HomeMy WebLinkAbout129-97 - Res. Alteration to Tahuya River Valley Division 1 r ,t L ALTERATION TO TAHUYA RIVER VALLEY - DIV. 1 RESOLUTION `® On August 3 , 1968, the Plat of Tahuya River Valley, Division 1, located in Section 6, Township 22 North, Range 2 West, W.M. , was recorded in Volume 7, Page 74 to 76 records of Mason County, Washington. WHEREAS, The Dedication included in Tahuya River Valley, Division 1, is as follows : Know all men by these presents : that we, the undersigned, Tahuya River, 'Inc. by Roger J. Reid, Hial A. Turnley, Gerald L. Allen and Harriett L. Allen owners, owners in fee simple of the land hereby platted, do hereby declare this plat and dedicate to the use of the public forever all streets, avenues, places, and sewer easements, or whatever public property there is shown on the plat and the use thereof for public highway purposes . Also, the right to make all necessary slopes for cuts and fills upon lots, blocks, tracts, e. t . c. , shown hereon. Also the right to drain all streets over and across any lot or lots where water might take a natural course after the street or streets are graded. WHEREAS, The final plat contains Easements and Special Provisions which reads as follows : All lots shall be subject to an easement 5 feet in width and parallel with and adjacent to all lot lines for the purposes of installation and maintenance of all utilities and drainage and all lots shall also be subject to the right of overhand of electric and telephone wires over portions of lots where roadway curvature causes the same to occur. WHEREAS, RCW 58 . 17 . 215 - Alteration of subdivision - Procedure, provides a method by which a person interested in the alteration of any subdivision or the altering of any portion thereof may proceed; WHEREAS, David E. Berfield, owner of Lot 35 and 36 of the Plat of Tahuya River Valley, Division 1, have made application with the Mason County Board of County Commissioners requesting an alteration to the easement unning approximately north to south a distance of 183 . 07 feet . This application is being made in order for the owner to combine the two lots for the purpose of future development; WHEREAS, the application contains the signatures of the majority of those persons having an ownership interest of lots, tracts, parcels, sites, or divisions in the subject subdivision or portion thereof; WHEREAS, the Tahuya River Valley Community Club, PUD #3 , U.S . West Communications, and the Mason County Department of Public Works, have all relinquished their interest in said easement . WHEREAS, the Mason County Board of County Commissioners did notify the effected landowners as required by R.C.W. 58 . 17 .215 ; WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on November 4, 1997, at 9 : 45 AM, in the Commissioners Chambers; WHEREAS, after due consideration it appears to be in the best public interest to approve the request made by Mr. Berfield; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board authorizes the alteration of the previously described 10 ' easement between lots 35 and 36, in the Plat of Tahuya River Valley, Division 1, with the understanding that there is no drainage in effect on said property line . PASSED IN REGULAR SESSION this 4th day of November, 1997 . APPROVED AS TO FORM BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON P , t � Prosecuting Attorney CHAIRMAN ISSIOTNTER ATTEST � s s C "RK OF THE BOARJb COMMIS TONER