HomeMy WebLinkAbout128-95 - Res. Adopting the Update to the Moderate Risk Waste Management Plan RESOLUTION NO. I'Z S — 9 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE UPDATE TO THE MASON COUNTY MODERATE RISK WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN WHEREAS, the purpose of the Mason County Moderate Risk Waste Management Plan, which was originally adopted April 16, 1991, is to improve the management of hazardous wastes in Mason County, thereby promoting better regional protection of human health and the environment; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Washington State Hazardous Waste Management Act (RCW 70 . 105 . 220) , Mason County and the City of Shelton are required to prepare a Moderate Risk Waste Management Plan; and WHEREAS, the existing Mason County Moderate Risk Waste Management Plan requires that an updated MRW Plan be developed by the end of 1995 to reflect any changes in planned activities, assigned roles and responsibilities, regulations, and budget requirements; and WHEREAS, the Mason County Solid Waste Advisory Committee has overseen the preparation of the updates and recommend they be adopted by the local jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, the City of Shelton have reviewed and approved of the updates ; and WHEREAS, Mason County held a public hearing and took testimony on December 26, 1995 . NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mason County Board of Commissioners that it hereby adopts the updates to the Mason County Moderated Risk Waste Management Plan, referenced hen as Attachment "A" . DATED THIS 2�'� DAY OF DECEMBER, 1995 . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSI NERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGT ATTEST: William 0. Hunter, Chairperson Clerk of he Boar - Q� M Mary Faughend r, Commissioner APPROVED AS TO F may, Pros cuti g Attorney Mary q6 Cad: , Comm' ssioner d EXHIBIT A MANAGEMENTMASON COUNTY MODERATE RISK WASTE -------- r4ODERATE RISK WASTE PLAN UPDATE .EXECUTIVE SUMMARY GOALS The gna | s | iated ) n the Moderate Risk VVmate P | an (MRW PIan ) in 1991 are consistent with those of today . Protection of public health and natural resources are still the primary objectives driving Mason County ' m MRVV management efforts . The Plan lists other goals which outline activities that w/i | | ultimately provide opportunities for the citizens of Mason County to reduce , recyo | e', or dispose , of MRVV in an environmentally safe manner . PRIMARY FINDINGS Since the development of the K8HVVPlan , Mason County has reorganized and shifted the responsibilities of implementation of the plan from Public Works to the Department of Community Development (DCD) . Community Development w| | | focus its efforts on household generated hazardous waste disposal opportunities and reduction . The Washington State Department of Ecology deals with the nummmroim | generators , develops regulations , and provides enforcement . Together these two agencies vvi | i work to provide the necessary information and opportunities for al generators of MRVY in Mason County to meet the stated goals listed in the MRVV Plan . ALTERNATIVES Many of the a | ternativem | ieted have been imp | emented s | noe the Plan was developed . Meson County has provided increased opportunities for moderate risk vveetm management by: Staging annual collection events for household generated wastes ' Establishing a program which provides for the free disposal of automotive wastes at Shelton , Be | fair . Union . and Hoodmport Solid Waste Facilities ' Providing information on identification of hazardous mmtoria | m , alternate products , and locally available disposal options The establishment of the Hazardous Waste Room at the Shelton Waste export station which collects paints and pesticides year round The establishment of household battery collection stations throughout the County Other recommendations listed such as publicity of statewide commercial waste exchange programa , the education of all generators on the dangers of hazardous waste along with providing technical assistance continue to be explored and are considered available to Mason County and the City of Shelton to meet the goals stated in the plan . � MRW_1PlAN UPDATE CHAPTER I Chapter 1 is an 'Introduction to the Mason County Moderate Risk Waste Management Plan . It describes why the plan is needed and how it was developed through public hearings and workshops . Chapter 1 also defines the purpose of the plan as a tool to aid in the planning , regy | atimn , and management of hazardous waste as required by the Washington State Hazardous Waste Management Act ( RC\N 70. 