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10-84 - Res. Budget Transfer County Department Fund
RESOLUTION NO. 10-84 BUDGET TRANSFER - MASON COUNTY WHEREAS, a request has been received from the _Counter Departments for a transfer of funds; and WHEREAS, there are funds available within the County Departments budget to accommodate said transfer; and WHEREAS, the request appears to be reasonable and necessary; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Mason County Commissioners that the following amount (s) be transferred: SEE ATTACHMENT A $41, 079 . 79 From $41, 079 . 79 To BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mason County Auditor be authorized to make the necessary transfer entries on the ledger cards affecting the County Department fund. DATED this 16th day of January , 19 84 • BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON a" i A Chairman Commission Commissioner ATTEST: Clerk of the Board xc : Auditor Cmmr s Treasurer Accounting Dept (2) ATTACHMENT "A" FROM 514-21-31 Office Supplies $638 . 53 514-21-32 Photo Supplies 1, 000. 00 511-60-20 Benefits 40. 80 511-60-31 Office Supplies 795 . 15 511-60-43 Travel 640. 75 511-60-44 Advertising 685 . 14 511-60-45 ER&R 640 . 00 511-60-46 Insurance Bond 21. 00 511-60-48 Maintenance 100 . 00 511-60-64 Office Equipment 36 . 24 512-40-41 Professional Services 850. 00 523-30-20 Benefits 300 . 00 523-30-41 Professional Services 1, 071. 43 575-10-41 Professional Serivices 2 , 324 . 51 575-10-47 Utilities 2 , 000 . 00 527-10-10 Salary 207. 68 519-90-00 Insurance 5 , 162 . 89 521-10-44 Advertising 227 . 58 521-10-42 Communication 275 . 52 521-10-64 Machinery & Equipment 1, 952 . 64 521-10-43 Travel 48. 39 521-20-45 Rentals ER&R 2 , 887. 49 523-60-42 Communications 835 . 53 523-60-41 Professional Services 1, 016 . 00 523-60-42 Travel 1, 421. 96 515-21-41 Professional Services 260. 00 512-25-41 Professional Services 1, 769 . 77 514-22-66 Burrough Rental 1, 137 . 36 514-22-42 Communciations 454 . 67 514-22-31 Office Supplies 22 . 03 514-22-43 Travel 151. 41 514-22-49 Miscellaneous 5 . 19 514-36-00 Vacation & Sick 2 , 145 . 45 573-90-41 Professional Services 26 . 00 562-00-41 Professional Serivices 125 . 04 514-32-45 Printing & Binding 5, 660 . 96 525-60-45 Rentals 825 . 00 575-40-41 Professional Services 1, 061. 04 501-37-65 Construction Projects 1, 273 . 11 573-80-41 Professional Services 250. 35 562-00-41 Professional Services 75 . 00 571-21-10 Salaries 14 . 87 571-21-20 Personal Benefits 64 . 61 571-21-32 Demo Supplies 9 . 90 571-21-43 Travel Expense 196 . 81 571-21-48 Repair/Maintenance 31. 60 571-21-66 Capitalized Lease-Copier 13 . 48 514-60-36 Vacation Pay 326 . 91 TO 514-21-10 Salaries 1, 200 . 00 514-21-20 Benefits 400 . 00 514-21-43 Travel 28. 45 514-21-48 Machine Maintenance 10 . 08 511-6 0-10 Salaries 2 , 4 8 9 . 7 0 511-60-49 Miscellaneous 469 . 38 512-40-10 Salaries 750. 00 512-40-31 office Supplies 100 . 00 523-30-10 Salaries & Wages 615 . 00 523-30-43 Travel 756. 43 575-10-10 Salaries 3 , 375 . 99 575-10-2.0 Benefits 843 . 18 575 .-10-31A Operating Supplies 105 . 34 527-10-20 Benefits 207 . 68 514-23-31 State Auditor 668. 84 514-36-00 Vacation & Sick Pay 4 , 494 . 05 521-10-10 Wages & Salaries 323 . 91 521-10-20 Benefits 1, 985 . 33 521-10-31 Supplies 194 . 89 521-20-20 Benefits 2 , 887 . 49 523-60-31 Supplies 835 . 53 523-60-50 Care & Custody ( Female ) 1, 016 . 00 523-60-20 Benefits 511. 23 523-60-10 Wages 910. 73 515-21-42 Communications 150. 00 563-20-49 Miscellaneous 110 . 00 512-22-49 Miscellaneous 449 . 28 512-26-41 Professional Services 1, 257 . 95 512-26-43 Transportation 62 . 54 514-22-20 Benefits 1, 200 . 00 514-22-10 Salaries 2 , 655 . 00 514-22-44 Advertising 61. 11 573-90-72 Warrant Interest 25 . 00 573-90-42 Communications 1. 00 562-00-10 Salaries 125 . 01 562-00-31 Office Supplies . 03 514-32-44 Advertising 71. 17 514-32-49B Contractual Services 5, 589 . 79 525-60-10 Salaries 300 . 00 525-60-20 Benefits 525 . 00 575-40-44 Advertising 261. 95 575-40-47 Utilities 186 . 05 575-40-62 Buildings 613 . 04 501-37-42 Communications 1, 273 . 11 573-80-42 Communications 32 . 86 573-80-47 Utilities 217 . 49 562-00-43 Travel 75 . 00 571-21-31 Office Suplies 40. 03 571-21-42 Communications 291. 24 571-21-10 Salaries 326 . 91