HomeMy WebLinkAbout46-95 - Res. Annexation by Petition Fire Protection District No. 4 RESOLUTION 46-95
WHEREAS, Discovery Homes, Inc and Bobbye Lewis have petitioned for
annexation into Mason County Fire Protection District No. 4, an area of land currently
contiguous to the District. A legal description and plat map of the area to be annexed are
attached. (Exhibit A)
WHEREAS, The Commissioners of Mason County Fire Protection District No. 4
have recommended this annexation be approved.
WHEREAS,the financial obligation of the area to be annexed shall become subject
to the indebtedness, bonded or otherwise, of the existing district.
NOW,THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Mason County Commissioners
that this annexation be approved.
DATED this 25th day of April, 1995.
William O. Hunter, Chairperson
M.L. Faughender„` ommissioner
ATTEST: ` ; ;✓` —� �/'
Mary Jo'`Cady, Commissioner
Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk o9he Board
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
Michael Clift
c: Commissioners
FPD#4,SE 2970 Arcadia Rd., Shelton
," ;� �YS `3 {s ' REEL 5 9 2 FR(0 0 b
Short Plat#Approved
DirectorCbf Vommunity Development
&}� PARCEL 1:
All that portion of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter
'? of Section 30, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M., which lies
Y' Westerly of the Westerly right-of-way line of Primary State Highway
4 No. '9 (Olympic Highway) EXCEPTING THEREFROM the South 310 feet as
measured along L the West line of said subdivision; EXCEETING
u THEREFROM the North five acres, and EXCEPTING four tracts of land
1 described as follows: '
h9 (1) The East 208 feet of the West 268 feet of the South 208 feet of
f : the North, 573 feet of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast
" quarter, Section 30, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M.
�x (2) All zthat portion of the South 200 feet of the North 365 feet of
the Southeast,,quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 30,
' _Township 20 North Range 3 West,"W.M. wick lies Westerly of the
Westerly right-of/way line of "Oly Olympic Highway".
(3) All that portion of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast
quarter of Section 30, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M.,
* T ' . described as follows:
r+ ` COMMENCING AT, the Southeast corner of the Plat of Crestview
r�s Addition to the City of Shelton, Volume 9 of Plats, pages 177 and
178,-,records of Mason County, Washington; Thence N 23` 00' 00" E,
along the Easterly line of said Plat of Crestview Addition, 212.41
siIr " feet; ,Thence S 86' 411 0111 E, 63.74 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING;
Thence continuing S 86" 41' 0111 E, 117.54 feet; Thence S 00' 48' 1111
i ,t''.; E, 63.15 feet; Thence N 59' 23' 2511 W, 137.37 feet to the POINT OF
` (4) A' tract of land in the Southeast quarter of the Northeast
quarter of Section 30 and in the North half of the North half of
v z .!,Section 29, all in Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M., described
nr ey?r
r as follows
y� A",y'
BEGINNING AT the Southeast corner of the Plat of Crestivew Addition
to the Y, ,Cit `of_ Shelton,lt Volume 9 of Plats, pages 177 and 178,
: .
records of Mason County, Washington; Thence N 23° 00' 0011 E along
''the Easterly.line of said Plat of Crestview Addition, 212.41 feet;
`Thence S 86':91° .Ol".E, 63.74 feet; Thence S 59` 23' 25'° E, 172.52
kl_feet , more or ,less, to the Westerly right-of-way line of Primary
.-;. State Highway No. .9; Thence Southwesterly along said Westerly
right-of-way line, 200 feet to a point Southeast of the POINT OF
REEL 592FM0l
'Y /
Short Plat# ,
s=�? Approved /- — j
Directdtlof Community Development
F'rF 1. TOTAL TRACT (cant.)
, BEGINNING; Thence Northwesterly to said Southeast corner of the ;
Fgt. <3 - Plat of Crestview Addition and the POINT OF BEGINNING, excepting
..".. d;, therefrom road rights-of-way.
