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68-06 - Res. Distribution of Public Utility District Tax
WHE6JZAS, t Cu my have now bee os RHSO.UTOS\ II 11 iJ\ OC= 0 69e5 <go U © EXCISL TAX �e Il `'. U. a Excise Tax Monies wnich have accrue° to the credit of Mason r received in the Iota amount of $485,007.79. WEi -RI S, incor Chapter 278, Session .aws of 195 7, provision has been made for the v � distributon of said - ur Corn ds (RCW 5L..28.090) AW, T H H Cam. C= O R LE H RH'DY R L. SO issioiners that the . Dowina distribution of Rail . . . . v v . . v . . v . . v 0.. v OLIOe v v e v.. v. v. ... $ 45, 023.47 ... S439, 984.32 UIIS T R U LFIION City of Shelton vv.vv.vonv.vvoeev onov v.. . DS,S 69,984.5 Computed as 3R& of i % of Gross Revenue from sales of electricity in the City of Shelton Current C Hxpense fi Undo woo noon ono554/ 5,023.23 I u FUR H Hit RESOLVEI1 that make the distribution as herein set -bit DATED this 27th day of June, 2006. ATTEST: keret? Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board APPROVED._. T$ o Monty Cobb C: Prosecuting Clerk of the Board City Clerk Treasurer ,r:\resol ute12006\pudtax he V'_ ® by trte Board of Mason Co =xcise Tax be glade as follows: reasurer of IV my ason County is hereby directed to BOARD OF COJ\TV COVMSSKON MASON COUNTY, WAyIINGTON /114 atdvnr na Ring Ericks9r�Chair 1/1A nicAittv-N � r Jayni L -amin, Com iss Oner isseci; im Sheldon, Commissioner RS