HomeMy WebLinkAbout113-99 - Res. Applicable Fee Structure for Solid Waste Facility and Drop Box Stations RESOLUTION N a 11349 WHEREAS , on October 4 , 1994 the Mason County Board of Commissioners approved and adopted Resolution No . 106A44 which established the applicable fee structure for the Solid Waste Facility and Drop Box Stations ; and WHEREAS , the fee structure was established to meet maintenance and operation costs and to provide required capital for post closure costs , administration, recycling programs , hazardous waste programs , and the costs associated with transportation of solid waste to an out of county location; and WHEREAS , the Board of County Commissioners held a public hearing on October 4 , 1994 , and received public input; and WHEREAS , the fee structure in Resolution No . 106A- 94 , for the collection of Household Hazardous Waste (latex paint, oil base paint, pesticides) was assessed at $ 5 . 00 per vehicle with up to 3 gallons of waste . For every half gallon over three gallons the user is assessed an additional $ . 50 . The minimum charge is $ . 50 for material over three gallons ; and WHEREAS , Mason County has entered into an Interlocal Agreement with Kitsap County wherein they are permitting the residents of Mason County the opportunity to use their Moderate Risk Waste Facility with year around availability for the proper disposal of household hazardous waste ; and WHEREAS , Mason County will be using Coordinated Prevention Grant Funds to help pay for the disposing of the materials at the Kitsap County facility and to also dispose of products accepted at our local Solid Waste Facility and Drop Box Facility ; and WHEREAS , on March 4 , 1997 the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No . 17 - 97 which amended Resolution No . 106A- 94 and decreased the costs associated with the disposal of refrigerator units from $ 31 . 50 to $ 15 . 00 to reflect the cost of disposal ; and WHEREAS , Resolution No . 1747 was approved for a period ending on February 27 , 1998 , at which time the costs associated with disposal was to again be evaluated and the applicable adjustments made ; and WHEREAS , the cost of disposing refrigerator units has remained at $ 15 . 00 and will remain at this rate through March, 2000 at which time the current contract terminates . NOW THEREFORE9 BE IT RESOLVED , that, l . The fees set in Resolution No . 106A44 for the disposal of latex paint, oil base paint and pesticides is herein eliminated for a period of two years at which time the costs associated with disposal will again be evaluated. If during the two year period it becomes necessary to reinstate the fee structure included in Resolution No . 106A- 94 it may be accomplished by an approval from the Board of County Commissioners . 2 . The fee of $ 15 . 00 , set in Resolution No . 17 - 97 for the disposal of refrigerator units , is herein extended through March 2000 at which time it will be re- evaluated and if it becomes necessary to reinstate the fee structure included in Resolution No . 106A-94 it may be accomplished by an approval from the Board of County Commissioners . 3 . Resolution No . 113 - 99 is effective October 5 , 1999 and it replaces Resolution No . 17- 97 . 4 . The remaining rate structure established in Resolution No . 106A- 94 remains in full effect and is not impacted by these two amendments . Dated this 5th day of October, 1999 ATTEST : BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON LERK OF THE BOARD CHAIRPE SON A PROVED AS TO FORM : 4V COMMISSIONER P � P4 DEPUTY PROS . ATTORNEY cq COMMISSIONER