.) Commented[CH43]:This is an implementation action that could be moved to the Housing Element. 4.3. Encourage affordable housing through innovation including infill housing incentives, variety of lot sizes,mixed use,multifamily units,and density bonuses for affordable units. Selecting innovative techniques to support affordable housing should meet other Countywide Planning Policies for urban and rural development. 4-2-.4.4.Encourage affordable housing in rural areas by utilizing the supply of existing platted smaller lots which can meet applicable subdivisieR,^ t^l and" dd n^ development regulationsi—, H+d by ensuring exist,^^legally b6li4the lots retain their conforming status,and by allowing manufactured housing,mobile homes,micro or tiny homes and other options in both urban and rural areas.it is recognized that the techniques fOF enGE)UFaging^ffGFdable housing will.Jiffel,it rural and urban^ 4:345.Encourage the preservation of historic structures for use as, conversion to,single or multi-family housing. 4:4.4.6.As part of a comprehensive program to address affordability,eliminate(barriers Lo Commented[CH44]:Barriers might include costs, construction of affordable housing in ^mi ,clocal regulations and policies4ef permitting requirements,infrastructure gaps,etc. eR hausiRg cost.Prior to adoption of any new ordinance or regulation affecting homebuilding,evaluate the impact on the provision of affordable housing options. 4.7. Affordable housing Or households making below 80 percent of the Area Median Income Commented[KP45]:while there is focus on 80%AMI, should be focused within the City of Shelton and unincorporated Urban Growth Areas with we also need workforce housing that is 120%ofAMI. rhn-ld be convenient access to public transportation,major employment centers,and Include language about this bracket,perhaps in a separate policy.Encouraging 80-120%in specific areas. public services. 4=94.8.Assess affordable housing needs will hp Pwaminpd in both city-urban and rural contexts and develop strategies to address housing affordability wi41-that reflect local definitions of affordable housing,urban and rural values,cost and availability of land,infrastructure cost and availability,the capacity of public services,private property rights,and broad- based cerr up blic involvement. Page 16 of 22 Attachment 1 4�4.9.Housing plans and policies should prevent or mitigate the physical,economic,and cultural displacement of low-income households due to planning,public investments, private development,and market pressures. 5: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GMA encourages economic development that is consistent with adopted comprehensive plans, promotes economic opportunity for all eitizens residents of the County,especially for unemployed and disadvantaged persons,(promotes safe and healthy working conditions for all,and encourages growth in Commented[MW46]:Revision noted in comment matrix areas experiencing insufficient economic growth,all within the capacities of the County's natural resources,public services,and public facilities. 5.1. Encourage economic development throughout the County that is consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan,—and promote economic opportunity for all c+tizeas residents of the County,especially for unemployed and disadvantaged persons,and eneeurage-including encouraging�reW4[Finvestment in areas experiencing slower Commented[KP47]:Revision proposed by Fire Marshal. economic growth,all within the capacities of Mason County's natural resources,public services,and public facilities. 5.2. Maintain and enhance natural resource-based industries including productive timber, agriculture,aquaculture,mining,and fisheries industries.Encourage the conservation of productive natural resources orlpotentially productive natural resources and discourage Commented[CH48]:Should this be considered as a way incompatible uses.Assure that adjacent land uses do not contribute to the demise of the to address some of the growth sectors identified in the long termlonp-term commercially productive resource extraction and agricultural lands Economic Development element? forest,a.,,.,cultur and agrieultura!...,,duetion lands and the r,.seurep ba..,,,,resource- based industries associated with these areas.Support natural resource-based industries to shift towards more sustainable and regenerative practices in the context of a changing climate. 