HomeMy WebLinkAbout113-97 - Res. Interim Measure to Prohibit Construction in the Skokomish River Valley RESOLUTION NO. IN THE MATTER OF: Enacting an interim measure which will prohibit all new construction in the Skokomish River Valley where there is a threat to life and property due to a potential river avulsion. This,resolution shall be in effect for a period of six months from the date of approval on an interim basis, under authority of Chapter 36.70A.390; and WHEREAS, the Mason County Board of Commissioners on July 15, 1997, adopted Resolution No. 76-97, a Declaration of Emergency for several bodies of water in Mason County, including the Skokomish River; and WHEREAS, portions of the Skokomish River and Vance Creek are perched, that is the river channel is higher than the surrounding floodplain creating a condition which, coupled with the continued aggradation and loss of flow conveyance capacity in the river, makes it probable that an avulsion will take place and the river will develop a new channel on the flood plain; and WHEREAS, it is impossible to predict when an avulsion may take place during a flood event; and WHEREAS, recent floods have eroded significant areas of riparian vegetation and riverbank, breached dikes and present a continued threat to life and property; and WHEREAS, any new construction within the Skokomish River Valley within the 100-year floodplain defined below is potentially in danger of being in the path of a river avulsion; and WHEREAS, the prohibition of building for the next six months will provide additional time and opportunity to further evaluate the potential threat of an avulsion and examination of alternatives for dealing with the situation without allowing other structures to be constructed in harms way, and WHEREAS, reconstruction or replacement shall be for structures of the same type and use as the original structure and shall within the original footprint; and WHEREAS, per orders from the Western Washington Growth Management Hearings Board, Mason County is in the process of amending the Frequently Flooded Areas section of the Interim Resource Ordinance No. 77-93 and this moratorium will allow for time to consider whether or not the proposed density of 1 dwelling unit per 5 acres is appropriate in the Skokomish River floodplain; and WHEREAS, the resolution is to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare, and to minimize public and private losses by prohibiting any new construction within the Skokomish River Valley, RESOLUTION NO. 113-97 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: Construction of any new structure, as defined in the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance#59-91, shall not be allowed in the Skokomish River Valley within the 100-year flood plain of the Skokomish River as delineated in the Skokomish River Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan, February 199 7; and the I 00-year flood plain of Vance Creek and the South Fork Skokomish River within Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Township 21 N., Range 5 W, W.M. as delineated on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (530115 0001-0175), May 17, 1988. Maps delineating these areas are attached hereto as "Exhibit N' and "Exhibit B", respectively, and made a part of this resolution by reference. A site inspection will be conducted for any development proposals in the previously described areas to verify if it is within the 100-year floodplain. Reconstruction shall be allowed pursuant to all applicable regulations and the following condition: 1. The area of the footprint of the structure following reconstruction shall be no greater than the areas of the footprints prior to reconstruction. A footprint is defined as the total area of the first floor of a structure, regardless of how the structure is supported. This resolution is in effect for six (6) months beginning on the date of approval by the Mason County Board of Commissioners. DATED this 29-) day of i 1997. