HomeMy WebLinkAbout137-06 - Res. Declaration of Surplus PropertyRes©ludon No. 37=O6 Dec_ rra fion ©f SIIJI np_u_s I'r ©pefty WHEREAS, Mason County owns the property (Parcel No. 12329 41 60140, _ocated at 2378 NE Scate Route 3, Be air, W and has been determined the prop ert y to be s urp;us to the County's needs; W EREAS, Vason County issued pubic notice regarding the proposed surplus property or two consecutive wee cs in a rewspaper of genera; circIotton within vason County; WHEREAS, t_e Mason County Board of Comnnissioners, on Wednesday, ecenber 27, 2006, held a pub_ie hearing regarding the property in which members of the pubic were ab_e to testify before the Mason County Board of Commissioners regarding the proposed property to be surp_used; NOW, E Ir;' FOl E, BE 1T 1-1 I'r; 1' 'BY RESo_v1ED, by _he Board of i\ Commissioners that the folowing item be declared surplus property: we RC 1' ing J'\00 f 2329 4 _ 60140 (Constit t_ ereuponExhibit A ar d B. "ling rea pro 2 erty a -ad o_ .ason County 0 �e commercia BE FTJRTHER RESOT JV D that the County r',Aeasurer be authorized t o ho1.d a public auction to dispose of said surplus item via sealed bid to begin and end at a date and time to be de'yen pined by the County 7reasurer, provided legally -sufficient and adequate public notice and time is a lotted to allow interested members of the public to review and inspect the property in order to submit a sealed bid(s) to purchase/acquire yhe property idertified as P q " CE 1 J NO. _ 2329 4. 60 " 40. Dated this 27th day of -December 2006. ttested to: Becky Rogers, Cer Cc: File reasurer Auditor (Accounting) c of ,he Board ith /4vt: t&c L � dKRing Ericks��, Chair ( C19.12.„. Tim She don, Commissioner ayni Kamiri, Commissioner PARCE #12329 41 601140 Commendorg at the SW corner of tie NE 1 of the SE 1/�- of Section 29, 11 wr 23 No Rng 1 W, and run ni -'g thence aUorg the Soy, ch Done of said NE 1/4. of Lne SE 1, bearing, N 88© 03' a distance of 4C3 55 feet; thence N 390 00° W 181.81 feet to the poiit of beginning; thence 5 200 51° W 40.00 feet; thence N 710 59° W 130.17 Feet to E right-of-way of State Highway known as Navy Yard h ocghway; trance NEiy aflong said right-of-way on the arc of a curve 50.19 feet; thence 5 90 39° 110.98 feet to tpie int of begonnoigo Vo J le 148, Page 432 records of Masor County. (Jl rD L 0 r it r�� 0 LJ :14 Ada 'L \ i �A t.S�> 0 yeP • taro 1 31. k_q� D D C/01 y 0 -Wo t B