5.3. Establish coordinated incentives to promote economic development e consistent with Vision Statements and Goals for each Urban Growth Area. 5.4. Promote economic development activities where services needed by such activities already exist or can be easily and economically provided. Coordinate with service providers to review economic development activities as early as possible. 5.5. Promote economic development where off-site impacts,such as transportation,can be effectively managed. 5.6. In environmentally sensitive areas,ensure land use permit processes control activities Whirl; hat may have a detrimental effect on public health,safety,or the environment, consistent with state and federal requirements. 5.7. Increase economic vitality in Mason County by stimulating the creation ofjobs in tourism, trades,and other areas that provide livable wages lin safe and healthy work environments - Commented[MW49]:Revision noted in comment matrix and that promote economic diversity,stabilization,and maintenance of a 444,qua4ityhigh- ug ality environment. Page 17 of 22 Attachment 1 5.8. Support school district,post-secondary,and higher education efforts including vocational education training,and education of a highly trained,technically skilled multilingual I___ ,- Commented[Mwso]:Revision noted in comment matrix population that aligns with key economic development opportunities and industry sectors. a.$5.9.KfhmfyJ%s(JxyrJsAs%,tzwxr g-$ivatvyirs1%Jxyfg=nrJs,&Rhtyjgc3J(Js)fihJsyJwc§Esi% ttnJW%tzcuoXhm0x°;l runts r slzwfsU&I yn1E'wjfx3 6: PROPERTY RIGHTS GMA states,"Property rights of landowners shall be protected from arbitrary and discriminatory actions. Further,private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation having been made." 6.1. Non-conforming uses,structures,and parcels shall be allowed alterations and expansions when appropriate. 6.1. 6.2 If private property must be acquired for public purposes,provide fair and market- based compensation negotiated during the acquisition process. 7: PERMITS Both GMA and Mason County express that applications for land use and planning permits be processed in a timely and fair manner to ensure predictability. 7.1. Applications for permits should be processed in a timely and fair manner to ensure predictability. 8: RESOURCE INDUSTRIES GMA recommends Counties maintain and enhance natural resource-based industries including productive timber,agriculture,aquaculture,mining,and fisheries industries,and encourage the conservation of productive forest lands and productive agricultural lands,and provide mitigation opportunities for incompatible uses. 8.1. Maintain an inventory of productive or potentially productive natural resource and agricultural lands and ensure ongoing regulatory protections for those lands. 8.2. Discourage the siting of incompatible land uses near natural resources,and agricultural lands Commented[KP51]:This statement could also be and aquaculture farms. replicated up in the Environment section in relation to location near critical areas. 84�8.3. Provide mitigation for incompatible land uses sited near natural resources and agricultural lands. 9: OPEN SPACE GMA encourages the retention of open space and the development of recreational opportunities.GMA further encourages conservation of fish and wildlife habitat,and increased access to natural resource lands,water,and developed parks. GMA also-a4+6 requires mapping of open space(corridors with Commented[KP52]:Point out habitat connectivity,even consideration given to habitat connectivity across jurisdictions. across jurisdictions. Page 18 of 22 Attachment 1 9.1. Designate and map open space areas in coordination with the aced City of Shelton and unincorporated areas designated Urban Growth Areas.Criteria for designation shall include: • provides multiple use open space • environmentally unique and/-or fragile • separates incompatible land uses • consistency with the UGA's vision statement • traditional cultural places and landscapes.. 9.2. Provide accessible public open space and protect environmentally important areas without compromising private property rights and treaty rights.- 9.3. Identify and prioritize open space areas,both urban and rural,whit"May be^9^1;PFvP'for protection through acquisition,conservation easements,life estates,anda giconveyance to a land trust,and/or another method of conservation.Assure that private property rights and treaty rights are protected. 9.4. Encourage increased access to publicly owned natural resource lands.Protect existing public access to shorelines and water.Encourage acquisition of lands to provide additional public shoreline and water access,especially in underserved areas. 