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON C h�a# A� ATTEST: C missioneff Clerk of the Board Commissioner f3 IT ................ JOINSPANELOI-25 ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS KEY' NA 50(,Year Flood Boundary— OLYMPIC NATIONAL REFERENCE ELEVATION MARK (FT.NGVD) DESCRIPTION OF LOCATION I 0(iYear Flood Boundary FORE 33 6 32 RIM15 32,0 U.S.Route 101 bridge crossing slough. ­X­in corner of bridge . 3 0 31 curb on the north bank Of the upstream side of bridge,approxi. Zo.e Designations T22 N m8tchf 0.03 miles 115a)southerly of the intersection with BOUF- gault East. T22N T21 N RM23 31.'4 PK and shinner on the centerline of the Skokomish Valley Road, 10(!Year Flood Boundary-- T21 N approximately 0.29 miles(1,520')north and approximately 0.49 50(,iYear Flood Boundary— miles(2,5901)vvest of the Intersection with Bourgault VVest,or approximately 0.78 miles along the centerlina of the Skokomish Ba Flood Elevation Line Valley Road, a Wi Elevation In Feet** RM25 38.5 PK and shinner on the centarline of the Skokomish Valley Road, e Flood Elevation in Feet approximately 1.43 miles westerly of the intersection with Bour- Ba I' i W�re Uniform Within Zone*� gault I'Vest along said centerline. RM31 48.1 61 PK and shinner on the centarline of the Skokomish Valley Road,' Eldat on Reference Mark pproximately 2.17 miles westerly of the intersection with Bour- gault West,along said centerline. Zoi c D Boundary— RMr Mile ROSE L�KE **I eferenced to the Nati onal E LANATION OF XP ZINE E 5 4 LU ZONE C .0 Areas of 100-yeai 0 flood hazard factor:. AO Areas of 100-vc,;,,- are between one of inundation are are determined. ZONE C 'N;4 EXHIBIT A Areas of 100-ye,! /H Skokomish Indian Reselvat' Are between one AREA NOT I elevations are shv�- are determined. N NO GEM NCLUD�D RES""OU "T10 //3 �7 Al A30 Areas of I 00-year ZONE C flood hazard factot auxw9 Areas of 100-yc�,. protection systvn'. elevations and flo Areas between lin-. year flood;or cert ZONE C ing with average dr� the contributing(I mile;or areas prot, (Medium shadi gl Areas of minimal 1: Areas of undetern it Areas of I 00-yeai A action);base flood not dete rm inc VI�V30 Areas of 100-veae A-7 action);base flood A I determined. FLOD L NOTES Ce.ri.-lin areas not in the special- may be protected by flood cont This map is for use in adminisi M Program;it does not necessaril- Ag, "I P'll, Il 111-0 g 45 ing,4 particularly from local di.- 7 8 9 Plarlimetric features outside spe Willi) Coi-ital base flood elevations a 541�1� hown on this map, NE B 1:18191,5R, s t RM 7 For adjoining map panels,see Panos. INITIAL IDI AUGU! D WA . ki N- FLOOD HAZARD B00 IE_ MAY mg gi., E& n't ma. Ilia no!NO, 'T F LOO D INSURANCE 2, a 21 MAY g g ow, 's W pm .8 % ft .........r..m 11 ,I ­ 'r D Mi NO Ali I! _,W­­wp-m�pep-j I'll R 0 _J v 17 Ait_� W.1IR;1,;'%.l."_P;!�w,� A, _J RIM- I........ Z r A44 Z K.;12 R 0, In 'T 4 [�"g, RN?. 'e" QN I�g "MNA! Z 40 .1 ,""! — N w".% W W 2 CIT crn TP KOM "a Z X4 21 2V W -41T, k ZONE G ZONE C Dc") �;q j7ff 7j" W 6 0 V M M IN"! N PY! M _RF0 il?,I"Al.;3I gv 13 N 17 W.