�,L- ,5 �•
EXCEPTING THEREFROM road rights-of-way. .t
E, ii r Said land also known as a portion of Parcel 1 of Boundary Line
Adjustment 92-34, recorded April 28, 1992, Auditor's File No.
A tract of land in the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter
of Section 30 and in the North half of the North half of Section
'} 29, all in Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M., described as
, f
BEGINNING AT the Southeast corner of the Plat of Crestiiew Addition
}: to the City of, Shelton, Volume 9 of Plats, pages 177 and 178,
records. of Mason County, Washington; Thence N 23' 00' 00" E along
Y the Easterly line of said Plat of Crestview Addition, 212.41 feet;
, ' E Thence S 861,.41' 01" E, 63.74 feet; Thence S 59° 23' 25" E, 172.52
xr � feet;,;ro more,or,less, to the Westerly right-of-way line of Primary State Highway,:No. ' 9; Thence Southwesterly along said Westerly
right-of-way line, 200 feet to a point Southeast of the POINT OF
21 ;BEGINNING; ;:Thence Northwesterly to said Southeast corner of the
F„s�,{,,;,_;,-, •; Plat of Crestview Addition and the POINT OF 'BEGINNING,' excepting
;M r therefrom road rights-of-way. r
}{ ' Said land also "known as a portion of Parcel 1 of Boundary Line
x}� Adjustment 92-34, recorded May 8, 1992, Auditor's File No. 543871.
TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a perpetual non-exclusive easement for
purposes,30 feet in width as disclosed in instrument recorded
r` Fc; under,;v:Auditor's :File No. 255862, records of Mason County,
�r� r Washington Exact location unknown.
+ €z y TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a natural gas line easement 10 feet in
err snwidth as described in instrument recorded under Auditor's File No.
" ` . 561721, -records .of Mason County, Washington.
T4arTOGETHER TWITH lfAND SUBJECT TO easements restrictions and
= r reservations of record.
xi✓t�xt r i � �`1, -
rr wh �!� a Fz of
9 r a Y , REEL592F�oa A,
°yam 1i *4 rX ' 3 f9`� 1a 2 n�-! m r �x* r
Short J Plat# .2353"
� .� ��.. «,•+ '€1 , s.ti _ Director f unity Development
,That 'portion ,of the Southeast one quarter of the Northeast one
� y 1; quarter in-Section 30, Township 20N, Range 3W. W.M. in Mason
F� 3 ��ytC0unty, Washington; described as follows:
� ,x Beginning at•the Southeast corner'of Crestview Addition to the city
� { of Shelton '.as:recorded in Volume 9 of,Plats, pages 177 and 178,
AC irecords
a eason .11
3 84 County, Washington,
63t 16 feet; Thencee N AS ®573.155' 021, E,
Vf''173.76 feet;to,.the`Wetterly margin of State Route3 and a point on
itr the ;arc ofiascurve to the left .the radius point .of which bears S
'7] 53"_41';16" E;;2553;90 feet; Thence Southwesterly along the arc of
i ,> c said curve and said margin 200 00 'feet, Thence N 69O 14 3811
= � ,ii199 75 'feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING
' ni.`fTYl4�`X` �tl 1J+'rr}P �'a'ctr:,�., a,- R'.>.-�L- r- •z.+l.'{. 1., r:->'t.5:.
�vl- TOGETHER WITH AND`SUBJECT TO<a perpetual non-exclusive easement for
_ +road purposes30:feet in width as disclosed in instrument recorded
* ��under ':Audi tor's° File No 255862, records of Mason County,
T O�t' shington}4:Exact location{unknown
;TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a natural gas line easement 10 feet in
th as:described in instrument recorded under Auditor's File No®
P `561721, records of Mason County;•,Washington.