9.5. Encourage retention/maintenance of open space and the development of recreational opportunities like parks and public-use recreation areas^^^f^^Fiate f^F eampi^^ hiking, 4­1,9.6.Create public and community access to land for the purpose of growing food. 10: ENVIRONMENT GMA strives to protect the environment and enhance the quality of life,including air and water quality, and the availability ofw ater Commented[KP53]:Would like to include low impact development as a tool that can be used by developers. Can 10.1. In-Grdef4GTo protect public health and water quality,septic systems and/or appropriate build more density is these tools are used. Perhaps a new alternative disposal systems will be installed where appropriate in rural areas,according to Policy 10.5 that"encourages"LID as a tool for stormwater adopted County health codes.Alternative sewage collection and treatment systems should be treatment. considered as an option when public health is in jeopardy, aaA—and or to correct environmental damage and when consistent with land use designations in the Comprehensive Plan.Development permits and/or franchises for sewage treatment systems should be granted when consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 10.2. Mason County and the cities ^ ^I^City of Shelton shall protect drinking water supplies from contamination,ensure that water for development is both legally and physically available,and identify and reserve future supplies. Page 19 of 22 Attachment 1 10.3. In environmentally sensitive areas,ensure land use permit processes control activities whiel; that may have a detrimental effect on public health,safety,environment,and physical integrity of the area consistent with state and federal requirements. 10.4. Encourage water reuse and reclamation for large-scale potable water users,such as golf courses,parks,and schools. ' Consider the use of low impact development management strategies for land use and stormwater management for protecting water quality. 10.6. (Discourage the siting of incompatible land uses in and near natural resources and critical areas as defined by WAC 365-190-030 as well as7 agriculture lands defined by RCW 84.34. d ,,- Commented[MW54]:Staff suggested revision based on comment received by DNR during Commerce's 60 day 10.7. Plan for and implement clean up of Mason County's contaminated sites. notice period 11: CITIZEN PUBLIC PARTICIPATION GMA encourages the involvement of residents,property owners,and business owners in the planning process and coordination between communities and jurisdictions to reconcile conflicts. 11.1. Encourage the widespread community involvement " '^ ^ '^^ in the planning process and coordinate between communities and jurisdictions to reconcile conflicts. 11.2. Mason County and the City of Shelton will maintain joint procedures for review of land development activities within the City's Urban Growth Areal Commented[CH55]•Revise if the City will be granted planning/permitting authority. I I P 11.3. Ensure public participation is widespread to community members. 12: FACILITIES/SERVICES GMA strives to ensure that public facilities and services necessary to support development shall be adequate to serve the development at the time of occupancy without decreasing the level of service provided. 12.1. Ensure that those public facilities and services necessary to support development shall be are adequate to serve the development at the time of occupancy without decreasing current levels below locally established minimum standards. ^^ ' ^^^^^"""^^+ "^•'°^^^G4 - Commented[KP56]:Consider revising this statement to :^s"..r#,-1r+„"^ ^.,"+;''«;^'V heF^^^^ "., Consider assessing development fees in the form remove the word"require". Allow for flexibilty enough for of environmental mitigation fees or impact fees for publiclservices[ property owners. Commented[KP57]:Feedback from reviewer:I really 12.2. Mason County and the^st4es Chef^"^^City of Shelton,shall understand what Kristin is saying.I think the word"require" paf#eipatlef,a cooperative regional process to site essential public facilities of regional and isn't clear on whom is required to do what.We always try to The^N:^�+:.,^^F+ti.,,.".,, <ti-,n h..+„..,,��,..,+N-,+ accommodate,but it's not always a simple process.Are we statewide Importance. Such facilities afe talking about"coordinating"between agencies,or are we will be located saasto protect environmental quality,optimize access and usefulness to all "requiring"from some particular group(developers, jurisdictions,and equitably distribute benefits/and burdens throughout the region or county. providers,county planners,etc?). Page 20 of 22 Attachment 1 12.3. Major public facilities that generate substantial travel demand should be sited along or near major transportation and public transit corridors. 