-W z N I IEB Refer to the FLOOD INSU RAN 13 118 1wn on this map to detern) Ir tures in the zones where cit '0M JC IiZpd. I'P To determine if flood insurant ZONE your insurance agent,o. Pro.4ram,at(800)638-6620. cor"ac, "Q1,21A'.q-D' irg. YEW ffil+61,', gi 1k "I - -­x .1 g., I N*91 ig g2 14p OLD 11A TCItER Y LAKE _<E A PROXIMATE w A. 1000 ........... q� q H R I W ZONE C FLOOD E Al 20 21 Z� 22 23 19 -1 5� MAS01 24 24 119 Ll �7 WASE) a J < ZONE C (UNINCIC C-, \J PAN E L I (SEE MAP INI, a 0/ .2 3 J6 � —----------- ------ a KEY TO MAP T ZONE C >> JOINS PANEL.0900 Olympic National Fores. I 34 35 36 500-Year Flood Boundary 35 36 31 32 ZONE C 33 T.22 N. 100-Year Flood Boundary T.22 N. NATIONAL FOREST BOUNDARY Zone Designations T.21 N. & T.21 N. }� � � a; x.' � � A 100-Year Flood Boundary ZI ZONE C 500-Year Flood Boundary- Base O '} 0 Z With Elevation In Feet** Base Flood Elevation Line ---^-513- m® 1 6 5 cet� °hCe 4 3 2 1 Base Flood Elevation in Feet** (EL 9Bi OC Z 3 2 Where Uniform Within Zone. 2I Q 6 5 4 r`S11fle Elevation Reference Mark RM7} }I LAKE Zone D Boundary Q HAVEN O Olympic National Forest Q River Mile P ®M1! Gpeek ZONE C ZONE A **Referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum� I EXPLANATION OF ZONE DESIGNAI , I ZONE EXPLANATION aA Areas of 100-year flood;base flood elev, ZONE C o'er 6 flood hazard factors not determined. AO Areas of 100-year shallow flooding wh( 10 are between one(1)and three(3)feet;aver of inundation are shown,but no flood haz E X n"I 10 11 g `� `1, are determined. oding wh( 8 9 7711 are between one(1)and three(3)feet; 7 ow AH elevations arAreas of e shown,labut nollow loflood haz. N 0® are determineRESOU d. Al-A30 Areas of 100-year flood;base flood elev flood hazard factors determined. I' elevtations andstflood hazard fact ors tlnot c A99 Areas of 100 year flood to be protecte� pro ec ion I 0 wr B Areas between limits of the 100 year flop yea in areas BOUNDARY L e w thercontrdibutingrdrainage area iscle soth0n NATIONAL FOREST „ ew ing with average depths less than one(1)fo a Z mile;or areas protected by levees from the a (Medium shading) ka,�d z C Areas of minimal flooding.(No shading) m ' it o D Areas of undetermined,but possible,flo V Areas of 100-year coastal flood with vel action);base flood elevations and flood ha t' 16 15 14 13 not determined. r 04 9.7 V1-V30 Areas of 100-year coastal 91000 wrm ver 18 17 Soti� 16 15 14 13 18 action);base flood elevations and flood ha determined. Fork NOTES TO USER � ZONE C v 3 r -- a be protected by flood control structures. Certain areas not in the special flood hazard areas zon )' x g This map is for use in administer in the National Floc ' Program;it does not necessarily identify all areas sub'1 ing,particularly from local drainage sources of sma planimetric features outside special flood hazard areas. ii 1 Coastal base flood elevations apply only landward of 1' shown on this map. b� For adjoining map panels,see separately printed In( Panels. 23 24 22 19 20 21 INITIAL IDENTIFICATION: 22 23 24 I9 20 21 AucusT 9,1977 FLOOD HAZARD BOUNDARY MAP REVIS RAILRoA® MAY 15,1979 I� ZONE A ��' 4®GGtNG la FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP EFFECT MAY 17,1988 �R ,ZONE A \ NE c gE��t`�`E l 25 ZONE 28 27 26 27 26 25 30 29 30 29 q '7r r ZONE A ZONE C as LOOP G`9e°& Refer to the FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP EF shown on this map to determine when actuarial �G structures in the zones where elevations or depths h p< ZONE C 12 fished. G'J To determine if flood insurance is available in th ZONE 35 O� 35 36 contact your insurance agent,or call the National 1 34 32 33 34 Program,at(800)638 6620. 36 31 31 32 33 � T.21 N. T.20 N. APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET 2000 0 IIANKS ® T.21 N. ®® ZONE A t°1° LAKE T.20 N. ti -- -_—_ NATIONAL FLOOD INSURE I ZONE A � 2 1 4 3 1 5 5 ZONE C 4 3 2 RAILIIOA® F IRIA 6 5 o ZONE � o z I LOGGING �® INSURANCE 2 a 4 ,z ZONE A o z j A MASON COUN AS I T I- (UNINCORPORATL a 11 X �v 10 r 12 MATLOCK 9 I . PANEL 17 OF 30 �3S 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 ZONE A (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANE ZONE A CC CC ZONE A - -- ZONE A _ o HILLAIAN FISH POND ZONE A ZONE A i o `e� h'ORROIfa 14 O'eekro�',' 13 ® Z � ZONE C LAKEcc O O Wig- ZONE d� 15 r � ' m 0 13 18 _ ZONE }' Z r 17 16 {I s l� T !� 17 - - 1