HomeMy WebLinkAbout146-99 - Res. Legal Financial Obligation Supervision Fees RESOLUTION NO . 99 146 - 99 Regarding LFO Supervision Fee charged by the Mason County Clerk WHEREAS , E2SSB5421 of the 1999 Washington State Legislature allows the Washington State Legislature allows the Washington State Department of Corrections to transfer supervision of Legal Financial Obligations ( LFO ' S ) on convicted offenders to County Clerks and authorizes Clerks to charge a fee for collection of financial obligations ; and WHEREAS , A protocol between County Clerks and the Department of Corrections has set the LFO Supervision Fee in an amount not to exceed $ 100 . 00 per year; and WHEREAS , the Washington State Department of Corrections has by practice collected financial supervision fees without regard to court ordered fees ; and WHEREAS , funding a collection service for the recovery of victim ' s restitution , indigent attorney fees and other court costs is deemed to be in the best interest of the citizens of Mason County , and the criminal justice system , NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT THE Board of Mason County Commissioners authorize the Mason County Clerk to charge offenders up to $ 100 . 00 per case , per year for supervising collection of payments by the Mason County Superior Court . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that supervision fees shall be collected without regard to priority of LFO ordered obligations . DATED this 21st day Of December , 1999 . BOARD OF COUNTY MI8 STONERS ATTEST : I N C NTY , W HI ON Rebecca S . Rogers , Cle & of the Board Cynthi D . Olsen , Chairperson PPROVED AS TO FORM : 1, tit. Absent 12 / 21 / 99 Chief D puty Prosedtiing John A . Bolender, Commissioner Michael Clift c: Clerk of Board Budget Director Auditor (2) Treasurer Mary Jo dy Ommissio O:word\resolute\l 999order.doc