105.007) . Thereby promoting batter regional protection of human health and the environment . CHAPTER 2 THE PLANNING AREA Chapter 2 deeor | haa Mason County and Its geology , o | | mete . land use , population , local economy , and hazardous waste facilities own | ng. Characteristics vvh | oh can affect future MRVV generation by both household and commercial generators . CLIMATE AND GEOLOGY The climate and geology of the county has not experienced any notable changes since the MRYV Plan was developed . Mason County is characterized by mid- latitude west coast marine q | imate typical of Puget Sound low- lands . LAND USE, Land use remains baa ( oa } | y the same as described In the plan , however land use policies governing future growth in the county have changed to Include regulations developed as a result of the Growth Management Act , POPULATION Pqpu | at | on growth eet | mates based on Dffice of IFi nano | a | Management (OFW1) f | gurea stated | n the p | an are cons i mtent | y I ower than growth rates that have actually occurred in Mason County over the past several years . As part of the p | an update the fo | | ov»| ng rev | oed f | gurem are based on more recent | y oo | | ectad data and mhou | d be oubet i tuted fmr f | gureo omntainmd I the origina | p | an , Popu | atiwnjn Mason County In 1894 is listed at 44 . 300 (Mason County Department of Community Development) . Table 2-1-A gives two projections for the years through 2000. The DFM projections which are considered low, and a high projection which is based on the higher growth rates the County has experienced during the | eat five years . 1 - ' - Mason County has formally adopted the High Growth scenario as its growth projections through the year 2000 . Table 2- 1-A Population projections 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 OFM 45,296 46 , 337 47 , 403 48 , 493 499609 51 , 189 High 45 , 190 46 , 604 48 , 062 49 , 566 51 , 117 52 , 716 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 CHAPTER 3 REGULATORY REVIEW 3.3.2 MASON COUNTY AND WASHINGTON STATE AGENCIES The Mason County Health Department continues to regulate solid and hazardous waste facilities in Mason County . This agency is charged with issuing permits for all solid waste handling and disposal facilities in Mason County including the Mason County Waste Export Station , and closed landfill . The Mason County Department of Community Development staffs and oversees the municipal solid waste disposal facilities in Mason County . DCD is responsible for the implementation of the programs and facilities developed as a result of this plan that pertain to household hazardous waste generation and disposal . The Washington State Department of Ecology continues to regulate hazardous waste generators in Mason County . CHAPTER 4 HOUSEHOLD and COMMERCIAL IVIRW GENERATION 4.2.4 HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE PROJECTIONS Using methodology established in this plan to project household hazardous wastes generated in the year 2000 the following figures can be assumed . Population . . . . . . . . . 52 , 716 Persons per household . . . . 2 . 59 Households . . . . . . . . . . 20 , 353 Annual HHW production by Mason County households in the year 2000 would equate to 976 , 944 pounds or 488 tons . 4.3.3 COMMERCIAL MODERATE RISK WASTE PROJECTIONS This plan assumes an 11% increase in moderate risk waste generation over a five year period by commercial enterprises in the county . The 1995 estimate of 1 , 447 , 753 pounds will increase to 1 , 607 , 005 pounds by the year 2000 . 4.4 CONCLUSIONS As Mason County continues to grow as a bedroom community for the surrounding counties , and service sector businesses are located within the county , auto-related wastes will continue to be the most common form of moderate risk wastes generated . Increased awareness by the generating public of the problems hazardous wastes pose to human health and the env iroment along with providing safe and convenient disposal optortunities will reduce improper disposal of materials in Mason County . 3 CHAPTER 5 86LID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT IN MASON COUNTY 5. 1 . 1 CURRENT CONDITIONS LANDFILLS Landfills operating in Mason County under permit are classified by Mason County Health Department according to what they are allowed to receive . Theme ino | ude Municipa { 8o | id YVaote , VVo.od Waste , | nert Demolition , and Limited Purpose . Landfills :Municipal Solid Waste Currently there are no permitted municipa | ao | id waste | sndfi | | a accept ing waste in Mason County' The Mason County Landfi | | ia o | ooed and post o | ooure mmni tor ing ia taking p | ace . All municipal solid waste generated in Mason County is exported to the Regional Disposal Company Landfill in K ! iokitat County except for a mma | | portion co | | eoted in the north end of the county which continues to be hauled to Kitoep County for disposal . Landfills :Wood Waste There are five wood waste landfills permitted in Mason County three of which are closed . The Simpmon /Mat | ook | andfi | | accepts 8 , 550 ou ' yds . annum | | y. Peterson | andfi | | accepts | eeo than 2 , 000 ou . ' dm - per year of wood waste and inert demolition . The Judd ` Drake and Highway 3 landfills no longer accept waste . Inert/Demolition : The Settle Landfill is closed and no longer accepts wastes . As stated previously the Peterson Landfill accepts inert/demo | ition as me | | as wood waste in vo | ume of | eos than 2 . 