HomeMy WebLinkAbout106-92 - Res. Parking Restrictions Shelton Matlock Road & Highland Road RESOLUTION NO. [(_4­ " ' -, PARKING RESTRICTIONS SHELTON MATLOCK ROAD - #90100 HIGHLAND ROAD - #04450 WHEREAS, citizens have expressed concerns regarding a traffic hazard that exists due to vehicles parking on county right-of-way on the Shelton Matlock Road (County Road No. 90100) and the Highland Road (County Road No. 04450) ; and, WHEREAS, said parking on county right-of-way at this location is seasonal; occupied by commercial mushroom buyers from approxi- mately September through mid-December; and, WHEREAS, the Mason County Department of Public Works have requested the Board of Mason County Commissioners to restrict parking at the Shelton Matlock Road and Highland Road intersection; and, WHEREAS, a public hearing was held and comments were received; and, WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the public and public safety to restrict parking on the Shelton Matlock Road and Highland Road. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that no parking shall be allowed on the Shelton Matlock Road and Highland Road, at the following locations : a) On the south side of the Shelton Matlock Road, 350 feet East and 500 feet West of the Highland Road intersection. b) On the Highland Road, from the intersection with the Shelton Matlock Road south for 200 feet, on both sides. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Engineer is hereby directed to fabricate and erect the necessary signing in conformity herewith. DATED this 13th day of October, 1992 . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON LAURA E. PORTER, Chairperson WILLIAM 0. HUNTER, Commissioner r �e J EL R. MYER, ti`C mmissioner ATTEST: ��. °�' Rebecca S . Rogers C `erk of the Board A� PROVED A$$,, TO FORM: Prosecuting Attorney CC: Cmmrs County Engineer Traffic Engineer Sheriff (Rd. Deputy) SCV H:\WP\TRAFFIC\9010.RES 4 x ®� ; o ' Q _1 Qp141 U � / w ® p cn CL LJ Ob OS QD lg� � • Sbb �, _ cy; i � e f� Co 0. Co `0 !� In NOU d) - 1 tu v �9CqO � b f -1 rn x Z LLJ // rT d �y. r r