HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023/10/03 - Commissioner Retreat Packet Board of Mason County Commissioners Commissioners'Retreat Public Works 100 W Public Works Dr, Shelton, WA 98584 October 3, 2023 AW 9:00 a.m. Our Commission meetings are live streamed at http://www.masonwebtv.com/ Effective May 10,2022,regular Commission business meetings will be held in-person and via Zoom. Please click the Zoom meeting link posted on the Mason County homepage and use the"raise hand"feature to be recognized by the Chair to provide your comments and testimony. Public comment and testimony can be provided in-person,and you can also e-mail msmithgmasoncountywa.gov;mail in to the Commissioners'Office at 411 N 5'St,Shelton,WA 98584;or call (360)427-9670 ext.419. If you need to listen to the Commission meeting via telephone,please provide your telephone number to the Commissioners'Office no later than 4:00 p.m.the Friday before the meeting. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Public Comment 4. 2023 Goal Updates and 2024 Goals: a. Community Development b. Public Health c. Public Works—Utilities &Waste d. Public Works—Roads e. Human Resources f. Support Services 5. Adjournment Community Development Comments Project Name Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update/Environmental Impact Statemenl County Wide Planning Policies(Shelton) Public Participation Plan Required GMA Elements pital Facilities Plan(Cap Facilities Element+Cap Imp Program] Docketing Process EIS Mitigation(Fire,Schools,Transportation Short Term Rental Regulations Amendments(2021 ICC adoption)(Building/Planning Fee Update] DONE rocedures Manual update(Subdivision/FPA Planner position) DONE Fire Marshal—Long Term program 2024-2025 Fire Investigation Contract Title 8;8.16 SEPA rules update(consistent with State) Scanning/Archiving(underway and ongoing) Subdivision(PLT/LLS/BLA/DPC)Archives Title 15 Amendments(Enforcement section) Public Health 2023 Update Bring WIC&Women's Health Clini c back to south Mason WIC contract secured.Phase one is underway with supplies purchased and 1 County position descriptions complete. Hiring underway. Connection to City water project grant application complete;design work has Evergreen Estates begun.The project continues to evolve as access to sewer is more probable 2 now. Explore options for Capital projects Just received approval(9/23)to use FPHS funds for rent but not construction 3 or purchase. 4 SmartGov staffing Still working with SmartGov for improvement 5 Eliminate briefing for filling openings in existing positions Done Create code enforcement section Improved coordination and have added an additional staff to support solid 6 waste 7 Build new county website Done: https:Hhealthymasoncounty.com/ 8 Analyze non-rep postions In progress Implement County-wid a electronic employee evaluation In progress with HR 9 process 10 Create employee recognition program Not complete 11 Review,adjust,and adopt 2015 drought response plan Not complete 12 Review and adopt organization of the Board of Health Complete with the exception of term limits On-going.Now Mason County Public Health and Human Services 21aunch Re-brand public health following COVID and maintain re-branded Public Health&Human Services website,social media,and"Vlog"for health education,program promotion,and to showcase 13 Public Health"in action" Transition staffing COVID staff have been reassigned into traditional PH work areas(emergency 14 response,communication,epidemiology,chronic disease) Inventory public water systems and incorporate into Capital In Progress.Working with Mott McDonald on WRIA 14 plan 15 Facilities section of the Comprehensive Plan 16 Implement a drinking water section into County code Code revision continuing 17 WRIA 14 study Nearly complete EH additional Revised EH Building Permit Policy -Contract signed with Inspect2GO for food Inspector Software -Responded to reports of Algae Blooms in Lakes -Amended MCC Title 15 to comply with State PSEA fee requirements -Onsite Sewage Advisory Committee Bylaws amended and approved by Board of Health. -Brady Trucking Aerated Compost Facility permitted and fully operational. -Major solid waste sites abated. -50%of Sewage cases corrected and closed -Translated Food Establishment Application to Spanish(21 page document) -EH hosted Oscar X02(new septic technology)training for septic service providers -First in-person septic homeowner workshop since 2019. -Added 1FTE to our Solid Waste Code Enforcement program. -Produced our first annual Water Quality Report for the Clean Water District. Admin Additional Completed implementation of Permitium online Community Health Additional 2021 CHA published on healthymasoncounty.com Presentation of current gaps and recommendations for the 2022-2026 CHIP presented to the Health Coalition Executive Committee WIC Coordinator/Certifier position being posted on 9/27 I. Training and onboarding to occur October—December Target start date to begin serving clients January 2024 In the interim,supplies,equipment,and furniture ordered and ready for launch Working with epidemiologist to evaluate pilot program data and design proposals/parameters for permanent programs New contracts and programs launching in January 2024 a working with epidemiologist to establish key performance indicators 2024 goals Hire permanent Community Health Specialist to manage contracts under Housing&Homelessness and Behavioral Health. Position will specialize in Coordinated Entry,engaging both homeless crisis services providers and behavioral health service providers,to strengthen our local system and provide enhanced wrap around services to clients. Social media content scheduled throughout the year;annual calendar being developed and"Public Health in Layman's Terms"Blog being planned,which will feature staff highlights, interviews,and photos/videos of staff in action in the field Impact Reports published on healthymasoncounty.com Impact Reports presented to BOH,BoCC,Housing&Behavioral Health Advisory Board Establish teams within public health:1)Housing&Behavioral Health,2)Health Education&Outreach,and 3)Registered Nurses to ensure coordination,collaboration,and coverage of programs. Hire a permanent Community Health Specialist to manage contracts under Housing&Homelessness and Behavioral Health.The position will specialize in Coordinated Entry, engaging both homeless crisis services providers and behavioral health service providers,to strengthen our local system and provide enhanced wrap-around services to clients. Full online permitting services for all permit types #of completed online permit submittals Full online Sewage Contractor Licenses #of completed online initial applications and renewals Train new hires thoroughly in their assigned programs within New staff able to handle 90%of duties without supervisor input. 