HomeMy WebLinkAbout31-04 - Ord. Amending County Code Title 14 Building Code Adding Chapter 14.17 Standards for Fire Apparatus ORDINANCE NUMBER 31 04 AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 14 MASON COUNTY IL ING CODE ADDING CHAPTER 1 . 17 Standards for Fire Apparatus Access Roads AN ORDINANCE amending the Mason County Building Code Title 14 establishing the Chapter 14 . 17 . 000 minimum standards for Fire Apparatus Access Roads . WHEREAS Mason County adopted the current version of Mason County Title 14 Building Code as Ordinance No . 45 -99 on May 4, 1999 , and included Section 14 . 04 . 010 C . that adopts the 1997 edition of the Uniform Fire Code with appendices thereto and related standards, and the Washington State Uniform Fire Code WAC 51 -44 and 5145 , WHEREAS the Washington State Uniform Fire Code section 902 . 1 General states : Fire apparatus access roads shall be provided and maintained in accordance with locally adopted street, road, and access standards ; WHEREAS , the Department of Community Development has prepared revisions to this implementing ordinance by which the Department of Community Development can evaluate and approve proposed fire apparatus access roads that are conforming with clear building code standards; WHEREAS , at the January 26 and February 9, 2004 Mason County Planning Advisory Commission meetings, the proposed ordinance revisions in the Title 14 Building Code were presented, and the Planning Advisory Commission members evaluated and passed motions to recommend approval of these proposed revisions ; WHEREAS , the Board of County Commissioners held a public hearing about the proposed revisions on April 13 , 2004 , to consider the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Commission, and the testimony of the Mason County Department of Community Development and citizens on the proposed revisions to the Mason County Title 14 Building Codes and WHEREAS , based upon the staff report, text of the proposed revisions , and public testimony, the Mason County Board of Commissioners has approved findings of fact to support its decision as ATTACHMENT A. Ordinance No . 31 - 04 (continued) NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED , that the Mason County Board of Commissioners hereby approves and ADOPTS the amendments to the Mason County Title 14 Building Code Chapter 14 . 17 . 000 Standards for Fire Apparatus Access Roads , as described by ATTACHMENT B . DATED this 20th day of April 2004 . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST : i Li` Wesley E ; ohnso , CHAIRPERSON Clerl of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: - - - PHerb Baze, COMMISSIONER Prosecuting Attorney Jayni Kamin, COMMISSIONER ATTACHMENTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 14 MASON COUNTY BUILDING CODE ADDINGCHAPTER 1 . 17 Standards for Fire A partus Access Roads MASON COUNTY F COMMISSIONERS April 13, 200 FINDINGS OF FACT 1 . Under consideration is the proposed ordinance amending the Mason County Building Code Title 14 by adding Chapter 14 . 17 establishing the minimum standards for Fire Apparatus Access Roads in Mason County. 2 . The Mason County Building Code sets forth standards for construction and grading for proposed projects in Mason County. Mason County adopted Ord. No . 45 -99 establishing Mason County Code Title 14 Sec . 14 . 04. 010 C . , which is the text of the 1997 edition of the Uniform Fire Code with appendices thereto and related standards , and the Washington State Uniform Fire Code WAC 5144 and 5145 . 3 . The Mason County Department of Community Development staff have presented revisions to this implementing ordinance by which the Department of Community Development can evaluate and approve proposed fire apparatus access roads that are conforming with clear building code standards . 4 . At the January 26 and February9 , 2004 Mason County Planning Advisory Commission meetings, the proposed ordinance revisions in the Building Code Title 14 were presented, and the Planning Advisory Commission members evaluated through discussions with staff and the public and, then passed motions to recommend approval of these proposed ordinance changes . 