000 ou .yds . annually . WASTE EXPORT FACILTIY Mason County now exports mo | id waste to a regiona | landfill in K | | ckitat County. A | | so | id waste ia de | ivered to the Mason County Solid Waste Export Facility located on the closed landfill property. Materials are deposited on a tipping floor and loaded into containers . The containers are taken by truck to e transfer fmoi | ity where they are | oaded onto a trmin for ehipment to the regional landfill owned by Regional Disposal Company ( RDC) in K ! iokitat County' Mason County has a five year agreement with RDC and an option for five additional years . Mason County currently charges $63 .00 per ton and $2 ' 85 per 30 gallon can for wastes delivered to the Waste Export Facility . DROP BOX STATION Mason County has drop box stations at 8e | fair , Hoodoport , Union , and the Mason County landfill . Solid Waste collected at these facilities is transferred to the Waste Export Station by a waste hauling contractor . Rates for disposal at the 8e | fair . Hoodeport . and Union Drop Box Stations are $13 . 80 for a loose cubic yard and $3 . 25 for e 30 gallon can . 4 Rates charged at the Shelton Solid Waste Drop Box Station are the same as those for wastes delivered to the Waste Export Station . The general public uses the drop box station at the Solid Waste facility during the week to reduce risk exposure during commercial operations at the Export Station . Weekends the Export Station is opened to the public . Refuse Collection Three refuse services deal with commercial and residential wastes generated in Mason County. The City of Shelton runs its own mandatory collection service for the city` s residential and commercial patrons . All refuse collected by the city is delivered to the Mason County Waste Export Facility. The remaining two refuse collection services operate privately , serving most of the private residences and commercial businesses in Mason County. Garbage service in the unincorporated portions of Mason County is voluntary. One of the collection services provides residential and commercial garbage collection . A small portion of this waste collected is taken to Kitsap County for disposal . The other private hauler provides commercial to customers via drop boxes . This contractor also provides curbside residential and commercial service to the Squaxin and Skokomish Indian Tribes , which is delivered to the Export Station for disposal . Sewage Treatment Facilities Wastewater treatment facilities serve many areas of Mason County. The City of Shelton maintains an extensive sewer system and a four million-gallon per day secondary treatment plant that serves nearly all of Shelton . Bio-solids from this treatment plant is land applied to a 100 acre parcel of forested land owned by the Simpson Timber Company. Approximately 170 dry tons of bio-solids is generated by the City wastewater plant and land applied to this site annually. Four smaller plants operate in the County. A small wastewater plant is located at the Washington State Corrections Center . Bio- solids from the State Corrections Center treatment plant is land applied to grassland and non-merchantable timber within the Correction Center ' s property. Two additional treatment plants are operated by the County at Rustlewood and Hartstene Pointe . The Hartstene Pointe plant was recently upgraded to secondary treatment . The bio-solids from these facilities is hauled by private hauler to a land disposal site within the County operated by Bio—recycling . A privately owned wastewater treatment plant is located in Alderbrook . This plant serves the hotel and cottages that make up the Alderbrook Inn Resort . The extended aeration plant has a 30 , 000 gallon per day capacity and has been recently upgraded . Bio- solids from the treatment plant is hauled by private hauler to the Shelton Wastewater Plant . 5 Septic Tank Disposal Site Unincorporated areas of Mason County not served by sewage treatment facilities , such as rural districts , use on site septic systems . Bio-solids generated from septic systems in Mason County and some out of County as well is accepted at the Bio-recycling facility located on Webb Hill Road . This material is lime stabilized and applied to forest land . A chemical analysis of all imported bio- solids is provided before it is land applied in Mason County . All land application of bio-solids within Mason County is subject to review by the Mason County Health Department and subject to requirements established by the Department of Ecology and the EPA. Present I y , a morator i um has been p I aced on a I I new I and app I i cat i on permits in Mason County The past practice of disposing septic wastes in trenches at the