6mo of hire Revise and amend MCC 6.64 Group B Water System Regulations and revise associated policy for consistency Revised policy approved by BoH. Revised policy approved by BoH Implement New Food Program Inspection Software Inspections completed using new software. Inspection Reports available online Revise and amend MCC 6.68 Water Adequacy regulations for consistency with RCW 90.94. Revise policy for to suite changes. Revised code adopted by BoCC Amend MCC to allow county abatement of solid waste without lien of property taxes Revised abatement code adopted by BoCC. Provide incentive for staff to attain RS/REHS Signed and approved revised position descriptions Clean-up and revise MCC Title 6 regulations for clarity and consistency and to bridge gaps in coverage. Code revisions approved by BoCC Increase number of solid waste facilities inspected Number of facilities inspected Create new Assistant/Deputy EH Manager,develop PD,and fill position Assistant/Deputy EH Manager hired. Clean Water District Advisory Committee bylaws drafted and approved by Board of Health Approved bylaws by BoH Mason County Public Works- Utilities 9/27/2023 Mission• Mason County Utilities and Waste Management is responsible for managing water, wastewater and solid waste facilities in the unincorporated areas of Mason County. This includes operations of the Rustlewood and Beards Cove water systems and the Rustlewood, North Bay/Case Inlet, and Belfair water reclamation/sewer collection and treatment facilities. The Division also manages solid waste, recycling and household hazardous waste collection at the Union, Hoodsport and Belfair Drop Box stations and at the Eells Hill Transfer Station near Shelton. The 2024 budget for the Mason County Public Works Utilities Division was prepared to be consistent with the budget instructions from the Commissioners. It includes: • Utility rates/fee increases: o Solid Waste rate increases are tied to expected increases in transportation and disposal, net effect to overall budget 4%, as well as a general inflationary increase of 2%factored in for expected price increases. o Wastewater: proposed rate increases were derived based on actual Utility need and the desire to work towards becoming financially solvent while maintaining affordability to the best of our ability. o Water: proposed new methodology and rate structure which promotes equity among customers and encourages resource conservation. • Continued REET funds for payment of debt and facility improvements for Belfair and Rustlewood systems. • Operation and maintenance costs to improve Belfair, North Bay, and Rustlewood sewer systems. • Capital Improvements to upgrade biological process control as well as supervisory command and data acquisition reliability at the Belfair WRF, replace tipping floor and the outer station booths, as well as replacing the aged AC water pipe and associated valving in Beards Cove.The System plan for the NBCI will be updated as well as Rustlewood. Page 1 of 13 Mason County Public Works- Utilities 9/27/2023 Fund 402 —Solid Waste Mission: The Solid Waste Division operates the main transfer station at Eells Hill, as well as three satellite drop-box stations at Belfair, Hoodsport and Union. Over 50,000 Tons of wastes from all over Mason County are handled each year at these facilities. Additionally, Household Hazardous Waste is accepted at the main Eells Hill Transfer Station and the drop-box stations accept used oil and antifreeze. 2023 Accomplishments: • Added additional open days to each site. Shelton is now open 7 days/week and Belfair is open 5 days/week. All stations are open Saturdays and Sundays. • Received new Yard Goats. • Ordered and received a new roll-off truck. • Improved solid waste compaction for transport with the clamshell/compactor attachment for the excavator/loader. Resulting so far in an estimated trip reduction of 29 loads this year.This calculates into an estimated savings of$43,716 to date on transport costs. o This year we purchased a second Clamshell/compactor attachment so there are no lapses in our ability to maximize the capacity of each trailer that is loaded. • Cleared the site of excess brush. • Staff replaced the stairways at Hoodsport. • Implemented new physical security measures at our Eels Hill facility. Added another security coded door. • Continue to work with the Treasurer's office to update and train employees on improved Cash Handling Procedures and policies. • Recruited enough new SWAC members to maintain a quorum. • Worked with Parametrix to facilitate all required testing and site access. 2024 Goals: • Continue to work closely with MC Health, WA DOE and Parametrix to satisfy all remaining requirements for"Post-Closure Care and Monitoring". o Expect to get final report for this testing cycle early in 2024 for review and submittal to WA DOE. Approval to end post-closure responsibilities to follow. • Continue to build on the work efficiencies we have recognized over the past year, provide excellent customer service, and improve our facilities to make them safer and more reliable. • County will continue to implement required activities associated with our CROP (Contamination Reduction and Outreach Plan) in concert with the SWAC (Solid Waste Advisory Committee). • Replace all outer station operator stations. • Purchase new skid steer w/attachments to consistently maintain the site. Page 2 of 13 Mason County Public Works- Utilities 9/27/2023 • Evaluate customer flow patterns and capacity regarding commercial and residential traffic at the Eels Hill facility; Optimize existing infrastructure and plan for future improvements. • Research Household Hazardous Waste operations to include present and future capacity needs. • Seek funding sources for capital work through grants or low-interest loans. • Remove and replace existing asphalt tipping floor surface with a new concrete deck. Budget Savings: • Staff continue to work diligently to achieve optimal weight for containers transported via our long-haul contract. This results in savings to the County for disposal. • We continue experience savings through coordination and cooperation by the Road Department and ER&R: o tackling equipment needs and repairs, as old equipment has failed. o The Road department came and assisted Solid Waste staff with another hole in our tipping floor,this extended the useful life until the entire tipping floor can be replaced with a more durable concrete surface. o PW Engineering has provided a construction estimate based on the proposed use. Budget Issues• • As part of our Solid Waste System Capital Improvement Needs Assessment, our consultant identified significant improvements that are needed. It will be important to prioritize and carefully select and deliver the work that will provide the most benefit for the cost. • The volume of waste our Eells Hill Facility is receiving is increased substantially, 24.2%+ compared to 2020 figures. As the County grows in population and businesses,waste volume will increase to the point that a larger facility will be needed. The current tipping fee structure generates enough revenue for operational expenses and some repairs, but is not enough to fund an expanded facility without outside funding. If state funds are not available,the County may need to increase tipping fees higher to fund the new facility. Page 3 of 13 Mason County Public Works- Utilities 9/27/2023 Personnel Summary: The proposed 2024 Organizational Chart looks like: Public Works Director Deputy Director/U&W Manager Solid Waste Program Manager Solid Waste Attendant Solid Waste Operators (6) (5) Page 4 of 13 Mason County Public Works- Utilities 9/27/2023 Fund 403 — North Bay Sewer Mission: This division operates and maintains the North Bay Wastewater Reclamation Facility, as well as the collection system in the Allyn area, with over 1,200 residential and commercial connections. 