HomeMy WebLinkAbout89-93 - Ord. Community Development Planning Division Processing Fees ORDINANCE1Q%,-#. IN THE MATTER OF: AN ORDINANCE TO PROMOTE EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT'S PLANNING DIVISION BY COLLECTION OF FEES RELATED TO THE PROCESSING OF VARIOUS LAND USE PERMITS, ACTIONS, AND APPROVALS. WHEREAS, collection of fees for processing various land use permits, actions, and approvals is necessary due to the fact that County revenue is insufficient to cover rising cost of the administrative services provided by the Department of Community Development; and WHEREAS, the fees established herein are for the purpose of supplementing the existing Planning Division budget; and WHEREAS, The Board of Mason County Commissioners adopted the Interim Resource Ordinance as required by RCW 36.70A with required permits. WHEREAS, The Board of Mason County Commissioners held a public hearing on August 24, 1993, for the purpose of taking public testimony and to deliberate on action to be taken; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED, that the Board of Mason County Commissioners hereby ADOPTS the Mason County Department of Community Development Fee Ordinance as follows: This ordinance shall be in full for and effective this date. A 4-- DATED this day of, 1993. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: William O. Hunter, Chairperson Clerk of the Board XIM M. L. Faughender Commissioner API ROVED AS TO FORM: % Laura E. Porter, Commissioner Prosecuting Attorney c: Elected Officials/Department Heads ORDINANCE NO. Mason County Department of Community Development Fee Ordinance Sections: 1.10.010 Purpose 1.10.020 Fee Schedule 1.10.030 After-the-Fact Permits 1.10.040 Severability 1.10.050 Effective Date Section 1.10.010Puipose. The public is entitled to efficient and effective administrative services provided by the Mason County Department of Community Development's Planning Division. This ordinance is created for the purpose of establishing fee amounts for recovery costs related to administrative services required for processing various land use permits, actions, and approvals. Section 1.10.020 Fee Schedule. Fee's for pen-nits, actions, and approvals shall be established as follows: SHORELINE PERMITS Substantial Development $320.00 Conditional Use $400.00 Variance $400.00 CU/Substantial Devlop. $450.00 V/Substantial Develop. $450.00 CU/Variance $450.00 CU/V/SDP $500.00 Permit Revisions $100.00 Exemptions $25.00 LAND SEGREGATIONS Short Plats $250.00 + $20.00 per lot created Large Lots $300.00 + $30.00 per lot created BLA $90.00 Pre-Plat $540.00 Final Plat $200.00 + $10.00 per lot created ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW/SEPA ACTION Environmental Checklist $100.00 E.I.S. $20.00 per hour with $500.00 minimum up front fee minimum up front fee .; dI axle .:: x zp :.;:.;>:>;.... ............::.::... .:: a x 1 t.; 3 >:.;:.;:.;:.>:.>::.;;;:.;:.>:.;:.::.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.::.;:.;:.;:.; t . ondtanal:>CTe::>Prt:<:<:: <:>::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::>::>::>::»:«:>:<::><:<:. :....:.....................:.. ......: :: .:nc� : nelu .: .: ! .::::::::::: 03e10.: :.�...�.....::acs::�a ; a�c h :...........................a : . uz�ed f..... > and::>d vas ons:::a :>the:>a heart>:: :»::.'.�0 3 t� .......... ae >t zta :::wet and i?i:.i:v::i:i:ii::i:.i::vv:i:Si... .: }i' ::.'i::.v...,..:;.•i:.........::.:...i'::'ry.:.....:.::.::..:4...:..::b.:..:..ryi..:..:..:'::iiiiiiii: .:: .:. :i'.. .: ::::.:::�?: .+?J...y..:..:.:.:.i..:.:.....::...:,:.:..................;..::.;: ['�: >:.. .'/>� ;.:. 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MOBILE HOME/RV PARKS Small MHP $160.00 MH Park $350.00 + $10 per lot created RV Park $350.00 + $10 per lot created OTHER PERMITS/SERVICES Site Inspections/Pre-Consultations $40.00 HW Siting $500.00 ....... ......... ..................................... 00 ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................. ........ .. s ... ...... .................................................................................... ... ..00/...... ................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiii::.iiiiiiii::.::iiiiii::.i::yii: .i:iiiiii: iiii: Cry Ole bmca : e Eva u t on<:_:<:::>::>::::<:::_><::<;> ...... >:::=>:>=><>:: < char e::w:�::be::hased<:Qn::en ineenz�:. g ........................ ...................................... . Appeals 200.00 Research for addresses $11.00 Hour Requested Addresses $5.00 Copies $.10 per page Section 1.10.030 After-the-Fact Permit Fees. All After-the-Fact permits applications, when allowed, shall be charged triple the original amount. Allowance to pursue an After-the-Fact permit shall be determined by the Director of Community Development based on all applicable County rules and regulations. Section 1.10.040 Severability. If any fee or provision in this ordinance is declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining fees and provisions in this ordinance shall remain in full force. Section 1.10.050 Repeal of Prior Fees. The Fees and provisions set forth in this ordinance supersede any prior fees and provisions set forth by ordinance or resolution for the administrative services covered herein. Section 1.10.060 Effective Date. The Fee Schedule established herein shall become effective and be in full force on