landfill was ceased as of January 1990. The old septic trenches in the landfill site have been excavated , stockpiled and used as topsoil cover for the now closed landfill . Recycling Mason County All Mason County solid waste facilities have recycling drop boxes , used automotive waste , household battery and recycling collection . The Solid Waste site also has a household hazardous waste room that collects paints and pesticides . The Belfair and Shelton locations separate metals and automotive batteries for recycling . In addition to the recycling drop boxes at the manned solid waste collection facilities , there are five additional unmanned drop box locations . These boxes are located at the Red Apple Grocery , The Bayshore BP , Allyn , Matlock , and Taylor Town . Mason County provides opportunities for the recycling of a wide variety of materials . Currently residents enjoy free recycling of corrugated paper , newsprint , aluminum and tin cans , plastic milk jugs , plastic soda bottles , tetra paks , clear , green , and brown glass , used motor oil , antifreeze , oil filters , gear tube , and hydraulic fluid . At the Allyn and Red Apple sites Mixed paper is also accepted . City of Shelton The City of Shelton has a mandatory residential curbside recycling program in place . Materials collected include corrugated cardboard , tin and aluminum cans , mixed paper , news print , and clear , brown and green , glass bottles and jars . The City diverts approximately 26 tons of these materials monthly from landfill disposal . 6 Private and Charitable Recycling Presently , one private recycling company operates in Mason County on Port of Shelton property. Exceptional Foresters Inc . , a non- profit organization , is the only buy back center for recyclable material in Mason County . Accepted materials include customary recyclable material such as paper , cardboard , aluminum and tin cans , non-ferrous scrap (such as brass , copper , and bulk aluminum) , glass (color separated ) , and certain plastics . Recyclable materials are brought to the center by city and county residents and organizations . While scrap iron is not accepted by Exceptional Foresters , it is recycled by local auto wrecking yards . Exceptional Foresters also operates a post consumer commercial plastic recycling facility at Sanderson Field . Waste plastic materials are brought in and transformed into raw material for a variety of uses . The private refuse haulers in Mason County are pursuing recycling programs with some of their commercial customers . To date they have focused on the collection of cardboard . County residential curbside collection of recyclable material is also being considered . Several newsprint boxes serviced by charitable organizations and for profit companies are located in Mason County . The Mason County recycling drop box program does not compete with these boxes . Mason County collects mixed paper instead of newsprint when these private boxes are located at the same site as the Mason County recycling drop boxes . 5 . 2 HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT 5.2. 1 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Mason County has continued to hold Household Hazardous Waste Roundup each year since 1991 . In 1995 the events served 319 vehicles and collected a total of 21 , 900 pounds of hazardous waste . Mason County also operates a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Room that receives paints and pesticides . Fees to bring materials are currently $5.00 for the first three gallons and $ . 50 for each additional half gallon . Mason County collects used motor oil , antifreeze , hydraulic fluid , gear tube and used oil filters for free at all solid waste facilities . Used dry cell battery collection stations have been established at businesses and government offices throughout the County. Waste Stream Management Waste management methods are separated into five categories for reporting purposes : Beneficial reuse , destructive incineration , hazardous waste landfilling , treatment , and recycling . 7 Beneficial reuse encompasses various methods of energy recovery , including conversion of liquids with high BTU value for the production of cement . Waste types included in the beneficial reuse category are : oil based paint and related materials , non-pesticide aerosols , and other flammable liquids . Destructive incineration involves burning waste and depositing the ash in a hazardous waste landfill . In many cases incineration is the best option for management of waste . Flammable solids and pesticide aerosols are safely managed by this method . Treatment involves the process of transforming once hazardous waste into a less hazardous state . Acids , bases , and oxidizers are the most commonly treated household hazardous waste . Products that are collected for reuse are considered recycled . As an exapmle , antifreeze is recycled . Non-pesticide aerosols are managed in a closed loop recovery system. The contents are captured and reused for beneficial reuse while the empty cans are crushed and sent for recycling . 