HomeMy WebLinkAbout47-04 - Res. Chehalis Basin Watershed Management Plan GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY RESOLUTION NO . 020 04 - 3to LEWIS COUNTY RESOLUTION NO . MASON COUNTY RESOLUTION NO . 147 - 0 4 THURSTON COUNTY RESOLUTION NO . / 3 / to 8 A Resolution of Grays Harbor , Lewis , Mason and Thurston Counties commending the Chehalis Basin Partnership , a Watershed Planning Unit , and approving the Chehalis Basin Watershed Management Plan recognizing that implementation is contingent upon available funding . Grays Harbor, Lewis , Mason and Thurston Boards of County Commissioners make the following findings of fact : 1 . The four counties support the collaboration among the Chehalis Basin Watershed communities to implement a comprehensive strategy for balancing competing demands for water , while at the same time preserving and enhancing the future integrity of the Chehalis Basin Watershed ; and 2 . The Washington State Watershed Management Act ( " the Act" ) , Chapter 90 . 82 RCW , establishes the framework for water resource management in the State of Washington focusing on water availability and quality , and protecting habitat for fish and wildlife ; and 3 . Participation in the planning of the Chehalis Basin Watershed Management Plan is voluntary ; and 4 . The initiating governments agreed to participate in the Chehalis Basin Partnership through an Intergovernmental Agreement ; and 5 . The lead agency in the planning process for the Chehalis Basin Watershed Management Plan is Grays Harbor County ; and 6 . The Chehalis Basin Partnership , the Watershed Planning Unit , met regularly for over four years in the development of the Chehalis Basin Watershed Management Plan ; and 7 . The Chehalis Basin Partnership held four informational meetings to seek public input on the scope of the plan on February 26 , 2002 in Ocean Shores , March 19 , 2002 in Montesano , April 16 , 2002 in Tumwater, and May 21 , 2002 in Chehalis ; and 8 . The Chehalis Basin Level 1 Technical Assessment was completed in December, 2000 ; and 9 . The Chehalis Basin Partnership Planning Unit discussed the draft Chehalis Basin Watershed Management Plan in the Chehalis Rooms of the Lucky Eagle during the monthly meetings on September 26 , 2003 , October 24 , 2003 , October 31 , 2003 , November 21 , 2003 , December 19 , 2003 , January 23 , 2004 , February 27 , 2004 , March 26 , 2004 and during a special meeting on April 9 , 2004 , to gather public comment on the plan ; and 10 . The Chehalis Basin Partnership approved the Chehalis Basin Watershed Management Plan by recorded vote on February 27 , 2004 ( Sections 4 and 5 ) and on April 9 , 2004 ( Sections 1 -3 ) ; and 11 % The Act under RCW 90 . 82 . 130 ( b ) requires once the planning unit approves the watershed plan it is to be submitted for approval by the counties within the watershed ; and 12 . The Act under RCW 90 . 82 . 130 (2 ) ( a ) requires that the legislative authority of each county shall provide public notice of and conduct at least one public hearing on the proposed plan ; and Chehalis Basin Watershed Management Joint Resolution Page- 1 13 Grays Harbor County held a public hearing on April 26 , 2004 , Lewis County held a public hearing on April 26 , 2004 , Mason County held a public hearing on May 4 , 2004 , and Thurston County held a public hearing on May 26 , 2004 , to receive public testimony on the Chehalis Basin Watershed Management Plan ; and 14 . The Washington Watershed Management Act ( RCW 90 . 82 . 130 ( 2 ) (a ) requires that after the public hearings , the legislative authorities of participant counties shall convene in joint session to consider the proposal . The counties may approve or reject the proposed watershed plan for the management area , but may not amend it . Approval of such a proposal shall be made by a majority vote of the members of each of the counties with territory in the management area ; and 15 . A Determination of Significance and Adoption of Existing Environmental Document was prepared and issued on April 20 , 2004 , for the Chehalis Basin Watershed Management Plan ; and 16 . The Grays Harbor, Lewis , Mason , and Thurston Counties ' Boards of Commissioners held the required joint meeting to consider the Chehalis Basin Watershed Management Plan on May 28 , 2004 , in the Chehalis Rooms of the Lucky Eagle . NOW , THEREFORE , the Grays Harbor, Lewis , Mason and Thurston Boards of County Commissioners do resolve as follows : Section 1 . The majority of each of the respective county boards of commissioners approve the Chehalis Basin Watershed Management Plan dated April 9 , 2004 , as shown in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference . Section 2 . Implementation of the Chehalis Basin Watershed Management Plan is contingent upon adequate available funding and staff resources . Section 3 . Implementation of the Chehalis Basin Watershed Management Plan will require the continued participation of the Chehalis Basin Watershed Planning Unit . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS : tyHarbor Cou Washin DENNIS MORRI TTE , BOB BEERBOWER , ALBERT A . CARTER , Chairman Commissioner Commissioner APPROVED AS TO FORM : H . STEWARD MENEFEE PROSECUTING ATTORNEY By: �. 64, � J es G . Baker Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Chehalis Basin Watershed Management Joint Resolution Page- 2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS Lewis County , Washington Excused 7ZP jo� �L% dvzb�pm ERIC JOHNSON , RIC iARD tRAHAM DENNIS HADALLER Chairman Commissioner Commissioner APPROVED AS TO FORM : JEREMY RAN O PROSEC TTORNEY By : Dougl s . Jensen Dep y rosecuting Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS . Mason County , Washington HERB BAZE . WESL Y E . JOHNSON , JAYINI U. KAMIN , Connissioner Chairman Co nmissioner APPROVED AS TO FORM : GARY P . BURLESON PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Darren Nienaber Deputy Prosecuting Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS : Thurst 'County , Washington ( ./�J' DIANE OBERQUELL , OB N . MACLEOD , LATHY WO 'FE , Chairman Commissioner Commis $jp er APPROVED AS TO FORM : EDWARD G . HOLM PROSECUTING ATTORNE By : 4 ; Jeff Fanc r/ ` Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Chehalis Basin Watershed Management Joint Resolution Page- 3 ATTEST : ADOPTED : May 28 , 2004 Donna Caton , Clerk of the Board Chehalis Basin Watershed Management Joint Resolution Page- 4