5 . At the April 13 , 2004 public hearing, the Board of County Commissioners considered the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Commission, and the testimony of the Mason County Department of Community Development and citizens regarding the proposed revisions to the Mason County Building Code Title 14 . FROM THE PRECEDING FINDINGS , and based upon the staff report, text of the proposed revisions , and public testimony, the Mason County Board of Commissioners adopts a motion to approve the amendments to the Mason County Building Code Title 14 , establishing Chapter 14 . 17 fire apparatus access roads standards . 4 20 / 04 J Chair, Mason County Board of Commissioners Date ATTACHMENTB Ordinance No . 31 — 04 TITLE 14 MASONCOUNTY BUILDING CODE CHAPTER 14. 17Standards for Fire Apparatus Access Roads 14 . 17 . 010 — This Ordinance shall not apply to roads, driveways, or other means of access to existing structures or within subdivisions of land developed under a permit from Mason County issued prior to the adoption of this Ordinance. 14. 17 . 020 - Plans for fire apparatus access roads shall be submitted to the fire marshal for review and approval prior to construction. 14 . 17 . 030 - When required by the Fire Marshal, approved signs or other approved notices shall be provided and maintained for fire apparatus access roads to identify such roads and prohibit the obstruction thereof. 14. 17 . 040 - Roadways shall be constructed/designed with an all weather driving surface (gravel, crushed rock, concrete or asphalt) and the ability to support the imposed load requirements of fire apparatus. 14 . 17 . 050 - Fire apparatus access roads shall extend to within 150 ' of all portions of the exterior wall of any residential or commercial structure, and within 50 ' of at least 25 % of the exterior wall of any commercial structure. 14 . 17 . 060 - A fire apparatus access road shall be a minimum unobstructed width of 20 ' for commercial structures, or 4 or more parcels or building sites . The access road may be reduced to 12 ' of unobstructed width with a minimum 10 ' wide driving surface for 1 -3 parcels or building sites on approval of the Fire Marshal. 14 . 17 . 070 - A fire apparatus access road shall have an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 12 ' the full width of the road. 14 . 17 . 080 - A 10 ' wide fire apparatus access road exceeding 300 ' in length will be required to make provisions for the passing of fire apparatus by providing approved pullouts . Pullouts shall be reasonably located, based on sight distance, road curvature, and grade ; and shall be a minimum size of 8 ' wide and 30 ' long with tapered ends . 14 . 17 . 090 - A dead end fire apparatus access road longer than 300 ' is required to provide provisions for the turning around of fire apparatus within 150 ' of any facility or structure. See exhibit A — Hammer Head Turn Around, B — Modified Hammer Head, C. Cul De Sac Turn Around, D & E — Pullouts, for examples of accepted turnarounds and pullouts . 14 . 17 . 100 - The turning radius of a fire apparatus access road shall be a minimum of 25 ' interior, 45 ' exterior centerline radius . 14 . 17 . 110 - A fire apparatus access road in excess of 14% grade than 150 ' to new residential or commercial structures will require an automatic fire sprinkler system installed. 14 . 17 . 120 - Where more than 50 units are designed in a residential development, either single family, multifamily, retirement or similar, there shall be a minimum of two access points to the county road system . Such access points shall be located so as to provide for general circulation, alternate emergency vehicle access routes, through access, and general transportation design considerations . One of these access points may be for emergency vehicle use only where the number of units does not exceed 100 . Design of an "emergency vehicle use only" access must be approved by the local fire district and Fire Marshal . 14 . 17 . 130 - When buildings are completely protected with an automatic fire sprinkler system, the provisions of these standards maybe modified by the Fire Marshal. 14. 17 . 140 - When a bridge is required as part of a fire apparatus access road, it is to be constructed and maintained in accordance with nationally recognized standard. It shall have designed live loading capacity sufficient to carry the imposed load of fire apparatus . An evaluation by a professional engineer will be required to determine the imposed load rating for all of the responding fire districts fire apparatus and shall be approved by the Fire District and Fire Marshal. 