2023 Accomplishments: • Utilization of SmartGov and improved inter-county communication • Operators have taken and passed exams increasing their state certification levels in wastewater. • Improved collections of overdue accounts led to an increase in revenues in 2023. • A new automatic transfer switch installed in the Lakeland pump station emergency generator. • Overflow storage and Effluent storage ponds were emptied in the summer. • Retrained staff on troubleshooting and repairing Grinder pumps. • Rewrote the bulk of Mason County Code Chapter 13 Utilities. • Troubleshot and repaired the TPU pump station electrical issues. • An RFP was published for a Facility plan/General Sewer plan. o Scoping the effort currently. o Will begin the process before the end of the year and continue through 2024. 2024 Goals: • Zero permit violations • Develop new General Sewer/Facility Plan for the NBCI Wastewater Utility • Improve on collection system repairs and maintenance to reduce Inflow and Infiltration(1&1). • Complete Mason County Code revisions make them more "User" friendly and consistent. • Maintain existing staffing levels of seven operators (shared with all utilities) and a water/wastewater manager. • Provide operator flexibility by cross-training operators on different utility systems and allow staff to move into new roles as we have absences or turnovers in the workforce. • Complete required maintenance projects that have been deferred. o sprayfield maintenance • Prepare all reporting documents to maintain our permits. • Improve operation of plant to meet all State Permit requirements; • Provide all documentation needed for State Audits; • Repair and/or replace all pumps out of service at lift stations or at the plant. • Provide input to the GSP/FP rewrite. Page 5 of 13 Mason County Public Works- Utilities 9/27/2023 Budget Issues• • A new rate and rate structure need to be agreed upon and implemented. • Increases in repair costs are expected as old parts are replaced. • Pump repairs/replacements at some lift stations will be needed. • Flow and loadings coming into the plant are nearing the level where Ecology will require the County to plan for plant expansion. o Staff will be more aggressive inspecting and identifying sources of inflow and infiltration. Personnel Summary: The proposed 2024 Organizational Chart for all water and wastewater systems looks like: Public Works Director Deputy Director of Public Works-Utilities Water/Wastewater Manager CS&W Operators(7) Building Maintenance/Remodel Requests: • System upgrades that are needed have been budgeted as repairs within the fund and will be completed by contractors selected through appropriate procurement processes.These include: o Valve and pump repairs. o Identified spray field repairs. o Electrical and control repairs/corrections Page 6 of 13 Mason County Public Works- Utilities 9/27/2023 Fund 411 — Rustlewood Water and Sewer Mission: This division operates and maintains the Rustlewood Wastewater Treatment Plant and the collection system in the Rustlewood area,with 145 connections. Additionally,this division operates and maintains the drinking water system in Rustlewood with 145 connections. 2023 Accomplishments: • Utilization of SmartGov and improved inter-county communication • Maintained direct communication and working relationship with the RW HOA • Performed source water testing. • Assisted WA DOH with a Sanitary Survey of the potable water system. • Installed new PRV replacement in the drinking water system. • Purchased new reservoir inspection equipment. • Installation of the final few water meters at Rustlewood is in process and will be completed by the end of November 2023. • Improved collections of overdue accounts led to an increase in revenues in. • Completed consumer confidence report for the system and mailed to all customers. • Rewrote the bulk of Mason County Code Chapter 13. Utilities. • Assisted in the development of a new water consumption-based rate structure that promotes equity among customers and water conservation with as minimal of an impact as possible. 2024 Goals: • Improve on the current level of efficiency through improved plant and collection system repairs and maintenance. • Provide operator flexibility by continuing to train and cross-train operators on different utility systems and allow staff to provide operational redundancy. • Implement new rate structure from flat rate to one based on consumption. • Prepare all reporting documents to maintain our permits. Budget Issues• • The rate revenues received by customers do not pay for all the expenses of the water and sewer systems, requiring REET 2 funds to pay for debt and capital improvements. • Installation of the final few water meters will be complete by end of year 2023. Development of a rate based on consumption is has occurred and will be presented to the BOCC for approval for implementation. Page 7 of 13 Mason County Public Works- Utilities 9/27/2023 Personnel Summary: The proposed 2024 Organizational Chart looks like: Public Works Director Deputy Director of Public Works-Utilities Water/Wastewater Manager CS&W Operators(7) Page 8 of 13 Mason County Public Works- Utilities 9/27/2023 Fund 412— Beards Cove Water Mission: This division operates and maintains the Beards Cove drinking water system with over 450 connections. 2023 Accomplishments: • Utilization of SmartGov and improved inter-county communication • Completed Sanitary Survey with WA DOH. o Deficiencies noted in survey have all been corrected. • System met all Washington Department of health testing and reporting requirements in 2022. • Operators improved their certification levels by passing state examinations. • Completed installation of water service meters for all connections. • Completed new consumer confidence report for the system and mailed to all customers. 2024 Goals: • Improve the current level of efficiency through improved system repairs and maintenance. Provide operator flexibility by cross-training operators on different utility systems and allow staff to move into new roles as we have turnover in the workforce. • Replace the AC pipe and associated piping in the intersection of Larson Lake Rd and Larson Rd. in partnership with the Roads dept who wishes to address the complaints associated with this intersection. • Prepare all reporting documents to maintain our permit. • Provide all documentation needed for State Audits. • Meet all water quality testing and reporting requirements for the system. Budget Issues: • Development of a rate based on consumption is underway and will be presented to the BOCC for approval for implementation. • This should provide better equity in charges by charging large water users more than smaller users. Page 9 of 13 Mason County Public Works- Utilities 9/27/2023 Personnel Summary: The proposed 2024 Organizational Chart looks like: Public Works Director Deputy Director of Public Works-Utilities Water/Wastewater Manager CS&W Operators(7) Page 10 of 13 Mason County Public Works- Utilities 9/27/2023 Fund 413— Belfair Sewer Mission: This division operates and maintains the Belfair Wastewater Reclamation Facility, as well as the collection system in the Belfair area,with about 420 equivalent residential units. 