5.2.2 Regulated Hazardous Waste Generators RCRA HANDLERS LISTED BY NAME EPA ID # HANDLER NAME ADDRESS WAR000000513 ALDERBROOK RESORT, E 7090 HWY 106, UNION WAD988510491 CLASSIC CHROME, SE 514 CHANNEL POINT RD, SHELTON WAD982654063 FARM CREDIT BANK OF SPOKANE, 1190 PHILLIPS RD, SHELTON WAD982654147 MASON COUNTY LANDFILL, W 501 EELLS HILL RD, SHELTON WAD980834329 NORTH MASON SD 403, E 50 NORTH MASON SCHOOL RD, BELFAIR WAD988508230 NORTHWEST PIPELINE CORP, W 1271 DEEGAN RD W, SHELTON WAD988482204 PANTORIUM CLEANERS, 215 S 2ND ST, SHELTON WAD981768880 SHELTON CY OF POLICE DEPT, 2ND & FRANKLIN, SHELTON WAD988523320 SHELTON CY OF WATER TANK, HARVARD AVE AT 15TH, SHELTON WAD988523320 SHELTON PORT OF, W410 BUSINESS PARK RD, SHELTON WAD988470886 SIMPSON TIMBER CO GRISDALE, TR22N R7W S31 , SHELTON WAD988500484 SOUTH GRAYS HARBOR TIMBER RESOURC, SE 801 CRAIG RD, SHELTON WAD988477899 SQUAXIN ISL NATURAL RESOURCE, W 81 HWY 108, SHELTON WAD103362448 SUNRISE FIBERGLASS ENG. INC. , W 171 SANDERSON WAY, SHELTON WAD988502340 TACOMA CITY LIGHT CUSHMAN PROD N21451 HWY 101 , SHELTON WA0000275495 TAYLOR UNITED INC. , SE 130 LYNCH RD, SHELTON WAD980977854 TRANSFORMER SVC CO, PORT OF SHELTON SANDERSON FLD, SHELTON WA4122300136 USDA FS FIR CRK, T21N R5W S3., HOODSPORT WAT540011061 USWCOM HOODSPORT CO, LAKE AND WILLARD, HOODSPORT WAT540011400 USWCOM SHELTON CO, 522 RAILROAD, SHELTON WAT540011103 USWCOM KAMILCHE TD3 BLDG 9M1 S OF SHELTON, SHELTON WAD988468468 WDOE SRO ALDERBROOK DRUG LAB, COUNTRY CLUB DR E UNIT 38, UNION WAD988476594 WDOE SRO BASTIAN DRUG LAB, 309 W UNIVERSITY, SHELTON WAD988504973 WDOE SRO BPA RIGHT OF WAY PAINT DRUM, 200 YDS NW OF E 1892, SHELTON WAD988493029 WDOE SRO ELFENDAHL PASS DR, T23N R3W S12, BELFAIR WAD988478806 WDOE SRO HARTSTENE PICK UP, T20N R2W S12 COLMEL WRIGHT RD,SHELTON WAD988480471 WDOE SRO MASON CO DRUMS, T20N R2W S12, BELFAIR WAD980986707 WDOE SRO MASON CO PARK SITE SANDHILL RD 1 MI N N SHORE RD BELFAIR WAD988519690 WDOE SRO SKOKOMISH SULFURIC ACID C, W 40 SKOKOMISH VLY RD, SHELTON All sites listed have either gone out of business , were one time only generators , or are no longer generating . 8 CHAPTER SIX IMPROVING MODERATE RISK WASTE MANAGEMENT IN MASON COUNTY ' Many of the problems and needs described in Chapter G still apply to Mason County ' s MRVV management program . However as the needs of the county change due to growth and the development of new technology and 9roduote . MRW management programs wi | | have to evolve to meet these ever changing developments . The MRVY Management Plan will continue to promote hazardous product use and disposal practices that reduce human exposure and environmental risks by providing for improved informational and dimpoaal opportunities , health and safety programe , and regulation development and enforcement . CHAPTER SEVEN 7. 1 RECOMMENDATIONS Many of the r000mmmndationm | iated in the K0RVV Management P | an have been implemented by Mason County and the City of Shelton . The K8RYV . plan recommendations address six key areas and includes a recommendation for action by the Department of Ecology. As stated in the origina | P | an , fu | | imA | ementation of the reoommendationa depends upon adequate funding through local and state sources . Should funding not be fully available to support these recommendations , specific activities will be reduced or eliminated . Hazardous Waste Education Eduoation | eadm the | imt of recommendationm and is cons idered a priority in Mason County. The MHVV Management Plan provides for educating the public on hazardous waste reduction through the use of alternate products and recycling , the development and distribution of information on programs available and the proper use , handling , mtorage , and disposal of hazardous materials . Household Hazardous Waste Collection Community Development will continue to hold annual household hazardous waste collection events at its solid waste facility as funding permits . Mason County will continue to explore coat reduction alternatives that may include the development of a fee based collection program and the coordination of collection activities with surrounding counties . The expansion of the used automotive product collection program to all Mason County Solid Waste Facilities including those in Union and Hoodmport took place in 1995 ' Continued promotion of these opportunities along with those provided for by the private sector are encouraged by this Plan . g The used dry cell battery collection program continues to gain popularity. The Department of Community Development has established collection sites at businesses and government offices throughout the county . In 1995 Mason County collected 2800 pounds of used dry cell and 540 pounds of nickel -cadmium batteries as a result of this program . The Hazardous Waste Collection Room was established in 1991 at the County ' s Shelton Solid Waste Facility and provides an opportunity for the disposal of paints and pesticides for a fee of $5 .00 for the first three gallons and $ . 