HomeMy WebLinkAbout25-05 - Res. Amending Res. 25-03 Departments Reporting to Board of County Commissioners Chapter 2.02 County RESOLUTION NO . 2 5 — 0 5 AMENDING RESOLUTION NO . 25 - 03 AND CHAPTER 2 . 02, MASON COUNTY CODE, DEPARTMENTS REPORTING TO THE BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, RCW 36 . 32 . 340 states that "the county commissioners shall take such action as is necessary to effect coordination of their administrative programs . . . "; and WHEREAS, the Board of Mason County Commissioners determined it was in the best interest of Mason County to establish a Central Operations Department and eliminate the Office of County Administrator; WHEREAS, those departments that were reporting to the Office of the County Administrator shall now report to the Board of Commissioners , NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County that Chapter 2 . 02 . 010 of the Mason County Code be amended to read as follows . 2 . 02 . 010 Departments established . The following departments is are established to serve the board of Mason County commissioners and shall serve at the pleasure of the board : Health ; Gernmanity Develepment; Utilities and Waste Management; Publie WeFI(SI Fa ; FgFeunds/ Genventien Center and PaF'(&. 1 . Budget & Finance 2 . Central Operations 3 . Facilities and Grounds 4 . Human Resources 5 . Community Development 6 . Fairgrounds/Convention Center 7 , Public Health 8 . Public Works 9 . Utilities and Waste Management/ Parks . DATED this 5th day of April , 2005 . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON, COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: Jay i tnin , Chairp+ rsoh f ebocca S . Rogers , Cler of the Board pp PP 10 FORM : Ly6cfa Ring Erickson , C missioner L TO p r Deputy Prosecutind Attorney Tim Sheldon , Commissioner Michael Clift c : Elected Officials/Department Heads J : \RESOLUTIONS\2005\Dept reporting to Board . doc.doc