2023 Accomplishments: • Continued utilization of SmartGov and improved inter-county communication. • The bulk of Chapter 17 (Utilities) has been rewritten and is only waiting on rate and rate structure information. • Improved collections of overdue accounts led to an increase in revenues in 2023. • Continue to maintain all components associated with the UV system keeping it functioning in "As-New" condition. • Blowers have been rebuilt. • New pumps have been installed at LS#3 with an additional third pump that can be installed to maintain station redundancy as required. • A third pump has been procured as a backup for Belfair's LS-1 • LS#4 has been built and will be ready to accept flows as soon as the RR crossing is completed. • We have processed over 90 Sewer adequacy applications for the Olympic Ridge development so far this year. • The storage pond was emptied, dried, and inspected this summer. • Engineering interns performed GIS work identifying/mapping some of our assets in the field. 2024 Goals: • Zero discharge violations • Complete sewer extension north to Log Yard Rd. • Inspect and track new connections as they develop. • Update the Control and monitoring system (SCADA) as well as provide redundant Historian capabilities. • Focus on process control. • Provide operator flexibility by cross-training operators on different utility systems and allow staff to move into new roles as we have turnover in the workforce. • Prepare all reporting documents to maintain our permit; Page 11 of 13 Mason County Public Works- Utilities 9/27/2023 Personnel Summary: The proposed 2024 Organizational Chart looks like: Public Works Director Deputy Director of Public Works-Utilities Water/Wastewater Manager CS&W Operators(7) Building Maintenance/Remodel Requests: • Plant upgrades that are needed have been budgeted as capital improvements within the fund and will be completed by contractors selected through appropriate procurement processes. These include: o Various pump, piping, and valve repairs. Page 12 of 13 Mason County Public Works- Utilities 9/27/2023 Fund 428—Solid Waste Post-Closure This fund started at approximately 20+years ago,with the closure of the landfill on Eells Hill Road. Since that time, groundwater monitoring has taken place. In 2017 Ecology and MCPH stated quarterly monitoring for two more years was required before they can decide on landfill closure. Questions still remain regarding the results from the latest ground water monitoring. We are currently in discussion with MCPH and our consultant to map out what the next steps are/will be. Page 13 of 13 TOTAL$S COUNTY>> MASON A TOTAL COSTRUCTION DONE-columns(13)+(14) $ 14,049,825 DATE RECOMMENDED PROG.SUBMITTED August 22,2022 B COMPUTED COUNTY FORCES LIMIT $ 1,260,423 DATE OF FINAL ADOPTION September 27,2022 C TOTAL COUNTY FORCES CONSTRUCTION-(column(14) $ 960,500 ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NO. 2022-063 DATE OF AMENDMENT (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) w o z o f SOURCES OF FUNDS ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES V' ca Q W W (,7 U W W W � = ~ ROAD SEGMENT INFORMATION z z a OTHER FUNDS CONSTRUCTION a Z PROJECT NAME a J Z � COUNTY Q g w H N PE&CE RIGHT OF WAY GRAND TOTAL z W > w > ¢ ROAD PROGRAM 595.10) (595.20) CONTRACT COUNTY Z ~ AMOUNT ( (ALL595) z o z FUNDS SOURCE FORCES d ROAD# ROAD NAME BMP EMP FFC (Miles) d 01 1 Harstine Island Polyester Overlay CRP 2026 30000 Harstine Bridge Road 0.12 0.40 07 0.28 D 1 0 2,237,000 BRAC 0 2,237,000 0 2,237,000 COMPLETED 2023 02 2 Mason Lake Road Improvement Project CRP 2031 52210 Mason Lake Road 5.23 6.23 07 1.00 D E 250,000 550,000 STP 800,000 0 800,000 COMPLETED 2023 03 3 Clear Zone Improvements CRP 2027 Various 14.76 G 1 0 1,427,000 HSIP 1,427,000 1,427,000 COMPLETED 22-2023 04 4 Mason Lake Road Improvement Project#2 52210 Mason Lake Road 6.23 7.83 07 1.60 D E 118,000 692,000 STP 10,000 0 800,000 0 810,000 COMPLETED 2023 05 5 Shelton Valley Road Culvert Replacement 05930 Shelton Valley Road 1.94 2.06 08 0.12 A,L 1 66,700 492,300 RAP 45,904 0 513,096 0 559,000 06 6 Kamilche Point Road Improvement Project 14880 Kamilche Point Road 0.02 2.80 08 2.78 D E 165,250 984,750 STP 10,000 0 1,140,000 1,150,000 07 7 Sunnyside Road Resurfacing Project 42360 Sunnyside Road 1.55 3.45 09 1.90 RC E 95,000 0 0 0 95,000 95,000 COMPLETED 2023 08 8 Toonerville Bridge Replacement 79800 Bear Creek Dewatto Rd. 5.28 5.30 07 0.02 1 1 1,860,000 BRAC 600,000 50,000 1,210,000 1,860,000 09 9 Kelley Hall Road Resurfacing Project 01300 Kelley Hall Road 0.00 1.95 09 1.95 RC E 97,500 0 0 0 97,500 97,500 COMPLETED 2023 10 10 Programmatic Bridge Repair Various 0.00 1 E 65,000 0 10,000 5,000 25,000 25,000 65,000 11 11 County-Wide Small Capital Projects Various 0.00 Other E 100,000 0 10,000 5,000 45,000 40,000 100,000 12 12 Neighborhood Roadway Safety Grants Various 0.00 Other E 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 13 13 Johns Prairie Road/SR 3 Intersection 91720 Johns Prairie Road 3.60 3.77 17 0.17 Other E 55,000 0 15,000 40,000 55,000 DESIGN WORK COMPLETED 14 14 North Fork Goldsborough Bridge Repair 04670 Little Egypt Road 0.34 0.35 09 0.02 1 1 167,000 BRAC 42,000 0 125,000 167,000 15 15 Uncle Johns Lower Culvert 23500 Agate Loop 1.02 1.02 09 0.00 L,A 1 152,000 598,000 FBRB(RCO) 50,000 40,000 660,000 0 750,000 16 16 Sunnyslope Road Resurfacing Project 61950 Sunnyslope Road 0.00 0.55 09 0.55 RC E 30,000 0 30,000 30,000 COMPLETED 2023 17 17 Harstine Island Bridge Column Repairs 30000 Harstine Island Road 0.12 0.40 07 0.28 D 1 315,090 2,684,910 BRAC 740,000 0 2,260,000 0 3,000,000 WAS NOT FUNDED 18 18 Belfair Connector-Log Yard Road E. New Log Yard Road E. 0.00 A,B,D,G S 250,000 0 200,000 50,000 0 0 250,000 ON HOLD FOR WSDOT DESIGN 19 19 Belfair Connector-Romance Hill Road 86500 Romance Hill Road 0.00 A,B,D,G S 100,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 0 100,000 ON HOLD FOR WSDOT DESIGN 20 20 Skokomish Valley Road Reconstruction 41640 Skokomish Valley Road 3.80 4.60 08 0.80 A,B,D,G 1 0 10,000 FbD 10,000 0 0 0 10,000 PERMIT STAGE 21 21 North Island Drive Culvert Replacement 39630 North Island Drive 3.46 3.47 07 0.01 LA 1 320,000 500,000 RAP 125,771 40,000 654,229 0 820,000 PE,ROW COMPLETED 2023 CONST 2024 22 22 Old Belfair Highway Improvement Project 98250 Old Belfair Highway 1.20 2.60 07 1.40 LA 1 232,000 1,188,000 RAP 120,000 700,000 450,000 1,270,000 COMPLETED 2023 23 23 Trails Road Alternate Route-Rasor Road Rasor Road 09 0.00 Other S 150,000 0 0 150,000 0 0 150,000 IN PROCESS OF PURCHASEING ROW 2023 24 24 WSDOT/County Intersection Feasability Clifton,OBH/SR300,N.Bay/SR3 Other S 40,000 0 40,000 40,000 25 25 County Safety Program-Guardrail Bridge Retrofit Varies 0.00 G I 0 385,000 HSIP 49000 13,000 323,000 0 385,000 ......................................: ................. PE,COMPLETED 2023 CONST.2024 26 26 County Safety Program-Horizontal Curve Analysis Varies 0.00 G 1 01 73,000I HSIP 0 0 73,000 73,000 COMPLETED 2023 ...._....................................................._ .......................... 