HomeMy WebLinkAbout30-04 - Ord. Amending County Code Title 14 Building Code Regarding Setbacks ORDINANCE 30 0 AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 14 MASON COUNTY BUILDING CODE DELETING SEC . 14. 08 . 180, 14.08.200, AND 1 .08 .210 REGARDING BUILDING SETBACKS . AN ORDINANCE amending the Mason County Building Code Title 14 by deleting three ordinance sections regarding building setbacks standards . WHEREAS , Mason County adopted the current version of Mason County Title 14 Building Code as Ord. No . 45 -99 on May 4 , 1999 . Standards for setbacks from property lines, roads and easements have been adopted by ordinances between 1983 and 1996 . WHEREAS , the Department of Community Development has prepared revisions to this implementing ordinance by which the Department of Community Development can evaluate and approve proposed development using setbacks and standards presented in the Mason County Resource Ordinance and Development Regulations ; WHEREAS , at the January 26 and February 9 , 2004 Mason County Planning Advisory Commission meetings, the proposed ordinance revisions in the Title 14 Building Code were presented, and the Planning Advisory Commission members evaluated and passed motions to recommend approval of these proposed revisions ; WHEREAS , the Board of County Commissioners . held a public hearing about the proposed revisions on April 13 , 2004, to consider the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Commission, and the testimony of the Mason County Department of Community Development and citizens on the proposed revisions to the Mason County Title 14 Building Code ; and WHEREAS , based upon the staff report, text of the proposed revisions , and public testimony, the Mason County Board of Commissioners has approved findings of fact to support its decision as ATTACHMENT A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED , that the Mason County Board of Commissioners hereby approves and ADOPTS these amendments to the Mason County Ordinance No . 30 - 04 (continued) Title 14 Building Code, deleting Sec . 14 . 08 . 180, 14 . 08 . 200, and 14 . 08 . 210, the building setbacks standards listed in this ordinance . DATED this 20th day of April 2004 . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST : + 22ev Wesley E . Iffohnso CHAIRPERSON Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM : Herb Baze, COMMISSIONER Prosecuting Attorney _ . Q n V Jayni °Ka"n, COMMISSIONER ATTACHMENTA ORDINANCEAN N ING TITLE 14 MASON COUNTY UL CODE DELETING SEC . 1 . 08 . 0, 1 . 0 .200, AND 14 . 08 .210 regarding building setbacks ® MASON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS April 13 , 200 FINDINGS OF FACT 1 . Under consideration is the proposed ordinance amending the Mason County Building Code Title 14 by deleting three ordinance sections regarding building setbacks . 2 . The Mason County Building Code sets forth standards for construction and grading for proposed projects in Mason County. Mason County adopted the current version of Title 14 Building Code as Ord. No . 45 -99 on May 4, 1999 . Standards for setbacks from property lines , roads and easements have been adopted by ordinances between 1983 and 1996 . 3 . The Mason County Department of Community Development staff have presented revisions to this implementing ordinance by which the Department of Community Development can evaluate and approve proposed development using setbacks and standards presented in the Mason County Resource Ordinance and Development Regulations , 4 . At the January 26 and February 9 , 2004 Mason County Planning Advisory Commission meetings, the proposed ordinance revisions in the Building Code Title 14 were presented, and the Planning Advisory Commission members evaluated through discussions with staff and the public and, then passed motions to recommend approval of these proposed ordinance changes . 5 . At the April 13 , 2004 public hearing, the Board of County Commissioners considered the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Commission, and the testimony of the Mason County Department of Community Development and citizens regarding the proposed revisions to the Mason County Building Code Title 14 . FROM THE PRECEDING FINDINGS , and based upon the staff report, text of the proposed revisions, and public testimony, the Mason County Board of Commissioners adopts a motion to approve the amendments to the Mason County Building Code Title 14, deleting Sec . 14 . 08 . 180 , 14 . 08 .200, and 14 . 08 . 210, the building setbacks standards set forth in this ordinance . 4 / 2 0 / 0 4 Chair, Mason County Board of Commissioners Date ATTACHMENTB Ordinance No . 30 - 04 TITLE 14 MASON COUNTYBUILDING CODE Sections addressing general prohibition of building 'in easements and requirements for setbacks from property lines and easements are hereby revised : All 9 9 apply to dr-akiage and utility easements within platted afeas of vlase.n Cetmty whem-the from pr-epei4y lines and right of eatis prmehibitedten ( 10) � ffem eetmty and state Fead right of ways . This building sethaek shall fiet, way shall be subjeet te Publie Works review and eeaffnent.. Building sethaeks as established tmder- Seetien 14 . 08 . 180 of this eede shall apply to-afl stfuetures ever- 77 that,in height fwm grade exeepfing bulkheads and preperty f6neing may exten&A4 the established sethaeks and up to but eliminated said easemenL A41 eenstfuetion must eemply with appheable 7 state a f def l g l nti ons Building sethaek vanianee requests from the established sethaeks as defmed in Seetien. 14 . 08 . 180 shall be reviewed by the building effieia4 as pFevided for- by euffent >•o :., , l .,t eas andpe heien , off et at the time of submittal