HomeMy WebLinkAbout104-86 - Res. County Road Load Restrictions Emergency Closing Orders -- `~ RESOLUTION NO. I04-86 COUNTY ROAD LOAD RESTRICTIONS EMERGENCY CLOSING ORDERS ` NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the emergency provisions of RCW 30.75.270 and RCW 46,44,080, all MdSOA COUOtv Roads are hereby immediately subject to closure for travel by all vehicles exceeding the weight and/or speed limits as listed herein for d period of 130 days from this date. (Note: The Board may suspend Or extend the closure on any County Road by independent action according to the prevailing C0DditiOOS. \ THIS ORDER shall supersede for the period designated any previous Order in conflict herewith, provided that this order shall not supersede or modify any restrictions now in force covering load limits on bridges located UpOO the above described county roads. TheCUUDtv Roads posted with the following load restrictions are closed to all VehiC]83 the gross weight (vehicles and load) Of which exceeds the following load limits for the size Of tires as stated in WAC 468-38-080 and as set forth below: LOAD RESTRICTIONS CONVENTIONAL TIRES TUBELESS Gross Load Gross Load Tire Size Each Tire i S Each Tire 7.00 ` 1800 lh3. 8-22.5 2250 ]b6 . 7.50 2250 lb3. 9~22.5 2800 lbs. 8,25 2800 lbs. 10-22.5 3400 lbs' 9.00 3400 lb3- 11-22.5 4000 lb5, 10.00 4000 lb3, 1I-24.5 4000 lbI. 11.00 4500 lbS. 12-22.5 4600 lbS. 12.00 & over 4500 lbs. 12-24.5 & over 4500 lbS. EMERGENCYQ RESTRICTIONS CONVENTIONAL TIRES MARKING 8rOSS Load Gross Load Tire Size Each Tire Tire Size Each Tire 7.00 1800 lbs. 8-22.5 1800 lbS. 7.50 1800 lbS. 9-22.5 I900 lbs. 8.25 1800 lb3. I0-22.5 2250 ]b6. 9,00 2258 lbS. 11 -22,5 2750 lbs. 10.00 2750 lbS, 11-24.5 2750 lbS. 11.00 & over 3000 lbS, 12-22,5 & over 3000 ]b3. In accordance with RCW 36,75,270 and RCW 46-44,080, these emergency restrictions may be imposed effective immediately, by posting the roads involved. When imposing \Odd restrictions pursuant to this resolution, the Mason C0Unb/ Road Department shall specify and display by posted signs, whichever Of the above schedules of load restrictions is necessary to protect the COUDtv Road from damage. NO allowance shall be made for any S8C0Dd gear axle suspended from the frame of the vehicle independent of the regular driving axle, otherwise known as ''rigid trail " dxle6. Allowance will be made for single tires only OD the front Of any truck. The load distribution UU any axle of a Vehicle shall be such that it will not load the tires on said axles in excess Of the prescribed load, as above sat forth. Any load- ing in excess of t1h8 specified 0dXi0um3 as listed herein will be considered 8 violation Of this Order. If the motive power for any type Of trailer is inadequate to safely handle the specified 0dXi0U0 load as listed herein for such trailer, then in that 8V8Dt° the load on the trailer shall be reduced sufficiently to allow Said truck and trailer 'to operate with safety. ^ ~ -2_ — PERMITS ALLOWING TRANSPORTATION ALONG RESTRICTED ROADS. Permits may be issued by the Mason County Road Department to allow the operation of trucks trans- porting perishable commodities or commodities necessary for the health and welfare of local residents on such county roads, which may be closed or restricted. Such permit may include weight and speed restrictions, plus other restrictions deemed necessary to protect the highway from undo damage. VIOLATION-TRAFFIC INFRACTION. Any violation of these restrictions constitutes an infraction under the provisions of RCW 46.44.105; RCW 46.44.080. Any person found to have violated any posted limitations of a highway or section of highway shall be assessed a monetary penalty of not less than one hundred and fifty dollars. CIVIL LIABILITY PENALTY. Violators are also subject to civil liability for the damage caused by such violations as provided under RCW 46.44.110 and RCW 46.44.120 POSTING ROAD CLOSURES. The County Road Engineer or Road Supervisor in and for said Mason County is delegated the authority in the absence of said Board of County Commissioners, and with their permission to close any and all County Roads from time to time whenever ire deems it necessary to protect and maintain said roads; but that he shall , before closing said County Roads, post notices of such closing at each end of said road, for the purpose of giving due notice to the public of said closure of road or roads. THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY hereby resolves to place the above described Load Restrictions and Emergency Closing Orders in effect immediately and the county road purpose described herein is declared a public necessity and the County Road Engineer shall be and is hereby ordered and authorized to proceed as prescribed by law. ADOPTED this 4th day of November 1986 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON 7 6 Zman ` Member em r ATTEST: Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: Prosecuting Attorney cc: Cmmrs. Auditor Engineer Prosecutor Publish: 1 Time: 11/20/86 (Bill Road Dept. )