27 27 County Safety Program-Sign Post Reflective Panels Varies 0.00 G 1 54,000 HSIP 4000 0 50,000 54,000 ................................................................................,...................................... COMPLETED 2023 28 30 Northshore Road Little Shoefly Culvert Replacement 70390 Northshore Road 8.10 8.10 0.00 LA I 300,000 10000 20,000 170,000 100,000 300,000 ....................................................................................................................... COMPLETED 2023 ................................................................................;...................................... 29 64 Shelton Matlock Road Shoulder Safety Improvement 90100 Shelton Matlock Road 1.76 7.67 07 5.91 D E 10,000. 10,000 0 0 0 10,000 PAGE/PROGRAM TOTALS,CONSTRUCTION 2,921,540 13,902,960 2,098,675 463,000 13,089,325 960,500 16,674,500 CRAB FORM#3,MC REVISED 9/28/2023 1AIVIVUHL l.U1V31 KUl.11UIV rmuunAivI rum LUL4 (/-1U-LUL3) TOTAL$'S COUNTY>> MASON A TOTAL COSTRUCTION DONE-columns(13)+(14) $ 10,301,857 DATE RECOMMENDED PROG.SUBMITTED B COMPUTED COUNTY FORCES LIMIT $ 1,260,423 DATE OF FINAL ADOPTION C TOTAL COUNTY FORCES CONSTRUCTION-(column(14) $ 1,049,840 ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION NO. DATE OF AMENDMENT (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) w o z = o F F SOURCES OF FUNDS ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES o 0 m ¢ w_ u z z = cc ROAD SEGMENT INFORMATION 0 z w OTHER FUNDS CONSTRUCTION a Z PROJECT NAME a W. z COUNTY g w PE&CE RIGHT OF WAY GRAND TOTAL z W > b > ¢ ROAD PROGRAM COUNTY o z AMOUNT (595.10) (595.20) CONTRACT (ALL 595) a ROAD# ROAD NAME BMP EMP FFC (Miles) O w FUNDS SOURCE FORCES 01 1 Eells Hill Road(gravel conversion) 40850 Eells Hill Road 0.00 5.61 09 5.61 RC 272,790 0 0 0 0 272,790 272,790 02 2 Tahuya Blacksmith Rd(gravel conversion) 70670 Tahuya Blacksmith Rd 2.90 4.63 09 1.73 RC E 108,990 0 0 0 0 108,990 108,990 03 3 Ellis Rd(gravel conversion) 15960 Ellis Rd 0.00 0.58 09 0.58 RC E 35,000 0 0 0 0 35,000 35,000 04 4 Yates Rd(gravel converstion) 36600 Yates Rd 0.00 1.31 09 1.31 RC E 82,530 0 0 0 0 82,530 82,530 05 5 Shelton Valley Road Culvert Replacement 05930 Shelton Valley Road 1.94 2.06 08 0.12 A,L 1 66,700 492,300 RAP 45,904 0 513,096 0 559,000 06 6 Kamilche Point Road Improvement Project 14880 Kamilche Point Road 0.02 2.80 08 2.78 D E 139,050 890,950 STP 0 0 1,030,000 1,030,000 07 7 Tahuya Post Office Bridge 70390 N.Shore Rd 14.88 14.90 08 0.02 1 1 200,000 0 0 0 200,000 200,000 08 8 Toonerville Bridge Replacement 79800 Bear Creek Dewatto Rd. 5.28 5.30 07 0.02 1 1 1,860,000 BROS 600,000 50,000 1,210,000 1,860,000 09 9 Bear Creek Dewatto Rd 79800 Bear Creek Dewatto Rd. 0.43 1.02 07 0.59 RC 1 64,000 576,000 RAP 20,000 20,000 300,000 300,000 640,000 10 10 Programmatic Bridge Repair Various 0.00 1 E 65,000 0 10,000 5,000 25,000 25,000 65,000 11 11 County-Wide Small Capital Projects Various 0.00 Other E 100,000 0 10,000 5,000 45,000 40,000 100,000 12 12 Neighborhood Roadway Safety Grants Various 0.00 Other E 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 13 13 Johns Prairie Road/SR 3 Intersection 91720 Johns Prairie Road 3.60 3.77 17 0.17 Other E 55,000 0 15,000 40,000 55,000 14 14 North Fork Goldsborough Bridge Repair 04670 Little Egypt Road 0.34 0.35 09 0.02 1 1 167,000 BROS 0 0 167,000 167,000 15 15 Uncle Johns Lower Culvert 23500 Agate Loop 1.02 1.02 09 0.00 L,A 1 152,000 598,000 FBRB(RCO) 50,000 40,000 660,000 0 750,000 16 16 Bear Creek Dewatto Rd(Tiger) 79800 Bear Creek Dewatto Rd. 1.53 1.96 07 0.43 RC i 103,500 931,500 RAP 20,000 20,000 995,000 1,035,000 17 17 Shelton Matlock Rd Safety Enhancement 90100 Shelton Matlock Rd 1.76 7.67 17,07 5.91 G E 0 1,396,692 HSIP 0 0 1,396,692 0 1,396,692 18 18 Belfair Connector-Log Yard Road E. New Log Yard Road E. 0.00 A,B,D,G S 250,000 0 200,000 50,000 0 0 250,000 19 19 Belfair Connector-Romance Hill Road 86500 Romance Hill Road 0.00 A,B,D,G S 100,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 0 100,000 20 20 Skokomish Valley Road Reconstruction 41640 Skokomish Valley Road 3.80 4.60 08 0.80 A,B,D,G 1 0 1,600,000 FLAP 0 1,600,000 0 1,600,000 21 21 North Island Drive Culvert Replacement 39630 North Island Drive 3.46 3.47 07 0.01 L,A 1 320,000 500,000 RAP 125,771 40,000 654,229 0 820,000 22 22 Beerbower Rd(gravel conversion) 02230 Beerbower Rd 1.25 3.06 09 1.81 RC E 114,030 0 0 0 0 114,030 114,030 23 23 Rasor Road Extention 62400 Rasor Road 09 0.00 Other S 150,000 0 0 150,000 0 0 150,000 24 24 WSDOT/County Intersection Feasability Clifton,OBH/SR300,N.Bay/SR3 Other S 40,000 0 40,000 40,000 ....................................... 25 25 County Safety Program-Guardrail Bridge Retrofit Varies 0.00 G 1 0€ 385,000 HSIP 49000 0 336,000 0 385,000 26 26 Shetland Road RID Shetland Road 0.00 1.30 1.30 RC E 71,500 RID 0 0 71,500 71,500 27 27 Roessel Road 69660 Roessel Road 0.00 0.29 9.00 0.29 RC E 120,000s 0 120,000 120,000 CRAB FORM#3,MC REVISED PAGE/PROGRAM TOTALS,CONSTRUCTION I pi 2,548, 68,9421 1,196,675 470,000 9,252,017 1,049,840 12,017,532 9/28/2023 Operations and Maintenance Completed in 2023 Chip seal: Sunnyside Rd, Sunny Slope Rd, and Kelley Hall Rd Hot Mix Asphalt Pre-Level: Lakeland Dr, Homestead Dr,Shadowood Dr,Sunrise Dr, also paved Front St for the City Hot Mix Asphalt Shoulder work: Grapeview Rd, Lynch Rd, Shelton Matlock Rd,Johns Prairie Rd, McReavy Rd, Sand Hill Rd, Brockdale Rd Gravel shoulder work and drainage: Mason Lake Rd, Old Belfair Highway Rock Creek Bridge Superstructure replacement Trails Rd HMA patching and drainage work Sunny Side Rd culvert replacement North Shore Lil Shoe Fly culvert replacement Operations and Maintenance for 2024 Chip seal; Belfair Tahuya Rd,Trails Rd, Union area drainage and chip seal, Shelton Matlock, Beerbower Rd,Tahuya Blacksmith Rd,Yates, Eells Hill Rd, and Ellis Rd HMA Pre-Level: Old Olympic Highway, Satsop Cloquallum HMA shoulders: Shelton Matlock Rd, Mason Lake Rd Gravel shoulder work: Kamilche Point Rd, Shelton Matlock Rd Satsop Cloquallum culvert replacement Matlock Brady culvert replacement Hurley Waldrip culvert replacement / HR 2023-2024 Strategic Plan Goals Strategic Initiatives—2023-2024 Strategic Outcome Measures 2023-1 Update 2023-2 Update 2023-3 Update High-level long-term What we will do to cause measurable progress toward that goal What we will measure to quantify results results and communicate progress we must achieve If we provide . competitive,sustainable total compensation package... 1. In Progress:Complete 4 open CBAs:Sheriff's #of contracts ratified -4 contracts ratified. -2 contracts ratified. -2 contracts ratified. Deputies,AFSCME,OPD Support Staff,Juvenile -Year over year compensation -Non-Represented -FSA program (Total of 8) Detention cost increases Class/Comp Study completed/implemented. Total Reward and 2. In Progress:Bargain 2 upcoming CBAs: Probation, -Compensation is within+/-of completed Benefits Public Defenders comparable agencies -FSA approved by the 3. Completed:Begin implementation of Non- Board Represented Class/Comp Study 4. Completed:Research FSA/HSA options employeesWe can attract&hire .. 