HomeMy WebLinkAbout136-97 - Res. Approval of Constract Addendum for Solid Waste Export and Disposal Services A RESOLUTION OF THE MASON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION NO. -13 6-9 7 IN REF: APPROVAL OF CONTRACT ADDENDUM (1997)FOR SOLID WASTE EXPORT AND DISPOSAL SERVICES WHEREAS, Mason County(the County) entered into a Contract for solid waste export services with Regional Disposal Company(the Contractor) on August 31, 1994; and WHEREAS, on June 28th, 1994 the Mason County Board of Commissioners approved a Contract addendum as described in Resolution No. 61-94; and WHEREAS, the Mason County Board of Commissioners(hereinafter referred to as the "Board") have reviewed a 1997 Addendum to the existing Contract regarding solid waste export services for Mason County which extends the life of the Contract through the year 2013 and amends the Contract as follows, and that except as specifically provided in this 1997 Addendum, each and every provision of the Contract and the 1994 Addendum remains as is, in all respects, in fiffl force and effect; and WHEREAS, the County enters into this 1997 Addendum in consideration, in part, for the Contractor, at the Contractor's sole expense, having provided a tarping rack to the County for the County's use, which tarping rack became and remains the property of the County; and WHEREAS, the Contractor shall install a seventy-foot scale adjacent to the toll booth at the Transfer Station. This scale shall be compatible with the existing scale. The County will retain ownership of the seventy-foot scale. Contractor shall install this scale within 90 days of the date of this 1997 Addendum; and WHEREAS,the County shall provide the Contractor an itemized proposed listing the costs of all elements for either: (a) a vehicle for use as part of the Mason County Solid Waste and Recycling program; and/or(b) computer equipment for use as part of the Mason County Solid Waste record keeping system The choice of option(a) and/or option(b) shall be at the County's sole discretion. Within 30 days of receipt of the itemized proposal, Contractor shall pay to the County an amount equal to the total cost reflected in the proposal, provided that the Contractor shall not pay any amount in excess of$26,000. WHEREAS, for both disposal and transportation services provided on and after August 1, 1997, and before January 1, 1999, the Base Unit Price stated in Subsection 8.1 (c), of the 1997 Addendum, shall be used to calculate the Service Fee. For both disposal and transportation services provided on and after January 1, 1999, the Base Unit Price shall be adjusted for changes in the CPI as provided in Subsection 8.1 (d) and the adjusted unit prices shall be used in calculating the Service Fee; and WHEREAS, effective August 1, 1997, the Base Unit Price for both disposal and transportation services is $40.88 per ton of acceptable waste. The Base Unit Price for disposal and transportation of asbestos is$63.51 per ton. WHEREAS, the Base Unit Prices shall be adjusted annually on January I st of each year commencing January 1, 1999, based on the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index in accordance with the formula described in the approved 1997 Addendum; and WHEREAS, after due consideration it appears to be in the best public interest to approve this contract addendum; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners authorize execution of the 1997 Contract Addendum between Mason County and Regional Disposal Company. PASSED IN REGULAR SESSION this 18th day of November, 1997. PROVED AS TO FORM: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WA. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Chairperson 6/' ATTEST: lco/Qissioin-er Clerk of the Board ommi Toner