12.4. Sharing of corridors for major utilities,trails,and other transportation rights of way is encouraged. 12.5. Advance waste reduction efforts through support of state and federal programs,and through public information and education programs,and other available,appropriate methods. 13: HISTORIC PRESERVATION GMA states that jurisdictions should,"identify and encourage the preservation of lands,sites,and structures that have historical cultural or archeological significance'. Commented[KP58]:edit proposed by Historic Preservation Commission. 13.1. Support the efforts of the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission created to identify and actively encourage the conservation of Mason County's historic resources(MCC 17.40). 13.2. Identify and encourage the preservation of lands,sites,and structures that have historical or archeological significance through enforcement of regulations that implement the State's goals and objectives for historic preservation at the local level. Consult with Tribes land other government entities l o ensure the protection of - Commented[KP59]:Edit proposed by HPc. archeologically and culturally significant lands,sites,and structures. 14: CLIMATE CHANGE AND RESILIENCY GMA requires jurisdictions to ensure that comprehensive plans,development regulations,and regional policies and plans address climate change and natural hazards,foster resiliency,advance environmental justice,and protect and enhance environmental,economic,and human health in the face of a changing climate. 14.1. Continue coordinated hazard mitigation and community resilience planning efforts with the City of Shelton,Public Utility Districts 1 and 3,I(;^ntr;;'^^-•r^n F'F^and EmerigencySeFyiee ^^"^^r^u^*••F'F^^'St•'C•"^ F'•^^'s••'c*' ,all fire districts serving Mason County and other - [ ] proposed y Commented KP60:Revision ro osed b Fire Marshal. interested agencies. 14.2. Plan for and consider the impacts of climate change on communities and industries in Mason County,including sea level rise,flooding,wildfires,and extreme weather events,on both existing and new development.Prioritize mitigating the impacts on vulnerable populations and overburdened communities within the planning period. 14.3. Support efforts to increase the resilience of public services and infrastructure,including transportation,utilities,emergency response,and others,by preparing for disasters and coordinating planning for continuity of operations,infrastructure and system recovery. 115: SHORELINES OF THE STATE Commented[CH61]:Any desire to include this here? GMA strives to implement the Shoreline Management Act through consistency with a local Shoreline Commented[Mw62R61]:I like tying the SMP in here Master Program. Commented[CH63]:critical areas in shorelines Page 21 of 22 Attachment 1 15.1. Implement the Mason CountV or City Shoreline Master Program,as necessary. Page 22 of 22 MC Case: Department Generated Attachment 2 ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ins REVIEW SUMMARY N Review Topic: Countywide Planning Policies Department: Community Development- Planning Staff Contact(s): Marissa Watson, Senior Planner Ext. 367 or nwatson@masoncountywa.gov Date:January 21, 2025 Action Requested at this Meeting: BOCC approval of the Countywide Planning Policies as a standalone document with amendments as presented in Attachment 1. MEETINGS & PUBLIC COMMENT A draft of the Countywide Planning Policies was reviewed during two different meetings by County staff, state agencies, and tribes. The draft contained revisions recommended by SCJ Alliance (consultant)which were based on updates to the Growth Management Act, more concise and clear policy statements and inclusionary language. These meetings took place in June and July of 2024. The Planning Advisory Commision then reviewed and discussed the CPPs at their August 19t" meeting, the draft they reviewed included comments from SCJ, staff, state, and tribes. No decisions were made at this meeting. The document was brought forward to the October 7, 2024 meeting and was accompanied by many public comments, the majority of which were from the Mason County Climate Justice group. This group has received a grant from Washington State Department of Commerce for promoting public participation in local land use comprehensive planning. "This program to recruit, support, and provide funding directly to community-based organizations in