1. Completed:Implement NEOGov -1st year turnover -Linkedln:70%increase in -NEOGov fully -Attended 3 2. In Progress:New hire onboarding processes -Time to hire followership implemented recruiting events 3. Ongoing•Increase recruitment presence in the -#of applicants per position -Working to link -Anecdotal evidence of -Internship program community and at regional events -Linked ln/social media activity Instagram account increased talent pools debrief/report 4. In Progress:Increase recruitment presence on -Up to 3,750 followers on and quality of applicants. forthcoming Recruitment social media and identify new talent pipelines. Facebook -Attended 3 recruiting -Linkedln followers: and hiring 5. Completed:Research conducting a county-wide events 282 career fair. -Linkedln followers:271 -FB Followers:4,300 6. Completed:Develop and implement Internship -FB followers:3,900 -IG Followers: 114 Program AG Followers:75 -3 interns in PW through August ...who reflect the diversity of the communities we serve... 1. In Progress:Implement a Legal and Effective -retention rate -Delivered 2 -Removed technology Diversity and Interviewing training for recruitment panels. %of hiring managers trained Legal/Effective barrier to application inclusion 2. Ongoing Identify ways to decrease barriers Interviewing classes process(print/scan). throughout the process ...offer them opportunities to develop and grow... 1. Completed:Create a Supervisor Toolkit with -%of employees with -Supervisor Toolkit -Supervisor Boot Camp -Expanded new performance evaluation templates,tools to performance evaluations referenced and being 5/16 employee conduct performance reviews,interview question -number of added used by hiring managers -Verbal SWOT 5/17 orientation examples,etc. certifications for Career -Delivered 2 leadership Learning and 2. In Progress:Implement leadership development Incentive Policy classes Development curriculum. %of employees who promote -Hosting Supervisor Boot 3. In Progress: Career Incentive Program Policy 5.13 successfully Camp May 16 —adding approved certifications. -Percentage of employees 4. In Progress:Improve new employee orientation; trained in leadership add a new supervisor/manager orientation development 1(rev. 6/28/23) 9/27/2023 1�:i� HR 2023-2024 Strategic Plan support .. 1. In Progress:Learn Munis functionality to -Number of handoffs in HR -Implement NEOGov -Completed position -Waiting on chart of Systems streamline HR processes. processes control training accounts 2. Completed:Implement NEOGov -#s of processes mapped productive....then,employees will be healthy,engaged and 1. Completed:Conduct employee engagement -2022 employee engagement -142 responses to -Second employee -Third employee survey and complete organizational analysis survey Engagement Survey, townhall conducted townhall... Engagement and 2. In Progress:Benefits Fair and training -Number of employees briefed survey on 2/27/23 5/31/23 Well-Being opportunities for employees attending events/training -First employee townhall 3. In Progress:Increased engagement with County -Number of opportunities for conducted on 2/23/23 leadership employees to engage with leadership ...and our HR team members will be learning&growing as service providers 1. Completed:HR staff have development plans, -%of employees with -HR employees have -HR employees have -HR employees classes,and on-the-job training opportunities development plans that are spent time with roads spent time with roads spent time with (SHRM,LRI,WCIF&BF training,WAPELRA,etc.) tracked and resourced crew,Clerk's office,and crew,transfer station, roads crew,transfer HR Team 2. In Progress:HR will identify opportunities for Sheriff's office and jail station,jail, Development cross-training as well as developing skills in major detention,Clerk's functional areas within HR,as applicable. Office,elections 3. In Progress:HR will job shadow customers to understand their work duties and environment Stay legally compliant and that allows us . .. the more strategic work above 1. In Progress:Evaluate organizational risk more #of policies updated and -2 updates to personnel -1 update to personnel -2 update to comprehensively. adopted policies policies personnel policies 2. In Progress:Reasonable Suspicion training and #of risks found/mitigated Legal Compliance policy 3. In Progress:Personnel Policies update 4. In Progress:Update Risk and Safety Policies 2(rev. 6/28/23) 9/27/2023 HR 2024 Strategic Plan Goals Strategic Initiatives—2024 Strategic Outcome Measures High-level long-term What we will do to cause measurable progress toward that goal What we will measure to quantify results results and communicate progress we must achieve If we provide a competitive,sustainable total compensation package... 1. New: Complete 2024 contracts before expiration #of contracts completed 2. New: Research total compensation packages -Year over year compensation cost Total Reward and increases 3. New:Work with hiring managers to implement Benefits total compensation practices when possible. -Compensation is within+/-of comparable agencies We can attract&hire employees based upon the right competencies,at the right time... 1. New: Utilize NEOGov for statistical updates and -1st year turnover key performance indicators(KPIs) -Time to hire per department 2. New:New hire onboarding process -#of applicants per position Recruitment 3. In Progress: Increase recruitment presence in -Linked In/social media activity and hiring the community and at regional events -Internship applications and 4. New: Increase recruitment presence on social program report. media and identify new talent pipelines 5. New:Conduct Internship Program ...who reflect the diversity of the communities we serve... 1. In Progress: Implement a Legal and Effective -retention rate Diversity and Interviewing training for recruitment panels. %of hiring managers trained inclusion 2. New: Identify ways to decrease barriers throughout the recruitment process opportunities to develop and grow.. 1. In Progress: Implement leadership development %of employees with performance curriculum. evaluations Learning and 2. New: Improve new employee orientation; add a %of employees who promote Development new supervisor/manager orientation successfully -Percentage of employees trained in leadership development ...and support them with efficient,flexible,and customer-focused systems& .. 