HomeMy WebLinkAbout113-01 - Res. Designating Applicant Agent for Hazard Mitigation Grant Application Program RESOLUTION NUMBER t .. - 01 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING AN APPLICANT AGENT FOR THE HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT APPLICATION PROGRAM WHEREAS , Washington State Military Department, Emergency Management Division, has notified Mason County that we are eligible to submit up to three applications for participation in the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (FEMA- 13 6 1 -DR-WA) and, WHEREAS , Mason County desires to participate in said program and submit an application related to hazard mitigation in the flood plain of the Skokomish Valley; and WHEREAS , a requirement to participate in the program is for the authorization of the applicant agent to be included in the application -, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Planning Manager or his alternate, the Director of Community Development, is hereby authorized to execute for and on behalf of Mason County, a local government entity established under the laws of the State of Washington, an application related to hazard mitigation in the flood plain of the Skokon- sh Valley and to file in the Military Department, Emergency Management Division for the purpose of obtaining certain federal and state financial assistance under Section 404 of P . L . 93 -288 as amended by the Robert T . Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Act of 1988 ; and THAT the Board of County Commissioners hereby authorizes its agent to provide to the State Emergency Management Division for all matters concerning such state disaster instigation assistance the assurances and agreements required . DATED this 16t11 day of October, 2001 . Board of Commissioners Mason County, Washington ATTEST : _ /0 Herb Baze, Commissioner Clerk of the Board �— APPROVED AS TO FORM : Bob Hotter, Commissioner -� Prosecuting Attorney Wesley E . f6nsok, Commissioner