order to represent the interests of communities that have experienced the greatest environmental and health burdens throughout the state aligns with the recommendations for addressing structural barriers to community engagement[..j" The PAC did not make any decisions at the October 7" meeting, in regard to the CPP comments. The CPPs were reviewed at a third meeting which took place on November 6, 2024, the PAC went through each comment within the matrix and made a decision to include language as presented, with revisions, or not include. The PAC accomplished 615 W.Alder Street Shelton,Wa 98584 1 360.427.9670 ext. 352 ©masoncountywa.gov MC Case: Department Generated Attachment 2 addressing each comment and voted to recommend approval of the Countywide Planning Policies as revised (6-0). The PAC also agreed to recommend the document as stand alone deleting much of the background information which could find its way into the Introduction chapter or Chapter 2 which has community profile information and the vision statement. STATE REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... SEPA Staff has determined this proposal is SEPA exempt per WAC 197-11-800(19)(a) &(b). 60-day Notice of Intent to Adopt Staff received one comment in response to the notice to Commerce and it is included as Attachment 3. Staff has addressed the comments within the email and within the draft CPPs. RECOMMENDATION The PAC and staff recommend the BOCC approve the Countywide Planning Policies as a standalone document and adopt the amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies as shown in Attachment 1. 615 W.Alder Street ♦ Shelton,Wa 98584 2 360.427.9670 ext. 352 1 ©masoncountywa.gov STAFF SUGGESTED REVISION IN RESPONSE TO COMMENT IS HIGHLIGHTED IN YELLOW ON PAGE 3 OF 4 Attachment 3 From: Sears,Tricia(DNR) To: Marissa Watson Cc: Kell Rowen; Holman,Carol(COM) Subject: RE: Mason County's Countywide Planning Policies(2024-S-7732):WGS comments Date: Thursday,December 19,2024 10:26:33 AM Caution: External Email Warning! This email has originated from outside of the Mason County Network. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender, are expecting the email, and know the content is safe. If a link sends you to a website where you are asked to validate using your Account and Password, DO NOT DO SO! Instead, report the incident. Hi Marissa, Thank you for your thoughtful responses to the comments I provided! I appreciate the information. Cheerio, Tricia Tricia R. Sears (she/her/hers) Geologic Planning Liaison Washington Geological Survey (WGS) Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Cell: 360-628-2867 1 Email: tricia.sears&dnr.wa.gov From: Marissa Watson <MWatson@masoncountywa.gov> Sent:Tuesday, December 17, 2024 3:16 PM To: Sears,Tricia (DNR) <Tricia.Sears@dnr.wa.gov> Cc: Kell Rowen <KRowen@masoncountywa.gov>; Holman, Carol (COM) <carol.hol man @commerce.wa.gov> Subject: RE: Mason County's Countywide Planning Policies (2024-S-7732): WGS comments E: External Email Hi Tricia, Thank you for your comments, please see my responses below. Thank you, Marissa Watson Senior Planner I Long Range *Please note:Mason County complies with the Public Records Act Chapter 42.56 RCW.As such,any e-mail sent to and/or from the County may be subject to public disclosure. From: Sears,Tricia (DNR) <Tricia.Searsl@dnr.wa.gov> Sent: Friday, December 6, 2024 11:22 AM Page 1 of 4 Attachment 3 To: Marissa Watson <MWatson(@masoncountywa.gov> Cc: Sears,Tricia (DNR) <Tricia.Sears(@dnr.wa.gov>; Holman, Carol (COM) <carol.hol man(@commerce.wa.gov> Subject: Mason County's Countywide Planning Policies (2024-S-7732): WGS comments Caution: External Email Warning! This email has originated from outside of the Mason County Network. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender, are expecting the email, and know the content is safe. If a link sends you to a website where you are asked to validate using your Account and Password, DO NOT DO SO! Instead, report the incident. 