1. In Progress: Learn Munis functionality to -Number of handoffs in HR streamline HR processes. processes Systems 2. New: Upon completion of Chart of Accounts, utilize Munis to implement position control. productive....then,employees will be healthy,engaged,and 1. In Progress:Conduct employee engagement -2023 employee engagement survey survey and complete organizational analysis and measurement Engagement and 2. In Progress: Benefits Fair and training -Number of employees attending Well-Being opportunities for employees events/training 3. New: Increased engagement with County -Number of opportunities for leadership—Employee Townhalls employees to engage with leadership ...and our HR team members will be learning&growing as service providers 1. Ongoing:All staff have development plans,with %of employees with development classes and on-the-job training opportunities plans that are tracked and (SHRM, LRI,WCIF&BF training,WAPELRA,etc.) resourced HR Team 2. Ongoing:Staff will identify opportunities for -#of departments/hours out in the Development cross-training as well as developing skills in field with employees major functional areas within HR,as applicable 3. Ongoing:Staff will job shadow employees to understand their work duties and environment 1(rev. 9/26/23) 9/27/2023 HR 2024 Strategic Plan Stay legally compliant and that allows us . .. the more strategicabove 1. In Progress: Evaluate organizational risk more #of policies updated and adopted comprehensively. #of risks found/mitigated 2. In Progress: Reasonable Suspicion training and Legal Compliance policy 3. Ongoing: Personnel Policies update 4. New: Update Risk and Safety Policies 2(rev. 9/26/23) 9/27/2023 2023 PROJECT PRIORITY LISTS Budget Office Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments ARPA Funding Obligated&Spent 6/30/2024 $ 6,500,000 Yes Federal grant money W/like to have all ARPA Funding Expended by 6/2024 Will allow us to $14k pd in implement other Munis Chart of Accounts Revision/Crosswalk 1/1/2024 $ 28,000 Yes,2021 modules&help make Original timeline of 7/1/22 was too optimistic.New goal is 1/1/24 to implement this huge project. us more efficient Position Control 3/1/2024 $ - N/A No more manual Need COA revision done before Position Control implementation tracking of positions Revisions to Purchasing Policy 10/1/2023 $ N/A Helps w/grant funding Include suspension/debarment process&other purchasing clarifications.Draft is complete 7/2023 Motor Pool Written Policy&Procedures 2/1/2024 $ - N/A Documented process This has been started.Group Effort.Need to revisit. &procedures Executime purchase&implement 7/1/2024 $ 125,000 No Will take the place of Need to purchase the module,implement Position Control,&Fund&BARS Crosswalk before Help PWs&Health transition to Munis modules 2023&2024 $ 200,000 No Helpful to have all This is a HUGE undertaking&will require PWs buy-in. Delete Skokomish Flood Zone&create lines w/in Road fund 2024 Less funds is less complicated for this Delete Trial Court Improvement Fund&create lines w/in CE 2025 Less funds is less complicated (District Court?) Archive&Digitize Records Ongoing Central Services Administration Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments Fill Switchboard position/x419 position C/E Y ASAP Annie's last day is May 12,2023;Kacee hired,now have x419 position to fill Provide support to Administrator Priceless When x419 filled Support for Mark(Admin,organize office,digitize files,manage emails) Transfer VAB&staff Lead duties to McKenzie Time Effective 4/1/23 McKenzie and Cassidy have been attending monthly VAB meetings Create training/meeting space in modular courtroom $ 25,000 REET 1 N 2023/2024 Prepare for Anne's(Parks)retirement in 2024 2 month cross-over C/E N 2023/2024 Post position in October 2023 with intent to hire in November for cross over training in December/January. Prepare for Diane's retirement in 2024 A Lot N 2023/2024 Restructure Diane's position so in 2024 McKenzie is Office Manager for Commissioners'Office; decide what to do for DEM,IT,Parks and Facilities Fill Public Records Coordinator Position C/E Y Filled position Completed All Commissioners'meeting CD's are digitized and transferred;disposed/transferred of 50+boxes of Digitize Commissioners'records/CD's and send to SOS Staff Time On-going records Implement Policy Index Staff Time 2023 Completed;moved to Intranet Community Development Comments Project Name Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update/Environmental Impact Statement County Wide Planning Policies(Shelton) Public Participation Plan Required GMA Elements pital Facilities Plan(Cap Facilities Element+Cap Imp Program) Docketing Process EIS Mitigation(Fire,Schools,Transportation Short Term Rental Regulations Amendments(2021 ICC adoption)(Building/Planning Fee Update; DONE rocedures Manual update(Subdivision/FPA Planner position) DONE Fire Marshal—Long Term program 2024-2025 Fire Investigation Contract Title 8;8.16 SEPA rules update(consistent with State) Scanning/Archiving(underway and ongoing) Subdivision(PLT/LLS/BLA/DPC)Archives Title 15 Amendments(Enforcement section) Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments DCD Organization(with Managers and less leads) All SmartGov permits available through on-line portal Emergency Management Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments Resolve Tammi's position Y Completed Implemented Lead Pay Increase Duty Officer Pool Y In Progress Added Dept.Manager to the Roster;Lt.Severence being added,one addl't in progress UTV Usage Program In-Process Tranfering to MCFD-4(Once Tracks are mounted) Projected Closeout EMPG-R-20 Fed thru WA State Y Closed CERT Trailers Completed and deployed EOC Operations Manual Y DRAFT Work In Progress/Based on McEwen Fire AAR MC Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $ 85,000 Federal Y 2nd Qtr. ON TRACK TO COMPLETE/Contractor,Bridgeview Consultant DEM Equipment Inventory Completed Using existing software;updated as items are received EOC Upgrades TBD Federal Y 3-4th Qtr. In progress,on track to complete by by 3rd Qtr 2024 SHSP Grant Equipment Inventory 4th Qtr. On track to complete/Applicaition completed&submitted to State fo review Tier II Reporting-Hazardous materials 4th Qtr. DEM Staff reports to WA State SAR Commo Project-Zoleo TBD Federal Y 3-4th Qtr. Approved to be purchased-County Assets/Partners($250 each/$50 annual license) Hazard Materials Emergency Response Plan 4th Qtr. Reviewed/Update In-progress Mass Notification System-Code Red $ 16,800 Federal Y In Progress Currently paid for out of SHSP,but qualifies for EMPG funding/MC Parnter Asset IPAWs Revisions-Warning System Completed Incorporated into Code Red Continued NIMS Training Y Quaterly ICS-191/300/400/402 IMT Specific Tng./Additional training scheduled for MC Staff ICS Implementation Plan Completed Traning and Exercise Plan&County Training Schedule City of Shelton Coordination No Response Continuing to reach out. County Animal Response Team(CART) Unknown TBD N Beginning New organization to replace Disaster Animal Response Team(County Affiliation Terminated) Search&Rescue Unknown TBD Y Continuous Coordinating with MC,Sheriff's Office and MCSAR.