14 . 17 . 150 - When access roads cannot be installed to these standards due to topography, waterways, nonnegotiable grades or other similar conditions, the Fire Marshal is authorized to require additional fire protection or mitigation as specified in Section 1001 . 9 of the UFC . The Fire Marshal may also approve access roads which do not meet these requirements if the road provides reasonable access under the individual facts of the case. 14 . 17 . 160 - Approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new commercial or residential buildings (that require an address) , at the beginning of long driveways when the address is not clearly visible from the access road, or in any other areas deemed necessary by the local fire district or Fire Marshal. They shall be placed in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Said numbers shall contrast with their background. 14 . 17 . 170 — Traffic calming measures on fire apparatus roads (speed bumps , etc) shall be approved by the Fire Marshal before installation. UNTY FIRE MARSHAL MASON W0400 Mason BW, P.O. x 1 Shea au ashl ' Cedar t < ) 421M90 CODE ENFOROEMENT FIRE INSPEOTIONS FIRE INVESMATION PUBLIC EDUC N Hornmer Head Turn Around DIRECTION — Design may be right or left direction. {left direction Is . shown) OVERHANG AREA — Driving surface in this area is not required. o obstructions greater than twelve (12) Inches , In height are allowed. Area required for tum around located at a single residence. In this speclot cbse. -the area provided could, for instance, consist of posture adjacent to the building and will continue to function as a viable turn around in adverse weather conditions (le remains solid In any weather). Requirements for roads 20' in width and commercial sites 90 10 "18 iF 20 inimutl Requirements for roads 12 in width 90 0 12 •r ��� 12 J: \GMSHARE\DEV-REGS\cornp plan a endments\2003 regulation review\Revisions to development standards pt 2 March 2004 . doc MASLoN COUNTY FIRE MARSHAL am Courdy �4 Box 1 Shelf ,. In , 9 Cedar ' (' 7.967 i COD B ENFORCEMENT FIRE INSPEOTIONS PfRE INVESTIGATION PUBLIO EDUCATION Modified Hammer Head DIRECTION - Design My be right or left direction. (left direction is shown) OVERHANG AREA - Driving surface top this area -is not . required. Nd ' obstructions greater than - twelve ae) inches in height are allowed. Area required for turn around located at a single residence. In this spectol case, the area provided could, for instance, consist of posture adjacent to the building and will continue to function as a viable turn around in adverse weather conditions ( le remains solid In - any weather). Requirements for roads 20 in width and commercial sites. Requirements for roads 12 in width N o a • N P N 0 20 Minimurr12 50 JAGMSH \DEV-REDS\comp plan amen ents\2003 regulation xeview\Revisions to development standards pt 2 March 2004 . doc MASON COUNTY FIRE MARSHAL y Po . Box 1 ell a AI 426 In do 9 584 (304274670. ®E ENFOROEMENT FIRE aINSPEOTIONS FIRE INVESTIGATION PUBLIO EFUCATIoN Cul De Sac Turn Around Area required for ' turn around located at a single residence. In this special case. the area provided could. for instance. consist of pasture adjacent to the building and will continue to function as a viable turn around in adverse weather conditions (le remains • solld in any weather). Requirements for roads 20 ' in width and commercial sites. tea`' Requirements for roads 12 in width R25 95 Driving surface =.... In this area Is not required. . �y oDri{his surface In rea is not required. 20 • inimum Apo � so i2 J:\GMSHARE\DEV-REGS\cornp plan amendments\2003 regulation review\Revisions ' to development standards pt 2 March 2004 . doc MoenACCOSS Roo® wr- - IF OF OFF ti * O O o OF loe Vli "It AI' OF �I as 4�% �3 k a 9Gf eo < ! 6 F. Ilk All 46 LL IF OF OF IF d�4 ' ' or s9 ,ass s9ff ot� 19 1 OFF Areo designated for OF ` apporatus turnkkFF d : J :\GMS \DELI®REEDS\comp plan amen ents\2003 regulation review\Revisions to development standards pt 2 Larch 2004 . doc ffi a ' U ® O O ® CO E U ® o ® u p i 4. ® .e`C i• :3 3 4w ® vN a p d N N `r > a o w- C) a s 0 00 C M p . a O V w C CL t C O ^ ' E ® C ® - ® � j V C i ® Cv LW W 4- p C Ot ® aw O p Q ® 0) � ® o C ?, .3 C ® .p ® ai C a �. 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