12/6/24 Hello Marissa, In keeping with the interagency correspondence principles, I am providing you with comments on Mason County's Countywide Planning Policies (2024-S-7732). For this proposal submitted via Planview, I looked at the proposal and focused on areas related to WGS work. Of note, but not limited to, I look for language around the geologically hazardous areas, mineral resource lands, mining, climate change, and natural hazards mitigation plans. Specifically in this proposal, I reviewed the 11.18.24_Brief Comp Plan Countywide Planning Policies DOCX and Mason County CPPs_PAC Approved PDF. 11.18.24_Brief Comp Plan Countywide Planning Policies DOCX Looks ok. Mason County CPPs_PAC Approved PDF On page 18 of the PDF, under Resource Industries, it says "8.1. Maintain an inventory of productive or potentially productive natural resource and agricultural lands and ensure ongoing regulatory protections for those lands." As defined in WAC 365-190-030 Definitions, (15) "Natural resource lands" means agricultural, forest and mineral resource lands which have long-term commercial significance." In the proposed text in 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3, it appears the use of natural resource lands is to mean timber and mining, as separate thing from agriculture which is not a natural resource land. Suggest re-wording the proposed changes to be in keeping with the WAC. [Marissa Watson] It is not separate from natural resource lands. Agricultural Resource lands are included in "natural resource lands", but we also include protection for "agricultural lands" which is defined in the Comp Plan as Properties enrolled in the Open Space Agricultural property tax classification program pursuant to Chapter 84.34 RCW. During the 2015 periodic update there was a desire to protect lands used for agricultural purposes that were not included as part of the WAC definition. We have the following definitions in the Comp Plan: AGRICULTURAL LANDS: Properties enrolled in the Open Space Agricultural property tax Page 2 of 4 Attachment 3 classification program pursuant to Chapter 84.34 RCW. AGRICULTURAL RESOURCE LANDS:properties designated by Mason County as agricultural lands of long-term commercial significance pursuant to the state Growth Management Act, Chapter 36.70A RCW. On page 20-21 of the PDF, under Environment, it is great to see "10.6. Discourage the siting of incompatible land uses near natural resources, agriculture lands, and other environmentally sensitive critical areas." For sure, the critical areas and natural resource lands should be protected and included in the policies. It's interesting the language wasn't in the policies already. Suggest rewording it to be "Discourage the siting of incompatible land uses in and near natural resources and critical areas as defined by WAC 365-190-030." [Marissa Watson] Based on the previous staff response, I would suggest "Discourage the siting of incompatible land uses in and near natural resources and critical areas as defined by WAC 365-190-030 as well as agricultural lands defined by RCW 84.34." On page 21-22 of the PDF, under Climate Change and Resiliency, great to see this section included. Below, I include our usual language for this and future endeavors. Recognizing the limitations of the current proposals, I want to mention that it would be great for you to consider these in current or future work, be it in your comprehensive plan, development code, and SMP updates, and in your work in general: • Consider adding a reference to WAC 365-190-120 geologically hazardous areas for definitions in other areas besides the CAO. In addition, consider adding a reference to WAC 365-196-480 for natural resource lands. • Consider adding a reference to the WGS Geologic Information Portal in other areas besides the CAO. If you have not checked our interactive database, the WGS Geologic Information Portal, lately, you may wish to do so. Geologic Information Portal I WA- DNR • If you have not checked out our Geologic Planning page, you may wish to do so. Geologic Planning I WA- DNR Thank you for considering our comments. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me. For your convenience, if there are no concerns or follow-up discussion, you may consider these comments to be final as of the 60-day comment deadline of 1/11/24. Cheerio, Tricia Tricia R. Sears (she/her/hers) Geologic Planning Liaison Washington Geological Survey (WGS) Page 3 of 4 Attachment 3 Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Cell: 360-628-2867 1 Email: tricia.sears(2dnr.wa.gov Page 4 of 4 ATTACHMENT 4 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 1011 Plum Street SE•PO Box 42525. Olympia, Washington 98504-2525• (360) 725-4000 www.commerce.wa.gov 11/13/2024 Ms. Marissa Watson Senior Planner Mason County 411 N 5th Street Shelton, WA 98332 Sent Via Electronic Mail Re: Mason County--2024-S-7732--60-day Notice of Intent to Adopt Amendment Dear Ms. Watson: Thank you for sending the Washington State Department of Commerce (Commerce)the 60-day Notice of Intent to Adopt Amendment as required under RCW 36.70A.106. We received your submittal with the following description. Proposed Mason