(Call-out,Training,&Exercise) Code Red Alert Notification System $ 16,800 Federal Y Grant Cycle Currently paid for out of SHSP,but qualifies for EMPG funding/MC Parnter Asset Community Emergency Response Team(CERT) Unknown TBD N Expansion (CERT)Contiuing to expand the Program to needy communities in Mason County MC Disaster Air Response Team(DART) N/A N/A TBD Development Program development using local Sanderson Field Pilots(Becoming NIMS Compliant) Oysterfest Unknown TBD TBD Deadline 09/09/23 Organization planning with Mason County Emergency Management,attempting to contact CWDP Grant(Wildfire Plan) $ 79,590 Federal N In-Progress Second round of grants not due until October,2023,Update Completed under review PUD-1 Facilities and Grounds Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments BUILDING 1 MOVE ELECTION/TAX BOXES Staff Time 2023 COMPLETED ELECTION REMODEL $ 25,000 REET Y Mar-23 COMPLETED CARPET FINANCE $ 10,000 REET Y 2023 COMPLETED 2ND FLOOR BACK HALL REMODEL $ 1,500 Facilities-C/E Y 2023 COMPLETED 2ND FLOOR HALL LIGHTING $ 1,500 Facilities-C/E Y 2023 COMPLETED REMOVE SMOKING AREA $ 250 Facilities-C/E Y 2023 COMPLETED NEW WINDOWS $ 50,000 REET N 2024 BUILDING 2 Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments REMODEL BOILER ROOM $ 1,000 Facilities-C/E Y 2023 COMPLETED REPAIR SCREEN DOORS $ 1,000 Facilities-C/E Y 2023 COMPLETED NEW A.0 $ 30,000 REET N 2025 BUILDING 3 Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments REMODEL BASMENT $ 25,000 REET N AS SOON AS CORONER IS MOVED NEW GUTTER SYSTEM $ 5,000 REET N 2023 COMPLETED CELING TILE $ 7,000 REET N 2024 HEAT PUMP $ 25,000 REET N 2024 NEW ROOF $ 75,000 REET N 2024 REMOVE FRONT STEPS $ 7,000 REET N 2024 REPAIR SIDE STEP AND RAMP $ 5,000 REET N 2023 COMPLETED Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments BUILDING 4 Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments HEAT PUMP $ 25,000 REET N 2025 29 YEARS OLD NEW ROOF $ 30,000 REET N 2025 BUILDING 5 Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments PRUNE MONKEY TREE $ 1,000 Facilities-C/E Y 2023 COMPLETED BUILDING 6 Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments REMODEL FOR TRAINING ROOMS $ 25,000 REET N 2024 WHEN WE MOVE THERAPEUTIC COURT OUT FIX RAMPS $ 2,500 REET N 2024 BUILDING 7 Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments REMOVE TREE IN PARKING LOT $ 5,000 REET N 2024 DANGER TREE BUILDING 8 Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments UPGRADE SPACE $ 5,000 REET N 2024 AS SOON AS SCANNING IS DONE REPLACE WINDOWS $ 40,000 REEET N 2025 INSULATE ROOF $ 15,000 REET N 2025 BUILDING 9 Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments BUILDING 10 Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments FINISH PHASE 2 $ 1,000,000 REET Y 2023/2024 ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE BUILDING 11 Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments REMOVE REST OF BENTONITE $ 20,000 REET N 2023/2024 NEW GUTTERS $ 10,000 REET N 2023/2024 BUILDING 12 Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments MOVE FACILITIES $ 25,000 REET N 2023 CITY HEARING 8/28/23 MOVE CORONER $ 25,000 REET N 2023 COURT HOUSE Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments ELEVATOR $ 165,000 REET N ASAP Contract signed 4/25/23 REMODEL $ 1,000,000 REET N 2025 AS SOON AS B-10 IS DONE SHERIFFS OFFICE Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments REMODEL FRONT OFFICE $ 30,000 REET N 2023 COMPLETED HEAT PUMP EVIDENCE $ 15,000 REET N 2023 DUCTLESS SYSTEM NEW WINDOWS $ 30,000 REET N 2024 M-H Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments REFINISH FLOORS $ 7,000 REET N 2024 REMODEL RESTROOMS $ 10,000 REET N 2024 REMODEL KITCHEN $ 10,000 REET N 2024 JUVIE Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments REDO RAMPS $ 7,000 REET N 2024 JAIL Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments Circulating Pump-Hot Water $ 8,000 REET N 2023 Replaced one pump-Completed PAINT INTERIOR $ 50,000 REET N 2025 OUTSIDE FENCE $ 15,000 REET N 2025 CHURCH HOUSE Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments SHED FOR TRACTOR $ 5,000 REET N 2023 COMPLETED GUTTERS $ 500 Facilities-C/E Y 2023 COMPLETED BELFAIR SHERIFF Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments REPAIR ALL DAMAGE TO BUILDING $ 20,000 REET N 2023 MOVE TO NEW LOCATION/REMODEL $ 100,000 REET N 2023 WAITING FOR FLOORPLAN Information Technolor;ll Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments Fiber Upgrade Project $320K ARPA Y 6/1/2024 deadline Should be done this fall;permits approved;waiting on HCC for construction Migration to new fiber/install new Backbone Staff time By end of 2023 May need some odds and ends;dependent on fiber install 2023 Computer Upgrades(92 Computers) Y Sep-23 12 left for 2023,waiting for new hire to start as training opportunity Move Zoom to Teams Platform Save$4600 Jun-23 Many staff are using Teams instead of Zoom-cut Zoom cost in half Create/Launch County Intranet Staff time initial launch completed.Need input for future expansion Improve internal communications with departments Staff time on-going Tech tips and development of intranet Clean out Server Rooms Staff time Completed Completed Server Room Buildout&Migration from Bid 3 to Bldg 10 Minimal 2023/2024 Minimal Cost,Operational-we cleaned out a rack a PW and will move to Bid 10 soon Server OS Upgrades $10k in 2023 Pay from IT,Operational,have inventory of servers,14 licenses ordered Aug 2023,$10K Continue Developing IT Policies Staff time Document Current Procedures-in progress Computer Management System $100K N Test,Purchase&Implement-have tested Pro Services-tested on system,IT staff didn't like it Office 365 Completed Install Training is needed-need ideas on what to train on Building 10 District Court Move REET Waiting on buildout Building 12 Move Minimal 3/4 complete $90 per month for wireless-mostly completed,waiting on buildout to finish Building 11 Completed Security System is managed by MCSO MUNIS Upgrade IT Y Chart of Accounts Dependent-Operational-moving to Cloud 2024 Staff time+some Relocate MCSO Belfair Location $ Waiting for floorplan;will take up to 2 weeks of 2 IT employee's time Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments Telecommunications Audit-Spyglass n/a Completed Spyglass is paid Sheriff and Election Website Migration Staff time Completed Will be managed by IT staff Replace Jail Cameras $100? ? Getting Quote will be contracted with CGI;replace cameras/cable-no more spare parts for existing system-CTG i gathering equipment and will schedule soon Cybersecurity on-going Albert Sensor,KnowBe4(Risk Pool pays for 1/2),MFA,SonicWall,WAZUH software Audit/Plan Network Switch Replacement $50K N 2023/2024 About 40-50 total switches;approximate cost$1,000 each;Plan approved at 9 switches a year.Will purchase first batch at end of 2023 if budget allows. Parks&Trails Project Name Cost Funding Source Budgeted?Y/N Timeline/Benchmarks Comments New Mower $ 38,578 REET y 7/1/2022 COMPLETED New Gate Sunset Bluff $ 1,500 REET y 5/1/2022 COMPLETED Mason Lake Ramp Re-surface $ 6,500 REET y 4/1/2022 COMPLETED RV Cover for Park Host-Sandhill $ 17,500 REET 2 y Fall 2023 Briefed on 5/1/23;expecting delivery in September 2023 RV Cover for Park Host-Mason Lake $ 17,500 REET 2 y 2024 Needs excavation work to enlarge area;complete when caretaker position is vacant Foothills Dog Park $ 20,000 REET 2/Donations y Fencing completed April 2023;need to finish to comply for helipad,will be paid with SHSP grant Oakland Bay Speed Bumps $ 2,000 REET 2 y COMPLETED Completed April 2023 MCRA Shop Lean To $ 10,000 REET2 y Will be completed in 4th quarter 2023 RV Cover for Park Host-Truman Glick $ 17,300 REET 2 y COMPLETED 1/15/2023 New Batting Cage Machines-MCRA $ 28,300 REET 2 y COMPLETED 1/31/2023 Play Toy Bark $ 4,500 REET 2 y COMPLETED 1/31/2023 Playground Equipment-Sandhill $ 75,000 REET 2 y 4th quarter 2023 Go to bid 8/29/23 Field Groomer $ 18,000 REET 2 y Received in 2023 Stored at Sandhill Park Gang Mower $ 30,000 REET 2 y PLR in 2024 budget Painting restroom interiors at various parks REET2 y Winter 2023 Latimer's Landing new asphalt parking lot $ 25,000 RCO grant N Winter/early 2024 Applying for RCO grant due in Sept 2023