�f �pt TOGETHER WITH an easement to a wellsite 10 feet in width for
h `` 'ingress, egress, drainage, utilities and video cable as shown on
�Athe accompanying short plat map
��,i�:K-�""�'�i#�s.�,#'�t.,ors ,� �;m,?e: 2.._• ,. . ;,,, . :. ;
? r
,TOGETHER ,WITH an easement 60 feet in width for ingress, egress, e
' ra "drainage and utility purposes including video cable and an easement
30^feet-in width for ingress, egress and utility purposes as shown
the :accompanying short plat map.
TOGETHER WITH ,=-AND SUBJECT;;;TO easements restrictions and
reservations`•of.record. :
�St'y� z '�"�''✓n;yam.`. 9.� �..to " r
,�,. >• -n
•ism�ji7'�� �SS�d�,•-T e�Sf3���k� r �tr���F L ?fsli}.y13?i,,. r, .:� _ '_".' ,..
ill; 311
• REEL 5 9 2 MO 10
Short Plat# 2353-
. Approved
l Director OF ClOmmunity Development
x;` < That portion of the Southeast one quarter of the Northeast one
' quarter in Section 30, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M. in
Mason County, Washington; described as follows:
.Beginning at the Southeast corner of Crestview Addition to the city
#J of Shelton as recorded in Volume 9 of Plats, pages 177 and 178,
records of Mason County, Washington; Thence S 69' 14, 38" E, 199.75
Y;t „ feet to the Westerly margin of State Route 3 and a point on the arc
?of a curve ',to the left the radius point of which bears S 58' 20'
vr= ,E, 2553.90 feet;. Thence Southwesterly along the arc of said
v�,h•_ :curve and said margin, 299.17 feet; Thence N 74' 12' 46" W, 24.11
7 _ .Meet to the PC of a curve to the left having a radius of 250.00
.�P feet; Thence Westerly along the arc of said curve, 130.90 feet;
Thence S 75'.471. 14" W, 117.01 feet; Thence N 14' 12, 46" W, 140.00
�S —feet; 'Thence N 75' 47' 14"_E, 50.00 feet; Thence N 72' 12' 23" E,
} r: r-139.09 feet; Thence N 24' 42' 23" E, 180.00 feet to the POINT OF
�a TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a perpetual non-exclusive easement for
road purposes 30 feet in width as disclosed in instrument recorded
under_ Auditor's File No. 255862, records of Mason County,
".'.Washington.!Exact location unknown.
TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a natural gas line easement 10 feet in
width as described in instrument recorded under Auditor's File No.
y' S61721
of Mason Count ® Washington.
TOGETHER WITH an easement to a wellsite 10 feet in width for ' "
ingress, egress, drainage, utilities and video cable as shown on
the accompanying short plat map.
f� <� r TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO an easement 60 feet in width for
ingress„egress, drainage and utility purposes including video
-cable as shown on the accompanying short plat map.
JTOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO easements restrictions and
a=� reservations of record.
."r�+fi�ri"��b�SFP .ri �``tad ,r•x'i'�.'t•S�t.a r r ,
Short Plat# �sr
Direc o�C ..t, Development
That portion of the Southeast one arter of the Northeast one
,s quarter in Section 30, Township 20 Nor-th, .Range 3.West, W.M. in
Mason County, Washington; described as follows;
Beginning at the Southeast corner of Crestview Addition to the city
of Shelton as recorded in Volume 9 of Plats pages 177 and 178
, P 4 ,
"r records of Mason County, Washington; Thence S 24° 421 23" W, 180.00
n" feet, ,Thence S 72° 12' 23" W, 139.09 feet; Thence S 75° 47' 14" W,
3 § ,
50.00 ,feet; Thence S 14° 12' 4611 E, 140.00 feet to the TRUE POINT
�A OF BEGINNING; Thence N 75° 47' 14" E, 117.01 feet to the PC of a
curve to.the right having a radius of 250.00 feet; Thence Easterly
along the arc of said curve, 130.90 feet; Thence S 74° 121 46" E,
24.11 feet to the Westerly margin of State Route 3 and a point on
.the arc of a curve to the left the radius point of which bears S
64°.531, 11" E, 2553.90 feet; Thence Southwesterly along the arc of
said curveand said margin 196.73 feet to the PCC of a curve to
the left the radius point of which bears S 69° 18' 00" E, 1858.59
feet;. Thence .Southwesterly along the arc of said curve and said
margin, 140.59 feet; Thence N 84° 55' 22" W, 362.93 feet; Thence N
3° 55' 22" W,'205.66 feet to a point on the arc of a curve to the
.,left the radius point of which bears N 9° 02' 4311 W, 450.00 feet;
�t. Thence Northeasterly along the arc of said curve, 40.59 feet;
* Thence'N 75° 47' 14" E, 197.40 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.
TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a perpetual non-exclusive easement for
road purposes 30 feet in width as disclosed in instrument recorded
a + ? under.t Auditor's File No. 255862, records of Mason County,
}a s Washington..Exact location unknown.
;A .t TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a natural gas line easement 10 feet in
`a "..,width as described in instrument recorded under Auditor's File No.
561721, records of Mason County, Washington.
,��`E� ,TOGETHER WITH ,AND SUBJECT TO an easement 60 feet in width for
' y ;ingress, ;egress, drainage and utility purposes including video
cable as shown on the accompanying short plat map.
TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT .TO easements restrictions and
'�' ,,; reservations of record.
dyy 34 Ir 'J: ;
Q I?.�l'iFaw��'��.��� U� Lf.�y:f'—•[fit„ 'y;tf�. �Y�.�?���'ntJlna,� fl` �''
REEL S 9 2 FRO 12
tz a ti Short
Plat# 9.65
A 'r
Pp ®� 1�
` RI,00
YDirector mmunity Development
# r, LOT 4
+ .That portion of the Southeast one quarter of the Northeast one
quarter in Section 30, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M. in
�a , Mason County, Washington; described as follows:
'. ..
� : Beginning at the Southeast corner of Crestview Addition to the city
s�of Shelton as recorded in Volume 9 of Plats, pages 177 and 178,
records of Mason County, Washington; Thence S 24' 421 2311 W, 180.00
4"�M1"'".'•- r feet, Thence S 72° 121 23" W, 139.09 feet; Thence S 75® 47' 14" W,
50.00 feet; Thence S 14° 121 46" E, 140.00 feet; Thence S 75' 471
14" W, 197.40 feet to the PC of a curve to the right having a
+' t radius of 450.00 feet; Thence Southwesterly along the arc of said
': :.. .. .1;curve, 40.59 feet; Thence S 3° 551 22" E, 205.66 feet, Thence N 84'
,55' 22" W,'625.66 feet; Thence N 1® 01' 5011 E, 652.25 feet; Thence
�2r S 85" 001 4111 E, 60.14 feet; Thence S 1" 01' 50" W, 208.50 feet;
>Thence S 85' 00' 4111 E, 208.50 feet; Thence N 1° 01' 5011 E, 208.50
+as ;feet; Thence S 85° 001 4111 E, 785.62 feet to the POINT OF
TOGETHER WITH AND`SUBJECT TO a perpetual non-exclusive easement for
� * 'a
purposes 30 feet in widthas disclosed in instrument recorded
� x :under Auditor's File No. . 255862, records of Mason County,
ppx+, Washington. Exact .location unknown.
TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a natural gas line easement 10 feet in
sa 7 width as described in instrument recorded under Auditor's File No.
r r561721, records of Mason County, Washington.
x. {, TOGETHER WITH -AND SUBJECT TO an easement 60 feet in width for
,^*-ingress, egress, drainage and utlity purposes including video cable
and an easement 30 feet in width for_ingress, egress and utility
' purposes as shown on the accompanying short plat.
;VVf s TOGETHER WITH an`' easement to a wellsite 10 feet in width for
q 1ngi _,egress, drainage, utilities and video cable as shown on
ai? the accompanying short plat map.
py � TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT .TO easements restrictions and
3, ;reservations of record.
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