County Countywide Planning Policies update and amendment as part of the periodic update. We received your submittal on 11/12/2024 and processed it with the Submittal ID 2024-S-7732. Please keep this letter as documentation that you have met this procedural requirement. Your 60-day notice period ends on 01/11/2025. We have forwarded a copy of this notice to other state agencies for comment. Please remember to submit the final adopted amendment to Commerce within ten days of adoption. If you have any questions, please contact Growth Management Services at reviewteam@commerce.wa.gov, or call Carol Holman, (360) 725-2706. Sincerely, Review Team Growth Management Services Page: 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NUMBER ORDINANCE ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO THE MASON COUNTY COUNTYWIDE PLANNING POLICIES WHEREAS, the Washington State Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A.130) requires each county, including Mason County, to take legislative action to review and revise its comprehensive plan and development regulations to ensure that the plan and regulations continue to comply with the requirements of the Act; and WHEREAS, the County is in the process of updating the comprehensive plan through the periodic review process and according to the deadline outlined by RCW 36.70A.130(5)(b); and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 36.70A.210, the County legislative authority must adopt countywide planning policies in cooperation with the city; and WHEREAS, under RCW 36.70A.210, countywide planning policies are written policy statements used solely for establishing a countywide framework from which county and city comprehensive plans are developed and adopted ensuring that city and county comprehensive plans are consistent; and WHEREAS, on June 27, 2024 a draft Countywide Planning Policies document was reviewed by County staff and Fire Districts with recommendations provided by invitees; and WHEREAS, on July 11, 2024 a revised draft Countywide Planning Policies document was also reviewed by state agencies, PUDs, tribes, ports, the Economic Development Council, and the City of Shelton; and WHEREAS, on August 19, 2024 the Mason County Planning Advisory Commission held a work session to review the Countywide Planning Policies draft based on input provided by stakeholders during the June 27, 2024 and July 11, 2024 meetings; and WHEREAS, on October 7, 2024 the Mason County Planning Advisory Commission held a duly advertised public hearing to review the draft Countywide Planning Policies,staff presentation, public comment received prior to and during the hearing, and to deliberate; and WHEREAS, on November 6, 2024 the Mason County Planning Advisory Commission held a duly advertised special meeting to continue the public hearing from October 7, 2024; and WHEREAS, after review and discussion of the public comment the Planning Advisory Commission made revisions to the draft Countywide Planning Policies and made a motion to recommend to the Board of County Commissioners the approval of the Mason County Countywide Planning Policies as amended; and WHEREAS, the amendments remove non-policy language for placement in other chapters of the Comprehensive plan, clarify the previously adopted policies, incorporate public comment and reflect changes in the Growth Management Act; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners considered the updated Policies at a duly advertised public hearing on January 21, 2025; and WHEREAS,the Board of County Commissioners took public testimony from interested parties, considered all the written and oral arguments,testimony and comments presented; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners also considered the Staff Report and recommendations of the Mason County Planning Advisory Commission; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners find that the amendments to the Mason County Countywide Planning Policies complies with all applicable requirements of the Growth Management Act, the Comprehensive Plan, and the Mason County Code, and that it is in the best public interest; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED, the Mason County Board of Commissioners hereby approves and ADOPTS amendments to the Mason County Countywide Planning Policies as shown in Attachment 1 effective January 21, 2025. DATED this day of 2025. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON ATTEST: Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: Sharon Trask, Commissioner Tim Whitehead, Chief DPA Pat Tarzwell, Commissioner z