HomeMy WebLinkAbout111-06 - Ord. Allyn Urban Growth Area PlanORDINANCE NUMBER !il-0to
n Jrban Growth Area Plan
AN ORDINANCE adopting an amendment to the Mason County Comprehensive
Plan incorporating the Allyn Urban Growth Area (UGA) Plan, under the authority
of RCW Chapters 36.70 and 36.70A , and other applicable authority.
WHEREAS, the process in developing the draft Allyn UGA Plan involved
extensive pub is participation, including dozens of meetings of the Allyn
Community Association (ACA) P arning Committee, and several workshops
sponsored by the Mason County Department of Com i 9nity Development (DCD);
WI IEREAS, the Allyn Plan will further Mason County Comprehensive Plan
policies and provide a template for future land use decisions affecting this area;
WHEREAS, the Allyr Plan is inter lded to orovide goals and policies direcdr
growth within the Allyn UGA over the next 20 years;
WHERES, the Allyn Plan will assist Mason County in furthering Growth
Mana gement Act (GMA) andSarrprehensive Ran objectives to foster economic
development, direct residential growth to urban areas, aid discourage subu rbacr
sprawl in rural areas of Mason County;
WH H REAS, the Allyn flan wi s promote concentrated growth, and fad ita-':es the
preservation and protection of critical areas, sensitive habitat, and the natural
environment for future generations;
WHEREAS, on October 2, 2006, the Planning Advisory Board (PAC), following
timely and effective public notice and after considering public testimony,
recommended adoption of the Allyn UGA Plan;
WHEREAS, on October 10, 2006, an Environmental Checklist and Determination
of Non -Significance (DNS) under the Washington State Environmental Policy Act
(SEPA) was issued by the Mason County DCD part of the environmental review;
WHEREAS, on November 7, 2006, the Mason County Board of County
Commissioners held a public hearing to consider the recommendations of the
P anning Advisory t=:;ommission, and the testimony and letters of Mason County
staff and citizens on adoption of he Allyn UGA Ilan as a proposed revisions to
the Mason County Coriprenensive Rani
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iers, hereby adopts the Allyn Urban G Povvth Area "la
ason County Comprehensive Pan,
n as an
H:\BOCC misc\Allyn UGA Plan Ord draft.doc
Effective date: This ordinance sh
i take effect immediately.
Severability: If any provision of this ordinance or its application to any person,
entity, or circumstance is for any reason held invalid, the remainder of the
oroinance or the application of the provisions to other persons, entities, or
circumstances is not affected
DATED this 7th day of November 2006.
Ring Erickson, Chairperson
im e on, ommissioner
Kamin, Commissioner
D ou
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TE S : No.
\ T Y9 WA
Ihewa (.27)t•
C:crk of the Board
Pro = utifig Attorney
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H-\BOCC rnisc\Allyn UGA Plan Ord draff.doc
The Mason County Board of Commissioners (BOCC) makes the following
1) Mason County has adopted a Comprehensive Plan pursuant to Chapter 36.70A.
RCW, the State Growth Management Act (GMA). Mason County's Comprehensive
Plan includes provisions for continuing evaluation and review of the Comprehensive
Plan and implementing regulations, and that it shall only be amended through
established procedures (Mason County Comprehensive Plan: Chapter I Introduction;
1-2 - The Growth Management Act Planning Process, Comprehensive Plan
Amendments, p. 1-2.3).
2) The GMA, RWC 36.70A.130 2.a(I), includes provisions for amending an adopted
comprehensive plan outside the annual amendment for the initial adoption of a
subarea plan.
3) The Allyn Urban Growth Area (UGA) Plan (The Allyn Plan) is a sub -area plan
4) The Allyn Plan will provide goals and policies directing growth within the Allyn UGA
over the next 20 years.
5) The Allyn Plan will further Mason County Comprehensive Plan policies and provide
a template for future land use decisions affecting this area.
6) The Allyn Plan will assist Mason County in furthering GMA and Comprehensive Plan
objectives to foster economic development, direct residential growth to urban areas,
and discourage suburban sprawl in rural areas of Mason County.
7) The Allyn Plan will promote concentrated growth, and facilitates the preservation and
protection of critical areas, sensitive habitat, and the natural environment for future
8) The process to create a comprehensive plan for the Allyn area commenced in 1997,
and was instrumental in establishing the Allyn Urban Growth Area, and the interim
Allyn Zoning Code and Map.
9) The process included extensive public participation, including dozens of meetings of
the Allyn Community Association (ACA) Planning Committee, and several
workshops sponsored by the Mason County DCD.
Er*:n the precedor g f idhigs, et is concluded that this amendment to the Mason
County Comorenensive Plan should be adopted as proposed and moved by the Board.
arr, Mason Coun iy Board of County Commisstoners