HomeMy WebLinkAbout141-91 - Res. Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of Shelton and Mason CountyRESOLUTION 141-91 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SHELTON AND MASON COUNTY The memorandum of Understanding is made by and between the City of Shelton and Mason County. WHEREAS, the City of Shelton and Mason County have chosen to participate in Growth Management efforts as mandated by the State of Washington through the Growth Management Act of 1990; and WHEREAS, it is the belief of the undersigned jurisdictions that efforts made toward regionali7ation of planning issues will encourage a more smooth and coordinated planning process and more compatible land uses; and WHEREAS, Mason County and the City of Shelton recognize that planning under the Growth Management Act requires a series of mutually agreed -upon planning policies that establishes a framework for local adoption of comprehensive plans and development regulations; and WHEREAS, Mason County and the City of Shelton have established a policy framework process that ensures consistency in our respective comprehensive plans; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Shelton City Commission and the Mason County Board of Commissioners that the attached document is established as the City of Shelton and Mason County policy framework process. Agreed this 19 th day of September, 1991 Signed this th day of December, 1991 CITY OF SHFT.TON MASON COUNTY Mayor Jaros Chairperson Hunter Commissioner Kneeland Commissioner Gibson Commissioner Ruhl Commissioner Porter City Clerk County Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM APPROVED AS TO FORM City Attorney Mason County Prosecutor uL i-15-1991 19:02 F r<2M NPRC 9ENTTLE 206 467 1640 TO 4110391877594 3 F, 0:; FIRST DRAFT 10/15/91 Memorandum of Understanding between the Skokomiah Tribe and Mason County The Memorandum of Underitanding is made by and between the Skokomish Tribe ("the Tribe"), a federally recognized tribe in the state of Washington and Mason County ("the County”), a political subdivision of the state of Washington. The Tribe and the County, after a meeting on September 19 1991, have indicated mutual interest in developing a government -to -government relationship with each other which will enable cooperation, on a wide variety of intergovernmental issues. The Tribe and the County recognize that a cooperative government -to - government relationship will benefit their respective constituents and minimize jurisdictional and regulatory conflict. the is ofdtheg1990 WashingtonPStatedGring owthfMana e and implementationpace with timplementationTribe excercises jurisdictional authority onnthecSkokomfehause the Reservation and holds proprietary treaty rights throughout the county, both parties recognize a particular need for coordination and cooperation with respect to lard use planning and regulatory issues, The Tribe and the County, therefore, agree to establish a consisting of Of: : representatives of the Mason County Commission and . -laZSkokomish Tribal Council. A rrepresentativeeofrtheesentativNorthwests of the Renewable Resources Center will serve as 000rdirrator and facilitator. The SrR/��i1 r�mrrii �® will jointly explore issues of mutual concern. Such iseuea of mutual concern will be identified as the first task of the The group/rP_rm/rnme„ti - will develop recommendations, both substantive and procedural, for addressing issues of mutual concern and bring such recommendations forward for consideration by the parties within threersix months of the execution of this agreement. Each party agrees to commit adequate resources and staff to permit completion of this effort in the time frame outlined. parties together may pursue funding for this effort through Growth Management Act implementation revenue sources. Nothing in this agreement limits or waives the jurisdiction or regulatory authority of either party. SEPTEMBER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning - Landfill - Utilities CITY - COUNTY PLANNING POLICY TIMELINE Determine process framework. OCTOBER - DECEMBER Staff will establish contact with each group and ascertain a liaison representative, identify key issues and concerns, decide on meeting schedules, and meeting locations. Staff will collect existing goals and policy statements already generated by_ identified groups. FEBRUARY - MARCH MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY A review and revision period with informal briefings and two formal joint meeting with elected officials. 3 informational meetings with joint County Commissioners and City Commissioners with policy around the county with large amounts of advertising inviting Special Governments. A formal review period by all policy making bodies. City and Planning Commission will receive the final draft for review. This month will be devoted to public hearings. The Board of County Commissioners will review and adopt before July 1, 1992. The City and Tribes will issue a Memorandum of Understanding. The planning policies to ensure consistency are in place. Gary Yando, Director of Community Development ® Erik Fairchild, Planning Director Mason County Bldg. III • 426 W. Cedar • P. O. Box 578 • Shelton, WA 98584 • (206) 427-9670 Recycled ii FRAMEWORK FOR ESTABLIS COUNTY -WIDE PLANNING POLICIES FOR A TWELVE STEP APPROACH Special Gov't SPECIAL GO,,/ERNMENTS F'HD Fire, District:_: school Districts Fort Districts Hospital Districts ts ',,,Pater Districts RF'TU PTBA TRIBES k:ok:omi sh '_qua.,in island MOU LI PAC� ' '=;T,FF F'0L1,='r MAKERS PC PH PC Planning Commissioners BCC Board of County Commissioners MOU Memorandum of Understanding G ASON Co C i S C . PH 11i i_ELLANEi iL Housing Authority =enirr LrciLips Econ. De . Council Chamber of Comm. Public: 'ti/ork:L: Dept Budget Director Planniq Dept. I_ity Fire Dept. County Fire Marsh. Parks Department Criminal Justice PH Public Hearing CC City Commissioners 1) Establish Liaison - Staff will establish a liaison person with each special group. 2) Collect Data - Research data, policy, needs assessments, etc. in order to clarify issues. 3) Meetings - Identify key issues to be addressed in the draft. 4) Staff Drafts - Staff will take information gathered from meetings and other resources available to create a draft document. 5) Comments from Liaison - The draft will be presented to the liaisons to review for accuracy. 6) Informal Briefings with the Board of County Co ssioners and City Commissioners - Commissioners will review the draft "informally" and will make recommendations for revisions. 7) Formal Joint Briefing - The draft will then be reviewed by all policy making bodies for further input into the document. 8) Staff Revisions - Staff will add revisions into the Policy Document Draft. 9) Formal Review by Policy -Makers - This step provides an opportunity for further input and revisions into the document. Liaison representatives will brief their board(s) to provide an opportunity for final input into the document. 10) Formal City/County Review - Commissioners will participate in a joint meeting to review/incorporate input into the Policy Document. 11) Planning Commission - Will review drafts and make final revisions to the draft. 12) Public Hearing - Will address final issues that need to be addressed or revised prior to the final adoption.