50 for each Half gallon thereafter . Commercial Moderate Risk Waste Collection Mason County does not provide government sponsored commercial MRW collection opportunities . Solid Waste staff does provide assistance to businesses that request information on available private waste haulers and processors that serve the Mason County area. Through its educational programs Mason County encourages businesses to reduce and recycle moderate risk wastes and to properly dispose of wastes using the services of the private sector . Health and Safety The Mason County Department of Community Development has compiled information specific to the potential health and safety hazards associated with moderate risk wastes . This information has been provided to Utilities Division Staff which includes all solid waste facility and wastewater treatment plant operators employed by Mason County . This information is also available to private sector workers who may potentially be exposed to moderate risk wastes . The Department of Community Development continues to seek and compile information from the Department of Ecology and Labor and industries to upgrade this program . Compliance and Enforcement Mason County has implemented a signage program at all solid waste facilities that defines what wastes are not accepted . In addition informational brochures are provided at each facility describing opportunities available for MRW disposal . Toll booth attendants are instructed to question each self hauler about the contents of the materials to be disposed and unacceptable materials are diverted to proper disposal methods available . The Solid Waste Facility attendants must comply with facility operating permits that strictly forbid the disposal of hazardous or dangerous wastes as described in WAC 173-304 at said facilities . The City of Shelton will be periodically provided with information on moderate risk waste to be published in the publication titled City Hall News which is distributed with monthly utility bills . Private haulers are sent brochures that provide similar information that is also included with billing statements . This information specifically addresses targeted or banned wastes and lists recycling and disposal opportunities available . 10 Program Coordination and Evaluation In addition to taking the lead in many of the MRW Plan 's recommendations , The Department of Community Development responsibilities will include the tracking of waste quantities collected and participation rates at each collection event and at all collection facilities . This will include the MRW Plan ' s implementation costs. Community Development will attempt to solve problems implementing the plan , as well as coordinate and evaluate the plan ' s progress . The Solid Waste Advisory Committee will review and evaluate program activities . The plan ' s various components will be reviewed by Community Development staff . That review will use similar methods for measuring program participation , waste quantities , income and expenditures , and other factors to assist the SWAC in measuring the success of the plan . This oversight will allow Community Development to make any necessary adjustments to improve the plan ' s effectiveness . Program coordination and evaluation will assist state and local governments in properly allocating the monies available for moderate risk waste management . State Actions Mason County recommends that the State Department of Ecology continue to provide grant programs and technical assistance to improve moderate risk waste management . The State should continue to work with businesses to design workable programs to improve opportunities for properly recycling and disposal of moderate risk wastes by all generators . 7. 1 .2 Schedule The schedule for implementation of recommendations in this plan update will span the five year period beginning in 1996 and continues through 2000 . An additional update of this plan will be developed by the end of the year 2000 . The process for updating is described in section 7 .2. 2 , MRW Plan Revision and Update Process . 7. 1 .3 Budget Funds for moderate risk waste activities in Mason County are provided by Coordinated Prevention Grants awarded to the County by the Department of Ecology , and through tipping fees collected at the solid waste facilities . Grant funding for Household Hazardous Waste Collection and disposal is anticipated at 75%. Matching funds and the remainder of the money needed to implement the plan will come from solid waste tipping fees . Mason County will provide annual funding for the collection of used automotive products at county owned solid waste facilities . Cost of the used automotive product collection program is expected to run $2500 annually . 11